The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 06, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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    Vli li
Latin i" Lead Ag.v at D. / '
Altlioiii'li ri'tiniiH .ire iiionfiiiili'i'1
IlldlClttlOlm pollll In tin- < | ( > r.ll ! ( if Cnn-
groHHman .1. F. llnyil of the Third N'o-
brasku district in lilK rnmunljtii for
re-election hy former Klnlc Senator
Judge lloyil wnj the Ropiihlloan
candidate nnil Senator Latin WIIH the
Democratic nominee. Wlilli1 returns
wore In novny complete thin uinrnliix.
the fact Hint Iloyil Inul lost In pretty
nearly nil of the precinct * hoard from ,
caused liln friends Id concede the
probable election of -itla. l .
Tim OiMiiorrntH claim l/illa's ole -
( Ion by 2.000 lull Hie Republican *
linvo not conceded llilH plurality.
Former Vote Fnlln Off.
Judge Hoyil lout nbnul III ] ier cent
of Ids former majority In Antelope ,
his homo enmity. MudlHon cnnnty
gives him alionl IfiO majority.Vnyuo
connly gives lilm uhoill , 200. lie lost
from ItlH former mujorliy in Knov. In
Stnnon he received more voles limn
had lie.en aiillclpnled , runnlii ; ; ahead
of bhcldon and Raiidull ( in Incninplek1
reluriiH. II WHH ourly otslmalod he
had lout nhont HOO of hn ! formnr load
In Hurl county , Lultu's home connly.
JMiil to connly guvo Lattu ahout 1,000.
J'lorco county gave Luttu nlmtit 10.
Nebraska Goes Dcmocrntlc.
Lincoln , Nov. ! . - - IndlcatloiiH late
tills afternoon were ( hat llryan carried
the stuto hy 10.000. Shullonbcrgor hy
Omaha , Nov. ! . Lulo returns lodav
1'rom the farming districts are still Incomplete -
complete and the result In Nebraska
Is Ktlll In donhlvllli Bryan maintain
ing the strong load gained In the cit
ies and larger towns. The country dis
tricts will docldo the stale.
Omaha , Nov.I. . \Vorld-lIorald ,
Demof-rallo. gives Tufl 20S electoral
, ? , 'o.'i. ' 'I'he llei',1 Itepnhllcail , Halms
those with thirteen other votes still In
Omaha , Nov.I. . Nebraska Is claim
ed hy the Democrats hy (5,000 ( or more.
The Uopnblloans nay that the state la
still doubtful.
The Democrats elect congressmen In
the Third and Fifth districts wllh the
Sixth district still in doubt. The other
three districts are Hcpubllcan.
Douglas county has gone almost
solidly Democratic with the Republi
cans electing the entire Omaha school
board and getting one man on the
water board.
Lincoln , Nov. ! . At. Republican
state headquarters It wan said that it
would be night before a dellnllc state
ment could bo made on the state. Republican -
publican managers say in private con
versation that it looks like the state
had none Democratic.
Randall Wins Over D. Rees.
On Incomplete retnrnr. indicatlonr.
point to Iho ro-olootion of C. A. Han-
dull as state senator from the ICIovcnth
Nebraska district Madison , Wayne ,
IMorco and Stunton counties by re
duced majority over 1) ) . Hoes. Run-
( lull's * majorliy In somewhat In tile
neighborhood of 100.
Wayne county estimates give Randall -
dall 1150 ; Pierce will give Hoes about
20 ; Madison connly gives Handall : C > ;
Stanlon will give Roes about 111.
This will elect Randall by homothiiii ;
over 100. The race was much closer
than two years UK" . Rtw cutting
down Randall's majority from 4f.O to
about 100.
People of Norfolk Made a Night of It
nt the Auditorium.
There was keen interest in the ro-
tnrns among the people of Norfolk.
Bulletins for Tuft and Bryan alter
nately wore cheered lustily as they
were Hashed upon the bit ? white
screen at the Auditorium. The theatre -
tro war packed with an enthusiastic ,
interested and good uatured audience.
There wore Republicans and there
wcro Democrats in the crowd and
each cheered loyally when the bulle
tin represented a sain for his rospoc-
live party or candidate.
Many Ladies In The Audience.
There wore a Rival many ladies In
the uudlcuco not as many of them
as there wore men , but nevertheless a
good sized crowd of fair ones to lead
i\ tone to the crowd.
The Auditorium was darkened so
that the calcium light bulletins might
.be displayed to advantase. The lan
tern for the glass bulletin slides was
placed In the roar of the stage , point
ed toward the audience. Hoi ween the
audience and the lantern was a lily ;
while screen. The rollerIon ! of the
bulletin , shot out of the lantern in thin
wi\ ; . went on the rear side of the
.screen and penetrated through , BO
that it could bo clearly read hy those
jii the pit of the theatre.
Behind th ; Scenes.
Behind the scenes a small army of
men were at work from 7 o'clock In
the evening until morning , receiving
and compiling the returns as fast as
ihey were received ever the four vires
which had previously boon strung into
the stage of the Auditorium. There
were operators who mannud the tele
graph nrt telephone wires , others who
received the 'bulletins ' and sifto.l enl ,
the essential features to ho quiekb
written on the glass slides and flash
ed onto the screen. Anil ihi'ieirt1
others constantly engaged in writing
the bulletins upon the glass olides.
Out nt the front end of the tlu-nirr
ladies of the Undies' Guild of Trlnlt.v
church served coffee , sandwiches anil
doughnuts to the crowd that grt-v
hungry along about midnight.
Telephone Wires Win Victory.
Jt was a men between tin * lolcp'mmi
and the telegraph wires in u i t-ffuit K
K , t the election news line town flu- '
11,1111 services had ben ; provided n.
in. ' stage "t i ' Aii'liiormin. liiii ii ! <
lo . pholi" WPOS IMMH.nM 'li i.i. '
A' l'VCr > point nl tin pUlHlae si- \
U IVi'i'luu < -i > muii
lie of tin' BU ; >
Classed and uuilisium-el | tin- . - :
S * \ \ i\ \ if'-t ' f'n'f ' IT * nil tin' iHpphot' * '
UIIH Inviii .iilily InoiiKlii in luiiT b > ihi'
Bell Phone Qprvlcc Rnpld ,
In Ibis outinoctlon too much could
not bo , ild for the uffidpw.'y with
which the lldl company Iinudlod thn
roiuriin. The > bounn rpodvliiB hnllo-
ilnit durini ? the Into nrtonioon and
kept rluM on receiving frimh news all
through the I'li'lu. '
Tim tei phone company has HH own
special McKi-nph wires from New
York to Omaha and another spoplnl
telegraph wire from Omahu lo Nor
folk. Ou-r IhoHo special wlreii the
niORsauodlokod ! wlthoul Inlerferonco
or Interrupt Inn , HO that Norfolk wuii
constantly In toitnh with the situa
tion in the east.
Ojtt of Norfolk the telephone com
pany Hashed ( IH bulletins In nil ill-
i-ocllotiH , Mippljlng ninny iituilomi.
This li'lephone iiervlcn WIIH a revolil-
lion in KOIIIO ways , as It bus been but
In recent yours dint any returns from
a nut loin- I election could bo secured
through any other source than that > f
the telegraph ,
MunugiT G. T. Sprechor of the locnl
Bell telephone olllce roniuincd con
stantly at the receiver on the Audi
torium stage , rapidly handling the bul
letins as they came In.
New York Returns First.
AM had been anticipated the first returns -
turns wove from Now York. Later
returns fiom Chicago , Ohio and east
ern states wore received.
The returns from Nebraska and
from the Third cougtosslonal district ,
In which there was a great deal of in
terest , wore extremely alow. This
wus duo to the fact that the ballot was
long ami the llrst work done was the
counting of the straight party votes.
Band Furnished Music.
During die evening the Norfolk
baud contributed to the occasion with
a number of choice musical selections
served well to enliven things.
The audUnce In the Auditorium was
said by i-iany to be a Bryaa audience.
Norfolk City Clerk'Has Not Forgotten
How to Operate.
I'M Hartor has not forgotten how to
take messages off a telegraph instru
Ho took nil of the telegraph reports
for the Bell Telephone company in
Norfolk ami he was the only operator
in the Btie ; ! who got a complete re
On the same line were Fremont ,
York , Columbus , Hastings , Central
Clly and Sioux City. Central City ,
Fremont and Sioux City stayed.
Mr. Hortcr remained at the wire
seven iH'iirs straight without a halt.
lie look about 20,000 words during
thill time.
And.Mr. Ilarlor had Iho satisfaction
of "scocniiu ; " die Western I'uioii
about au hour and a half.
During the rush Mr. Hart or ate
lunch wl''i ' ' his left hand , writing down
reports all die while with his right.
He uH'-d ' to be a truiit dispatcher.
Now ho is city dork in Norfolk- .
Andersoi'5 Led the List and Were Fol
lowed by Browns and Ericsons.
Dallas , S. D. , Nov. I. Who would
have thought there were more An
dersons In the world than Smiths ?
Perhaps there not , but there are"
more of them who are land hungry , us
shown by assorting of the names of
the who did not win a piece
of land. And then the Browns took
second place , with a list large enough
for ieglf.1 ration in r. crowded ward ,
and dies- were followed by the Uric-
sons , wl'o spelled their names as
many dl.Vomit ways as a swallow
Some queer things were found on
and in tl.e envelopes. Ono man had
three two-cent stamps on the face ot
Ills envelope , one on the buck to pre
vent the seal belir : broken , and one
Inside to Insure prompt notification.
An old soldier , who was likewise an
Irishman and a Catholic , wrote on the
envelope his name , nationality , relig
ion , occryation , age , the company in
which he served during the war and
his official designation of sergeant.
One n.aii enclosed a return ticket
with his affidavit , while another inadvertently -
advertently inclosed a bunk check for
$50 , which was intended for one of his
Another applicant wanted full par
ticulars concerning the number of In
dians and their savage propensities
and how long since they bad been in
nil open stute of Insurrection and in
dulged ii : a war dance.
The most pecullir coincidence was
that of a woman who registered for
an old soldier and also for herself.
Ml of the first day and part of the
second while the drawing was being
conducted she listened intently for
the announcement of a familiar name ,
while the envelopes on the big plat
form wore being continually shuffle-- !
by the attendant ) * . About noon , of the
second day , she was greeted by , the
welcome announcement of her name ,
and while she was enjoying a long
broil h of relief ever her good luck ,
thivo other names were drawn and
then came the announcement of the
nanio 01' her soldier friend.
Hundreds of absolutely empty on
volopea uiiesU'd the carelessness ol
those who bad gone to expense of time
and money to take a chance of get
ting a piece of land.
Dy Chancs W. R. Hoffman Finds <
Boyhood Companion In the East.
Yonis ago back in Ashbnry. N. J. , a
town adjacent to and die pnmrniioi
die famous ; seaside resnrt. lloffmai n
I nc.w \ ouiiu t'i i u Ini'T In lu-t : h'
j \tnrl f | for rni lin-'V failiir ai tin <
MI miHi.n u i 'V > jl\ < > r bint i iidml tin
lathei's I ftlloffmnn was die flrai
. i \ r -ipi , ] f. ' i : i " 1 Mir
r * ' i h'"fitV ; n w to I'm ' frtrnll ; .
I Huffman wroie casi and received
an answer from ( 'reveling that the hit-
t r wan the Hnmn fellow whom Hoff-
infill know an a hey , thai he wan glad
to know of thn Norfolk mun'ri where-
iiboutH nnil hud often wondered what
had become of him.
C'aroleBHly picking up a trade circu
lar , Kifh IIH 111 ! the mall of every mor-
t-liani , W. IE. Hoffman of the linn of
Hoffman d Viele , chanced to strike a
name on the circular which seemed
familiar. It WM : < Iho name of an of
ficer of u Now Yyrk , KlasHwaro Job
bing house. The name curried was
" \V. K. Crovollng. socrolary. "
Instantly a dramatic picture of
.years ago Hashed Into Mr. iloffmun'n
mind -the story of u "fast" sjon. a
disappointed father , a revolver shot.
"Cun Cits he , " asked Mr. Hoffman
to himself. "Warren K. Crevollng ? "
Kinkald Lends Ticket in Brown.
Alnsworth , Nub. . Nov. 5. Special leThe
The NC\\H : Complete lonirnn give
Taft n majority of 07 in llrown county.
Klnkaid lias a majority of inn. liar-
ton lias n majority of III , " .
The Hrown county vole complete U :
Tafl fiSO , llryun fi2l , Sheldon r-S7.
Shallenhergcr 5:11 : , Hopowll . " . ! > : ' , , Carroll -
roll ' 197 , .luiikln MI ; , Uutowood f.oi . ,
llarton (120 ( , Price 19 : : . llrian . "Hi. Mac-
keyl ! > 7. Ulshop < ! 0" , Abbott HOO ,
Thompson ( ilO , Floharty r > OI , Cowles
v',01 ! , Kastlmm 502 , Kinkald ( .I : : . U'est-
"verIS7 , Mo.yors ( Hi ! , Adams fil'J , Skill-
ii'an ' 1(15 ( , Harrington rIO. ,
Tlio Prohibitionists cast 11 vote.0 ,
the Socialists III ! .
Indians Abroad to Join Show ,
Pine llidge. S. n. . Nov. .J.'i'hlrty
; -"oux Indians have signed contracts
sith Karl H. dandy , of KniTs rnjirt.
Lnndon , HiiR1. . to give ( -Khlhltlons
i here for ulx months , beginning nest
Moving Notes ,
There is a great deal of moving go
ing on in the clly.
Persons who have not been able to
recuro a new house to live in this win
ter are making upHITor It by "swap
ping" residences with' ' one another.
ISd. Grunt is moving Into I. M.
Macy's now house on Madison avenue.
.1. R Llndsey is installing his
household furniture in Kiidros' house
on NVabash avenue.
B. H. Miller and family have mov
ed into C. K. Doughty's now residence
on South Ninth street.
H. C. Demmon of S1U Madison street
lias sold his home to Ilev. .lolm H.
Craig , pastor of the Second Congrega
tional church of this city. Jlr. Dem-
moil is going to live for the present
in the building that Mr. Craig has just
13 , N. Vail and familv got settled
again yes.ierday. They moved Satur
Grief of the Land Winner.
Dallas News : Considerable amuse
ment was furnished some men who
were out in Trlpp county last week
when they saw a locator with a man
from Nebraska out in Meyer county
showing him laud to select for bin
claim. They were at least ten mile.s
over the line Into Meyer county , and
were bound for a point further on.
O'Neill Line Managed nt Lincoln.
Lincoln Journal : More than two
hundred miles of railroad will ho ad
ded to the Lincoln traffic division of
the Burlington by an order effectIve
today. The order adds the line from
Ashland to Sioux City and the line
from Sioux City to O'Neill to the ter
ritory now looked after by Division
' 'roight Arcent J. J. Cox of this city.
This order also abolishes thn office
of division freight Sioux City ,
heretofore held by Hs spnes. ( ) Mr.
Jones represented the Great Northern
road at Slonx City , as well as the Bur-
lingion , and while no definite infornii-
, ! ' .n is at band concerning this mat-
tei ! t la supposed that Mr. Jones will
L'iHInue with the Great Northern.
it Is raid to lie desirable on the
irt of the Burlington to manage traffic
fic- matters on these lines from Lin-
c > In , because the lines are operated
from Lincoln. This move , also , may
' 10 taken as an indication that the
Lincoln operating division will con
tinue to look after the operation of
the Ashland operating division. Which
includes the Ashlaml-Slonx City and
die Sioux City-O'Neill lines. There
has been talk of a division of the Lin
coln operating division , which com
prises about one thousand miles of
railroad , making a division of the lines
east of Ashland and north of Ashland.
This , perhaps , will not follow until
another rush of business and building
i omes.
The Lincoln traffic division now
comprises the line from Nebraska
City to Tecuinseh and Lincoln , and
the main line from Lincoln to Kear
ney , with a mileage north ot these
liner reaching as far west as north-of
Sidney , to Guernsey , Vyo. , and to
I'Mgomont , S. 1) . This comprises in
all 1,700 miles or more of railroad.
Card of Thanks ,
We wish to express our thanks and
appreciation to the friends and neigh-
born , and also the lodges , for their
kiiidncs.s during the death of husband
and father. We alHQ < wU > h to thank
them fcr the l > eautifiu"llonil offerings.
Mi * . Sim nil Kvans and family.
Legs Broken in Peculiar Manner.
Stanion , Nob. , Nov.1. . Wes Kails
this atlernoon , while pulling stumps
with a biump pulling machine hud the
misfortune ro have loth of his le-ra
broken. Ho was leading the team and
a bolt broke , which throw part of the
r'inucluiK - against his loss breiikliif.
In ; li nt' dn-.n. One of die burse's It-gtf
was a ! : it liioki'ii . m such a wi : >
that ( hi . . livl io ! H.'.i-l. ' Mi
K.I.Is n. a laboring man ai'd ' a man
wiihuin mean * . huMn.'j ' si-vin children
nd ,1 , < ' ' ( ili > n K'ir ; mi him V e > . '
rMnti xvps "ilc'ti up by tlo ; c'f'/'ii ' '
nr Immediate relief.
D"ath of Mrs. L. E. Smith.
Long Pine. Neb. . Nov. i > . Special leThe
The Now : Mr . U 1C. Smith , wife of
1C. Smith of the linn of n. A. Smith
& Son , died at i ! o'clock yesterday
nornlng. The Hustoni Star , of which
she WIIK tbo worthy tnatr.m , will have
cliaruo of the cniomonles at the conic-
cry after a uliorl sonleo at the home.
YOUIHJ Man From Monowi Dies at 1
P. M. Wednesday Afternoon.
Lying in Iho arms of bis father , 1C.
. \lolii' , a merchant at .Monoul , and
IH ! grandfather , George llolser , Geo.
\ . Mohr , u young man 'JS years of
ige. died at I o'clock Wednesday af-
eriidon at tinPacllle hotel in this
IIy. Mnir ) was Doubled with tuber-
ulosls and had been biouihl lo this
Ity to consult u local pUyHKIan.
The young man's mother at Monowi
, -iiit notllli'd and arrangemeuls wore
undo to take the rcmiilmt to Monowi
u the morning train. II was thought
hat the funeral would be held In the
The deceased hud been \\llh bis
nthor for about two yearn. The Int
er was a lo ! > d county home.teuder
ighteen years ago and Is well known
n north Nebraska.
/Yoman / With $60,000,000 , , Cries at
Thought of Yearn of Stinting.
New York , Nov.I. . Mrs. Itussoll
iage has new velvet carpels in her
ome , < ; , ' ! : J Fiflh avenue soft , rich and
oantil'ul. with deep , thick pile , Into
vhlch the foot HlnkB.
"I am glad , " said u woman who bus
nown Mi'H. Sage for > oars. "that she
onld have those velvet. carpeln before
lie died. In all I bo yearn of her mar
led life down at the house at "iOf. .
"Ifth u venue , she had nothing but an
noloiil liniHScls carpet on her parlor
loor. It was one sln > had when she
irst went lo keeping house , and had
hose great , set medallions in'it that
hey used to use for carpel patlomfi
orly yearn ago. The nap was worn
> ff all over it so that the brown warp
bowed tliiongh.
"When it finally got so bad Hint it
as impossible to use it. longer , mat
ing was put down in the parlor , as it
ad long been used in the rest of the
louse. She always used the old
lorsehair furniture she hail when she
vas married.
"Mrs. Sago suffered fronvniortlflca-
ion at such things , just , us' ' muoJl as-
my other woman would , and I'm glad
jhj's able lo have the velvet carpe'.s
or a few years before she dies. Hut
hey came too late lo give her much
jloanuro. Aflor they had all been
nil down and the fnrniluie wan in
dace , she walked through the bouse
ibserviiig and admiring and then sat
lown and cried. She said not a word
n explanation , bni It was easy to nn-
lerstand. She. was thinking of all the
Minted years wli"ii she might have
'njoyed ' such things , and now she has
hem when she is too old to care very
"There scarcely is a day Ihut Mrs.
Sage does not weep. " continued the
) ld friend. "She simply sis ( and cries
it the intolerable burden of having
'Gii.OOo-.Ono on her shoulders , at the
mrdcn of distributing that huge for
tine in the way that will do the most
? ood. She is SO ye.irs old and has a
Vow Kngland conscience. She wants
o do just the right , thing with it all ,
unl it requires an amount of thought
ind study and imposes a feeling ol
csponsibillty that is hard on an old
.voninn v ! io only wants a quiet cornel
o spend her few romainlng yon IT. in. "
Boyd County.
Lynch , Neb , . Nov. ! . Special to The
N'ews : Lynch gave llryan a majority
if 12 ever Taft.
The Lynch vote Is as follows : Taft
IOH , Bryan lir , . Prohibition votes 7.
socialist voloa : ! . For governor : Shel-
'on 107 , Shallenbergor 112. For con
gressman : Kinkuid 110 , Westovoi
10S. For slate anialor , Tjiirleenth
istrict : F. W. Phillips , Republican.
IOH ; .lames A. Dinoluie , Democrat ,
122. For state representative. Twen
tieth district : T. N. Gulhrailh , Repub
lican. 0. ; .1. M. Talcott , Democrat. 12S
For county attorney : W. A. Goble.
Republican , it I ; D. A. Harrington ,
Democrat , 1U5.
Ate Thirty-Four Bananas ,
Sioux Falls. S. D. , Nov. n. Special
to The News : "Rumble" IJeebe , a
resident of the town of Kdgomont , Full
River a recent feat in the
aiing line is entitled lo the diutlnc
ion of bein.7 the champion banana
ater of South Dakota. As the result
of a wager as to how many banaiuii'
' 10 could eat at a single Killing , ho , lie
fore a large ciowd In a fruit store at
Sdgemont , ate thirty-four bananas , one
U'tor the other. He suffered no ill of
'octs from the foat. for bo was at work
the next day an usual , lie now Is
ready to meet all comers in the Imnana
eatlns Hue.
Death of " "
"Cheyenne Johnny.
Sioux Fiillx , S. D. . Nov. 5. Spocia
to The News : One of the mojt Inter
esllng characters of western South Da
Kola wus removed from life's ! activl
lies by th death n few duy.i ago of n\ \
tgeil men named John Uyan , but who
for years had been better known us
"I'liojonno Johnny. " IIo was 78 yeans
of HMO at tl\o \ lime of his deuili. Ryui
A'iu amotrf.'tho ' oldest solders of tlu
.vostoni part of the stale , and years
liefoie railroads had been ronstniotot
Into that region he was engaged n a
freighter in transporting goods to aiii
' , ' : - . Hi" n.'w Hcitlomoiit'i ) ti the Iliac !
IUIU .mil other parts of the west. Dur
UK iin-M' li'im ' tivi-ihtiiii : trip' * Inbni
I'ni ) i u ituig u'lx.'ii'iin s with \\or
iiKi Indians ami wnhluic ron <
agents Ills rctnlnUccnccs of carl\
li'i' nn I'le l > ' ' 1ins WOUl. ) b.l\o Rllnl a
, " " Vi l"H Cf"'i ' | tbny bnve been
reduced io wrlllii ; : . lie H urvl\od by
a widow and tlireo children.
Love Affair Supposed to Have Caused
Mlrs Welsel to Kill Herself.
Omaha lUo ; ; "You wore angry and
wtui tmt wanted. ICmtna was cross. I
lldn'i come here to raise ttouble , I am
Ired of suffering , but \ \ lint last
ong. "
These are sentences from a note
which Mary Wolsol , ai : years old ,
vroto lust night to Arthur Shaver Just
leforo she shot herself three limes
n the breast , dying a few minutes Qfi
terward. ( ]
.Miss Welsel , whoso homo Is HeoiuerJ
Soh. , has been living for the lust , two
voeks at hy hoarding house of Minn
Jininji Slolnhoofol , 10'r. . Georgia avo-
nuo. Miss Slelnhoefel wan a school
'rlfiiil ' of the dead woman , who before
'oinlni ' ; hero WIIH for a tlmo a patlonl
it St. lleruard's hospital at Council
She occupied n hare little room on
ho ( bird lloor of the Htelnhoefel
ion nl Inn lion HO and It was about mid-
light when she 11 red the shots which
ended her life. She used u pistol
vhlnh s''o ' bud secured from Shaver ,
vim Is u boarder nt the same place.
Shaver claims Hint he left the weapon
n Hi'1 ' ImiiFo and did no ! know she
lad It. In the note writ Ten to him
Miss Wolsol asked forgiveness for Ink-
tig Iho revolver , saving she did not
noan to meal it , but wished to gel out
if her I rouble. She also had in her
lossession a pistol belonging to Miss
Slelnlioefel and she said she wished
o have I wo weapons in order that she
iiU'li ! no ! bo held up in her plan tend
> nd her life.
It Is siid : by friends of Miss Wolsol
hut she IIIIR boon demented for some
line an.I that this caused her to end
ier llfo. flho wan found lying aerops
ho bed. ( .Hired In n while parly dress
vhlchts : burned in ihree places ,
.bowiii'i where the shots had taken
"Ifoot. Two wore on the right side of
he ehoi I ever the lung and one wap
on the I.'i'i side apparently almost di
ce ! ly over the heart.
Fiorn i be ( one of the note which
vas found under tbo mattress of the
ted by the coroner It would seem that
oulousy of Shaver was the prime mo-
ive which led to her wish lo die. A
lumber of other letters lit her hand-
vrllliig. all apparently written recent-
y , were also found and wore taken in
haigo by the coroner and will bo pre
sented nt the inquest.
Miss Riolnhoefel states thai she did
lot hear the shots , but on going up
stairs shortly after midnight , noticed
smoke and made Hie investigation
vhieh lo 1 lo finding the girl. Dr. R. 0.
Moore , who lives nearby , was summon
ed. He notified the coroner , who In
urn not Hied the police.
The body was taken in charge by
he coroner and an inquest will be.
Miss WoUol leaves u father , four
n'othors and two sisters , all of whom
ivo at Boomer , Nob.
Thomas W. Evans.
The funeral of Thomas W. Kvans ,
who died Saturday afternoon , was hold
it 10 o'clock Tuesday morning .at the
hristlan church , Rev. Roy Lucas of
Thomas AV. Evans was born in Cam-
ira county , Pennsylvania , .Inly 17 ,
1SH2. Came west , with bis parents to
1SS:5 : tN'ii he moved to Kannuj ;
where ho resided until 1800 , when
10 came lo Nebraska , and has ;
* lnce il\od in this slate. On the
-Mth day of April. 187. , be was marled -
led to Sarah A. Thomas. Ho loaves
i wife and live children four soup
: ind one daughter : John A. Uvans of
Cameron , Mo. , Mrs. Mary Gates of
JJroughton. Kails. , Charles W. of Nor-
rolk , Hangers G of Norfolk , Grant H
if Norfolk ; also an aged mother , four
> rothrrn. four sisters besides nnnier-
nis other relatives to mourn his loss
: to was converted on October 22 , 1891.
" .nil tii.'l to live a Christian life until
was deprived of his reason.
Ran Well at Home.
Nolhh. Nob. , Nov.1. . Special to The
N'ews. : The largest vole ever polled
In the hislory ofNeligb was that of
yesterday. Returns from various parts
f the county came in after three
' 'clock.
Congressman Boyd received a ma
jority of 1li ! in tills city. Ho stated
that there is a falling off over two
years ago.
The county attorney proposition is
still In doubt and it will take the of-
llclul county to settle the mutter be
tween O. A. Williams and R. W. Rice.
Concedes His Defeat.
Nellgli , NeJi. , Nov.L Special to
The News : Friends of .ludgo Boyd ,
who watched election returns all night ,
concedi d at an early hour this morn
ing the defeat of .ludgo P.oyd.
P. A. Woods left for Wulthill yes-
Frank II. Bools went to Madison yes
Mrs. Mi'.lor of Hoskins visited In
N'orfollc Tuesday.
Mrs. C. .1. Undntrom returned from
n visit in Fiemont Tuesday.
Waller Molohor of Pierce was in the
ciiy Wednesday on business.
Miss Ruth Morsch of Albion , Is here
visiting her sister. Mrs. R. O. Webb.
Mr. nud Mrs. ( ! . W. Ryel returned to
their homo In Chudron laM evening.
Mrs. .1. L. Schwartz of Norfolk left
for Omaha Wednesday noon. She will
be gone nbotit a week.
Kd. Lamb loft Norfolk on Iho noon
train Tuesday lo file on Kinkaid lands (
in Chorr.county. . Mr. Lamb will ro-
tin li in Norfolk Salih'diu.
Job.i Taunehill , who Is in the gov
crnnu-nt postal son ice in Panama , has 5
returned to the canal zone after au i
extended visit ul home. Ills HlRler ,
Ml" * Tannelilll , accompanied htm IIH
far an Stanton.
' Mrs. W. I. Austin accompanied her
daughter. Gooi-glu , lo Lincoln yester
day. Miss Austin , who In a teacher In
the ICdgewater school , will attend the
mutual meeting of Iho Touchers' UHKO
elation , which is being held there ( his
Mr,4. L. P. PuHownlk relumed ti
Norfolk \ejtterday. She has been
vlHltliig Iho last few dayB wllh u sis
ter In Madison.
Phillip Hull left for Lincoln yester
Mrs. Albert Miller left for Grand In
land yenlorduy.
Dr. Tashjon made a professional
trip in Long Pine yeslerduy.
Mrs. August Miller and Miss Minnie
ICIko of Pierce wore visitors In Nor
folk on Tuesday.
O. II. Grauel loft Norfolk Tuesday
lo accept a position us druggist in a
store at Waltelleld.
Out-of-town vlsllora in Norfolk yes
lerday were : Will McDonald , Men
dow Grove ; T. O. Campbell , A. .1.
Rice. R. .1. Jones. Crolglilon ; Cburhs
II. DOOR in. Gregory ; .Inllus Nol ; ,
Crofton ; A. Sohulchlonborg , Pierce ;
Fred I Halt , Lynch ; Mrs. Domini ,
HonoBteel ; ,1. M. Fleming. WLsnor.
Paul Nordwlg Is quite ill with ap
Messrs. ICd ward ICvuns mid Glen
Wllloy have opened up a suttatorlum.
The West Side Whist club will moot
with Mrs. W. II. Bullerllold this oven-
William Hooker , who has been In a
critical condition for the last week , IH
slightly improved.
The .Mast and Queen Clly hose com
panies meet ut the oily hall ut K
o'clock lonlght lo consider a proposi
tion for consolidating the two com
The Miidlsou business men , who
signed u ennlriicl lo Kvll 100 acres
of Madison county land nl JjT.fiil an
acre if Bryan WIIH elected , In reported
to have ln > 'ii somewhat relieved at the
election n-sull.
A public auction is the concluding
c.hnpior in a Norfolk election hoi. Fl
mor Rco < | w'on u hoise on an election
hot as a result of Tuft's victory and
the Taft , horne is to bo sold at public
auction next Saturday afternoon. Tin was hot by Manager Woods of
the local olllce of the Singer company.
A detachment of recruits in the
uniform of the ICighth cavalry rogl
iiienl , t'nited States army , passed
.hrongh Norfolk Tuesday on their waj
oul to Fort Wushakle. Wyoming
The "rookies" were in charge of Cor
poral Murphy of For ! Snolling , Minn
John Reid of Wakolleld , father ol
Harry Reid , is In u critical condillnn
it his in Wakollold. Mr. Reid.
t.ho was SS year. * of age his last birth
lay , was probably the oldest man l ( .
' ogistor lor a Trlpp county farm. Hi
tiled his uflidnvlt at O'Neill the first
week of i he registration , hut did not
happen to be among the lucky ones
who drew.
The election bulletin service furnish
ed election night over tin1 long ills
tance lines of the Nebraska Telephone
company was probably the most com
plete over given lo local patrons. The
issociated Bell companies had SO.OOf
employes odiiing , compiling and send
ing out bulletins throughout , the Unltec
States. Never before. It is said , had
such an arrny of workers been engag
d In this work.
It has become a matter of seven
condemnation that the license permit
od for the celebration of the old time
lestival of Hallowe'en should lia\ ' (
' .ecu extended beyond the liberal time
-illowanco made bv the city. On Mon
lay evening a brick sidewalk on Sixth
uid Park , south of the Christian
. 'htirch , was entirely removed by par-
'ies whose identity Is as yet unknown
The destruction of a sidewalk Is to In
.londeiniifd on Hallowe'en night , buV
'uit ' such acts of vandalism should ho-
erne evory-day occuruncos Is a state
f affairs much to be deplored.
reception at the Baptist Parsonage.
The young people of the Baptlsi
church gave a reception at the parson-
ige Moudav night in honor of Clec
I.oderer who left today for Lincoln
whore lie will enter the state unlvor
sity. Mr. Lodoror is held In highest es
teem by his friends and especially by
the members of the Baptist church for
his noble Christian character and faith
ful service. Ho will be greatly missed
In the bible school and young people's
work. His many friends wish him tlu
best of success In his school work.
Another Hot l for Bassett.
Bassott , Nob. , Nov. . " . Special to
The News : Basset is to have a new
hotel , the foundation of which is now
complete. It will he liilxiio feet and
two stories high with n line basement.
The whole building will be built of
cement stone.
Mr. Fisher , who is erecting the ho
tel , says it will ho beutod throughout
with sleain or hot water. He expects
lo make it modern in every particular
and it will be a credit lo the town.
The town has needed another good ho
tel for seme time.
Base Their Luck on Number " 13. "
Though fatalists shiver at the men
tion or appearance of the word thir
teen , It doesn't appear that they have
over-much foundation for their falla
Although that combination of the
two figures spells had luck In big let
ters for a great number of siipersti-
tously inclined persons , one Iowa
town Is beginning to have very differ
cut Ideas au to the potency of this old
time hoodoo.
Lake City , Iowa , Is the town of nv
( ion.
; I'pon two occasions now the nun
her thlrtei-n bus come up and puL
Four > ears ago. on the thirteenth din
of Julj 1'JOI , L , E. .NoaU < a o [ Lui > ,
Clly. rorhlorod at dm Botiostoel land
opening. ; , . .J . f
Two weeks later ho received govern
ment noi Ideal Ion of the fact that ho
had dra\-u nuinhor thirteen ,
Mr. NoukoH. happening to ho a man
who know a good thing when It came
bis way , IM today the proud possoHflor
of one of the best olulimi In Gregory
county. -nf
Three weeks upo Tuomliiy , on llu <
Ihlrloenlli day of October , IlltlS , . , ( , , ,11. ,
Jones , ale of Uiko City , Illod hlti uill-
davit of uppllcullon at Dallas for , Die
Trlpp drawing.
The following week he received die
pleasing Intelligence that ho had
drawn a claim and dial bin number
was thirteen ,
Mr. Jones , In company with 10. 10.
Lemon , who drew 1,111 , and another
friend WKI ! hud been lucky , stopped
o\or In Norfolk yesterday on ( heir
way up lo Dallas to spy oul the land.
"From now on , " said Mr. Jonei ,
"when I hour u man 'ctiHsIn" Iho
thiiteens ( or bringing him bad luck , I
Khali feel Inclined to tell him ho
doesn't know what ho Is talking
" ' '
Lalta Wins by 2,000 Majority.
Senator l/iltu of Tokamah ban car
ried die Third district for congress
over Coiifvossman Boyd of Nellgh by
li.OOO majority.
Compleiirolurns from all of die
eighteen o inntles show that Congress
man Boyd carried Antelope , Burl , Dlx-
on , Dakota , Madison , Merrlck. Niiliqe ,
Thiirston and Wuyno counties , gain-
; ng a majority of i.niil in those coun
ties. Lai ( a , Democrat , carried Boone ,
Cedar , Cuiulng , Colfax. Dodge , Kuox ,
Pierce , Pl.ilto and Stanlon counties ,
piling up a majority In those counties
of a u oven . ' 1,000.
In his homo county. Burl , die strong
est Republican county In the illslrlnt ,
Laila out down ibe huge Republican
mujorliy io His. Lullu curried DMIIIII-
crude Pl.iilo county , die hunie .iif his
recoil i Plulto county primary oppon
ent , Judge Howard , by 1,100.
Boyd's bigKont majority was In bin
homo county. Antelope.
Latla and Boyd ouch carried nine
The majorities on oongrosntrfon In
ho eighteen counties , complete , save
! n Platte and Knox counties , Is as fol
lows :
Boyd Lada
Majority. Majority
Uitolope 258
'Joono r,2
Hurt ifis
'Jedar 210
dimming '
Colfax . JOO
Olxon in
< nox
Madison 107
' .Ion-Id ' ,
; | j !
Vance fii ;
Platte . . . : . . - . 1100
Stunton , .
riiiirston ' . . . ' . . . iooJ
Way no JOO
Tolulr lout ItOOO
Malone , Nichols and Young Win.
.lunies Nichols of ladlson , Rt-publi-
Kin , is the next county attorney of
Madison county. John Malone , Demo-
Tat , bus been re-elected to the board
) f county commissioners. L. J.
Young , u Newman Grove druggist , and
i Democrat , will represent Madison
ionnty in the legislature. '
Nichols rolled up the banner ma-
'orlty ' of the contest , securing a load
of riSi ! over J. C. Hngelman of. this
jity. , .si- ,
.tilono's majority ever Ben Davis
is 2C2. Malouo got : i big vqto pvui-
the connly and polled an especially
big vote in Union and Shell Creek
precincts and in Madison.
The closest race was' run between
Young and G. N. Beels of this city.
Young's majority , unofficially , is fin.
Young was elected by the vote he re
ceived in Republican Newman Grove.
3eels received a flattering vote at the
Senator Randall carried the county
iy ) only : : . " > . Reea showed strength
thai surprised the Republicans. '
Boyd carried die county over Latta
by 107. Sheldon's majority In the
county was 211. Tuft curried 'lh
comity by 2CO.
Considerable variation wan shown In
the majorities polled by state officers.
Fairbanks and Kern Vote In Stable.
Indianapolis , Ind. , Nov. 3. The in
dications are that the vote will be the
heaviest ever recorded in Indiana.
Vice President Fairbanks and his
two sons voted In a livery stable at 10
o'clock. Vlco Presidential Candldntn
Kern voted at the same place a little
earlier. Fairbanks and Kern greeted
each other.
Lincoln , Nob. , Oct. . ' ! . W. J. Bryan
voted early. H required just twenty
seconds for the presidential candidate
to vole.
Ho drove a mile over lo the Normal
precinct , voting place. Mr. Bryan
shook hands around before ontbrlrij ;
Hie booth. He said "Our fight Is won.
We await the verdict confidently. "
Mr. Bryan is in excellent physical
condition. lie will rest at homtftodhy
and will hoar the returns with a party
of friends tonight. ' ' '
Stevenson Also Votes Straight.
Bloomlngton , 111. , Nov a. A dial
Stevenson , candidate for governor and
former vice president , was nn early
voter. He wus greeted by Iho crowd
and was insldo the booth but n few-
Cincinnati. Nov. : ! . Judge Taft ar
rived nt 8 o'clock this morning , in n
voice hardly audible ho declared that
the outlook was cheerful.
The Taft car stopped outside tlir
train shod and Tnft laughed as he helped
od bis wife across the trac a.
Taft shook hands with Fireman
Nodi. Engineer Kdenger wished him