The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 01, 1909, Image 1

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NOHKOI.K NKHHA8KA FKIDAV ,1AM Al < Tl 11)01) ) )
Worst Earthquake in History
of World ,
These Places Will Add Thou
sands of Victims to Roil ,
Report Confirmed That Consul
Cheney and Wife Are Dead ,
Manchester , England , Dec. 31 ,
From an unofficial message received
from his government , the Italian con >
sul here estimates the total dead Ir
Sicily and Calbrla , as a result of the
earthquake and tidal wave , at 2-10,000.
The worst earthquake In the world's
history , prior to this , killed 200,000
Cantanla , Sicily , Dec. 31. The
greatest need of Messina and Reggie
Is doctors , nurses and medicine. The
danger ofan epidemic of disease is
becoming alarming. The streets are
full of bodies and the rescuers can
make little headway burying and
blirnlng them. Others are being taken
from the ruins as fast as removed.
The rescuers are staggering from the
work and are sick from the stench of
Rome , Dec. 31. Southern Italy and
the north coast of Sicily are today a
huge hospital.
Before night It is expected that 60-
000 survivors will be landed at Naples.
The railway station at Messina ,
where many gathered In the hope of
escaping by train , was uncovered to
day , revealing scores of corpses
packed together.
Washington , Dec. 31 The American
battleship fleet , passing through the
Red sea , will probably be sent to Italy.
Plans to this effect are being dis
cussed by the navy and state depart
The fleet will reach Suez January 3
and will reach Messina about January
9. It will be able to land 12,000 men
who will help In the work of rescue.
The United States gunboat Scor
pion , now at Constantinople , has been
ordered to Messina.
It is believed that President Roosevelt
velt will send an urgent special mes
sage to congress as soon as it recon
venes , urging an appropriation for the
relief of the quake sufferers.
Rome , Dec. 31. Parliament will as
semble as soon as the king returns
from the scene of disaster , to adopt
measures of relief by a special tax.
An increase in railroad rates is con
templated. Sufferers from the quake
will be exempt from railroad rates ,
Rome , Dec. 31. The extent of the
second series of shocks , reported yesterday -
terday , has not been announced. The
Increase in the estimated death lisl
gives rise to the belief that the shocks
may have done great damage.
In Messina It is known that the walls
and ruins fell , but It Is believed that
the only additional deaths are those
of persons who were pinned under the
Naples , Dec. 31. Seamen arriving
from the strait of Messina report thai
all seaside villages are gone. Appar
ently they were engulfed.
New York , Dec. 31. Commander
Huse of the navy supply ship "Celtic"
has been ordered to the earthquake
scene. He has 6,000 , tons of fresh
meat , clothing and medicine.
BUSCH GIVES $25,000. ,
St. Louis , Dec. 31. Adolphu :
Busch , president of the Anheuser
Busch Brewing association , today gave
$25,000 to earthquake sufferers.
Chicago , Dec. 31. Italian residents
of Chicago have thus far collectec
$5,000 which was sent to Italy at noon
Rome , Dec. 31. The Immensity ol
the disaster in southern Italy and Sic
lly tan only be measured by tin tact
that it is nuw em.muted that ' U > , ouu
people pi rishi-u in Muss.mi and Uogyic
nlono A store ot other towns have
been dc\aatated and thousand1 ! , of vie
Urns in these places must be Added tu
U roll. In tha face of these awful
totnls , all Italy Htandx appalled.
Nor has the full death list yet been
reached. Ship loads of fugitives have
arrived at Naples and other ports and
tlio vast majority of these are sorely
Injured. Utlior thousands remain in ar
the ruins of their homes or wander
half starved , balf naked , over the land.
The nhocks also destroyed the means
of subsistence. ToloBraphlc commu
nication has been established with
Messina , the apparatus having been
established In a railway van. Mes-
which have come over thu line ,
they have been meager In de
tail , show that hope Is gone. Nothing
remains of the city but a mass of
ruins that have been swept by lire.
A mere handful of survivors are be-
liiK cared for by the rescuing forces ,
but their distress Is great and It has
been Increased by the violent Icy
wind that followed the deluge of rain.
Destitution Is everywhere and appall
ing. There Is little food and less
water. Of Messina's 90,000 population
It Is believed' that fully 70,000 perished.
Fort" thousand people died In Hegglo.
. King Visits Reggie.
( % 'Motor Kinmannel is In Hegglo
tot. v Queen Helena is In Messina.
The * 5j , ' ulored the ruins regardless
of tin. ° r to which he exposed
himself. is often moved to tears
at the IK % , "lug " scenes ho came
upon at o - > " < k ni. The king was
loud In his \ ? { the splendid work
accomplished ' , iho Italian. Russian
ninl Kngllsh bluejackets , who saved
many persons who otherwise would
have Inevitably perished. The queen
spent the day In the wards of Impro
vised hospitals visiting the wounded ,
many of whom have lost all that was
dear to thorn. Her majesty did her
best to cheer thorn with womanly
words of consolation , often breaking
Into sobs as she listened to their
dreadful tales of suffering.
Catania , the largest city nearest to
the scene of the disaster , Is cr wded
with refugees and the continuous
ntrcnm of fuK'.llvoa coining in , the
sight of the wounded and the repo-
tltlon of > real or Imaginary earth
quakes have so alarmed the population
that t .ey are becoming uncontrollable
Thevo Is no longer any place where
th.i refugees may find shelter.
"This disaster has resulted in a
greater lees of Hfo than any of our
wars for independence. Indeed , the
nituatlon is much worse , as , while war
is always preceded by a period of
preparation , this has happened within
forty seconds. While in war the arm
ies are followed by the most complete
camp hospitals , the numberless wound
ed In Calabria and eastern Sicily have
been left In many cases forty-eight
hours without assistance. Uven when
rescued It Is impossible to bouse
them , everything available having
been filled by the dead. Lack of care
and starvation will complete the work
that the forces of nature have left un
done. "
Sovereigns Send Sympathy.
All the sovereigns and the headi ol
. .4ies of tbe foreign governments have
buut expressions of warmest sympathy
aail deepest condolence.
Tbe dispatches trom the stricken
tone say that a large army would' ' be
required to cope with even the pressIng -
Ing needs of the unfortunate people ,
who uru loamlng about half clad und
starving , some ot them dragging ar
ticles of clothing from the smould
ering ruins to protect themselves from
the winds. Terrible suffering is in
tvitablc before the much needed rellei
stores can arrive.
The rescue parties , military , naval
und civil , of different nationalities are
performing prodigies , but the task b < 5
tore them is almost hopeless. Added
to tbe dllllculty of obtaining food anil
water , there are no drugs or surgical
appliances. Heartbreaking appeals
for help are heard on every side , tc
which only the. most inadequate re-
spouse is possible. Temporary bos
pltals are being rigged up , but only a
comparatively few can bo relieved and
the scenes of horror defy description
The survivors of the earthquake are
suffering cruel extremities and in Mes
Bina may bo seen everywhere vainly
searching in the dust and debris foi
morsels of food.
Fifteen Hundred Dead at Palml.
Late dispatches state that the city
of Palml contains 1,500 dead and twict
as many injured. Two-thirds of the
town was laid waste. All the villages
adjacent suffered as severely.
The king has telegraphed Premlei
Glolittl , informing him that Reggie
is In the same awful condition as Mes
slnn and announcing that a Russian
steamer with BOO injured will arrive al
Naples today. His majesty asks thai
all preparations be made for their re
ccptlon at the hospitals and requests
that the ship be sent bftck with all the
doctors that can bo mustered.
Dispatches from Catania describe
Messina as appearing like a huge in
candescent furnace. The flro spread
to the buildings that had not yet fall
en , completing the work of dostruc
tlon. The Strait of Messina Is nov.
choked with corpses of men and an
Inrnls. At the present time there are
twelve warships at Messina , four Ital
Ian , four British and four Russian , at
well as a number of destroyers anil
steamers , the latter belonging to th <
Italian General Navigation company
The Injured are being carried uboaril
the steamers and will be removed tc
The relief work now Is well begun
but hundreds of person } are wander
ing about the ruins like madmen. Thu )
are IIL-UIK given food and clothing as
fast ns it Is possible. General Murbz
7.1 , commandant at Cataiuaro , has tele
graphed to the go\eminent that lit
has tried vainly for t > vo ila > s to rearl :
Reggie by land and sa. The roads
are Impracticable and the shore lui ;
been so torn and twisted us far as lit
[ Continued on p.\K 4. ]
Charles P , Taft and Foraker
Both WHIUtaw ,
For the Sake of Harmony , Charles P.
Taft Withdraws From Race Be
lieved to Mean His Election to
Succeed Dick Two Years Hence.
Columbus , O. . Dec. : tl. Charles I .
Tat't today announced his withdrawal
from the Ohio senatorial race , for the
sake of party harmony.
The Cincinnati delegation will now
vote solidly for Theodore E. Burton.
Senator Joseph Ilenson Forakcr ,
whose seat Is to be tilled , announced
his withdrawal from the race an hour
after Mr. Taft's statement.
Politicians say that this harmonious
ending of the light moans the selec
tion of Charles P. Taft to succeed Dick
two years hence.
Today's settlement of the Ohio sen
atorial controversy rosu.lod from a
midnight conference held last night
between Mr. Burton and Mr. Taft. It
Is said that the Taft withdrawal fol
lowed advice from President-elect .
11. Taft ,
Ainsworth Democrat Sold ,
Ainsworth , Neb. , Dec. 31. Spocla
to The News : The Ainsworth Demo
crat was sold Wednesday by the K
13. Humphrey family to Clarence C
Jones of the Lead City ( S. D. ) Regis
tor. Possession will begin next week
Former State Treasurer of Pennsyva <
nia Expires Suddenly.
Media , Pa. , Dec. 31. William L.
Mathues , tormer state treasurer ol
I'omib.jlvaiiia , died suddenly at his
homo here , aged lorty-six years , Tim
causa of death was given by Ills physt
linn as pneumonia , but it is generally
helleved that this illness was uuperlin
tluced by Mr. Matnues tribulations
which were brought upon him by tha
Harrisburg capltol graft cases and his
recent sentence of two years in the
penitentiary for bis part In the alleged -
legod conspiracy against the state.
Daniel Freeman Passes
at Age of Eighty-two.
Beatrice , Neb. , Dec. SI. Danle
Freeman , the llrst man iu tlio Umtei
States to file upon and prove up ;
homestead , U dead at bis home iu thl
city , aged eighty-two. Nebraska hai
never bad a more unique characte :
than Freeman , and although he hai
never held otllce , be has made his per
sonallty felt In every part of the statu
Ho believed the bible was Intendei
for people who believed In it , and tha
others should not have It forced upoi
them. This led him to bring suit t <
force the bible out of the publli
schools. The cut > o went through tin
various branches of the state cour
and Freeman was finally succusstul ii
the supreme tribunal of the state.
Freeman was a soldier iu the ctoi
war , and It was during that period tha
ho filed on the first homestead. Hi :
filing was made at one minute pas
midnight on the 1st day of January
1863. Ha was at Brownsville on a sc
crat mission and It was at that poin
that the first land uutrlos were mada
Freeman still retains the patent pa
pcrs Issued to him forty-six years age
They show that It is patent No. l , en
try No. 1 , proof of residence Not 1 , en
tered In volume 1 page 1 , of the Unit
ed States land office , and it signed b ;
President Grant. Freeman still own
ed tha land at the Umo of hla death
He Is survived by a widow and iev
oral children.
Father' * Error Kllli His Child.
Aurora , Neb. , Dec. 31. The Httli
child , two years of ago , of Mr. am
Mrs. J. O. Blair of Aurora died us tin
result of swallowing a doi of polsoi
administered to it by Us father unde
the impression that It w&s medicine
The child had been ailing for a day o
two with bowel trouble. The fathe
thought to give It a does of medicine
suitable to this complaint , but luiteai
gave It a spoonful of carbolic acid' .
Hearing on Freight Classification.
Lincoln , Doo. 31. Jan. IB Is thi
date set for tbe hearing of protest
against the putting Into offset of tin
wo a torn classification of freight rates
No. < B , by tbe state railway commit ;
slon. The hearing ou this matter ha :
been several times postponed for om
reason and another , but It Is final ! ;
scheduled for the 15th without an ;
further notice.
Telephone Girl Has Close Call.
Geneva , Nob. , Doc. 31. Miss Addli
Allison , a telephone employee , had i
narrow escape from death when sin
grasped the telephone receiver nin
an electric light globe In either ham
nt the same moment. She wui
knocked senseless by the contact am
but for the timely assistance of In-
employer she would have baen eke
Snow and Wind In St. Paul and thi
St. Paul. Dec. 111. A bll//.nn
leached here today.
The wind Is blowing forty miles iu
Reports have been received of dc
lays In traffic In the Dakotas.
Actor Rclneau Drops Dead.
Atlanta , On. . Dec. 31. Frank 0
Uelneau. stage director for James K
Hackett , and a well known German
nctor , dropped dead In front of the
Graiin opera house here. Death was
duo to npoj'trxv.
H , L , McGinitie and Dave Fletch
er Victims ,
Two Ncligh Men Were Thrown from ;
Balky Machine When the Car Stop
ped on a Hill and Rolled Backward !
Down the Incline.
Nellgh , Neb. , Dec. 31. Special ti
The News : What might have been i
serious accident happened to H , L
McCJInltlo and Dave Fletcher of thi
place Tuesday afternoon about fou
Mr. McOinltio was called on busl
ness and secured Mr. Fletcher and hi
automobile to make the trip. Whei
about twelve miles southwest of Nc
ligh and near the home of Gus Andoi
son they wore ascending a steep hll !
when near the top the machine refusoi
to proceed , and started backwards , am
at such a rate that the occupants wen
unable to jump and wore thrown ou
and Into a slough. Both were coverei
with mud and water-soaked. Th
auto , however , did not turn over.
Mr. McCilnltle sustained quite i
shock and a severe injury to bis bacli
He was brought to Neligb yesterda ;
morning by E. C. Taylor , who took bin
to his home near the accident ain
where he spent the night. Mr. Fletcli
er did not receive more than a gooi
shaking up. He telephoned homo thane
no was starting witn the machin
Wednesday. At a late hour last nigh
he had not made his appearance , am
It was currently reported that the nuti
is making trouble.
Mr. McGinltlo this morning is resl
ing nicely , and says be fears no sei
ions results from his experience.
Wrecks Building at Indian School am
Hurts Two Workmen.
Chamberlain , S. D. , Dec. 31. Tin
acetylene gas plant at the Indiai
school blew up about 10 a. in. yostot
day , doing no damage except to tin
iMiilding In which It was located am
slightly Injuring two parties who won
in the building at the time. 'I he ex
plosion was due to some defect in tin
mechanism of the plant and not to tin
neglect of anyone connected with tin
school. A. Victor Brace , carpenter a
the school , and W. Had Whirlwiin
were In the building at the time I
was blown to pieces , but luckil ;
neither one was hurt aside from sligh
bruises. Bert Lafferty , another pupil
was just outside of the building am
escaped unhurt. The building was i
frame 10x20 feet , and was located a
iho rear of the large building used b ;
the Indian boys.
Superintendent S. A. M. Young o
the Indian school has been transferrei
to Yaklma reservation In the state o
Washington , where ho will havi
charge of a school. Supervisor Charlei
II. Dlckson Is now here checking ui
Superintendent Young's work befon
he leaves for his new field , which wll
bo In about two weeks. Superintend
ent Young has made an excellent of
flclal and the people of Chamberlali
regret to see him transferred. Tin
school will be temporarily In chargi
of Supervisor Dlckson when Superin
tendent Young leaves.
Finch Found Gulity of Murder.
Portland , Ore. , Dec. 31. The jurj
In the case ot James A. Finch , chargec
with the murder of Ralph B. Fisher
prosecutor of the State Bar asaocla
tlons , returned a verdict of murder U
the first degree.
Citizens Exchange Shots With Rob
bers , but No One IB Hurt ,
Muakogee , Okla. , Dec. 31. Five rob
bers dynamited the bank at Wollston
Okla. , and after exchanging 200 shot !
with the citizens , escaped with $5,000
No one was hurt.
The robbers , heavily armed , rodi
Into Wellston after midnight. The ;
erected a barricade around the ban !
and while some members of the gam
went to work on the bank safe , otlien
stood guard. The citizens were sooi
up in arms and a lively exchange o
bhots with the robbers followed. Tin
robbers , however , \\ero well arinoi
and protected , and for two hours tht-j
stood off the fltizeu/i wlillp tliilr com
railes worked on the bank's vault
When they finally succeeded in gain
Ing the money It cuniained. the flvi
men rode off. covering their depurturt
with a constant and bccvy flro.
Was With Annls in New Yorl
on the Sly ,
Major Hains , Brother of Accused , Sayi
the Captain's Wife Told Him a
First There Was no Truth in Scan
dal , Later Confessing.
Flushing , N. Y. , Deo. 31.Mnjoi
llalns , n brother 01 tlio two men be
Ing tried for mtirdur , wns tin tin
stand today. Ho told of a coiivorsn
lion with Captain ilalns , In an en
deavor to show mat tlio captain win
mentally unbalanced.
The major declared that the captali
told him that when ho came home liii
wife asked him why ho had liurrlot
across the continent. The cnptnli
told her that her naino was Involve !
In a scandal. She said tlio scanda
was not true and then Invited Annli
to dinner.
Afterwards she said that she mlgh
as well toll all that during the weel
she had been supposed to be vlsltlni
relatives she was with Annls In Nov
York , where she had an operatloi
Attorney .Mclntyre shows the offec
of the strain of the trial. Ills face te
day was white and drawn , lie waiitei
the case adjourned until tomorrow
lie resents the action of Judge Cran
of yesterday , In refusing to grant ai
adjournment , without question.
Defendant's Mother Testifies.
Tlio mother of the men on trial test
fled this afternoon. She said she In
lloved the Captain to he crazy and pu
him In charge of T. Jenkins.
Old and bent , grey headed and fra :
looking , the mother entered the cour
room on the arm of her husband. Sh
wept for several minutes before sh
could proceed In answering question !
She declared that the captain ha
been a delicate youth , said he had lit
when visiting her last June In Wasl
Ington. She believes him crazy.
The court adjourned until Monda
on the plea of Mclntyre that ho wa
too HI to continue. He promised t
finish the case by Wednesday.
Twelve Thousand of Them As
sembled in Chicago.
Chicago , Dec. 31. In the Collseun
here tonight lli.UUO Christian worker
will await with hymns and prayer
the coming of the new year. It wll
he a gigantic old fashioned "watcl
night" service , participated In b ;
evangelists fiom all parts of America
Tonight's service will be the closini
scene of a three days' revival bold uu
dor the auspices of the Moody Uibl <
Institute of this city. Among the mei
who are attending the serivces ar
the following :
Dr. LV. . Munhnll of Gerinantown
I'a. , a distinguished Methodist evangel
1st , who has been engaged to condiic
evangelistic meetings in the Pamimi
canal zone ; Dr. William K. Hiederwoll
Monticello , Ind. , who Is Just conclud
ing a six months' campaign in Kansas
assisted by thirty evangelists ; Willian
Phillips Hall , New York , president o
the American Tract society and of tli
American Bible league ; Mrs. J. Hllei
Kostor , Washington , who has recentl ;
conducted special investigations o
child labor and prison conditions fo
President Roosevelt ; Dr. A. B. Slmr.
son , founder of the Christian Mission
ary alliance.
Fatalities in lick Mina.
Roanoke , Va. , Dec. 31. The lutes' '
news received here from the Lid
Branch coal mine disaster ( s to the ef
tect that tweny-nine dead bodies hav <
been removed. Eighteen miners hav <
crawled out unaided and five otlien
have been brought out alive by res
cuers. it Is now believed that fron
thlrty.flve to fifty men remain In tin
mine and there Is no hope cntortalnei
that any of them are alive.
Lively Ending to Meeting of Amerlcar
Sociological Society.
Atlantic City , N. J. , Dec. 31. Amu
tnents by export students of soda
conditions , who took sides lor nm
against divorce us a means of alleviat
Ing marital unliappiness , made a live
ly ending to the meeting of the Amor
lean Sociological society here. Kol
lowing the lead of Dr. George Ulllot
Howard of Nebraska university , win
claimed that the growth of divorce I :
necessaiy tor the proper protection o
women against cruel or Inuineren
husbands , Dr. Joseph Kiausl-'opt o
Philadelphia stated his open ti-lvocac ;
01 separation of men and wonu-n win
had been wrongfully bound 10.41-1 be
bmnrital ties \\bich galled , in op
position to tile theories ad\anted li ;
tt.i se stllilentb. Walter George Si ll
ii Philadelphia lawyer and meniner o
the national divurco congress , totiK lh <
Btand thai duur. 0 in any form U i
danger to both lnnnu and state.
i , i
> -.ii i iilui * foi i weniy-tout wi
Porec.nt for Nebratk *
intlltioi. of the -vcutluv HI r eon
no fo bh iw > ity-foii' 'iiinr * Mintlii
< ' * n 'oilm
Minimum o
Average | .
Barometer ; io.t ;
Chicago , Dec. : tl.--The bulletin I *
"iied ti ) Hit itiicuK ! < itntioi. if ill
I Milted Stated tveattioi bureau glvt
'lie forecast fo iVelininK * H follows
Snow tonight or Friday with rlslni
Little Fellow Stumbles am
Strangles ,
Little Flftecn-Months-Old Arthur Re
at Wayne , Filled With Holiday Glet
Was Dancing Joyfully When Lif
Was Taken.
Wayne , Neb. , Dec. I ! 1. Special t
The News : Dancing In childish glei
with holiday spirit , little llfteei
months-old Arthur Key. son of Mi
and Mrs. Jacob Hey , stumbled am
choked on a bulky piece of Chris !
mas candy , dying some hours later th
spite untiring efforts of the frantl
parents and a physician.
Bones Broken In Face , Ear Tor
Nearly Off.
Lindsay , Neb. , Doc. ill. Special t
The News : Dr. Tobkln , who has jus
returned from Boomer , bringing n
port of a serious accident to Charlc
I omach , whose horses ran away. Th
man was found at ! ! o'clock In th
morning , by neighbors. His jaw wa
broken In two places , his nose masl
ed , his face bruised and one ear tor
nearly off.
Pin Appears at Ankle.
Winslde , Neb. , Dec. 31 . About te
days ago a small red spot appeared
few Inches above the ankle of Nelll
Murnane , a Wlnsldo school girl c
fifteen , which gradually becam
larger , until it had the appearance e
a felon. Yesterday a physician cu
it open and found a pin , corrode !
with a bone-like substance , deeply In
bedded in the llesh.
H Is the theory of the physlcla
that the pin was swallowed at som
time and worked Itself through th
llesh down to the ankle.
Newspaper Moved to Rosalie.
Rosalie , Neb. , Dec. HI. .lame
Brink has moved his newspaper plan
from Concord to this place and o. >
pect s to issue his paper here no.\
Retires After 15 Years.
Kmerson , Neb. , Doc. lil.-rrS. E. Cob
has sold the Enterprise , published a
this place , to L. C. McEutoffor. Th
former has been In the newspnpo
business hero for the past tiftee
Erb Defense Bolstered up. , 1'u. , Dec. 31. ' 1 be trial o
Mrs. M. I1 lurence Kib and her bistot
Mrs. Catherine Beise.1 , tor the murdo
of Captain J. Clayton ICrb , progrossei
rapidly here. Ton witnesses wore O.N
amined , among them the servants Ii
the employ ol the Urb household am
some officials who investigated th <
crime. The testimony of nil the wit
nesses was considered by the dt
fcnse's lawyers ns materially strengtli
cuing their case. It tended , they saitl
to sustain the contention that Mrs
Belsel , as she has maintained from th
first , fired tliefatal _ shot. _
Northern Pacific Tied Up.
Giantl Forks , N. ' . , Dec. 31. Thi
Northern Pacific road between St
Paul and Winnipeg Is badly tied u |
as the result of a severe snowntorm.
Voters League Appeals tor Fundi
Plttsburg , Dec. 31. An appeal fo
funds to meet the expenses of the Vet
ers' league in continuing tbe work al
ready started as well as to broadei
the Held of that reform organization'
endeavor Is the leading dovelopmen
In the Plttsburg municipal scanda !
Since the arrests of seven councl
men and two former bankers las
week , league officers have announce
from time to time the receipt 01 lit
eral contributions , but the total o
these Is inadequate for the league'
Shoots Former Sweetheart and Self
Kansas City , Dec. 31. An hour nftoi
he had wished his tormer sweetheart
now a bride ot loss than a week , ;
"long Illo and a happy one , " Hay Rooi
( ( turned to her homo in Kansas City , and shot her through the breast
ittr which he committed suicide b ;
uiuitins himself In the bend. Tin
woinun , Mrs Clyde Sftzor , ninoteoj
years old , is noi expected to live.
Suit to Recover Coal Land.
Denver , Dec. 31. The t'tah Fuo
( ompnny is mr.dc defendant in n pc
til inn tiled In the fcileial court ben
j \\lleleliy luI'nlte'l ! StUtct , goxeill
' , uu in * < KM ID recmtr l'J-i ' > aties , < > land in Guniuson count
t\ . I'liiuuiitu , alleged to have beoi
fraudulently siVured through durum ;
San Francisco Flghler Defeats
Jim Barry In 39 Rounds ,
Toss Towel Into Ring After Th lr
Mnn Hd Been Badly Beaten and
All but Out Neither PuQlllit Show
ed Championship Form.
Lou Ancolf.n , Dec. 81. Al Kiuifnmntt
nf SHU Francisco won from Jim Llarry
ol Chicago In the thirty-ninth 1011111 !
before thu Jeffries Athlotlu club laut
night. Harry's woeoiidH threw a towot
into Uiu ring In the middle of the thir
ty-ninth round after thulr man hud
boon badly btrnten mid wan all hut out ,
Uurry's chlul second .stutitd that
Loth hlu man'j hands were budly In
jured and it was uaoloas for him to
conllnuo and suffer punishment. The
ChlcHBO hey WIIB Kiunu uiul wanted tt >
continue , lie was , however , com
pletely exhausted und put about out 111
the previous round. In that round
Kaufmani ! sent a hard right to the
jaw und Hurry went down for the
count of nine. The hitter's HtruiiKtli
hud boon waning and it was evident
h could do no moru. Ills facw wn *
budly swollen. Kanfmann also had a
bndly bntltirod countenuncu , but hlw
trength was undlinlnlshod. Ho took
coiiRtderable punishment from Harry
throughout the ngbt. The content
from the standpoint of a scientific
boxing match was one of the very
poorest that has been staged hero In
yoare. Neither man allowed any
championship material whatever , al
though Barry exhibited gnmuness and
cleverness. , (
Hart and Schrack Get To0 tlier In
Lexington , Ky. , Tonight.
Lexington , Ky. , Dec. 31.TtJ
Marvin Hart of Louisville and
Schreck of Cincinnati , hoavywoJ
will got together In a twenty r |
light In the ofiora house bore.
Although Hart calls hlmsdf fcl
heavyweight champion of the vi |
declaring that Jeffries gave the
to him when the big Calilornia
tired from the ring , he Is no
taken seriously by sports T'llH '
In part to his defeats at the han7 of
Tommy Hums and others. Sehreck ia i
also not a bright star in the pugilistic y
okles , but the two men are pretty
evenly matched' , and a good 8ct'ap la
Insane Son Beheads His Mother.
New York , Dec. 31. While in a lit
of Insanity , Arthur Trotter killed Ins
aged mother , Mrs. Ann Trotter , by he-
heading her with an axe and a Urn ,
In her apartments In West Nineteen ; ! ]
street. To the police Trotter declare,1
that the end of the world was ci-min. ;
and that he had been divinely Inspired
to commit thu crime. He was lodged
iu a ward at Dellcvuo.
l.wa Retail Grocers' Association Will
Ask Changes.
Des Moines , Dec. 31. Changes in
Uiu and suiury exo.iiptioii la.\a
ui the tiiato will a ain do uemanuiJ
by tl.e State Retail ( iiocers' aBsotia-
lion tli.s vmUr , und waile thoia U
tonsidurable uoubt us to ihu o.iU-omo
U lliu project , tne grocers' association
tlaims to have muiu strength tha.ii
tvi.r befo. e.
Tills is tlio result poss : ) ly of a cam
paign inaugurated before election by
the state secretary , Ira. U. Thomas , iu
which ho ur od grocerymen to support
candidates .or the legislature who
would support the new exemption
laws even to the end of bolting their
Road Promoters Anjry. {
Dot Moines , Dec. 31. Wjir has beam
declared upon the executive council
of Iowa by the cities of Waterloo ,
Grlnnell , Cbariton , Pella and a dozeu
others because the council "turned
down" the proposition of the Waterloo
lee , Pella and Southwestern railroad
to Issue bonds to build a short line
Btcam road connecting these towns.
Insurance Men Want Change.
DCS Molnes , Dec. 31. "Iowa Insur
ance , " says a dispatch Irom
Des Moines to a Chicago paper , "aro
preparing to ask a modification of the
Hlanchard law , piohibitlng Insurance
combinations. The claim is made that
fire Insurance rotes have declined
$7.05 per $1,000 during the laut six
years. "
Ma.or Maclay Is Dead.
Yonktrb. . . . , uo. . , ) j. riajor
leaac \ \ . .dnclay. a rtilrej arm. > . : ii-
ior , who helped to carry Prej.dnt
I intoln iioni For. s trraror , In \'uah-
Ington , a.ier the pr.-a.det t mil „ . -u
shot b ) Join Willies .liootb on U.e
r.l-ht : ot April 14 , IMS , died ui h'.b
oriie hurt. r. ; nd . , ! .t.v SCVPII t-us :
vlinert Restnn4d From Calling Strike
K , i.-iir.rh . i i , . Hi li , . ( , < | | , ,
rl d'li iiiu n ! si I.en is
'lK'i ' -M ( ' ( ) , | | ISS ll , ' " ir
' " " ' " ' ' ' ' ' ! a " ! | - irnrv ; ' . ,
In I' ' > . ' - HI ( < " IMriivuit i run
r < -IMI. n i in- i he M.ii.11:1,1. : , . s if the
run.'I ' vYoriersof Am ri < n truin
calling a strike at the Lumnghl mines.