The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 30, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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Demand Removal Oi Postmaster
Jolin R
, Hays ,
T. H. Allen , Ch.ilrmnn of the Demo
cratic Stntc Central Committee nntl
Brother-livLaw of Urynn , Ccntcro
Fire on Norfolk Man.
Lincoln , Oct. UO.- Thomas II. Allen ,
'minimi ' ) of Ilio Nebrashn stale Demo-
niilo I'Hiinil eoimnlttcp and u broth-
cr-lii-liiw ofV. . .1. llrjiin , loiliiy foi
warded \ViiKhln lei ! elmrncH of poll
ilcnl pnrllsaimhlp iiKiilnut I'oHtniaHtci
.lolin It. 1Jnyn of Norfolk. Nub. , wlioin
Alll'll ( UiCIIHPB Of Withholding COlleH | Ol
Herman llldder'fl we-eldy newspaper
1 1 on ) rtintecrlherH "on the arbltrttrv
daim Hint , the paper \VIIH campaign
dociinit'llt , " '
Mloti .llotnaiidB ilio roniovnl of Mr.
HaycH. '
.lolm it. Hnys this after-
iiciui ) , when Informed of the notion of
ciuilnnnit Allen , disclaimed tlmt hi-
t '
del Inn was flavored by tiny 'tinse of
piirtifltuiMlil | ) but mild tlmt bo simply
' , , did his duly li ) holding up the paper ?
IIH bo would bo compelled to do to
moiToU" under similar elreuniHlanee.
"I Hliuply did my duty us postmnsl
IT , " said Mr. I lays. "I hnve no apolo
gies to make for I could do nothing
elmt than what 1 did.
"Tho papers came with no evidence
( hat. they were sent to regular sub
scribers of the Neew York Ceriiian !
paper sending them out. Kor were the
papers marked sample copies. AH onl. >
about u dozen copies cordiiinrlly come
( ei subscribers and as f.iere was w
evidence that the papers were > entltler
io regular newspaper rates mulct
which ( hey were sent I could do noth
ing bill , hold up the papers and wrlli
for Instructions. | Only papers sent t'
regular subscribers or scut marked iu
sample ) e'opies are entitled to new ?
paper rates.
"Local Democrats tool ; the mallei
up nnd the situation was explained tr
them. They Dually had the papers din
trtbuienl after they had been in the
olllco sohie six days by putting ii |
enough money to cover the ; postage ii
case the papers had been wrongful ! . '
sent 'through the mall. This mono
was rciturned to the Democrat B In tvvt
or three days , when 1 received an
thorily lo elistrlbnte the papers.
"I'apors have boon held up In Nor
folk before for the same reason bir
on these occasions -luiUilng wan eve-
said about the matter because the pa
porn did not happen fo be campalgi
documents. 1 would take the saim
course tomorrow with either a Uepubl
lean or a Democratic paper. "
Has Hnppenec ; Before.
The last , lime a paper was held n :
at the Norfolk pos--toir.ev until it eianl-
ln learned whether or not the posing1
i had been rightfully pa ; , : , was in tin
ease of the Xortli State School Hr
view , Hie north Nebiaskn school join
Were I.1E5 Copies.
Norfolk Democrats say that then
were 1,185 copies of the paper in th <
six sacks. The names were sent I-
from Norfolk. Democrats here do no1
ehlim that the mimes represented rey
nlar subscribers or that the paper :
wore marked "samplu copy. " Tin
editor of the fierninu paper coueerne <
Is now treasurer of the Democratic
committee and the papers wore lo lit
us oil among the German voters as ;
campaign document.
lid Monroe is sntt'erliifj from nn at
tack of the grip.
12. 1' . Olmsted returned home Satur
day ovejnlng from Dallas.
Mr. and Airs. X. C'orby of Nollgh are
vlalilng with Airs. AI. P. Suitor.
Miss Annit McXelll returned Satiir
day evening from n two weeks' vlsl
in Chicago.
Miss May Harrison will return to
night from an extended visit In Qmaha
und Iowa.
II , L , Lackey. Ihe new partner In the
lllK Four Feed and Grocery store , was
in Norfolk from Stanton Monday afi
ernoon on business.
W. II. Dexter of Chadron stopped ii
Norfolk on his wa.\ home from Omaha
Ilia daughter. Airs. Irene Karroll , wii
accompany him home today.
Miss Uena Olmsted of this city has
been elected principal of the Pierce
high school ,
Allss Florence Olmsted of Unite was
In Norfolk Saturday. Allss Olmst6 <
won fourth prize in The .News' rccen
subscription contest.
What elfect of election will tin
Rtrlko of the hen have ? North No
hrnciku hens have refused to lay eggh
during the chilly weather of the pas
week and the cost-mark has beoi
changed from IS cents to 20 cents.
C. W. Darlington , one of the Xorfoll
winners In the Trlpp county lottery
has worked for Uurr Tuft on his farn
south f Norfolk for three years. Id
Is a brother of William Darlington , de
puty county treasurer of Aladlson
A traveling man had the good luck
to escape Injury from falling down the
entire length of a hotel stairway one
( lay last week. He tripped on the
Hot stop and fell face downwards to
HIP lloor of the olllce lobby , beating
out his valise by a neck. Kxcept fur
ihijarnng and a twisted linger Hi-
; u"st fscaped unhurt.
Onmh.torld Herald For the third
"un" t'u ' Hut wood theater manage-
i IH found i' ' necessary to pro-
long Mn tun of "The Devil. " Thn play
wl'l conclude Iln plu'iioineiinl run next
Vednendiiy pveiilns. at which ( line Ihe
film-nine ctiiiiectith'i > performance
will he itlvn. !
| \ .1 Itycl wn Ihe conductor and
,1 , ii'i-\ iif-ntoii ( lip engineer from Nor-
| Iomnlm , on the upeclal train
; t mviiw Hie Stanford parly from ( Irog-
\ to ( ) miia. : ! It develop * thai the
Uld was bt'liiK taken from Gregory
to Omaha , limtcml of having In
Omnlia when taken III. On Hie train
ti-'MhlcK the father wore the mother ,
pliyHlclanuind nurse.
Never wan the temperature of a
elveMi day more even for twenty-four
hours than that of the day beginning
Sunday morning at R o'clock and end-
lug Monday morning at S. The warm-
( Ml point wan : w while Ihe coolest
\\IIH : ! " ) ' . During the entire twenty-
four hours there was but a variation
of lour degrees. Slightly more than
u half Inch of rain fell between Salur-
il'iy morning and Monday morning , , t > , ' '
of an inch , lo be exact.
There Is not so much politics ills-
erased by travelers waiting to catch
trains al the .lunc.tlon as In the early
purl of tlie season. The cold weather
seem * to have chilled political dis
putes ami arguments. Formerly triiv-
rlerH asHombled In groups on the depot
lildtform. and for lack of something
bolter dlKCUSBiid nolltlcn. Now pas-
< 'timers ere < < ! Into the depot or wall ;
i , . > ! ' " 'o keep warm. In no
H > HII | nl the Junction thin
ill 1. nt-nt brought Ihe
i llu-r i ' ' - thinking.
A ) ' 'inlay school Interest
was decd by two representatives
tf : the slule Sunday school association
i ha\v occurred In Ihe last three
1'iirH in Nebraska. II. Al. Steldley ,
leld secretary of the Nebraska Hun
.ny School Association , and Allss Min-
lie Sleldley of Otoe county , primary
ecretnry , were in Norfolk Kund.iv
Ir. Steldley said Ihal Ihe Sunday
school was now reaching alter the
iiislness men , finding that If the btisl-
IOBS men could be Interested little
rouble was bad in gaining the alien-
i'anre of children and others.
A young woman , evidently inev
lerlenced In I raveling , started to
inard the Sioux City train at the June-
Ion. A brakeman stationed at the
nnr steps asked her where she was
; olng. "None of your business , " she
eplled with some vexation. "Yes , it
s my business , " be returned , "if for
lothing else than to prevent travelers
rom getting on tlie wrong trains. "
'Then If yon have lo know , " the yoiins
voman observed , "I'm going to visit
ny aunt at Wayne. And by the way , "
die continued , this time with a touch
if sarcasm , "do 1 have to ask your
lermission to get off the train when
" reach Wayne ? "
For a County Spelling Bee.
Madison , Neb. . Oct. C. From a
staff correspondent : A Hugo spelling
jee , with several thousand young
icople taking pai't In Hie prelimi
larlos , and with tlie final old fash
'oned ' "spell down" held in Norfolk
B being planned by County Siiporin
.undent F. S. Perdue , who is always-
, 'narful lest the studying of spelling
should fall into disrepute.
It will be a huge thins , this spell
ing bee. The head of.the Hue will IK
ioinowhere in Norfolk , the fool of UK
line being down toward Newmai.
Mr. I'crdim wants every school
child in the country , city pupil and
list rlct school pupil , and ever ?
ieacher and school graduate for that
matter , to.'nter the spelling bee.
Tlie "spell down" will be started
lust as soon as Air. I'erdue can devise
some rules which will bo bulled to i
"bee" of the si/.e planned.
Alarshal Kennedy , who tu a locu
way has won something of a reputi
tion as a police olllcer. ran up agnins
a real Itosebud erook the other night
and , sad to relate , came out second
best. It was last week , when the
crooks were coming down the line
from Ihe Itosehud.
Frank Carson , who lives northeast
of Aladlson , made the acquaintance
of the crook quite accidentally , and
also qufte accidentally was relieved
of a fur coat and $ ! . " > by the expert
from the north.
Now Kennedy got busy and soon
had the. thug under arrest. The man
bad the fur coat on his back and pre
sumably the 515 In his pocket. But
he protested vigorously as lie was
towed along that the coat was really
They came to a dark alley. "Do
you really think Unit this coat is
stolen ? " demanded tlie crook. " 1 do , "
said Kennedy firmly. "Then take your
old coat , " and Mr. Crook slid out of
the coat , which the marshal held by
the collar.
The crook left Ihe coat with a two-
yard jump straight down the alloy ,
Kennedy held tlie sack. The coal
trick gave the llosobitd crook just
enough lend to make a clean "get
away. "
And the stranger had taken the
palm ; to remove the ? 1. from the
overcoat pocket , lie has not been
Nebraska Safe for Taft.
Lincoln. Neb. . Oct. 21.- Special to
The News : Nebraska Is safely He-
publican. This is asserted after a
careful survey of the state ; after an
examination of political condition *
from one end of the common wealth to
the other ; after repented assurances
from those who are In charge of the
Nebraska campaign for Taft mid He-
A few weeks ago n different story
might have been told. Republicans
may as well admit that if the election
bad been held in August Air. Bryan
\\ould have bad an almost equal
< hance In bis own state
Hut many things can happen in two
months , especially In politics , and to-
da ) Ihcio iippiars to be no more
probabllit.x that tin Democrats can
wry Nebniftkn than there wan In
000 when. It will be remembered , thej
.vpronscd great coiilldence In tlu > out-
Sheldon IB Safe.
The foregoing remarks are lia.i'id
upon the national emu eat us It tip
idleH to thlH atale. So far us the lie-
publican state ticket Is concerned
Llie inoHt enthusiastic Democrat has t.
liard time making himself believe that
A. C. Shullonbcrger has an even show
with Governor Sheldon or that the
Democratic slate ticket will come
ivlthln several Ihontiand votes of llry-
un's strength.
The Outcome Predicted.
Ileie. then , Is n brief prophecy ol
Ihe results In Nebraska in November ,
nnd It will be followed by reaso'i" lot
Ihe advancement of such opinions :
Mr , Hryan will run ahead of lit-- ticket
lint even at that will lack from l.l.niu
lo 2CMIOO of having enough voles tt ,
nhe him the stati' . Governor Sheldon
will run ahead of his ticket and will
be n-elecled by a plurality of fron ,
; ! & , ( ) ( ) < ) to in.ono. The rest of the Ice-
publican state ticket will run out ?
slightly behind It. The Republicans
will elect about six congressmen.
Why Dryan Will Lose State.
Some folks say that this prediction
is over-optimistic , | > ul to those who
have studied the state It must appeal
For Instance : A lending Republican
of Beatrice said a few days ago that
Mr. Bryan would receive the votes ol
at least (10 ( Republicans in Gage < oun
i ? . Suppose we accept Ibis as a fall
prophecy. There are ninety count let
In Nebraska two of which are so mud
larger than Gage that they will be
figured separately.
Some of the Nebraska counties have
populations almost as small as tin
number of Republican votes Bryan i
supposed to receive In Gage , but foi
the sake of liberality It will be grant
r'd that each of the eighty-eight conn-
tics will give Bryan ( Kl Republican
\otes. Thai would be 17,1100. Now
let us ngioo that Bryan will have l.OOC
IccpublUjtn votes In Lancaster aur'
i.Oim in Douglas-- figures absnrdl ?
large--and we have only 20,000 , which
Mr. Bryan's most enthusiastic friemU
will have to admit is a long distance
from the more than 85,000 , lead whicl
Mr. Roosevelt had over his opponent
four years ago.
Bryan Won't Gain Much in Lincoln
As a matter of fact , Mr. Bryan mav.
'count himself fortunate it he receives
5110 Republican votes In his own conn
ty , on the ground that he ought to hi
supported as n1 neighbor. So far at
Omaha and Douglas county are concerned
corned , the wage earners and UK
farmers are alike so prosperous tha
they will refuse to turn out the part ?
in power in exchange for an industria
uncertainty. There will be no "ban
lines" votes for Bryan in the huge )
: -ltics of Nebraska. The Democrats
have no valid reasons to give to tin
farmers of the state for deserting All
Taft , and they are at a loss for excuses
cuses to offer the men who toil In the
factories of our prosperous cities am
Why Guaranty Issue Don't Work.
Aloreover , the question of our ban !
guaranty , which It was thought for :
while would prove tempting bait fo
[ he rural vote of this state , has provei
a sad disappointment to the Demc
rats. At any ratef vv Republican
will forsake their party on account o
it. for they realize that their own pc
lltical organization will be able t
irasp this question of the security o
bank deposits and deal with it wisel
long before the Democrats sni'ceed ii
m-ttiiig both a president and a con
cress at the same time.
The fae-t that the Republicans o
Nebraska do not endorse the wll
guaranty se-lieme now in force in th
stale of.Oklahoma Is no evidence tha
a majority of the Republicans are e > i
posed to legislation for the insnrin
of confidence and the prevention o
money panics. On the e-ontrnry. th
Republicans of Nebraska aie in favo
of SOUK' kind of legislation that sha
make bank deposits more1 secure1. I in
they elo not favor the Oklahoma Ider
which would intensity and be > a breec
or of llnniiclnl disturbances.
The Farmer and the Tariff.
If there is one Ihiiiy ; that. nuire tha
nil others , would Induce the pvospei
ons farmers of this state to vet
against Air. Bryan , it Is the tariff record
ord of Hie Democratic candidate. 1
is only necessary te > call to mind Hi
farm prices that were paid when th
Democrats were last in power , an
then ask the farmers to note Hi
prices they receive today , In order t
estop most of them from votlnir ' 'o
a "change. " i\ir. \ Bryan's free n-ncl
policy has always proved dlsnsrrou
to Hie wage earner , closing Ihe lac
tory in which he was emplo\ed. us
result of theeheap labor compntlfio
of Knropcnn countries. The tariif U
sue Is no producer of Democratic vm < ?
this year.
Bryan Has Lost Populists.
Then it must not be forgot 11:11 ilia
Mr. Bryan has lost much of M.e | ' , |
ulist support that he received in Sill
bile the "independent" vol. ' Is als
kept from him. With Wai son p-illin
votes away in the Populist in'inlios ' o
Nebraska , and with Hearst1- : man , Ills
gen , taking voles from lil.n in th
wage-earning centers of the tilnte , I
Is dllllcult to see fiom ) ii.i vim
sources the supporters of tlie Dmno
entile candidate expcu-t teget tie | |
increase' this year.
A few weeks ago , as miifosnio.i ha
already been made , many N'o'iru ' Oft
tic'pnhlli-ans were In tlie miiid of voting
ing for Air. Bryan on th" giound Hiat
lie > had proved to be' a goevl , wcvthj
citizen ; that he bad gieai
credit upon the state and that his rf
forts in behalf of reform oumu lo U
appreciated and rcc-ogim.1 , ! by hi.-
home people.
Republicans Take W'.lor ' View.
Mr Boan's Mainline > M ; i ' . . < hum
folks' Is still tin t-aini . nnd tl. i- ti
mate of bis clmructrr i < D'I ' n rcd
but as the campaign ha > goii'1 for
ward and the discussion become scrl-
mm. Republican voters who were wn-
verlun have conn1) to the conclimlou I
Hint the election of a president In too J
urine a pioposlllon to he dealt with
m the gintind of local prldr ; that Hie
H of the whole nation are at
and that tlie real Issue I .A the I
nntlunnncc' of policies that shall work 1
ir ( he pio.iperlly of the country even !
imigh Mich mi end be aci ompllnlnd
I the e-spense of one man's VMM thy
State Ticket Sure of Victory.
On state IHKUOS the Republicans have
record that l so creditable as lo
reclnde the possibility of defeat. The
list legislature redeemed every party
ledge and enacted more reform legls-
at Ion than any other law-making body
i the state's history , not excepting the
nlny. boastful gat borings of fusion
ays. .The state's llnancos have been
ell giiarde' , ! and the public debt re-
need almost half since the present
dmlntstratton took clinrso. The Dem-
crats liavc < found no stale Issue.- * that
re- worthy of eoiihldorutlon. If good
nhllcj service deserves reward , the
lupubllrnn candidates foi' slate of-
cos will be elected by pluralities not
ar behind the vote that is given to
loorgo Sheldon.
Train in Life and Death Race.
The father-love fora little throe-year-
bl child put steam Into the propelling
ear of a locomotive which hounded
lirough Norfolk at two minutes after
ildntghl this morning drawing a spo-
lul Northwestern train of one pas-
enger coach , In a lU'e-and-ileath ' race
gainst appendicitis. The nice was
mi from Gregory , S. D. , to Omaha ,
ind the one passenger on the special
vns Air. Stanford , a business man of
The special train , eating rp the
iteel rails at Hie rate of about fenty
niles air. hour , strained Into the
) maha union station at : ! :20 : Hits
nornlng. In time to allow .Mr. Stan-
'ord to see ills child before the tiny
intionl was taken to the hospital foi
in 1'inergency operation.
Lightning Preparations.
Lightning work marked the make-
cudy of the special train. At Cf : ! )
iVloek last night .Mr. Stanford stepped
ute the depot at ( ire-gory and asked
'or a special train to Omaha. A wire
was sent to the Norfolk olllco , and at
i:52 ! : thirty-seven minutes later --the
train was steaming out of Gregory
lound on its lee-ore ! dash to the Ne
il nska metropolis. 277 miles away.
277 Miles , 543 Minutes.
The distance was covered In 548
ulnutcs. The regular running time
equlres eleven hours.
At 12:02 : o'clock this morning thr
ipoclal fiwnng into Norfolk Junction
Pen minutes was required to change
ngines and again send the anxious-
nthor on his speedy path.
Throe hours after the train lift Nor
'oik the engine crossed the Omahn
; oal line.
Cost Some Money.
While the exact cost of the spccia
vas not given out. it is knovyn that
he train cost "some" money.
If Mr. Stanford had waited for r
cgiilar train he could not have lof
Gregory until fir,0 : this morning
caching Omaha at about 5 o'oloel
onight. lie Ihus reached his destlna
.ion about fourteen hours in advance
of the regular train , and this saving
' .ie' considered of enough importance
o * istlfy the special train , inasimu'l
IE lourteen hours mean grave
complications in the appendicitis at
Second Special Within Week.
This was tli ( ! second special trail
'liat lias clipped elf the distance be
; vveen Gregory and Norfolk within r
vook , the first having drawn Captair
Vat OB a week ago with belated Tripi
eninty lottery applications.
Women of Gettysburg Prove Them
selves Heroines When Fire Comes.
Sioux Falls , S. D. , Oct. 21. Specla
U ) The News : A number of soclet
ladles of Gettysburg proved them
selves heroines by taking off the !
uifdersklrts and aprons and giving
thoin to the > men with which to Hgh
a prairie lire. They thus nidoii In pn
venting serious damage being don
and In u measure played an Importan
part in saving n great deal of proper ! ?
Tlie underskirts , aprons , blanket
and .other articles with which the met
were armed were soaked in water am
made an effective means of llghliii
the fire and preventing it riishlnn
upon and destroying Gettysburg , j
llerco prairie lire swept upon th
town from the south. It was driven b.
a wind which was little' less than .
hurricane and the residents at one
saw that it would require slronuou
efforts if the town was to bo saveu
from destruction.
The bright glare and Immense vo
ume of smoke advancing upon tli
town came near creating a genera
panic. All the available men in th
town procured teams and horses , am
hastily drove or rode on horseback to
the scene of the lire. I'jion departing
they hastily snatched the underskirt
ami aprons which the heroic womci
gave them ami proceeded to a poln
south of town to head off the lire am
save the town.
The fire , when a few miles off
changed its com so somewliat rind b-
! mrd work the town was saved. Grea
damage was done , however , In the sin
louiullii' , ' legions h ! 'orc the lire couli
ho extinguished. Groit : quantities o
hay and grain worn burned.
May Ee Induced to Fight if Tommy
Whips Johnson.
Now York , Oct. 21. Wlllua Urltt
manager of "Bitilln " Nelson , Is re
snonsllile for fie si.Uo iicin tint
should Bums il > 't'iMt John-oil in Alls
11 alia , Jim I'uffiuih will pull off :
Burnh-Jeffn.'S U'-li ! ) cm U'o Ur , .f tlx
> par Drl'i ' sa.vs ( , 'off > o > ii ( H > ,
only man who can get Jeff iweU nu
the game. The hlx follow tills on Hen-
oral ocrnslong given Coffroth his word
to Ilpht If the public demanded a but
tle. Alan ? people will IniiKh nt thl.v
MtMlcnicitt , but stranger thlnus ihan
i Inn have happened. Who could have
frgdlctcd Hovpral years imo thai I
v.-onld be the tnnnnKer of Uniilliu' , NV
i.on ? This IH nu age ol Kiirp ; l liu ;
hliiga. If Burns whips the bin nenm.
ist watch the developments ami SIT '
I in in.v Brill hint nl last seemed a
lUti'h from the Xatlomil Sporilm :
tub of London. Jimmy will meet
ohniiy Summcra before that du'i '
Jim- time next month. Jlmm ? thinks
o can clean up till they have' on ibo
liter side of the water.
Madison 10 , Norfolk 0.
MadlKon hlxh se-hoo ! in , Norfolk
lull school 0.
Madison , allle-d with the elements ,
efeated the Noifolk football tenni on
lie Madison grldlton Saturda.v nfier
eon , spoiling Norfolk's ebanco to s-.e
uro a clear title to the high school
hatiiplonshlp in north Nebraska.
The game was plajeil In lain and
lec-t on a soggy Mold. Open plays on
iie new line of formation , hi which
s'orfolh , as a light , well-trained
lev en , excels , could not be used. Only
iue plugging could bring gains , and
.vice In the second half the heavy
ladi on cloven wore aide to push
heir way across the Hue for touch
First Hnlf a Tie.
The first half jlcided no result.- ! .
Vorfolk ome threatened the Mndl or
-oal , lint on the so gy llelelvas lee
really handicapped to make eew-is
nt gains. Madison brought it : ,
.eight Into piny 111 the soconil half.
Madison Has Improved.
The Madison eleven , however ,
liowcd Improvement over a foituighi
no. Al that tlim > they wcie cfofoatoi ;
n a dry Held 17 to 0 by Noifolk.
Saturday's game haves the' relative
taudlng of the two high schools mi-
cttled except In the minds of pur-
'sans ' of the two elm ens. It Is very
nllkely that a third game will he
Lester Weaver , Norfolk's captain
ml fullback , was hint during I lie
ame , hut not seriously , lie contln-
eel in the play.
"Rooters" Brave Sleet.
Despite the storm , the Norfolk team
/an accompanied to Madison by a
irge crowd of hign school students ,
iicluding a large party of young la-
ies , who were chaperoned by Miss
'nine , principal of the .high school.
Tlie two teams lined up as follows :
'orfolk. I'osltleJn. Aladison
Ce'lclier r. o Belling
Miompson. ; r. t 1'Ptomm
leeler r. g Malouv
flbben e C. Antlsde
Villey 1. g Fact
lorrlson 1. t R. Antiscio
Iwinn 1. G Smart
h'skine q . ' Garrett
vnderson r. Ii O'Rhcr
Veaver ( o ) f. b Yenzol
, iark 1. , h Irvii
Officials Superintendent Hunter o
Norfolk and Superintendent Doremus
if Aladlson.
V/ill Try Again to Elect Officers.
That the Commercial e'lub may not
ie longer without n piesident and thai
he board of directors may have Its
nil quota of members again that thr
lull's business can be taken up once
nore , a special effort will ue made ; to
; et at least live of the six directors
till on the board to attend a direct
irs' meet Ing Tuesday afternoon nt i
'clock in the Sturgeon music ft ore.
The club has a president and three
liroctors to elect.
rciejhts Collide in Night at Oakdale
Oakclnlc , Neb. , Oct. 2i.--p ( ; ; -chil tc
rhe News : A lear e-nd freight e-ollls
on he-re' at 1 : " ( ) this morning bloc
faded the main line NortlivvoiMorr
rack until II o'clock and damaged
sight freight cars. Nobody was in
Two extra freights running weal
vere in the wreck. A train drawn b >
Miglnej No. 80S , Conductor Sears anc
Snsineer J. Denton , was doing work
in the freight yards here uhe'ii j
freight drawn by engine No. S7 , Con
luctor Alullemlor' and Engineer ( "us
Ue , came along.
It Is said that Engineer Castle sn\\
the rear light on the freight ahead
and set the brakes , but the train slid
Into the next train.
Knslne No. S7 was mashed In on
the front end. A car of e'onl was splln
tered and a couple of cars wore
turned over on their sides. Noliod )
was in the way car of the front train
which was damaged.
Superintendent C. II. Reynolds of
Norfolk was hero this morning su
perlntemllng the work of clearing the
wreck , lie estimates the damage at
$ S05.
Kastbound passenger train No. 2
due into Norfolk at 0 o'clock this
morning , was held hero till II. The
wreck was cleared in time to allow
eastboiind train No. 0 , the Deadwood
Chicago train , to pass on sch-dulc
Taft and Sherman Banner Now
Across Norfolk Avenue.
The people do rule.
Everybody who slops lo think of tt
realizes that. And a big bnnntn
stretched across Norfolk avenue , at
the Fourth street Intersection , is re
The banner bears portraits of Taft
mil Sherman , aside from the slogan ,
"The 1'ooplo Do Rule. "
The Norfolk Taft club line ! the ban
ner put up.
Senator C. A. Randall of Newman
Grove , a candidat" for H'-electkin lo
ilie1 Mate senate , was In Noilolk Mu'i-
dtiv on bis vv.n lo speak lit Wui-idc
M"iidav 1'vi-ninrt
\ \ M Rainlio'i ofiei a In , , i \IK-
hii tailier ami mo'lic" ' in Norton
, i 1 \ , i M..1 I "llnnijer" In \ I , Imi I ln-,1 I . . _ n
. utfin Hi' I , i I infjr / * , r\i' 't -IIM\ , i- . . i/ / if Plrtr , if fWi'f. * . , , , .
NO MOM.V It ) Ol lltiaiuui i niiiiiiiKi .in. . ! ii | > iutM.I vmriilcycle.Vi lili ;
ill. , . , . , IH tillI I Sl'tl , , ! > / „ , f.t /YX/f III ! H > .V , IH-C , f > Vfiirffit ( * < - 'I'l'l '
II S t V\V I lll.i : TIU.\lliiiii.k . liuliiimMiiiinjyiicl ( UioliUyr < , nnl
, , . . ' > A l nr iki n l "Ml In
j n i i v.ii II \i i .nr iin-ii net iH'ilntlv iii
luiik h.pu . biiK In ii ill < ir I IM ii. , in.l n > i 'ii/ t tlf < mt fmrtnt >
Hi our 5iiull t'lelil illnivu .tililKl llCllliy li ) l , \nH WW tin
i u ulillflll'll < IHilhl' Iw liliun , ! ilnril i < t ill mill ll.uc till-Ill.MIIU.irllllrl mrilir.
j . . i , 11 MIIII lii\i iDO Sol III V a UcMlf m J I'.iirol ' llimniiiiit [ < 'i.C '
At . "i . f t "i ! vi'U if , i IU' .mil ul ilnullr" ,1'iillr.nil lUir IlllhCIHl nl y , ' , ' " >
WILL" ulii" < uii mm nur lir.Miiluil r.u.iintno
YOU . , , , lv , . < ir . - ) m il , | < nl Ihr tiVKoVr/
( . . , cIor , „ . „ , „ „ , ,
t .111 .lily ii M , , . Illtv V'i . 'i ,11 ' ! ( Mill ft i" I'li'il ' .Amvr l.lcllll\ li > I
. , , Ille VI I.IIII , VI.I.US , v.-ii . < in - . I i ir Imvui i iiiulcr < uur ( inn name iiUtc .it
( loti'-lt " " 01 r ( ii i Ouln . t iinl lite ii iv iiin tl , . . , , ,
M'O.M ( > IIM IIU'YI' > ilo nei ti- . : li < lv li.imll. < ' - ' , unit lilcvile. , Iml
imi.i ly h.u a inn r 11 , i li.iml i ilrii In IMili ! mil I li' ' n 1.1 I ' mi' ' I'lirnr we i li-ai < ml
DRAKCC " 'I'ltU' ' ' wild lit liiliorleil | roller I'liiiliix , m I | iriliiii , | int. , utiil
UnitlkCd , t i.imcm | l all kind .11 . . .I i I'.t .1- ' > , . t .iS.
N VILs , TtM'liH nr ( 'linn Mill not lei ( lie
tlf out. V u
Over two litiitilrol ilnni iniil jimi-inny In n- ,
nESOniPJIONl M I ( > "I nil * i'r tl
11nl t-i"\ [ Miluig \ ci vin til ilt- tint ) 1 1 uril iiiMil * \v n h
\ Hp l'l ' ( I'l.lllU ' of t nil ) 1CvUi ! ) ll lit M I 1 ' ' 111 ! ' * *
KirilllMllltl Wltllll cltlWH ll | ' Sill. Ill IHIMl-llltl \\llll.Hlt nll" - Notlcii tlie think rttlilii'f Irnml
' . ' ' . Wcliuvc liutulrnNiil li-lUn do ' " "
HRtlH'ili : tocs.'npc' A' ' nail ' - MI'IH | | "II"
UiltiisloiiicrsstitiHKtliiil : tlirlrtiicolinvconl } lict'tt | mill "l > . " iilHii rim Nlrlp "II"
ipoticc or twice tun whole KCIIMIII , 'I'tie-y . wrt .hi.v limn . . .jj to prevent | | rliu Mitlliu ' Ill
inoiiliimry Inc. llic | > iini'lureicsi il | ; | i | | : AJH , , " 111 , lllti .1 , „ „ , OU.- | | |
! > y srvrtnl' layers ot lliln. spci intly jiiciwicd Inline tin the V Jj ) I , , , . , , s II'I L is'l'l ' J an.
; reail. Theti-jiilnriilc ttlicwIitesis . ] J il\\ ItllMMi.
the rltlcr ol only f | Ho JUT ) wir. All orili-rSKhiii-il | | t.\mv \ ily Irltrr iiccr tvril. VVi-slilpC.O I ) on
approval. Yottuo not nay 11 c'cttt iinlil you have exainiticil nttil tiinml tliriii strictly as tpirfsrnlr < l.
We will tillow n i-usli ilUroiinl of < ; per cent ( tlicicliv iniiUinn tin- punVI.AA ] icrp.iiiMl vmi
pe'iul I'l'l.lj ' CASH WITH OUIiU ) ; nml ciii'loM : Iliimhriii'i inriit VVt- will nlvi tteinl ( Hie
nit.V(1 plali-d lirais Imnil pump. ' 1'ires to Inn ituticil nt Ol'l ' ! c\ici > ne if l r nny tendon thi-y HU-
not "atNfnelory on cxnminnliiiii. We mo perfect Iv tetl.iMe n nil ninnr > sent Ions l HI safe n in :
bank. If vou'oulrr a punnl llirsc lires , yon uill liml Unit tliev will riiln t.ihlci , run fuMci ,
\vcnr 1iriKr , In-t loiiuci : iinl Inuk lini i I linn nnv lire \mi li.ivicvtr nsnl nr SPi-n nt nny pure. We
l.tmw tliiitoii \\ill In1 MI will pU-nxnl \ \ h'iii n wnnl n tut v > Ie you v ill | ; l\e us , join utrtei.
\Ve want yon to vciul us u onlcr nl once , liruce this iem ri.n'ilf liii olTet.
ilmi'l Iniv nnkinilnl Ice until von "ictul farnpiii : of
+ mro mr-j-m Tirrr > nn\ am pi
KtI fJlP iVK.fc.Si I 3fSKi Ilnlriluin | ; , I'linctnif I nnf IIUM on : i | > piovnl anil Ui.ili >
the | -i i.i I i mi mini tin v purr cpiuti'il nlxixr , or vult fin nui In ) . 'I ire nml Sniulrj CiitalnuiK ; * luoll
ileciibcs tttnl ( itiuit - > all inukt s anil l.inds of iiunt n limit hull the ni mil IM u i s.
mft Rlttf IRftiaTf- but wriU'ii n liost'il tml.iv UO ' % or THINK < > r IIUVINO n lilrvrlo
HtfJ IvSJ IiVf4l I or n pan < > i tn's linin unvnii' ' oiuil you Isiinwthi new mill woiul.-rlul
olltis we uic tiinkintj. ll only mstsn post il to leain ivi i \ tiiinij.Vnle l S < MV ( Ji. (
( 'turned ' to Oiiia'.iu , v "steril.n . lie \\MS
iolned in Omaha loda.v by Ills wife and
it tie son.
Slate Veterinarian MeKim of
ln and Dr. .1. C. Myers of Uila city ,
deputy stales veterinarian , returned
Saturday from all ofliclal trip west on
he' ' main line.
H. G. Fleharty Speaks on Issues at the
If. I ! . Fleharty , a South Omaha at
torney , who is the Democratic nomi
nee for allorue.v Honorul , will Hpeali
; tt the Auditorium Tuesday evening
The speaking begins ; il S o'clock.
Tlio following1 proposed Amendment ti
the constitution ol the State of He
liraaka , as hereinafter et foith m lull
is submitted to the electors of the Stat
of Nebraska , to bo voted upon nt th
general election to lie held Tuesday , No
vemljer 3rd , A. D. 1008 :
A .101 NT KKSOl.rTloN to nmcntl for !
lions tun 11 : t , I'linrU ) , rtvi'o , six ( < <
nml tliiitoi-ii i I ; : i of Arlk-lo MX UO ej
the Ciiiistllullon of thu ritutiof Nc
biiisUa. n-liillti,1- ) to Judlcinl I'
Be it Kesolvcti ) jy the Legislature of titi
State of Nebraska :
Si-rllini l. Amendment pi-opoacd. Tlia
Pi'itiiin two ( > of Ai-tlci ! > si\ ( i5) ) of tin
Constitution of the Hlnti' of Xt-bnuik.
IPO ariicmli'il to rouil ax l'ollo\\s ;
S-rllon ' _ > . ( Supreme court ; Juclffec
JnrlEclictioii. ) 'J'he Stipronn' Court Klia !
i-oiiHlst nf i-voii 17) ) JurrL's ) { ; mul n ma
jorlly oC nil elected nnd fnallfil | ( juilije.
hluill liu iicri'svary to eonstltuto ,
iiuiinim or in-onoiiin-o a doclhl.m. Tin
Supreme Court viial ! have Jnrisiliotion It
ull ciisnx rr-latliiB to HIP iwunuu. cixi
caiscs in vvliii-h the stilt. ' Is ti patty
liKin.lniiiiis , ( | ito warranlo. curiniri
and stiHi iiin | | > llitf * Jurisdiction as mnj
b ( | provided liy li\v. ;
rtpotlon . ( Amonclinent xiroposofl. ) Tliai
Section four e-l ) of Article nixi. . ) of Hi
Constitution of the State of Ncbrualzix U
amended to rend as follovv > > :
Seetlnn 4. ( Supreme court , Judge !
olcctloa , term , residence. ) The Judges u
the Sii | feme Court shall lie ° l"oti d l >
the i-lccliirs nf Iho state ; it l.ii' e ; nil
their lei ins nf office , except ns hereliiafte
jirovlil. d , shall lie six j.-atu Ami sal
Stiplcuie Cnnit judges shall diirtnif thel
let in nt' office reside , at the place vvhe'r
tie ! enurt Is holdm.
Section : : . ( Amendment proiiosea. ) Tim
Beet ion five (5) ( ot Article six ( ' ! ) of th
Constitution of thn .Stntf : of Nob.-aska b
nniended to read as follows ;
Section ! i. ( .Supreme court , Judge :
election , term ; chief justice. ) Tlnii a
the generril election to be held in th
fct.'ito of Niilna.ska in the year IWfl , M
each six years thereafter , there shall i >
elected three ( ? ) judges of the Snpmn
Court , who shall liold their office for th
period of six jinrs ; that at the Ke-iera
election to be held In the state of Ne
Srnskii in the year 1011 , nnd earn si.
yearn Iherenfter , there shall be cleetei
three (3) ) judRes of the Supreme Court
who shall hold their office for the pi rim
of nix years ; nnd at the f'eni | oiicii.n
to bo held In the state of Nebraska 'i '
the year 19111 , and each six jcai IH ,
after , there shall bo elceted a 'In , ! ' .ln >
tiee of the Supreme Court , n'hu shal
hold his office for tile perl-id of si-
yen vs. I'rovldei ) that the mem'.cr of t n
Supreme C'ourt whose term of office i \
plrcs In Jnniiary. lull , shall be ciii
Justice of tbe Supreme Court dnrlim t.i i
time until tbe expiration of hi- < ; t-ni < ,
offlre. And , provided further , th i' ' ui m
the adoption of these nmeinlnv nt n-
rleetors of the State , the Governor shall
Immediately upon Ibsulnu hi" ] " - <
tlon declaring' said amendment- : u.i | , i
nppolnt four (4) ( ) judses of th" Snii ,
Court , twoj < of whom sti.iil in n *
pointed to hold said offlc" un n l'i ,
Kiicccssors shall be elected at ( In- e. > i , , ' .
election In I'.iO'.i. and have < | iialni'i. , u
Ihe oilier two (2) ( ) shall hold li ! ii n'.i '
until their unc-eessors shall he . , , ! .
tbe Reneral electi'in held in P.n 1 . i
have qualified.
Sei'tlon 4. ( Aaiondnicnt proposed. ) T .
Pectlon six (111 ( of Article siv i i
Constitution of the State of Nebraska , b <
nmended to read as follow-i.
Section 0. ( Chief Justice. ) Tin ' 'i.
Justice shall sei\e as stic-b online < '
term for vvhb h he was elected ,1 - >
preside at all terms of the , -i , ,
Court , and in bN nbsenci tlir ; , , ,
present Khali selei t nno of thel : n 11. . i .
to preside temporarily.
Section ! ) . ( Ainondiueut iiiojiosed. ) ' ! " ' H
Bee-lion thirteen (13) ( ) of Article sl (
Ihe Constitution of Nebraska lie n i -i .1 ,
lo read as follows :
Section 1H. ( Judges , BAlarlei. ) Ti
juilKPM of the Supreme Court . ] .
receive a salary of $ ( , , " 00 , and II , .1 i
of the Plstrlet Court shall each i ,
salary of $3.000 per annum , i 4 i
( junrterly.
Approved April S , 1007.
1 , Goo. C. .InnkIn. Secretary if'I i-
ot tbe Stale of fCebraslen , .l.i hi i ,
certify that tbe foreijolnu P. , ,
rinieiulment to the ( . 'onutllntlnn ' '
State of Nebraska Is a true ntnl > c i
copy of the original cnroll " I
Uroysed bill , n" punned by the 'I u
el8loll ! of leKlMlnlurc of the si
Nebraska , ox tippi'iim from said m M
Mil on filn In tbU office , and .
pi-opTmed atiiein'liiienl IK Hiibm ! ! ; , Jrt ,
( nullified \ol-rH of the Blnle of N iTf \.i
for their i > loptlun or rei.- . lion t >
: cleclion to be held on Tuesday ,
Bilteral day of November , A. U \ ' .
In tesliinon > u hereof. 1 have lieivunti
t < t inv li.iiid and afflxi-i ] 1' '
Kc'ciU : , incliu'lng FimUn nnd other
rncMimbi r , pn.'hlslorlc nml other corn ,
both hvvpi't , nnd Mold , pt'iielhirln ,
pqunsh , nu'lon , niQinmoth minitower ,
nnd hundreds of citlu'r Deeds , 1 cent
and up per packet. , ( also need In hulk )
direct from Rrovvor to planter. fJnrdcn
Guldfl nnd eleFcrlptlve ; prlco Mst freo.
IT. M. Onrdnor , Boot ! grower ,
Chattel Mortfjafle Sale.
Xotleo la hcM'oby nivc-n thnt by vlrluo
of chattel iTieirtsaKi' duteid the J7lh iliij
of Anmist. IflflS. mid duly Illoel In tin' '
ofllfiof ( he' county rlr-rlt of I'lcrci'
roiinty , Nchraslsa , on Iho 1Slh dnv of
Annual , and nlao Illod in ihe > olllro eif
e'oiinty clerk of Mndlnon county , N -
hrnsKa , on the 25th elny of September.
ID08 , and , executed byV. . A. Slron ,
Karne-st H Irons nnd Frank SlroiiK td
R. A. Hullock , t'i se'cnrc' ' the payment
of the sum of $ S90.00 , with Interesl a !
8' . ' per annum , from August 17. IIKIS.
been made in the payinenl. of nald
and upon which ihern Is now due tin-
sum of $8if)0 ! ; ( ) , and del'milt ImviiiK
been made in the payment of said
sum and no suit or other proceediiitr
nt law bavins been Instituted to n-
caver aald Ktmi'or ' nny part thereol.
therefore , I will sell the properly thfriv
In lescrlbed , vt/ . :
6nt ) Ifi" II. J' . ro-lmllt engine ) No.
8121 ; one il-ll ! ) fnar-Scoll ! separator.
No. 19801 ; one Garden City feeder , No.
1H7 ; one I'ncle Tom r-.taekor. No.
I - J ; one C'ross conveyor elevator , No.
7:1221 : ; one 150-foot Slnchlply Cnmlv
belt ; one ' ,4-round wood tank , pump
und hoe : , all belts , tools and fixtures
belonging to this machine , al public
auction , on block 9 , Koenlgstoin K
Third addition to Norfolk , Madison
county , Nebraska , on October 81 , IIIOS ,
at 9 o'clock a m.
October . " . , IflOS.
K. A. Bullock , ,
Yon Most Not Forget
We ; u-e CDiistantly imrcn'iiir ] } in
thejarl of nuiKintf'Finc I'liotos.
Newest Styles in
Cards and Finish
We also oarrv l'inc Ivine of
Anrnno femllni ; n nkclrh unit ilpvrrlptinn niai
quitMrurcriiiia citir .jplaliui frco wtn-ilier HII
oirentlnn 11 lirnhnbly | iali > ii.ttilii\ ! "
* ( > i i , rcu. , -iiritieji.ileiiti. ! .
r.iients inkt-n throiiul Miinn i ii , . leculv
H" iliioll , ae , tnttio
A linndiinniclr HhHti-atcd wopklf , I-nrcrm dr.
uiliitlim nt nnr 'linllUi ) Journal. 'IVriiin , ) > n
l iiew..te . ler
New York
OlUcw. Ui V SU WMbliiio" . ci !