The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 29, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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    PII t , < vnuuni i - WLM.-M/I v \ TUMirvmm > M A i. i.\v T A vit A i v on innn
Wlllliiin Kruttcr , tliu Stuart lumber
innn , WIIH In Norfolk on business Wed-
C. S. Hayes was in Mndlaon on
Mr. and MI-B. W. P. Dlxon nro visitIng -
Ing In Hock iHliuid.
MIHHOH Wnrk and Nora Iluntly will
lonvo for Kansas City tomorrow for
tlio spring nillllnory season.
M , H , llnrrltt was down from Sioux
City today , cloning up his local busl-
iiosH arrangements. Ho will make his
homo In Sioux City.
Mr. AlcCorstln IH seriously 111 at llu >
homo of | IH ! sister , MTH. McUhan on
MaillHon street.
OHcar A. Rlchey of Norfolk hait re-
vlvod hlH dlvorco Hiilt against ! IH ! wife
In tin ; dlRtrlot court at MadlHon. Ho
was married In 1880 and alleges do-
sorloii for the last two years.
\V. A. Aloldonhauor IH able to lie
around a llttlu and his condition , after
lilw recent Hovuro Illness , looka niucli
moru favorable.
Mra. Mary 15. Forrest desires a dl
vorco from her huHlmnd , Ralph H.
Forrest , whom Hho married April 12 ,
1908 , In Antelope county. She hn&-
Illud a dlvorco putltlon In the district
court at Aladlson through Attorney
Uarnhar . Non-support IH Hot up. Her
hUHhand has an Interest of $000 In the
estate of IIH ! father , John Forrest.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Meth
odist church will meet Thursday to en
joy a social afternoon with Mrs. A. 13.
Franco at 210 South Twelfth Hirert
Mrs. Franco will ho assisted by Mrs.
I lowing and Mrs. Chapman.
Ed I tart or was In Stanloa yester
Mrs. A. Wolf of Battle Creek was a
Norfolk visitor.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gentle , who an
visiting relatives In Cn'Hton , la. , will 11
\ return to Norfolk Friday evening.
> , Among the day's out of town vlsl
tors In Norfolk were : Sheriff .1. .1.
Clements , Madison ; J , 11. Young , Ceil-
tor ; . ] . Uartli , Madison ; Edward An
dersou , Newman Grove ; 13. .1. Deltoll ,
Rosebud ; 13. Crook , Foster ; W. II.
Bockonhauer . A. Beckonhauer ,
Randolph ; 13. G. Harniiin , Dallas , S.
D. ; W. T. S. Nellgh , West Point ; II.
H. Hull , Alnsworta ; D. A. Beach ,
Wayne ; P. N. Pcderson , Humphrey ;
William Krotler , Stuart ; Anton lien
da , Vordlgre ; Mr. and Airs. William
Kelly. Pierce.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. I3d Huhlow , a
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. ICrank Canote
a daughter.
Charles Hulac , bookkeeper at the
Norfolk National bank , Is conllncd to
his home with an attack of lousilitis.
James Lodge , living south of Nor
folk , has sold his farm to Adolph
Schilling , a neighbor , and will move to
the vicinity of Elgin , having secured
a farm a mlle southeast of that place
More attention than usual Is to be
paid this year to rural school subjects
In making out the program and arrangIng -
Ing the department meetings of the
North Nebraska Teachers' association
which comes to Norfolk In the spring
Andrew Collins , living south of
Meadow Grove , received word that his
brother and his brother's little dauglv
ter were among the persons burled In
the snow slide at Camp 13ird , Colo. ,
last Saturday. lie has gone to that
state , expecting to find both dead. Ills
son , who was in Norfolk , has been
called homo to Meadow Grovq on ac
count of the accident.
II. M. Eaton , ox-commissioner of
public lands and buildings In Nebras
ka , is in Norfolk taking an Inventory
of the property at the Norfolk insane
hospital for the state board. The
work will require the balance of the
week. The new officials for the hos
pital are expected Sunday.
A Degner of this city and Mayor Wy-
coff of Madison , another hardware
dealer , are visiting various towns In
this part of the state this week in the
Interests of the Nebraska Hardware
Dealers' association. Mr. Degner Js
one of the oftlcers of the association ,
while Mr. Wycolt was one of the Ne
braska delegates to the national con
vention recently held in St. Louis.
Mr. Degner will be homo about Fri
The late Joseph A. Connor of Oma
ha , whose estate valued at $400,000 is
the subject of a sharp legal contest
Just now as indicated In press dis
patches from Omaha , was a largo land
owner In Stanton and Madison coun
ties east of Madison for twenty years.
Air. Connor , before his death a few
months ago , frequently visited his land
holdings , often walking out from Madi
son to his farms , where he frequently
spent a number of days. Much of his
property was left to Catholic Institu
tions. Father Buckley of this city has
been called to Omaha as a witness.
Lincoln Star : At least one limb of
the Sheldon administration has found
approval in the eyes of Democrats.
The junketing -party that visited the
Norfolk asylum Is filled with satisfac
tion over the condition in which Dr.
Young left the institution and have
much commendation for his work.
Several of the members said yesterday
that such a superintendent should bo
kept In office regardless of politics. Anew
now barn is needed badly at the
asylum and a building for men pa
tients Is also required. Dr. Young
suggested the expenditure of $150,000
for now construction In his report and
It is probable that the public buildings
committee will recommend the ap
propriation of no small part of this
Superintendent C. II. Reynolds of
Norfolk was one of the railroad men
who testified before the railroad com
mittee of the house of representatives
In Lincoln this week In connection
with the bill to restrict freight trains
to fifty cars. In appearing before the
committee , Mr. Reynolds told of
changes in structure of cars and Im
provements In safety devices , such as
air-brakes and automatic couplers. He
could not see any cause why long
rains should be more dangerous than
short onus If properly equipped. On
request ho explained what ho meant
! iy proper equipment. The element of
idded safety of long trains he thought ,
came from fewer meetings , fewer
irders , fewer men responsible for mov
ing the train.
Frank Fryo of Aleadow Grove ,
charged with stealing a horse from
Theodore Otl , a farmer near Tilden ,
was bound over to the district court
yesterday to await trial under $250
bonds. Yesterday he had not been
able to give bond. County Attorney
Nichols of Aladison , who was called
to Tilden when Frye was arrested , was
In Norfolk this morning on his way
home. Frye adulated taking the noise
but denied any Intention of stealing it.
He wis | drunk at the time and released
the animal about four miles from
where It was stolen. Frye , although
only a young man of twenty-two or
three years , has already been sent to
Lincoln " " 'l'lio '
under the "dlpso" act.
young man Is well connected but It Is
said that past episodes have tended
to estrange his relatives from him.
The preliminary trial was held In the
Justice court at Tlldi'n. Ho will bo
tried In the district court at Aladlson
In May.
ft Dakota City and Coburn Junction ,
Trunks Are Smashed.
Sioux City , In. , Jan. 27. Unknown
burglars broke Into the depots of the
Omaha road at Dakota City , Neb. , and
Coburn Junction , Neb. , securing sev
eral hundred dollars' worth of goods
and destroying as much more.
It is evident that both jobs were
done by the same gang , as the work
was identical. In each place trunks
were broken open and rilled , boxes de
molished and the contents strewn on
the lloor , while almost every drawer
In the two depots had been pried
There was no money in either of the
depots , the only loot secured by the In
truders being goods , but what kind
the railroad officials refuse to state.
The robbery bore the earmarks of pro
Department of Interior to Send Man
to Oversee Construction.
Gregory , S. D. , Jan. 27. Special to
The News : Word has been received
hero from the department of the In
terior that the department would
furnish the plans for the new land of
fice building and that a man would bo
sent. The committee wired for him to
come at once as they were ready to
begin building. The letter also stated
that the office would be moved from
Mitchell to Gregory on March 15.
Burglars at Gordon.
Gordon , Neb. , Jan. 27. Burglars
entered Joe Kocer's town residence
and stole some family jewelry and '
finely mounted fox head.
J. C. Jordon's general store w1'
entered through a back wluu
someone who stole twenty-n ,
watches , some Elk teeth and two guns.
The loss Is estimated at about $000.
Any affair , or happening , or clrcum
stance which is too small to make a
want ad worth while as an adjusting
force is too small to worry about.
Masquerade Costumes bfy Deception ,
Wlnslde. Neb. , Jan. 27. During a
masquerade ball here , a vender of cos.
tunies was visited by two women , who
gave the names of prominent Winside
people , and rented the two best outfits
he had. They put them on and dis
appeared , not even attending the ball ,
and as yet have failed to return the
The owner , who is a stranger In
Wlnslde , soon learned that they did
not give their right names and up to
the present time all efforts to estab
llsh their Identity has proven fruitless.
They will be arrested if found.
Four Principal Measures to Be Con
Pierre , S. D. , Jan 27. As Is usually
the case , the South Dakota legislature
will know after its six-day recess ,
ending today , about what will be the
subject matters of its work and , in a
general way , what the more Important
legislation will be. It can now be said
that the remainder of the session will
be occupied particularly with consid
eration of the following proposed
measures :
Guaranty of bank deposits ; Increase
of the membership of the supreme
court to five ; pure drug and food bills ;
permanent tax commission.
At least three of these four will be
come laws , It being doubtful whether
the present legislature will reach the
passage of the tax commission bill
urged especially in the farewell mess
age of Governor Crawford.
The Mayor Climbed.
Ewlng Advocate : Our city mayor
one day this week put on a bold front !
hitched up his suspenders , climbed
the tower and peered into the depths
of the new elevated tank.
Wayne Gets the Congress.
Wayne wins the next meeting of
the Northeast Nebraska District Con
gress of the Tribe of Den HUT , secur
ing the congress yesterday afternoon
over Stanton and Norfolk. The meetIng -
Ing111 bo held in Alay.
Officers for Next Meeting ,
The congress , which held Its Initial
meeting In Norfolk yesterday In the
Odd Fellows hall , elected the follow
ing officers for the next term : George
Fortner , Wayne , district chief ; Airs.
Prudence Surber , Wayne , district
scribe ; E. M. Clement , Norfo'k ' , past
district chief ; Mrs. Orris , Stanton , dis
trict Judge ; Mrs. May R. Nesblltt , Ful-
lorton , district teacher ; Mrs. IS. A.
Amerlno , Nurfolk , district captain ;
Airs. Dora AtcCune , Norfolk , district
Congress Is Organized.
The new congress was organl/cd In
Norfolk , making it necessary to select
district officers at once for the first
meeting , the following being chosen to
preside over yesterday's session : Airs.
S. F. Dunn , Norfolk , past chief ; 12. AI.
Clement , Norfolk , chief ; Airs. AI. A.
Suiter , scribe ; Airs. Dora Davis , Nor
folk , teacher ; Airs. Nesbltt , Fullerton ,
judge ; E. A. Amerlno , Norfolk , cap
tain ; Mrs. J. Quick , Norfolk , guide.
Following Invocation by Rov. Air.
Klopp of Stanton , addresses of wel
come were delivered to the visiting
delegates by Alayor J. D. Sturgeon on
behalf of the city and by Dr. H. C.
Simmons as the chief of the local
lodge. Airs. Orris of Stanton re
Addresses during the afternoon
were delivered by C. F. Way of Lin
coln , state manager ; W. H. Owen of
Crawfordsvllle , Ind. , national organ-
liter ; Dr. R , C. Simmons of Norfolk ,
Howard ' Wlialen of Wayne and Airs.
AI. A. Suiter of Norfolk.
A committee on permanent by-laws
was named as follows : Rev. Air.
Klopp of Stanton , Henry Whalen of
Wayne and A. E. Amerlno of Norfolk.
It was decided that semi-annual meet
r ings , , would be held In Alay and Jan
uary of each year. Stanton , Wayne
ami Norfolk wore voted on as the next
meeting place on the llrst ballot.
Wayne won on the second ballot :
Wayne 22 , Stanton IS.
Add Twenty Members.
At the evening session a score of
new members were Initiated Into the
order , a total number of twenty-nine
being voted the privilege of driving In
life chariot races. Another Initiation
will bo held soon.
A banquet was served In the latter
part of the evening.
Among the following accredited
delegates were hero from away : II.
G. Curess , Petersburg ; C. F. Bake ,
Airs. L. Nesbltt , Fullerton ; Air. Hrczle ,
Airs. Alartln , Dr. AIcAIlllen , Elgin ; Airs.
Allnervla Russell. Airs. Henlngor , Air.
and Airs. Antlsdcl , Air. Heninger , Air.
Russell , Air. Horn , Tilden , J. L. Grant ,
S. R. AIcFarland , Airs. PInkerton ,
Madison ; Airs. Bruner , Airs. Surber
Airs. Corblt , Airs. AIcNeal , George s I
Fortner , II. Whalen , Wayne ; Air. and 11
Airs. George D. .Meyer , Airs. Alex Ross ,
Airs. T. A. Seeley , Scrlbner.
Firemen Express Appreciation.
The members of the Norfolk fire de
partment wish to express to the people
ple of Norfolk their hearty apprecia
tion of the generous assistance given
them in providing entertainment for
the recent convention and in making
the same a success.
Being unable to thank you Individu
ally , we take this method of thanking
you collectively.
H. W. Winter ,
V. A. Nenow ,
E. G. Brueggeman ,
Confesses to Takinct Horse.
Tilden , Neb. , Jan. 20. Special to
The News : Frank Fryo , a young man
of twenty-two who lives at Aleadow
Grove , yesterday confessed to stealing
a horse from the farm of Theodore
Ott , near here , on Saturday night. Frye
was arrested and County Attorney
Nichols arrived this morning from
Aladison to take him In charge.
It was through a sweating process
given him by ex-Sheriff George Losey ,
captain last year In the anti-horse
thief association , that Frye was In
duced to confess.
Suspicion had rested upon Frye
through things which he did and
things thai ho said. He admitted that
Saturday night he bought a bottle of
whisky here , went to the farm of Ott ,
took the horse and later turned the
animal loose , about four miles north
east of the place from which the horse
was stolon.
It is believed here that Frye was
drunk when he took the horse and
that , probably , he did not realize fully
the seriousness of his offense.
Remarks made to a bank clerk , to
gether with finding the whisky bottle
on the road , led to suspicion against
"Cornhusker" Accepts Challenge.
Ponder , Neb. , Jan. 20. Webb AIc-
Conell of Harlan , la. , "champion of
Iowa , " has accepted the challenge of
Harvey Chllcott of Ponder , "cham
pion of Nebraska , " to a corn husking
contest for a reasonable purse. Plans
for the match will be. made at once ,
which will probably take place at Har
William Christian Is 111 this week.
Allss Claralssa Bush of Lynch Is In
the Junction on business.
E. R. Taylor is seriously ill at his
home on South Third street.
At the last report there was no
chance of saving the eye of John Pur-
viance , who Is in the hospital in
AI. C. Hazen Is in Omaha on busi
Hurt Alapcs was In Hosklns Tues
Jack Koonlgstoin was In Aladison to
S. C. Klines returned at noon from
Sioux City , where he had been visiting
his nephew , whom ho not seen
since ho returned from the Philippines.
S. Beck made a business trip to
Lyons today.
Airs. R. L. Bevoridge left at noon
for a short visit In Omaha.
Air. and Airs. Will Hoffman of
Aleadow Grove have been In Norfolk
on a visit.
Frank Pllger , county superintendent
of Pierce county , was In Norfolk yes
terday arranging final details for the
school folks' banquet here Friday
Airs. O. L. Hyde left yesterday for a
visit with her mother In Wakeflcld ,
C. L. Hall , who Is taking n trip
through the west , recently left Salt
Lake City for Nevada.
Dr. C. A. AlcKIm was called to
Scotia In Greeley county today In
consultation over a valuable horse.
F. Urlce , who was In this city on a
visit with his son , Tom Brlce , has re
turned to his home In Washington , D.
Airs. Arthur Pilger of Stanton was
In Norfolk to attend an Informal cele
bration of the birthday of her brother ,
John Davenport.
Floyd Hull , who Is working In a
drug store In Rapid City. Is In Norfolk
for a few days , having been called here
by the severe Illness of Phil Hull.
Airs. W. F. Thurbor of Fremont was
In Norfolk over night , having come
here to attend the banquet and dis
trict congress of the Ben Hiir. She
was the guest of .Mrs. B. W. Barrett.
Among the day's out of town visi
tors In Norfolk last night were : H.
0. Cross , Petersburg ; F. AI. Mark ,
Lynch ; J. L. Burns , Crelghton ; San-
Wd Click , Verdel ; G. V. Coones ,
Nlobrara ; George A. Brooks , Bazllo
Mills ; Dr. Long , Aladison ; A. 13. Kull ,
Bonesteol ; L. S. Lllllbrldge , Burke ,
S. D. ; Airs. O. A. Harrlman , Burke , S.
D. ; AI. K. Klnport , Airs. Kinport ,
Robert Broeker , who not long ago
sold his farm near Plalnvlew , has
moved to Norfolk and rented one of
homo In Norfolk preparatory to open-
the , Bishop cottages on North Eleventh
F. AI. Bagley , who Is making his
Ing a hardware store In Tripp county ,
Is now occupying one of the Bishop
.Manager Groesbock has received
word that the John Guild Brewing com
pany's vault at Dallas , S. D. , has been
Harold Gow , who Is visiting this
week at the homo of J. D. Haskoll In
Wakefleld , will leave Alonday to accept
the position of bookkeeper In the First
National bank of Gregory , S. D.
Allss Friieda Schmickle , who has been
working In Norfolk as n Alethodlst
deaconess , has been In Wayne assist-
Ing in a revival. It Is thought that she
will return to Norfolk In a few months.
The third issue of the Norfolk Evan
gel 'has just been sent out to the sub
scribers of the paper by the editor and
publisher , Dr. C. W. Ray of this city.
The Norfolk Evangel Is a church
paper and is aimed to cover the gen
eral church Held In this section of .Ne
braska. The January Issue is a
twelve page paper in magazine form.
Allss Harriott C. Wood , a former
Norfolk teacher who Is now county
superintendent of Fremont county ,
Idaho , is highly complimented In an
elaborate special edition of the Sugar
City Times , published at Sugar City ,
Idaho. Allss Wood has been re-elected
for the next two years by a large ma-
lorltv. A half tone of Allss Wood
appears in the page devoted to the
Police Judge Eiseley smiled today
as he opened court for he found he
had a real court to open and a real
case to try. Judge Eiseley has viewed
the new year with suspicion for "New
Year's resolutions" or some other 1909
Influence has put the police court busi
ness quite to the bad. Judge Eiseley
thought until this morning that his
January report would not show a
single arrest docketed and tried in
court. . But last night John Olson , a
Battle Creek carpenter , fell from the
water wagon with a thud sufficiently
loud to attract the attention of a
policeman. So Olson broke the monotony
ony of police court by furnishing a real
trial and by paying $7.10 into the cof
fers of the court. He was found
A. E. Kull of Bonesteel. S. D. , today
sold the A. J. Durland residence
property on South Ninth street in The
Heights to J. A. Wllley , n prominent
Northwestern engineer ot this city.
The consideration was $0,000. The
house Is one of the largest In Norfolk
and was the home of A. J. Durland ,
who erected the residence when he
moved Into The Heights.
Title to the property of Airs. Kato
Hangartner , who burned to death last
summer , has been turned over to her
husband , Jacob Hangartner. This
action was taken In Aladison yester
day. It was shown that the property
held In the wife's name really be
longed to the husband. The latter Is
at the Norfolk hospital and his wife
acted as guardian. W. E. Taylor of
Aladison Is now the guardian. There
Is only one son , Little Fritz Hangart
ner. .
A meeting of the fire department
on February 10 will take up the ques
tion of holding the state flremente
tournament in this city next summer.
At the recent state convention here
Norfolk was Invited to take charge of
the tournament , the convention ad
journing with the question , of accept
ance still open. Local firemen are
very doubtful as to what action will
bo taken , many deeming It advisable
to drop the tournament In view of the
department having just taxed Itself
and Its members In entertaining the
state convention on an elaborate style.
Some time before the convention mot
the question of asking for the tourna
ment was before the Norfolk depart
ment. The department at that time
voted against having the tournament.
Sentiment among Norfolk business
men will probably decide the final
action. The meeting of the depart
ment last night was a special meet
ing , which was called to pass on bills.
Martin Sporn and Allss Nell Schrlver
of Norfolk drove to Madison Tuesday
afternoon to secure a marriage license
from County Judge Bates , They will
be married In Aladison.
North Nebraska Deaths.
Airs. Antolne Alenuey died last week
at her home In Newport.
David J. J. Hornback died at his
homo In Unite. He served In the
Fourteenth Illinois Infantry.
Fred Mack , sr. , one of the oldest
settlers of Stanton county , died hist
week at his home just east of Stanton.
Airs , August Erlckson of Spenrer
died at the ago of eighty-three. She
took up a claim In Boyd county In
1892 and In 1897 married August
1 Word has been received in West
Polnt of the death , at Council Bluffs ,
at an advanced ago of Airs , Harriet
Beecroft , the mother of Airs. J. 11.
Koupal of West Point.
Next Match Will be Friday Night of
This Week.
Gregory , S. D. , Jan. 27. Special to
The News : Gregory Is becoming
known far and wide for Its athletic
contests put on by Jack Williams , man
ager of the gymnasium hero. The fact
that these contests are not fakes Is
bringing its reward In large attend
ance. The next event will bo a
wrestling contest between Jack Will-
lams and Gus Anderson of Burke on
Friday night , January 29. Williams is
to throw Anderson two falls In an
hour for a purse of $200 , catch-as
catch-can. x
Dance at Ncllrjh.
Nellgh , Neb. , Jan. 27 , Special to
The News : A benefit dance for ( lie
auditorium was held last night , the
proceeds are to he used In paying for
the new steel celling and other im
provements. The crowd that attended
exceeded all expectations of those that
had the dance in charge. The Rouse ,
Norfolk orchestra , consisting of five
pieces , rendered excellent music for
the occasion.
Council Proceedings.
Council met In regular session at 8
p. m. , Alayor' Sturgeon presiding.
Pre./nt , 'Councllmen Schwenk , Win
ter , Kauffman , Degner Fueslor and
Dolln. Absent , Councllmen Craven and
The report of the fire Inspectors was
read and on motion was accepted.
Ordinance No. I2S ! was read a second
time. On motion of Kauffman , second'
ed by Winter , the rules were suspended
ponded and ordinance No. P.2S was
passed to third reading. Ordinance No.
II2S was read a third time. Moved by
Knuffnmn , seconded by Winter , that
ordinance No. 328 , be adopted as read.
The mayor reported that the stand
pipe was empty January 25. Aloved by
Fuesler , seconded by Winter , that the
report be acepted and public works
committee be instructed to investigate
and ronort. Carried.
Aloved by Kauffman , seconded by
Schwenk , that the repdrt of H. W.
Winter regarding the lire whistle be
referred to the fire and police com
mittee to confer with Air. Bullock re
garding the placing of the whistle.
Aloved by Fuesler , seconded by
Dolln , that the city clerk be Instructed
to got samples of grease traps and to
get net prices on same. Carried.
Aloved by Kauffman , seconded by
Winter.that the city clok ascertain the
amount due J. Elsinger on sewer dis
trict No. 1 and report at thb next
meeting. Carried.
Aloved by Winter , seconded by
Schwenk , that the mayor appoint a
committee to get trees moved for rip-
rapping around the pump house. Car
ried. The mayor appointed Winter
and Schwenk to work with the public
works committee.
Council adjourned at 9 p. m.
Ordinance No. 328.
An Ordinance Granting Permission and
Authority to the Chicago & NorthWestern -
Western Railway Company , Its Suef
cessors and Assigns , to Locate , Construct -
struct , Alalntaln and Operate one (1) ( )
Standard Gauge Railroad Track Upon -
on , Over and Across Philip Avenue ,
Near the Center Line of Block Four |
(4) ( ) and nine (9) ( ) , Between Sixth and ! j
Seventh Streets , and Upon , Over and
Across the Alley Running East and
West Through Said Block Four H )
In the City of Norfolk , Nebraska , and
Prescribing the Conditions Upon
Which Said Rights Are Granted.l
Bo it Ordained by the Alayor and Conn-
cil of the City of Norfolk , Nebraska :
Section 1. That there be and is
hereby granted to the Chicago & North
Western Railway Company , Us succes-1'
sors and assigns , the right , privilege
and authority to locate , construct ,
maintain and operate one (1) ( ) standard
gauge railroad track upon , over and I
across Philip avenue , near the center
line of blocks four1) ( ) and nine (9) ( )
between Sixth and Seventh streets'f , '
and upon , over and across the alley' 1
running east and west through said
block four1) ( ) in the city of Norfolk ,
Nebraska , being an extension of the
present easterly track of said railway
company In said block nine (9) ( ) now
terminating at the south line of said
Philip avenue. '
Section 2. That the rights and
privileges herein granted , shall be held
and enjoyed subject to all general
ordinances of said city that now are
or may hereafter bo In force rognlat- I
ing railroad ciosslngs In said city. j
Section a. That this ordinance shall
take effect and bo In force from and
after its passage , approval and publlca- '
tlon , according to law. |
Passed and approved January 2G ,
J. D. Sturgeon ,
Attest : Alayor.
Ed Harter ,
City Clerk.
Two Killed and Bodies Hacked to
Pieces Other Shooting.
Torreon , .Mexico , Jan. 27. Juan
Gamboa and Pllarlo Arietta , Intoxi
cated , started a disturbance at Tor-
reclllas yesterday and In the shooting
that followed Gamboa and Jose Her-
nande/ were killed and Arietta
Two brothers of Hernandez then
went to the scene of the light and'
killed Arietta , hacking his body and
that of Gamboa to pieces.
Later they went to the homo of Gam-
boa's ' brother , chased him out and shot
Into the building. Arlela's wife and
two l children , who were In the build
ing ' ' , were all badly wounded.
The Hernandez brothers arc now In
the mountains , being 'pursued by'
" rurales.
Wallls' Nomination Withdrawn.
Albany , N , Y , , Jan. 27. Governor
Hughes today withdrew the nomina
tion of Frederick A. Wallls as state
superintendent of Insurance. This was
done at the request of Wallls.
Great French Actor Dies.
Paris , Jan. 27. Beiiolt Constant Co-
quelin , the great French actor , died
last night.
Elected to Succeed C. C. Clarke to
That Position.
New York , Jan. 27. E. H. Harrlman
was today elected director of the 'Now
York Central railroad , succeeding C ,
C. Clarke.
Special Committee Recommends ErasIng -
Ing Fiery Talk.
Washington , Jan. 27. The special
committee appointed to consider the
recent speech of Representative Wll-
h'tt of New York , In which he severely
criticised President Roosevelt , made
its report to the house today , recom
mending that tlu > speech be expunged
from the congressional record. The
report was adopted with but little op
Tried to Bribe Newspaper Reporter.
Supreme Court Removes.
New York , Jan. 27. Otto II. Droege
was today removed from the position
of city magistrate by the state su
preme court on motion of counsel for
the New York Bar association.
Droege was found guilty of Ir
regularity in judicial acts and attempt
ing to bribe a newspaper-reporter who
was writing a story on the subject.
W. D. Oldham of Kearney Named to
Succeed Him.
Lincoln , Jan. 27. Judge Silas IIol-
comb , recently appointed to the su
preme benclby \ Governor Shallenber-
trer to test the recanvass case , todav
resigned. W. D. Oldham of Kearney
was named to succeed him.
August Belmont Under Knife.
New York , Jan. 27. August Belmont ,
the banker , today underwent an oper
ation for appendicitis. No fears for
his recovery are felt.
Illinois Deadlock Still On.
Springfield , 111. , Jan. 27. The eigh
teenth ballot for United States senator
today resulted in SI for Hopkins and
others about the same as before.
Find Crazy Man in Claim Shack.
Valentine , Nob. , Jan. 27. Special to
The News : Hero's another mystery
for Valentine , a crazy wild man found
a couple of months ago living in a
claim shack , where he had been for
no one knows how long , living entirely
upon baked potatoes.
He was discovered by Frank Bow
man , foreman of Alelz Brothers' ranch
about six miles north of Cody. Sheriff
Rossetor ' went up yesterday and
brought ' the man here and put him In
jail. J lie is a medium sized man , un
shaven , with long hair which lie
wears braided down his back , wild
looking ' eyes and he has not uttered a
word ' since found.
No one Is able to toll how long he
has ' been living In the old- deserted
claim shack , nor is any body able to
I' tell ' who he Is or where ho came from.
He ' Is absolutely demented and will be
examined by the .Insanity board and
undoubtedly ' will bo sent to the Nor
folk ' hospital for the Insane. This Is
the l second deep mystery for this sec- ,
tlon ' of the country within the last' '
three t months , as no trace as to who
the t murdered man found In the river
here last November or who murdered
him ' as yet has been found.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an execution directed
to mo by the clerk of the district court
of Madison county , Nebraska , on a
judgment j obtained before Chester A
Fowller I , a justice of the peace In and
'for Norfolk preeinet , Aladison county ,
Nebraska , on the 2f > th day of January ,
1901 , In favor of Alary E. Spaldlng as
plaintiff , and against Oscar A. Itlchey
and .Minnie Ilk-hoy as defendants , for
the sum of $28.95 , and costs taxed at
$28.95 and accruing costs , I have lev-1
led upon the following described real |
estate , taken as the property of said
defendants , to satisfy said execution ,
'to-wit : Lots ono (1) ( ) , twelve (12) ( ) ,
thirteen ( ! ! ! ) and fourteen ( M ) , in
block eight (8) ( ) of C. S. Hayes' addi
tion to Norfolk , Aladison county , No-
And will offer the same for sale to
the highest bidder , for rash in hand ,
on the 23d day of February , A. D. 1909 ,
In front of the county court house nt
Madison , In said county and state ,
that being the building wherein the
last term of court was hold , nt the
hour of 1 o'clock p. m. , of said day ,
when and where due attendance will
bo given by the undersigned.
Dated this 21st day of January ,
J. J. Clements ,
Sheriff of said county. [
This Simple Homc-Mndo Treatment
Will Overcome Rheumatism.
Few people here know thai you can
cure that dread American disease.
Itheumallsm , with just common , cvury-
day drugs found In any drug stortc.
The pnsi'rlptlon Is so simple that any
one can prepare It at homo at small
cost. It Is made up as follows : ( Jot
' from ' any good prescription pharmacy
Fluid Extract Dandelion , one half
ounce ; Compound Kiirgon , one ouiu-o ;
Compound Syrup Snrsnparllla , three
ounces. .Mix b.\ shaking In a bottUt
and take In ( easpoouful dews ul'lttr
each meal ami at bedlino. ) These am
all simple Ingredients , making an ab
solutely harmless home remedj at lit
' tle ' cost.
liheiiiuatlsm , as every OIK- known , IK
a symptom of deranged kldne > s. It IK
a condition produced by the failure of
( he kldnejs to properly filter or strain
from the blood the uric acid and other
matter , which , If not eradicated , olthor
In the urine or through the skin poriui ,
remains in the blood , decomposes and
forms about the Joints and musclea.
causing the untold suffering and do-
formlty of rheumatism.
Thin proscription IB said to bi > it
splendid healing , cleansing and Invig
orating tonic to the kidneys , and givoit
almost Immediate relief In all forms of
bladder and urinary troubles and back
Norfolk Wants a Trademark.
Suggest a trademark and slogan for
[ ho city of Norfolk and win a prize.
Tlio Commercial club has offered
three prines $5 , $3 and $2 for tlio
three best suggestions that art- sent
to Secretary J. I ) . Sturgeon beforts
Alnrch 1. Anybody can try for the
money anybody anywhere. So get
The directors will be Judges of the
merits of suggestions. The Idea Hint
Norfolk Is a gateway should have
some bearing on the trademark.
Atkinson Ice Houses Filled.
Atkinson , Jan. 27. Special to Tlio
News : Last week was a busy tlniu
for Ice men and all Ice IIOIISCH am
tilled. The Ice this winter Is the best
seen for years. The blocks averaged
550 pounds and were 23 Inches thick.
Twenty Men In Mine.
Winnipeg , Alan. , Jan. 27. Twenty
men are reported Imprisoned In tlio
Alorrissey mine eight miles west of
Fernl. Dtalls are lacking.
estimate of Expenses.
State of Nebraska , county of Aladlsou
This Is to eeitlfy that at a nutting :
of the board of
county commlssloni'm , .
held at the court house in .Madison , .
Nebraska , on the 12th day of January , .
A. D. 11)09 ) , that being the first n-gii- -
lar meeting of said board In tin--
month of January , i)0 ! ) ! ) , the following
county for the
year 1909 was prepared -
pared and , on motion , the same was
County bridges : $25,500.00
County roads I ( ! ,000.01 *
General Fund Items.
Rlprapplng streams 11.000.00
County Institute 100.00
County printing 1,500.00
County attorney's salary. . . . 1,000.00
Care of paupers : ! , OOO.OW
Fuel , postage and expense. . . 1,500.00
Books , stationery and sup
plies I.500.0 (
Election expenses It.OOO.OO
Salary county assessor and
deputies : : .500.0 ( )
Soldiers' relief 800.00
Poor farm expenses 1,000.00
County superintendent's sal
ary l.HOO.Ort
Salary clerk of board 500.00
County commissioners' salar
ies Ii.000.00
Homily on wild animals 500.00
Jailor's fees 1,500.00
Janitor's salary and ex
penses ' . 1,500.00
District court , Jurors' and
county officers' fees i.OOO.OO
Insanity commission 1,200.00
Aid to agricultural socie
ties GOO.OO
Furniture and repairs to
court house , and Insurance1.500.0O
Clerk of the district court's
salary 500.00
Salary of sheriff and assis
tants 2,000.00
Witness my signature' and the sent
of said county this 14th day of Jan
uary , A. D. 1909.
. George E. Richardson ,
( Seal. ) County Clerk.
Order of Hearing of Final Account.
In the Alatter of the Estate of Carl
Kell , Deceased In the County of
Aladison County , Nebraska.
Now on the 20th day of January ,
1909 , came Auguste Kell , the adminis
tratrix with will annexed of said
estate , and prays for leave to render
an account as such administratrix.
It Is therefore ordered that the 25tli
day of February , 1909 , at one o'clock
p. m. at my office In Aladison , Ne
braska , lie fixed as the time ami plar-o
for examining and allowing .such ac
count. And the heirs of said deceased ,
and all persons Interested in said
estate , are required to appear at tlio
time and place so designated , and
show cause. If such exists , wh > said
account should not be allowed.
It Is further ordered that said
Augusto Koll , administratrix , glvo
notlco to all persons Interested in said
estate by causing a copy of this or < Ir-r
to be published In the Norfolk Weekly
News-Journal , a newspaper printed
and In general circulation In said conn ,
ty for three weeks prior to the day sot
for said hearing.
In testimony whereof I have here
unto set my hand and affixed my of
ficial seal this 2Gtu day of January. A.
D. 1909.
Wm. Bates ,
Seal. ] County Judge.