The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 08, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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Tin ; Wodnufldiiy club will meat with
Mrs. P. II. Hiiltar tomorrow.
The now IHHIIO of two emit stamps
linvo boon on Halo at the Norfolk post-
oilier- HliiciSaturday. . Few pur
chasers , however , luivo noticed the
cliuiiK" when buying HluiniiH despite
the fuel that ( ho iii | | ) aruncu of the
now HliinipM dlfforn rather materially
from tln > OUCH which have boon used.
A. II. Stokes , a Hon-ln-luw of Dr.
I ) . K 'rimlall of Norfolk , left thin
morning for Chicago , ami from there
1o Minneapolis for his work. IllH wife
will remain at thu Tlmlall homo for a
few weeks.
Dr. II. T. Ilolilun wan In Hosklns yes-
tcnlny afternoon.
MlH Clara HarrlHon loft today for
a vlttlt nt IMpoHtono , S. I ) .
Miss Itortha Pllgor IIIIH rotiirnod to
Sliinton following a holiday visit hero
Mr. and Mrs. Kd Perry an > buck
Twin Washington , preferring Norfolk
very inurh to the count country.
MlH o Itnth Shaw and Maude Roes
n'tunu'd to tholr studies at Doano
college at Crete on Monday.
AS' ' Mull1" ! ff O'Nelll. elate of
Inrpoolor un ! . - > - the ucw r.dmlnlstr-i
tlon , was In N'vfotk M ( mliiy on bin
wiiy tu Llnool i
Miss Agnes Matran wont down to
Lincoln Sunday afternoon to recom
mence her studies at the university.
Mr. and Mrs. llorman Loyman ami
MDII. Philip Loyman. of Slanton. visited
Norfolk frleiidH over Sunday , the lat
ter reluming lo college \Vatortown ,
Mrs. .1. II. KlorBtcail and Mr. and
airs. Tongs who have heen spending
New Year's with Dr. and Mrs. 11. ,1.
Klorsload of Norfolk returned Monday
do llielr homo In Tlldea.
Among the day'H out of town visi
tors in Norfolk wore : Mr. and Mrs.
I' ' . Long. Lynch ; Ira Mcekllng , Lynch ;
Mr. and Mrs. Chris C. Chrlstlansoii ,
Crolnhton ; F. Creely , Madison ;
C. II. CJIrlon , Wayne ; Clarence Cran-
< lal. ) Crelgliton ; C. Flaherty , M.
llncklcy , St. lOdwards ; .loo Rogers , I'll-
.SVM- .
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Heinholt Maas ,
u daughter.
Tom nrlce , still sick at the Oxnard ,
Is getting along nicely and sits up a
jood deal of the time.
A meeting of the library board has
bun called for Wednesday afternoon
iit ; i o'clock at the library rooms.
M'hf ' school board , lacking a quorum ,
did not meet last evening. The board
will meet on Tuesday evening , Jan
uary 1U.
.Judge I. G. Westorvolt at 2 o'clock
Tuesday afternoon was still In about
the same critical condition although
physically weaker. Physicians held
out no encouragement.
T.ho new Catholic school at Pierce
is virtually completed. The Norfolk
I'lnmblng and Heating company ex
pected to have the work on their con
tracts with the school , church and
tdlHktnts' homo tlnlshed today.
. .M ? . flames 11. Conley returned yes
fierday from Fremont , where she re-
conlly underwent a rather serious
itiptmilion In the hospital at Fremont.
'Mr. rnnley was down in Fremont and
Accompanied his wife home.
Al a special mooting of the Norfolk
Commercial club directors held yes-
iterday afternoon W. H. Hoffman was
delegated to attend a meeting of the
pflleers of the state association of
Commercial clubs at Central City on
.January S In connection with the state
.convention which may bo held In this
city next March.
The ease Hied against Mrs. George
jM''iBtcr and her little son by Abram
NVhlte was tried yesterday afternoon
by Justice Ijunbort and dismissed , the
judge holding that cause for a complaint -
{ plaint of assault was not shown. The
, cas > was filed before Judge lOlsoley
Imt was taken Into the other justice
roii ) I on a change of venno.
Unhurt ntler. a Norfolk traveling
man mid a for'uor city treasurer of
Norfolk , Is to become a resident of
Texas , having purchased land near
TJcoville in Hee county in southern
Texas , upon which he will start an
orange lanch. Orange raising Is a
comparatively new industry In Texas ,
lint it is claimed that the Texas
orange has the advantage of maturing
earlier than the oranges In California.
Mr. I'tter Is In Texas now and will
remove from Norfolk dellnl'cly ' about
the tlrst of February. Recently Mr.
litter disposed of his holdings in the
.Rosebud country. Mrs. Utter yestor-
lay banded In her resignation as city
Thn library board will meet
next Wednesday to act on her resigna
Wolf Hunt at Lamro.
Lamro , S. D. , Jan. 0. Special to The
XNews : The annual wolf hunt was
imlled off ut Lamro In Trlpp county as
usual. Wolves are unusually thick
iilong Dog Ear this year because a
largo territory is burned over and the
range stock gra/o along the creeks.
Wolves have been troublesome. Wll-
cox of Ulxon , John Sully and J. M. Gos-
aard of Gregory , joined the Lamro
Iiumors with sixteen grey and stag
liounds. About a dozen wolves were
sighted and the chase was at times
fierce. Once live wolves were sighted
at one time , and the packs divided ,
air I when the bugle blew to call In
the hounds four wolves were dangling
from the cowboy saddles. Sully was
conceded lo have the lleetest hound ,
while Gossard's race mare ran neck
iiml neck with Lade Jo owned by At
torney Van Motor. The ground was
frozen and the Ice was so sharp that
fast work of the dogs was Impossible.
Another hunt will be held as soon as
weather softens the ground u little.
Dnhlmnn's Gift to Chadron.
Chadron , Neb. , Jan. 0. Special to
The News : TheChadron public
schools opened for the new year with
an Increase of attendance. Superiii-
temlent lOlllott haw Just returned from
nn extended visit to Norfolk and
Wayne In which vicinity he will con
ui't Hoveral Institutes for the coming
In a recent campaign for mo.ioto
upply the necessary funds for the
omlng year , the Chadron Public Lib-
ary association received a donation
mm Mayor J. C. Uahlman of Omaha ,
n early settler of this section , and
ne of Clmdron's former mayors.
One of the new year presents likely
o be made to the people of Chadron
the city council Is a very much
leeded system of sewers. Tim ques-
Ion will soon be put before the poole -
le for popular vote. Many oilier tin-
irovomonts for the city are also being
reely discussed by the city cummer-
: lal club.
South Dnkota Solons Get Down to Work
Pierre , S. I ) . , Jan. ! ! . Hoth bouses
) f the legislature convener ; promptly
it noon yesterday , the senate pro-
hied over by Lieutenant Governor
holier , the house by Secretary of
itato Wlpf.
After the oath of office by the moni
tors , the elective officers weie chosen
is follows :
Frank M. llyrne , president of the
senate , protein. ; L. M. Simons , seere-
ary of the senate ; Roseoo Mercer ,
Irstassistant secretary ; C. J. Hnuno ,
locond assistant ; W. W. Price , chief of
ngrosslng force ; O. M. Gabon , sar-
goant ; John McDonald , assistant sar-
; eant ; James Julson , postmaster ; J.
0. Peckham. assistant ; Ole Mlkkolson ,
nessenger ; Hovs. Askin and Slonzol ,
The house elected M. J. Chaney of
May , speaker without opposition , this
.icing bis second selection for that
) lneo ; J. W. Cone , chief clerk ; II. 10.
/anCatnp , assistant to chief
lerk ; llnrden , second assistant ; W. 10.
loovcs , chief of the engrossing and
Drolling force ; Head Matlieny , assis-
ant ; 10. Moscrlpt , sergeant ; James Ol
son , assistant ; A. K. Crawford , post-
mister ; Frank Purdue , assistant posl-
naster ; K. W. Levitt , messenger.
Upon the completion of the organi
sation the two bodies met in joint ses
sion In the house chamber to receive
ho messages of the outgoing and In
coming governors , after which ad-
oiirnniont was had for the day.
The organization by selection of the
ippolnllve officers will be completed
omorrow , after which the regular
justness of the session will begin.
In the process of organization , the
natter of factional alignment has not
been allowed to come Jo the surface ,
loth sides evidently being desirous of
voiding a clash. Interest now centers
n the formation of committees , and
t is understood that Hyrne , of Faulk ,
ml Cable , of Lincoln , will again head
he appropriations committees of their
especlivc bodies , as was the case two
rears ago. The Hughes county mem-
tors will bo accorded the heads of the
ommlltees having to do with capitol
mil state house grounds and state af-
'nlrs , while Dillon Is expected to head
ho senate judiciary committee again ,
ind Morris a now member from Min-
lehaha , may occupy the similar posl-
Ion in the house.
Railroad News.
Omaha Dee : A conlldence on
i Northwestern train , tried nnsu.iccss-
mly Saturday evening on one of the
; msscngers by two men who got on at
Jtnnha and left the car at Council
UlufTs , is the basis for the arrest of
Harry Williams , a former railway
lews agent. Patrolman W. U. W.lsou
in-rested him at the Union depot Sun-
lay afternoon after the supposed nt-
iompt lo swindle had been reported to
. .10 railroad officers and the police sin-
ion by Officer Glover and others. Will
iams Is supposed to be one of the men
and Is being hold as a suspicious char
acter by the police.
Valentino Republican : H seems that
the Northwestern company , in order to
straighten Its road , will need to re
locate a portion of Its line upon a new
right-of-way over a small portion of the
military reservation east of town. Not
withstanding Its railroad is now upon
the reservation rightfully by an act
of congress. In order to relocate , an
other act is required. This may mom :
some delay unless congress shall acl
" .peedlly. all these great public
works where companies are proceed
ing lawfully , and the result must be tc
the benefit of the general public , ef
forts at Improvement for that purpose
should be promptly aided always , o
course , under such legal safeguards ai
are proper. Matters are liable to hi
much more lively in and about Valen
tine the coming spring and it Is hoped
that the Northwestern company will
near no unimportant part of the bur-
len which shall bring prosperity about.
Congress should act and act quickly.
Business Changes In the Northwest.
William Wiener has opened a new
pool hall at Hosklns In place of the
drug store.
Northwtest Weddings.
Marriage licenses were granted dur
ing the past week by County Judge
Dewall at West Point to Peter Vy-
horny and Miss Lizzie Stadelman of
Wlsner ; to Frederick Hrehmcr and
Miss Anna Tlotz of Bancroft ; Kdward
Wolff of Howell and Miss Margaret
Lummel of West Point ; John Sehaefer
of Humphrey and Miss GertrudeHob -
bauson of Aloys ; John P. Hundquist
of Oakland and Miss Klsfc Tltiirston-
sen of Doyd county.
Home of F. A. Bricks Is Destroyed.
Mrs. Uriggs HI as Result.
Naper , Neb. , Jan. 5. Special to The
News : Naper's first flro has occurred
The residence of F. A. Hriggs was do-
siroved. Nobody Knows how the lire
Marled. The house could have been
-avt > < ! If the chemical engine had been
in working order Mrs Ilrlggs was the
last person to leave the house before
he fire. She left no fires save that
n the hard coal stove and It Is Blip
ofled nn explosion occured. The hvot
n $1,000 , with no Insurance. Mrs
irlggs took to her bed after the lire
ml suffered from hysterics.
Coldest Night ? No ; Aber Nit.
Forecast : Cold wave tonight , with
now Hurries ; fair Wednesday.
At noon the thermometer had
Iroppod lo 10 below zero In Norfolk. At
I o'clock a. m. It was n below and
omo hours earlier 7 below. Prospects
ire for th coldest night of tluyear. .
At Norfolk , 7 below zero.
At Gregory , 10 below zero.
At Chadron , 10 below zero.
At Deadwood , 10 below zero.
At Lincoln , 2 below zero.
No ; It wasn't the coldest night of
ho present winter. It was only 7 bo-
ow zero In Norfolk and some weeks
igo It got down to 1 ! ! below in this
nan's town.
Hut theio's no complaint , at that. It
! \-as plenty cold to suit most every
body. And the lilting northwest wind
lliln't make It any warmer.
Snow Flurries In Blnck Hills.
There wore snow Hurries In the
( lack Hills country , and clouds and
vliul. Down In the south Platte part
) f Nebraska It was warm and balmy ,
he mercury only lightly touching the
IMiolow mark.
Icemen In Norfolk smiled , because
t seemed to assure a crop off the
Mrs. Rnndn of n Well Known Family.
Nlobrara , Nob. , Jan. 5. Mrs. May
tnuda , the aged woman arrested In
Washington because she wanted to see
resident Koosevelt about some landtlt-
es , Is of one of the best known families
n northern Nebraska. She Is a widow ,
lor husband , Zac Itanda , dying several
rears ago In a hospital at Omaha. Ho
* ! > 3 ir , old pioneer In no-tni-rn No-
After /-AC. Handa's death , Mrs.
Inndn , the widow , became Involved In
in altercation over land with her
irothor-in-law , Max Handa of Nlo-
irara. Two months ago Mrs. Handa
made the throat that if she could not
seciiie justice , she Intended killing her
irothor-ln-law and then committing
uiclde , ilrst , however , appealing to
'resident Uoosevelt for justice.
Despite Mrs. Randa's statement that
icr husband was a friend of Roose-
oil's , no one In Niobrara knows of any
connection between the president and
Real Estate Transfers.
Real estate transfers for the week
'iidlng ' January 2 , 1U09 , compiled by
, Iadlson County Abstract & Guarantee
lompany , office with Mapes & Hazen.
lOugeno Crook to Leonard Hrown
W. D. Cons. $1,500. Pt of the so'4 of
Vi of 20-24-1.
Matilda Ahlman to Frank Ahlinan ,
W. D. Cons. $ .1.00. Lot 13 , block 4 ,
.lathewson's . 2nd Addition to Norfolk.
Frank S. Perdue to Daniel Long , W.
D. Cons. $1,800. Lot C , block 91 , F.
W. names' Gth Addition to Madison.
George H. Bishop to Fred Schroth
W. D. Cons. § 100. Lots 1 , 2 , 12 and
! ! , block SI ! , Queen City Place Addi-
ion to Norfolk , Nebr.
Matilda Hans to Herman Hogrefo
W. D. Cons. $5,400. WVfe w % 12-28-2
Julius Hoffman to Alice K. Steven
son , Q. C. D. Cons. $800. Lots 1 and
block 21 , names 2nd Addition to
Andrew J. Durland et al to Charles
F. lloltman , W. D. Cons. $200. Lot
14 , block 3 , Pasewalk's 3rd Addition to 1
Olive 10. Lemar to Hen I. Tanner , W.
D. Cons. $ t.OO. Lots C and 7 , block 5 ,
R. R. Addition to Newman Grove.
Fred H. Cornell to Hen Marshall , W.
D. Cons. $700. Lot 7 , block G , Untile
Cowboy Photographs.
There is an arlicle In Ihc January
World's Work with which are incorpor.
ated twenty-six photographs , taken by
Mr. lOrwln 10. Smith of the "Cowboy
as He Disappears. " There has prob
ably never before been a collection ol
such Intimate pictures of cowboy life
The collection Is particularly Inter
ostlng in this vicinity because manj
of the pictures were taken in this pan
of the middle west.
Anoka Champion Speller Out With An
other Defy to Word Fest.
Anoka , Neb. , Jan. 5. Editor News :
In order to show why I claim to have
a right to some credit as a speller Ii
North Cenlral Nebraska I submll Iho
following. In Iho month of January ,
1884 , I won Webster's unabridged
dicllonary In a conlesl In Sioux City ,
la. In thai malch were al least one
liundred proffessors , teachers and
pupils. In 18SG I won firsl prize al
Wesl Point , Neb. In 1887 I won flrsl
prize al Schuyler , Neb. In 1895 I met
the proffessor , six teachers and aboul
len high school pupils of Norfolk at
/arnervlllo , Nob. , and spelled them
down three times. Also In February ,
1895. I met the Hatlle Creek leachers
and pupils al Ualllo Creek , Neb. , and
won Ilrst prize , spelling forty-nine
words In writing of fifty that were
selected by a committee of Hatllo
Creek men. Just hero I will say lhal
during a residence of thlrty-elghl years
in such conlesls I have nol once suf
fered defeat If I am nol entitled to
some credit In-this branch of educa
tion with such a record I do not know
why. I will meel anybody In any town
In North Central Nebraska and see
who is entllled to the boil. Awaltlnt ,
some reply to challenge I remain
Respectfully ,
11. D. Wlllborger.
Pleads Quilty and is Fined.
Nollgh. Neb. . Jan. T , . Special to The
\o\\s. The prolimlnar } lu-ariug o
Ora Keeler was held before Countj
Judge Wilson yesterday morning , on
complaint filed by Deputy Game War
den R. W. Hyoru.
The young man pleaded guilty to
the charge of having throe prairie
chickens In his possession that he had
shot Sunday afternoon. He was as
sessed $ fi a hlid and costs The line
was paid and the prisoner discharged.
Not Reached by Judgc Welch Until
the Afternoon Mrs. Rotter Wins ,
The Herrlck case , the most Import
ant of the suits to be beard by Judge
Welch In Norfolk this week , was not
reached until Wednesday afternoon at
the court session which Is being hold
In the city hall. Many witnesses , In
cluding members of the Friday and
Durland administrations , were sum
moned into court lo testify as to de
tails of the dealings between the city
and Contractor Herrlck. Several
thons'-nd dollars are at stake.
The case was not taken up ttoonor
because the Illness of Court Reporter
Will Powers made It necessary to
secure a stenographer to take down
the testimony.
IK'fore the Herrlck case was
reached Judge Welch heard and took
under advisement the case of Gibson
vs. Manvlllo , a land transfer case from
Meadow Grove.
In the Rotter divorce case , Judge
Welch ordered the plaintiff , Mr.
Roller , to pay $100 temporary nllnionj
pending the trial of the case.
Norfolk Will See Excellent Company
in This Piece.
"Under Southern Skies" Is one of
the series of plays by Lottie Mlalr
Parker which portray life in dlfYo.viit
sections of our country. 'I'b : irsi de
picting New lOngland life was ca'led
"Way Down lOast. " The second one.
"Under Southern Skies" was-- first
copyrighted as "Way Down South. " 11
was produced In London nt Messrs.
Galtl & Frohman's theater on Gctoocr
2l ! , 11101 , under the caption "Way-
Down South" or "Under Southern
Skies. " In this country , although
known under both titles , "t'nder
Soulhern Skies" has finally come to bo
used exclusively , as sub-titles are not
so much in favor as a single name.
"Under Southern Skies" now stands
without rival as a picture of south
ern life. Mrs. Parker is thoroughly
fiimiliar with southern pe'ople , their
ci'stonu ' : and manner of Ihoughl , ami
pome of her closest friends Irivc b en
southerners. Mrs. Parker says that I
"Under Southern Skies" has a founda
tion in fact , for it was based upon
the romantic history of a young !
southern girl which was related to her i i
by one of these friends. Perhaps it is I !
Ibis underlying vein of Irulh and real
ity In the play that has given it such
vital force. Hut whatever the cause
the fact remains that "Under South
ern Skies" Is one of the best paying
attractions on the road today. Large
and enthusiastic audiences arc the rule
I wherever it Is presented and this , its
I eighth season , finds It enjoying grealei
popularity than ever. An unusually
large cast , twenty-three people , u employed -
, ployed in the presentation of the play ,
the stage settings are llflik < ! repro
ductions of the scenes in th sunny
soulli , and a Hallowe'en celebration is
reproduced , which surpasses auylhing
of the kind over seen upon the stage.
About Norfolk.
West Point Republican : In dealing
out Christmas presents in the way of
' political appointments governor-elect
Shallenbergor did not altogether forget
Cuming county. He has announced
the appointment of Dr. H. L. Wells of
this city to he first assistant in Uio
Norfolk asylum. It is a good position
with a salary of $1.500 and living ex
penses attached , but It Is very likely
that he will not accept it. Rumor has
it , that he would have been named for
superintendent had the Democratic
powers "That bo" in tills county given
his candidacy for that position cordial
and earnest support , instead of throwIng -
Ing Ice water on it.
f lowing Advocate : That Norfolk is
fasl growing in population was demon-
slrated in the local columns of The
y' ' News Tuesday. That paper contained
I the births of no loss than three boys
and three girls within the preceding
twenty-four hours. Wo presume that
the new arrivals as well as all the
other interested parties are gelling
along nicely. St. Pelor himself inusl
have wepl with Joy at the congralula-
llons ho received al Iho hands of tbt
happy parents for his impartiality tu
so evenly dividing up the sex.
Chadron Journal : E. C. Hycrly , the
baker , returned to the city Friday
morning with a bride , his newly wed-
led wife , who was Miss Jennie
Wheeler of Norfolk. Mrs. Uyerly
formerly lived In Chadron and Is a
most excellent young lady. Mr
IJyorly has been In Chadron but a few
months but he Is a most promising
young business man who has made
many friends. The Journal extends
Newman Grove Reporter : W. II
Weeks , editor of the Fremont News
has leased the plant of the Norfolk
Press and will turn It into a Demo
cratic weekly. The angel of Ibis of
flee says that Weeks used to run t
newspaper In Newman Grove mail }
years ago.
Evening Joys.
Walt Mason : I seat mo by the
tnglonook , and start to road some
cherished book ; I con the sprlghtlj
pages o'er , and halo the vllllan more
and more , nnd happiness Is In m >
cup when Guy , the hero , runds bin
up. and swears he'll send him up the
spoilt and then the denied old g.i
goes out ! SOIK- ' friends drop In ic
weep and laugh o'er music from m >
phonograph ; I ask them If they e\c
heard the good old trusty "Mocking
Illrd , " and while to find that tune I
scout , the gosh-blnmod measly gas
goon out ! Ileforo the loklng glass
1 stand , a Seiirsbuck razor In my
hand , Intent on moving from my
chin the shrubbery I can't drive In ;
I shave till I'm half done , about
and then the dog-gomd gas goes out !
O ye who for your lighting lean on
John D. Archbold's Kerosene , or read
your papers on the porch , Illuminated
by a homllck torch , well may ye all
with iiintiiro shoiilt ! The gas for you
does not yo out !
Verdict Expected Some Time During
the Night.
Media , Pa. , Jan. ( ! . The murder
case against Mrs. lOrh and her sister ,
Mrs. llelsel. for killing Mrs. Krb's IIIIH
band , will be placed In the hands of
the Jury and a verdict Is expected to
night. The defense began Its final
appeal today , summarizing the evi
"Ho meant well , " Is an apology your
friends 'make for your mistakes ; It
Isn't an excuse.
In many respects It Is pleasant to
live In one community all your Urn ,
Hut there Is one serious drawback :
lOvery man , In spite of himself , accum
ulates a lot of enemies , who "talk"
aboul him and appear In his path
twenty times a day. Sometimes a
man accumulates so many enemies
that he Is willing to leave his friends
in order to yet rid of Ills enemies ,
and move to a strange country.
snii'i.i : IIIMIDV : : i-oit i\ cmi-i-i : .
I'lickliiK la KTlppo ritiiKliH Unit may
( lovi'lop Into iiiii'inii'inlii uvor nlwlit lire
< | iilrkly i-iirru by Fulcy'H lluni'y ninl
Tur. Tlio HOI-O ninl hillamril IIIIIKH HIT
licnlcd and Hlri'iiKllic'iiuiI , ami a ilan-
uorniiH riiiiilllIon Is ( illicitly nvui'ttiil.
'Iho Klcwiiii DniK oninpanv
An Atclilson woman , who was bap
tized iccently , did not got her nose
wet and made ( lie preacher do It
Then ; IH no PIIKC on record of n
rold ur In Krlppn developing Into pnoii-
nioiiln after Koley'H Honuy and Tar
linn Iii'cn taken , us It ( Mires the most
olistlnnle doej ) seated roughs and eoldH.
Why Inke auytliliiK else. Thu Kiesau
Orupt company.
Women are looking for rich hus
bands. The mei. are poor. too. and
arc looking for rich wives
A HellKloim Anlhoi-'M Stiitrinriit.
For several years f wa * alTHetcd with
kidney trnulilu and last winter I was
suddenly strleken with a severe pain
In my klilnoys and was confined lo liril
' ' days nimble to fret up without
as.slNtanre. My urine contained u thick
white sediment and 1 passed s-irne I re-
fluently day and'nlRlit. . I co-ninom-i ii
taklnw : Foley's ICldaey Ilemed'- , and
the pain gradually ahntei ) rind Dually
ceased and my urine hi""inu nonaal.
I cheerfully roeommond Foley's Klilru y
Ilotnedy. ' 1 ho Kiesau Druj company.
If you fool with whiskey , don't
scream with lerror wlu > n the Jim
Jams get you ; go to hell like a man.
If you will tnlto Foley'w Orlno Laxa
tive until the howels heroine regular
you will not have to take purKatlve
constantly as Koley's Orlno Tjixatlvo
positively oures chronic constipation
and HlliKKlHh liver. Pleasant to take.
'Tho Kiesau OriiK company.
Wo have always found U a prelty
j good , rule to avoid an "intellectual
treat. "
llun'n Thl t
SV offei Ono Hundred Dollars He-
ward for nnv ease of Catarrh that can
not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
K. J. rilKNKV * CO. , Toledo. Ohio.
We , the undisfHlfjiiod. have known F.
.1 Cheney for Ihe last ilt'teon years , and
believe him portcrtl ) Honorable In all
business transactions , and llnanclally
able to carry out any obligations made
by bin firm.
Wholesale Unionists , Toll-do , O
Hall's ' Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter-
ally , aatiniT diroudy upon the blood
nil niueniiH surfaces of Ihe system ,
'osllmonlals went free. I'rtce , 7Cc per
mule. Sold by all DrtiKKlHta
Tnk llall'H Famllv Fills for count tin -
in Hull
Notice to Creditors.
The Stale of Nebraska }
Madison County , \ ss.
n the Matter of the Estate of Caroline
10. Farley , Deceased.
Notice is hereby piven to all persons
laving claims and demands against
Caroline 13. Farley , late of said Madi
son county , deceased , that the time
Ixed for filing claims against said
estate is six months from the 18th day
of January , 1UOO. All such persons are
eqnired to present their claims with
the vouchers to the county judge of
said county at his office In the city of
Madison. In said Madison county , on
or before the lOlh day of July , 1001) ) ,
ind that all claims so filed wilt bt ,
leard before said judge on the 10th
lay of July , 190 ! ) , at one o'clock p. in ,
Myron M. Farley Is the executor of the
It Is further ordered that notice to
nil persons Interested In said estale
be given by publishing a copy of Ibis
order In Iho Norfolk Weekly News-
Journal , a weekly newspaper printed ,
published and circulating In said
county , for four consecutive weeks
prior to said day of hearing.
Witness my hand and seal this nth
day of January , A. D. I'JOS.
[ Seal. ] Wm. Hates.
County Judge ,
Over Northwestern Prairies.
The Madison Post proposes that
Madison make nn effort to got the
state Odd Fellows' homo which Is to
bo located some time after February 1
T. B. Aldorson , who represented this
county In the last legislature , has quit
the farm and will move either to Madi
son or Lincoln.
The baby whoso mother Jefl It with
a stranger on ft Northwestern train nt
Fremont , is to bo given to n Fremont
family lo adopl , by orders of Mayor
Mail'snn PostTli < ' fact that a
paroled piibuiii-r ivci'iulj voluntarily
l to the pcnlu-ntlai > Is not con
clusive proof that ho wan from Hoonn
William Haugo , arrested not long
after his marriage at Newman Grove ,
was bound over to the district court
In Columbus on a charge tiled by Miss
Anna Johnson living near Lindsay.
The following officers were elected
nt the annual meeting of the MadlHon
branch of the anil-horse thief nsso-
elation : President , S. O. Davlos ;
vice president. Jesse Robertson ; sec
retary , George Lltko ; captain , S. M.
Alnsworth Democrat. John Oin-
merman who lives south of Johnstown ,
was In Alnsworth Tuesday and reports
a mysterious and fatal disease that
has attacked the horses m his neigh
borhood. The animal will be appar
ently all right when its ears will sud
denly droop and the horse soon falls
and dies. Nobody seems to know the
cause or how to prevent It. Mr. Oni-
merman has lost three head and
neighbors several more.
As the noon train slopped at Iho
Gregory depot ono day last week Homo
passengers standing on the platform
discovered llro In the 1C rot lor elevator ,
and by the prompt acl Ion of the rail
road men nnd citizens the lire was ox-
tlngiilshcd before it got un.lor bend-
way. Ono sldo of the engine room WIIH
burned out , but no further damage was
Spencer Advocate : Frank Dohso
sued Andy Doronson ror sixty cents
which Frnnk claims Andy OWOH him
for two hitch reins. The reins were
purchased by a hired hand of Mr.
DoreiiHon's and are being used on his
narness. The case came up In Justice
ICorth's court last Friday and the Jus
tice.handed down a decision In favor
of the plaintiff in the sum of sixty
cents and Interest. G. A. McCuteheon
IB attorney for the plaintiff and Al
Tingle for the defendant. The case
HIS curried up to the district court ,
and If this honorable court don't see
111 to throw It out the costs lire liable
to run up Into several bushels of
corn and a set or two of harness.
KIoux City Tribune : Attorney J. A.
Molenlf lira returned home from
O'Nrlll , Neb. , where IIP won for his
clients the forgery case of M. 10.and
lOmma ISerg against Patrick Ragan
and others , which occupied the at ten-
lion of the district court there for
four days. Two years ago a man
named tlnderwell sold a quarter sec
tion of land near O'Neill to the O'Neill
National bank , claiming that ho was
the agent of M. 10. liorg , the owner ,
but at thai lime , so it was proven ,
Berg was In Grand Junction , Colo. ,
and It was alleged the signed deed
was .1 forgery. As the United States
Advice of Noted Authority , Also Given
n Simple Prescription.
! Now IH ( he ( line when the doctor
I gels busy , ami Iho patent modlclno
manufacturers reap the harvest , un
ions great care Is taken to dross
warmly and keep ( ho feel dry. This
Is the advice of an old eminent au
thority , who sa.\s lhal Rheumatism
and Kidney I rouble weather la hero ,
and also tells what to do In case of
an attack.
Get from tiny good prcm'rlpllon nhnr-
macy one-half ounce Fluid lOxtratU
Dandelion , one ounce Compound Kar-
gen , three ounces Compound Syrup
Harsnparllla. Mix by slinking In a bottle
tle and lake a foaspoonful after meals
and at bedllmo.
"Just try this simple homo-made mix
ture at llro Ilrst slun of Rhoiiinallsm ,
or If your back aches or you feel that
the kidneys are not actlni ; Just right.
This Is said lo he a splendid kidney
regulator , and almost certain remedy
for all forms of Rheumatism , which IB
cnuHod by uric iiefd In Iho blood , which
Iho kidneys fall lo Illtor out. Any one.
cnn easily pioiwro ( his at homo and al
small cost.
DruRglsIs In this town and vicinity ,
when shown Iho proscription , slated
that they can either Hiipply these In-
Kiedlcnls. or , If our readers prefer ,
they will compound the mixture for
malls wore used In perfocllng iho
trniiHitcllon , Allornoy Melcalf Is of the
opinion that the mailer will bo taken
up by the federal aiithorllleH.
Columbus Telegram : Jane While ,
the young girl who gave birth to a
child In a llurliuglon passenger coach
lust week and threw Iho child from the
train , has been Identified as a resident
of this vicinity. She was an orphan
child of Lewis While , who resided near
Humphrey for several years , later
moving lo n farm easl of ( his city.
For Ihe past live years she has been
living al the homo of her guardian ,
George Galley. Mr. Galley says
a day or two before the tragic clr
oiimstanop the girl bad been shopping
In Columbus , and neiiher he nor his
wife had any Intimation of her dellcato
c lit ion. It was the second time the
girl has heen n mot her. Her first child
was born two years ago at the state
limlltnllun at Mflford. The child was
adopted ! n another homo and Is still
living. The girl mother is si ill hi a
Lincoln hosplinl , nnd is said to bo In
a critical condition. Report say * that
an soon as the young mother shall re
cover the case will be given a thor
ough investigation , In an effort to
locate the aullior of ( lie poor Krl'B | V
Omaha , Neb. , Jan. 2. To the editor
of The News : Graduashun day has
past and wont and I've got a job as
bed steno. in a grosery store on north
Sixteenth. I didn't graduate ; I Just
I can rite sborl-hand plenty fast
enuf to graduate , but they made a
feller road It , and there's where I fell
down. The faster I rite it. the slower
I read it after ils rlt ajid vice vorsy.
Don't Hko their old short-band c-nny-
way. I can whack It off almost ab
fast on the typo-writer and road it
without a hit of ( rubble , and what's
the lists of making a lot of turtol-tracks
you , nor nohoddy else can road and
then maluf fourteen mistakes to the
line transkribing your notes. 1 no
hundred dollar a niiinth stenogs. that
don't rite short-hand al all , and I
b'liovo I can be more use to my em
ployee to transfur Ills fhots dlrockt.
to the paper without onny middleman's
The man I'm wurking for sad I'd do
all rite If I didcnt no shorthand , just
so I cud run a masheen and now ennf
not to sell a live cent box of crackers
for a dime , and cud cut off within
seven ounces of haf a pound of ehee/.e.
You sue I am not only bed steno. but
he has also made mo superuntondant
of his cracker and cheeze department.
This is my furst reel job and I'm
a going ; lo make good and make my
self so iudcspcnclhlo to my employee
that he wont bo able to do business
j without me.
My professor gave mo a motto card
when I left college that leeds , "Peo
ple who never do auy more that they
get paid for , never got paid for any
more than they do ! "
I've pinned II up behind my typewriter -
writer and I Intend to reed it every
morning. 1 in to get six dollars n
week nnd I'll bet I don't get paid for
enny more than I do. I'm lo have
ono mcel a day of crackers and chee/o
and pca-nuls and so fourth too if I
wanl U. But I've got to eat nt least
twice a day somewhere else.
The boss sed ho hired the lasl fel
ler ho had wllh Iho same undersland-
ing , only ho forgol to spossify thai
ho must gel lee tneels a day oulsldo
the store ; and so the feller et one
meel a day in the store and that lust
ed nil day , until finally ho got pall
and sallow and jhondlssy looking
from eating so monny pocnuts and
cheezo and now ho's sick wllh Iho
nowmonla ,
Sins I only haf to buy too mools a
day I believe 1 oughter save al loosl
too dollars a week out of my uallery.
Lot's see , that will be over $100 a
year wont It. Goo , I wundor how old
I'd bo before I'd bo as rich as Rocky-
feller nt that rate. I'll bet when ho
was a kid wurking on six a week he
saved live of It.
Tllf t\po\\lit T th'.V ' llllM- ( It tllir-
store is the measliest old thing I e\tr
uitc > n Ilt > a Rfinlngioii No 1. and
,1)10 , ) clerk told me It was the furst
typewriter that over cum to Omaha.
It was all shot lo peeces when my
boss hot it for flvo dollars at a HOC-
kund hand store nnd being a kind of
a jack of all Irades ho wenl to wurk
and lixt It up so that it wnd run. That
was llfteeu years ago and b0 has bin
too busy to fix it onny sins that time.
It riles a. . line like this , and you haf
to use dubblo space all the limo or
the lines will run Into each uther.
The period has punched such deep
holes into the
rolling-pin that every
time you strike a period or a comma
It makes a hole in
the paper as big as
a hat-pin. If you get to rltlng more
than ton words a mlnnil on It the old
tipo-bar.s get tangled up and forget
lo go back when- '
whenthey b-long. I'm go
ing to get sum witch-haw. ! and rub
into Ils old Joints and see If that
won't limber H up a bit.
Mebbo sum kids thinks it don't
take much noilogo to sell crackers
and dieoze. Sposo they was selling
oheeze nt LT.c . a pound and Hinnono
cum in and ast for ten cents worth ;
how menny ounces wud they set Iho
scales at without stopping to llgger
or think more'n a ininnlt ?
Or sposo a farmer cum In with
three and a half duzzen eggs wurth
-7e a duzzon and wanted half of it
in crackers and half In chcoze iuid a
Ufle can of corn stirrup. How much
cheozo wud Ihe kid that thinks gro-
sery clerking a snap cut off ?
It luck me quite a while to lorn how
big a chunk to cut off for a pound
and not get too much. It don't make
enny difference if I don't get onuf.
The scale * Imllunce just as well , for
they've bin In the grosory business
almost as long as that typewrllor.
Their bearings must bo gelling
I asl the boss If I shuddont oil my
cheex.e scales , and he sedformoto let
'oin alone. If they past Iho Inspcck-
lor of wails and merziircs they ought
to pass mo all rlto. So I let them
alone , hul yesterday , when the boss
was to dinner. I trlde them , for I was
eurlus. I bret a pound wall from an-
ulhor ponr of scales nnd U wald just
a pound on my scales. Thai must
have bin iho way the scale Inspecktor
tcsled Ihom. I put on a shingel-nulo
nnd the boom went up , showing they
wudent way more than what was rite.
Then I uX a peoco of cheej-.o thai
wald Jus ; , a pound and cul off a ouiico
nnd a hnf nnd iho boom ballanct at a
pound. When I cut off moro It dropt.
What wud you do If you was mo and
dldont want to loozo your Job but
b'leoved onnesty is Iho bosl polllcy ?
I nsl Undo Oscar and ho sod Ihero _
was Irlcks In every irndo and a fel- \
lor miiBlenl be too square , bocos ik
most of the easiest helen in a business
way was round ones , and a square peg
wud have nubble In filling thi-in So
until I hcrr from yon I'm going to cut
as neer to a full pound ns I can
Yours ,
1 Johnny Dumper.