The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 18, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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Politician Resorts to 8nfe Robbing.
Dead wood. H. n. . n 'o. in. Telegrams -
grams from Inlluontlol Denver frlt-mlH
offering tliolr aid. bolryed the Identi
ty of the innii wlio registered nt u fash-
lunalilu hotel Intro last week , with his
reputed wlfo , IIH Mr. mill Mrs. J. II.
I.IUIKO , of Detroit.
Ilo Is iiono other tluui Jerry John-
BOII , u well known ilomocratlc poli
tician of Denver. .lolniHon and the wo
man arc charged with robbing the safe
of iv department Hloro here while a
confederate kept the clorkH busy.
lloth man and woman are now under
arrest hero. The woman IH believed
to have deserted a husband , but her
Identity IH Htlll a mystery. When ar
rested Klie had railroad tickets to Sid
ney , Nebraska.
Strange Discovery Made In Excavat
ing for a Tunnel In Ontario.
Toronto , Out. , Dec. 10. Workmen
employed on the waterworks tunnel un
der Toronto bay yeHterday found hu
man footprints In blue clay , seventy
feet below water level. The Had was
In Interglaclal clay , deposited from
50,000 to 100,000 , years ago , and Is con
sidered the most Important geologl-
cal discovery relating to that period
made In America.
Spencer News.
Mrs. C. 0. Kirk IB undergoing an
operation In Omaha.
I' , llarnos and W. Hathaway are
looking for a homo In South Dakota.
V Horn to Mr. and Mrs. William
Dralthwalt , a son.
Misses Laura Karnbol and Cora
Kelly are visiting relatives at Spen
cor.Miss Stella Wtlbergor was the guust
of Miss Anna HOBS In Spencer Sun
Baby Drinks Cnr'bollc Acid ,
llrlstow Enterprise : The little bab >
of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Halm had a nar
row escape from death by poisoning
last Friday afternoon. The little one
got hold of u bottle containing some
carbolic acid and drank the same.
New Pastor at West Point.
West Point , Neb. , Dec. 15. Special
to The News : Hev. L. .1. Powell ,
formerly of Sutherland , Neb. , has boon
elected pastor of the Grace Lutheran
church at West Point and has arrived
to commence bis pastorate.
Congressman Is Seriously III.
Wooster , O. . Doc. 15. Grant E.
Mouscr , member of congress from the
Marlon district , Is In a hospital here
In a critical condition , suffering from
nraomlc poisoning. Mr. Mouscr was
removed from a Pennsylvania train un
conscious and was In the hospital for
several hours before bis Identity was
discovered. Ho finally recovered suf-
llclentlv to tell his name.
Dutch Giving Castro More Trouble
While He's Awny.
London , Dec. 15. According to a
dispatch from The Hague , the Dutch
blockading squadron captured a Von-
/.u < ; laii coast guard vessel. A Dutch
prize crew were placed in charge of
the vessel which proceeded under Its
own steam.
Mrs. Taft Honored.
Now York , Dec. 15. Mrs. W. II.
Taft was today selected as honorary
national chairman of the woman's de
partment of the national civic federa
tion. Mrs. Nicholas Longworth was
made a member of the executive coun
Takes Sketch of Roosevelt's Feet. .
Now York , Dec. 1C. When the Karl
of Warwick left for Kngland today he
took with him an outline drawing of
the foot of President Roosevelt , which
he received from Washington today
at the Plaza. It Is explained by the
Karl that the drawing was not prim
arily Intended as an ornament or as a
curiosity , but that It would serve as a
plan for the construction of the finest
hunting boots I hat can be made in
Kngland for the nso of the president
on his hunting trip. The details and
cost of equipment were discussed b >
the earl during his visit to the White
House. As one of the most expert
uncoil of hunters after big game , his
advice and Information was of great
Interest , to Mr. Roosevelt.
Gets His License.
Brussels , Dec. 1C. President Roosevelt
velt has applied to the minister of
colonies for permission to hunt In
Congo Independent state In 1909. Per
mission will bo readily granted.
Girl's Life Menaced by Mall.
Klmood , 111. , Dec. 10. Mary Little-
Hold , fourteen years old , principal
witness for the state In the cases
against seven merchants charged with
crimes against young girls , which wll
bo called for trial In January , todaj
received a letter threatening her life
unless she absented herself from the
trial. The letter has been turned over
to the postal authorities. The seven
Indicted men range In ago from thirty
llvo to fifty , and all are prominent.
Electric Theater at Nellgh.
Nolivh. { Neb. , Dec. 11. Special tc
/The / News : Sot/.or & Kryger of thU
city have fitted up Romlg's hall foi
their electric theater , and have beei
giving exhibitions four evenings o
ench week with a Saturday afternooi
matinee. Monday and Tuesday even
nlngs they are at Meadow Grove am
Tlldon. An entire change of program
and pictures Is given each week.
Groom Taken by Officer.
Albion. Nob. , Dec. 14. Joseph Daer
lately of Wheeler county , came to A !
blon bringing with him a young wo
man whom ho proposed to marry upor
his arrival. Previously to his arrival
however , Sheriff Evans had receiver
word from the sheriff of an adjoining
county to arrest the prospective groan :
on a statutory charge made by a
young girl of Duller county. He fore
Mr. llaer had completed his matrimonial
menial arrangements the sheriff had
him safely In Jail. Ills troubles did
lot end here. Sheriff Carlgg of Platte
ounty , telephoned that the prisoner
vas wanted In that county on a charge
> f stealing , and came up ( his
Morning and took him to Columbus to
iimwor to the latter charge. The wed-
ling has been Indefinitely postponed.
Claim Forgery.
Valentine , Neb. , Dec. 11. Special to
The News : Attorney Morrlsoy of this
Ity has received a letter from a man
tamed Thompson from Drown county
isklnw him to have a certain deed
canceled claiming It to bo a forgery.
1'hn deed in question Is made out to a
parly named Sutton who Is not'known
iround hero.
Drltlsh Officer Resigned to See Ameri
can Sweetheart Now Deserter.
Ixjiidon , Dec. 15. William Me-
Donough , a pay olllcer In the navy , Is
under arrest In the prison ship , Maul-
lar , charged with desertion. Ho re
signed his position with the army and
departed for the United States to see
his sweetheart before the resignation
was accepted.
Court Names Special Prosecutors Over
Defense's Objections.
New York , Dec. 15. The court an
nounced before the examination of
talesmen In the Halnes murder trial
today In the Queens county court that
James A. Daylon and Elmer White as
special prosecutors to assist Prosecu
tor Darrln. The defense objected but
was overruled. Attorney Mclntyro for
the defens' ' announced that objection
would be made to every participation
In the trial by White.
South American President Said to Be
Looking for German Alliance.
Derlln , Dec. 15. The kaiser today
sent a cordial telegram of welcome to
resident Castro. The German ruler
expressed his Individual pleasure , also
hat of the nation.
It Is declared In diplomatic circles
hat Castro favors forming an alliance
with Germany to graple with his in *
ernationnl dlllllllcultles. U Is under
stood that ho will present his Ideas to
.ho state department and the foreign
> IIlce. He Is said to be seeking a
largo loan for his government.
Kormer Norfolk Brakemnn on Way to
Begin Sentence at Sioux Falls.
Unfettered yet unfrco , W. A. Uiley
and Ralph Howard alias Henry Har
vey alias Johnson , passed through Nor
folk Tuesday noon on their way to
the Sioux Falls penitentiary.
Ulley , who was once a Northwest
ern brnkeman out of Norfolk and who
lived for a time in Fremont , will
serve three years and ten months foi
the murder of Joscpu Rltts in Burke
Howard serves four years for horse
J. N. McMullen of Fairfax , the
Gregory county sheriff , whoso duty it
was to deliver the two men safely to
the prison officials , had decided that
it would bo both safer and more con
venlent to make the journey around
by Norfolk and Sioux City than to tr >
and cross the river.
Neither men showed any surface in
dicatlon that their long time sen
tences were worrying them , other thai
r deulctance to allude to what thcj
have gone through and still have to
go through.
The prisoners , on condition of goo (
behavior , wore permitted to travel nn
cuffed , so that to the traveling public
the movements of the little part }
caused no comment.
Casper Rlef Was Laraest Individual
Landowner In Cumlng County.
West Point. Neb. , Dec. 1C. . . Special
to The News : Casper Rlef , the larg
est Individual landowner In Cumlng
county , died at his farm homo Mon
day night at the age of seventy-two ,
from a stroke of paralysis sustained
by him on Friday last. The deceased
owned two sections of the most highly
improved and valuable lands In the
county. He leaves a widow and three
unmarried sons , one married son ,
three daughters , Mrs. John Thlessen
of Osmond ; Mrs. Felix H. Keller , and
Mrs. Herman ballentino of West
Point and a large number of relatives
In this county , at Madison , Neb. , and
in Wisconsin. Funeral services will
bo held Friday under the auspices of
the Catholic church.
Fairfax Modern Woodmen Elect.
Fairfax. S. O. , Dec. 1C. Special to
The News : The M. W. A. lodge has
elected the following olllcers for the en
suing year : Consul , Geo. F. Parchen ;
adviser , Chas. Mllner ; clerk , Relnhold
Kosta , re-elected ; banker , W. M. Waiters
tors , re-elected ; escort , C. W. Geyer ,
re-elected : watchman , C. W. Bowman ;
sentry , Walter Geyer ; managers , Paul
W. Lambert , O. C. Moses.
Metzler Cleared of Embezzlement.
Ponca , Neb. , Dec. 1C. The case ol
Robert Met/lor , charged by Davis .ft
Co. , of Sioux City , with the embezzle
ment of $1GOO , was on trial in circuit
court hero last week and ended In
the acquittal of the defendant. Judge
Guy J. Graves of Ponder presided.
Tony Kvors , whoso case came from
Cedar county on a change of venue ,
where ho was charged with assault
Ing an eight-year-old girl , drew n
sentence of ten years In the penlten
Welcome Emanuel Movement.
Now York , Dec. 1C. Two hundred
prominent Congregational ministers In
this city mot last night at the Martha
Washington hotel and discussed the
Kmtmuel movement.
When Rev. Dr. Lelghton Williams
of Amity Daptlst church said that
"Protestantism , as protestantism Is a
dying thlng"they applauded him.
When Rev. Dr. Robert McDonald of
Washington avenue ( Hrooklyn ) Dap-
list church said "Tho now phychol-
ogy's religious movement Is leading
the chrlsilan church to get hold of the
Imminent , nearby God , and to ( Uncover
the real soul , " they applauded ngaln.
Rov. Dr. McDonald said at the outset
that his preaching and practice of
"the new psychology" doctrines was
bringing back former parishioners of
the Washington avenue church , who
had long been indifferent.
"Christian Science and the now
psychology do not contain full Chris
tianity , and are Intensely irrational. "
ho said , "but they are answering a
most vital personal spiritual Issue. "
Says Children are Surrounded by Love ,
Killed by Ignorance.
New York , Dec. 1C. "Tho modern
mother Is the child's worst enemy for
when she relies on her maternal In-
tlnct In care for her offspring she IP
caning on a broken reed. It is to pro-
ect babies from their own mothers
and mothers from their own Inexpert-
nces that the Infant science academy
uis been founded. Through It wo
lope to answer the piteous cry of bun-
Ireds of helpless children In New York
vho are surrounded by love , but inur-
lereil by Ignorance. "
Mrs. Gibson Arnold , a youthful but
> arnest. leader In the new movement
to save babies from the fatal effects
> f maternal Incompetence , thus re-
Miked the modern mother of today ,
when at her homo she explained thn
jbject and aim of the Infant Science
Academy , which was incorporated on
Saturday by Supreme Court Justice
Menageries Distributed.
Express and baggage men on the
Northwestern road in company with
the employees of Norfolk retail stores
are beginning to feel the pressure of
the Christmas traffic.
Christmas presents are already en-
route and it is presumable that it Is
the novelty of the gifts that Is re
sponsible for the many freak ship
William J. Bryan Isn't just now
by any means , the only recipient ol
live stock. Though as yet none of
the boxed up transients have taken ui
as much space as will the trick mule
being sent by the Democratic candl
date to Frank Pordew of Maryland
the foundation for a first class men
agerle is passing daily over the North
western from friend to friend.
Kittens , bullpups , pigeons , "nann }
goats" that sooner or later are posl
lively sure to develop horns , guinea
pigs and rabbits are a few of the com
nioner varieties that the tralnmet
have to tend to. "Water those pig
eons , Bill , when we come to a siding , '
"See that blankity blanked bullpup
gets something more substantial to
chow on than those old socks of mine , '
and "Look out that fool goat don't go
loose while the door's open , " are a
few of the remarks one hears banter
ing about the depot.
E. Kosta of Fairfax received three
priceless homing pigeons yesterday
They only came from Port Huron
Mich. , but the chances are pretty gooc
that if the birds regain their llbertj
in the near future they will get bad
Gregory Is getting the bullpups , two
or three shipments going there till
last week.
Elevator Tower Fell.
The old elevator at Newman Grove
older than the new town , has been sol
by J. W. Fitch to Juelson & Gustaf
son , who are remodeling it for the !
pump and well business. The ne\
owners cut the tower loose and at
tempted to lower It with a block am
tackle. The tower was so much hcavle
than estimated that It broke loose and
crashed down on the room of an ad
jacent Implement building. No great
amount of damage resulted.
Business Changes In the Northwest.
J. N. Kincaid has purchased the
Means meat market at Oakdalc.
Rudolph Rohde of Pierce has sold
his saloon to Ferdinand Huber of near
Madison , to give possession next May.
Rohde will remain In'Pierce.
Mr. and Mrs. Heller of Hoscobal ,
\VIs. . are guests at the home of L. C.
Mlttelstadt. Mrs. G. A. Mlttelstadt
and children of Wlnsldo were -also
bore over Sunday.
Mrs. Jasmor of Crelghton was in
Norfolk Tuesday , ihe guest of Mrs.
J. D. Sturgeon , on her way to San
Diego , Calif.
H. C. Saltier left on the early mornIng -
Ing train for Baltimore where he will
visit with his father and two sons un
til after Christmas.
Henry Wiles was In Columbus yes
W. J. Gow left last night on a busi
ness trip to Nellgh.
Morton Soymoro of Madison was In
town over Sunday.
Arthur Pllger spent Sunday at the
family homo In Norfolk.
P. M. Barrett went to Omaha Mon
day on a two days' business trip.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Slcfert were In
Norfolk for a short time yesterday.
Miss Jessie Drobert spent Sunday
with friends and relatives in Madison.
Miss Lizzie Zimmerman of Battle
Creek was a Norfolk visitor Saturday.
Mrs. R. Blatt and son of Meadow
Grove are In Norfolk visiting relatives.
Miss Minnlo Newerk and sister ot
Battle Creek were Norfolk visitors
R. W. Williams has returned from
Superior , Nob. , where Mr. Williams
-hflBbeMi working for th < > Htnnrttird
Oil company , loiter Mr. and Mrs.
Williams will leave for a pleasure trip
thiough Texas. |
J. ! ' . Durloiul of Plalnvlew spent
the week end at the A. J.iDurland
Mrs. Decker , Mrs. Swank and Mrs.
lladuntz of Slnnton were Norfolk visi
tors Monday afternoon.
Dr. and Mrs. P. H. Salter and Mr.
and Mrs. S. M. Draden will leave for
Chicago tomorrow noon.
G. A. Lindsay of Crelghton spent
Sunday at the home of his parents ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lindsay of Norfolk.
E. C. Hamilton of St. Charles , S.
I ) . , and P. C. Anderson of Spencer
passed through Norfolk Monday on
their way to Omaha.
A. McGee of Madison passed through
Norfolk yesterday on his way up to
Malnvlew to visit a sister who Is very
ow with typhoid fever.
Roy Krolilman left yesterday for
'corla , 111. , where ho has accepted a
loultlon as shipping clerk with the
lershell Manufacturing company.
Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Green from Kan-
jakoe. 111. , and Dr. and Mrs. Hay
rom Lincoln , arrived In Norfolk at
loon to be guests of Dr. and Mrs.
G. A. Young at the Norfolk hospital
mtll tomorrow noon. Dr. Green , who
vas formerly superintendent here , now
ms charge of the big state Institution
at Knnkakee. Dr. Hay Is the suporln-
ondcnt of the Lincoln state hospital.
Among the day's out of town vlsl-
ors In Norfolk were : W. J. Heatty ,
"oster ; F. W. Scott , Plalnvlew ;
leorge Stone , Tilden ; Arthur Oliver ,
Winner ; A : M. Wennett , Wisner ; Miss
Sdna Marks , St. Charles , S. D. ; Mrs ,
ind Miss Hilkerman , Foster ; K. O ,
Hake , Dallas ; C. F. Keating , Pierce ;
Mrs. Jennie Evans , Crelghton ; L. S ,
LIttlebridge , Hurke , S. D. ; E. P. .
McGne , Madison ; H. H. Stern , Spencer
cor ; P. Bengel , Gregory , S. D. ; M ,
Manning , Hattle Creek ; II. J. Backes. .
Humphrey ; W. L. Purely. Madison ;
August Kochn , Ts'aper ; J. K. Shultz
Naper ; J. R. Carter , lladnr ; C. L. Hell
Pierce ; H. J. Uergenhlmor , Crelghton
D. Rees was on the sick list yestcr
Miss Ella Mather , who has been
quite sick , Is better.
Mr. and Mrs. Waller Chlpps are now
making their home In Columbus.
Suits and equipment for the militia
basketball team have been ordered.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Klchari
Laubsch , living east of the city , a son
A box social will bo given Frlilaj
evening at the Dedermaii school , o
which Miss Minnie Duel is the teacher
Only three houses are quarantine !
In Norfolk at this time. There are
two cases of diphtheria and one case
of scarlet fever.
Knox Tipple of Stanton , formerly
proprietor of the Pacific hotel , has
boon a Nebraska visitor in Washing
The sum of $9 was netted from a
tiox social given at the Sunny Meadow
school house two miles west of the
city Friday evening.
Ernest Raasch has let the contract
for cutting CO.OOO fcot of cottonwood
lumber from a cbttonwood grove six
miles west of Norfolk.
Tom Hrico Is now making very
noticeable progress towards recovery
from his recent attack of typhoid
fever. He is able to sit up.
Dr. P. II. Salter will leave tomorrow
noon for Chicago to attend the meetIng -
Ing of Northwestern surgeons. Dr.
Salter is on the program for a paper.
Business men have taken up with
the street department the matter of
paying more attention to street cross
ings during the holiday shopping sea
At a recent meeting the Modern
Brotherhood of America elected the
following olllcers for the coming year :
J. A. Jensen , president ; L. B. Bruce ,
vice president ; G. II. Burton , secre
tary-treasurer ; Mrs. Emma F. Harder ,
chaplain ; Miss Mamie Dignnn , con
ductor ; George Mather , watchman ;
Hans Rohwer , sentry ; Dr. E. L. Brush ,
Pierce Call : Frank McWhorter
sold his dray business last week to
I Messrs. N. A. Wood and John Francis ,
the new flrm taking charge Tuesday
morning. Mr. McWhorter oxpocls to
sell his residence property In Pierce
between .now and the first of March
and move to his farm south of Norfolk
folkMr. . McWhorter came to Pierce
In 1S92 and has been a resident of the
city or vicinity ever since.
Word received from II. C. Matran
In Omaha , where ho had a cataract
removed from his left eye last week ,
Is decidedly encouraging. The band
ages have been removed , Mr. Matran
being able to see out of his loft eye as
well as ho can from his right. The
second operation now appears to have
boon as successful as the ono per
formed some months ago when a
similar growth was removed from the
right eye. Mr. Matrau hopes to be
home in a short time.
Miss Ruth Purtle , a Lincoln public
school teacher , who recently passed
through Norfolk returning from Herrick -
rick , S. D. , where she had spent a
few days op her 1901 Rosebud claim ,
has proven that women may mnko a
success of the land lottery drawings.
"I have 100 acres , " said Miss Purtlo.
"under cultivation. It was all cropped
this year to oats and corn. The yield
this year In the oats was light , only
35 bushels an acre. My corn Is only
partially gathered , but U promises to
yield nearly -10 bushels. My farm is
In Gregory county which Joins Trlpp
county on the oast. I think the land
Is just as good in Trlpp county as
what I have. Ono of my neighbors
recently sold ICO acres after ho hod
proved up on It for $8.000. I have
proved up on mine , but I have no in
tention of selling. I have learned too
much about farming , "
Christmas Spruce for Trees.
"Yes , there will bo lots of Christmas
trees , but for the most part they will
lift gmnll " B.llrt thn fhrlnfmnn . . . * . .ni >
traveling ralMunin in tNnfolk yester
day. "Millions upon m.lUons of Christ- trees were ib'Htro.xrd iv tl u ov
tensive forest lir-'s last summer ni-d
as a result , poopln will have lo take
ivlmt they can got In this l.ue. Mlchl-
; nn spruce will form the principal
.Mirlstmns tree stock this Reason. "
The salesman snld that he had sold
i couple of 22-foot trees , some 20-foot-
. rs , a good many slxteons and bun-
Ireds and thousands of smaller ones.
New Card for Dallas Train.
On the now time card that olllclals
) f the Northwestern railroad are now
irrnnglng the early Dallas passenger
wil not he scheduled to leave Norfolk
nuch before the hour of 7 a. m.
To travelling men , laudlookers , to
my whose businesses may call them
nit over the north road of a morning
the change will bo much appreciated.
Three quarters of aii hour additional
sleep especially In the wee hours of
the moriflng Is a luxurious privilege
not to bo dlsplsed.
During the month of October and
while the rush was on this train loft
the city depot every morning promptly
at 0:10 : , lately It has been pulling out
at :15. :
Superintendent C. H. Reynolds
stated today that though the schedules
had not been figured down to the
exact fractional second , the train In
question would not leave after the
first of the week until somewhere In
the neighborhood of 7 o'clock. In ad
dition the train down In the evening
will arrive earlier , reaching hero at
about 7 o'clock.
These HIT all the changes that will
be made In the passenger service , but
there will be considerable alteration
on the freight card.
Running on the new schedule wll !
commence to take place Monday , De
cember 21.
Arrangements arc ready for the
Christmas trafllc.
Passengers No. 5 and C , westbound
and eastbound respectively'aro sched
tiled to run In two sections Christmas
week to guard against overcrowding
One effect f > > 2 no\\- card will IK
to make J . .ptwsible to go to Dallas
and return the same day , the oh
schedule having given forty minutes
In Dallas. The return train will leave
Dallas a few minutes before the morn
Ing train from Norfolk arrives.
Railroad News.
Pierce Call : Frank M. Bartlett lef
Saturday for Bassett , Neb. , to accept
a position as operator for the Chicagi
& Northwestern Railway company
Frank has boon practicing telegraph }
for the past year and has made ver.v
satisfactory progress. His brother
Bert , Is station agent at Bassett.
Some Corn Husking.
Spencer Advocate : Aloysins Neppl
who for the past season has workei
for Mr. Chris Nepper northwest o
Spencer , is the champion corn buske
of Boyd county , having- picked ovq
,1,000 bushels of corn this fall , avorng
lug 115 bushels per day for the pas
week. How is that boys ?
Business Changes in the Northwest
John Hoar , the former proprietor o
the Neligb house at West Point am
lately of the Boyd hotel at Wayne , ha
sold his interests at the latter plac
to John Meister , who is also a forme
West Point hotel man.
Scott Dunn of South Omaha has pur
chased the meat market of Ruper
brothers of West Point and has takei
August Leutheuser has accepted th
position of assistant cashier in th
First National bank of Beemer.
New Railroad , New "Opening. "
Straws on the surface are at leas
indicating activity In Yankton Soutl
ern circles , the general indication
at this time being that Norfolk is stl
as close as she ever was to being i
the way of saining the south lln
Senator Gamble , in the Unitci
States senate , at the close of las
we ok's session , introduced n bill ex
tending for one year the time granted
the Yankton , Norfolk and Southern
railroad to construct a bridge across
the Missouri at Ynnklon.
Similar action was recently taken
by the city of Yankton in extending
to the Yankton Southern another
year's time in which to make use of
important street rights granted Fre
mont Hill's road.
Senator Gamble ns a resident of
Yankton has always been Interested
in the new south road.
Rosebud-Pine Ridge Opening.
The South Dakota senator at this
time is also interesting himself In an
other direction of government action
important to this section of the north
west , the opening of the surplus lands
In the Pine Ridge and Rosebud reser
vations. Washington dispatches say
that the department has promised Its
co-operation towards nn early opening
to settlement of these two reserva
tions which are adjacent to the Ne
braska lino.
McLaughlln to Come Here Again.
In connection with the passage of
the two "opening bills" ho has Intro
duced , Senator Gamble has taken up
with the department of the Interior ,
the designation of Inspector James
McUinghlin as the government agent
to take up with the Sioux Indians the
adjustments needed to be made in the
treaty necessary to pave the way for
the opening. The bills Introduced by
Senator Gamble , If they pass , are to bo
used as the basis of this agreement.
McLaughlln made both the treaty
which opened Gregory county to set
tlement and the treaty which let down
the bars against the white settler In
Trlpp county.
Another Railroad Rumor.
O'Neill Democrat : Word comes tc
O'Neill that lumber and material IB
being unloaded at Orchard for the pur-
only object of this could ho the fact
that the Dnrlliigton nro contemplating
branching off to the south from there
Instead of building on from O'Neill. If
this Is done the Durllngtou will likely
xteud the O'Neill Hue on In a north-
esterly direction. The reports are
ot authentic , however , anil It Is quite
kely that advance tips of the Inlen-
ons of the company will be withheld
ntll the grading Is begun.
New Northwestern Bridge Over
Platte n Model Structure.
Fremont Tribune : Within the past
ew days the construction train which
vlth its gang of men has been doing
ervlce on the new Northwestern rail
oad bildge over the Pliilto river west
f Fremont has been taken off. The
irldge Is about completed. All of the
Id spans have been removed. A force
> f men Is an work on putting up the
land rails. .
The bridge when completed will hone
> no of the best In the way of strength
mil other features to bo found any-
vhero along the Platte. It provides
'or a walk for pedestrians for the en-
Ire length of the bridge. On the out
side of this there Is a hand rail for the
safety of those using it.
For the protection of section men
uul others who use a hand car on the
rack there are several places along
he bridge where the car can be lifted
'rom the track In case of being mot
> y a train.
In million to these devices foi
safety it Is furnished with the latest
qulpmcnt to save It from destruction
iy the ice jams in the spring. On the
surface of the bridge are also guard
ails which are further enforced bj
solid planking between them. It Is s <
irranged that If for any cause a trait :
should be derailed no further accldonl
could happen to the train.
Passing counterfeit money Is IK
worse tluui diiliHtlliilliiK some unknown
worthless remedy for Koley's llonuy
mil Tur , the Kfcut eoiinb nnd ooli ]
remedy Unit cures tlie most obstinate
coiiKlis nnd liouls tliu IUIIK . Tlio Kle
sun Drug Co.
When a man boasts that he Is the
master in his house and his women
folks don't look at each other and
smile , that is ono sign that ho Is.
Honrso coiiKlis and stuffy colds that
may develop Into pneumonia over nlelit
are ciulekly cured by Koluy'H Honey
ind Tar , an It soothes Inllamod nietn-
ImmcH , heals the IIIIIKS , and expels the
cold from the Hytitutn. The Klesuu
Drug Co.
"He is full of himself" Is Uic wa >
a woman recently described a con
celled young man. And , by the way ,
isn't it well put ?
Dawes County Teachers.
Chadron , Neb. , Due. 15. Special to
The News : The Dawes County
Teachers' association was hold bore
Saturday with the largest attendance
and the greatest meeting in the his
tory of the organization. The super
intendent of the Chadron schools , R.
I. Elliott , presided , and offered many
valuable suggestions. Nearly every
district In the county was represented ,
and all the teachers joined hands in
making the mooting a great success.
In the evening a lecture of Longfel
low was very eloquently given by Rev.
J. Rockweed Jenkins of the Episcopal
church In this city. The lecturer was
aided by a series of stcrcoptlcan
views , and by several musical selec
tions , the words of which were written
by Longfellow. One of the numbers
was rendered very beautifully by the
hifib school male quartet , a very suc
cessful organization under the direc
tion of Principal J. Harold Williams.
Many of the citizens attended the
evening lecture and congratulated the
teachers upon having the best county
association ever held hero.
Chadron Talks of Sewer System.
dilution. MOO. . DOC. 15. Special to
The News : After a long series of
arguments nnd n number of discus
sions and opinions expiossed by the
citizens , the Chadron city council has
proven that it is possible for the cit ; .
to have a very much needed system
of sewers if the people want It. This
Is a question which has been hanging
over the city for some time , but de
risions and estimates have been rather
indefinite on account of certain exist
ing inconveniences and obstructions.
The question will In all probability
come up at the next general city elec
tion , and Chadron will undoubtedly
have a perfect sewer and drainage sys
tem within a year. The recent action
of the council upon this subject has
been received very favorably by the
I'Oley'H Orlno Laxntlvn euros chronic
constipation and stimulates the llvor.
Orlno roKtilatcis the bowels so they
will act naturally and you do not have
to take purgatives continuously. The
Klesau Drug Co.
Tliere Is a fairy tale told to the
effect that a business man has twice
been saved from the sheriff by hia
wife going down Into her sugar bowl ,
and bringing out money she had
saved by keeping a cow.
Mrs. M. Mcllnnoy , 1'rentiss , Miss. ,
writes : "I was conllncd to my l > nd for
three months with kidney and bladder
trouble , and was treated by two physi
cians but falk-d to Rot relief. No hu
man tnnuuo can toll how I mifforcil ,
and I had jjlvon up hope of over iret-
tliiB well until 1 beKan taklnuKoloy'H
Kidney Hoinedy. . After taking two
bottles I felt like a new person , and
fool It my duty to toll suffering women
wiint ploy s Kidney Heiucdy did for
me. " The Klosnu Drug Co.
Name Library Committees.
The city library board has organ
Ized for the work by the appointment
of permanent committees. The 11-
brary plans submitted by J. C. Stltt
and exhibited In .he windows of the
Nebraska National bank , have been ap
proved by the board. The plans will
bo forwarded to Andrew Carnegie nf
tor a meeting of the board to bo hold
next Monday.
Committees Named.
Koenlgsteln nt the meeting yesterday
afternoon , the most Important oC
which Is probably the building anil
grounds committee on account of the
building operations noon to bo started ,
are as follows :
1 Dnlldlug and grounds committee :
O. D. Salter , Miss Margaret Kleuts ! .
K. M. llnntliigton .
Finance committee : n , MathcwHon ,
Mrs. P. Stafford. George M. Kendall.
Hook committee : Mrs. G. U. Under-
Held , Mrs. Fred Koorber , Jack Koenlg.
The librarian was made a memboi *
: tf the hook committee , which will semi
n an order for new books at once.
A few of the delinquent subscrlberH
o the site fund having been out of the
Jlly the past week , It was decided to
glvo another week In which mthsorlp-
Ion pledges may be redeemed. Thu
hoard will close up the purchase of
the site next Monday.
Advertisement for Bfrftr. .
Notice Is hereby given that sealeil'
bids uil : be received nt the olllcc of
the county clerk of Madison county ,
Nebraska , on or before the llrsl day
of January. 1 ! ) ( ) ' . ) , for the furnishing of
hooks , blanks and stationery for ihu
year following the llrst day of Jan
uary. 1 ! > 0 ! > .
Following Is a statement of the
probable gross number of each Item of
books'blanks and stationery that will
bo required during said year.
Six S-qnlre records , four 700-pagn
McMillan records , ono treasurer' ! *
cash book , one treasurer's warrant
book , three tax lists , 8,000 tax re
ceipts. 72 name tabs , : il2 poll books ,
100 poll book envelopes , 100 ballot
sacks , 29 assessment schedule bind
ers , four canvas covers for records.
Legal blanks as follows : 1,000 S'/ { .
x28 , ; : , roe S'jxil.1,000 ' SM-X ? . 1,000
S\t.x ! ! < . . 2.000 7x1 ! : envelopes : 2.0(10 (
No. 11 , 0.000 No. li'/j. 10,000 No. 10.
1,000 No. II. ! ) ,000 letter heads , li.DOO
memo heads , 2,000 postal cards , -LOGO
delinquent lax notices , 10.000 perfect
attendance certificates , 2(10 ( bar dock
ets , 200 election notices , 7,000 assess
ment schedules , 2,000 shoots court reporter -
porter paper.
Twelve quarts black Ink , six pints
od Ink , two quarts mucilage , flvu
TOSS lend pencils , twelve gross pens ,
rubber { bands four pounds small ,
wclve gross assorted , 2,000 blotters ,
en reams typewriter paper , seven
stool erasers , eight do/on rubber
erasers , eight dozen pencil point pro-
ectors , twenty-four dozen penholders.
ono box staple fasteners , four hoxcu
Challenge eyelets , 18 dozen document
loxos various sixes , three roams logu'l
- ap , six dozen senate pads , one gross
. lection pencils.
Separate bids must bo made on
looks , blanks , and stationery , all bldo
mist be made on bidding sheets fur
nished on application by the county
clerk of said court. All supplies
mist be furnished In accordance wltU
specifications on file In the ofllce of
ho county cleric.
All supplies arc to be furnished as
ordered. Hids must be marked , bldo
for "Blanks , " "Hooks" or "Stationery , "
ns the case may be , and addressed to
lie county clerk of Madison county ,
Nebraska. Each 'bid must bo accom
panied by a certified check payable to
the county clerk in the sum of $2fi.OO
is a guarantee that the bidder will
enter Into a contract and furnish bond
if contract Is awarded hlrri. The suc-
essful bidders will be required to fur
nish a good and sufficient bond for the
faithful performance of their contract.
The county commissioners reserve the
right to reject any and all bids. Bids
will bo opened according to the re
quirements of the law at the first
meeting of the county board , January
12 , 1009.
Dated at Madison. Nob. , this 8th day
of December , A. D. 1008.
George E. Hlchardson ,
County Clerk.
Business Changes In the Northwest.
Messrs. Finstond and Stalcup have
organized a new auto garage in Gre
gory , S. n.
E. J. Henley and W. A. Hufsmlth
are a new real estate nnd insurance )
firm in Crolgliton.
H. E. Layport of Valentine has
opened a new harness shop at Bassett ,
placing S. M. Myers In charge.
llouv. Tlilnf
\Vo offoi Ono Hundred Dollar ? Rf-
wnnl for any < -'IKP of Catarrh that oan-
not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure
F.1. . CIIKNHV . * CO. , Toledo , Ohio
\ \ e , the undersigned , have known V.
J Cliiiiiov for thr last llftcon years , unit
bollevo him perfectly honorable In all
business transaetlons , and Iliinnrlnlly
able to parry out any obligations mn-lo
by his nrm
Wholesale DniKKlsts , Toledo. O.
Hall s Catarrh Cure IH taken Inter
nally. aethiK directly upon the hloo < 3
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Testimonials sent froc. Price , 7f > c per
bottle. Sold by all DriiRKlstH.
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti
Kay Proves Citizenship.
Ponca Leader : In the matter of the
naturalization of citizens in the dis
trict court this week before Judge
Graves , the applicants to become citi
zens , in which William Kay. county
treasurer was witness , was heard.
These nro the matters In which Mr.
Kay's citizenship was called In ques
tion last spring. This week ho handed
Judge Graves a certified copy of citi
zenship papers issued to his father ,
Frederick Kay In the year 1SSO. This
removes all doubt 'us to Mr. Kay being
an American citizen.
North Nebraska Deaths.
O. M. Collins , who from 1S9U to 1897
was deputy clerk of the district court
of Holt county under Clerk Sklrvlnp ,
died at the hospital for the Insane at
Nevada. Mo. , on Nov. 2.1. 1908. at the
ago of forty-four years.
Chose Officers for Coming Year Three
New Members Initiated.
The Modern Woodmen lodge In n
meeting hold last night elected the
following onicors for the coming year :
H. C. Simmons , V. C. ; 0. T. Molster ,
N. A. ; Fritz Asmus , banker ; G. II.
Burton , clerk ; B , S. Monroe , escort ;
L. Z. Hank , watchman ; Carl Boveo ,