UK NOIH-'OliKAVKICKI.Y - XKvTS .lon.'XU . , HIIDAY NOVKMMKU0 MluS NURSE"OISOaUHTLEO EMPLOYE Mlna Symodinc Only Kicked With D.irc Feet. Norfolk. Ncli. Oil : n. Killlor . , ews : In referent e in the aitldo ap pearing In The News October 110 , I doslro to reply , only for the nuke cf correcting Die iiilHntnlomi ills mndo b > II disgruntled ( ) | ) . , Who , hefdle leaving , Iliroitlclied 10 Illllke ( III1 llOxpl I ill I rouble. .Miss . Syniodliio'M sliilemonlM would lead ono to believe dial It Is danger- OIIH to cuter | | n > training school for iini'HOH at IhlH liiiHiltal. | I desire to correct that InipreHHloii. Un the dormitory for nit k patlenlHvheie Mlsn Synindlno was working , there were only nlno pullontn and three nurses to take euro of them. The pallonl In ( | iU'Hllon. : i little girl four feet. eight Inches high , certain' ly wan not , dangerous and the Inehleni mentioned occurred while giving the patient treatment , two days before MSH | Symodlin' went oil' dut.v. AllfH S.vmndlnc was kicked once by the bnre fuel of the patient , was mil knocked down or jumped upon or badly hurt and continued In her woik without Inconvenience or complaint. The morning In-fore ulic IVMKH | < d ulie had been reprimanded sharpl.v for poor work and her resignation f > I- lowed. Sin- wan not considered a de sirable nurse. It in the policy of this administra tion to safeguard onr nurses and at the name time to give onr sick pa tic-ills ( he most careful and hnmam nursing possible. Nurses arc In strneted In a proper way of caring foi patients so as to mlnlml/o I he cliuncen for violence on ( hi * part of the mania cal patients \\lio , Indeed , represent lint u very small percentage of om Inmates. ( ! . A. Young , Superintendent Norfolk Hospital fo the Insane. WEDNESDAY WRINKLES. Dr. ,1. C. Myers went to llattlo Crco H'uesday. Dr. Pilgor returned from Sioux CH Tuesday night. Mr. llarnes of liallle Creek was I Norfolk Monday. Mrs. II. L. Hnydor returned fron Omaha on Sunda > . Mr. and Mrs. Kochnor of Stnntoi : wore Norfolk visitors Monday. George llarman of Utitlle Creek was in Norfolk ( lie end of last week. Mrs. II. O. iMiinson of Uattlc Crec'i was a visitor to Norfolk Tuesday. Mrs.VIIIIam I.en of Wayne is vlsi'- Iny relatives in Norfolk this week. Sam ICrsklno returned to the state university at Lincoln yesterday noon. Mrs. II. K. ICvers of Slonx City is visiting with her sister , Mrs. Carter , of Norfolk. Mrs. W. II. Der MonL returned Wed nesday from I'lalnview , where sli.- had been visiting her sister. Dr. IJcnnison , who graduated roccii'- ' b frgm the medical college at Lincoln , was In Noi'folk yesterday looking for a location. Cleo l.oderor , who has been employ ed as bookkeeper for the Dnrland Trust , company , left this week to at tend the stale university at Lincoln A christening was hold Sunday " ' Herman Uraasch's residences in honor of a llttlo Miss Uraasch who came to stay with the family a few days ago Mrs , Howard Scchi'isl of IJooaier < s visiting with Mrs. O. IJ. Meredith el Norfolk. Mrs. Seehrist is on her \ \ up to join her husband who is will the Dally News at Dallas , S. D. Mrs. . .1.V. . nrlnkmau of NorfolN and Mrs. lingers and son of Hoone , la. left for Pilgor josterdnj where tlie ; . will iiay a few days' visit to Mi" . Hrinkman's sister , .Mrs. Verson. .1. K. Huaso , cashier of the Clli/oi's ' National bank of Norfolk , lefl I'm SIou CH.v yesterday on the noi i Irain. Mr. Ilaahc has gone to alien. . Hie annual meeting of the Toy banl ing houses. Ho expects to get bac. Thursday. M. C. Huston. John Krantz , C. I ! Sailer , Dr. Young and others left today on the noon train tor llock county 01 a few days' duck limit. D. Mathewsoi and .1. S. Malhewson will leave for Hit same place and return later on in tin week. There Is said to be good duel shooting now at the lakes out north west. Among I he day's out-of-town visitors In Norfolk were : Kouben 10. Nichols .1. I ! , l.ongnecker. Misses Longneekcr Madison ; 1C. D. Cory. I'lalnviewV ; II. Field , Madibon : 1C. Smith , ( ! regor > Misses Sophia MeFetters and ICIla M ICIIIolt. Madison : .1. C. Winters , Creigh ton ; Fred M. I'ile , .1. M. Pile , Wayne II. M. Scott , Miss Lettlo Scott , D. I ) Gibson , Plainvicw ; Misses Lela Tayloi and Doss Perdue , Madison ; .1. Done Min. C. I ) . Cilllispie , Madison ; Misses Gertrude Ua.vcs ami Minnie McAdams Winside. One vote that would otherwise have counted as a htralght Uopublican bnl lot , was thrown out 'becuuso the name of the voter was written upon It. Dr llraeking voted for every llepubllcan IMI the ballot and at the foot of tin column ho wrote , " 1 intend this to hi a straight llepubllcan ballot. " Thou he signed his name and the Imllot was thrown out. "One of the funny incidents that I noteed In Dallas , " remarked ( ! . I ) , lint- torllold this morning , "was the ox- perluncc of a pickpocket victim who came Into our Dallas olllco and dis covered his loss when ho reached Ills hand Into his pocket. The blankest look eamo over that man's face when ho drew forth a pipe , a prayer book and a JuoU Hullo. His loss was $70. The pickpocket , when ho took the mono ) jmH slipped buck the results of I he previous hall. The \lcllm came hum Decunir , HI " ( ' S Ilu'cs tci't'iis ' ' ilie IUB * of .1 f.uotl luiKK > Horn i .11 IMI U uf bis UM deuce on Noiili 'Kii'li but-i-i 1U misted i lie article- referred to Hrsi thing Saturday morning and at that tune supposed U to have been remov j of tlie InvrnJif f ( he cotnmunttv. He has been will1- m patli'iilly ever Mince , expecting nll > to hear HomeiMlng of lilt * missing roporlv. If Ilie lmg .v in not produc- il withlii the rourxe of tie ! next da : r HO , Mr. lluvim mnteH thai he will e forced to Inke tepn lo recover II Tliuimlity evening of I bin week a IMI i lei Sunday pi'Imul eon vent Ion will e held In the MapllHi cliurch In Dal | e Creek. Allloim theN'orlolk po ) le vvho appear on ( he program are lr-i. Hurl MapeH and Dr. O. U. Mere- Ill ) . Others who are on the program ire : MlHH I-MIIh Twins , Mrs. S. K. Clorntead , Ml s Glomlorls Snider , llev Mr. Mend. Itov. .1. II. Hard. Itev. Mr. McClanaghaii and Mrs. C. 1C. Smllh. ) n next Sunday a dlsirlci convention u lo Inheld In the Prosbjtorlan linrch In Madlaon. In this city at the lederal bnlldln : ; in November IS , tin- civil service com- nlKHlon will hold an examination for he positions of clerk and carrier In he pimlollleo Hervlce. The examina tion will consist of the following sub- eclH on the following basis : Spelling ( twenty average worus ) 10 per cent , irlllimelle 0. letter writing lid , pen- nausliln lti. ! copying from plain copy 10 , Unlled Siales geography 10 , and reading addresses U ) . The age limit Is I'-om ' IS lo IS. Kin-tiler Informa tion may be secured from V. V. Light it Hie Norfolk poHtolllco. I'Yoinon1 ' Tribune : John K. Dlerks , rl c -i- en. American ICxpress com- i-.iii , . ' recently appointed lo r.ic I ' ' " < railway mail service , leun , as substitute In the rorvl i u \ . Ills place as ex- eKsf . - , taken by Hoyd Hobln- Kin of Not folk , who was transferred In Kreinonl , With "Wahoo Sam" Crawford , the iltilck footed and hard hitting out- llelder of the Detroit Tigers , playing igaln in his native town , Wahoo , A. L. Kllllan of this eily is-following with inleresl the series of games between Fremont and Wahoo. Shea from Slonx City and another Western lea gue player , have helped Fremont. It was In the Killlan ball team In Wahoo thai Crawford "got his start" and the amons "Tiger" ma\ come up lo Nor- 'olk for a visit with Mr. Kllllan dur- 1 ing the winter. As a proof of the gonninoss of the vager that was made lust week be- ween W. .1. Halm and L. II. Hinds a > lg red wheel barrow stands on the sidewalk in front of Hartford's barb'-r shop. Mr. Hlnes purchased the bar- o\v yesterday specially for the occas- on and It is doubtful whether there Is mother like it in tow < - Its side boards are rather on the collapsible order , a necessary adjunct in ease the passenger should happen to fa'l ' asleep enrouto or should refuse to leave his comfortable position at the station called for on his ticket. A printed sign attached , jonconsly makes inquiries of the voting pnbjic as to "who will bo called upon to do the wheeling. " A ! Herman , Charles Stoeber , Foal , Harry Heed uiul 15d. Grant look the day off Sunday and went duel ; hunt Ing. They spent the entire da\ curled up In the weeds out at Kent's Siding , watching and waiting for bird : that never showed up. Crant , who quite a culinary artist when he wants to be. treated the bunch to frog's legs' ' a la coffee at noon. He can handle the reins lee and the wav he brought those hungry sporlsmen back lo lowi made one or two of the parlies' back teetli rattle. In order to make doubly sure that he hadn't lost any of his passengers songers eu route , Kd made a valllant effort lo drive onto Suiters' coal scale- to weigli bis load. Just about tliei was when lie came near to losing the whole onlllt. However , the various members of Ilie parly eventually got to ( heir respective homey , each ex pressing il his opinion dial there is nothing like duck hunting when U conies down to having a real good lime. Of Norfolk's now branch ice cream factory. Ihe Slonx City Tribune says : "llulehlnson Hros. company Is pre paring to open a branch at Norfolk. Neb. The new house will not bo in operation before next March , but plans are being made now. Norfolk has been chosen both because it ap peared lo be Ihe ibest possible point from which to handle the new terri tory around P.onesteel and CJregorj ami because il is a good station from which to get cream. The llutehiiuion factory on West Third street lias had some trouble In getting enough cream and the new station is expected to bo .1 valuable assistance in this particu lar. Part of the additional business will bo taken care of at the Sioux City factory. The Cedar Haplds branch , formerly opened , has been Kold to F. D. Hutchinson. The com pany does not contemplate any res taurant or bakery business such as il lias here on Fourth street. " Denial is made by Hie management of the Norfolk state hospital of the rather sensational story that a Miss Alma Servlue , a recent patient , was driven insane by the taunts and bimbs of her fellow pupils In an Omaha music studio. The girl's par cuts live at Oakland , where she has been returned. The girl. In the story Kent out from Omaha , "eamo to Om aha and became the pupil of a leading piano teacher. Funds soon ran short , and In her extremity ambition trium phed over pride and the girl began work In the house of Mrs. Frances Comfort. She was welcomed as u member of the family. In exchange for household services hho received wages and the use of the piano. Her progress was marked and became the talk of her fellow students. She was iuvih'il to their homes and became popular One day bumconc told of the glilh einpioiiuent Site was drop ped from the social list of her mates. Soon they objected to her presence In tlie studio. The music teacher re quested her to come for practice at hours when the others wore uot then She felt tin humiliation and ( old her intimate trlends of tin snuhH Hlii- was coiiHttitillv subjected lo , and frequently cried over them. Then Ihe music teacher asked her to enter the iimllo by the side entrance and hint- ) d her presence wan not desired , and .hla was the crushing blow , hi a jui-Ht of fury her mind gave way. She lestroyed munle and the t'nriilHlilims -f Ihe studio. She nmlied home , .sea'- ' ed herself at the piano and began to phi } . HOIII-H pati.sed as she wildly Im provlsed. Late in the night the play ing came to a cloxe. Springing to her feel the girl began to rave. "I tun a musician ! " she cried. "They can not tell me I am but a hired girl ! " Al ! oflilch \ IB more dramatic than tin explanation made by Ihe hospital au thorities that the girl's humility took lo a religions turn and had no connec tion with music. SATURDAY SITTINGS. Mrs. 1C. ! ' . Fisher returned from Itoiiesicel win-re nhe has been visiting the past week. Itev. and Mrs. II. Hubert , who Imw been visiting with Mrs. Hoberl's mother , Mrs. llertha Pllger , have re turned lo their home In Tecnmueli. ( ieorge 1C. Whel of Marcus , la. , who drew farm No. , " 0 In Ihe recenl Trlpp county opening , stayed In Norfolk last night on his way up to look at lily hundred and sixty. Miss Iteiia Olnisted , accompanied by her sister Doris , went to Wayne this morning to attend a Hallowe'en party given by tin. ' Shakespeare club of Wayne college. S. C. Illackman , editor Of the Mad ison Chronicle and chairman of the Republican comity cent nil committee , was in Norfolk last evening to attend Senator Randall's meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Winter re turned last evening from the east having attended the marriage of theii son , ICdmund Winter , to Miss Aum Meier. The young people will maki their homo In Owosso , Wis. , when Mr. Winter Is a teacher in the pare chlal school. L. U. Nicola went to Foster yestei day. Mrs. 11. Miller was in from Hoi- kins jeslerday. ,1. II. Conley went lo Crot'ton yes terdav. He will return tomorrow. Mrs. Frank Schul ? : and Miss IClk Sehnly of Pierce wore hi the clt. yesterday. Mrs. llobert Locke , Mrs. Myer am Miss ICditii Fcyerherm of Stanton wer- in the city yesterday. Andy Keigmire of Sioux City , wh is well known in Norfolk , dropped i. for a few hours yesterday. Miss Lula M. Smith of Lucas , S. D. was shopping her yesterday. Ml * Smith was one of the 1'icky vvlnnei in the Gregory county opening of fen years ago. She is mos * enthusiast ! over claim life. "Nothing like It , " sli told her girl friends in Norfolk. Among the day's o-it ( , f town visi- ors in Norfolk were : J. W. Campbell DalUs ; .1 oiln Franek , Verdigre ; Mai ens Henson , Gregory , S. I ) . ; Williai McDonald , Meadow Grove ; MIsse Pease and Miller , Stanton ; Senator ( A. Randall , Newman Grove ; Mrs. Am strong , Untie. iNorfollnnr.serynien are shipping ori big orders of fruit trees this vveoU. J. AV. Best is busy building a lln- new bam on Ills farm six miles soutl. east of town. William Ueeker , who resides wil his mother on Phillip avenue , is .st ioaslj ill of brain fever. Herbert Donner's new residence ; i the Junction is almost ready to inov into. J. A. Cnster Is the conlracto- Senator C. A. Randall addressed Norfolk" high school students Friday afternoon on educational subject ! . , speaking in the high school assembly room at I : ! ! 0. Word lias been reeohcd fiom Fre niont that Mrs. JO. O. Motinl , who ha been daimerouslx ill , is impro\im : . Mrs. Mount's illness has required th. presence of a trained nurse at tlr Mount home. Mrs. C. P. Parish yesterday recoh ed a telegram fiom her brother , II. I lilakeny , at DcniMm , la. , that Uvl i daughters had arrived at his home Mr. and Mrs. Itlakeny are former residents dents of Norfolk. Although thebuy. / of the carpenter'- saw and the sound of hits hammer ! still to be heard in dllterent parts ( I town , the greater part of Ihe buildiii'.1 for this season is now over. Shortly after election Archltoil Stilt will be prepared to submit lo Hie library board the revised plans fci the new Carnegie library. These plans , as soon as approved , v\lll be for warded to Mr. Carnegie for Ills ap proval. Albert Stear yesterday received a telegram from Duhols , Pa. , staling that bis brother. Henry Stear , was cl.v- Ing. .Mr. Stear visited Ills brother on bis recent trip east , and while the lat ter was not In Ihe best of health II was not realized that his illness wiih serious. Saturday niuht brings Hallowe'en. A warning to citizens was given by tlie Hallowe'en followers Friday night , when soaped windows told of more serious depredations likely to follow Saturday night. The ma.vor ordered special police provisions for Hallow e'en night. A. 1C. Taylor , western munagur for the International Correspondence school of Seraiiton , Pa. , Is in town to day. It Is the Intention of the I. C. S. to establish a headquarters In Nor folk. He expects to have a man down here about the llrst of tlie period which will be about November S. I'rcpuraiory to the Tuesday eb-c tlon , the Itryan club held a mooting luM evening in the club rooms. An other meeting will be held Monday evening W. U. Price , | h HUM nilii candidate lor btaie undllor. In Norfoll. last evening , attended the meeting ami gave the local workers advice The tfuo residence of John MeCerrl- , gan on Fourteenth street is ready for I occupancy Mr McCerrlgau is a farmer near Hosklns. He come to Hie concliiMlor. thai be has about done Id.nhai of ( he hard woik. and he Intend * to nell out as soon IIH he can nnd "b t t.ome . tilhei follow nave a show. " \ \ hen he has wound up Ills Hairs at llosklns Mr. McCerrlgun will love to Norfolk. If Norfolk Republicans were Inclined , o be "Hquonllsh" they might rnl < < o omplnliit over ( he defacement of udge Tap's picture appearing on nmpaign posters recently placed on i billboard west of the ( juuiMi City old. The Judge's face 1ms been care- ully erased and through the npor- nre thus created a dainty line of horns ghls from ( he next poster are seen lo march out on the huge cam- U'ii dodger , Prof. Alvln Keyser of the I'nlver- ally of Nebraska , who will give a 'armors' ' institute lecture at ( lie Nor- 'oik corn show , has been engaged by be Colorado agricultural college as lead of the depart men ! of plant In- Instry nnd agronomy. Mr. Keysier will take up bin new duties In Janu- try. Tin ; Nebraska authorities sought o keep Mr. Keyset' . Chancellor An- Irevvs referring to him as "an extraor dinarily desirable man. " Asa K. Leonard , who for Ihe last week has been duck hunt Ing along the IClklioru , got back to his place of liusl- less yesterday. Mr. Leonard , who has been camping north of llaltle Creek and south of the river , said that sev eral days this week the bunting wan very good , mallard , teal and jack snipe forming tlie main ingredients ol tlie bag. Mr. Leonard , like all true sportsmen , is sadly regretting tuat he was unable to slay with them longer. P , I'aiili , Western Union managei in Norfolk , jesterday afternoon seri ously cut a large vein in Ills light wrist on a battery jar. The cut bled profusely and the telegraph man lost considerable blood before a physic Ian could be secured. Dr. Pllger dressed the wound. About tlie same time that the accident happened the Norfolk of lice was dropped as a relay station , which It has been during the Tripp rush , tlie dropping of the e.Mra op jrator coming at a rather Inconvenient time for .Manager Pauli. The htnrgeon music store Is beiiif : jnlirely remodeled preparatory lo tin uldiLloii of two new stocks to tin n'osent line of business conducted b\ I. D. Sturgeon. Mr. Sturgeon is to inlto bis own stock of goods , tin. Hock of the O'Urien bargain store which he recently purchased at u trustee's sale , and the Polick & . Tay lor stock at .Madison , which lie se cured some weeks ago. At Madison Mr. Sturgeon starts a sale before mov ing Ills Madison stock to this city. Meanwhile the Sturgeon rtoro is be ing entirely altered. The music de partment is to be In the rear of tin store , separated by a partition froir the new stocks in front. It will prob ably be until ! " > eeoiuber I before Mr. Sturgeon has all lines complete , but business will be continued in tlie in terval. Carpe.iters are now at work on the Sturgeon store. A local land agent sold lifty-threc farms in 1007. This year ho has not disposed of a single quarter section. He has made some farm trades and aold some town lots tills year , but has not sold any farms outright. He at tributes the slump entirely to one cause the panic of last fall , which has checked purchases of improved farms by eastern farmers. "It is true , " he says , " ( hat Nebraska is prosperous- and its farmers are in better llnancial condition than the same class in tin- east. Hut Nebraska farmers are not buying of each other , and we land agents have to depend on eastern in vestors , who are astonishingly feu this year. Al present the trend ol eastern investment is in Hie directioi of thn Texas and the southwestern country , where lands are cheap be cause tney are raw and undeveloped. A failure of crops for omor l\vo si-a sons in Ilie southwestern count r.v would tremendously revive the de niand for the higher priced Nebraska lands , which can be relied on lo raise crops , besides being nearer lo mar ket. " It has also been suggested thai the prospective opening of the Rosebud - bud cheeked real estate transfers dur ing the fall and summer. ' When Boyd Wins. ( llixby in the Lincoln Journal. ) When I.atta goes down to defeat on the day That so many bravo Democrats dread , 1 believe he will look at Judge How ard and say , "You're the man I should knock In the head. "It was you who to further your own selfish end V'roto the record that crushed me , alack It was while von pretended lo bo a great friend , That you ripped your old friend up the back. " And Judge Howard will say , "For the good of the cause Did 1 bring up the facts that I did. And 1 printed It not half as dark as It was You should thanli me for facts that 1 hid. " . -Then I'll hay to them both , "You have both had your say , Let your friends be no longer an noyed ; There Is glory enough tor the people today- ln the glurlus triumph of Boyd. Two Nurses Leave Hospital. Miss Frances Slmodynes of Wahoo , a nurse at the Norfolk hospital since last December , after being twice as- Miulted by patient * in one dav. lied Hie Institution and today arranged to leave Norfolk for her home iu Wahoo Hut Miss Slmodynes has learned to like nursing and will probably continue In that line of work It was an assault by a twenty-year-old girl , a Miss EHI son of Colorldtse , Neb. , thai delei , mined Miss Slmodyiios' Might. The pa j ' llent. who became violent , Is > , ald to have twite knocked Miss Simod.vncs I down and to have Jumped on her Tin mii'M-'s Injuries weie seiloiiH cnoimli that she was advised to spend a week In bed. As soon , however , a-t she able she left the hospital an. , uune K the home of Mrs. 10. Nelhawa > in tli , city. Second Nurse Leaves. Miss Nellie .dereer , another in , Inllneneed , It Is said , b.v the aiiiieU 01 Miss Slmodynes , left > csterdahn her home In Omaha. On ( he oiln i hand , a third nurse. .Miss Anna Sonant of Omaha , who was sovereh Kicked i ) ' the same patient who Hie day be 'ore bit .Miss Slmodynes , and who ai lotmced her Intention of going home , tas reconsidered and , It Is said , v\ill stay. 'STRONGEST MAN" IN NORFOLK. Jack Donnluie Didn't Lift Weights DC- cause the Crowd Didn't Come. "Prof. " Jack' Donahue , prolossiouul A'clght lifter , billed to gi\e an exliibi- lim of heavy dumb bell and weight ifting at Walton's saloon last nklii , refused to perform before Hie nu agre indlence which came lo see him woik. It is work , too , the physical strain iemnnded by each and every peiform- iince he gives being , lie said , too se vere to permit of his giving his exhi bition gratis. The dumb bells manipulated b > the "professor" weigh 100 pounds each , and his bar li'iO pounds , lie oilers lo give tlie sum of $ 'JS to any one who witli their two hands can raise an equal weight to that which Inuplil'is with his one. Mr. Donahue knows , however , dial Ills money is as safe as though it were- in the bank. Only last night an aspirant to thai "cany" bank roll endeavored to manip ulate the bells , lie came out of II with a badly crushed hand and a broken linger. Since then no one IIIIB tried to take him up. Tlie "professor" will make no fur ther attempt to show here , his Inten tions being to leave for Ilie Hlack Hills today , lie expects lo give his llrst performance at Dead wood. Donahue bears the reputation of be ing tlie strongest living man in Amer- ca today. At ono time a pugilist , lie las devoted the last Hilrty years of lis life to the development of muscle. How be has succeeded , any one who las ga/.en upon bis magnificent ph > - can well judge. Donahue is an educated man lie- sides , showing in his conversation to have accumulated a vast knowledge of both what has gone and is going on in tlie world. J. J. Donahue was born at Spring- Held , Mass. , on February 17 , IS.'iil. lie will be fifty years of age next spring. As a pugilist he In his youth fought and won many battles , lie gained a decision over Harney Kelly , and in side of four rounds knocked out Char lie Smith of St. Paul , both lights tak ing place Inside of a month. He also defeated Pat Sullivan , champion of tlie Omaha road. The battle look place at Lake Crystal , Minn. . Donahue send ing his man to the mat and out inside of the first round. lie was I1 itzsimmons' trainer for several of the great lighter's first bat tles , including that against Hall in SI. Paul , and he was again with him when lie met Jack Dempsey a year or l\\o \ lutir. NEW ICE CREAM PLANT Hutchinson Bros , of Sioux City tc Establish Here. Another Sioux Cltv firm will estab llsli in Norfolk. Hutchison liros. . win have a copvriglil on the trademark lot "Puril.v" ice cream , will eslaolit-li i now ice cream factory in Not foil' about March 1. W. II. llutchinson ami 1C. J. Hutcln ; : son were in Norfolk Friday maUiuj. arrangements for si building. Tin ; said thai they will probabl ) einphi < eight or ten people to start with , , ii" more later. They will install COM siderable machinery , they said. The firm has an ice cream plain ii Sioux City , which will continue to hi operated. "Wo have bad our eye on Norflol. for a long time. " they said. The blfj tributary territory out of Norfolk : ip pealed to them. Election News at Auditorium. Norfolk will get elect Ion return. ! at the Auditorium Tuesday nlghf. Th" most complete system for election ie- turns ever attempted in this eit.v will be the feature of the eveniiu1 ; . lie- turns wil ) be secured from the fol lowing three sources : Special Western Union wiv : strung into the Auditorium. Hell telephone election return serv ice. Automatic telephone eloei'oii ' return service. National , State and County. National , slate , congressional . 'iiiri comity returns will be received , so that the people at the Aiidifori'im ' will be constantly kept In 'ouchvltn ( he situation. Returns will begin very early in the evening , as Nv : York's time is an hour earlier than ( no time here , and since counting nipehlnes are used In the empire state , giving lolitls Immediately after the voting Is lln- ished. People familiar with political slum- lions and experienced In tabulating re turns will help compile the bulletins as ( hey are received , giving compari sons and thus the better indicating possible results. The returns will lie ihrovvn on a si-iien a * I'usl a ; . rcei\ed , and then PO Iell III ! il Illlll' III ! llOitl'l ' njlell lo tile lie-pel lion Of till \ -mull adiiiihMoii ! ' ! of j ni.- vvi | bi ihargid for the pu-pos > i a u-- ir > vlng expense * . Cc-irresic/ial ; H' dqur ; -s , Too. ( i.aumau I'lUlllk ( Sll'OU Of tl ' it ( WANTED-A RIDER A6 ! ,1 , iMrl. , i i. . , . . I- M..I \hibil i i .l.lmtilc I Alt I M nlfl "ItntiKi'r" Mrit \ Inv -urni : i M e _ 'nil.uc ' nuking iiuuic ) M .t ( ' ' , lat /i , , AI > I , . i . . /v / NO MOM V Itl.UI . . r .mil ti'liii" * "I \ lir I'll vi IVV > Milp ii.tnt.onr , iinvnlirrr in llir I' S. ivit , tut ; i m .uh.iMi i1 ttf&irftftjtbt rftnl Allow 'I ' UN I ) VVS1 IIU.i : TISI.VI.chn n : wl.ii Ii iiiur uui in iv lull1 Onli ( > Vi Ir .tin ! put U loam lrl tin ) ; > li II Mill .IIP Ihcii not ixiiritU K.UI-HM | | , , t , | , i nnl wish In kcc | > Ihr Utlilc mil' il Uu'U til in at our r\i < nur uiul > vx / , ! / * , > t < i < 11. PRIPFQ "e lu" > 'l ' lln1 lllKllcat Kl.lilcInililri il in tMM In IHIlV" I IUUI.O , - , , ( me nu | | , „ „ ( „ , , | Knc iniuii l.tcuiry roil. Vnu t\r Ji" to l . nmullrmen i nuilits by liming ilunt ul IH .iml li.ivc Ilir iiuniidirlnrrr'ii ituit anu-e icliliiil } mir Inmlc IX ) Nor III V a Imuto ur .1 ii.nrol HIM from at iiMy tn f iiiii-l vmi i rri\p ( mi , u.ilti iir * , iiul liMin our unlit'iitd nt Jtt.iffy fn.ti iiiul tffiMt'nfltri | i | filler IIKI'lltN. WH I TANICIICn wl"'ii Mm irinvr our lir.uUiliil . iie itnil niui. lUHIOlItU . | , , , , V l.lir . . . ' . . . 1.1 ,11 I III' , , V " : . ' .rf „ . ' ! Ann/M. . < < ' .Ill ttl.lkrmllli > MMI VV - if II Ilir liik-l'i-.1 ; ulr U , n li-s l. . . | ! . . iiintii . Hi.ill , iny ntliii l.ulcny We , nr r.inslird unit ti . . . piMU .IH.\I- | l.i.i.m n. . UK V < Mi III.V ; I.CltS , ymi im Mil inir liuyilr > uudu . mil i n n.inu ' , .11 our pilcri Oiilcifi liilril Ilie il.iy inrnnl MtNlMIVND ItH V-.iS. | : We < lo mil ii-puUilv lun.l' . ' in.l l. , , lint IllNC n lllllulKT 111 ! h.lllll l.lkril III ll.llll In "lit ( In. 'k" ' ! I ' -l"i- Mir. , VM i Ii n mil at inico t.\ii-ini | { limn a in tK or & > IO , I'r IMI.IHC l\uii.ini I mni il m. hlnulo MluM'ln , liii | irliMl rnllrv rlintiiH . .ml | inliin | , | . , , n , UIMIM , iml I cquilmiCllt 1)1 .ill kllllll .It / , ! ( / He II u.l . > l-rlitll fti.e > QFB F-HPftB INft TIRFQ A SAMPLE PAIR UkLr BlE.HliiatJ MillHd . , TOINIKIWUGC.ONLY I'/if tefiiliir irlii t fmrofl'ifir t r < is J * SO ffr pit' ? , but tit tntHhtiit e n < c < M stlln > i4asj if > lff > iirforfJfrishU'U'i ! ( ( , ( > t < tftf1 i NO MORETROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES NAILS , Tiirtin or ( linn * " 111 nut lot. tlm nlr out. Sity ihoiik.ttul pairs M > Ul inst yrnr Otcrtwo liuiHlicd tliousniul p.ttis now In use. DESORIPTIONl Mmlc in all 'ires It IsltvHy mt e.iny tilling , very ilwnlilr nml Iliirilitisiilc wtlh iiccinl uality of rubber , vvlilyli ncvt-r 1 hich closc npMiiiill liiiiii titles uillinut allow- roumiMu v huiHlnil.sol'IclleisfioniMilis. siitlro the tlili Ii riililn'1' ( ri'int We have . ncTu-.itonrcrsMattnB . ; llial Hit Irtlu-slmvcouK Ix-cn immiH-il tAV iJVJ'-'a'lwi'i'lin ' ' ' ' ' "tnln ' Tl' . Tlicvwi-iKliiionmii Ih.iu M. ' uponceorHvlctlnawlioloscason. Jfll , , .n.V..nt . rhn 4 ( hii : TliU nioi.lhiarylite.theliuiiclnicrrM lliiR nialllJi-l MUBKivrii JfllV ! ! , I , , otl , - „ " M " ' ' bv Mivi-ial lavci.i of Ililu , spoctnlly | . itvpmcil fnbili , on the \W , , mi , , , I- i i v" | ' | ( Yin.1 . . ' . IS lic.iil. Tlicrrsnlarprlceiiflliespllic..isfiwiKTpali.liiitriii vsVlllDINO nil\citi'liiKpiitpo i"iwcntoniakiiia ( | -iallai'tim PIIL-CIO " the ruler ui only J | H < > per p.ilr. All nrilcis shlppnl N.IIIIC il.iy Inln i-m-i i\ . \vvOiipr i > l > on approval. Yonilo not pay n ceiil unlil you liave cxaniim-cl .itiil lonml iliun iiutK .is n pti nil .1 We will allow a ri < li illHroiint of s per cent ( Ilicirbv uinKiUK tin1 pun li-Lft. " ' pri if'i . . scml I.'lllilj < ! ASII WITH OKDKIt nml enclose tins nilvi'iliii in < til \v.- \\lll nlso i'inl mi" nickel plated brass linml pinnp. Tiles to be tctnined at > l'l ' ! v\perse if lei nny ilu'x an nul satNfaclory on examination. We me pcrcUK ( rcli.iblv anil nii.ney.ent . lo UK iv n Kiilt-n > in . bank. . If yon order a p.ilr ol these tires , yon will liml Hint llitvill idle i-nsu-t. inn l.isii-i , \vearbcller , last loiiRcr anil look finer tlian any lire MMI have ever * ( . in HITII , il anpiue. . \ \ know that yon will be so well pleased Hint when yon want n bicvi-le vou will gne us juiii oulet. We want you to send us a trinl order at onee , hence Hut. remarkhble lire oiler. . _ . fffttt Mtr-r-n * r nirO 'lon'l liny any Wind at miv price until von | eml for n pnli of Ir Vlflf ilKCLt I JriICO IIeiletliorii | l'iiiH-lur'--l'i' ' .l lurs . .n ami ! ' the special inlrodnclorv price ipioled nbovr , or write for out IIIR lite ami smulty CaluloKUuvliult describes and quotes all makes and kinds of tiresat about Imll ilie n-inil inn i s. r * mjft-r tn/aif but write us n postal todnv. Ill NOI'TIIIXU III'IU'1N ' ( ! n birvrt- if if Nlfi Wftll or n pair of tires fiom anyone iinul yon kn.ivx . tin-IH and woinl ilnl offers we arc makliiK. llouly costs a jiobtnl to learn evei\tlnm ; . Wiiu it NOW. < , ( L. MEAD CYCLE COMPAHV , CHiGMO , ILL nblidiii ( oiiKrossloiml lommiitee lias nnonnced that ( he ( ommlitee headI piarters on election night will be nade on the stage of the Auditorium , .o . that complete returns from county , ongressionnl district , state and mi- ion will all center at the Auditorium. Annual "Conl Fnmlnc" Comes. Chicago , Ucl. W. Managers of Chi- ago railroads declare there will be mother coal famine in tlie northwest I Ills winter and thai they see no way lo prevent it. This prediction Is due to the fact that generally in tlie north west there is an unpreparedness for wlnler , as even less fuel has been pro vided than usual. That this is the fault of the railroads Is strenuously de nied , and II is purposed lo give full publicity to the facts so that the rail roads will not be blamed for the fa mine when it comes. It Is stated dial managers of all railroads extending Into the northwest began earlj in the summer to warn the coal dealers of that region to prepare for winter. SEVEN CARS OFF. No One Injured in Northwestern De railment at Creston. Seven cars'o ? train Xo. , ' > " > 0 , a freight , left the track in a derailment just east of Creston on the Albion line Saturday afternoon. The wreck was not serious and llu- track was cleared in a few hours. No one was injured. CATTLE STILL IN QUARANTINE Anthrax Is Prevalent in Three Western . ern Counties. Terror of a further outbreak of thai dreaded stock disease of anlhiax is re sponsible for holding many thousands of cattle off the western markets. Not a bide nor hoof of the many herds summered in Kails Kiver county. Soulli Dakota ; Sioux county , NY braska , and ( 'Olivers eotmt.v , Wyo ming , have been eligible for shipnieiil since the llrsl of October. Anon ! thai limo numerous outbreaks of the dis ease forced Slate Veterinarian McKIm lo post the ipnr.iiitiiie. ; ' Although the slockmen are c.\erliiiK every effort to prevent I ho disease from spreading , isolated cases are . still breaking out here and there. Kiom > present appearances it may yei In considerable time before the slate will countenance any shipments fiom those sections of the country. In the meanwhile , worried lines an beginning to gather on the faces ol the stockmen , who are beginning in gel very anxious over Ihe disposal ol . their cattle. On account of the dry t < pell ilnriu ; . 'he late si-.mmer many ram In is .H' ' out of pasturage. Hnleus shipment can be made soon the cattle will be gin to lose tlie gain of the snmmeiN keep. The disease , anthrax , common tn both cattle and sheep , is virulent ! , contagious , and In a few rare ca.-.e > lias been known to have been mil traded by human beings. However , until ( ho disease ha * ! > ' n irrevocably eradlcaled Ilie slock v. ii : have lo remain where It is. West Point News , \\ost I'oinl , Neb. , Oct. 111.-- -1 > . ci il to The News : A new Indepeiuli ir telephone company has been orgam/ < ' ! by a number of farmers In Niilluli aii'l Bancroft townships In tills count > Th ollleers are : C'on McCarthy , prcsidiin William Vogt , treasurer ; , | OKI ji'i ' lA'Imer. secretary , nml .1. Drohni'T ' uiul ,1. Koehler , executive committee. The board of education has grantei ] two days leave of absence to I lie jmli lie school teachers of the city to en able them to attend the state teach , is- ' convention at Lincoln next week Tie- schools will be closed on Tlinii-d-iv and Krldriy of next week. Count.v Su- perlnu ndent Miss liiuma Miller uiM houd the Cumlng county delegation. IS FINED FOR "GOSSIPING. " Olf.cer . l.osct , Ten Days' Pay Bcc.uisr He Talked Too Much , i he H II. ( Ii t ! ) lo ! > ! | > lie ; I ! e .in ' 11.1 ii. lnu : I'l.u-f .Si bull.T ! i | . HI i I'n d it. ' MI ufti n ( Oluleiit. il , no IM I il'iin ' punished , so eminently ( lie CHUM if ilf t > < e < lm | tlf'hi's tint dlli s-ed pm i liege \\lliill adlU In Hie life I of many women"cauihl ; a viilim In the police department \eslerday. Ills name Is Harry W. Crowley ol ( lie North Ilitlsted street station. His sinning was proved to the sutltd'ucllon of the civil service commission , and they Used his punishment at ten days' pay , which means Ilia ! about $115 will be deducted from his salary Ibis monlli There is a rule in the police regnla ( ions which prohibits "gossiping. " U was under this rule Unit. Crowley was convicted. The object of Crowloy'H alleged tattling is Patrolman 1'alrlck .1. Knox , also of the North 1 fainted street station. Letter List. Lihl of letters remaining uncalled for at poslolllce at Norfolk , Neb . Oct. Ill , IIHIS : Frank HolTmnsier , Mr. Irving Me Uveu , IS. : . Aloore , Ur. Harry N. Mi s- singer , C. I1. Pills , Mrs. lien Thomp son. Louis Wllcox. Will WllUle , Air. I ) . M. Wllcox. If not called for in lifteen days will be sent to the dead letter olllce. Par ties calling for any of the above , please say "a.dvertiBcd. " John It. liuys.V. M. Reeds , Including Rnako nnd oilier cucumber , prehistoric and oilier corn , both sweet ami Held , pcncllnria , squash , melon , mammoth Hunllovvor , and hundreds of other seeds , 1 cent and nj ) 1'or ' packet , ( also seed In bulk ) diiect from grower to planter. Garden Guide and descriptive price ) ist free. i Address II. M. ( lardner , reed grower , Msirengo , Nebraska. FOR SAMS ICO acres good farm and potato land , two miles Jroui town ; f $ -0.lU ! per acre ; time on purl if de sired. C. A. IJcl/ol , ( KM don , Neb. , will show vou thi ; ; land. You Musi Not Forget \\Virc \ \ ; coM l.inll\ improving in UK-art of making Kinr 1'liolus. Newest Styles in Cards and Finish \Ve also r.'i l'"iniUiu - ol Moulding- . . I. M. MACY REI5TLES PLATES ARE RICH REI5TIE5 RATES ARE RICH ENGRAVER AND ELECTROTYPER ( tf > Zt lAWDthCt DfNVCD f.OLO 1 IM , ' , iv . . . ' "i . 'i ' . ' u IT"II- i I > u Civlr iK ' . ' 3 < " > > ' ' HJt.iie R.u a i- - v I il i n , ) ' ' t