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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1908)
THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS = JOURNAL , , . . . NORFOLK NI3HHASKA Fit I DAY1 XOVK.MliKK. n 19os. MAY AN INDIAN BUY HISJOOZE ? Three. Nlqbrara Saloonkeepeis Are Arrested , WILL TEST JEBRASKA LA4V , Nlobrara Saloon Keepers Have Been Arrcntod by Secret Service Men They Were Selling Under Belief That Sale Was Not Illegal. Nlobrara , Nov. ( ' , . From a staff cor respondent : Does Indian citizenship include the white man's privilege ot getting drunk ? This grave < | uoKtlon , a question In volving "personal liberty. " has Its in ( option at Nlobrara , where one saloon keeper pleaded guilty to selling llquoi lo Indians and two others , under ar runt. Intend to resist the charge. The saloonkeeper who pleaded gull ty was Clans Hanson. Hanson was- lined $1(10 ( on throe complaints , the costs amounted to ? I10 more. The twc saloonkeepers who are lighting the charge are John Foster and Ilonr.i Carney. Hanson pleaded guilty In the couut\ court of Kuox county at Center , tin county seat , yesterday. Foster and Unrnoy engaged counsel to defend them , also their bartenders , who wore likewise arrested , at the trial , which will occur at a regular term. Secret Service Men There. The complaints were filed by two federal secret service ollicers , who have been at Nlobrara two weeks gath orlng evidence. The. secret service men pretended that they were prospective land buyers ami carrid out the idea so well that Nlobrara people did nol suspect their mission until the arrests- of the three saloonkeepers were made The ollicers spent considerable time In the saloons , and not only witnessed Indians buying liquor , but treated them and gave I hum money to bio liquor with. For a year past the throe saloons ol Nlobrara have boon selling liquor open ly to Indian citizens. They supposed that they were safe In this from the fact that an Indian territory decision rendered over a year ugo covering nearly the name question , the court held'-thnt the statute svus not viola.ed by selling- liquor to Indians who had attained the rights of citizenship. Tests Nebraska Law. Hut the statute of Nebraska prohib its the sale or giving away of liquoi to idiots , Insane persons , habitual drunkards and Indians. H is under the Nebraska law that Foster and Car ney will be tried. H will bo H. test case of prime importance , and is likely to be carried lo the supreme court of the United Slates to determine the validity and constitutionality of the Nebraska law. The principal question is this : Can the state classify its citizens ? In nthoi words , can the state discriminate against its Indian citizens in the matter - tor of the consumption of liquor ? The supreme court of Oregon says this can be legally done ; that because of an Indian's fondness for liquor and lack of restraint , and his recklessness while under the influence of H ; his tendency to spend his time and money in dissipation , if unrestrained , makes it necessary to put him under same re straining law as that of a habitual drunkard. The department of justice at Wash ington contemplated for some time the prosecution of saloonkeepers and boot leggers who supplied Indl-ui citizens and agency Indians with liquor , but it was hampered for lack of funds. At Iho last session of congress the de partment got an appropriation of $ ! )0- ) 000 for tills purpose. Accordingly four secret service men were assigned to collect evidence and prosecute offend ers. Attorney E. A. Houston , of Nlobrara , " has been "retained by the government to prosecute the cases against Foster and Carney. Seven charges were Illcd by the secret service officers against Foster , and four against Carney. The Omaha-Winnebago reservation Indians are citizens and como under the same liquor restrictions as do the Santee Sioux and 1'oncas at Nlobrara. The Santee Sioux reservation is live miles east and north of Niobrara and bus on It from eight to ten hundred citizen Indians. Tills total includes men , women and children , and not adult males. The Poncas to the north west of Niobrara number three hun dred. Drink Crazes Indian. Said a Niobrara resident : "Drink brings out all that is reckless and un controllable in Indians. They are not endowed with the qualities of restraint that white men are. They arc wild and barbaric by nature , and drink ag grnvates those primitive traits. Inldans liavo a fondness for liquor beyond white men's conception. Out this ! s not the worst. They become high' . . dangerous when drunk. Tney are ugly and quarrelsome. They will attack each other without cause. Many stab- blngs mid shootings have occurred during these drunken debauches. " The same Nlobraru party asserts that nearly every grown male Indian on the Ponca ami Santee Sioux reser vations win drink to not drunk if ho can net mone > to buy liquor. Some of are a * fond of ill ink as ( he men are. but don't have I lie name opportunli.x ID net It. Seven-eighths of tlu > liquor In dians drink Is wlilsk > or brandy , gen rally whisky. The oilier olghlh drink beer. Hut boor Is not strong nor llro > nough for most Indians , who desire ( jtilck action and lois of H. Hut oven prohibiting saloonkeepers from selling liquor to Indians will not stop the tralllc. Hootleggers will wup- i plj ilieiu , but Hio sales will be more limited. A Memorable Tragedy. The must memorable tragedy result ing from drink among Indians occurred near Nlobrara lu USDS. Perry Lurrl boo , a I'onca Indian , while drunk , wan- ( only killed Hlnl Head , a member ol his tribe. The crime sobered Larrlboo up. Jlo decided to unbuilt to the tribal custom atonement by blood. Larrlboo wont to the lodge of Hlrd Head's parents , informed them of the crime and bowed his head for toma hawking. The frenzied father twice olofl his. Larrlboe's skull , then gave the tomahawk to his wife , who contin ued the blows. S TO 2,000 , , His Plurality in Nebraska Shows Steady Decrease , 7,000 , FOR SHALLENBERGER , Republican Chairman Refuses to Con cede Defeat of Brian for State Treas urer and Barton for Auditor Kln kaid Claims He is Re-Elected. _ Omaha , Nov. ( i. Congressman Hin- 5haw. Republican , Is elected in the Fourth Nebraska district. Congress man Kinkald is undoubtedly re-elected ! u the Sixth district , while the contest Is very close in the Fifth. The othci districts are safely Democratic. Lincoln , Nov. C. Late returns show- that part of the Republican sta'L ticket is running ahead of Taft and Is possibly elected. Lincoln , Nov. U. The feature in the Nebraska election count was the steady ( 'ocrcaso In i iri estinn' . ( ! Mry- an plurality. Returns complete from eighty-one of the niuaty counties in the state give Hryun U'l.OSO , Taft US.- G99. The nine remaining counties will probably slightly reduce Uryan's plurality , but they cannot wipe U out. The prespccts are he lias carried the state by a llttlo over L',000. Seventy- eight counties give Shallenberger , Democrat , for governor , 117,0-1 ; Shel don , Republican , 10tSSi ! ; . Shallon- bergcr's plurality will be about 7,000. There Is a possibility that borne of the other Republican state candidates are elected , and Chairman Koifer said he was not willing to concede the de feat of Hrinn for slate treasurer and Barton for slate auditor. lie had no hope , however , for either the national ticket or governor , though he said the sparsely settled counties were doing better than expected. The Republican stain committee re ceived a dispatch from Congressman Kinkaid of the Sixth district , claiming his election. The vote in the Fifth district Is so close between Norris , Republican , and Ashton , Democrat , it will take the ofl'.cial count to decide. The Democratic state committee has returns complete indicating Ashton's election by thirty-seven. Stale otllcia's ' are discussing Iho cause of Republican defeat in Nebras ka , but they generally consider it the result of superior Democratic organi zation. The leader in this organisa tion was Chris G mouther , who organ ized the Hryan Volunteers in nearly every county in the state before the middle of June. After turning over the national issues to Chairman Allen , ( irucnther went to work on the state ticket , and Shallenbcrger's plurality tells how well he succeed. Gruenlbfr Is now considered one of the foremost Democratic leaders of the west. WOMAN ACCUSES HER HUSBAND , Locates Body of Man She Says He Murdered Four Weeks Ago , ORalalla , Xeb. , Nov. u. Mrs. Jennie Smith located the body of Vally Mann , four miles south of Ogalalla. Mann was murdered four weeks ago nine miles east of here. Smith and his wife wore traveling by wagon and Mann asked them for food' . Smith , according to bis wife , shot Mann behind the ear , rifled his clothes and took $ S. Mann's body was placed In a wagon and taken to the place whore it was found. Smith de serted his wife in Denver , taking $000 of her money , and she then notified the police. W. II. Cayler. H Denver reporter , brought Mrs. Smith bore. They took the sheriff of this county with them In an automobile und found the body of Mann whoie she toM them it would bo found. John 11. Smith , the alleged murderer , is missing , but will probably be caught. Fatal Auto Accident. Clntinnatl Nov -Hreakuigol the steeling gear on an automobile driven I by J J UiiuU , un undtrtuker , caused I the death of Albert Altfcld. si butcher. I ASK KAISER TO PULL OFF , DemandTliat He Abdicate orTake Less Pari in Government. FOREIGN OFFICE IN DISREPUTE , Emperor Has His Own Troubles Junt Now When Lending Editor Suggests That He Quit the Job Call 'for a "New Deal" in Foreign Office. Herlin , Nov. ( ! . - Hermans today arc demanding a "new don I" In the for eign olllco as u result of tlu loss of prestngo in tlie Turkish affair through the failure of the foreign olllco to fore see the ultimate triumph of the young Turks. The demand In that that the department be eleauod up now rat hoi1 than liavo the blunders continue with international complications resulting. As u culmination of the week's pretest - test against diplomatic errors. Har den , editor of Hie Xukumft , published a demand that the kaiser curb his ten dency to engage in controvorsal poll- tics or else adblcate the throne. The article , which has been widely copied in the ( Jorinan press , says that the kaiser mnsl give his pledge to take IDS spurt in the government or else no chancelor will be able to hold ollloe. Harden further says that , the kaiser's father sought lo abdicate the throne under a less serious crisis and one which did not result from his own inelllcioncy. London , Nov. li. It is learned from Hie highest authority that the author of the London interview witli the kaiser , which started the diplomatic trouble , was Sir Itowlaml Hloniior- hassctt , the Irish baronet ulio married i Gorman baroness \\lio was nn inti mate friend 'of ' the kaiser PRESIDENT-ELECT ! OFF TOTHE SPRINGS , TaltWillSpentniee.Weeksin West Virginia. Cincinnati. Nov. ( i. I'resldent-oloct Taft loaves at ! i o'clock this evening for Hot Springs , \V V. , whore he will remain three weeks. Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. Taft will spend as guests of M. 1C. Ingalls , chairman of the board of directors of Iho "Ills Four. " Judge Taft announced that he would go from Hot Springs to Nash ville. GERMANY AND FRANCE TO SOLVE PRORLEM , Amicable Settlement of Casa blanca Incident is Now Likely. 1'aris , Nov. C. The belief is held bore that Franco and Germany will speedily come lo un understanding on the ( | iicstions which have arisen over the arrest of German deserters by the French authorities at Casablanca , on which occasion , Germany charges , an ofliclal of the German consulate at that city was attacked. Germany , during the early part of October , made representations to the French government on what is now known the " , " as "Casablanca incident , and demanded that Franco make ex pression of regret for the occurrence. As the matter IIRS been pushed to the front In the last few days , Franco transmitted to Germany a proposition which she felt could be accepted with good grace by both countries. Advices received from Merlin indicate that Chancellor von lluelow looks favorably on the proposition and there scorns to be llttlo doubt now that an amicable ) agreement will soon he reached. The Paris morning papers adopt amore moro optlmibliciew witli regard to the situation. They believe that the crisis is past and that unless sonif unforeseen complication arises the set tlement will not be long delayed' . Prince van Hadolin , the German am bassador to Franco , and Foreign Mln Jstor I'iclion conferred tagttthor last evening and It In stated that their in terview has materially advanced the work of finding a Milulion of the prob lem sa'ldlnctary lo both parties. South Dakota Divorce Law , Sioiiv Falls , S. D. Nov. ( J. It Is. eon- lidontl > assorted by opponents ot the proposed new dlvoico law that the measuie was defeated at the election on Tuesday , but this la not conceded by thofj fuNoihig the law. Ri'iuins ilic- Mistaken for Deer and Shot. i MWsion N D \ oU I'liil Sin it one of the bi M Known uowsptipci men in South Dakota , wa.i shot and Kt'lrd ' ' by Clayton Ycakln while they won I I llll'iMn'f ' iloor In \1f Iffftl ? ! * ' ' ! * . ; . _ Rock County Returns , llassott , Neb. , Nov. ( ! . Special to The News : YA'lth one proctncl missIng - Ing Rock county gives Tnfl till , Hr.xan : HS : Sheldon 4Hi. : Slmllonborgor III7. Hopewell111I , Carroll : ' , | ! i ; .lunkln : : . Galowood HOI ; HnrtonHii ! , Price : : oi. Hlsbop i.i. ; ' Abbott III , " . ; Thomp son -iil : ( , Floharty Ill-l ; Cowlos I-in , Kastham ISOC ; Williams -itl ; , Cowglll : H)8 ) ; KlnkaidHiS. . Woslovor US:1 ; Myers li ! ; : . Adams Jtil ; SklllnmnKlU , Harrington . ' , ' , ' ' , ' . 200 CHINESE THOUGHT DROWNED Supposed to Have Perished in n Sink ing Steamer. Amoy , China , Nov. ti. Hetween00 and . ' ! UO Chinese are. supposed to have drowned In a sinking steamer enroule 10 Tungan from Amoy. The boat car ried ( JOO passengers. STANDARD CASES GO OVER. Indiana Fine Case and Injunction Case Said to DC Postponed. Now York. Nov. 0. II was an nounced today at the olllce of the Standard Oil company that the cases pending against tho'Indiana Standard 011 company and the Injunction suit against the Standard from Tennessee In Iho federal court had boon Indefi nitely postponed and would probably no't be taken up before the end of the present term , which closes in April. PALMA LAID TO REST. Liberal Papers Silent Amidst General Tributes Effect Damaging. Havana. Nov. ti. The Palma funeral was hold this afternoon in Santiago with military and state honors. The failure of the newspapers sup porting the presidential and vice-pres idential candidates of the liberals to join in the tribute to Palma ban aroused the people and will have a damaging effect on liberal chances of ouitrolling the country. HOME VOTE ; GOOD FOR BOYD. Antelope County Gave Nice 'Majority ? Neb. , Nov. ( i.- Special to 1 Thi > News : The olllf ial vote of Ante- 1 lope county as far as canvassed Is as follows : Taft J.G5S. Hryan I.-I.'M ; i 'Sheldon , l.fiOO , Shhaenbergor 1,110 : , llopewoll 1,617 , Ciirfott 1,400. Congressman - ' gressman Third district : Hoyd 1,708 , Latta J.-I5S. The vote on county attorney , com plete , gives O. A. Williams , Republi can , 1,517 ; Rico , Democrat , 1,021. A majority for the latter by 107. J. D. Jlatllcld , Democrat , of tills city , is elected senator over M. C. Dressier of Clearwater , Republican. George Fannou of Royal. Republican , is elected representative. COUNTY SEAT f " " " " " "AT "FAIRFAX , Gregory Figlil Results' ] in No Change. Fairfax. S. D. , Nov. ( \.f \ Special to The- News : Twenty-four out of Uvonti- six precincts show the county offi cials all re-elected by majorities rang ing from I.IO To ( ! 00 , all being Demo crats except county judge and clerk of courts , who are Republican. The connt > Is probably IdO to UOO for Tall and slightly lower for the Republican slate tlckol. The county seat fight resulted In no majority for any town and it will re main at Fairfax at least four yea > 'S longer. ROYAL CONFERENCE. | i Under Pretense of a Hunting Trip , Emperor Goes. Vienna , Nov. ( i. Under Hie pre tense of taking a hunting trip , Km- peror Wllhelm of Ciorniany and Archduke - duke Ferdinand of Austria are in po litical conference today at Latnoss , the hunting lodge. They are discuss ing the Morroccan situation. "ELECTED" TO .PAY UNIQUE BET , Omaha Losr to Gi/e Taft Man Ride in Wheelbarrow. Omaha. Nov. ( J.--Citizens who made "freak" bets on HID election uio be ginning to pay i hem. Phil Millar , who bet on Hryun , will have to haul Kiank I'lasnlck , an ardent Talt supporter , tli rough the streets of O in nil a on u wheolbairow. The parade will start tonight from Seventeenth anU Far- Ham streets and Its route will bo through the principal streets ana to Flasnick's home on the south side. Cius .lacobsoii was HOOD marching through the streets In a coat of armor weighing seventy-live pounds , and car- lying a twenly-flvo pound spear. Oth er bets nearly as ridiculous ; iic to Im 1/nid / during Hie wcsK. Urges Withdrawal of Desert Land Wabhingtou.o \ i > In bis annual loport fui the in * * llmal jour Corn iniivsioiur FK'd Deniirii of Hut gonoiai land olllce lecomnmnus the with draw a ! from entry of all public lands which may bo irrigated which are not LABOR LEADER HAS ENOUGH , President Gompers Will Not Seek j I Re-Election at Denver , j WILL DEFEND RECENT ACTS Gompers , Who Failed to Deliver the Labor Vote to Bryan on Tuesday Will Defend His Political Course 01 Convention Floor in Denver. Washington , Nov. li. llefore depart lug for Denver , where he will presldi over the annual convention of tin Federation of Labor. President Gem purs In an interview today declared that he was not a candidate for re oloctlon as president and that lie was not seeking olllco. Gompers said that he would defend his course in supporting llr > aii from the Hour of the labor convention. IT WAS BLUE WEDNESDAY. But Thursday Brought Sunshine to Kinknid Forces. O'Noil , Nov. i ) . Special lo The News : After a "blue" Wednesday among O'Neill Republicans at the pros poets of losing their congiossman , the tide of Democratic votes for WcsUnvr was turned by several comities in the southwest portion of the district reportIng - Ing largo majorities for Kinkald. Thursday Republicans wore fooling better on account of enough returns being in to Insure the election , or re election , of a Republican congressman from ( lie big Sixth by a majority of from l.r.OO . lo 2,000. Holt county gave Judge Klnkaid a majority of about HOO , and llryan about I he same. Arkansas Bank Closes Doors. Arkansas City , Ark. , Nov. , ' ' , . The Citizens and Farmers Slate bank , re garded as one of the strongest institu tions in this section , closed Us doors loda.N. It was staled that the bank was closed pending an investigation. OFFICE" SEEKERS ALREADY mi Governor-Elect Shallenberger is BesiegedbyAspirants ] , Lincoln , Nov. 0.--Already Governor- elect Shallonborger is being beseigcd by ollico-soekers , who promise to make life miserable for him. .A number of physicians want the job of prison physician at the penitentiary. Warden Al Heemor is one of the northern Nebraska men appointed by Governor Sheldon , whoso place will probably be filled by another. TAFTSlNDS PROSPERITY NOTE President-Elect Delivers Address to Cincinnati Business Men , Cincinnati , Nov. ( i. Speaking to th < ; J.tHlnuatl Commercial < .iub , of which no has boon a member for lifleen voars , William Howard Tuft brought every member of the club to bis loot in tin address sounding the keynote jf prospoiity for the country for the next four years. "Every business man who is obeying the , law may go ahead with all the en ergy i in ills possession , every cuter- prise ] which is within the statutes may proceed without fear of interference from the administration , when acting legally ; but all interests within the Jurisdiction of the federal govern ment may expect a rigid' enforcement of the laws against dishonest meth ods , " was the keynote of what Mr. Taft said. The speech created a profound soil- nation among the substantial business men of the city who are members of the club which pave him the dinner. Judge Taft told In a way no one has written ot" the human side of his cam paign : "I have been the subject of a coterie of bosses , " ho declared , with the greatest of good humor , "tho duty to which left mo nothing to do butte to respond from C a. m. to midnight to the calls of the populace , and If 1 did not respond alter one minute , the crowd made a mighty &hout , 'Hurrah lor Hryan. ' " In beginning Mr. Tnlt admitted that it might not be so easy to smllo U' the telegrams of congratulation which passed between Lincoln and Cine in HHtl hud originated in thin city instead of tuu uoiuu et the crurd com moner. .SciiouM.x. ' ' he declined , "the iiidlia- linns ; iMaicad ! > apiiun nt iind Hie l.opev | , uli ( cut * rum aic lhut the | i , IMI , " - i iiiiinmii'u ' - und tin * imor-i Di t.t M u lui-i&n iiti'iou aii'l uniiiiti ; inn on i , [ > ! ] : w ' ial . bean m iur r\ i u .i to i ,11 iniiipri r which l.a\e uofn pruircu 1 ana whiih mu ' , . , * - i . . . . , . * . . - .1 . i i THE CONDITION OF THE ! WEATHER I Temperature for Twenty-four Hours ; Forecast for Nebraska. Condition of Ilio weather as record : cd for the twenty-lour Hours ending j it s H. m. today : ! Maximum ( Ill | Minimum : il ( VUTllgO | l" > llaroiuetor O.SI Chicago , Nov. U. The bulletin Is sued by the Chicago station of the Uniiod Stutos weather bureau gives Hie forecast for Nebraska as follows : Fair tonight and Saturday. Cooler east portion tonight. Den Mollies to coicur.itc. lies Molm-s , la. Nn\ . ( i - -I'ropiira lions are nlrcadv . ell under way fern n celebration of the Tuft \lttorv , and Hopublirjiu politicians are preparing itlw ) for the succession of evenls which will follow as a result of the Uopnblle- nn vlitory. Go\enior Cnmmliis will probably enter the I'nltod Stales sun- nto on lioromhiT 7. when that body opens , 11" \vii | i ) , . olodi'd Nov. 14. ! TAF 320 E Later Returns Swell Republican Victory in Nation , MARYLAND MAY SPLIT VOTE , Miosouri's Plurality for Taft Is 4,23-J. Hadley Wins for Governor by 16,993. Predictions of a Senatorial Deadlock. Stone Defeats Folk. Chicago , Nov. li. Al a late hour today It Is certain that .Missouri is for Pat't , with Maryland still In doubt. Now York , Nov. fi. The member ship of the electoral college , which will choose the next president of the United States , remained lu dispute when the olllcliil counters In Maiyland ibandonod their task for the day. According lo the best inl'oimatlon ihtainablc. the proportionate numbers ) f Republican and Democratic electors will bo. determined by a division of Maryland's eight votes , H.ilf of the ity of Hiiltimoro and two of the twon- y-tlirce counties outside of that cily ire still to be counted , but ( her,1i \ a . 'nin. ; 'mHeaVinn ' that tUetato' : < vc' " will be split. In any event , the mar gin of victory will bo so small that he state was claimed by the leaders if both parties. Though the splitting if u state's electoral vote is unusual , t will be recalled that in 1901 Mary- ami chose one llepnbncnn and seven Democratic electors. Missouri appears to bo safely for fnft , to whom practically complete oturns give a plurality over Hryan of J.UTl. Conceding Missouri to Taft and caving Maryland to bo split between Jim and liryan , the figures show 320 Republican electors assured and 103 democratic. Latest congressional re- urns indicate that the next congress will be composed of 21 ( ! Republicans uul 175 Democrats , a majority for the Republicans of 41. The returns for the Socialist and Prohibition parlies arc still far from omplele , but indicate that the hopes > f the Socialists have not been real- zed and that the Prohibitionists in ertain sections , where gains have boon nxpocted , have boon disappointed. The figures for the Independence party vdto am also iiiKiifMcicnt. to give an nrcurate idea of what that party ac complished. Outside of Iho returns , political In terest was engaged In the exchange of messages of congratulations and thanks between llryan and Taft , a between Mr. Hryan and Mr. Taft , n statement by Mr. Hryan , In which he sotB forth his dctciinlualioii to con tinue his work for the good of all , In Iho capacity of a private citizen , and the announcement of Mr. Sherman that It cost him just $ L',800 to be i-locted vice pifsidont. MIXED RESULT IN MARYLAND , Both Parties May Be Represented in Electoral College. Haltimoro , Nov. C. With the olliclal vote of ono-third of Haltimoro city anil twenty-ono out of twenty-three coun ties complete and estimating the miss ing distiicts on the basis of the unof ficial returns. Taft had an appaient plurality of I7 ( ! . The indications were Hint one Taft and seven Hryan elect ors had boon chosen. This result , if borne out by the com pleted ofliclal count. Is a preclso dupli cation of what occurred in the presi dential election of 1901 and the reason Is that , apparently , moro Republicans than Democrats marked tliolr ballots for the llrst mime in the elector list only. This is considered to bo due chief ly to the ballot law , which prohibits the party emblem. The illitenito voter frequently marks his ballot so that It counts only for the llrst elector on the ticket , and an the Republican illiterate , because of the large number of no- gioes in that patty , is greater than the Ilnmocralic , there i < always a iniiblit. crnl'lo dlsciopniicv l > et\wen til'Mitn Irooouod b\ i IK- Oral Rcpubli an ! , t or aiiij il'i others TWO Hundred Drown. \inu No\ u \ small tucamor ( nirvtiM in"1 I > ' " "iigeru from \nioy to lungaii , a few miles distant ( -auk last 15 YEARS FOR MORSE , Bank Plunger Who Twisted Bank Accounts Sentenced , CURTIS'SENTENCE ' HANGS FIRE. Curtis and Morse Convicted of Violat ing Federal Banking Lawn by New York Jury Morse , Chief Offender , Gets Fifteen Ycaru. New York , Nov. ( ! . Scnlenco wan suspended lodny on Hanker Curtis , while Morse was given lifleen yoaiH In the penitentiary for violating the federal banking laws. Judge Hough In sentencing Morse declaied thai President Curtis bad boon under the Inlluence of Morse , the stronger mind , ad that Cnrtlii' Iforls to reform hail been blocked b ) Hie bank direclors. Mrs. Curtis was borne fainting from he room when her husband's sentence was suspended. In passing sentence the judge de clared it to be bin bellof that Curtht committed a wrong act but later re pouted , but was unable to cxtrfcato himself. Ho referred to the personal honesty of Cnrlls and said thai ho learned from the record that Curtis was a bankrupt. In sentencing Morse Judge Hough declared that if such schemes were not attended by severe punishment Iho public would bo at the mercy of unscrupulous bankers. Now York , Nov. G. Charles W. MOIM. ' , unti : a year ago a dominant figure. In the woild of tlnancc , and A. H. Cartls , former president of ill * National Hank of North America , were found guilty in the criminal branch of the I'liited States circuit court on charges of misapplication of funds und lals'.lylng the. hooks of the bunk. Theru was nlho the additional charge of con- spitacy against the prisoners , but the juiy acquitted Hie mon on this count. Within live minutes of the time the jury had icndercd' its verdict , Jndgo Hough had icfu&od to entertain a mo tion lor bail und had committed tu two bankets to the Tombs prison. The federal statutes provide a. min imum penalty of live yea is' imprison- ir.rm for faisU'jing luoi boohts or a bank , and a penalty of two years' Im prisonment and $5,000 line , or both , for misapplication of funds. No alter , native but impiisonment is provided lor conviction on the charge of falsify ing the hooks of a bunk. The max ! mum penalty on this charge Is tun years' imprisonment. The Jury rceoin mended element y for Mr. Curtis , hut mnOo no lecommendaliou in the case of Mr. Morse. There has boon wide Interest In tliu joint trial. It was brought out In the testimony that Moise had made large loans from the hank through so-callou1 "dummies , " and that President Cur tis had enabled him to do so. The money thus obtained was used to finance the Aloise icf pools and steam ship operation * . FRENCHMEN HONOR WRIGHT. American Acroplanist Is Presented With Two Gold Medals. Paris , Nov. C. Ficnclimen nnilott last evening in honoring Wilbur Wright , the American aeroplnnist. whose remarkable achiovcmenta dur ing the pas ! few months have placed him in the Ion liont of mon who huv been solving the problem of the nit. Mr. Wright was tho. guest of honor at the dinner of the Aeio club of Fianeo , fit which M. Jean liarthou , minister of public works , piesided , and the occa sion was made more memorable bv the presentation to him of the Aeio club's gold mednl and the hpecml modal of the Academy of Spoils. Among tlio 200 guests were practically all the oxpeits and scientists inter ested in aviation. Wright has received an invn. lion from the emperor to como In Germany to continue his areophine In vostigatlons. Save Part of Indiana Ticket. Indianapolis. Nov. ( ! . r.ato rotnni * Indicate that part of the Republican state ticket Is elected. Earthquake in Germany. I'lauge , Germany. Nov. 0. An earth ( juake shock here causc-d n panic to day. Pt-oplo rushed from rocking houses into the street. So far ns ! * known none were Injured. A CONSOLATION PRIZE , Bryan Loses Presidency But Gains Y. M. C. A. Card as Oldest Member. Lincoln. Nov. iW. ; . J. Hryan was presented today with a membership card from the V. M. c. A. enclosed in un engraved gold ease today. .Mi llryan has belonged to the "local elation i went-out' yearn and Is the oldest member in point of continued membership Stock Yards Case in Supreme Court. I.un din Nn\ i , Th" i a.a * \\ln-ipin Mil' rninii Sim ' > , i < | v . otnpillH "f Olllilh'l il Uh ! ) i-l ' - lol' ' ; | collllll ai'jiii in gt e fi < r luiiiti L > rai e i > atf . iui M\n < ln < if ; aiiuiil lu pi i i iu is iigaln iiMoro tin < nipn in- 'Clio