MU UN ! > os WMI Mnnt fid Q c City J \ i finmlit of 1 1 ii linlh the cju < I'll ( | i\ \.i | t inmpaiiies nill in < i i Kolldntlon nuil to drnw up plan * 10 ho ibmltlod to thr firemen Th * object IA to n mil IRA nuil" ti ! i wo companion Into one ( ontpnnv that < III Hive to the member * of iHitb hone the H Iit to tm < the net/ lire which liht been piovldid b > ifln rlty. A gPliernl tneotlnn of tin' mr nhvrn nf both coinpHiileii him hf-n * > t for 1'hiirmlny exenlr.R. Novemfn r : . The tneeiltiR will be ln'id Ii the dlylinil iitul nil the inombor of t ( WO fOTTlptllileM me ( > Vpr > ili < < l to ill tend. Tlio ronimlltcit from the queen { 'U > hnso company consign of C. H. Hurt fonl , chali'inmi , Hormnn Krugrr and frank I'ocUornmn. The Mnut company l bolus tepre- rptilod by Messrs , Kd C'oitloy , chairman - man , Lit Bruce mid I < . ICennlHon There are about forty active mem bers em oiled In jthe two ( ompanles. The ineetltm on November fi will vote on the ptoiiMltlon ] ) of dUbnndltiK the two old compatiloM aud of organizing it ne\v one. The formation of n special chemical company will also be taken under con sideration. Ros-bud Auto Runs Awny. Dallas News : Hank Slaughter had the novul experience of an automobile . -nnaway Thursdn > out in Trlpp county Ho wan ten miles from town when his aulo , got stuck in the mud He started It nn the low speed , which IR the most powerful on the pull. He put hU shoulder to the bark of the car and pushed. HO icleased the car from the mud and H started down the rond. IBver > thing then would have been all right had not something happened to HttiiU. When he srarted to go after th < car , he didn't at art. In working aroun.l In the mud to push the car out he had mired both of his feet and lin ear was gaining speed ahead down the trail. Hank finally extricated his feet and ran after the car. Ho did not overtake the machine until he had run n quarter of a mile. Exciting nd of Election. Not iu years has there been ns ON citing an election llnlsh as Norfolk will witness Tuesday night. Local activlt.\ has Inspired Not folk Democrats with hone of Demon-title victories In nation , utnte , district and county. Hepubli can coulldence Is also hold ( Irmly. One of the most spectacular contests In Nebraska Is in the Third dlstilct between Congressman Boyd and Sena tor Latta. Both sides claim vlctor.v and the indications are that while- the issue may be close. Congressman Bo > d will win a re-elect ion by nn Increased majority over two years ago. Tlio Republican committee has re eel veil returns from ever > county in the district. While the committee de clines to make these ilguies public it Is known that they are now cQiilldent of Congressman Hojd's return to \Vashlngtou. On the other hand , Chairman Dan Slovens of the l.atta tonimlttoe , na turally claims Latin's election. Couutv Chairman John P. Flynn of the Mndl- son committee declared last night that ho was more confident of Latta's elec tion than be was of any man on the ticket , lie estimated Latta's majorltv nt from l.fioo to 2.000. Chairman Stevens puts out more modest ligures In this county the'strength of tin several candidates no doubt \aiios but the Republicans ( 'nn 80C no rf"0" why the voters should not elect the entire list. That Madison county Is for Tuft I.- uot disputed. Local Democrats in touch with the party management place Taft's majority at fiom ITiO to L00. ! Itepubi' . s estimate It nt nearei 400. Locally it Is believed generally that Taft will earr > both state and nation , the former possibly by a olobO vote. Tribute to Railroaders Echo of Rush. Lincoln Journal : Samuel K. Miller , general freight and passenger agent of the Northwestern railway , In n statement concerning the Trlpp coun ty land rush , sayt > : "DmIng the twelve-day porlod ol the Tilpp county opening we had 14s trains \\est-bonnd and ir > . " > trains eastbound - bound , onhiih we handled approxi mately 02,000 people in either direc tion. These trains were run in tw n or more sections , at times ha\iug ua Illicit as six sections of one train , each section having from eight to ten cars lllled with people. "With exceptionally heavy move ment In either direction on a glvei , day It Is easy to see how very difficult It wan tto' hn'vo enough equipment on hnml to taKe care of other trains fol lowing , and at six or twelve hour peri ods , when it is understood that the other l.emy movement has not \et hud n chance to go back. "In the handling of so many trains In one direction It , of course , must be runombt rod that an equal number of tialns were moving In the opposite di rection , otherwise we would be out of oiiuipnu-nt at one end of the line , and in bundling thobo trains against each other , } > ou < an appreciate the serious ness of mtihiiig meeting points ( or all without vor > prent delays. Of course delays were met with , but the princi ple on which our management worked wna safetv. and we are pleased to re- fer to the fact that no wreck occurred neither weie there any passengers In jured. "These people did not nil move from Omaha. Lincoln , Fremont or even Norfolk , but the total includes the ar rivals at resist i nt Ion points , which on our line were t'.regory , Dallas. O'Neill and Valentine , representing almost the entire population of small villages and towns tu close proximity , while other passenger * were people fiom Oklahoma , Tenii"-s ( > o and e\on tnun \ ! , ' | , O ,1 \ \ I II ,1 I .lIlt'H ' IH.I In , i Ii i i .i'i , ' , I ' ' . ' 'I ' I'lii- I I n , , it . . ! ' ( ' .i , MI tin' ' ' I- Siin | i 11 , ti ml ill" II lt > ndltU \ > t NurfOlK. of 1 lie , l ,11' l n.Ill , | ' no ii \ > . ' Mint. u < - hiiV' < I'I ' ' it iln . , ! nl pusHoiigor trnvel , Incldont to the open- ItiK of Trlpp count v , South Dafentn , dining which time we have transport ed nboul Hi1ono people Into the towns of O'Neill , < ! rt < Kory and Dallas with piuttlnilly tlie name number return- In , nud this moxeinent hns been han dled within a period of nhout twelve dn > . All ptiru of lite division have lii'cn cnni-criiod In this movement , but untuiaily the Hue fiom , Omaha. Mis- < ouii Volley and I.lutnlii thiou n 0 Nell ) and Dullut has borne the brunt of It , "This has been a hard Insn for such ' 1 line tit ours. with Its single tnuU , somewhat limited fncllltlen , and laclt- liiK fiiuh nn organization as would bo available on Hues whn-e any such vol ume * of pnxHoriRor travel la ordinarily hundlod Such preparations as could 10 made in the limited lime after the announcement of the proposed open- IIIR , wo made.'o added lo our force as Inrsely as was practicable .ind to our fnc.lllilps to such nn extent as we weie able. That I could depend on the hearty , intelligent co-operntlon , horouKh railroad knowledge and o\- jorlence , aud ambitious seivlce and ( .irldo In their woik of our regular em- .doyos , 1 had no doubt ; and 1 am proud to nay that confidence . In this K'hpod proved well founded. I inn also say for the new emplojos wo took Into our sen Ire to assist Iu ban illluu the work , that they far oxicoded , ho expectations I had of their ability o adjust themselves to the conditions ind to perform faithfully aud well the service for which they wore CMH- oloyoJ. And the employeslio came to us from divisions east of the river , likewise rendered us service of the iilphost grade and such assistance as , vo could scai'coly have done without. "DnrliiK the entire porlod. as far as .uy UnowlodReKOOS , and I believe 1 \viK ; able to keep thni'oiiKhly iii touch .sitli all ptirlM of the work , there was the most gratifying souse of responsi bility exhibited by all of our men , and .heir interest iu the successful baud liiiR of the people and their desire for lie complete success of our operations were in no ease second lo that of my- telf and other olllcers of the com- mny. On all sides from our men came offers of assistance in any way that hey could bo of service , oven outside 'he lines of their ordinary duties , and ill wore ho thoroughly impressed with the necessity for care and watchful ness nud vigilance that when 1 re member their demonstrations of the .time , day after day , I am not sur- irlsod that we could carry tills multi nido of people , as we did , without an.v train accidents Involving injuries to any of our passengers on these trains. "There was not an unsteady hand .it n throttle nor man asleep nt a , witch , nor any confusion or uncer tainty ns lo orders , either iu Riving , re- eivine ; , or the carrying out of the -tame : aud I believe we may all live a ? oed many years and travel a good many miles and not Hud a lime or iloeo whore under anvtiling like the mine iom\lons \ ! ! such satisfactory te- iiilis have boon achieved , and I say this because 1 think it is your due w employes that \ou should have such recognition of your work. Not to the superintendent nor to the other olll- ors of the division belongs the chlof M-edlt but to you of the rank and fib ivho carried out the plans , oliejid he orders and studied and wntclr-d lo tnnrd against mishap or misohniieo. ind personally , 1 wish to thank jui'i ill ! for the services you rendered , which enabled the division to set so high n mail ; in effective railroad 01 { iinixatloii and operation " Another Milwaukee Extension. Sioux Falls , S. D. . Nov. o. Special to The News : Residents of the cen tral part of the lilac-It Hills , in the re- ; ion west of the little town of Mys tic , arc of the opinion that the Chi -ago , Milwaukee St. Paul rnllwa.v company intends , iu the near future , to construct a line westward from Rapid City through W.voming. to con nect at some point in southern Mon tana with the Pnclllc coast line oC the jompniiy. At present the terminus of 'he ' compnn.v's P.hick Hills line is a ) Rapid City. The belief that the com pany intends extending Us Black Hills line westward is due to the fact thai recent l.v a number of survojors have jeen seen In the region west of Mystic , where they have been running lines , They are supposed to bo in the employ ) f the Milwaukee company. He WW Invest. A Norfolk business man stated yes terday that he had In contemplation n real estate Investment amounting to from $8,000 to $10,000. He also made he additional statement that if W. I. Bryan was elected to the presldenc ) He will give the proposition no further consideration whatever. Birthday and House Warming. On Sunday afternoon a large number of Invited guests met at the home of 'rank Lehman to celebrate both Mr. ehman's birthday and albo the com- ilHion of a fine now house which he HIS just erected on his farm. Mr. . .ehmnn's property lies about three miles southeast of Norfolk at the lunetlon of the "North fork" with the ElKhorn rivers. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs.V. . Lnhtnan and Mr. William Relckcrt of Norfolk , and August Uehman of Hoskins. In nil lold there \\-oia about lOu friends and neighbors present. Norfolk 35 , Newman Grove 0. In the game played on Saturday aft ernoon nt the driving park the Nor folk second eleven retrieved the repu * tniion of the school from the stigma of the Madison defeat 'I til' tcilloil.s ' , " In M Ill f.lVOI if ' Iu liirtu- I , am I 111 ' ' ' III " ' I IIIi'f ' ' I I V. , I i I' \ \ 19 \ ' \ ' I ' I' ' 1 \H ' 1 'M'1 ' ' I ! ' \ .s j b urciassid The homo bob H , I \ Ml ' ' I , ll I ii i ,11 , I i M ) I I ' I ' 111 ' i i ' ' i ll IM ' I i V | , | il i It iinl nut ieiuiie | mi ) iini' | , | iitK.i ' to MIII rcfliillH tills lime , on ever ) oc cHslon. that ii Norfolk player got away from the hunch hf generally maungod to "gel. there. " Al the hnlf ( hue interval twenty- two points hud been mcordod by tb deUKhted renter * . Quito n number had turned out to witness the gnme nnd their npplnime wan notiiilf hearted During the ten minute "ltrniih < r , " Superintendent Hunter spurred on h's ' eleven to further glories liv ndvnntiig them the prnnilne of treats tinllmlted should thev be able to .ill 'hirly ' points to their first half's 'olnl. To he exact he even wnnlotl t'lm ' tn throw the "Joker" nq wel' ' , nfl.v-l'neo ' being' the grand totnl he naked. Al though the Norfolk plnve.-s didn't quite manrme to run up to thl-i reconl breaking figure , they succoedi'-d ' p""tl > successfully lo keep the hitl' ' among * ! iheinBelveB. 'The ' rest seemed to do the visitors ijood for after the interval their play "bneked ii | ) " consMombl.- wnsii't strong enough , however , to prevent Norfolk Irom adding thirteen points 'lore. Any how "It was a great utid glor ious victory" and nil oonnpi'oil ' with the hlih school wi < dotlvMed ; with the results. The Newinini ( Jrovo el"v. ii pla.w.i a clean gat'ie in i hnvv consideuihl'- speed hesldPH , but lack coaching. Superintendent1 Gilbert , who al though Interested In the his efoven' , fe unnblcl fo" devote' ' much of his time to teaching "combinations. " The visitors were cared for b.v the Norfolk players , on .Mi member of the Norfolk team taking one or more home with him for ( he night. The two loams lined up us follows : Norfolk Position Newman Grove Ciwlnn re Olson Ingles r. t Nelson Peters r. g ' .Johnson Klesau c Or B Uice I. g. . . Whltcher .1. 1-i'yndo l.t .Tncobrnn Odlorne .M. e McKay IS , Lynd ( cap.q. ! ) . . . . ' . . , . . Sorinlantl Heeler r. h hnrso'ii lirldge 1 h. . . ' . . ' . Strand Musselmnn f. b English Ofllcials were Superintendent Hun lor of Norfolk and Superintendent Gilbert of Newman Grove. And n Corporation Is Heartless. " .lust n moment and I'll bo ready to toe , " said a local railroad man to one Caller yesterday , ns another seated himself comfoitably in a chair before 'ho olllclal. " "My business is not Impoilant and I'll see you later , " was the answer. \ "Yes , " said the olllcinl , "but I want to see you about an Impeintlve mnttei ind I must see you nt once. Take n > at and I'll be through in a moment. " The second visitor sank Into a com- itose condition and remained on the lounging desk for nearly an hour. Thoj. he got up with , a worried and solemn xpresslou on hla face nud htnrted to leave the room. Again he was called jack with the same request that he nust remain. Finally the first visitor left and the second appeared before the desk. "What do you want with me ? " asked .he second visitor. " 1 don't want you , " said the rail road man , "I have never seen 3,011 , jcforo. " " \Vhy did j.ou . stop me then when ! was in a hurry ? " "Don't got angry. You must renli/.r lint we all have to help one another That Tirst fellow is a bore who comes- uid bothers me many times a week , t knew If you would remain with that iggravated expression on your face he would take pity on .vou and leave. ' "That's a great explanation. I have ilvvays hoard that the corpoiatlons ire the most heartless things on . nrth. " A Fnll Fish Story. Pierce Call : Police .ludge fieorg > W. Uttell still holds the belt as chain- 'ilon fisherman of north Nebraska. Tuesday ho strolled down lo the U1K 10111 and to show that his hand had not lost his dimming landed a fourteen lound pickerel. When he brought U up the street It looked like a young .vhale. ( leorge hqoked another ( /f nearly the same size that da.v but was 'inable ' to land him owing to his pole breaking. It was only n short time igo that he caught a six and a hnlf lound bass. GOBLE BADLY BEATEN. Former Norfolk Man Defeated m Boyd County Barton Leads Ticket. Bulto. .Neb , Nov. . " Special lo Th < News- Taft carried Boyd county b > 70 majority. D. A. Harrington , for county attorney , defeated W. \ . doble. Republican , by 1.21 : ' . to (175. ( .1. M. Tal cott , Democrat , carried the count ) Un representative over T. N. ( ialhralth b.v 977 to "in. For state senator .1. A Donohoe received 907 mid F. W. Phil lips , Republican. 922. Congressman Klnkald curried th < - count ) b.v US" to S77. The voe on the state ticket was. Sheldon DOC. Shullenberger 880 ; Hope well 0J2 ( , darrett 870 ; .lunKln 978 CJniewood 847 ; llarlon 099. Price 870 Urlan 988 , Mackey SJ2 ( ; Bishop 97(1 ( Abbott S2."K Thompson W\i \ , Deltart ; SCO ; Cowlos 972. Easthani Slii ; Wil Hams 9S2. Povvgill 870. Peterson Elected Supervisor. , Lindsay , Neb. , Nov. s Special to , The News : Si. Bernard township went Democratic as usual , giving Taft enl ) 40 votes out of 230. The rest of the Republican ticket received about the same vote The ret inns kept a Jaigo cinwd up most of M" r.Uht lo Cll illtcli si ( Olltcllllg IN ' i i nil \ -iin | i \ i-o , tin S' I \V ,11 > i in * Msli.p I' , - I III \ i M H'll l'\ ' . " , Mil - , who line nt Mi ) tun 1 - i , | . - ' . , f'.i i ii in\\ iis in < ni Ueii nv.'lii- M Ii K h i I n 'ni n ! i i'i iii- . Lindsay Officers. LlndAii.v , Neb. , Nov. 5. Special Jo The NIJWB : Town,8hin.ollcers ] electm Tit89 ay..wer i : M. Ji . Ilnmnekus ireafstiror ; Fred Sueper , dork , nml J Kuntntiliacli , nil ItomncrniB. UealBlallve Returns. neturni * from the Fourteenth nena lorial dlsliiri Indicate the election " 13. L. Meyers , of'New-part , over (1. ( Al Adam * a. S.-iboraon. Uopubllcnil , Is eloc-Uv In tbu ICIghteoiiili representative dls Irlct , Dlson county. ( t.V. . I'minon ; . Uepubllcan , Is elect ed In the Twenty-llrat representative district , Antelope county , Pllger for Representative Wayne Wayne , Nob. , Nov. B.netiirim cu representative show that Adnn' Pll er Democrat , has been elected ovvr Mor ris , Uepubllcan. Morris cavrle 1 this county b209. . Wayne count ) gave Taft JIO MO jorlty , Sheldon 1SS , Barton 2io. ( Uoyd 1Bfi , Rnndnll W8 and Davis for atiorno ) 1S7. Democratic In Pierce. Pierce. Nob. , Nov. .I - Special to The News : Br.vnn carried Pierce coi'iity by 25 mnlorlty , Shalleiibemor by 75. I itta by 9 : ' . and HOOM bv ( ' , - . ' CATHOLIC CHURCH DEDICATED. k. Corlilfca Dedication Is Attended by LnrQO Crowds. Lilldsav , Neb , Nov. .Y Special lo Tho-News : The now Catholic church nl Pornlen was dedlcato'l yesterdn.v iu the presence of as largo a crowd as i he church would hold , even the stand ing room being taken. This Is Corn- lea's llrst Catholic church. The chinch cost about $ ( ' , ,000 and foi the si/e of ( lie congregation Is n large structure , ttov. Mdvvln will be the losidont pastor. People attended the dedication from nil the surrounding country , fiom St. Bernard , Humphrey , Shell Crook , Platte Center and Lindsay. For Cornloa It was n public holida > and everbody in the good naturert fiowd had mono ) to spend to help the church along. Knox Has Democratic Majorities. Crcighlon , Neb , Nov. 5. Special to The News : Knojc county returns are : Bryan 2,028 , Tafl 1,8(18 ( ; Shnllenhergor 1,981. Sheldon 1.SI7 ; Latta 2,112 , Boyd 1.012. .Randall Has 150 Over Rees. C. A. Kaudall of Newman ( Jrove was re elected to represent the IJlevenlh district In the slate senate by a major ity of infl over D. Hees of Norfolk , his Democrat Ic opponent. Complete tot urns snow that Senator Randall carried Madison county by Itfi ami Wa.vne county by I10S. Itees car ried Slantou county by 12. and Pierce county bu 02. \Vn > ne count ) has the credit of re electing Senaior Randall. He wont in to that county from Pierce , Madison and Stanton short 152 votes. Wn.vuc "Dimly just reveised the figures. On account of local lights made against him Randall run behind T.ifi In Stanton , Pierce and Madison conn ties. In Wayne county , however , hill led all the other candidates. This , vas due in part to Democratic disaffec tion from Ilees but chlelly to Seuatoi Randall's efforts for Wayne collet two vears ago. ' Ladies Husk Corn in Field. Plaiuvlew , Neb. , Nov. 5. Special U The News : Hlght cents a bushel for iiuskiiig corn. That's what Tnft's election meant lore. And women prominent in Plain view society did the husking. II. (1. Corell was the man behind UK " oriifleld. Ho paid the mono ) . Am he Ladles' Aid society o ! the Method ist church is several dollars to tin ; oed as a result. It wasn t exactly a gamble'on eloc Hon. that resulted In a large nuini > ni ) f Plnlnvlevv's fairest ones donnins husking gloves and golui ? out Into t'u ' cornfield for a hard dav's work. ( Am1 that's what they did. ) It was a bet and not a bet. It was a bet with only one side u It. And vet Mr. Corell , who had to pay the extra price for corntuiRkint ! is a result of the agreement , considers- himself n winner on the proposition all the way around. - On election day the Ladles' Aid so ciety of the Methodist church servec' ' dinner and supper In rooms In the opera house block. Mr. Corell made the remark in the presence of one ol the ladles that If .Taft was elected president lie would pay the ladles eight cents a bushel for all the cori they could husk out of bis field just north of town. The ladles accepted the conditional offer. And this morning between twenty and tvventy-flvo of them wore u the field with teams , husKliig corn to beat the band. How many bushels of corn vvo'-c husked has not been learned , but sev ernl loads of corn nro reported to have comoto town and it Is expected tin society troasiyy will be replenished with several cnrlvvheils. Pay the Bet In Wheelbarrow. Although much ruonev changed hands Iu Norfolk over Hie olortlon re turns , none of these bets excited thr keen Interest that was aroused by the novel wager between L. H. Hinds an < ; \V. Halm. The feature of this wagoi was the agreement that if Tnft wai elected Hinds should wheel Hahn fron Filth to Foiiith hi root In a whoelliaf- low on Noitolk avenue Al 2 i" Thin sdiu , ihi i noon Mi HlluNUi' ' ' In ( nil's , ipi- | i I i iiidii | 11 i i I ' ' | | I II1 O I i ' > I , ! I III,111' , ' , , ' Ii'CU upon alb back lU > ( uu < i u > ! u. ll . 1 In .Mil ' . ( \ l' ' | Hl ll \ \ i H ' ll ul I ! iI'.u t U Ipilli H M 1 \ , n I i S' 111 . Ml leil I lie | n ( it tM t , nl mi white lioiso and when , all , i ilun > much pnshltiK , Mr. Hinds had luin ed bin pledge , H. C. Mntrnu wu ! > Ii i agreed to wlie l Hahn bncU ii .ii- - , cqiio of Mryan' * defeat , tnol , in-- ' lit thO Wliorl. Mr Mntraii , who fs i i \oah ; nf found the mail ton 'i u',1 , an I ' nnd moved onto ih- , < , n this smoother path Infln'sN ' , i t' ' whoeniig and his tihiiie of iln \ \ < Mniiy people turned mil in - , i . spcrtflrlrt.The sldewHll ; was unwdi and .low rrnifs of near bv i I.IM Worn pppppfrd with humanlu Si- i hdH ) , wlllInK to nsslut , wore in" > h i evidence Mr Mntrnu , In a little speo fore beginning Ills labor , state , ! i was with much pleasure thai In dertook lo give his good Hahn. a ride. Ho said that iln'i , no man In Norfolk Hint In- u nooiior do this for. Ho said . , i ; > i from fact that Mr. Hnhn i i friend , lie was ver.v win- ) thai Po-n < rnc.v had not won out. Ho o\in ils ploahiire over the part.v's - \ \ < ' - n Nebraska and Norfolk ami n Third congressional district II' ' < \ irossed the hope thut four veins tin' ' low things could be arranged - < ii thai Mr. Hahn might return the cnnii'i ' ueiit. News Want Ad. Pound This Dog Another dog has been lound i v s'ows want ads. 11. Mathewsoii located a favonie i i Ine at Hnltle Crook throimli ihe in , him of News want ads alone News want ads will looaio timi. osl , return things found , hunt xmi , oh. find \ou a girl , sell .voui lions , . , arm. rent your rooms or othoi pi up rtv , dispose of the second-hand bum" urn your horse Into read ) IUOM y. and ilo mail ) other good thiii-A.-- ulckfy and for n few pennies There's no excuse for having anv roubles , now that News want ads each so mini ) people over ) day. ( ) \ei ,00i ( families dull ) rend The News - mi moans IM.nOO people1. Real Eotnto Transfers. Heal estate transfers for the week ndlng October III , 190S , compiled b.v ladlhon Couny | Abstract and C nnrai ; oe compaii ) , oillco with Mapes and la/.on. Frank R. Ilavenporl to William P. Jtgan , W. I" ) . Cons. SI.Id ( , east half f south half ot lot 7. block ti , Haaso's uhurhan addition to Newman Grove ? . Jonas M. Carlson to A H. Robinsoil V H. cons. $5.30(1.00. ( lots 1.2.- : ! ) . 5 ml ti. block IS , Itallrond addition to N'owman ( trove. Thomas W. Ward to William Soli ng W. D. . cons. $250.00 , lots 10 nnd 11. dock 2 , Dorsey Place addition to Nor- oik. oik.A A ll. Tashjoan to Burrel R Reed. V. 11. cons. $1.011 , part of the north- vest quarter of the northeast quarter if l-2-1 : ; ( iooi-fii M Farley to Albert H lolmos , W. W , cons. $1,00(100. ( northeast - east quarter ( it 2.1-2 ! 2 HALLOWE'EN ' DAMAGE SILENTLY REPAIRED , Note Under Door Says "We Have Done Our Share. When ( ' n. Doiight.v. ( iiM So Ninth street , < nine down sinirs yesterday morning his o\o happened to catch the glimpse of pajor protruding 1111- dor the trout door sill. "Illack Hand society in Norfolk , " thought Mr. Dnught ) , picking up the note. " \Ve have done our share. " ( Signed ! Tom IJrovvn and X. T. C. Mi-own. Thus lead the printed scrawl. \Votidoring what it WHS that he .vould Ifavo to do Mr. Doughty open- "d the door and looked out. But In ilnoe ol tragedy the sight that met his eye was quite refreshing. A largo piece of the wooden sidewalk that had been pulled up by Hallow e'en revellers had been replaced dur ing the night. J'Jver since Saturday the siding had boon l > lng on the front porch of the house next door. Air. Doughty was niucU gratified i t the evidence of reparation- far a It bad gone - but said that h" woiild feel a good deal better satisfied it the other members of the ' 'Brov n ' family would also come up some ovo-i ing and get busy. In the ratio of proportion of two to the amount of sidewalk it lonu- , as though It were golnfc to ioqi"i. the entile family to complete 'in ' good work. $100,000 WEDDING PRESENT. Corey Fails to Attend Sister's Mar riage but Sends $100,000 , Check. , Philadelphia , Pa , Nov. l.--\Villi.ini Kills Core > and his wife , who was MabolU. ( Jllman , did not altoud tin wedding of his sister , Ada 11. < 'oiv > . in Downinjitown , Pa. , last , night , nut bus first wife , whom he divorced to innriv the actress , and his sou , Allan , did. A checU tor $1110,01)0 ) 10 the bride from Mr. Corey bore witness that ho was sun Inn awa.v rather to keep peace In the family than because of any dis approval , Mrs. Corey gout a beaut I fur diamond brooch. Miss Coiey married Dr. Chailes Howard Aulhamniei , of Pittslmrv : , whom she IHIH kuown since childhood Mrs A A Coie > , the mother , Mild' "I h.ivo alroudv e\p'alned ' \\li\ inv sun \Vtlli.ini and hi- wile wen noi in v i'i ' i | \ \ i ( , n i lei lull h 11 c i In Mill M I ii' ' I \ i i | > l i \ ' \ e iiluli i - , i I ii n i ni s i i JlOli Ccmcji P MIIi ) Km in' ' h' < ' 'rctctl ' m i ' , tti > | ' * 11 tin" Very ftv N' br i- k.i < ingressint n l > Su , i Wi Will Have Majority Better Than 1,500 , , 4,000 , ABOVE TICKET'S ' HEAD , While Ret'irna ' arc Not Complete , the . Indications are That Congressman ' Kinkald Has Won a Re-Election in BI0 Sixth. Congressman Kinknid lins apparent- l > boon iv-oJootod fn ( In- Sixth dlslilot h.v n majority of from l.noo to ' . ' ,5(1(1. ( ( While rot urns nro incomplete , th < 10 being thirt.v-tlirot ) counties , yet ti seems definite enough to know that ho IMS won a victory. Jurtgo Klnknld will run about 4,000 ahead of Tnft and Sheldon In the Slstli distriri. The wonderful pwmnr.y ; ; ol Jin1 go Kinlail ; ( and the most u-niai U.iblot ! torv won liy him Hi ' swi.nmiwr u'-i stream against tinUvan euivent. 1 .is boVn tile wonder of nririlieVH Nt lira ska. Lone Pine News. Long Pine , Nob. , Nov. S.- Special ! > Tin- News The llrst outoiiainni'ir o ! the Ivtcuni course was hold in tin M H church. The entertainer . ; \ \ W Ill'tir and his subject tor ill. von in- . . \ \ . .i"Kcvil AmoiiK Clr.'Mo loins" The oiiiorijiinn'onl was \ . ! ippiccli'tod by i hose piosont. The l.'ioo.pniimi hell tor the new \i K. church as boon loc-i-lvod and Is lit ing huns toda ) . This completes the church , which is the llnost In the northwosl Nebraska conference. , Junction NOWB. C' . S. Hoar Is able to bo around ngan { after a hi lot illness. Philip Kampman , of Fremont , N hero visiting at the home off lij < brother , U. 11. Kampman. Charles Long Is a aln able to be nt woik after u long ami severe illness ' Put ( "YoUy and A. .f. McMonegal went to Tripp count ) today to louU o\er I heir homestead P. O. Fnllorton , of Wlnnrtoii , transact ed business in Norfolk yesterday Mrs. Lyman Dewllt went to Xelgji her former homo , last evening for a brief visit. . Mrs. H. V. livuns and three children went to Fremont Thursday noon for a short visit with relatives aud friends. Miss Jessie Brown of Fremont was a Noitolk Biiosi vosteiday. ! \liss \ Nellie King of Stanton was visiting Noitolk lolsitivos Thursdnv. , .1. Kelolior arn\od homo fiom Tiipp oountv , vosti rd.i.v , whore ho had boon to looU OM i liihomestead. . Complete Change in Hospital Force Expected , DEMOCRATS JO GET PLAGES , 1 Norfolk and Northern Nebraska Will Peal the Result of the State Elec tion Most Directly In the Chinee of Appointees Here. Norfolk and noithern N'lua- ' i \ ' ' feel the roniilt of a H , na- state udinlnisiratliiii , in n r can to iKMivn ' .HI i , IHI i i , or forceful vvav limn iiitou * . . ( hnngcs vvhlih will ( diiio in jii > lr i uatoi , | | | ' < > iits. in , | iii i i tillli , Imlil' ' i In \ , I , ' , In tin I I Hi III' \ I i- , lv\ i - In i i i , . , , - , i . \ i I v 1 ' \ I I I lUlt. iuSl&Uuc , ( jQV Li IJUl-i ) f i t . - . I \ ll' ' I I I , I I I III . ' , ' , ' I i | iu ii nn , H 'hi NHI n il' ' | M > . ! .11' ' I I Illl solni n . \ II > | l' I H , S III ,1' ' til Jilll II I'I' ' ' 111 Nil ! Inlk il Vi I i I \ h ( ( "II i tilllli'i I i il \ \ Illi i I i ' i i in I'M' ' Kiini- I Inn A ill In i i. ' ; ' ' ' I'iie , i .1 ' ii n ' ii , i ini W ' ' . ' 1,1 , , i \ ll I ' . t I ( . \ "I inn , : ; i ii. , i I ln > pi lal HI "I I , in mil' . . , , bo ' . id i' < I uii ! nl I | i il Ii H M il III lull . < > < 1 lulu II pi lnn pi , , i I n i i r lii- , u ' Amoii : ; tin n'l nl ! il- ; il H. i i piinl an1 I' ' , I I ' i l i I , i . ii SUJH I Ill'i ' III ! ' 'I ' n1'i ll linli'i ' \\iid ; 'I In 10 , ii' 11 M ' i i , | \ < i , III ! ' Il ! | MI , I ; , , ' , I \ ' I l ( < turns iii"i , ' ii i n ' ' In , , , hi ' Wi'l'o W.lll i i I ii , i sjii'c in ! wn' ' I.M i i ; l ( MS lo ilial HI i ii , Ait nr ' ni 'i ' i i ii'ii' ' ' ; i ! ( ' | ui ! ll < .in "ii ' i iii' I ii ' Vi Kl f N 'n'1 ' is , , < ' I n \ - , . i M.i , , r. , il t 1 -i , , i , , , V.vli on om'ii , ' .i > i I , i i . I I n.l | il V I i,1 h'i ' i I ! | M I. . I V , I ' i > I I I. ' ' Iii - -i i , i- i i ' . , II "i I 'I i i , ' . : ' i Ml Hi 1 ' ' I ' 'I , ' , ' , . < ' 1,1 , - . ' . , . , \ . ' i ! . - ' ' ! lii ii i v ! - \ : , i.r IliuliiK , ( > I , i I Jilii i Ii 'I | ii : ( 1 tin in ni ( , urN . i nn ' n v , ' , ' ' , , \ i n , -n , , , i smell i , , , , l i v , ! i a i i ii I 11. i | In i , i i i > ii | . , , i i p | , , , i ion , 'I ' i .1 il . , , . . , , , , i i n i. , , in c , , i ; 'i ' i , , . i i l' ' I . , 'I , I ,1 I III I I I I ( IM i nnil i , M li ' ' ' ,1 i' ' , ' \ , ' ,1 , 'I I ll ill ) ' , l 1 i IS I I , | l | J , i i - ' iU i 11 I ' i . , , , i I i i i Iln ' , , . .1 In i- ! . ' , . , ( In- - i i Ini , > II , I ll ' ' CM' I I I \ I , .1 | . iln i , i In- .1 . , , | inn' ' i 'I , i' ' i I , i i , \ . | I i i , ' ' , i f I in , , . > ' 1-1 li > ' - I'i n-i- . , , I : ' 'I K. Hull's r.itnl I Ills I , , li | l ll ' ! Tl 1 NowV , li ' . , | , If J 'III ' . I ' I ' II ! , | IIV'T 11 n iln , I ' . il'l , , i \ 111 cm i' l i u I i in I illna Id' ' ' , . - n - , ; xv III , 'i I i ,1 .1 M i .v in , | , , .IllM- iti.l ill I . | i i 1 , I ild- . ! ii i , I , , i , i ; . , 1 i \u'i\ ' s , , , "In -i 11 n i , i I 's ' , ; ' < n in , ' . As soon a- 1 I-IJIIH . - > , To ' mother's pieMMiro. ' , . ' S ( M.- in "How on e u 11) ) | | von t , u ; , i ' ' " clothes' . , f i . , ' t t I ' I I - , 1 1 1 I- CM ! .VO'I cw : , ! VUSJA.IU i.i , 1 - . i- lui. Iii 4 it * ; * ' u-- " , Iowa.