The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 01, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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$176,000.IN ,
Sum Paid PltKburg Councilmen
( or Selection ot Depositories ,
Probable No New Steps Will Do Taken
Till Alter Holidays Promise Plenty
of Money to "Clean Up" City.
More Bankers May Be Involved.
PItlsburg , Dec. 25. That at leasl
| 170UOO was paid councllmcn for the
uelectlon of certain bank depositories
for thu clty'u Hindu has been almost
positively established through evidence
donco submltled and stalumiuits fur
nished by Uio Volors' loagno ana tin.
Summon doieullvos employed by Ihe
league to glvo this city u municipal
liouso cleaning. Whether all ut the
banks selected as depositories coutrib
Uted to this liiml has not been estab
lished. Olllcors of but ouu bank have
BO far boon arrested und they arc
charged wltji the payment of only $17-
COO of the aTleged bribery fund. That
other bankers arc to bo arrested la
almost positively stated by those back
of the probe.
Mayor Gut brio , who refused to maK
contiiictt ) with the banks , as aulhui < -
-Ixod by Uio councils , on the ground
that they wore Illegal , said that Lht
uoloction of the depositories Is vole
because secured by bribery and fraud
and that thu councils can set them
'asldo without the formality of court
proceedings. The period lor which
the deiwsltorles wej selected cxplroh
early In February.
That other ai routs arc to bo uiadt
IB practically udmlltod by all concerned
corned In the cases , hut the present
Intention Is to let the matter rest null
after the holidays. Detoctlv-os ait
still at work , however , and If developments
opments make It necussary o > 'llcerb '
will close In upon the suspects bofort
the tlmo now fixed by the league.
The Voters' league has beou assurec ,
of nil thu financial hacking needed
It was stated by Vice President 11. I )
W. English. Tlio league depcudt
wholly upon voluntary contributions
but Mr. Kugllsh said any sum up tc
$500,000 can ho secured any tlmo it It
needed without effort , proffers hnvliu
boon made by loading wealthy .men o
the city.
Secretary Gieene Wants It Made Par
of Public School Curriculum.
Dos Monies , Dec. 25. Secretar )
Wesley Greene of Iho lo\\a Horlicul
tural society wants every lurm to bt
a training school in the art of farm
lug , and he lecommonds that the ur
of practical fanning be taught lu tin
public schools. To this end he waul'
every school house to have a certait
amount of land , which shall bo cult !
\ vated each year and the scholar
taught the art of farming in a manner
nor which will show them the prat
tlcal side of agriculture. Ho wouk
.have a male teacher and provide i
dwelling on the land , the crop of tin
land to go to the teacher. In this manner
nor , Secretary Greene believes , the in
tercst of the teacher and pupils wouh
Lo equal and the result would bo beue
flclal to the youth of the stato. Thii
would propaio the student for tin
Btnto agricultural college and make I
much more popular than it is ut pros
ent. Ho thinks the crops raised wouli
H go a long way toward paying th <
Dnath of Iowa Pioneer.
Crestou , la. , Dec. 25. Patricl
Sweeney , a wealthy retired ( armor
died at the home of his sou , aget
eighty years , of cancer of the neck
Ho cume to Iowa fifty years ago aui
as been a succobstul agriculturist.
Burned to Death in Barn.
Sioux City , Dec. 25. Having acci
dentally set lire with sparks from hi ;
pipe to the barn , where ho was feedinj
his horses , It. S. Jones , aged sixty , i
.wol'- driller , was burned to death a
Effort Being Made to Have His Boa
L / Proceed Through Southwest Pass.
Now Orleans , Doc. 25. To have tin
vessel which will boar President I3lei/
Taft to this clly fiom his Panama trip
the first to use Southwest pass , at tin
mouth of the Mississippi river , h
planned by the New Orleans board o :
trade. The war department will IK
asked' ' If the channel cannot be official
ly opened on the date on which Mr
Taft Is to pass from the gulf to tin
river. The work of bringing tin
Southwest pass to a uniform depth o
thirty-five feet has been practical ! )
completed. _
Second Tragedy In Ambroz Family
St. Paul. Neb , Dec. 2S. Albert Am
broz , Jr . living with his parents neai
Farwell , committed suicide Christmas
day by shooting himself In the breasi
with a shotgun. It is the second trag
edy In the family within two weeks
an older brother having been killed It
a runaway accident. No motive Is us
signed for the act It the young man
whose family Is prominent am :
Womat , Run Down by Auto.
New York. Dec. 3. Mrs. Gilford
Dudley , widow of a Topeka ( Kan. )
banker , was run down by an automo
bile and probably fatally injured on
Broadway. Her skull was fractured
and she received serlou * injurio * la
Myitery In Sntje Assault on Young
Woman With Auburn Hair.
Fort Wayne. 1ml. , Dec. 20. Mlht
Clara Kaiser , well known for hoi io
markuhlo growth of auburn hair , wu
the victim of a peculiar assault dun i
thu night , and the fact that uhu HJ :
In the morning with u headache In
Kim ) oil as evidence that she vs. .
Miss Kayser retlied with her h-ul -
loosened , as Is her custom , and In th
morning when xhu awoke she sa\s lu
tresses lying on the Moor beside tli
lied. A pair of HCBHOIH ! lay near tin
bed mid tracks on the outside of hoi
window Indicated thnt thu Intrude )
was a man. The case Is Involved In
Blacks Plunge Through Car Wlndowt
to Escape Outlets.
Fort Smith , Ark. , Dec. 20. One negro
gro was killed and Iwo others fatali )
wounded during a light In the nogu
coach of u St. IxnilH , lion Moiinlnlr
and Southern railroad negro excursion
train between this city and Cherokot
Junction , Okla. Four other negroes
who plunged through the car window *
to escape thu bullets , cannot bo ac
counted for. Trainman finally over
puwuixt ] some of the disturbers unit
they were lodged In jail at Sallisaw.
Attempt to Steal Jug of < Vhisky Re
suits in Pistol Fight.
HopKliiHvillo , N Y. , Dec. 20. Klvi
iroKiooti'ie pei haps latnlly wouink-
In a geiieial pistol fight ul Kldeliu
KUKCUO Cariot , Thomas Sandoiu
John GUI lot and Iku Garret uio tin
victims Charles Sander b attempted
to steal a jug ol whlhUy and was shot
This M.uleil a general light , in which
nearly a hundred shots were fired.
Rival Suitors Slash Each Dthei
and Peacemaker ,
Cleveland , Dec. 20 A duel to the
death with knives in n dark loom be
tween two suitors for the hand of four
teon-year-old Julio Pico , resulted It
the death of Powell Kromich und th
serious Injury of Michael Milanovllch
who Is under arrest on the charge ol
murder. Kromlch's brother was prob
ably tatully slabbed when ho attempted -
ed to sepaiale the lighting men. Tin !
girl wns struck by Mllanovltch und
badly hurl. Roth Fromich and Mllano
vitch had pressed their suit and pro
posed marrlago to-tho girl. She 10
fused each in his turn. Each thought
the other the cause of his rejection
Both men wore boarders in the Pic
Milanovitch Is said to have gone tc
Fromich's room and accused the latlei
of sleallng his swecthenit.
" 1 am going lo kill you for It , " tin
police say he threatened. Then en
sued the fatal fight. The men slashei
at each other and also at Promlch's
brother when he tried to act as
Three Others Severely Injured Wher
Car Strikes Curb and Overturns.
Oakland. Cal , Dec. 20. As a icsu'.i
of a wild automobile race on the boulevard
vard one man was Instantly killed am
another man and two young worrier
weie ( severely injured The accident
occurred near San Leandro.
The dead : W. L. Mowery , chauffeur.
The injured. A. Jorgensen , Marls
Jorgensen , his sislor ; Mary Jansen.
Mowery , with his party , was racinj
with another machine driven by Join
Morgan. The lormer machine came tc
grlet on a sharp and dangerous double
turn , which Mowery attempted ti
make while going at teirlfic speed
The aulomobllo broke away Irom tin
control of Its dri\cr , skidded to om
side , strut k the curb and turned completely
pletoly over. Mowery was caught am
pinioned under his machine. Tin
steering wheel rested on his neck am
the back of the front seat had crushei
his chest Death was almost Instanta
neous. The others were thrown cleai
of the wreck , and to this fact they owt
their lives.
Parents Fight ; Babe Is Killed.
Philadelphia , Dec. 20. Albert Tur
ner , aged fifteen weeks , was killed ir
a peculiar manner during a fight between
tween his parents here. William Tur
ner , the father , according to the re
port made to the police , attacked his
wife because she did not have break
fast ready when he came down stairs
Mrs. Turner had the child In her arm :
and in the fipht she dropped it to tlu
floor. She was subsequently knocket
down and fell upon the Infant , crush
Ing It to death Doth parents wen
Huge Clock Installed at Chicago.
Chicago. Dec 2C One of the larg
est clocks In the world has beer
placed in Mitchell tower at the Unl
verslty of Chicago. Professor Karl H
Person , who designed the mammoU
timepiece , has made provision for t
boll , weighing 7,000 pounds , and tht
strokes may be heard five miles. Ths
four dials , which wlK be Illumlnatec
at n I slit , are readable for half a mile
Finland Expelling Hebrewi.
Hels'ngn s ' ) ec 23. One of tha
o-todlr exp-j'3ions ' of
Hebrews Is newt
t "n ? on in Finland Thirty fnmlllei
iv open ordered to emigrate Bt om
Exhibitors Are In Omaha From
Every Section ol the Country.
Omaha , Doc. 28 When the Trans-
Mississippi Poultr ) ami Pet Stock as-
Hoclallon s big show opened todti ) , the
big leghorn ( .01 k-'o-the-walk announced
It uutly by Hiaitlnu a crowing , which
was taken up b ) many othei leathered
fowls which have cages lu the Audi
torlum , with the result every oxhlhll
was awake before tlm eurolukerH wuio
on hand.
The big show promises to be one of
the host ever hold In the Missouri val
ley Exhibitors are hero from every
part of the country , with Nebraska
and Iowa leading. In addition to the
numerous cages of poultry and pot
ytock , many Incubalor and breeder
manufacturers have largo spaces lor
their exhibits. The show will con
tinue for four days.
Apply Torch to Weed Jam.
Uoaver City , Neb. , Dec. 28 ly Bet
ting lire to an Immense jam of Hus-
ttlun thistle xveods which had formed lu
fa cut a tew in 11 os noith of town , u
most unique railroad blockade was
raised The Immense propagation ot
the thistle the past two years has
caused much apprehension to fanners
With a lack of snow thousands of
them have been broken off and rolU-d
In heaps acioss the prairie , filling the
railioud cuts to an extent which made
It necessary tor tiacknien to remove
them with pitchforks Conductoi En
right set fire to the weeds and it tooh
but a few minutes to clear the cut.
Cutting Affray at McCook.
McCook , Neb. , Doc. 28. Otto Hen
drlck and Hairy Pearce , the latter
colored , ate borlously Injured as thf
result of a brawl and several othei
young men who attempted to take n
part In the melee received slight cuts
HenUncks and Pearce quaneled ovei
some trivial matter and both drew
knives. They slashed each other In
a frightful manner , but none of tu !
cuts touched vital spots. Several
young men of considerable prominence
are said to have been mixed up in the
affair , which has caused a sensation
A. D. Cutter Appointed Temporary
Chief of Polica.
San Francisco , Dec 2. Although
numerous boats have patrolled ant
searched the bay since daylight froir
the Golden Gate to Hunters' point , and
the olflcors of the ferryboats and otlv
er craft were asked to keep a sharp
lookout , the body of Chief of Police
William J. Biggy , who disappeared
from the police launch Patrol and Is
believed to have tallen overboard , has
not been recovered. It is feared thai
the body has been carried out to sea
i Police Commissioner Keil , who lives
In Delvidere and to confer with whore
Biggy crossed the bay , said that th <
I chief was much worried and concerned
over the attacks upon him by some
of the newspapers and the charges
and counter-charges growing out 01
the suicide at the county jail of Mor
rls Haas , the assailant of Assistant
District Attorney Francis J. Heney
The commissioner said that he ad
vised Biggy to pay no attention tc
the attacks upon him and that th <
chief left his home in a more cheer
ful frame of mind , but complaining
that he was not feeling well.
The police commissioners met witl
Mayor Taylor and. after an executive
session , appointed A. D. Cutter , presi
dent of the commission , aotins ; chief o :
police , pending the appointment of i
permanent head of the department.
Co-Edi Plan Tag Campaign.
Iowa City , la. . Dec. 3 The co-oili
of the Iowa university have planned <
tap cnmpalrn for n new woman's
building at the university. They wll
go to their Christmas vacations prepared
pared to buttonhole every letjisUitor It
Iowa for an appropriation for the pur
pose. M'-s ' H M Towner of the low ?
Federation of Women's clubs head :
the movement.
Boy Hunting Kills His Brother.
Mason City la. . Doe n While on
hunting inbblts Will Hnush. agei
eighteen years , shot nnd klllnd hi !
brother , Guv. aged twenty-five venra
They had separated and Will flreu i
hall at a running rabbit , and It struct
Ouy In tlu throat.
Woman Sheets Herself.
Now York , Dec. 3. A propossessltif
nd richly gowned young woman , whc
Imd registered at a TJrooklyn hotel as
Mrs. S. H. Falronor oi Sioux Falls. S
D. , stood before a mirror In her rooti
and fired a bullet Into her brain. Slit
was dead when r ' "llboy , attracted hj
the revolver repoit , entered the room
New \ork Showmen Will Conies
d1j > or iicCluilan's Ltorce ,
New iorK , Ltec 2G. . > loru thai
Unto luuiuixl ot New torii ui's uo
moving p.iiure showmen met and pit.
tc-btcU u0ui. i Major .McCleiians , u
tlou In u oning their luenscs an
cli s j tlitM shows. A commlttoo o
twuiu-nti was appointed to ixpji
on a plu.i 01 evaluation to conies
the u..a. , i . .i nl 01 Uie in .yot s dm 11.
The ina. , oi s order was aimed at e.\
hlbltoia i jjuclionabiu piciurcs am
plates w..i , ACie nol living up to tin
fire regj.u.ions , and it was stated b ;
htm that luiiewals of licenses wouh
only be granted to showmen whosi
places are conducted unobjectlonably
who take proper precautions ugalus
tire , and pledge themselves not ti
open their places on Sundays.
The mayor's order was r'glC'y en
forced In Manhattan and th Jironx.
Attacks on Englishmen Are Alarming
ly on the Increase ,
Calcutta , Nov. 27. Lord Mlnto ,
viceroy of Imlla , urrivoil In this city
niul will tnku active measures to < ; uull
the uplifting ngulnst KngtlBhmcn
which Is assuming most menacing
proportions The vlcorny cut Hhort
Ills excursion Into thu north following
advices thnt the niitlvu illsaffoctlons
wcro nlnrv ugly on the Increase.
A noiiBull attempted to kill Public
rrosocittor lltiino with a bomb In n
railroad cnrrlngo near Agurpana
There wore three other 12uropoans In
the car. The bomb , loaded with dum
dum bullets , foil Hhort and exploded
outside the carriage. None of the Eu
ropeans wns Injured. Superintendent
of Police dough has been murdered
by a native at Lyaltpur.
Science Association's ' Sessions
Will Begin Today.
Baltimore , Dec. 28. Men of llghl
and leading lu all brunches of scion
ttfic thought , members of the Amor
lean Association for the Advancomeni
of St lence , began here today their nn
nual session , which will extend ovoi
6e\e/al days. The meetings , whlct :
will be held at Johns Hopkins univer
Elly and will be open lo Ihe public
will be fillc'l wllh popular Instiuctloi :
as well as scientific value , since u
progiam of Inteiest to the nonsclen
tilic visitor as well as to the savani
has been prepaied Heceptious , din
neis , smokers and other gatherings
ha\o been arranged In addition to thf
stated program.
Preceding the regular meetings oi
the association theie have boon several
oral meetings to listen to papers re
latlng the progress of scientific re
searrli during the past year and tc
celebrate the centenary of the blrtl
of Charles Darwin and the semicon
tenary of the first publication of his
monumental work , "Tho Origin o
Species. " One of the speakers at tin
Darwin celebrations has been Pro
fessor Edward 13 Poulton of England
one of the world's leading evolution
Graft Prosecutor to Inquire Into Na
tional Banks at Plttsburg.
Pittsbuig , Deo. 28. Theie is a ru
mor thai Krunils J. Honey , who un
covered thu Oiogoii land trauds am
who was conspicuous in the Sal
Francisco jjiobocullons , is coming hori
shortly , at the ioquet.1 ot 1-residen
ituobuvelt , to investigate the allegoi
bribery no lav as it is connected will
icdeiul liibtilullons. According U
Washington reports , Mr. Heney was it
conloienco with the president on tin
Plttsburg situation. It he cornea hen
it will be in the capacity ot u specla
examiner , it Is said , to investigate tin
alleged use ol money by oilloials o
national banks to have their Institu
tlons made depositories of the city'i
Alleged Participants In Attemptei
Holdup in Jail at Lincoln ,
Lincoln , Dec. 28. A man giving tin
name ot Joel 13. Clarke and Omaha u :
his home is a prisoner in the city jail
with a bad bullet wound in the leg
the result of an encounter with W. D
0 Grady , night agent at the Hock Isl
and station With Clark in jail is i
man who says his name is Charles Di
Vorak , also claiming Omaha as hi :
, home O Gradj charges the two will
attempting to hold him up at the sta
, nun , and it is alleged their plan \va
to rob the depot. The men came in oi
, the westbound Uock Island train , am
alter its departure entered the bag
gage room , where the agent was a
work. They saij they were expres
cornpa-iy employees , and asked per
mission to remain In the room unti
daylight. O'Grady ' refused to let then
stay , and says they assaulted him
knocking him down. He managed ti
get his revolver and fired at them r
peatedly , wounding Clark. De Voral
1 an for a passing freight and manage *
to get aboard , but policemen attractei
by the shooting chased and pulled bin
olf. Clark , on account of his wound
was easily captured. The men ad
nutted to the police that they hai
trouble with the agent , but denied an ;
Intention of robbing the depot. Clarl
explains his conduct by saying he wui
drunk. .
American Historical and Political Scl
I ence Associations to Meet.
Washington , Dec. 20. Many of th <
t most cmrnont historical scholars o
thu country will gather hero on Mori
< late attend the twenty-fourth an
1 nual meeting of the American Histor
kitl usjuuatlon , which will hold it
sessions in thU city and In Richmond
\a. , irom the 28th to the 31st. It t
' exj.ocied U.ut throe or four hundrei
don-sates will be present. The firs
and suLond sessions of the assoclatioi
will bo hold in this city , alter whicl
the d-'le utcs will meet In Richmond
where their concluding sessions wil
1 bo held.
Jiu/auuy night the association wll
, hold a joint meeting with the Amor
lean Political Science association , a
1 thn now \\illard hotel in this city
| when James Ilryco , the British ambaf
sador , and president of the latter or
ganlzatlon , will make the annual ad
dress , his subject being "The Rela
lions of Political Science to Illstor ;
a d to Practice. "
Canada and Mexico Invited To
White House Conterence ,
Glfford Plnchot Starts on Mission to
Montreal Today Will Then Carry
Invitation to President Diaz at Mexico
ice City President Suggests Plan ,
Washington , Doc. 28.It was an-
iiouncod ul the White House that u
couterence looking toward the con
servation 01' thu naluial resources ol
Noil.Ii America would be held ut the
White House Fob. Ib next.
Letters suggesting the plan have
been addressed b > Piesldeul llooso-
volt to the governor general and to
the premier or Canada and to Presi
dent Diaz of Mexico. They will be
doilvoiod to the olllclals In person by
Ulhord Pliichot , chairman of thu na
tional conservation commission and
culct forester of the Dulled States.
Mi Pinchot will Hi si visit Canada ,
leaving today. Ho will then carry the
Invitation to President Diaz at Mexico
ice City.
The proposed conlerence Is the out
growth of the two coiibonution confoi-
ences In which the govoinors ol the
states and terrltoilcs weie the prln
cipal conlerees At the second conference
feronco representatives of the Cana
dian government expressed their sym
pathy with the movement.
The oulgiowth was the Idea of a
North Arneilcan organization for the
conservation of natural resources and
to deliberate on the practicability of
preparing a general plan adapted' ' to
promote the welfare of the nations
The representatives designated by
the Canadian and Mexican govern
ments will consult with representa
tives of the state and other depart
ments of this government and with
the conservation commission. The ob.
jcct will be to point out that natural
resources arc not limited by national
boundary lines , to develop a better
knowledge of the natural resources ol
each nation on the part of the others
and to Invite suggestions for concur
rent action for the protection of mutual -
tual Interests relative to conservation ,
Sugar King Is Burled With Simple
Ceremonies at San Francisco.
San Francisco , Dec. 28. The funeral
of Glaus Spreckels , the multimillionaire
aire sugar king , who died at his home
In this city Saturday ot pneumonia
was held from the family residence
this atternuou.
The body lay In state In one of th <
largo rooms of the mansion yesterday
and many persons called at the houst
to pay last honors to the dead man.
The funeral was exceedingly simple
bthe \\lsb of the family. The honor
aiy pall bearers were. D. N. Earl
E. W. Hopkins , Robert Oxnard , W. G
Irwin , John Scott Wilson , Captain H
L. E. Meyer , Dr. L. L. Dorr am
Charles Holbrook. The Interment
took ulace In Cypress cemetery.
Says Labor Leajers Did Their Duty it
Testing Law.
Washington , bee. 25. William J
Bryan was chiet among nearly tw (
score of men who sent messages ex
presslve ot their cordial sympathy t <
Piesldent Gompers , V'co ' Pioslden :
Mitchell and Secretary Morrison o
the Federation of Labor.
The messages , which voiced tin
sentiments ot poisons in almost ovcrj
avenue ot labor , convey feelings o
regret over the courts decision , extend
tend moral and llnancial sympathy am
express indignation.
Mr. Uryan , in a telegram datec
Plttsburg , says : "Sorry to read do
cision. You did your duty In testiiu
law. Glad you are taking appeal. "
Stair Offers to Surrender.
Guthrle , Okla. , Dec. 20. Governoi
Hnskell announced that he had re
ceived word from Henry Starr , tin
noted bandit , that Starr was ready tc
surrender to the state and stand trial
upon charges against him in this state
If Governor Haskell would guarantee
Immunity against dxtraditlon to othei
Elates. Starr Is wanted in a number
of stales for various causes. The gov.
crnor said that he would not consent
to such an arrangement.
Two Killed In Pistol Duel.
Ponceatoula , La. , Dec. 2G. Irwln
Cooper and William Arnold killed
each other In n pistol duel in a saloon
here. Cooper was the bartender In
the saloon where the tragedy oc
curred , and It is said thnt the dif
ficulty followed some words which
Cooper had with Arnold's younger
Vlslcn Appear to Pope ,
Rome , Dec. 28. Thr > Italia publlshei
B reoort , which has caused a sensation
In ecclesiastical circles that Joan ol
Arc recently appeared In a vision 'o
the pope and addressed to htm solemn
words of encouragement exhorMng
him to continue his piasent policies
which she 'ironused would shortly oe
crowned with 'ri-unph '
Ambassador G"5'0'v > Resigns.
Washington Dec .N The r < , ! gna-
tlon of Llovj i" "J- H -ii amiieaAior
to Italy rer < v v- i .a'ed
, Press dtspa a iu
. thorltatlvp \ i a
depaitnien -om a
reilgnatiou r t i
Government Plans to P.eopei . ,
"Beet Trust" Case ,
District Attorney Sims Announce !
That Methods of Dig Packing Flrmi
Will Be Gone Into Thoroughly In
Present Investigation ,
Chicago , Dec. 20. In addition tc
the Inquiry In regard to shipping ratut
and possible rebates , United States :
District Attorney Sims announced that
the methods of the big packing finiu
would be gone Into thoroughly In tin
present Investigation. Special tigcuti
of the Interstate commerce commlu
slon , as well as secret service agents
who work dliectly under the depart
meiit of Justice , are pieparod , accord
Ing to the district attorney , to glv
the results of their Investigations tc
the giund jury. These olllclals Imvt
been trying to determine whethei
tacit agioements between puckuis ui
to the fixing ot prices and the dlvlsloi
of ton Hot y lor distribution have beoi
In systematic upcintlon.
"This is no mere 'fishing' expo
dltlon , " bald Mr. Sims. "Wo know
what we me going after , although wt
aie not permitted by the nature of tlu
iuquliy to state what It Is. Wo an
not meiely starting a little case li
which packets or railroads are concerned
corned In the hope that wo can un
earth home lufoimntlon which will hi
of value to he used as a basis for i
new and more extensive Investigation. '
The lederal grand jury will convent
Monday , and In addition to the rail
inquiry the Investigation Is said to in
elude an attempt to show thai tin
spirit of the law which prohibits agree
nients on prices of products has beoi
violated In various markets
No witnesses fiom packing concerns
other than Nelson Morris & Co havi
so far been summoned , but the wit
nesses already subpoenaed will keei
the grand jury busy during the gieutoi
part of next week.
James Lane Is Liberated From Stati
Reformatory at Anamosa.
Des Moines , Dec. 20. At the ago o
seventy-two years , and bowed by i
long confinement , James Lane was lib
crated liom the stale reformatory a
Anamo&a , where he was committed fo
murder and where he would have beei
confined until 11)15 ) if he lived , had i
not been lor the clemency oi the re
tiring governor , A. 15. Cummings III
sentence was commuted on Christina !
day and freedom came as a welcomi
present to him. He hastened to tin
home of one of his sons In Minnesota
one of the provisions ? of his release
where he will spend the remainder o
bis life. Lane wus convicted ot kill
ing bis wife.
Autolsts Win Legal Point.
Des Molnes , Dec. 20. A ruling o
the Polk county district court tha
will be of interest to HUtomoblre own
crs all over the state has just beei
made. Several auto owners were ai
rested and fined In police court hen
for not having ted lights on the rea
end of their cars. They appealed am
the distilct court holds the lower com
erred. The law reads that the anli
shall have a white light In front and i
red light on the reverse side Thi
district court Interpreted this t <
mean Hat the red light should be 01
the reverse side of the front whit
light ami not on the reverse side o
the automobile.
Practically Abandons Claim to Vene
zuelan Presidency.
Berlin. Dec. 25. Clprluno
gave a statement to the Associate *
Press , which amounts virtually to ai
abandonment of his claims to tin ? pres
idency of Venezuela. This staUmieu
iollows :
"After taking cognizance of every
thing printed lu the newspapers fron
Venezuela I doubt the attitude thereli
attributed to the present governmen
at Caracas. Hut I will have more ti
say on this subject when 1 am in bet
tor health and when I have full know !
edte ot what has occurred. In an ;
event , I shall place no dtlllculties ii
the way of the present adminlsti allot
of Vcneiuela in settling the peudlnj
controversies with lorolgn govern
ments , even If this should Involve m ;
own withdrawal tiom activity In tin
affairs of the nation. "
General Castro will remain for tw <
weeks longer In the private sanltarluu
of Dr. Israel. He will give out no In
formation concerning his future plans
Foreign Board Would Raise Standarc
of Its Representatives Abroad.
Pekln , Doc. 25. The loreign heart
has received a cablegram Irom Tani
Shao Yi , at Washington , sa.\lng tha
the Washington government has re
eponded favorably to the propotta
inadn by China to raise the Chinese
! legation at Washington to the rank o ;
an embassy. Tang Shao Yl Is the
Chinese official who Is at present h
the United States on a diplomatic mis
elon from his government. When Tant
Bhao Yi left Pekln he went first tc
Tokyo nnd there broached the sub
ject of raising the Chinese legatloi
to an embassy. Ho received ai
equivocal answer.
Smooth , ricli , fragrant n ll
happy surprise.1 for coffee
lovers. A skillet ! ntul sci-
of "Old
: -nlific Mending
Crop" Coffers , with n
pleasing intli-
is not sold in
bulk , hut al
ways comes
to you iu airnud moist
ure-proof packages your
protection. Ask your grocer.
2Sc. Pound
r""F : DROS. , Dos Molnes. Iowa.
Attorney Eddy Confers With Kansas
City Representatives. .
Kansas City , Doc. 28. Alfred EK ,
ISddy , the general western attorney of
the Stamlaicl Oil company , snout rnucU
of the day In conlerouce with Krnnic
llageimaii , who rupiusenls the corri-
pany In Kansas City.
"This Is the Hi at tlmo wo worn ovoc
ousted 11 om a state , " Mr. Hddy saldi
"The U'ateis-Pleito company , tru
which thu Standard Oil company lu
Interestnl , was ousted from Texasi
once , but tin' company was reorgan
ized and admitted. This Is thn Hist
time that any government In tint
woild ever ordered a Stniidaid Oil
company to get out and Mild om guodii
weie contrabarrd and wo had no rights ,
Contiuiuenlly nro not prepared for
the -next move I suppose It will bit
an application for a rehearing In the
state supu-me court. If the law In
constitutional we have no right lo op-
eiate our property ami no power to
sell it. "
If the Missouri supreme court stands
firm on its judgment of ouster and
i there Is no way to overturn It , Knw-
sas City , Kan. and Qulncy , III. , may
become Important shipping points for
oil and the wholesale grocers may buy
It and bring U Into Missouri to sell to
retail grocers for distribution
More Evidence Against Night Riders ,
Union City , Tenii. , Dec. 20. Addi
tional evidence , the confessions oC
three alleged members of the night
rider bund of Hoelfoot lake , was off tied
the state , It is staled , in connection
with the trials of eight alleged loaders
of the riders accused of having a part
In the lynching of Captain Qiiontiu
Hnnken at Walnut Ixg. Whether thf *
evidence will be accepted umloi the
proviso of the men who offered to tesi-
lify thnt the three be used as stata
witnesses , Is doubtful , the prosecution
considering that enough evidence baa
already been given on their part.
Oklahoma Town Fire Swept.
Oklahoma City , Okla. , Dec 20.
Practically the entire business sec
tion of Ilavia , Okla. , a town of 1,200
inhabitants , in Johnston county , was *
wiped out by fire , the loss aggregating ;
about $55,000. Five business houses , *
a lumber yard and three warehouses
were burned. A defective Hue caused
the fire The Merrill-Houston Lumber
company. $20,00.i . , and L D Corn-
stock's store , $10,000 $ , were the heav
iest losers
Patient Crushed In Hospital.
Raelne , Wls , Dec 2G. Miss Mary
Ann Hardy was crused to death In an
tlovator at St. Mary's hospital Shn
was taken to the hospital for an oper
ation While being removed from an
elevator In a wheel chair the Ho-
valor blurted , causing her death
Dorando Wins Relay Race.
Fall Illver , Mass. , Dee 20 In ft
twelve mile exhibition relay rare at
the Athletic grounds In this city Do
rando Pletrl , the Italian Marathon
runner , defeated Floyd Doughty of
| Provld"tico nnd Samuel Myers of Cam-
1 bridfio by half a lap.
Places a an on Lastern Stock.
Des Molnes , Dec. 2U. Uovornor
Garst lias Issued n proclamation pro
hibiting the Importation Into the stuto
of all animals from the states of New-
York , Maryland , Pennsylvania , New
Jersey and Michigan unless they have
been inspector ; by the state veterina
rian and pronounced all right. This \n \
because of thn font and mouth dlseaua
spreading among cattle in those states.
lowans to Inaugural.
Des Molnes , Dec. 20. General J. K
Bell , who Is to'bo chief marshal o ?
the Inaugural parade In Washington
In March , has written to Governor
Garst for Information regarding thu
size of the Iowa delegation and iho
names of the governor's staff. As > I ) .
F. Carroll will bo governor at that
time tin ; communication has be u
I jrned over to him.
Hargls Jury Still Out.
Irvine. Ky. , Dec 20. Twelve moun
tain men , In whose hands robts the
late of IHncli Hargls , on trial for thu
murder of Judge James Hargis , Ma
father , were sent hack by Judge Ad
ams after they had reported' that they
could not agree Judge Adams to'd '
them thnt lie must have Irvine lor
Another point this afternoon and sent
thorn hack to think It over and return
a verdict today.
uominiont Wins School Championship.
t \n r PC 20 In n j.ame foi the
I i > K'hool championship of thor
r states the Longmont high
I r m defeated the tca-n from
lowood high scuool of Chicago
' J