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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1908)
M K V H (1 I THIS NOHFOLK WEEKLY NKWS JOUJINAL FRIDAY DEl'EMBEK ' IS IMS ( MAIMED FOR LIFE. Wlnslde Young Man has Every Finger Severed from Hand. Wltihldu Tribune : Olio of those no- vldonlH Hint inakuH a potwm Mole to think of happened Saturday and a young man , llunuiui Glnner , was the Victim. AH wo hoar It , Mr GhtHor limiKhl a coin sheller and the second tlnit } hu iiHod It nndortook to tighten n him- near a cog wheel. Ho liad on ono of thu mlttotiH that has two thiiinbH and In teaching ever ono of ( huinlH ) wan caught In the cogs , In- f.lnntlj pulling his hand In and mn 01 Ing oviiry finger and even the thtiinh , leaving hnt the Htninp of hln loft hand Mr. GhiHor IH a young man with llttlo jnopoity. having Just Htaitod out for IilniHolf and this accldont la partlctt- Juily had for that mason.Vo undot- ntund ho IH getting along as well HH could ho oxpuctod. VVIntcr Term of Madison Court Over. Dlstilct conit at Madison wan adJoin - Join nod thin morning by Judge Welch , who anlvod In Norfolk at noon. The Jury WUH dismissed jos- ti'iday nftiMimon a shoit tlnio after It assembled foi no cases weio icady Tor tilnI. Thla week's cunt woik at Madison was an antl climax , nothing of mo- niont , ontsldo of the dismissal of ono or t\\o cases , coming tip Dying From Wedding Joke. Dos Molnes , In , Dec 15 As the rosull of a wedding Joke Joe Berg- Htiotn of this city is djlng. IIo has Just gone to Coloiado with his joung In hie with the hopes of lognlnlng his health against foaiful odds. Ho Is HUffoiIng fiom tuberculosis nilslng fiom n seveie cold which ho conti acted when his ft lends on his woddlni ; night lied him to a tree In the open air and left him thoto until discovered and loleasod by the minister. IIo has been' ' 111 over since. IIo Is hut twenty-two yonts old. The wedding took place the middle of last October. ASSAULTED THE CONSTABLE. Osmond Man Takes Exception to Of ficers Gun Play and Fights. . Tierce Call : The tlmo of the county conitas taken up Thuisdny after noon In healing a case In which II. S , Mai tin , living near Osmond , was whiirge with assaulting an offlcor. 'From the testimony It seems that Constable Ben Fariovv of Osmond tliovo out to a corn field whore the ac cused was working and icad a wan ant and oidcicd him to come along. Mat- lln demunod , stating ho wouldn't go until ho had finished his low. Farrow Insisted on Mai tin's coming at once und then the flio woiKs stalled. Far row pulled a gun loaded with six thlitj-two caitrldges and pointing the same at Mai tin snapped the hammer .two times. Happily neither cartildgo exploded and Martin naturally did what anj man would have done , vU : n < each for the gun and take It away from ihe poison snapping It IIo went f further , however , ami beat up the cou ntable In bail shape Judge Kelley lined him foi his leslstanco to the law's lepiesentativo and in lieu of not Slaving ihe monej he decided to laj It out in jail do Dwjer. Wayne and IWsner Men Land. Two noith Nehrabkn men ha\o so- ouicd the appointment of substitute roiivvav mall clerks to woik under the jinlsdictlon of the Sioux Cltj oirtco. Tlie now men , who will piobably got a chance to woik very soon on account of Uie holiday iiish , are George S. 'W'Yght ' of Wajno and llnuy Allen of Wisncr. Mrs. Patsy Magncr Ships Choice Hogs Vnnlvton Pi ess and South Dakotan : Tvlts Patsy Magner sent two cailoads of choice hogs to Sioux Citj markets jepteidtij and followed them down on tht afteinoou passenger .Mrs Mag- JUT said some of hoi poikers weio icij nne and she expected to top the nmiUet with thorn. As Mis. Magnor liab ilono this before , with "hogs " and -cattle - bho Is verj likol > to do It .O'NEILL GETTING FAMOUS. Republican Editor Startles Omaha by iNot Wanting Democratic Job. O'Neill Fiontler : Last week while In the city of Omaha we wore Intro duced to ono of Nebraska's most prom inent Democrats by a Democratic living In the eastern part of state. After sizing us up the afore said p d. sajs : "Well , Cronln , what Job do > on want ? " Wo assuied the gentleman that we were not after any rVPlItlcnl position. "What , " he as- twrtslilngly exclaimed , "jou are not hunting for a piece of the pie , well , foil arc the first Democrat that I have mot the past month from O'Neill who was not looking for office ; lot's take something , " and a smile of relief or Joy io'er spread his classic features. Alter lia\lng ignited a perfecto and tlie p. d. doing likewise wo assured him that wo were not a member of the Democratic party and therefore possibly his Joy was unfounded. "Ah , " ho sadly remarked , "I might have luiown there was some Impediment for In that beautiful city all are states men and patilots willing to servo their country. " Mrs. Bonney's Suit Dropped. TMrs. Mary Etta Uonnej's $5.000 damage suit against Mr. and Mis M. O Wnlcott of the lalhoad eating house , a suit which has excited con- sldeiable Intotest. will ne\er be tried The case has been dismissed In the distilct coint at Madison The tilal would have occurred this week While the terms of settlement In the case were not made public , It Is understood that merely a nominal pay- inont , $50 , was made by Mr. Walcott. Mrs Bonnoy sued for damage to Ing , which she said i until toil when Mr. and Mis. Walcott suspected hoi of being Implicated In the theft of a pin so with BO mo $20 $ belonging to Miss liniiha Shaffer , the cashier at the eating IIOIIHP Mrs. Bonnoj's homo was soaiohed. Mrs Honiicy had boon on ? pH > i'd nt the eating house. On the KioundH of false accusations she 1)1 ) OUght Stilt. Shower for Miss Drebett. Miss Jessie Diobeit was pleasantly suipilsod last evening bj the sudden an Ival at the Dioboit homo on South Eighth Btieet of some sixteen joung ladles of the neighborhood , who cat- rlod Into execution a well planned llni'ii shower , In honor of Miss Ore- bcrt's appioachltig manlago to Fted 0. Koostor , formoily of Norfolk but now a diugglst at Can oil. While Iho date of the wedding Is still n seciet , Not folk ftiond bollux c that In all piobablllty It will occur on one of the last two dajs of the jcar. Uecker-Raasch. Renal Ueckor and Mlbs Illocka Raasch woio man led this aftoinoon at the home of the gioom'H patents be tween Hadai and Pierce. Man ) Not- folk ftlonds had Imitations to attend the coroinonj , which Hov. Mr. Bauer of Hadai porfo\med. \ Miss LI//.IO Roln ho and hi other , Adolph , wlio ha\o Just lotiiined fiom a visit to their patents in Saskata- wan. Canada , weio amon. ; those piesent. Light Plant at Albion Changes. The olectilc light plant at Albion has changed managements. Leedom Wants Pardon. Arthur H. Leodom of Albion , sent- enccd to the penitential ) for six joais for statutoi.v assault , was betoio Gov- 01 nor Sheldon accotding to a Lincoln dispatch asking for executive clem- one ) . At the conclusion of the hear ing Goveinor Sheldon took the matter under ad\lsoment. Rev. Mi. Slsson of Nobiaska Cltj and Mr. Pojnter of Albion made shoit talks In favor of clemency. Right to Drink Is at Stake. John Foerster , Nlobiaia saloon keeper and a well known clti'/en of noit.h Nebraska , Is wondoilng just whoic ho Is at. Ono jury has said that he has been gulltj of selling liquor to citizen In dians in violation of the state law. Another juiy has said that he Is not guilty. And a thhd jury has con fessed that they didn't know. Fooister himself didn't know. At least ho was In Not folk and ono or two other Nebraska cities jestciday and the d.v > previous to consult lawjcis to make the matter a little cleat cr. It's lather a tangled affair , this sal" of whiskey to clti/en Indians , even if ptoved. When Foeister slatted In to tight back the goveinment agents snowed him under with a big bunch of cases and in one of the cases they seemed a conviction. Outside of the meio question of fact a big constitu tional point Is Involved. Just now in all the towns adjacent to leservatlons in Nebiaska goveinment agents aie blinking Into play a state law foi bid ding the sale of liquor to Indians. | Is the light to hoo/o one of the In alienable lights that the national con stitution guainntees to all Its citi/ens ? Can a state leglslatuie diaw a icd color line on the saloon question ? Or does It bump up against the fedeial constitution ? Is an Indian lowei than a negro in the scale of the constitution ? Thels Is said to be a question which is just now agitating manj noith Nebraska red men It is icpoited that the In- Hans aie cliculatlnu ; papois and will ness their tights to a drink on the 'iounds that thoj can not be disci Iml- nted against. And in the new noithwest where In- Hans and men with Indian blood are Mtlldlng towns and tiding in red autos,1 he noble led man Is not to bo do- iplFOd. ilsed. CHICAGO BALL DISGRACEFUL. Underworld Attends Ball of "Bath house John" and "Hlnky Dink. Chicago , Dec 1C. Hon. Aldeiman Bathhouse John" Coughlln and Hon. | \ldeiman 'Hlnky DlnK" Kcnna gave he socHl event of their H\es last light and the event was the ciovvn- ng disgrace of Chicago. Thej packed he Coliseum so full of gentlewomen ot no virtue and gentlemen attached o the aforesaid gentlewomen ( some 12,000 all told ) that if a great disaster , I hoiough in its work , had befallen | : he festive gathering , there would not mve been a "second story worker , " 'dip" "plug ugly , " porch climber , dope lend or scarlet woman remaining In hlcago. Nothing like It ever was seen in hlcago and this statement Is made with the full realization that other first ward democracy halls preceded the sumptuous event of last night , It was probably the greatest exposi tion of vice the world has ever seen. A largo guard of police surrounded the building , extia precaution being taken because of the explosion of a djnamlto bomb in the vicinity the pre\Ious night. Photographers were forbidden to attend the ball and the efforts of one to violate this rule 10- suited In an attack upon him. It Is estimated that the receipts from the sale of tickets amountc 1 to almost $25.000. This , according to the icgular custom , will bo used towatd electing the alderman of the ward whoso term expires next spring TWO DEAD ; FIERCE FIGHT , Ohio Town Marshal Kills Bank Robber and is Fatally Wounded. Greenwlc , O. , Dec. 1C. One mem ber of a gang of five , thought to have > . -op1- ) t tr > Mio TVrpt N'atlonnl ranneis bank eaily todty was shot and killed by Marshal Wood and the maishal was fatally Injuied In tin n by the gang. Wood befote dawn saw a man skulk ing near the hank. He asked the man's business when four other men stepped fiom the shadow of the build- 'tig ' and told Woods to hold up hlH hands. He raised his hands hut dtow a tovolver and Hied , killing the nearest lohboi. The dead tobboi's companions ( lied , fatall.v wounding Wood and when ho lay on the giotind they kicked and heat him. The gang escaped. A big posse Is piiistilng. Count Gives Up Alimony. Pails , Dec. 10 Count Boitl do Cas- tollano today announced the with- diawal of all demand for allinon.v In his suit against Anna Gould for the custod > of his chlldien. WEDNESDAY WRINKLES. Among the daj's out of town vial- tots In Not folk woio : G. LIndonnan , F. J. Ilainack , Bonestcol , S. D. ; W. K. Stott , 13 L Baldwin , Stanton ; J. S DoFoiibt , Ctelghton , H. Lucas , Fos- tot ; W. H. Locke , H. Holllday , Stanton - tonTho The W. C T. IT. will hold a social mooting at the homo of Mis. Guild on South Thii toenth street Tuesday af- toi noon at 1 ! o'clock. Tito Motning Stai school house , west of Madison , which binned down tecentlv. is being tobullt. The or igin of the Iho Is quite a mjsteiy At H. Y Applebj's tecont sale at his St.inton faun , a span of mules sold for $510 , said to be the highest pi ice cvei paid for a mule team In Stanton county. I > nch Joninal : S II. Pickering and J. E. Cooper wont to Norfolk Mon- da.v moining Mr. Picketing has de cided to move to Noifolk and Mis. Picketing and chlldien wlll | follow Satin daj. The opetatlon for the iemo\al of a cataiact fiom II. C. Matrau's left eje , pot foi mod last week In Omaha , is thought to have been as successful as the operation previously perfotmed for the tomoval of a similar gtowth fiom the light eje. Friends In Nor folk aio waiting i at her anxiously to iccehc wotd fiom Mr. Mali an follow ing the lomoval of the bandages Deput.v United States Maishal J. J Edwauls of South Dakota stopped off In Noifolk Satuida > on his way thiough to Sioux Falls. With him wcie Blue Ejes and Catch Enemy , btalwait Scintee Indians whom the maishal had secured at Heirlck to ap peal as witnesses in one of the pend ing liquor cases. The indications at this time aie that the Audltoiluin management will be al > lo to secure 'that ' greal } musical comedy , "The Honejniooneis , " for the evening of Satin daj , Januaiy 2. In case this atti action is bocutcd , as a letter tecehcd todaj boenib to Indicate that It mn > be , Not foil ; will ho given on that night one ot the genuine treats on the American stage toda > It Is Gooigo M. Cohan's original com pany that the Audltoiium is tiying to book. Mis Mathew Maloney , founerly of Noifolk , died last Thuisday fn Chicago cage She lea-ves a husband , two chlldien , Floience and Reglna Ma- lono.v , and two slstois , Mrs. Jane Sant and Miss Annie Lamb. Mis. Malonoj's m.tidon name was Miss Mar > Lamb. The funetal was held Satindn > in Chicago cage , mass being said at the Holy Angels' chinch. Mi. Malonej dining his icfaidenco In Noifolk , woiked as an expett cutter In the J W. Httinphiej talloiing establishment The family lived at the Pacific hotel Mis. Saiali J. Btovvn ot Gieenvllle , Pa , v.lio for two months past has been \isitlng at the homo of her niece , Miss Kate Jonston , in the out- ski : ts ot Not folk , passed peacefully awaj at a late hour Satinad > night. The deceased was In hoi sevenj- ! seventh > ear and her demise was the result of general bioakdown contract ed fiom ever exertion. When she was taken III Mis Biovvn was on net way home fio.n Califotnia Insti notions ha\o been lecelvod fiom a son , C. M Biovvn of New York Cltj , that the icumins bo shipped to Gicenville , Pa , for burial. J. C. JENSEN'S BABE DIES. Parents Live at Ainsworth Jensen Lived in Norfolk and Pllger. Ainsworth , Neb. , Dec. 15. Special to The News : The Infant child of Mr and Mrs1 ; J. C. Jensen died Sun day evening , aged about ten days. Mr. Jensen Is an old time Norfolk boy , hav ing been connected with telephone work In that city. His folks live near Pilger. The sympathies of Ainsworth people go to the sorrowing parents. CLAIM WINNERS ORGANIZE. Trlpp Winners In Chicago Form a Rosebud Association. Chicago , 111. , Dec. 15. Would > ou marry a girl to go out Into a now coun try and build n homo with you with the chance of having to live for the first five jears of jour mairled life on farms sepaiated by thltty miles of prairie ? In addition to that , make the girl pretty the glil , In fact and Isn't It a problem to daunt the stoutest heart ? Well , that Is one of the problems presented for the consideration and possible solution of the Rosebud as sociation , which was organized In Chicago cage toda > . In all of cosmopolitan Chicago to da > theio probablj was no meeting half as strange as that held in a llttlo lodge room at 112 Fifth avenue Com posed of men and women from every walk of life , business men , street car conductors , widows , professional men fanners , stenogiapheie , cleiks , people rnillpnllv In evnrv ImntHnnliln paiticular , the winners of the drawing for homesteads on the Rosebud i ener vation , the people who aio to populate a count ) . Sixty farm wlnnorH , nccom- anled hj their wives and daughters , attended the meeting The olIlcerB elected woio : Piesl- dent. C A. S Hewlett , an electtlcal engineer , living at ! 100 ! ! Beacon street , vice proHldont , William 1. Can oil , a decidedly eligible > oung man , said to lie still "fanc > fieo , " secietnry , Miss Fiances M llanno.v , the ptott > stenoi- laphei who was the Hist woman to "Illo" at , Rosebud last October , and serenely coitln that she will not again go theio alone ; tioasuror , Dr. William Hogan , who dtow No. 2.I123 , and who was unable to bo ptesent because of an Important engagement with Miss Edith annoy. Dr. Hogan and Miss Gaivoy expect to spend their hoiievnioon on the Roue hud next Juno. Rorebud Term of Court Ended. Fall fax , S. D. , Dec. If. . . Special to The News : Ono of the most alien- nous teims of the clicult totitt evot hold In Giegoij count j was closed > es- toiday by Judge E. G. Smith of Yank- ton. Davlson Four to the Good. The last business of the term was the detciniination of the election con- teg of H. W Biovvn against W. A. Davlson for counU commissioner , 10- suiting In Da\lson's election by four votes. The official canvass made by the count ) canvassing boaid ga\e Davlbon a majoilty of six. Started Off to Prison. Bound thiough Noifolk to the Sioux Falls penitentiary. Slier. . J M. Me- Million and County Tiensutcr C F. Biovvn left toda > with two Rosebud ptlboneis , W A. Rlley , sentenced foi three > tars and ten months for killing J E. Ritts nt Butko last Jul.v , and Henry Hnrvej , alias Johnson , sen tenced to four > cais after a confession of hoi so stealing. Riley Came Close to the Limit. Some amusement was ctcated when Judge Smith passed sentence on Rllej. The maximum sentence would have boon four jcais In the penitential j and a $1,000 nne. The merciful judge onlj made It tlneo jeais and ten months , omitting the line , thus meielj sending the prisoner to "tho other side of Aikansas lather and to Texas. " Every Prisoner Convicted. States Attoiney Donolnio covered himself with honors , winning every case tiled. W. .1. Hooper assisted. Jilm In a few of the cases and G. P. IlarBen of Plattc , S. D , In one or two. FIRST SHOW SINCE 1865. Domlnlck Bray of Rosebud Agency At tends First Play in Forty Years. Valentine Republican : Domlnlck Braj , of Rosebud agency , attended the Chase-Lister show Tuesday night. Theie would be nothing unusual In this statement were it not for the fact that ho sajs It is the flist show of any Ind ho has attended since 18C5. Hav ing boon on the frontier all his life lioldlng eminent ; .positions that pto- eluded convenience and opportunity for the enjojment of such pleasurable [ nxui > , he has not cultivated much theattlcal dcshe. Yet , while all this Is true , ho says ho received much teal pleasure from the show Tuesday veiling There are probably several people In Valentino of whom it can lie said have never missed a show dnco thej were old enough to go , but none who have not attended some soil of a show within the last foitj-flve years. Railroad News. Dallas News1 The icsult of an open switch caused a small wieck In tliO I rallioad jards heie last Satin day I night The fi eight was doing its us- night work and the lesnlt of an1 ( , open switch caused the tialn to take' ' the wiong track and collided with' i i couple of box cats which wote badly lamagod and the engine was moio or I , less damaged Foitnnatcl.v thoio was no injuiies to life or limb. Cioighton Liberal : Reports say ; hat the superintendent of the C. & N. W. Ry has fssncd a call for forty men to go to woik as soon as sptlng opens The caiibo of this is that this line Isle lo be graveled and heavier steel laid. This looks ns If wo woio to have the main line to the Black Hills. Fremont Tribune : Railroad men re turning homo fiom a meeting talked Irate pilgrim out of making a com plaint to the police concerning the blocking of a thoronghfore by a train. The irate poison did not happen to know he was talking to railroad men who were In the employ of the com pany against which he launched his tirade. The railroaders offered him excuses which , apparently , served to appease the man , who claimed that ho had been "held up" for twenty min utes at the crossing. It was said that something had gone wrong with the engine. Crelghton Liberal : Floyd Dragoo came up from Norfolk Saturday af ternoon and visited at homo until Monday morning. Ho received an Injury to his foot which necessitated a few days' lay off. Flo > d has an excellent run between Norfolk and Fremont. 2,571 Meet In Lodges.\ Every other person In Noifolk Is a lodge member. No , It Is not quite that bad for many lodge Joiners have a list of aftlllatlons that Is something startling There are in all some 2,571 ledge men and women In Norfolk , a clt ) which boasts of about twonty-fho ledge organizations The noingo membership theieforo Is about 100 Elks Leid. With 285 member the Elks lead all orders In Norfolk. This membership ) q Inrtrn nn necnilllt of the terlrtory embraced In the Norfolk Jurisdiction. All Nebtawka Elks liv ing nearer Noifolk than either Fie- ntont or Alliance are In this jtiilsdlc- tlon. A. O. U. W. Second. Next to the Elks comes the Ancient Older of United Workmen with 253 memhein belonging to the Norfolk lodgo. The affiliated lodge , the Do gioe of Honor , has slxtj-llve membeis Ben Hur Scores High. The Bon Hur lodge , with 17 ! ) mom bets , scores high. Both men and wo men belong to this lodge Tills Is also line of the Modem Btotheihood ol America , an especially stiong Noifolk ledge with about L75 mcmhois. Many Modern Woodmen. A stilctly men's lodge with a big niombeishlp heio , Is the Modem Wood men of America with about 150 mom- bets. Eagles Growing. A glowing ledge In Noifolk Is the Fiatemal Older of Eagles , which to- contly ontot tallied the state aorlo hole. The Eagles' lodge has been glowing nipldly In the last > ear or so and now has between 175 and 150 nicmbcis. Sons of Herman. That t > plcal Get man lodge , the Sons of Herman , 1 s stiong lit Noifolk with 1151 membeis The Norfolk ledge Is counted one of the most substantial In the state. The Travelers. A popular oignnl/ntlon as any In Noifolk Is the United Coniineiclal Travolets , the traveling men's lodgo. The U. C. T. has 12S mombcis , which it Is wet king onetgetlcally and sue- cossfulb to Inciease. The T. P. A. ledge has a meniboishlp of noout 50 and is another oignnl/atlon popular anionng the tiavelois The Masonic Fraternity. Masonry menus as much in Noifolk as elsewhoio In the wet Id , Mosaic lodge , A , F. and A. M , has 110 mem hers. Damascus ledge , chapter of the Rojal Aleh Masons , has ! )2 ) membci.s , Damascus commnndeiy of the Knights Templar. 98. The bnstcin Stai Is 120 strong bore. bore.The The Odd Fellows. Oddfollowshlp Is well and substan tially tepresonted heie. The Noifolk lodge has 106 membeis. The encamp ment numbeis about a scoie. Tlie Ro- bekah lodge has C5 memoeis. Knights of Pythias. The K P. lodge In Noifolk has a nienibcishlp of 37. Royal Highlanders. The Royal Hlghlandois have a mombeishlp of 101. Woodmen of the World. The Woodmen of the Woild , n promi nent national oiganl/atlon , hasIS Noifolk members. The Old Soldiers. Time is thinning the lanks of the veterans. Mathewson post of the G. A. R. has 31 members , the W. R. C. 32 members. Highland Nobles. The Highland Nobles have a mem bership of GO. Mystic Legion. The Lo > al M > stic Legion has 45 members on its lolls. The Smallest Lodge. The smallest lodge in Norfolk Is the Roval Achates , which has 12 meinbois. Noifolk has inanv oiganizatlons which , in a way , enter Into competi tion \vith the legulai lodges , but which aie not so classified. The Railroad Men. Noifolk as a lallioad center of im portance Is pi oud of the strong or- ganl/ations which exist among the railroad men of this division. Young for Congressman. Stanton Picket : The Picket wishes to suggest the name of Hon. W. W Young of this clt > as the ne > .t Repuh- lican candidate for congiessman fiom the Thhd distilct We do not know wbethel Mi Young would consent to be a candidate , but wo do knovv that if he c.xn be induced to maKe the race ho would be the stlongest candidate who could be selected. Ills splendid ability brilliant oratorical poweis , and long .esidence in the dlstiict make him an ideal man for such n position mid , should the voters sue fli to make him their choice , this distilct would be icpiesented In congiess by a man who would tank In ability with the leadets of that body and whose work would reflect credit upon the state of Nebiaska. Ills election to congiess would give this district , not only able leprcsentatlon , but national Import ance. The Broncho. Walt Mason In Emporla Ga/ette : You haven't much sense , bnt I love jou well , O wild ejod broncho of mine ! Your heart Is hot with the heat of hell , and a cjclone's in jour spine ; your folly grows with Increasing ago ; > ou stand by the pasture bars , and hare jour teeth in a dotard rage , and kick at the smiling stars. As homely jou as the face of sin , with brands on jour molted flanks , and saddle scars on j-our dusty skin , and burs on your tail and shanks ! and old so old that the men are dead , who branded jour nock and sldo and their sons hav c lived and gone to bed , and turned to the wall and died. But It's jou for the long , long weary trail , o'er the hills and the desoit sand , bj the sldo of the bones of the steeds that fall and polish on olthor hand It's jou foi the steady and tliolcss lope , through canjon or mountain pass ; to bo flogged at night with a length of rope , and ho fed on a bunch of giass. His Head Too Big for Town. Columbia , Mo. Dec 1C The Rt. Rev Daniel S Tnttle , Episcopal bis hop of Mtsbouil lost his silk tile dur Ing the exercises inaiking the inaug niatlon of Piesldent Hill of the t'ni \oisltj of Missouil The bishop Imstl- Ij was supplied with a hnt sever ! sizes too small. Ho wears a 7 % , and there was no hnt In Columbia big enough for him. The loaned hendpleco had to he balanced on his head , for It wan too small to grip the bishop's ciown and sta.v theio of Its own accoid. HARRIMAN HAS TO ANSWER. Supreme Court of United States Gives Important Ruling. Washington , Dec - H llnnl- man will he compelled to ansvvei quos tloim befoie the Interstate comnieice pommiHHloii dealing with Sotithoin 1'aclllc stocks This was Iho oidoi fiom the supienie coint of the United States , lendered today famous Biovvnsvlllo shooting affair. In his message ho submitted evidence ie- raiding the matter which has been gatheied under his dliectlon. In pait the message sajs : "I enclose heiovvlth a icpoit of the Investigation made bj Heiheit J. Blow no , who WIIH einplo.ved bj the wai ilopailnient with Captain Baldwin , to Investigate the Biownsvllle nftnh. "Tlie lepoit enables us to llx some 'cilmlnals and nnndeieis In the shoot ing and establishes Iho fact ( hat the colored soldleis did the shooting , but upon tlris point fuithor lecoid Is un necessary. "Tho Investigation has not gone fai enough to enable us to dotoimlno all the facts. "It appeals that all membeiH of companj B must be actlvolj conceined either as pai tlclpants 01 In oncoin ag ing the paitlcipants In companies C and B "Theio can bo no question that pi.ic- tlc.illj eveiy man must have had a Knowledge of the shooting done by the soldleis of companj B , tioop W. "The concealment of theh know ledge of the affair was a giave offense , aggiavated bj the lesliinoiij of the coloied soldiois befoio the senate committee that thoj weio Ignoianl of those facts which tliej must have known. Nc ei theless It Is to bo said , In paitlHl extenuation of tholi false tostlmonj , that thoj weio piobably cowed bj the tlneals of the mote des pot ate men who woio actuallj engaged In the shooting. "Tho circumstances tend to show that these men weio encouiaged by outsideib to peiisst In the coin so of concealing the facts and doiijlng the ciinie "I fool that the guilt of those who shielded the petpetiatois , though sci- lous , was in pail duo to an unwise and Impioper attitude of olheis , and that In some tiic.istne allowance for them should ho made. Would Reinstate Those Who Tell. "I believe that wo can affoid to 10- Instate anj of those men who will now truthfullj toll what happened and who will give all the aid thej can in fixing the losponslblHtj and showing that they had no guiltj knowledge befoio the shooting and weie not Implicated. "Under the clicunistances wo can affoid to thorn as men when they have met the lequlrenients and when the guilty aio sufficiently punished. I recommend allowing the secretary of war within a fixed peilod , snj a jear , to leinstato anj of these soldieis whom , after a caieful examination , ho finds have been Innocent and have done all in their povvei"to help bilng the gulltj to justice. "Onlj thiough tneso , those can j Ing on the investigation sajIs thoie the slightest chance of bilnglng the offend- eis to justice. " Browne's Report. The report on the Investigation of the Biownsvlllo case made by Mr. Biovvne , submitted to the war depait- ment and sent to the senate with the president's message , sajs : Foraker Gets Unto It. "ExPihnto Conjois of B'company confessed to William Kneson , a coloied detective , that he and font otheis led the shooting and altei vvaids j tried to suicide , sajing that thoj feared minder when the confession be came known Later , aftei loceiving a letter fiom Sonatoi Foiakei , to whom thej vviote , thoj lefusod to give out the Information " Conjois' confession is said to have shown that the coloied soldiers heaid of threatened double before they weie sent to Biovvnsvlllo fiom Foit Nio- bi ara , neai Valentine , Neb They hold out caitridges and rfles on the way. The Glulty Conspirators. John Pollntan and John Brown of Carolina aie declaicd to have been the chief consplratois. Pollman Is said to have distributed all the ammunition which undoubtedly came with the full Knovv ledge and co operation of two soldiers named Jackson and Reid. All four me said to have loft the barracks and to have fired signal shots. Then the soldiers rushed from the barracks and fired upon the town. A small number followed the loaders Into the aimory whcro the guns wore cleaned. Fresh ammunition was secured be fore day broke. Soldiers Now Scattered. Conyors was found nt Monroe , Ga. , and 130 soldiers wore located by the detectives , after visiting thiity states. Before the reading of the Roosevelt velt message , Senator Foraker offcied . an amendment to his bill for the re storation of the negio soldiers provid ing for the appointment of a commis sion , headed bj Lieutenant Genoial Chafeo , to consider the facts and to determine the course to bo followed , the findings to bo made Individually icgnidlng each soldier. ATCHISON GLOBE SIGHTS. The day dreamer Is sine to attract attention when ho snoies. Most women are credulous enough to believe In tlu'lt hiiKhamls You can i Judge ihealuo of a thing bj the pi Ice caul attached The women are particularly pleased with a marriage ceremony ao 1m- RHEUMATISM RECIPE Directions to Prepare Simple , Yet Remarkable Home Mixture. A well Known authotlty on iliou- mat Ism gives the following valuable though simple and haiinlesH , pi CHOI Ip- tliMi. which am one can easily piu- pate at ho m < I lulit extinct dandelion , olio-halt ounce ; compound kaigon , ono ounce ; compound H.MIIP sat Hitpni Ilia , thioo ounces Mix h.\ shaking well In a boltlo and take a teaHpoonful after unch meal and at bedtime. lie slates that the Ingiodlonts can ho obtained fiom nnj good pium'tlp- thin phainuiej at ttuall cost , and , beIng - Ing ol u'gcinhlo extinct Ion , nio liium- less to lake. ThlH pleasant mlxtuie , II taken teg- ulaih foi a few dajs , IH said to over come almost any ease of ihouniatlHin , 1'he pain and swelling. If an.v , dimin ishes with each dose , until peiinanonL lesitlls aie obtained , and without In- jinlng the stomach While theto aio many siHMlled iheumatlsm lomodloH , intent medicines , etc , some of which do give tellef , few tenllj give pet man- out tesiilts , and Iho uho\o will , no doubt , be gteath apptoeiatod by many HiitletetH heie at this lime. liiquli\ at the dnig slot OH of this nelghboihood elicits the Infoimillion that these dings ate haimless and can be hoimht sepalaleh , 01 the dtngglstH heie will mix the ptesciIpllon for our te.ideiH If asked to ptOHshe that It makes the chills run down thelt backs. A man with a lot of money IH al wajH a great help to hlniHolf. Seciots a woman can't toll wony bet as much as the money she can't spend. Success is the only thing that can tin n a man's head when ho has a stiff neck. An old bachelor sajs an engaged man Is as good as mauled and a dhoiced man Is better. Sonic excuses ate so thin that a blind man can see thiough them. If mono } didn't make the mare go doubtless It would get the horse laugh. No man can alloid to say all the things ho would like to say. If > ou have a soctot , you may as well toll It to flftj ns to one. A jonng dodo/ calls diseases by the Latin names ; an old doctor Is not so paiticular. The lewatd a man recel\es for goIng - Ing to bed carl > regulaily. Is that ho feels vciy tough if ho stajs up late once in a while. A woman sits down and waits for temptation to come along , but a man usually ' moots It half way. Take 30 cents wotth of cotton wash goodb , a lose or two , a pair of shoes , and a hat , and put them on a sixteen- jcar-old girl , and jou have a gicat icsult. Hags aie needed aiouml a pilntlng ofllce , to wipe up machiney ! , otc. Wo find much difficulty in getting rags this w Intel ; people seem to bo wearIng - Ing them. Mother Is so popular in her family the only upioachos she ever gets fiom her children originated In theii I lnabllit.\ compichcml why she ever ( mauled fathei What has become of the old-fash ioned gill who , when she wanted to loam a song she had hoard someone sing , asked the falnget to "wtlte it out for hoi , " Instead of pajlng the music dealer flft > cents for it ? MASSA TEDDY'S ' 'SINUATION. "Good mawnin' Samu'l Jeffohbon ! " "Good mawnin' Mlhtah Adams ! " "How's jo' all's health dls mawnin' ? " "O' jcs' faihly ! How's do Madam's ? " "Say , Sam , jo' hoa'd ho latest news 'Bout Congvvess' indignation When day find In Massa's message What dej calls a 'slnuatlon ? " "Jos' what am a 'slnuatlon , MIstah Adams ? " "Huh , you nlggah , Ef you'd leahned to read the papehs You'd know plenty wo'ds that hlggah. To slmpllcate it fo * you' , What I means by 'slnuatlon , I'll jes' postulate a simile By way of illustwation. Jos' s'poso I had a hen-house , Jes' t' B'pose , fo' demonstwatlon , An' I tied a bull-dog In da1 , Dat would bo a 'slnuatlon Dat all re othah nlggahs In do nolghb'hood 'roun' heah Isn't altogothah honest , Does jo1 get my moanln' cleah ? Now Congvvess , do las' session , Put a bull-dog In do pen Dat wont tech a single mombeh If ho comes to swlpo a hen : But If any common nlggah Makes a sashay on do roost Why , he'll chaw him all to pieces Bofo' he'll tu'n him loost. Massa Ted pioposed to tag him "Dts heah dog am mighty Jlo'co ! Habmless jes' to legislator , Othah nlggahs. best be skeotco' " So dat's what laisul do lumptts , Sam , And caused do Indignation Do Congvvess thinks Mai so Teddy's tag Would bo a 'slnuatton. Hlchard F. Mnrwood.