The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 27, 1908, Page 4, Image 4
THE flOKFOIA WEKKLYNEWa-MlOUKNAL I-'HIUAY NOVEMUEll 27 IMS The Norfolk Weekly News-Journal f\w \ NOWH , EHtnbllHhod" 188) ) The .lournal , MUibHHlujdJ877. [ THE HU8E PUBLISHING COMPANY. W. N. Huso. N. A. UtiHO. Prortldonl. _ _ Hoc-rotary. Kvory Friday. Hy tiiull per your , $1.50. Kntoiod at thu poHtolllco at Norfolk , ull. , IIH second cliiHH matter. Telephones : Editorial Department No. 22. IJUBlncBB Ollk'o and Job HOOIIIH No. II 22. UooHuvult'H tonnls cabinet will soon glvo way to Taft'H golf bureau. Have you wrltton .Mr. Tnft suggest- lug what uiuu ho plneo In lilH cabinet ? Will editors UooHovolt , Hryau and LaFollotto engage In a circulation war ? A Missouri man Irreverently In quires If thu heavenly eholr has to Iiractleu Friday nights. It Is Bald that MrH. Tart Is the best cook In the elty of Cincinnati. Her luiBband certainly looks It. Performances Imvo displaced pro mises In all the activities of life. The demand everywhere Is for men who do things. The latest dispatches from Uerlln In dicate that everyone In Germany , ex cept the kaiser , has it right to say what ho thinks. The Increased use of cement Is hav ing nu effect on the price of lumber. "Blest bo the tie that binds. " It cost the American people $ 17,000- 000 the pnst season to enjoy the privilege of witnessing baseball guinea. There are people who wonder how Nat Goodwin remains a comedian af ter being married four times. The man who speaks of Taft as "a Docket edition of Hoosovelt" must have n very largo opinion of the strenuous occupant of the White House. Governor Haskell of Oklahoma does not think that President Roosevelt would make a good senator from New York. Strange ! "Tho saddest words of tongue or pen" are those campaign speeches of presidential candidates that are yet heard through the phonograph. Tl > a bonfires following the election seem to have been relegated to the same junk pile as the torch light pro cessions during the campaign. The political prophet has gone Into oblivion , but his place has been taken l y the man who Is telling what kind of a winter wo are going to have. It is quite evident from the fallurp of the Elklns-Abrnzzl marriage to ma terialize , that the dowager queen of Italy is still alive and looking after business. The postmasters all are agreed that this Is a much more fortunate out come of the election than it would have been If Bryan had been elected. A western exchange says a man out that way Is clamoring for "a noiseless typewriter. " One that doesn't chew gum and talk all the time , we suppose Iio means. The dispatches from Venezuela say that Castro has had his hair cut. And now will they name a cigar for him ? When they do this he can He down to Bleep contentedly on "fame's eternal camping ground. " A minister has lately announced that property is a disease. There are cer tainly a lot of sick people on earth If this Is true and the disease is contag ious. With the Commoner and the Outlook each telling Mr. Taft how to run the government the president-elect will show his sanity and good sens3 by running it In the way that best pleases him and the people. A woman has written to the mayor of Grand Forks , N. D. , wanting him to IIml her a husband , She thinks ho could love a good kind husband who would provide her a comfortable home and glvo her one thousand dol- lars In cash the day of the wedding. There are others. A Chippewa Falls , Wis. , woman put n notice in three newspapers that she would like to get married. She has already received over 300 proposals. Che Is ( Irmly convinced of the power of the press. Character Is not obtained ready made like a garment , but day by day , and little by little It grows with the growth and strengthens with the strength until good or bad It becomes almost n coat of mall. J. Adam Dedo Ima this to say of President-elect William Howard Taft : "Mr. Taft has all the good qualities of Hoosovelt without his faults. Ho is probably the biggest man wo have In this country and four years from now he will have a stronger hold on the people than has Hoosovelt. " The Celestial Emperor Is announced dead In Peking and the real ruler of the empire , ( ho dowager empress , IB followed to the grave. She ban done wjiat fdio could for fifty years to pre serve China as Itvan , but she lived long enough to know ( hat China will change. She has seen It fairly seeth ing with changes In ( ho three yents since the war In Manchuria. To do your work well today , Is a mire piopnrntlon for something better tomorrow. The past Is gone , the future - turo we cannot reach , the present only Is ours. Each day's work Is a prepara tion for the next. Lord Northcllff witnessed ( ho Yale- I'rlncoton game and pronounces our football the old Hngby with tuich ted ious delays that It ceased to Interest KngllBlimcMi long ago. Strange that cricket still remains popular In Eng land IB they have outgrown tedium. Anna Gould Is really breaking the record In the matter of changing hus bands , If the report that she IB about to be separated from Prlnco dc Sagnn , to whom she has been wedded only four months , Is trt.e. Her explanation of the probable separation is that her former husband will gain possession of their children unless it takes place. Madison Square Garden , Now York's famous nn'.uscmcnt place , built twenty years ago , la to be torn down. The owners claim that thoru is no prospect that the garden will over bo a paying proposition. The Garden has been the scene of many great gatherings. Many of America's great men of the i > ast generation have made addresses there but the ever-moving wheels of progress demand Its removal. The simultaneous death of the des potic , old dowager empress of China and the emperor who was merely a tool for her to use , causes many surmises as to who will be the real future ruler and what policies he will advance. Meanwhile the American licet awaits results , ready for active service In case any attempt Is made to dismember the Chinese Empire. The lack of proper coaling stations Is one of the weakest points In America's defense. In time of war , It would be impossible for the great fleet of which the nation Is so proud to make a trip around the world. Un less our deficiencies of this kind are remedied our national pride Is to have a humpty-dumpty experience earned nt great expense of money and human life. The Reformed Spelling committee pursues Its endowed and supposedly well salaried way apparently not at all disturbed by the ridicule which is heaped upon its efforts. It is about to launch upon an Innocent public an other list of mutilated monstrosities , numbering about 300. They furnish unlimited Joy to the humorous para- grapher , but are otherwise a total failure. President Taft already gives out that one great purpose of his administra tion is the winning of the south. If this can be done and the solidity of the south be broken up , politically , it will make for development of that great section and the welfare of the entire nation. President Taft under takes a great task but Its accomplish ment will demonstrate the highest kind of statesmanship. ' One hundred and twenty-five years Is a long time to wait for the public declaration of a nation's gratitude , but the Prison Ship Martyr's monument was dedicated November 14 nt Brook lyn In memory of the revolutionary soldiers who died because of cruelty of the most crushing kind on the part of their custodians. President-elect Taft spoke to 50,000 people in memory of the "unknown dead. " Wo admire fine rhetoric and elo quent speech but our Judgments are convinced by sincerity. An exchange aptly says : "Clear cut logic and plain statement , have more weight than florescence. We listen to verbal elo quence and linguistic pyrotechnics and feel a charm as in the brilliant techni que of the musician but to move , to convince , to bring action there must bo a man back of the words. " General Viscount Torlo , one of the elder statesman of Japan , out-Hobson's Ilobson In his dire predictions. Ac cording to this prophet the United States and Japan are to have a hun dred years of war and engage In n conflict that will make all previous en counters between warring nations look like thirty cents. There's nothing llko throwing a big scare when you throw any. Meantime President Hoosevolt says that the relations of the two great peoples were never more friendly and the ordinary sensible citizens of the republic pursue the even tenor of his way. Some people wore born to scare children. Torlo Is one of them. But wo are not children. The attempt to mix politics and re ligion In an attack on Mr. Tnft be cause he is n Unitarian Is an indica tion of narrowness and bigotry that will not bo tolerated. President Roosevelt Is entitled to the thanks of the people for the aolar plexus blow ho delivered against It , In his recent open letter. The days of "Knownoth- Inglsm" In this country are happily passed forever. Fitness for office ef ficiency and high personal character are the requisites for holding public office. A man's religious views are his own and he has a right to cherish them. The legitimate Industries of the country began preparations for renew ing or Increasing their business upon hearing this simple statement made by Mr. Taft : "Every business man who Is obeying the law may go ahead with all the energy In his possesHlon ; every , enterprise which Is within the statutes may pioceed without fear of Intelforcnco from the administration when acting legally ; but all Interests within the Jurisdiction of the federal government may expect a rigid en forcement of the laws against dishon est methods. " No one can complain of that. Herbert S. Hadley , the newly elect ed governor of Missouri , said recently In Kansas City , that he proposed to make his administration a construc tive one ; ( lint the resources of the state were as yet very mengerly de veloped. He believed that scientific investigation of soil and crops would show clearly that cereals , vegetables and fruits would be most successfully grown , what natural resources could be developed , and open ( ho way to adding millions to the wealth of the people of the state. What Is true of Missouri is true of all the states. Even the eastern part of the country which has been settled the longest and developed most fully , has re sources yet untouched. The genera tions of future years will not have the boundless natural resources which those proceeding us found waiting for the hand of man to subdue and utilize. They will have to apply this greater knowledge to scientific research and discover nature's hidden treasures which have noi yet been revealed. Each year discloses now values which mean wealth to the discoverer and added comfort to the people. It will always be so. There is n great deal to learn yet. ' HOME'S HOLIDAY. Every day wo celebrate has a special character of its own. Thanks giving day is no exception to the rule. It Is the day of days in which the home is magnified and glorified. It Is the highest tribute which posterity pays to those who on "a stern and rock bound coast" laid the founda tions of civil and religious liberty on this continent. It is the greatest gift contributed by New England to the larger national life of today. The day set apart in 1021 bj the Pilgrims that they might gather In family reunions and to Him who had cared for and spared their lives in 1021 has taken deep and abiding root in the national conscience steadily until on this 2Cth day of November , 1008 , nearly three centuries afterwards , ninety millions of people , who live within a great free republic , the best the world has ever seen , at the suggestion of their presi dent and leader , assemble at their homes and In their churches , In the same spirit of thankfulness. But It is as a day of home gather ing that Thanksgiving ; gains the at tention and holds the affection of the people. While it has far out grown Its original confines Its spirit of honorIng - Ing the home and acknowledging God's goodness has permeated the lives and hearts of the millions of every clime and race and creed who In the larger America swear glad allegiance to the Hag of the great republic. Returning thousands will have There has been no decided change In the Democratic tangle over the hos pital stewardship , for which several local Democrats have been candidates. An effort made by some Democrats to induce all of the other candidates lo withdraw In favor of Herman Gerecke has not been successful In clearing the field of candidates. The situation therefore remains unchanged. There are children in Norfolk who attend two Sunday schools , so at tractive are some of these Norfolk Sunday schools. By going to an early morning Sunday school and later to n 12 o'clock school , the industrious young ladies , for they arc girls , are able to possess a varied number of red , white and blue cards , silver and gold attendance pins and Christmas favors. Declaring that they "had not been treated so white" In any town visited this season , the members of the Oak land football team have been lavish in their praise of the fair treatment given them here. The visitors also declared the local game the cleanest they had played In. Oakland has ployed a , , number of hard games this season , playing tie games with Ban croft , Fremont and Norfolk. WHAT NORFOLK NEEDS. The fact that two or three Industries were started In Norfolk and did not succeed , Is not by any means an In dication that manufacturing Industries of the right sort , rightly managed , could not bo made to prosper In this city. As a matter of fact there are many reasons why manufacturing In dustries of the right sort should , if properly started and judiciously man aged , thrive particularly In Norfolk at the present time. Because failure comes to a factory operated by men who have had no fac tory experience and no technical know ledge of the business they are trying to run , Is no reason In the world for concluding that Industries of the right sort , properly conducted , should not pay In Norfolk. Inexperience and Ignorance will re sult In failure In any business under taking , whether It be In Norfolk or In Chicago. Norfolk can not bo charged with failures duo to lack of proper management. It could bo told Just as well In ad vance as afterwards that no factory of any sort could micccod and grow' ' which did not have behind It wise buslnoss judgment and a practical knowledge of the production being at tempted. Norfolk right today presents prob ably the greatest opportunity ( o new factories of certain typos and whole sale houses In certain lines , to be found In any city of this size In the United States. A glance at the map , showing Nor folk's remarkably advantageous geographical graphical location , with railroads out i In five directions stretching for hun dreds of miles Into territory that Is logically tributary to Norfolk In ( he matter of wholesaling and manufac turing , Is all that is necessary to In dicate the possibilities of the situation. Within a few months Trlpp county , S. D. , will bo opened up to settlement , bringing 5,000 new homes within Nor folk's ' exclusive territory. Certain ( ypes of manufacturing In dustries and wholesale Industries could . locate here right now and grow with the growth of this new country. A year or so , unless the opportunity Is taken advantage of , will see that tor- rllory slip awny from Norfolk and won for sonic other more distant center. There are hundreds of men In the United States today who are looking for just such an opportunity as Norfolk affords. There are hundreds of them who , with limited capital , are unable I lo start on large scales In the cities , ' but who would gladly start in some , small city such as Norfolk , with their ! limited capital , willing to work hard to grow as the territory developed. Those men do not know of Norfolk. They may never have heard of the town. It Is for Norfolk to seek out those men ; they connot be expected to seek out the town. If Norfolk had called the attention of Judge Witt en to its geographical lo cation , a Trlpp county opening regis tration point would have been estab lished here. If Norfolk would call the attention of the men seeking locations for factories and small wholesale houses , to the geographical location of this city , some no doubt , could be easily Induced to take advantage of the opportunity afforded here at this time. Norfolk has much to talk about to the prospective locator. Already many buslnoss houses are taking advantage of the opportunity offered In this big territory at Norfolk's rront door. It stands to reason that other lines of industry , not now represented here , could profitably enter the field. It would mean much for Norfolk to awaken a new growth. The commercial club could spend the funds entrusted with it by Norfolk business men in no better way than to advertise the geographical advantages offered by Norfolk. The most effective and economical means of getting at this advertising Is a matter of detail. It might well be left with some experienced advertising agency. Perhaps a page ad. In some paper as the Chicago Tribune a page giving the map of North Nebraska and southern South Dakota , with Nor folk's general location impressively shown , and reading matter that would drive homo the opportunities to be had here perhaps that might be as effective as anything that could be done. An advertlseing agency would know. Their advise would be expert upon the point. The fact that something of this sort ought to bo done Is of prime Import ance. It could be done. Other cities , with less advantages to talk about than Norfolk , have advertised and gained new Industries. Norfolk could gain new Industries by letting the people 'Interested ' know what there Is here to offer. Few cities have an asset as valuable as Norfolk's geographical location. No business house with so valuable a talking point would lose opportu nity to make that point known to the world at large. Norfolk will never make a city un less It takes advantage of the oppor tunity now open to It. By sitting with Its hands folded and waiting "for some thing to turn up , " Norfolk can never expect to be bigger than It Is today. If It Is going to bo satisfied to drift along and never take any aggiesnlve action to brliis about growth , Its size will not materially Increase. But Norfolk has the opportunity to grow. What It needs now , more ; than anything else , is advertising. And the time to do that advertising Is now , tieforo Trlpp county is opened. AROUND TOWN. It's about all over for the football warrior of 1908. Got your storm windows up ? November showers mnko green Christmas trees. Only twenty-six more shopping days before Christmas. Get busy ! Shallonbergcr will think that bo's got his foot In It worse than that bo * fore ho gets through with the ofllco- seekers. This Is the season of ( ho qunll , ( ho turkey and ( he pig skin , California will have to take KB hat off to Nebraska after this week's sam ple. After next Thursday we'll begin talking about next spring's baseball team. They've Invented hole-proof to save you from darning sox , but the neighbor's chickens are ( ho same old problem. The prophet who knows It's going ( o be a hard winter because the musk rats are building heavy nests and the squirrels Injlng by big bunches of nuts , Is discredited by the govern ment weather man , who points out that these tilings come merely because the season has been favorable. ATCHISON GLOBE SITES. Little girls and engaged girls do not care about boys at parties. We never yet saw a man riding a bicycle who looked as though he enJoyed - Joyed It. There are as many stories told on a jealous woman as there are on one who'flirts. Nearly every man wants the strik ers slapped , but he wants some other man to do It. Jog along , doing faithfully your lit- ( le bit of work every day , paying all your honest debts , and saving a little money , and your end of the country will be all right. You often hear a man say : "I had a long talk today with So-and So. " It never seems to occur to him that possibly his talk was too long. Most conversations are. The man who has nothing to do , Isn't very well satisfied with a busy man. The Idle man Is always saying that the busy man works himself to death , and squeezes a dollar until the eagle screams. Chicago News Pointed Paragraphs. A flirt has almost as much sense as a kitten. A good detective makes light of his ability as a shadow. A poor appetite Is a good thing for the boarding house keeper. This would be a brighter world if the people who can't sing wouldn't. When the members of a standing committee meet they usually sit down. A man Is only deceiving himself when he thinks he is deceiving his wife. If a girl doesn't llko flattery It's be cause she doesn't get enough to spoil her. The best way to kill a falsehood Is to let it lie. The dimple in a girl's cheek is sure to make a dent In some young man's heart. There is nothing more sincere than the sympathy a defeated candidate generates for himself. A sick man forgives his enemies with the understanding that It doesn't hold good If he gets well. The man who gets the short end of a lawsuit Is willing to bet that the scales of justice have been tampered with. Chicago News Pointed Paragraphs. It's easier to fall In love than to get out of debt. A suspicious woman raises a large crop of doubts. How large a dollar looks to the man who has but 30 cents. The better you behave the bettor you'll get along. Now try it. Reducing the waits between the nets will not lighten a heavy play. A woman who has a nose for news usually has n chin for telling It. Modesty Is one of the things that cannot bo successfully counterfeited. And many a meek and lowly man Is known only as his wife's husband. Two-thirds of the words in the aver age school girl's letters are adjec tives. Every time a woman gets a new gown she goes around with a chip on her shoulder. Man usually indulges in a lot of self praise when he has greatness thrust upon him. Wo realize that the world Is grow ing better when It begins to sit up and look our way. It doesn't take a girl long to catch a husband after she begins to pose as a man-hater. The largest sinking fund in the world Is represented by the money lost In the sea. OVER NORTHWESTERN PRAIRIES. It Is rumored that Dr. C. G. Barnes of Albion may start a Democratic newspaper. Frank H. Young has been appoint ed postmaster fit Santee In Knox county , vice B. J. Young , resigned. Mrs. Brlnim , the aged mother of Mrs. John Ehrhardt of Stanton mot with a bed accident during the week. She was nlono at the Ehrhardt homo while the folks went to church and became dizzy In the kitchen and fell. A physician was called and ho fears that the bono of the thigh Is broken. xxxx * xx + xxx + x + xxxxxx + x + x + xxxxx + xx + x < kJS Uucle Oscar Would Relieve Poverty * X * XX * X X-J'X X X-fX X-hX X X + X X X X X X X-I'X X * XXXX Omaha , Neb. . Nov. 21. To the Edi tor of The News : Wont skating Innt Sunday morning ever to HauHcitm pink and got In. Don't know wothor I got lu booaws It was Sunday or bo- caws the Ice was too thin. Eunyway I'm going to slay on the mifu sldo nftor this and go lo Sunday school. There's a rich yung follor bore doing what ho calls sottolmont work and bo's going ( o glvo a pare of skates to every boy and girl that comes to Sun day School every Sunday from now till Chrismus and knows the Golden tex , and the Snpor-intondont BOB we're having the biggest revival lu Sunday School Interest ho over now. The Ice will ho plenty solid by New Years , wont It ? Uncle Oscar'a got a now Bkomo to do away with poverty. It's a dandy. Here's sum oxtrnckB. THE EGG-HI SYSTEM. To you upon whom Dame fortune has not smiled ; to you whoso stomach ach and pocket-book are often empty ; to you who believe ( ho good things of this world are Illy distributed ; Lis ten ! ! There Is a solution to your ( roubles and it IB not Socialism ; there is n cure for your nllinent , and It Is easy to ( akc ; there Is a way to bo comfort able , to be Independent , to be rich and It Is an honest way , Raise HOIIB ! I have a new system of poultry rais ing , the Egg-Ill system. It combines all that King Solomon know about hens with all that has boon learned by later wise mon vl/ . Christopher Columbus , Napoleon , Charles Darwin , and Farmer Bryan. Under my Egg-Ill system a hen will average six eggs a week right through the fall and winter , the Black season with ordinary hens , the season when eggs soar up to 25c , 30c and even -10c per dozen in the cities. With each hen laying C eggs per week ( under my system the hens keep the Sabbath , so It may be used lawfully In South Dakota ) It Is easy to compute that twelve hens kept In a goods box on the back porch , the kitchen roof , or even on the fire- escape , If there Is no other room , and fed on the scraps from the table , that otherwise go to waste or are fed to a non-laying dog will keep a small family from starvation , at 30c per dozen. Six dozen hens , kept In a coop made of goods-boxes and barrel staves at the end of a small city lot will , at thirty-six dozen eggs a week , pay not only for the small amount of extra grain it will bo necessary to buy for that number , but will keep an ordin ary family of six people in comfort throughout the Winter. If John D. Rockefeller had started fifty years ago to raise hens Instead of oil he would have owned the world by this time at 30c per dozen , for , starting with twelve hens ( a very modest start ) and doubling your num ber every six months ( a seemingly easy thing to do ) and in even the short space of twenty years you will have hens enough under my system to jlay f089.5GO.-4G 1,26840 worth of Mrs. Brlmm Is eighty-five years od. H. Vahderheiden has purchased the two acres of ground between M. Anderson's residence and L. G. Al- cott's feed yards In Elgin and has begun excavating for his flour mill. Uverything uolng favorable he ex pects to have his mill running In about three months. The mill will be twentw-elght foot wide and thirty- six feet long and thirty foot posts , with engine room and driveway' south and west. Bonesteel Herald : Deputy Sheriff Chas. Morrlssey was painfully In jured. Mr. Morrlssey was eiiroute trom Dallas to Dlxon In an automo bile , when the car ran into a rut , checking the speed of the car ab ruptly and throwing him Into the air. Mr. Morrlssey fell , striking on his back across the car scat. The shock being so severe as to render him un conscious for several hours. Mr. Mor rlssey Is still suffering from the shock , but It is thought no permanent injury will result. , Anton Benson and family have re turned to Sweden , where they will make tehlr home. Twenty-two years ago Mr. Benson and his brother ar rived In Stanton from Sweden and have lived there abouts ever since. For several years Anton was foreman on the Marshall Field ranch and has saved enough to go back to his native land. The parting between the brothers was affecting , but the one that Is remaining In Stanton county has an idea that Anton will soon tire of living in Sweden and return to this land of sunshine. NEBRASKA POLITICS. Spencer Advocate : Marlon Fos ter of Alnsworth is a candidate for state game warden , which appoint ment will be made by Governor-elect Shallenbcrger , when ho stops Into the executive chair. Personally we would like to sco him got the appointment as ho Is thoroughly qualified and le gally competent for such a position. A loyal nlmrod and a true sportsman , such as Marlon Is , would fill the of- lice of game warden In a most credit able manner. If the governor sees fit to appoint him , It will meet with the approval of every one who be lieves In the enforcement of the game laws. Dr. Verges Opens An Office. Dr C. J. Verges has opened an of- flco In the Bishop block and has begun - gun the actlvo practlco of medicine in cggs per week nt 30c per doz. Young moii. > oung women who com plain that the day of opportunities IB past and that thu trusts crush out private enterprise. Just think of that ! Here Is an avenue lo wealth ( hat no trust controls. Anyone can start In the poultry business for Under my Egg 111 system you do not need even n hen to start with. Just a few eggs and a domoBtlo cat will do. Two pata are better so they can sot In re-lays. Put your oggB In a basket and cover I horn with a sofa pillow cushion or ether article that yon have expressly piohlbltod pussy from lying on and sot the basket behind the kitchen stove and the cat or cala do the real. As soon as one cat gets tired of restIng - Ing , In jumps thu other cat and In something ever two weeks you are n poultry owner. At thla atago of the problem the cat should bo eliminated. This system of raising chicks without a mother Bavos the trouble of wean ing ( bom and also Insures that no chickens will bu smothered by the old hen lying on them. They are readily raised by hand and soon learn to drink without the finger. Of course Ihlawny of beginning the poultry business yields no Immediate returun ns the earliest you can expect a pullet ( o begin laying , even under my Egg-HI system Is nix ( o eight months old. The merit of It lies In Its cheapness. J The most Important part of my Egg- , HI system Is the secret of gotlng the lions over the moulting period by Sept.l and getting them down to their regular business of laying. This portion tion of my system IB still In the ox- perlmontal form and will bo made public when complete data are at hand. The second secret of Importance Is the art of preserving eggs In n fresher or semi-fresh stage , I. e. fresh enough. The slmpllst way , and perhaps the oldest , as It SOIIIB to have been used by Mrs. King Solomon ( which Mrs. Is not recorded ) Is to cover the eggs In common salt. A barrel of salt , cost ing about $1.75 will make three barrels of preserved eggs worth $175.00 at 30 cents per dozen. The secret is to thus preserve eggs during April May and June , when they are worth anywhere from six to twelve cents and sell them , during December and January at 30 cents or more. Could this plan bo generally adopted among all poultry raisers It would have the very desirable effect of making eggs worth eight cents In January when they are most scarce and 30 cents In Juno when most plen ty. If , in giving my Egg-Hi system to the poultry world I succeed In bringing about this dream of the early masters of the art , my name will bo Immortal. Will disclose more of the secrets of my Eg-HI system as soon as dis covered. Uncle Oscar. Now alnt that the most wonderful skome ever skeined ? Just as soon as I graduate I'm going to give up type writing and take up hens. Yours , Johnny Dumper. this city , where his father engaged successfully In practice for many years. Dr. Verges graduated last spring from the Ilerlng Medical col lege in Chicago , having ranked high f in his classes. He starts out In hlu Norfolk practice with a finely equip ped ofllco , furnished with a style and taste equalled In few professional of fices in Nebraska. Dr. Verges' sulto of rooms are No. 12. Another Steward. Local people , who have been afraid that Governor-elect Shallcnberger in carrying out his promises in curtailing expenses , might cripple the Norfolk in stitution , have been somewhat relieved to note that the list of prospective ap pointments contains a steward at the Grand Island Institution , where there has not been a steward for two years. * w New Buildings. John McCarrlgan , who recently built a new house In Hayes' addition , Is having a new barn erected. H. Weihr , a farmer living five miles northeast of the city , Is about to build a double granary and corn crib. T. E. Barnhart , who has Just finish ed n new home east of the river , la also putting up n new barn on his premises. Diphtheria Feared. The death of little nine-year-old Adella Leu , a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leu , at 3 o'clock Tues day afternoon , created something of a flurry in school circles when it was stated by the city physician that death had resulted from diphtheria. The little girl attended ( ho ( bird grade In the Grant school taught by Miss O'Connor and was at school last Fri day. She was taken sick Friday af ternoon. The attending physician states that the disease was quinsy with an abscess In the throat. In order ( o take no chances ( ho Grant school was dismissed Wednesday af ternoon and the entire building fumi gated. The funeral of ( he little girl V. is to bo held at 3 o'clock Saturday af ternoon and Is announced from Christ Lutheran church. The child seemed to bo getting along well when she suddenly choked and expired. This Is the third child in the family to have succumbed within n few years. Matrau-Colllns Norfolk friends have received cards announcing the marriage of Harrry Matrau , son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Matrau , to Miss Wlllla Collins of Whltowood , S , D. The wedding took place at Deadwood Friday , November 13.