The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 15, 1909, Page 4, Image 5

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The Norfolk WeeVly News-Joum. .
The NenTs. CHtiilillHlicit 188L
Tlio Journal , EslnbUHliod Ufi
W N UIIHI- , N A I lime.
President Soerota
Kvcry Friday llj mull per jour. $1 Ii
Entoiod nt the postollleo nt Noifol
Noli. MH second ( IIIHH tniiltur _ _ _ _
Telephones ITdRorirn "Dopni Imui
No Ji ! ! Business Ollle-o and Job ROOM
No II 'X
Senator Poi nkoi Is copjlng h
worn ! onoinj. "Atrocious Ho" IIUH
fiinilllur ilng.
Knlsoi Wllholm can cunvotHo In IT
dlfToient InnguimoH. No wonder liu
ilvcn ; to talking lee much.
Manx fads seem to "liavo tliolr ill
anil pease to lie" but the souvenir po
cut ds HKe Tonnj win's hi emit "KO c
forovei "
Koitunntolj tlio pm chase of do 1m
editions dooH not Intorfoic serious
wltb tlio pinrtlce of bujing books jute
to toad.
A man In l'oiins > lvanla Is llvli
with half his Innlns. Tht io ai
otliois who npimiuntly aio living wit
out nnj
Old the Hov. Mr. Hicks warn tl
Italians and Hiu vvoild at hngo of tl
appioach of thu oaithqiniko ? If nc
whj not ?
It looks tuns as though the Annul ;
club \\IIH giowlng so rapidly that
waiting list \\ould have to ho csta
llslud to acconiniodato eligible paitlo
Col BIJIIII snjs ho has boon dofoatc
tin01tlinos on pilnciplo. Col. llryn
should use the pluial since ho hr
changed Ills piinelplos with each can
The kalsor Is so piosscd foi fund
that ho has placed two of his mime
ons castles on the bnigaln count c
The ompeiot's luck scorns to bo dow
of late
It Is gonoinlly agioed that Oovornc
Hughes Is a Rood man to investlgnt
Wall street. Ho has also habit t
homing both shies bofoic jumping t
a poncluslon.
Evidently Mr. Cainogio fears tha
unless the taiiff Is lomovod ftoni stce
holll dlo In the Rockefeller class I
spite of all his efforts to icgaln H
spuctable pcnortj.
It Is piolmhlo that the piesident re
gnids the contioveisy as foitunato b (
cause It has ilvotcd attention npo
the \oij point that hosanted heode
the seciet sen Ice.
There weio eight membois of th
Plttsbuig council who would not a <
cept bilbos and elghtj-clght who wonli
not % oto foi a measure that did no
carrj a biibc with It.
The pobtnl savings bank Is beini
tested in the Philippines. It is th
Filipinos llrst cxpeiloncesith
facilities The natives comprise abon
fortj per cent of the dopositois.
A London papoi announces thi
ne\\s lather pioviouslj , that Willlan
II. Ileaist is to be elected piesident ii
1912. Peihaps it is just as well d
break the news thus far In ad\anro t <
Brjan and Johnson.
It has boon dlsco\ored that mucl
raking is not a new Industiy. The flis
woman known to have boon emplojet
In this woik was Anna Rojall , in Jack
sou's time. Thoio was nothing sissl
Hod about her woiK , either.
Wilbur Wiighl has tia\eled in hii
aeioplane on so\oial occasions a dls
tance that would moio than span tin
channel Unless accident prevents hi
will soon attempt this dangerous passage
ago and piobablyln another iccotd
In Theodoie K. Dm ton the Unitec
States senate will have a man o
brains , Integiity and force. Ohio ! i
doing voiy well by the nation In con
trlbntlng at the same time , a man HKi
fTaft for the presidency and a man like
burton to the senate.
Clans Spieckles had onlj Unco dollars
lars when he came to America ant
despite the fact that he accumulate <
Bomo $50.000.000 during his sojourr
here he did not take even the oiiglnn
three dollais when he passed on. Ii
was not the "coin of that realm. "
J. Pieipont Moigan recently bouglii
llfleen books for $120,000. The Kansas
Clt > Star calculates that nt the dollai
n month plan this set of books will b (
paid for In 10,000 jenrs and wonden
If Mr. Moigan is to lecolvo Collier'1
during the Inlennl.
Had Robert Louis Stevenson beer
nllve ho would lm\o found choice ma
terial for romances in the dlml > Ilium
Inated passages which have taker
place between the United States , Von
czuela and Germany slnco Castro's do
pnrtnro. American diplomacy has
done some flno work on the deal
One Item of the report of farm com'
mlBslonors from Kansas and Okla
dent. It has been dlBCoveicd that tl
farmers of these states enjoy consl
urnblo relaxation hunting rabbits Th
Is tame compaied to big Aft lean gan
but Is along the Kooscvoltlan lino.
The tocont election In Cuba has n
settled the peaceful condition whli
had been established pre\lousto It ai
It now sei'ins necossaiy to keep tl
soldlois thoio a whllo longer. It wi
n gioat dlsippolntniont to man.of . tl
soldier bojs who expected to o
Chilstmns dinner In Undo Sam's d
It seems like an onion of that got
time coming when unlVoisal pen *
shall ol'jti. to ha\o the great lli'ct
biitllo shliis sent on Its mission
nioicj to lollovo thu slilckun and si
foi Ing In Italy Would that Us gie
engines might never bo loiiuliod
bilng dostinctlon and death , but ( n
as minlstois of nioicy.
Nixon Waterman , who Is known i
the "Poet of Good Cheer" has ov
the innutlo in his co/.y homo at Arlln
ton Heights , one of Boston's mo
beaiitlfnl hitbuibs , this motto take
fioin his own writings : "It Is licit
to Joj fully , hopefully tij for the 01
jou would gain , than to fetter yoi
life with a moan and a sigh. "
The public Is Just beginning
realise the linpoitanco of pine a
quite as much as pine water , and u
loss some method of purifjlng the t ,
mospheio from smoke , piocuilng ad
iiuato ventilation in the homos , ci
bo onfoi cod the onoi moiis moi talit j di
to tuhciculosls cannot bo checked fi
tiiboiculosls is the diioct lesult 01 ii
pine air
Madame Nordica's Chilstmns dlnm
was sadlj man oil b > a flic bieakin
out in her pi hate car while the dinn <
was In piogiess. With an iiisllnctlv
appieciatlon of the lealalno i
things the madame tiled to sa\o IK
Chiistnms tin key Instead ot IK
jewels. A case of jewels is poor con
foil In Itself , to one hiingeilng for
Clnistmns dinner.
The man whose heait is In the ilgl
place and woiklng piopetlj , when Ii
dilves into town these cold days n
membeis to carofullj blanket his faitl
fill hoi so. The man who len\cs hi
hoi so to shiver in a bleak wind whll
he makes foi the neaiest hot stovi
has no feeling for the dumb brute anne
no sense of the value of his nnlmi
whoso life and usefulness he Is lisl
Societal yVilso > > announces tha
the value of taim products lalsed i
this countrj dining 1908 , i caches th
immense sum of $7,778,000,000. It 1
hard to compiehond such flguiei
Think of it Uncle Sim's ciops foi on
jeni would make mllllonaites of neni
b 8,000 men. Aveiaged equally amen
the fai ins of the count ! y It means
little moie than $1,000 per farm.
When Congressman Polo Hopbut
last spting was asked when he though
congress was likelj to adjoin n and th
membeis get away fiom Wnshingtoi
lie replied : "I am not concerned abou
getting aw a } fiom Washington s
much as I am about getting bad
again. " Hepbuin was one of the cor
gicssmen who was up for ro-electioi
and tell outside the bienstwoiks HI
; lid not letuin to Washington.
The Japanese liavo sui passed us ii
leiinl lelegiaphj. The Maiconl sjs
; em has ncvoi been able to tiansmi
messages acioss tlio ocean wlthou
ising steamships foi relay transmls
ston. But a message has been ic
reived nt the United States wholes ;
station nt San Francisco acioss ai
expanse of ncailj 5,000 miles of ocean
Phis achievement of Japanese sclen
: lsts is another long stop In advanci
n blinking the whole woild Into eas ;
nid constant communication.
A large candy mnnufncuner sayi
: lmt a peiiod of so-callod hard time ;
iiakes the \eiy best of times for tin
: nndy man. He has found this to hole
.rue tlnoiigh his forty years' o.xperi
jnce. His explanation is that whet
nonej is scarce men buy candy foi
: heir wives and lady friends lnstea <
) f spending larger sums for jeweliy
lowers or opeia tickets. Five dollars
nakos a far better showing In candj
: han In jewelry , and a dollar buji
nero sweets than American Beauties
Argentine and Brazil have bin lei
ho hatchet and vvlselj agioed to cleai
ip the mlsnndei standings betvveet
hem and keep the peace Theio cai
)0 no conflict of Interest between the
.wo giont nations of South Ameiicr
hat justifies war. Jingoism or jealousj
ire responsible for these clashes
s'eithor ically wants anj thing pos
iessed by the other. Both have ample
orrltoiy , and both peoples will have
ill thoj can do for the next half con
urj In peacefullj developing the
venlth of their own domains.
Throughout the country great In
crest Is being manifested In the cole
ration of the one-hundredth annl
ersary of the birth of Abraham Lin
ioln , February 12. At the national
apltol plans to commemorate the
under consideration. The buRdliig <
a national highway from WashlngU
to Gottjsburg has been suggested :
n memorial to the gieat oinanclpati
and uirlmis other momoilal schenn
hn\o been advanced. Aside fiom till
there will he n general ohsorMince i
the unnlvorsnij In all paits of tl
The long hottloiMip resentinont fc
by certain mo.nbors of congiei
against the piosldent him boon conili
holtlli to the sin face and It now a
poa's that the closing da > s of tl
Roosevelt admlnlstiatlon will 1
stionnnus. No snuli liostillt > to
president has boon shown In cougio1
since the bond issue contio\ois > i
the s < cond Clou'lnud admlnistuitlo
Tin1 house's cousin ing losolntlt
has tccallcd the da > s ot Andiow Jae
son when ho was eonsuied by the so
ate Benton hilui sncceudod In lunli
that cousin e oxpnnged fiom tl
lecoids Roose\olt sa > s ho will mnli
no effoit along this lino.
Gen01 nor Shallenhoigei is light I
his leeommendntlon foi a change i
tlie piehent primal y law of Nobiaski
Ilo points out that the piimnry Is voi
expensho Doth to the state and t
candidates foi oftice , and says that
It Is to bo maintained , It should I
indlcally linpioved The state coi
\ontioiis , fiaming plnttoims , should 1 :
hold betoie and not aftoi the ptimai
has nominated candldatos This wil
among other things , ollmliuito th
spoe'tacle ot a candldato foi oltlco o
a paity ticket lifting himself above th
paitj after the campaign is unt'e1 wa
and lopudlntlng the platfonu npo
whlcli liu has accepted nominatioi
I'he lecommendatlon thai u count
piimary be bold Is also n t'lud ' OIK
County olficeis and delegate ; * to &tat
eoineiitlons would ho nomiin'od. I
there Is to bo a pilmaiy system i
ought to bo consistently malntaiue
Agiiciiltuio is becoming a fashloi
able fad , and as a laige number c
society women seem to lequlie
hobby of some soi t to amuse then
sehes , It Is a mnttet of congtatnlatlo
that one capable of so man > good H
suits has atti acted theli attention s
wldeb Thofaimei is becoming e\oi
dn > moio of a scientist All that h
can loam of chomistij , ootan.nn .
/oologj he finds practical use toi , an
now ho is being aided In institute
and loctuies , not oub bj men but b ;
societ > women like Mis Howie o
Wisconsin and Mis. Din and of Illinois
who Inning become hoied to doatl
with stupid bocietj have tinned ti
studjIng the tempeiament of the COY
and what ottect polite syinpnthetii
tieatmcnt has upon the How of lactea
lluid , and aie now ghing the fanner :
of the cential west the benefit of the !
A > oung and indlscieet couple Ii
New Yoik City embaikod about !
yeai ago on a unique matiimonia
vontuie What made it unique was
the fact that the > outhfnl husband' !
income was onlj six dollais a week
Matin all > the expeiimont failed aftei
.1.\ing to make ? G cox or the neccssaij
jxpenscs of existence for a fev
: nonths and finding tlua it could no
Jo done the wife icttnned to the pa
einal home and In due time consulted
i law j or and had her husband bioiighi
nto conit on a chaigo of non-suppoit
3ho asked foi enl > a thhd ot hoi bus
land's Income , but the judge lefusci
101 even that and ga\o her sotm
lOiind advice which , had H come be-
' 010 maniage , might ha\e sa\ed ai :
.he tumble. The judge told hoi thai
my > onng woman who would mairj
i man whose earning capncltj was
) nlj $ C a week must take her chances
if suppoit.
The Nebiaska state game warden
ins made a few recommendations tc
he legislature for pi election of the
state's game. He has failed to make
my mention of the prairie chicken ,
vhlch needs protection more than all
ither sorts ot game In the state today ,
The prairie chicken Is almost c.x-
Inct In Nebraska light now. Another
icnson or so will put It out of bust-
less altogether. Now Is the time for
ill good men to como to the aid of
his characteilstlc fowl of the plains
Down In Kansas they are tr > Ing to
; et piairlo chickens back Into the
tate by Importing thorn. The tragedy
if Nebraska's situation ought to bo
eon in the sister state's condition.
The piesent state legislatuie should
uo\ido for nn absolute closed season
ipon the praliio chicken for sovcinl
eais Cold weather won't hint them
nid shooting will Under present con-
lltions the chicken can bo shot for
hieo months nnd a half In this state ,
ihlle the quan , which never could be
; Illed off by the gun , and which Is af-
ected alone by se\oio wintois , can be
hot but fifteen days.
The season on quail should bo in-
teased and the season on clue kens
hut down altogether
Back In Now England the quail has
eon shot for n century , and Hill lb ns
ommonplnco ns In the newer wost. It
3 claimed by some sclonllbts , oven ,
tint shooting quail tends to Increase
hem rather than diminish , since by
cattorlng the coveys , mating is ef
fected which produces more eggs ai
moio > oung than where the sun
family remain together season aft
In the Interest of a plctniosque fc
tine of Nebraska , and In the Intore
of spoil , the present loglsifitu
should make these changes.
tiniiniMTY h < CRIMINALS.
Scientific basis for the lecomme
( htlon of i otli Ing Govenior Sholdo
legiudlng cilmlnals , may ho found
the Instance of the famous .Ink
fa-nib , whose hlstoiy dlspln.\od i
jxceptlonnl condition lu Its relation
cilme , pnupt'ilsm and disease , Illu
Hating the powci of horodlt > .
The family descended fiom a wonn
conmonlj dcscilbed as "Mnigniot. tl
motliei of cilmlnals , " and niUlunlt
in the Intoilor of the state of No
Yoik , In what would appeal to Inr
boon a positive cilme center , fie
which the lamlllcnttons of this fnml
line spiend In all dliectlons. The n
tonlion of the Now Yoik Pilson a
soclatlon having been dliectod tow an
this lemnt liable case , a caioful exai
Inatlon and nnal.vsls of the fa in I
recoul losultod In tracing It to tl
sixth genotntlon , with definite co
fusions as to the ptoccsscs b ) whlc
orlmo and paupcilsm nio poipetuatc
such as had novel befoio been loacht
in an } known Instance.
The nggiegate number of descon
unls In the family i cached 1,200 ; i
these , 70 ! ) woie tiaccel and the liu
dents of theli caieois tabulated
Of those 2SO lecohod public clnnll
and 70 woio punished foi ci Imo , will
u inajeullj of allvoio offcndoi
against \lituo and a huge pen tic
An Ingenious calculation sets foil
a loss of a million and a qunitci
dollais to the commonwealth I
sev out jlive vvcnis through the mod
ot living and offenses ot this fainib.
It has boon upon the lecoid of th :
une famlb that much of the coi
elusion legauling the Influence <
heiedlt > In cilmlnals has been Imsei
And upon this influence was piobabl
founded Govenior Sheldon's theoiet
cal but icconnnendatioi
Senntoi Tlllman's icplj does not g (
him out of the holo. He losoits '
tils usual invective and attempts , b
jailing the piesident names , to d <
rend himself He duals in genoialitiei
Jeujing the charges made against hin
! ) irt the fact seems to remain , prett
2oiielnsivcb , that he did use his 01
ilchil position to get that land.
In view of what has happened t
rillmaii , It would seem that evei
icnatoi and cvoij congicssman win
s innocent of plunder ought to gladl ;
welcome legislation which would la ;
ipen their iccords to govei union
> eciet seivlce officials. It is hintei
'roni Washington that the piesiden
lolds still moio chaiges agalns
> theis , up his sleeve. The member
) f congiess , instead of being proo
igainst nnj thing that Is vviong , arc
is a matter of fact , peculiailj tlnowi
nto temptation and the temptations
no such that It teqniies stiong mei
o withstand their alluiements.
It would be gieat satisfaction , theie
010 , ioi anj man to go thiough con
; i06s and come out untainted , it '
veio k'lown that nnj act of wiong
lolng on his part during his soivlc (
voulrt qiiicklj be given to the piihli <
ij the seciet service. The socie' '
ervlce , in that wa.v , would not IK
loomed a sign that congiessmei
ice-led watching so much as it vvonh
ie a iccognition of the tempting op
101 Utilities for graft that como te
ongiessinen , and an effoit on the par !
if the goveminent to keep clean the
ccord of any man who kept his IOCOK
In view of the charges that hau
manatod fiom the White House , II
miild scorn only just to those senn
ois and lepiesentatlves who aie fiec
ro'm scandal , that they should be
; lven the pi election of a clean slate
hat would ho affoided by a secrel
ervice sv stern In that branch of the
; overnmcnt. And , incldentallj , not
nly for the protection of the public
nt as much for the protection of the
epntatlons of the men themselves
ecret seivlce couldb o applied te
ian > branches of the government , In
hiding the very highest officials.
President Roosevelt Is pretty apt to
erne out on top In his fight with both
lie sennto and the house. Ho has a
ccoid for winning when ho gets Into
contioveisy. Ho's generally pie-
ared befoio ho goes In.
In the senate Senator Cnlbortson
rid othcis aio seeking to Insinuate
int the president committed a wrong
lion ho told officials of the stool col
oration that ho did not see whore ho
ould interfeie if the > woio to buy
10 stock of the Tennessee Coal &
on c-oinpniiv A resolution was
assed Fiiday aftoinoon to the eftoct
int the judicial y committee bo asked
> r Its opinion ns to whether or not
10 president had authoilty to "allow"
ils purchase The sennto stnited it
y Inquiring of Attone > General
onnpnrto why ho had not taken ae
on against the steel company for
ils purchase. The attempt was to
islnuato that the president had gone
vor to the side of the trusts and that
B was winking at an act of corrup
tion. The president very promptly t
piled that It was none of the senate
business why action had not boon take
and then explained wli > ho did not h
Hove any piosocullon would bo Jus
fled b > the rlioumstaneos. As a inn
tor ot fait the nieiger was inado , i
was pointed out to the piosldeut
advance. In the Intoiosts ot the pitlil
at largo nnd moiob for the sake *
piovontlug fnithcr financial dlstioi
dining the ci Ideal period of Octoho
1007 While1 the niorgoi may hav
been In technical violation of the She
man antltiust law , the fact lomah
that If that law were to ho followr
to the lettei ovoij eoipoiatlon In tl
count i > doing an Interstate ) busluo !
would hnvo to bo prosecuted And I
stead ( if using that law to disrupt n
consolidations , the piosldonl Is I
rnvot ot amending the law so tin
citiiin foiuisoi business consolidate
may bo lawful.
In the house members are sputto
Ing over the piesldent's special mo
sago on the sociot soivlce. Tlio lion--
asked what ho mount In his oilglm
message and ho told the house , I
plain language , giving names of ce
tain membeis , who , he.sald , blocke
tire needed legislation The house I
now up on Its oar , foniiug that II
dlgnlO has boon Injuiod. If an
menibti has been done a wrong , th
facts should bo brought out , but th
house will win no points by Insistln
that It ought not to he spoken to i
that manner n > the piesident.
Notice how much shoitor the night
are1 getting ?
Tlio coldest part ot the day is ! i
1.2 ; : a. m.
The bll//aid ot ISSb glows wois
as it gets Untlier away.
Looks like Roosevelt had Pitchfoi
Hen pinned up a'gninst the bain dee
this time
Can jou name tlio twontj nine mo
who have been monibcis of Roosevelt'
cabinet ?
Won't bo long now befoie we Tilp
countj homesteaders will pick out on
fai ins.
How would you like to be on ham
to see those six nightildors swung of
Into the fntuio ?
The chances aie jou don't knov
how inanj hoins jou kept join niothc
and father awake at night when > oi
fteie a couple ol months old especial
Ij join fathei.
.Fames Wliitcomi ) Rlloj didn't wiltc
i poem entitled "When the Fiost i'
in the Window , " but Rlchaid F. Mai
, vood of deal water hopped to the sug
; estion and The News doubts whether
lllley could linvo beat it , himself.
The telephone oditoi only mlssc (
me linpoitnnt point in wilting tin
Uoij of how many telephone talks aie
ecorded In Noifolk every daj. He
old how many talks there aie am
vhat time of day the wiios hum most
nit he neglected to toll what the pee
) lo talk about. That would ha\c been
he featuio of the stoiy
Did jou ever see a doctor at n
nnoral ?
Eveij man thinks he woiks hit
test , hut ho would llkelj do moio for
i bonus
Watch the flics these cold mornings ;
hat is the waj jon will fool nnd act
vhon jou aif old.
A man's pocket hook Is also his
wife's and her pin so Is also her child-
If jou aio acting the fool , thoio are
wo things jou shold do without do
aj : Acknowledge it ; quit It.
Everjbodj is looking for a shot at
. woman , and the only safe way Is foi
woman to show no maiK that can bo
hot at
An aftei noon nap Is good for a man
-if he Is really asleep and doesn't
ear what his women folks arc sajing
bout him.
A man could save his neighbors a
at of suspense , If he would explain
A cry time ho bujs a hat or tie , how
e can afford It.
That rapt , far-awaj look seen on the
ace of nn engaged girl , Is never seen
lieie again until hoi daughter is old
iiongh to plaj the piano.
As much pleasino as there Is in
olng with old and tried fi lends thoio
i n ceitaln delight in mooting stiang-
is : Thoj are not familiar with jour
One differ once between the man and
lie woman Is that the man Isn't par-
Icular about having thoin wrapped In
issue paper and trod with holly lib-
An engaged girl lulls with a certain
mount of piido that her joung man
xorts his nuthoiltj over her , but how
lie lobels and defies the same an-
101 ilj aflor mairlago !
When n man has a chnnco lo get
ken with an enemy , and passes It bj
10 women think ho Is trjlng to be
aod. but the men know hotter Thej
now ho Is saving his bricks for a
Btter opportunity.
When a man dies , his body is bur-
x + xxxx-fx + xx + x + X4-x-m-x > hx > M + x + x-m-xxx + x + X'i'XH'X'm't
Omaha , Neb Jan 8. 15)00 )
To the oditoi of The NOWH
Sn.v , do jou bloevo that motto nbou
"People who novoi do ennv moio thai
thoj get paid for , novoi get paid fo
onnj moio than they do ? "
I tuck It lo moon that If n folio
wanted to git thoio fust and liavo hi
salloij uil/ed ho must bo willing d
do lots moio'ii the boss nst him to di
but I'm beginning to think Unit Iscn
a ditbble advHlinn motto I stinted Ii
Ibis week In otYoiliig to swoop out UK
Moio and help In the bntloi and og |
dopni tun nt , and to help soil salt Ih.l
and caiind sninipon mid mnpol HUIIII ]
and drldo fmto nnd pninc-s and ( In
boss and the hod cloik Just lot mi
help nil I wanted to and as fast as
olToid to help onnj place thej Jus
gave iii ] that wink and lot mo do 1
and I'm Just on the Jump and nn
fiom momlng till nlto nnd the bosi
goes over to a fiend of his that linn
a buchoi shop and talks for half i
daj and I bloovo tboj'io going to Ioi
me inn the hole blame business , bin
ho novoi ses a woid about inl/lng nn
pnj- .
i lust bleovo thai n lot of poifossois
and poeplo that rites inottos Ioi juiu
fokcs Unit's Just starting In life novoi
winked In a gioseij stoic foi six del
lais pot
If the boss don't offer to iai/o niv
liny Inside of a week , I'm going tc
have a inidoi.standing with him that I
wont do a lick outside ol iltlng his lot
1os and .supciintending his ciaekei
and theeve dopnitmonl , as I ngieod tc
do when 1 hiied to him , motto or nc
motto I bloove that mutt'lmd iced
"People who don't ask for moio'ii thoj
o\nod to tt. don t get as much as
they expected ! "
My boss Is too peitickulai about little
tlo tilings to suit mo lie made a
giate loio about mo miss spelling a
little wind in one ot his lettei s tlio
uthei dav , just as it oninhodj expect
ud a gioij stoio lotiei to bo spell
lite Of coin so If I was piivntc see-It-
i elan y lo govoinoi Shollcnbnggoi I
wild expect to bo expected to spoil
lite. One of his best cnstomeis that
lives a little wajs out in the country
sent back a cupple of boltols of cat
sup and sod tney wasont good and he
tv ud haf lo i opiate them 01 lefund hoi
He loto hoi a nnwful perlllo letter
nid scd ho was soiiy the catsup was-
3iil good. Unit ho ciident undeistand
low it hnppcnd , but be was sending
tor sum fiosli catsup that bo now wild
) lcoc liei
The vonj last day I was in business
loliego rnj peifossoi jmlU mo up about
niss-spolling soup and soup I'd bin
.polling tlifin "sope" and "supo " Well
vhen my boss dUktatod eno wind cat-
> up I lomoinboied mv liistiiickshuns
nid I spelt it " ( at'-oni ) "
Ho was cnlld to the fone just as ho
inisbt dicklating the lettei and ho loi-
[ ol to iced It ovoi and sent it just tlio
uiv it was iltlcii Next day ho got it
tack togelbcr with the now bollols lie
ind sent , nnd a note fiom the woman
hat she dident want onny moio tuni
ng with a giosory that sold duity old
cat-soup "
Mho was mad , and If I bailout bin
naklng mjself so handy round the
toi' I bloovo bo wud'vo flied mo ilto
hole and then Airrt it queer how just
ilod , and be Is no longoi expected t <
do a man's work , but when love dies
so ninnj people expect It to he ai
stiong and vlgoioiis as over. Love ic
ull light while it is alive
You can't convince a man of join
side of the question by getting on It
but the betting nigument will some
times accomplish moio than the vet
bal kind ; it will sometimes cause join
opponent to keep still.
Chauncoj Dovero Appleton , the chlh
stntlscian wains his plaj mates ngainsi
waving their hnndkeichiefs. He esti
mates that If the pnpl's ' in a schoo !
wave their handkoi chiefs , In one
wave thoj liberate 10,000 disease
geinis Chainicej also downs on the
piactlce of teaching the babj to thiovv
a kiss. Kisses are deadlj enough
when given by peisonal contact , but
when one Is tin own In the air , the
innocent bj'-standar also is in peill.
A Yoenian lodge has boon oiganis-cd
at Springvlow.
Fiancls S. Swedelrn of Bancroft , has
been adjudged a bankrupt.
J. U. Giant has resigned from the
village board at Elgin , having been
appointed a nnal earlier.
Superintendent J. G. Mete , forrnor
head of the O'Neill schools , Is now su- of the schools at Broken
Anew , Okla.
Oscar Pinthor , who graduated
leccntlj' from the Madison high school ,
's appearing with the Walter Savngo
iciortohe company.
Plalnvlow Republican : J. A. Will-
lams , ox-stato i all way commissioner ,
has boon consldoilng voij good offois
In the law business Irr several points
In the state but ho maj decide to lo
cate In Pierce countj again.
City Electrician Bon Herrnlngs of
Stanlon had the misfortune to smash
two fingers of his right hand Ho was
starting the engine for the night nnd
Iris glove caught In a cog of the
wheel , pulling part of his hand with
It. One of his fingers was amputated.
M. F. Harrington of O'Neill has gone
one lltlcl leitei will make such a dlf
fionco In the mooning of a wind Now
that woid "llrod , " Hint I Just used , If
jou happen to si tike a H lusted of an
K It moons Just the opposite
A folloi inns up ngonst nil kinds of
fokos In a giosoiy stoic , don't ho. The
ulhi'i nllc. Just nt supper tlruo a big
man about six and a haf fool hie , he
lookt to inc , with a led nose nnd biow-
orv looking ejos cum a walking nn
stoddj like Into the stoic , and I cud
hoot the beer swash mound Inside of
him , and I gohs bo wanted suiuthlng
solid to put luvllh It to keep It fiom
splashing out
Ilo cum up lo Iho enuiitci and sod ,
"Hoio , kid' ' gimme a dime can o1
I not him tlio olstor's quick's I cud
and ho shiinmd n dime down on the
counter and sos , " ( lliinno a box of
ciaokois' "
I got him a feu cent box and ho
luck H and handed mo back the OH !
loi.s and ses , "I hloovo I'll take elioe/o
lusted "
I put the olstoi can hack on the shelf
and cut elf n dime pooco of c'hccvc and
bo tuck It and slaitcd foi tlio dooi
"Hold on1" I sos. "You dldont pay
foi them oinckois ! "
"Dldont 1 Jon glv jo n dime foi 'em' "
lie SOH
"Well. If jou did. " I'loplldo , "then
vou dldont pay lot that cboo/o ! "
"Dldont I giv jo thorn ' | Htois for jer
elieo/e ? " ho sos
"Yes , " I HOS , beginning to get llustl-
catod , foi ho was a sealij looking man.
"hut jou dldont pnv lot tlio olntotH1
Dldont pnj lot 'oin , " ho ioi oil , " \\hnt
In tliinidt-i d'jo ( alto mo foi , kid1 I did
out gt onny 'Istoin did I ? "
\nd wliilo I was tijlng to liggei out
how It was bo wont on out and I
hav out soon him sins.
The boss was just coining In fiom
the back loom and bo nst mo what
( bo mallei was , and I told him , and
ho laft and sod ho gossl I lie man wax-
cut so drunk as ho let on , and H
nmst'vo bin mo that was a diop or
too lo the bad
I had to make up that dime out of
my salloij but I don t just see jot bow
Ii was Ho pado for ovoijthlng ho
tuck , either in nionoj 01 goods , but
still that don't Jigger out ille
Don't bleovo I was cut out foi a
gioseij c lei It cnnjhow Undo Osnr
wont ovoi to Lincoln to help his fund
Mi. Bijun get a bunk gaiantoo law
tin u the Icivslnc'hmo , and I'm going
So lite and ask him if there's oimjthing
doing in my line ovei al the capital
Moonwlillo I'm going to bo moio caio-
Inl and not got twisted in mj accounts \j
I'nclo Oseai owns a lot of stale bank
sloe-It and ho ses if him and Mivin
i an got a law thin It'll make stale
bank stock dubblo In value and then
Undo Oscni's going to sell his shxk
nid buj national bank stock while its
: hoop
Then in throe jonrs and a haf when
In van and national bank ginnaiiteo got
L'lected , that'll boom bis national stodt
nid he'll soil Unit at a big profit
Wlsht I was as srnait ns Uncle Os
nr. You hot 1 wudont haf to wink
n no old giosoiy store and got skin-
led and winltt hat to detli fet six
Yoins ,
Johnny Dunipoi
lo Jefferson City , Mo , w hero he makes
\oibal nigiinient in a case whoioin his
clienl sued a lallioad coinpnnj , oh
toliiPd judgment foi $ : ! n,000 in district
court , and the coinpanj appealed the
cnso to the supreme court of that
O'Neill Domocial : The case of W
C Temple ic n vs. Di W T Spomtl
set lor Uial In Judge Golden's couit
lor Mondnj , was continued thlrtj davs
upon piopei showing made bj defend
ant This is a case w heroin plaintiff
the loss of a cow prescribed foi and
treated by defendant In the capacity
of a vbtciinarj surgeon , plaintiff alleg
ing thai Di Spencer Is not qualified
to piactire umlei the laws of the state
of Nebraska.
If congress now will only
Lot "insinuations" drop ,
Accept the presidential explanation , 'fL. l
And go to saw Ing wood , there's time
Before this session stops
To pass some greatly needed legisla
If this londency of congress
To sec presidential moles ,
Oblivious of the beams In their own
Should cost these honored critics
Many patilotlc votes ,
They need not tieat the matter with
The affair of those Brownsvllllarrs
Whom the president dlhchnrgcd ,
Rocolved , in sonatoiial attention ,
Enough of valued tlnio
To make It seem unduly large
And to rnnlto the nation ilso in contra
If congiesslonal log-rollors
Would stop pooling for a boosl ,
And work for the best Interests of the
nation ,
Tnoso swiit Increasing dolicrv
Would soon bo much i educed ,
And none would suffer by the Innova
tion. \f
If tlio demon of self-interest
Would relax his grip on man ,
And brother-love control the situation , fi
Thoro'd bo little cause for any
Of this fuss and feathers then ,
Or for nine-tenths of our present legis
lation. i
Richard F. Marwood.