THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOURNAL , , . . NORFOLK NEIJHASKA FKIDAV JANUAUY.15 190 ! ) KERN HAS LOST SENATORSHIP , Defeated on Twentieth Ballot for Indiana Toga , WOfVT ASK ANOTHER OFFICE , Poor Old Kern , Defeated for Every Office He Ever Aspired to , Loses Once Again and Gives up Politics In Despair. Indianapolis , Jan. 11. John W. Kern , defeated for every political of- lice to which ho ha aspired In his lifetime , lost the United States sena torial race in Indiana early today. Benjamin F. Stvely of South Bend was elected on the twentieth ballot In tno Democratic 'caucus. After the light was lost , Kern an nounced that ho would never again run for any office. Ho was twice defeated for goxornor and hist full was defeated for vice president of the United States on the Br } an ticket. Kern said today that ho did not mind being beaten with Bryan in No vember , but ho did want to go to the senate. Indianapolis , Jan. 11. At 2 o clock thib moinnig the Lleinociatlc caucus ot the Indiana legislature , alter twenty ballots , chose lormer Congressman Benjamin K. Shlvely of South Bend for the United States senate The last ballot stood as follows : Shlvely , 12 ; Kern , 35 ; Lamb , 5 ; Mcnzlos , U ; Charles Maas , 1. From the tlrst ballot Shlvely devel oped more strength than was geneial ly conceded to him and only on the twentieth ballot received a sutllcient number of votes to win. John W. Kern , who had a good leaden on the llrst ballot , was unable to mus ter enough strength to win the prize. At 1:30 : ills tollowers tried to lorco nn adjournment ot the caucus , but wore defeated by one vote. None of the other candidates developed sulll- ctont strength to bo a strong factor the contest. Mr. Shtvoly Is a native of the coun ty wliuru he resides and is fifty-two years of ago. He has boon prominent in Indiana politics for years. He was a member of the Forty-eighth , Fiftieth , Firty-flrst and Fifty-second congresses , each time being chosen from a Hepub llcau district. ILLINOIS DEADLOCK BROKEN , \ Deneen and Other Republican Officers Are Declared Elected. Springfield , 111. , Jan. 14The legis lative deadlock Is ended. As a result , Governor Deneen and other Kopubllc- ans chosen ior state olllces were de clared duly elected and will he Inau gurated next Monday. The senate members wont Into the house and acted as spectators while the election returns were being can vassed and the result declared. No tice then was given of the contest tiled by Adlal 1C Stevenson ( Dem. ) , defeat ed candidate for governor. While the contest petition was being read , the senators again left for their own hall. The canvass out of the way , nothing remained to prevent legislation , and miuli preliminary business was dis posed of. ' 1 he contest filed by the Democrats must bo considered by a joint session , if at all. The Deneen men control the senate and insist they will not at tend such a session. The senatorial situation is by no means clear and many declare a llcrco contest will bo waged over the elec tion of a successor to the place held by Senator Albert J. Hopkins. TENNESSEE ' 'FaYS" ' PASS BILL. Prohibition Measure Now Goes to Gov ernor Patterson. Nashvlllo , Tenu. , Jan. 14. The bill to prohibit the sale of Intoxicating liq uor In Tennessee passed the lower house of the general assembly , U2 to 3G. The measure is the one passed by the senate , and now goes to Go\ernor Patterson. Ho Is expected to veto It. his veto only operates as a suggestion , not as a stay , and a bare majority may pass the bill over his unfavorable ac tion. The bill provides that piohl- bitlon become effective July 1 , 1'jul ) The battle attending the passage of the bill was exceedingly fierce For almost live hours it was waged , the total option forces making a hard CL tost. Successive amendments were promptly voted down by about the same majority as that given the bill on final passage. Overman Choice in North Carolina. Halelgh , N. C. , Jan 14. United States Senator Lee S. Overman of Salisbury was in the Democratic cau cus of the general assembly rcnoiul- nated to succeed himself as United States senator. The election will taUe pliue next Tuesday aiul the Democrat- It majority assures his return to the senate. Burton Declared Elected. Columbus , O. . Jan. 14 The general nssembl } of Ohio , in juint stssion ol ticlally declared Congressman Thro doro 12. Burton of Cleveland , the BUI ccssor of Joseph U Forakcr In tlio United States senate. WOOL GROWERS IN SESSION , Storage Warehouses the Topic at Pocatello - catello Convention. I'ncali llu , Ida. , .Ian. 11. Questions Uf direct ( DlKi'lll to the sheep misers of tin * IMilli'd Slates. ospo ( Inlly ol till ) xvi'Hlcrn uingo slates , will arise at llio tin re dux H' loiivontlon of tln > National \\nol Gioxvors' association , wlildi lie Ijan heio this nfli'iiionn Tin1 storage warehouse plans , whldi contcmpliito.s tlial tin * bull , of llic wool iiop tin plairil In the lianilH ol' a < 'oopciati\ < > Hilling agency ( o hold foi n I'ali pi ! ( . HM > inmors meanwhile hnrtoxvliiK mono. mi ( lie Bliiird piodnct , will hti I IK. prlncal ! | subject at Issue Ar lao'.i'iin ul > naxo ln'i'ii made lo lease a xxan'liotiM in Chl < nuo 01 Omaha as MIOII a il'.i' reiiuiii'ii ; , , OO.ODO ul wiinl Is guauinii ei | < v " * Miss Millifcx omes Countess of Granard Today , WILL BE A QUIET WEBBING , Auxiliary Bishop of New York Off ! elates at Ceremony Bridegroom Is Roman Catholic and Bride Is Protes tant Little Girls as Bridesmaids. New York. Jan II. Another Amer ican girl of wealth will enter the peerage - age of Great Britain tills atternoon when Miss Beatilco Mills of this cll\ becomes the Countess of Oranard by marriage to the Karl of Gtanaid , mas ter ol the horse to King Edward. The ceremony will be performed at the city house of Mr. and Mrs. Ogden Mills , parents of the bride , at Slxt } ninth street and Fifth avenue. Oul } relatives and Intimate triends have boon asked to the cou-muny , which xvlll bo private The \\vdding is marked by none of the ostentation that has made great society functions of tormor international marriages. Miss Mills Is a I'rotostanl , and the Karl of Granard is the head of one ol the gieat old Roman Catholic families of Great Britain. Bishop Thomas Francis Cusack , auxiliary bishop of the archdiocese of New York , will of delate at the ceremony , a dispensation having been obtained. Little Girls as Bridesmaids. Following an old Kngllsh custom , the bridesmaids will bo little children. They arc Miss Ellin Mackay , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence II. Mackay ; Miss Edith Taylor , daughter of Mi ami Mrs. Moses Taylor ; Miss Alice Astor - tor , daughter of Colonel and Mrs John Jacob Astor , and Miss Grace Vandor- bllt , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Corne lius Vamlcrbilt The Hon. Donald Forbes , a younger brother of the ICarl of Gianard , Is the best man. Miss Beatrice Mills is one of the twin daughters of Mr and Mrs. Ogden Mills Her sister , Gladys , xvas married a year ago to Henry Carnegie Phipps. Mrs Odgen Mills herself xvas a twin , her sister being Mrs Cavendish Ben- tinck of England Granddaughter of D. O. Mills. D. O Mills , the granfather of the bride , Is the well known banker and philanthropist and one of the wealth iest men in the United States. Miss Beatrice Mills Is tall , graceful and of a blond type and English in dress and manner She has had much social SIKCISS abroad and in this coun try PRESIDENT MAKES IEST RIDE , Covers Ninety-Eight Miles With Foul Relays of Horses , Washington. Jan. 11. President Roosevelt rode ninety-eight miles ut : horseback , and when ho dismounted at the White House door , more than seventeen hours after having departed theiofiom , he did not show an ) marked signs of weariness. When he dismounted his coat and hat won fiozen stiff with sleet and ice. There were four relays of horses. The object of his long day in the saddle , he explained , xvas to prove U the critics xvlio have found fault xvitli 1 the recent order requiring all arm > and navy oflicers to take a phybku test , that If a president , who is noi In training , can ride ninety miles plus In one day without being laid up in bed thereby , It should not be too mud ; to ask the men who are supposed tr be In the best physical training all the time to inle ninety miles in thcci days Hard Job to Get Calhoun Jurors. San Francisco , Jan 11 Six men xvere disqualified as jurors , the exami nation of a sexenlh xvas uncompleted and the securing of the twelve men to try Patrick Calhoun upon an indict iiient charging bribery of a former supervise ! of this city , xvas discourag ing us inr as the present panel Is con- r'erned ' when the second day of the trial ended , Brazlel Given Life Sentence. Marietta , Okla. , Jan. 11 John Bra- ziol. who shot and Ulllod Constable D B Ceiok , nnd Dan Sims , a farmer , ami wounded another tnrmor , xvas found of minder and sentenced to the iH-niM-nMnry lor lite Fatal Wreck on Canadian Pacific. din H 'Iliii-e persons 1 wore ptrhap > fatally miur. . ) in a Pa na-lian Pa itlc freight tiain collision near Swift Current One of the trains I was loaded with silk. PRAYERS GO UP TO STOPJUAKES , All Italy Bows Her Head In Supplication , SOME DIE FROM HYSTERICS , Survivors from Messina and Regglo Shocks Were Frightened Into Hys terics at the Newest Quiver Still Hope to Get Cheney Bodies. Uome , Jan. 11. Nearly all citizens of Italy oftercd prayers today for a cessation of the earthquakes. The survivors from Messina and Kc'-glo , who were In the towns af- lected yesterday , were frightened Into stories . , some of them dying as a result. Hxcavatlng at Messina has ceased excepting at the Kngltsh and American consulates. Hope is still held out that the bodlew o. Consul Arthur Cheney and hla wife , fiom the United States , may be re covered. Quake Covers North Italy. Home , Jan It.-Accounts Irom Ve netla , Lombard } ' and Tuscany describe the panic caused by earthquakes in noith Italy ICverywheio people rushed out sci canting , "Kurlhquako. " Two women died of fright at Bologna. There wile no other victims and the lamage was insignificant , being limn d to hioUcn xxlndoxvs , ciaikod cot UK es , etc. PEACE IN BALKANS. Rumored Austria Will Grant Conces sion for Railroad. Belgrade , Servia , Jan. M. Austria permit the construction of the Servian railway across Bosnia , accord ing to rumors received at the foreign oftice. Upon this concession depends peace in the Balkans. Austria will grant this concession , it is said , pro vided Servia does not ask too big a strip of land. mm UrHoi POWER ( CONGRESS , Lodge Insists on Right of Presi dent to Exercise Discretion , Washington , Jan. 14. The aut. it } of congress to direct heads of oxecu tivc departments to send to the senati or house information in their posses sion was the subject of an extender speech in the senate by Senator Bacor : ( Ga. ) . Bacon took the broad vio\\ that congress has absolute power ti demand from heads of departments any Information within their posses sion and oven to require them to givi reasons for their action or non-actloi on any matter before them Senator Lodge questioned the powci of congress to demand papois on Ilk in diplomatic matters and insisted up on the right of the president to oxer else discretion in such matters Senator Hale declared that ho did not believe that the president Intended to state in his message to congress that he would not furnish document } and information , but merely that hi declined to permit a cabinet officer U furnish reasons for the action be had taken. He stated he would regret see Ing congress and the president loci horns on the question of the power o ! congress to procure Information ii possession of the executive depart incuts. Senators Fulton , Teller , Clapp Money and others Joined in the debate bate , all of them upholding the powoi of the senate In the matter under con sldeiation. PENSION BUDGET IS LESS , Appropriation Agreed On by Commit tee 52,000,000 , Under Last Year. Washington , Jan. 14. An appropria tlon of $1G1U1S.O.)0 ) for pensions was agreed on by the committee on appio priations In the dratting of the annua pension appropriation bill , Thi : amount Is over $2,000,000 less thai the appropriation lust year , which was $103.053,000. Ill the report of the house it wa : shown that the republic has expcndo ( since Its beginning $3,751,108,80'J it pensions. The committee inserted In the bll a provision that the eighteen pensloi agencies throughout the country b ( reduced to one. to bo located in Wash ington Congiess has twice failed t < agree to such a proposal NEW HEAD OF ARMY M , 0'S ' Colonel Torney Succeeds Brlgadlei General O'Reilly Today. Washington , Jan 11 With the re tlrenicnt Irom active service today u Bilgadler General Robert M O'Reilly surgeon geneial of the United States army , Colonel George H Toinuy us sumed the lask of looking alter tin health ol I'mle Sam s. soldiers. ColoiK I Tuinoxi& born in Mar > land June 1 : s.ii and b. i aman as Mutant burgeun in tin- aim ) in ih ; ' > Ho was in < ' mniund of Hi , Hilirf dur ing the Spanish Aim man war an. was appointed a Ueput } surgeon gen era ) In 11)03. ) K'iSAhE MAN RUNS AMUCK , Injures . ! x Persons , Including Hli Wife , Who Will Die. Hamilton , O. , Jan 11 Rudolph Wirtz , a prominent iltl/oii , went in sane and ran amuck , Injuring six per sons , Including his wife , who piobabl ) will dlo Wirtz stabbed the woman forty-four times In the face , hi east , neck and head. He cut out her Iclt ee and severed her right thumb Wlrtx was beaten almost Insensible before being disarmed. Wlitz slashed his brother , Julius , twelve times In the face , and Injuieil I Chailes Martin , president of the Martin - ! tin Tianstei company ; Harry Sum- | meiton , William Hlisihnor and Gcoigo Long. They will iccover. Wlrtz Is held by the police. Ho has been lu a sanitarium and is said to have blooded ovei the murder of Mis Frank Donnelly of Oxford. SUGAR TRUSTlN ffilAL TODAY , _ Faces Charge of Defrauding Govern ment by Means of False Scales. New York , Jan 1 L The trial ol the charges of It and brought by the i oil- era I government against the Ameilcan Sugar Rellnlng com pan ) was called helore Judge Thomas 1. Chatllold in the lodoial district court in Brooklyn today. It Is allofi ( d by the government that by means of "lUed" scales the com pany , which Is geneially known as "the sugar I rust. " and some ol its em plcnoes the United States trea.Miry ot iinpotl revenues on raxv sugar. MASKED ROBBER" SHOOTS TKHEE. Omaha Policeman Killed and De tective and Woman Wounded. Omaha , Jan. 14. Karly this morning a masked loliber entered the resort ot Anna Wilson , on Ninth street , and held up the place. One inmate , made a show ol icslstancevas quick ly shot by the robber , who then demanded mandod the valuables of the others Ho secured a small amount of money and stalled out the tent | way , running into the arms of Policeman L. A Smith , whom the robber shot dead on the spot , and made his escape. The police station was quickly notl Hod and a squad of o'Mcers started In pursuit of the robber. He was fol lowed for an hour , and trace of him was lost. A short time later , hoxvover , the odlcers came upon a man near the Douglas stieet bridge across the Mis souri rivei , and a pistol fight followed , In which he shot and probably fatally wounded Detective Devcreesc of the Omaha police force , and wns hlmsell dangerously wounded. Both men were taken to the Omaha General hospital , Betsy Smith , an Inmate of the resort , is berioiislv wounded. ALLEGED HORSEJIIIEF TAKEN , Arrest at Ogallala May Break Up Gang In Western Nebraska. Ogallala , Neb. , Jan. 14. Sheriff ClaiK of Deuel county arrested a young man here named Willard. charged with hoihosteallng. Willard hi ought the hoi bis here and sold them to Mr. Hariington , receiving a check in painent. When ho presented the check lor payment Clark arrested him A gang of three or more are implicat ed. All 01 them will no doubt be caught ami the gang will bo biokon up. The hor-sos were stolen from the ranch ol John II. Orr , in the western part of Keith county Death of Mrs Carrie Maxon. Miinlen , Neb. , Jan. 14. Mrs. Carrie Maxon , wile of Past Commander John R. Maxon of the Nebraska G A. R. , is dead , lollowing a long illness. With her husband she has lived in this coun ty since the lirst settlement was form f-d heie. Killed Under Load of Ice. Falrbury. Nob. , Jan. 14. William P. McPheihon , while hauling ice , xvas killed by his load of ice tipping over and tailing upon him He lived but a short time alter being found. Me- I'herson xvas seventy-lhree years of agog Schooner Wrecked ; Two Drown , g Surf , Gal. , Jan. M The schooner Sybyl Marston , Captain Schilllnsky , which left Gray's Harbor Thursday for Redondo with 1,100,000 feet of lum ber , went ashore about a mlle south of Surf and is now a total wreck. John McCarty and Dick O'Neill , firemen , both of Sun Francisco , were washed from the deck by the high waves soon after the vessel struck and xveie drowned. Three Escape Death on Desert , Balarat , Cal. . Jan. 14. Thiee of the men lost on the desert in Death Valley have made their way to this phue One remains unaccounted for and hope of his being alive has been abandoned The missing man Is B A Williams , a mining man of Handhurg. The three who arrived at Ballnrat xvero dement- fd , having wandered for nine days , most of the time without water Muskogee Hit by Big Fire. Muskogee , Okln Jan 11 Fir. that broke out here in iln Sai.itonu M IOU rant in Thir.l . s'li-it serial to the Caiuliiia an l ( ifinui ) linluiiigs The llio iniriud ir .if out after d < i initial an entire square. Loss , 000. FATAL BLAZE 30 ARE INJURED , Gopeland Political Headquarters at Topeka Burn , 'GUESTS ' JUMP FROM WINDOWS , Fire Guts Big Building In Kansas Capi tal A. W. Smith , Prominent Poll- tlclnn , Expected to Die from Injuries Sustained. Topokn , .Ian. 11. Klro today gulled ho Copeland political hoado.mii tors. I'horo was n heavy loss , which , how- ver , has not yet been estimated. Thirty-seven persons are known to mvo lieen Injured. Several are mi- icconnlcd for. A. W. Smith , former candidate for he Republican nomination for govor- ior , Is expected to dlo from injuries sustained In the lire. Guests jumped from upper story windows. Theie was no time to escape by way of the stairs. THREE KILLED IN WRECK. Canadian Pacific Passenger and Freight Meet. Winnipeg. .Ian. 11. A wreck oc curred on the Canadian Pacific last night , a freight colliding with a pas senger train. Throe wore fatally hurt d several cars burned. The switch is reported to have boon closed. LOS ANGELES LIMITED IN WRECK One Killed and Five Injured in Acci dent at Chicago. Chicago , .Ian. 11. One person was killed and five injured when the Los t\ngelcs Limited passenger train crash- I'd Into the rear end of a train of work men today. The dead and wounded were all working men. Charles Johnson of Slonx City , aged thirty , was among the injured. The accident was said to be duo to fog and darkness. LOWELL TO SUCCEED ELIOT , Boston [ &ii Elected President o ! harvard University , Boston , Jan. 14. Abbott IJUMUICO Lowed , author , law } or and Hai\ard profebhOr , IS tO bO tllO SllCle.SbOl Ol Charles W. Eliot as head ol the great Cambiidgo university. The suspeiis felt by the alumni and friends ot Har vard since the resignation of President ICllot in November last and the speui lation IIH lo his probable siiLLOSbor ended when , after the coiporatiou and overseers of the institution had held separate meetings in tills city , it was announced that the corpoiatlon had elected I'rolobsor Lowell as piesiuent. Tills choke , which was immediately submitted lo the boaid ol overseers , must be latilied by the latter body at a meeting to be held on Jan lit ) , bat , as Preslde-it lillot said , "their action is not doubtful. " A mombfi ul a famous Boston lam- ily. a giadrate o. Harvard and ol the llarvaid law school , and occupant of the chair of the Science of Govern ment at the university since 190U , I'to- fessor Lowell Is thoroughly imbued with Ilanard traditions. Ho Is re garded as an able administrative olll- cor , a strict disciplinarian , one who recognizes the joys of athletic com petition , but deplores excess in inter collegiate sport. Shercliffe on Trial. Minneapolis , Jan. 1-1. The trial of Sherman Morris , alias Frank Slier- cllffo , charged with robbery In the first degree , began here. Morris served time In Iowa for a sensational diamond robbery and escaped from a train in Colorado while being taken to prison to serve a twenty-five-year sen. tenco for murder. Ho is charged with holding up passengers of a Northern Pacific train In the Minneapolis city limits last spring. Henry County Man Winner. Amos , la. , Ian. 14. The grand champion sweepstakes on single ear of corn awarded at the corn show hero was won by J C Frame , Salem , Henry county. This iar wins the Allen tro phy and a De Uival cream separator , In addition to the which It won in district ami section Stevens inay bucceed I rumbull. Denver , Jan. 11 John I1' Slovens , lormer chairman of the Panama ( anal fommlubion and at present vi < c presi dent ol the .New York , New 1 luxn and llaittcrd railroad , has been offered nnd will piobnbly accept the pn hi dency of the Colorado and Sotithorr load , to succeed Frank Trumbull xvher the latter retires next week Tlin Col oindo nnd Southern was recently uc qulrod by the Hill Interests Fifty Dead Taken From Mine. Hint-field , Wa . lm 1 1 Flit ; bodies bad In < n MUen l > u < ii I u j , l.r.'in ' ti ni'i ' , it ? i hi , n i \ \ \ n ) - it > rii i In , i a i ] > | ui i i , . I 1 . . \n ' .ra'o lli Mi < I > cl > t > .iiiiti | ( > s lull mac the lutai nmiu- of dead ai arty-nine. THfc CONDITION OF ! Ht WEATHER - -lu * U' cOr ! CH t ' IlllltlOl , lf ' .lit- V ml | | ( i' ' ' 'i hi M nrx Ton iiiiiri < inMii > n . , ti 'Oitn Maximum ! ! l Minimum 10 VMM ago . . M" Barometer 2i ! S15 Chicago. Jan. 11. The bulletin Is- lll'll O ) 'III I'lllCHK' ItllTIOt , if til- 'nlti-d Stuttik AiiiiliiHt 'inreau he fiiM'ciiHt fet VolininU < + t Fair tonight and Friday. Colder tonight with cold wave east portion. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. Sun sets I . " ' _ ' , I-IHI-S 7 IS : moon I-ISOH 1'J.lii a. in. ; moon's are ' _ ' . " . days ; 1 < Kt p. in. , moon at last uuarter In constel lation Vlruo. Now Governor inducted Inio Otiice at Des Molnes , CEREMONIES AT STATE HOUSE , Oath Administered by Chief Justice of Supreme Court Recommendations to Legislature Delivered in Message Form Following Inauguration. Des Molnos , Jan. 14. With more than ordinary ceremony B. F. Carroll was inaugurated goveinor of Iowa to day. With the Inclement weather it was necessary to hold all the coie- monies at the state house , where a large crowd had gathered to witness the ceremony. The oath was admin- CAIIROM. Istere ! > \ Iho chief j-n-licf , and si v ( Ti.l of t.e ! iiHMHiale ju , : 11--1 \\cre also pn.seiit lo lend dignity to the oc casion. Governor Carroll had alioady pre pared his rocomnien lallons to the leg Islature and these were delivered In ines.- : < ! lorm following the inauguia lion Governor Garst , who filled the exec utive rrn.r following Ihe resignation of Governor Cummins , wns also pies out at the ( ftoniony The ocean.nn was ma ie somewhat brilliant by the pros 'tin o | many ladies , mostly wives of slate ( initials. wiore ! handsome gowns set elf the gallery in the best of style HEPBURN CASE MAY BE DROPPED , Colonel Does Not Want the Office on a Technicality. Creston , In. , Jan. 14. At a meeting of Eighth dlbtrlct Republicans hold here lor the purpose of hearing the re port of a subcommittee appointed at a previous meeting to investigate the proposed contest for congressman in this district it developed that the com mittee had not found as much to en courage them as had been expected Colonel Hepburn made It very plain to Ills friends In the district that un der no circumstances would be permit the contest to go on If it were to hinge on technicalities , and there Is a possi bility that the contest may be dropped. GROOM-TO-BE KILLS HIMSELF , Act Follows Decision of Girl to File Complaint Instead of Wed Him , Shenandoah , la. , Jan 14. A. L. Me- Clanahan committed suicide by taking htrychnino. Ho had obtained a mar riage license to wed Mabel Chester , daughter of Joe Chester , a well to do tanner of the vicinity Her lather protested and hud her swear out a warrant charging McClunahun xvlili a btatutory olfrnhi.oiniultied several wockh ago Ho had courted hoi lor hbout two years Receiver for Waterworks. Council Bluffs , la. , Jan 11. The Council Bluffs City Waterworks com pany has gone into the hands of a ro- celvur. li W Hurt , manager of the company foi neatly txventy ycuia , Ima been appointed roe ivor and filed his bond in the sum of IJo.OUO. Wealthy Farmer Ends Life. ! > - . M'M ' . . 11 h. . . , c. i ii , a i XV- . > > i i i ' i ' 11111' ' i ' ju ) < at 1 > l ! i is > i.\ % i i lu Hilia.l l .1 . ) li limn an i x\a ' > poiKlcnl be ui i ln < con'iuircu the rieni um > atls < factory TILLMAN ANGRY SAYS BOTH LIE , Accuses Meyer and Bonaparte Both of Falsehood , WILL FLASH HE GOODS ON1 EM , South Carolina Senator Says He Will Prove "The Lie Direct" on Meyer and Is Not Sure What Sort of Llnr Bonaparte Will be Proven. Washington , Jan. 11.Soiiatm Till- man toduy announced that he Inii-mla pulling Postmaster General Mt.xei ami Ulorno ) General Bonaparte in llio 'Ananias club. " He said ho would produce ( In"llo lirecl" on Meyer but was not certain ' \\hat sort of a liar ho would prove lonaparto to be. " APPROVED $100,000 SALARY. Senate Committee Approves Bill Doubl ing President's Pay. Washington , Jan. 11. The senate committee on appropriations toda > up- punod the appropriation bill with the amendment to Inciease the president's salary to $100,000. DENEEN WON'T TIE UP. No Proposition Towards His Candidacy for Senate , Been Made. Springfield , 111. , Jan. 11. ( iovornor Deneen slated this morning that no offer or proposition had been made touching the subject of his becoming a candidate for the United States sen ate , and furthermore that he would not consider such a proposition under any elicuinstaneos. UNEMPLOYED GET DESPERATE. Invade Marquis' Estate and Begin Digging to Plant. Cardiff , Wales , Jan. 11. Five hun dred unemployed people invaded the estate of Marquis Bute toda > and be gan digging , preparatory to planting. rl'be authorities were summoned , but were powerless because they hail no warrants. The marquis sought war- Mints. The Invaders say the } will re sist and that they rather die thau starve. FARMS FOR REFUGEES. Rich French Duke Will Give Florida Lands to Italians. I'aris , Jan. 1 I. Duke do Mttn , owner of vast estates In Florida , de clared today that he would made a. colonization offer to r > , lno ) families among quake refugees. Two farms will be allotted to each family on con dition that they iann one farm for him and one for themselves , BAD MIX IN COON TOWN. Lightweight Pugilist Shoots Another Negro and Wife. Philadelphia. Jan. 11 Jack Black burn , negro lightweight , Is held with out bail today on the chaise ol Mioot- ing and seriously injuring Alonso Polk and wife , both coloiod. Blackburn's friend , Maud Pillard , ( white ) furnished $1,000 ball on the charge of assault. Take Out Fifty-Five Bodies. Switchback. W. Va. . Jan. 11.Fifty - live bodies have been removed from the Ill-fated mine. It Is Impossible to determine the entire death list. Gives Oil Company 30 Days. Jefferson City , Mo. , Jan. 11. The supreme premo court today granted the Waters- Pierce Oil company thirty da.\s in which to ( lie acceptance or rejection of the court's recent decision ordering it to separate from the trust. Closing Argument In Hains Case. Flushing , N. V. , Jan. 1 i. Mrs. Annla was the center of attraction during Darrln's closing address in the Ilalns trial today. Darrin called the Hains brothers cowards and said the killing of Annis w/is the result of a con spiracy. Ho made an eloquent appeal , Mrs. Annls sobbing convulsive ! } mean while. Jenkins Hains was nervous. The case Is near a close. Woman Blown to Atoms. Londville Colo. Jan 14--Mi . , , - - * Rl.h- ntd Lauiorbaeh , xvifc of a nilm-i , x\as killed and Miss Esther Schnsn r , a guest ot the louner ul her home near Mllcht'll , was badly injured wli.n a mysterious tire in the Luutorhtx b cabIn - In Ret off several sticks of dynamite. The explosion blexv Mrs l.aulei . li to atoms , wrecked the log cabin and fceMiij.- ! } hint her xvoinun companion Agreement With Venezuela. Washington , Jan - - has be < oino ex Idi Ml ui t'i ' tin - . par I I M 111 I mill Ho I. . ) ' i I i | , ] , il ( 1 , . , , ( . . ' * ' n i ii i i n ' ( i , i i , . r I .1 .1. ' . I , i „ uis f. . > . 0 ! ' V\ li 1 I I . i , ( JO n < { i i \ i < i L u u l i r. , > i < ui'MIt ' of tin di > p itr | ' tiuns brixv in the United States and that country ,