The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 08, 1909, Image 1

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, , , , .
i ; LEW RE
Governor Sliallenberger Takes
Oalli ol onto ,
Recommend ; ! Guaranty of Dank Depos
its , Impi ovemunt of Primary tlec-
tlon Law and Changua In Admin
istration of State Institutions.
Lincoln , Jan. 7. U Is now Governor
Slmllenhergor. Aalitnn C. Shallenber-
Kor was today Inaugurated an Ne
braska's state executive and George
Ijiwson Sheldon retired from that
position. Other newly elected state
officials were also Inaugurated today.
Sheldon's Sensational Plea.
Hetlrlng Governor Sheldon , In his
farewell message , recommends the
sterlll/.atlon of convicts by surgical
means In order to prevent offspring
from the criminal class. In support
of liln recommendation ho pointed out
the power of hereditary Intluonce ,
showing how many criminals are begotten -
gotten by criminal parents. Thousands
of criminals luivo come from one
criminal parent at the start.
lie also rovlesvs the reform legis
lation that has been accomplished
during the pasl two years under his
administration. This Includes the U-
v < nt passenger faro law , railway com
mission legislation , etc.
Sliallenberger for Bank Guaranty.
In his Inaugural address this after
noon Governor Sliallenberger declares
that Nebraska needs a bank guaranty
law. Ho would levy a slight tax on
all bank deposits. His plan Is similar
to that suggested by Bryan.
Ho recommends revising the reve
nue law so as to restore precinct as-
lie would empower the state rail
way commission with authority to take
the physical valuation of railroads.
He would give both Omaha and
South Omaha complete homo rule.
Hits Primary Law.
Ho hits the primary law as unsatis
factory and unfair in many provisions.
The expense Is enormous. The alpha
betical advantage should be elimin
ated. Ho suggests a county primary
to nominate county officers and select
state convention delegates.
State conventions should be held
prior to the primary , drafting plat
forms In advance.
Mr. Shallonherger still favored the
ankle recently fractured and asked
that the ceremony bo hastened as
much as possible.
Favors Bank Deposit Guaranty.
The Inauguial exercises took place
at the stale house , and the chief jus
tice of the state administered the oaih
of olllce to the new olllclals. The nn-s
eago of the retiring governor was read.
Governor Shallenberger had a well
prepared speech , which ho delivered
Immediately after the Inaugural oath
was administered. In part , he said : "H
Is a reiU'i. . . MHJU oar Anu'iiian cl\ atid ; methous to
u lo.igi r tail to punido an Insurance
guaiantj tund and banking law , wmi li
will make e\ery dollar deposited in a
Nebraska bank , absolutely sure of beIng -
Ing relumed to its lawlnl owner upon
demand. Certain deposits are now se
cured in state and national banks by
safeguards In addition to the gtmrau-
ties which the law exacts of the bank
I er to protect his Individual depositor ,
the county , the state and the nation
having found by experience that the
securities which the law provides for
the ordinary depositor are at times In-
Bufilcient , and therefore required that
the banks shall at their own expense
deposit bonds as additional security
to protect them against any possibil
ity of loss. There can bo no rule of
business ethics which makes It just to
secure the state and the nation and
deny the same protection to the indi
vidual depositor. The only question for
you to dccldo , it seems to me , is as
to whether or not the proposed addi
tional guaranty fund can bo created
with the certainty that It will provide
absolute security to the depositor and
not place an nntalr burden and re
sponsibility upon the banker. I be
lieve that the desired security can bo
obtained by levying a light tax upon
the capital stock or each bank trans
acting business under our laws , thus
providing a guaranty fund to pay
promptly any possible loss to a de
positor by reason of the failure of n
state bank , the amount of such tax to
be a certain per cent of the average
deposits as shown by the reports of
the department of banking , and pay
ment to bo made at stated periods and
for a llxed amount. The minimum
capital required for the incorporation
of a state bank should be Increased tent
nt least $15,000. Bank examinations
should be made twice a year , Instead
of once , as now required. Examiners
should bo absigned to a certain torn-
tor > and thus eventually would become -
come familiar with conditions and se
curities in the locallt > and would ac
quire the necessary knowledge as to
the worth of the bill * recei\abie of
the banks whU-h the > would oxanun.
which Is the essential thing in deter
n'ii.Ing the soUcncy of any banking
corporation. Under a guaranty plin
which would make the banks of the
state sustain the losses of the entire
uystinn , the hankers should he given
u iharn In thu control of the depart
Revenue Law ,
"Our present revenue law should he
mu'-ii'led ' Insofar as Is necfHsary to re
store to Ihu people the right to elect
the precinct assessors and to limit In
putt at least the arbitrary powers
which the preaent law gives to the
Ktatii hoard of equalization and as-
flnnsment , no that the penplo Rhall
have restoiud to them some voice In
determining the amount of taxes they
shall be compelled to pay to support
the state government. It appears tome
mo lee great a gift of power to give
to the state and county hoards the
right to determine the amount of the
levy which shall ho laid upon the
proport ) of thu cilUcn and at the tmmu
limu empower the state board to de
termine thiough Its mandates to Ihu
county assessors and their depulle.s the
valuation that shall be placed upon
the properly of the taxpayers , \\hon
we consider thai the nuMiibcrs of thib
all powerful hoard of ajtiossmont , actIng -
Ing In their olllclal capacity as the
heads of different state departments ,
are authorized to spend the money
taken from the pc 'Is of the people
by the force of t ; } * 'p revenue law ,
the danger lurkln , Js excess of
power becomes moi\ -out. 11 Is
to ho remarked that fo int state
departments have co 4/ ' < ; d the
present law because it pn > -uuch
money for their use. It lsi'c ) > ? ] ] >
to bo noted that those who" " . .t
money which others must pay In'f r lew
thu magnitude of the amount to bo expended
ponded with greater equanimity than
those who have to provide it. The
cost of our state government has In
creased enormously In recent years. 1
wish to Impress upon you that funds
should be provided to meet every le
gitimate demand of the government
our different state Institutions and our
schools , bul every dollar that comes
out of the treasury must have been
paid In by some taxpayer and the bulk
of the states Income Is dug out of the
soil by tlic unremitting toll of UIOSL-
who can 111 afford lo pay for oxlnua-
gance or unnecessary expense.
Railroad Commission.
"Tho railroad commission should be
authorized and empowered to appuiUr
the physical value of the public ser
vice corporations of the state , and
to control tholr debt-making power.
If they have that power now , as some
maintain , the legislature should pro
vide the means with which lo pay the
cost of such an appraisement. A de
termination of the actual value of the
property of these corporations must
be the starting point of any effective
attempt at rate regulation. I believe
that adequate funds can bo provided
for this purpose by requiring all cor
porations doing business within the
state , to pay a small annual license
fee Into the state treasury. The right
to Incorporate and operate under our
laws Is a valuable consideration and
the power and prolecllon given enll
ties the state to a proper report as to
the conditions of such corporations
together with a foe commensurate
with the privileges granted. Such a
law In other states brings a sufficient
revenue to warrant Us enactmonl by
this legislature and the devotion of
so much of the fund so provided to
the purpose of obtaining a proper ap
praisement of public service corpora
lions , would be entirely proper , he
cause In any event corporations shouU
be required to pay for the expense of
examination and valuation just as a
bank or Insurance company Is now re
quired to do.
Administration of State Institutions
"I would suggest Ihat the constltu
tlon be so amended that a non-paitlsan
board of control could bo created , to
be appointed by the governor , am
have conferred upon It the entire man
ngement of our various state institu
tions. The state instilutious should
bo removed from politics as far as
may bo done and merit alone shouk
determine the right of any person to
serve the slate In the different depart
inonts made subjeel lo the board o ;
control. This board , in my opinion
should consist of three members am
have at Its command the stale accouni
and n qualified purchasing or business
agent , who should have a geneia
knowledge as to machinery , matena
and construction contracts and of al
mailers of business coming before UIL ,
board. This board of control should
purchase the supplies for all the state
Instllnlions by open compctiiioi
among those desiring lo sell lo the
slale. The praclice of malnlalnlng a
cash fund at the various stale Inslltu-
lions should bo abolished and the busi
ness of the state , so far as it applies
to the general conduct and administra
tion of the different stale Institutions ,
should be thoroughly systematized.
In making what changes I contem
plate , I have urged upon those whom
I hava selected certain salient things
Klrst , that they shall accepl Ihelr po-
slllons with the understanding that
they hold them only upon the condi
tion that they render to the state sat
isfactory service ; that no salaries are
to bo Increased , nor new offices creat
ed , unless authorized by the legls
lalnro ; lo employ no one not actually
needed , and to exact full time , cheer
ful and effecllvo service from every
person in Hie employment of the state.
The clerk of Hie supreme courl and all
olher olllcors of the slate an.i county
governments who now receive and re
tain the fees paid thorn by the public-
should bo plmod upon a fixed and rea
sotinble salary and all fees and mon
eys recchfd bv tlifii should bt > un-
ered into the state or iounty treasury. "
Snowslide Stops Traffic.
Provu. i ( oh J.i. A igo anow-
Bllde in Provo lotion w. 1 siop trattic
over the l > on\cr and Rio Grand * to
Helar City for two days.
Mrs , Erb and Her Sister Both
Go Free ,
i Mrs. Erb and Mrs. Belsel Were on
Trial Charged With Murdering the
Former's Husband , Captain Erb.
Claimed Self Defense.
Meiliu , Pa. , .Inn. 7. Mm. Krli nnil
lor sister , Mrs. Helsol , were loduy
ouiid "not guilty" of murdering the
m HUT'S husband , Captain Krb.
The case went to the jury last nlnlit
mil i-iirly this morning the jury re-
lorlod with Us verdict of acquittal
or both women.
Friends showered congratulations
ipon the two defendants when It be
came known that they were free.
Mrs. Holsel shot and killed Captain
Sri ) , according to her own story. She
said she did It In self defense. It was
n a struggle with the captain on one
side and the two women on the other.
Mrs. ICrb admitted she wrested the re
volver from the captain , firing several
times. It was said the captain made
life unpleasant lor his wife In an ef
fort to drive her to divorce , after fall
ing hluibclf to secure a divorce.
Edward Would Abandon Visit
to Emperor ,
Kaiser Wilhelm's Favorable Comment
Upon an Article In a Magazine Slur
ring England , Arouses Brrtlsh
Monarch's Ire.
London , Jan. 7. The Urltlsh cabinet
Is said to he the only thing that keeps
King Edward from abandoning his
proposed trip and visit to Kaiser \V1I-
helm of Germany ,
The kaiser's New vears speecn , re
ferring favorably to an article In the
"Dentch Ilevuo" criticizing England
has aroused tno king's ire.
Governor Draper Inaugurated Today
With Ancient Ceramonles.
Boston , Jan. 7. With all due ant
solemn ceremony , as befits so ancleu
a commonwealth as the state of Mas
Bachusotts , Dben S. Draper of Hopa
dale was proclaimed governor of Hie
stale and commander of ils forcus ID
the stale house here loday.
The ceremonies of Inauguration
were performed as usual In Ihe presence
enco of me members of the state legls
lature , convened under their tille o
"Ihe greal and general court" of Iho
slate. The oath of office was admin
Istered to Governor Draper and Lieu
tenanl Governor Frothlngham by Pres
Ident Treadway of the state senate
After Governor Draper delivered his
inaugural address he retired with his
suit and the convention dissolved.
Halns Still on the Stand.
Flushing , N. Y. , Jan. 7. For mora
than six hours District Attorney Dar
rln kept Thornton J. Halns under a
ceaseless flrf of cross-examination
am ! while the defendant frequently ad
mitti-d t ; tit he could not renu'inbor
some of Ihe minor details , the main
essentials of his direct testimony re
main unshaken.
Confesses to Killing His Mother.
New York , Jan. 7. Paul C. Finn , a
compositor , walked into the Brooklyi
police station , sa > ing he had klllei
his mother. Finn said when ho went
home , attor a day spent In drinking
his mother reproached him , and he
killed her. Mrs. Finn was stabbed a
dozen times.
All Points In Dispute Adjusted
by Baseball Commission.
Cincinnati , Jan. 7. The three days
session of the national baseball com
mission closed when the National As
soclation of Minor leagues agreed to
follow the class AA clubs and allow
the commission to setll Ihe differ
ences between Ihe iwo factions re
gardlng the territorial rights of the
KnbU'rn league and the Amurlcan as
social ion. Will ) the reaching of tills
com liiainn CH T > difference thai ex-
Istcd win" tt. iuiiiince began hifc
been adj"Stcd.
Hegard-ns tuKcls to tha world's
championship g.un - the commission
llxed the prica at $2 and the
minimum at 50 centi.
Illinois House Gets Into Deadlock Over
Election Contest.
Sprlnglleld. III. , Jan. 7. The Inaug
uration of Oenoon as governor of Il
linois was Indefinitely postponed today
when the house got Into a deadlock
over the Democratic proposition to
contest his election.
The senale refused to enter the joint
session to canvass the vote. No busi
ness will ho performed until the can
vass Is made. The Inauguration had
been scheduled for Monday.
Senator Gultiertson Assails
President ,
Senator Culbertson Wants a Commit
tee to Find Out Whether the Presl
dent Was Justified in His Action Ap
proving Combine.
Washington , Jan. 7. Senator Cul
lertson , leader of the senate minority ,
oday assailed President Hoosovelt for
ils action lu regard to the Tennessee
Coal and Iron company.
He also offered a resolution instruct
ing a committee to Investigate and re-
nort whether or not the president was
justified in acting as he reported yes
terday to have done In this cat-e
000 ,
Senate Commitee Reports Fav
orably ,
Bill Increasing President's Salary
From $50,000 to $100Gi'/ , : } Reported
Favorably Would Raise Vice Presl
dent to $20,000.
Washington , Jan. 7. The senate
committee today reported favorably 01
the bill to make the salary of tin-
president $100,000 per year and thai
of Iho vice president $20,000.
Thomas A , Edison Perfects New
Storage Battery ,
Edison Today Announces Perfection
of Storage Battery Which Will Rut
Street Car 100 Miles With One
Charging and Last 5 to 20 Years.
New York , Jan. 7. Thomas A. Kdl
son , "the wizard of electricity , " to
day announced the perfection of n
storage batlery by means of which I
will he possible lo operate a slree
car for 100 miles with one charging
The battery will last from five to
twenty years.
This promises to revolutionize
slreel railway operating as no poles or
wires will be required to run this no\\
car. Cables and trolleys will bo
relegated to Iho pasl by Iho new hal
Count Was Foxy.
Paris , Jan. 7. New victims o
"Count" Louis Hamon are coming to
light. Police declare he probably go
away with $700,000.
Stock Yards , Illinois Club anil
Trocadero Theater Damaged ,
Chicaeo , Jan. 7. Fire al the stocl
yards destroyed a largo part of th
feriilizing plant ot Danlng a Co. an
burned largo stores of chemicals , cans
int ; explosions , and injured a mini beef
of Iliemen. The loss was $5uUUUU
For more than lour hours OT > a\ai
able firemen m ila cits fmi lii in th
bi low zi'iu > \ ill < T to i r xt'iiiasprta
of thi uaiu''B Tin U .ii > . , of thill }
houtt's in the nckgh icrhood were
driven Into t e streets and many ol
the 250 emplojees of the company nar
rowly escaped.
Detectives Assigned to Guard
the Judge ,
One Letter Signed by a Man Claiming
Chicago as Home , Says Justice
Wright Will Be Dynamited If Com-
pcrs Serves In Jail.
Washington , Jan.7. Detect I ves were
oday assigned to guard the home of
lustlce Wright , who recently sen-
V'lieed Samuel. Gompers and other
abor leaders to jail for violating an
Many threatening letters which
uive been received by Justice Wright
aused alarm to the police. One let-
er , signed "George Fletcher , Ohl-
ago , " declared that If the men served
the sentence Wright would be d > na-
Hanly's Message Not Ready.
Indianapolis , Jan. 7. George V.
Hanly's message was not ready when
the state legislature met today. It
will bo ready tomorrow. Governor
Marshall wants the election of United
States senator taken up at once In
order to get things cleared up for
legislative business.
Many Amendments Are Proposed
in Senate ,
President Informs Senate Attbrncy
General Cannot Answer Culberson'a
Resolution Sends Message on Harriman -
riman Decision.
Washington , Jau. T. Tne postal sav
ings bank bill was belore the senate
and many amendments were proposed ,
some lequmng the deposit 01 postal
savings lands in state as well as na
tional baiiKS. That state banks should
bo used as government depositories
lor postal lands \\at > proposed in
amendments oflcicd by benauns
binith ( Mich. ) , Cummins ( la. ) und
uore ( Oklu. ) .
Senators McCumber , Fulton and
otheis declared in favor oi placing
finch state banks on an exact equality
with national banks as goveinmuiu
depositories , Mr. Smith's amendment
pioposeu the acceptance ol state , coun
ty , municipal or United States bonds
as security.
Senator Piles offered an amendment
providing thai postal savings lundb bu
deposited ratably among banks of a
city on a basis ot Iheir capital stock
and surplus.
Bonaparte Need Not Reply.
The senate also received two mcs
sages from the president , one recom
mending additional inlerstate com
merce legislation and the other relat
ing to the absorption by the Uniteu
Stales Sleel corpoiallon of the Ten
nessee Coal and Iron company. Presi
dent Koosetelt informed the senate in
plain lerms that he had approved the
absorption of the Tennessee Coal and
Iron company by the United Stales
Sleel corporation and had Instructed
Attorney CSeiieral Bonaparte not to respond
spend to Iho senate inquiry as lo the
reason lor his failure to prosecute the
steel company. The president declares
he does not conceive it to "bo within
the authorily of Iho senale lo give di
rections of this character to the head
of an executive department"
The message was in response to a
resolution , inlroduced by Senalor Cul-
berson , calling on Iho allorney gen
eral to stale whether ho haa brought
an action against the steel company
because of its acquisition of the Ten
nessee concern. While the resolution
was not directed to President Hoose-
veil , his attention was called lo il by
Altorney General Bonaparte.
New York Oarsman Wins Ricnly
Dowered Bride ,
Plttsburg , Jan. 7. John F. Mulcahy.
aldi rman and oarsman of New \ ork
cii > , was married to Miss Catherine
VliBKck , a 1'itts.burs heiress worth ? : i-
UUO.UUO , here this morning.
Owing to the death of Mr. Vilsack
within the paist year few guests > vere
Invited to tin' \si'l.i.g ! Tinc < re monj
was perforiin d in Si Paul o
Northfield Hero Is Dead.
Northfl o V MI Jai 7 Vis 1m II
Mannin ; , u i "ro or the lounger
James brothtrn ra.d . hrro over thlrly
one years a o , died of hearl disease.
1 mti'iMlur * for tvvontytour - Mr
Porecait for Nrtii < ) <
IMKlltlOll l f tiltA'elltllO Hi fttlHMO
> tl fin 'lu i wrntv-rnii' 'uiiir * Miiilltu
* 1 II 'fldll *
Mnxlmum -2
Minimum -10
Average - ( >
Haromeler DO.Ifi
Snowfall 2
Haiufall li !
Chicago , .Ian 7. The bulletin Is-
tiled ti > ilu > Chiengi ilntioi it th
' 'nlted ' Stutt'b ivimliitii tun imu tv
he foieniHt foi NohinHhi , fnMnwa
Snow Hurries tonight and Friday
with rising temperature.
Sun sets 1:1. : , rhos 7'0 ; 1110011 rfai'ii
tV.V. > p. in. ; d p. m. . planet I'mmis lu
eoiijuuctlon with the HUH. punning
from east to west and thus rlmngltir ;
from evening to morning utar.
Rev , Garmictiae ! of Columbus ,
Mich , , Victim of Murderers ,
Dismembered Body of Clergyman ,
Partly Consumed by Fire , U Found
Between Two Stoves Floor ant
Pews Splattered With Blood.
Detroit , Jan. 7. The dismembered
body of Uev. John J. Carmlchaol , a
Methodist minister , was found partly
consumed by lire between two heallnc
stoves in one of hi Ihreo churches
near Columbus.
Identification of the dead clergyman
was made by Orville Undsey , who
was sent to the church for that pur
pose by Mrs. Carmlchael , who had
been lu great distress since her hus
band failed to return home Tuesday
evening , and who surmised thai the
minister was the victim as soon as
she heard that some ono had been
murdered in the Columbus church.
However , clews of the murderer
and his motive were more dllllcull to
obtain. There was n report that a
strange man had lett a train at Hickey -
ey and had been directed to the Co
lumbus church. Other reports indi
cated thai Iwo men were Implicated.
The facl that money was found In the
clothing of the dead man and lu the
ashes precluded the theory of rob
bery and at the time of his death It
was not known the minister had an
Hev. Carmlchaol had been in Michi
gan about ten years , and for two years
had been pastor of churches a * Colum
bus , Adalr and China. With his wife
and throe children he resided at
Adair. Leaving home , he told Mrs.
Cannlchajl that ho was going to Co
lumbus to arrange for a seiies of re-
vhal mcf't'nps there , lie \\aved his
hand to a gioup ot children as he
diove out ol thu village of Adair and
from thai moinunl all truce of him 1 *
Myron Firown , who lives near Iho
scene of Ihe tragedy , was the first to
discover the rrime. While he was
waiting at the cross roads to keep an
appointment , the cold wind drove him
to seek shelter In the church. He was
surprised to find the doors unlocked ,
and upon opening them was terrified
to see the floor , the pews and even
the communion table spattered with
blood. Evidently the clergyman , who
was fifty-six years old and of athlellc
build , had made a slruggle lor his life.
The authorities on their arrival at
the church lound parts of the dis
membered body between two stoves.
In one slove was the head of what
was apparently a hatchel , Ihe handle
of which had been burned off. A dirk
was also found. This , il Is believed ,
was used in the murder , while the
hatchet was used to cut the body lo
Meeting of Sheep Breeders Is Feature
of First Gathering.
Ames , la. , Jan. 7. The meeting of
the Iowa Sheep Breeders' association
was a feature of the first gathering
for the Iowa agricultural abort course.
The stale poultry institution was also
gathered for the opening. Both these
branches proved ot mutual advantage
to both the college and Ihe galhorings.
Entries in Ihe corn classes are fill
ing up lasl , and a luaturo of this de
partment Is Iho high grades and qual
ity of corn being prebontod. Good
judges declare it is the best exhibit
over made at the university.
Springfield Has Blcj Fire.
Springfield , Mo. , Jan. 7. The fire
that destroyed the Baldwin theater
and a number of other buildings In
the business district also badly dam
aged Iho Colonial hotel. Joss , $200,000.
Explosion Wrecks Derrick Car.
Creston , la. . Jan. 7. A big Uurllnc-
ton derrick car and other wrecking
equipment was on its way to Tioy this
i nioiiilng t a -l-t in lU-aiiiiK u wreck
ot the I.i : > t mull v\l. n tiie
bmli r tn ii ' .i' iu t \i > .inl. < ! with
tin ( it fen t on u , < i > injured ICi > gi
no r M Ii U irr ut tins city and flight
i 1 > h'irt twj ot r r wre lu r cmplojecs.
The explosion rosullc-1 from frozen
Legal Executions Begin in Mes
sina ,
The Grlsconi Reaches Scene of Quake
Suffering , Taking $50,000 , of Itnly'o
Own Funds for the Relief of the
Messina , .Ian. 7. Legal execulloiiH
if the looters of oai'thiiuuko stricken
eltles , began today.
Several plunderers weio this after-
loon sentenced to death by the new
ourl martial.
Griscom to the Quake Scene.
Home , .Ian. 7. The ( iriscnm , Ameri
ca's relief ship , slarlod for the quaho
scene today.
Hesldes the piovlsions sent by the
I'nlted Slates , the ship look
if Italy's own luiids to help In Ihu
ellef work.
Kumti , Jan. 7. Ambassador CIIHCOIU
led hure today tor Messina to Hint
the Amciiiun Hiiuadioii , which It is ex-
putted will auivu there on Saturday ,
under Hoar Admiral Spurry on tin *
llaubhlp Cunnecticiil.
The aleamor Uuyurn , thu Amurlciui
relief blilp , liylnjj thu Ited Cioss em
blem , aallod tor Messina today. Tbla
Htcamur , with its great uiiruo of siti > -
plli's , will be able to take care ol thou
sands ol sullorors. There ate tlueo
Htirgcons aboard und tllty nurses , of
whom tlireu uru Americiiu and tlnuo
Eimlish. Fifty-eight thousand dollars
has been upent lei thu medical outllt ,
provisions aud clothes lor distribution
ashore. There is nil Immense supply
ol the necesaailea of lllo aboard , lor
both men , woiuun und children , partic
ular attention having huen paid to the
beloctioii ot lood for little ones. In
the pasl lolly-eight hours $15,000 bus
been spttnt In 1 to int. and $10,000 lu
Uunoa tor clothing alone. The cut-go
includes 1,401) ) blankets , 4,1100 undor-
clotheb , l.iou palru ol bhoes , 1,100 liata ,
uOO heuv } overcoat * , 200 capes , 1,100
uhnwls , 7 0 Milts of clotheb , 300 extra
trousers and u jjieat quantity ' shirts ,
etoci..nis and luimlkurcblet'j'y ' % V tea
ol caiidkB ynd 5.0UO boxen otsjMxcs ,
" "
jre among the tupplie , togei" < MU
all f.iiniH 01 lin.i.u.ueuVti lor u ing
and loi.ulrlui ; , lanleiiiB , buttons , sciu-
01 s , i.aiiB und liammeio and kltckcu
Thoie are also medical supplies , suf-
liclent lor the eslublisnmtni ol three
complete camp honpltaks ashore.
Thobc In charge ol the expedition
have $ : > 0,000 in small bills lor careful
Word received here from Naples
says that hoodlums during the night
ran thiough various quuitort ; ol the
city , crying "Earthquake , earthquake. "
The ctles aroused thousands oi people ,
who rushed out of their houses , Ihua
giving thieves an opportunity to work.
The following list of places In Hog-
glo piovlnce Is published as having
suffered the cieatcut damage Iroin the
earthquake : lia nutn , Cannitelln , Ca
tania , Ganllco , Galhno , I aganall , Mell-
cucca , Melito , Montebello , Motta , Pal-
mi , Pellaro , Podargoni , San Piocopto ,
Santo bte.ano , Scllla , ricniinara , Siuo
poli and San Giovanni.
Grateful to Americans.
The geiierobily oi the Ameikan people
ple In coming to the aid of the earth
quake sufferers Is the predomlnatlug
feature which is now attracling alien-
lion here. The fouling of gratc-luinesu
extends from the king down to tk
most lowly subject. In accepting la
behalf of the Italian nation the ship
which the American people , Una ugh
Ihe Rod C oss , filled up lo mlligal *
the distress of the sufferers in Iho
soulh , Ihe king said to AinbasoHdor
Griscom :
"Our people will be delighted to
hear of ihls murk of International
humanltarianlsm and will follow with
the keenest Interest the woik of mercy
which will be penoimed by the
Bayern. "
President and Mrs. Roosevelt Enter *
tain Diplomatic Corps Tonight.
Washington , Jan. 7 Gathered
around Iho While House board lonlght
will be the chiefs of the foreign em
bassies and legations In Iho clly , the
occasion being the annual dinner of
the president and Mrs. Hoosovelt to
the members of the diplomatic corps
and their ladles.
Two weeks from tonlghl the chief
Justice and the associate Justices of
the United Slales supieme court will
bo the guests of the probldent at u
U'hlte House dinner.
House Discusses African Trip.
The only incident worthy of note in
the house of representatives .ind
which caused a > d deal of amuse
ment was a 1 , discussion of thu
African hunting irip of Presidi-nt
Hoosevelt. Incidentally there wab a
reference to the lumens so-called Ana
nias club. The whole debate hinged
on the now , paper story stating that
Edgar O. Mcariih of the army was tea
a omiMiiy id. pnMdnt , and that in
jul.-r iu an a in had bi'in put on ihu
ntind list \\.ifi . luiri-utird rank Tim
matter \ uM'uuglu up by Mann ( III )
in conmctii'iiutn tit commlcrallon of
[ a bill authorizing the i-unanco of com
missions to ofllccrs who retire with
J..i.-.fc . . . i > . . . . . . , p. , . , . - , . -