THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOURNAL , , , , . NORFOLK NEUKASKA FRIDAY OCT013EH 2 1908. M , & 0 , OFF $1,000,000 $ , , , Annual Report Shows Year's ' Revenue Off $1,000,000. $ , , TWENTY-SEVENTH REPORT. Past Year's Financial Disturbances With Accompanying Legislation Has Cut Deep Hole In M. & O. Revenues. St. Paul , Oct. 2. Thu onty-st-v- - onth annual ropoit of the Chicago , Ht. Paul , Minneapolis and Omaha tall' road shown a decrease In the total operating luvenuo for the fiscal year ending Juno 110 , 1908 , of $1,0(12,192 ( 72 , as compared with the previous year. Sheriff Lane Must Explain. White Plains , N Y. , Oct 2. Shoilff Lane , who lefusod to deliver Harry K. Thaw to the feiloial court as ordered by Judge Aichlbald , will bo compelled to appear , ' fore Aichlbald tomoirow to otplaf.i / action. Didn't < > > , Snell Letters. Clinton , III , 2. The authorship of the sonsatlo. Mtois read In Iho Snell case was * 4j I In an answer IIled by Miss 1 * * % , ' today to the suit to set asldo > tiled by the liclrs. Plague In Palace. Alexnndila , Oct. 2 Two cases of bubonic plague have boon discovered In the palace. Alarm Is felt for the safety of the ruler. Fight Plague In Ecuador. Guayaquil , Oct. 2. A conference of tfoctois of the laigest towns In Kcua- dor has been called to pi event a 10- occuironco of the bubonic plaguo. A do/on now cases are reported. Corrupt Officials Let Chinks In. San Fianclsco , Oct. 2 , The Illegal entrance of hundreds of Chinese ae the result of wide spread corruption of ofllclals is the icason for locent changes In the innnlgiatlon dopait- mont hero accoidlng to a stoiy printed here today. Milwaukee Mayor Talks on Saloon. Omaha , Oct. 2. The saloon problem was dlscussod at today's session of the League of Amoilcan Municipali ties with Mayor Rose of Milwaukee . , leading the discussion. DHYAN CRiTiCISES TAFT , Says President's Publicity Plan Is In sult to Intelligence of Voter , Lincoln , Oct. 2. Ueclaiing that "oveiy disinterested voter knows that largo contributions have been used to eccuio mortgages upon olllclals , " Will iam J. Hiyan Issued at Fail view a statement criticising the adoption by William II. Taft , his Republican op- jionent for piesldent , of President Roosevelt's announced view on the subject of the publicity of campaign contributions. Mr. Taft , says Mr. Ury- nn , makes the same charge the presi dent does the astounding charge that the votois are so liable to bo misled - led that the knowledge ( as to the amounts and sources of campaign con tributions ) must bo kept from them. " The Democratic nominee then adds : "I insist that this is an insult to the intelligence of the voter and it does little credit to Mr. Taft's judgmenl YC the men to whom ho is making his ippeal. " i" EXPERTS FOTAFRIOJfN'fRJP , " Two Nation * ! Museum Taxidermist * tc Accompany Roosevelt Washington , Oct. 2. Two taxlder mists from the National museum wil be detailed to accompany Preslden Roosevelt on his hunting trip in Af rica. The president has notified the ofllcers of the museum that he wil tend back such of the specimens o they may wish to preserve. No othei persons from this country will accom pany the president and son. Hunters trappers , etc. , are daily volunteering their services. The caravan will be made up and mustered when the presl dent reaches the African coast. Th < report that Mr. Roosevelt will be en tertalned by the sultan of Zanzibar k untrue. The party will not go ncai the sultan's Islands. TO TEACH REFORM IN COOKING Chicago Club Women Launch Dome * tic Science Move. Chicago , Oct. 2 With the avowed intention of refu ilng cooking in tht United States , the Associated Clubs o Pomestlc Science , organized by prom inent club women and pure food ex ports from inr and wide , hold its firs meeting here. Mrs William Wallac Gaar of Richmond , Ind. , who was elect cd president , announced that the members bers , through better cooking , wouli "attempt to educate the country t < a higher standard of living. " One ol Jcct will bo to arouse the housekeeper In the interest of the pure teed laws Going to the River to Drown Child , Beatrice , Neb , Oct. 2. P C Rose , propiiutoi of a restaurant , was arrest ed after ho had beaten his wife and was on the way to the river to throw one of his small children Into the stream. Ho was overtaken Just In time. Hard drinking seems to have upset bis mind. Says LKbor Vote Cannot De Delivered. Washington , Oct. 2. ! ) hiring that It would be suicidal to thu labor move ment "for any man or set of men" to deliver the vote of organl/cd labor to any party , President Not man 1C. Me- 1'linll of the Hoston Typographical union has written a letter to Chief Moore of the vveathur bureau , declar ing that thu labor votu as a body can not bo delivered. Democrats Name Vahey for Qovernor. Boston , Oct. 2. The Democratic ; state convention nominated a state ticket for the November election , headed by James 13. Vnhey for gov ernor. mmeTiEET in American Battleships Entered Harbor at Noon Today. CHOLERA SITUATION IMPROVING Plague Is Fast Losing Ground Before Vigorous War Waged by the Author Itles But Seven New Cases are Re ported In Manila. Manila , Oct. 2. The Atlantic bat tloshlp llect has entured this harbor passing Corrcgldor Island at 12:11 : o'clock p. in. Many launches mot the fleet dowi the coast and accompanied It Into tin haibor. There will bo no formalities In the way of leceptlon attempted to day outside of the domonstratlon tin Bteameis and harbor craft will make about the haibor us the Hoot lays a anchor. Governor General Smith wll pay an official call to Admiral Sperrj after the great water parade tumor row Is over. The choleia IB fast losing groum before the vigorous war waged by tin authorities. During a period of twelvi hours but seven cases wore roportei and of these two were only suspects. Warner Loses 100 Votes. Lansing , Mich. , Oct. 2. With twen ty-one precincts passed upon out of a total of over 300 contested , the re count on the Republican nomination for govoinor shows a loss of 101 votes from the 1,500 plurality of Governor Warnei over ( Dr. J. Hiadloy. Dy the rejoc tlon of the vote In two entire towns Governor Warner lost seventy TOtCS. GAVE HER LIFE TO SAVE MARQUIS ITO , Thinking Her Sacrificed Blood Would Save Ho Jap Girl Dies. Seattle , Wash , Oct 2. Believing that her blood if saciiflced would be the food to save the life of Marquis Ito , who Is seiiously 111 , Okltz Fumu- gora of Tokio , a Japanese servant girl , stabbed herself to death today. CRUSADE AGAINST WHITE PLAGUE , Or , Koch Says Campaign ol Education is Main Feature , Washington , Oct. 2. A caucus ol members of the international congress gross on tuberculosis opposed to the theory of Dr. Koch that the bovine baccill was not transmltablo to humnr beings was called In an effort to get the congress to put Itself on record The Americans are anxious about the point because they have done excep tlonal work to stamp out tuberculosis In cattle. Washington , Oct. 2. "Of more iin portance than any other feature in tht criibade against the scourge of the white plague is the campaign of cdu cation. " This emphatic declnratlor was made by Dr. Robert Koch , the eminent German scientist , who agali figured prominently In a contioverblu dlbciibblou of tuberculosis before the intoinational congress on tuberculosis This utterance was made just after r report had boon submitted by Dr. G A. Heion , delegate ot the Royal Sod ety of Medicine of London , on "The teachings of elementary hygiene in the training colleges and elementary schools of Great Britain and Ireland' Dr. Koch , In his comment on the re i port , regretted that thus jar most o : the educational effoits in the cam palgn to stamp out tuberculosis havi been made quite confined ! } witl adults. Ho ompha&Ucd the import.uiu of teaching hygiene to chlldicn , be cause , ho said , they are quicker te learn the hygienic laws than aio tin adults. Ho called attention to tin duty which Imposed Itself upon tin teachers to Instruct their schokus li all of the sanitary measures and precautions cautions to bo taken In combatting tuberculosis , and added that botl teachers and scholars must bo Uior Oil pill vfln/i //\ronfitfTitli _ l CT it frli f RUSTINS FIGHT FOR INSURANCE , Preliminary Examination On To Secure Insurance , MRS , RICE WROTE A LETTER , Widow and Children of Dr. Rustln Start Proceedings to Secure Insur ance Left by Man Whose Death Stirs Up Omaha. Omaha , Oct 2 C'harles K. Davis , who Is ehai god with the muider of li lUistln. and Mis Illce , thu luln- clpal witness In the case , \\cio called oday in an Inquiry bcroic tno couit connected with the piolimlnaiy light o\or thi > payment of the liisiuance to Or Uuntln'8 wife and children [ Sloven questions will bo asked Mis. lltce Klghtill bo asked Davis , \\lio , it is understood will lofuso to nnswor on account of the pending ciimlnal hearing. A mystoilous letter fiom Mis. Ulco to Dr. Hustln was ndmlttod as evl- lence today. Mis. Ulco was asked to Identify the letter. She admitted the [ otter but declined that she never gave blith to a baby. She said the letter was "foolishness. " The letter said : "Operation proved successful. Feeling better than in two years. The baby Is doing nicely and is glowing fast. " MACK AFTER SHELDON. Democratic Chairman Goes After Re publican National Treasurer. Chicago , Oct 2 Chairman Mack of the Democratic national committee todaj made a statement doclailng that Oeoige II. Sheldon , tieasuror of the Republican campaign committee , was closelj allied with seventeen big cor- poiatlons and that he was formerly associated with the whiskey tiust , Mack dcclaied that these coiporatlon adulations weie the icason whj Shel don was not peimltted to run for lieutenant governor with Odoll. Hughes' Trlpp Through the West. Chicago , Oct 2 Governor Hughes on his westein trip will leave Chicago October 5 for St. Paul , speaking Oc tober 0 at Wateitown , Sioux Falls , Sioux City , la. , and Omaha , October 7 at Grand Island , Kearney and Hast ings , October S at St. Joseph , and Wichita , October 9 at Kansas City and St Louis. He will then icturn to Chicago cage making back platfotm speeches omoute. BASEBALL ENDS AT PILGER Pllger Defeats Wlsner 8 to 1 In Sea son's Last Game. Pllger , Neb , Oct 2. Special to The News The last baseball game of the season was played between Pll ger and Wlsner heie yesterday after noon. Pilger won 8 to 1. The game was listless and marked by Its heavy hitting. The scoio : R. H. E , Wisner . . .00000000 1 1 7 4 Pllger 11012111 x 8 12 1 Batteries , Pllger , Martin and Hop per ; Wisner , Zacek and Thompson , Gained runs , Pilger 5 , Wisner 1. Two base hits , Kane , Driscol , Antics , Lar son. Umpire , Kelso of Wisner. YESTERDAY'S ' BASEBALL RESULTS In the National League , New York leads by the narrow margin of two points. Chicago and Plttsburg are tied for second place. Only second di vision teams of the American League played yesterday. National League. At New York First game : R.H.E. Now York. .30000100 0 4 9 1 thil'phla . . .20010000 0 3 10 1 Second game. R.H.E. New York. . .0 0000200 0 2 4 2 Phil'phla . . .00301011 * 6 9 0 At Cincinnati : R.H.E. Cincinnati . .00000000 0 0 2 4 Chicago 01040000 1 6 0 1 At Hrook'yn : IUI.E. Boston 00001000 0 1 5 0 Brooklyn . . .10000000 1 2 8 3 American League. At Philadelphia : R.H.E. Boston . . . .00020000 Op-- C 3 Phil'phla . . .30000002 * 5 8 2 At New York : R.H i : Wash'ton . . .01000000 0 1 5 0 Now York..O 0100010 * 2 7 1 City Officials Discuss Liquor. Omaha , Oct. 2. The liquor problem In cities was the chief topic before the League of American Municipalities and its discussion occupied the entire time of the convention daring the morning session , M"ayor Rose of Mil waukee led the discussion on this sub ject and a number of other mayors whoso cities have recently been in the limelight In the matter of liquor prob lems were also speakers. During the afternoon the city officials were taken for a sightseeing tour. Magoon Slated fop Cabinet Job. Lincoln , Oct. 2. Republicans of Ne braska believe that in the event of the election of William H. Taft that Charles Magoon , governor of Cuba , [ will bo tendered a place In the now president's cabinet. The recent visit to this city of Judge Taft is said to have given rise to this speculation. Mr. Magoon Is said to bo strongly sup- JOE 6ANS A BLUSHING GROOM , Farmer Light Weight Champion Pug ilist Weds Saturday Night. Baltimore' , Oct 2. .loo Onus , the Connor lightweight champion , IB to wed Miss Mnrtha .1 Davis , a colored Bchool teacher , Saturdaj evening BRYAN THINKS HE ELECTED , Also Sees Democratic House , His Majority Is "Safe" , Lincoln , Oct - Special to The News.V .1 HiMin in a statement Is sued toda > claims that tlic > honso of lopiest'titallveh will lu > DiMuociatlc ( and that ( lit- DomncrntHsill ha\o a Hiifo nuijoilty In the oloctoial college. Goes East Last Three Weeks. Hrynn began toda > to atud > teports of ( he cam ass of the doubtful states. The Demociatlc candidate Is piopar- Im ; a route for the ne\t campaign tilp He expects to spend the last' thiee weeks of the campaign in Ohio , Now .leisey and New York Bryan Republican Clubs. Minneapolis , Oct 2 Alieady 100 students have joined the now Hrynn Republican club. The campaign or- ganl/ers expect to extend the organi zation to other colleges NORRIS OPENS IT AT LEARWATER , Taft Club With Nearly 100 Members O'rganzied. Clearwater , Neb , Oct 2 Special to The News : At a Republican rally attended by 300 people and addressed by Judge Nonls , a Taft club with neatly 100 mombeis was organl/ed. The following officeis wcie elected' J. F Fannon , piesldent ; 0. D Lewis , secretary. J. P. Baldwin , treasuier. O. A. Williams , candidate for coun ty attomey , and M C. Hressler , can didate for state senator , were piesent and made slioit speeches. Not wish ing to encioach on the time of Judge Noii is , the speaker of the evening , their remarks were necessaulj short. Judge Noirls speaks of actual ex perience of things done and being done In the Philippines and cairics the attention of his heaieis with him to the last. The meeting was fiec fiom all mud slinging or peisonalities of any sort. Judge Noiris , In fact , spoke in high teims of Hryan but of couise thought that Taft's executive ability was far supeiloi and that for that reason he should be elected the next piesldent of the United States. North State Political Dates. October S , 8 p in , A. C Shallenber- ger at O'Neill. TAFT IS GIVEN OVATIONS OMAHA , Republican Candidate Begins Third Day at North Platte. Omaha , Oct 2. At no place which William H. Taft has visited during his western trip has he been the recipient of greater honors than were accorded to him on his arrival in Omaha last night Very tired from a strenuous day of campaigning through the South Platte country , Judge Taft arrived at 5:30. : The crowd which greeted the Republican candidate in Omaha was as largo or larger than any ho ha& seen during the campaign. At the Union station he was met by a crowd which lined the sidewalk for several blocks , and his drive to the club house was an ovation. He graciously doffed his hat at each point where he re ceived a demonstration. Thousands had come fiom the country , drawn to the city by the presence of the candi date and the fall carnival now in prog ress. They did not fail to show their jubilation at seeing the Republican nominee for president and cheered him at every street coiner. Judge Taft spoke at South Omaha for half an houi and then returned to this city , where he addicssed a crowd at the Auditorium , which taxed Its capacity. Ho was accompanied through the state by Governor Shel don , who came to Omaha on his train. The special left at 10 o'clock last night for the west , and Its ( list stop today was at North Platte , which place It reached this morning. A speech Is also scheduled for Sidney and the next at Cheyenne. The judge will leach Denver this evening for tluee meet- \naa \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Beveridge In North Dakota. Valley City , N. D. , Oct. 2. Albert E. Bevetidgo ot Indiana was couiiuuy ac claimed at a gieat political demonstia- tlon by townsmen and farmers on his arrival from the east and during an addicss In the Audttoilumon the tariff Adopt Steel Passenger Cars. Chicago , Ott 2. The Hanlman lines , It was announced , have decided to adopt steel constructed passenger cars over their entire system. The Pullman company Is to begin deliver- FAIR VISITORS IN FATALWRECK , Stop Made To Collect Fares Brought Rear End Collision , 4 DEAD , 12 BADLY HURT , State Fair Visitors Home Bound on Late Train In Ohio Victims of Fatal Rear End Collision Extra Freight Unwarned. Toledo , O. , Oct 2. Four aio dead , twelve seilously Injuiod and a number of others slightly hint In a rear end collision between an extra Height and a passenger last night A train bearIng - Ing a state fair cioud slowed down to collect faies The fieight tialn was not wained. Not stopped by signals It clashed Into the slow moving pas senger ahead. AUTO SPEEDERS KILLED. Going Fifty Miles an Hour Two are Dead. Dotiolt , Mich. , Oct. 2. Mis Albeit Homer of Kalamazoo and Paul Kays woic killed today In an automobile going llfty miles an hour when a fi eight collided with the car. Powder Explosion Kills Two. Spencer , N. C. , Oct. 2. Two lives were lost and twenty or more persona wore Injured In Spencer by the explo sion of a powder stoiagc house In the yards of the Southern Railway com pany. The dead are : C. H. Lay ton and George Gould. It Is feared that other bodies are In the ruins. Every building in Spencer and for many miles around was badly shaken up and damaged. Runaway Train Kills Five. Portland , Ore. , Oct. 2. A logging train belonging to the Chapman Log ging company at Scappoose , twenty miles north of Portland , was wrecked by miming away down hill , jumping the tiack at a curve. None of the oc cupants of the passenger train was hurt. Five of the crew of the logging train wore killed and eight Injured. Three Youngstown Firemen Killed. Youngstow n , O. , Oct. 2. Six firemen are in the hospital and thine more arc in the lulns of Knox's store , which was buincd to the ground. The fire men wore on the roof and third floor , when suddenly the whole lutciior ol the structure gave way , carrying elghl ill omen to the basement. The bodies of Assistant Chief Reilly , Foreman Edward Sweeney and Captain Vaughn have not been iccovored. Chief ol Police William Lawler is fatally ln > jured. Chanler Gets Notification. Poughkcep ie , N. Y , Oct. 2. In ac ccptiiig the nomination of the Demo cratlc party lor goveinor , Lewis Stuyvesant Chanler , the present lieu tenant governor of the state , caused c stir among his hearers by prefacint his set speech with a statement tc the effect that State Chairman W. J Connors betrayed' a confidence "If he at tempted In a published Interview tc dictate what the policy of the Demo cratic party in the coming campaign In New York should be and he em phaslzed further along In his prepared speech the statement that "free froir all hampering obligations of every kind , I shall know no master but the people's will and the people's inter est. " Wyoming Miners Accept Wage Scale. . Cheyenne , Wyo. , Oct. 2. A conference enco here between miners and oper ttors of Wyoming coal mines ended with the acceptance of a wage scale by both sides , ending the dispute bfr gun at Denver just a month ago and on account of which Wyoming miners quit work for three weeks. Under the now scale , wages are to bo the same ( is last year. Standard Gets Reduced Rate. Kansas City , Oct. 2. Oil from the Standard Oil company's Sugar Creek refinery Is shipped over the Missouri , Kansas and Texas railway to Holden end Doonville , Mo. , at a rate about mo-half that charged Paola , Kan. , tc Hie same points , and the distance IB twice as great fiom Kansas City at Paola These facts were disclosed In e hearing here Mann Elected Bishop of Washington Washington , Oct 2. Dr Alexandei Mann of Plj mouth Upihcopal church ! Hoston , Mass , was elected bishop ol ; the Protestant dlocose of Washlngtor on the seventh ballot Hl-mop Hrenl of the Philippines bail twice decllnei the honor after being eloc ted. The va catuy was causi d by the death ol nihhop Henry Y Sattorlee Fight Booth Bankruptcy Move. Chicago , Oct J. Two hundred ml not it > stockholders in A. Houtli k Co. which iccentl ) went into a iccuiver shipappointed a committee ol il\u U protect their Interests. It was an nounoed they intended to exuit oven tfloit to Keep the flah concein fioliif to prevent bankruptcy proceedings Isbrahlm Pasha Is Dead. ' Couotautmuple , OU 2 Isbrahln L'asha , a Kurdish rebel leader whc , has caused the government much trou i bio , is dead A son , who succeed ! him , declares that he Is prepared tc surrender his anna and placed hlmsel i Hi CONDITION OF Tilt WEATHtR ' ruperatur * for Twenty-four Hour * . Forecast ( or Neurantb vxindltloi ) of the wonrner M rncoiu 'it foi th lwvnty-fnii bourn tullim tl V h in tmla > Mliilinuni 70 .Minimum 12 A \oiage 5 ( ! llaromoter . . . . , 21'70 ' Chicago. Oct. 2. The bulletin Is oued bj thu Chicago station or the United Stiitett wuitthur buruiiu gives ihe forecast foi Nebraska as tollowi- Inci easing cloudiness \\lth possibly show 01 s Into tonight 01 Satuiday Wanner tonight Ohio Central Passenger Run Into From Rear by Freight , OTHER DISASTERS OF A DAY , Powder Magazine Explodes at Spencer , N. C. , Killing Two Men Three Fire men Perish in Blaze at Youngstown , O. Runaway Train Kills Five. Cleveland , Oct. 2. Six lives were lost and a number of persons were in jured when a Toledo and Ohio Central passenger train , carrying an exclusion crowd fiom Howling Green fair In to Toledo , was run Into from the rear at Sugar Hldgo by a freight train. The dead : Richard Radecut , Joe Casler , J , R McCroy , J. G. Uoyd , W. Stoncbrldgc , and one unidentified man. The rear car of the exclusion train was telescoped and two othcis wore jammed together. The excursion train stopped , It Is said , because of a hot box. Whether a flagman was sent back to warn the approaching freight baa not been ascertained. NOT TO TREAT WITH STRIKERS New England Paper Mills Will Fill Strikers' Places and Start Up. Hoston , Oct. 2. The International paper company today posted notices that the Now England mills will not tieat longer with striking employes but will fill their places and icsunie oinM t ! HIP TEXASrWlT WITH DEMOCRATS , Democrats for Slate Prohibition. Prohibitionists Withdraw. Dallas , Texas , Oct. 2 Formal an nouncement was made today of the wlthdiawal of the Piohlbltlon slate ticket In favor of the Democrats , who have a state wide piohlbltlon plank In their platform. PINGHOT PRAISED BY BARNES , Inspector Replies to Attack Made on Him by Beaman. Albuquerque , N. M. , Oct 2. There was a renewal at the afternoon ses sion of the national irrigation con gress of the discussion of the forestry service , Will C. Barnes , an Inspector of grazing on the national forests , re plying to the attack made on him by D. C. Beaman of Colorado. Mr. Bea man had sharply criticised Inspoctoi Barnes for writing magazine articles laudatory of the chief forester while on the government payroll. Mi Barnes vlgoiously asset ted his right to give his views through the medium of public speaking or magazine writ Ing. Dwlght H. Hurd of the Arizona Cat tie Oroweib' assoilatlon detcndod the forestiy policy a eiting that the cat tle grow orb of ArlyoiTa were satisfied with the condition ot ArUona forests William W Wlieolor , assistant hoc- retaiy cTf the dejmtment of commerce and labor , delivered a short address as the personal representative of Pros- Idcnt Roobevelt. The day's sessions were devoted chlelly to the reading of papers on Inlgatlon and agilculture , all of a technical nature. The i evolutions committee voted down a icbohnlon favoring the re moval of restrictions fiom foreign Im migration proposed by C. H Schmidt of Chicago and adopted a plank sup polling piotpctlon of American sugar The committee will recommend to the congress the creation of the ofllcc of foreign sociotary , and In the ovenl of the adoption of the plan , Dr. K. Mc < Queen Gray of Carlsbad , N. M. , will be Indorsed. The comrilttce on permanent or ganls'atlon recommended George H Dm stow of Texas lor president , Harry D Loveland of California for first vice 1 president , R K. Twltchcll of New Mexico for second vlco president , and B. A. Fowler of Arizona for ro-olectlor BANKERS STRIKE GUARANTY PLAN , Financiers In Denver Meeting Also Oppose Postal Savings , REPORT MADE AT LAST SESSION , George M , Reynolds of Chicago Elected President of American Association. Vice Presidents Report Effects of Panic Arc Rapidly Passing Away. Donvoi , Oct. 2. The thltty fouith annual convention of the AHUM lean UatiUois' IKSMH lutlon ( aino to an und with the oloillon of lleoige M. Reynolds - olds ol ChUago , niculdi'iit , and Ixnvla K. Plunion of Now YoiK , llrwt vlco piosldont. Thlity eight new mom- bum were announced and a vlco presi dent lupiosenllng each of the utatea having lopiosuntaUves In Uio associa tion was named. . The convention also placed Itself xiuaioly on lecoid as against both thu pioposltlou to guarantee bank depos its and to establish postal aavlnga banks. A lively discussion occuirod over the ropoit of the federal legis lative cominlttoo opposing both the guarantee ol bank deposits and the establishment of postal savings banks. The resolution offered by the commit tee contained a condemnation of thu guarantee law only , making no men tion ol the postal savings banks. A light led by Clifton 1L Hrocken- rldgo of Arkansas was made to Include condemnation of postal savings bauka In the same losolutlons. Former Governor Myron T. Herrlck was the loader In the opposition to a substitute offered by Mr. Bieekcu- rldgo condemning both propositions In one resolution. After a parliamentary tangle , dur ing which soveial of the delegates wore sharply called to order by the piesldent , the Hieckonrldgo substitute was voted down. An amendment to the resolution was offered , substituting the words "It Is a delusion that the tax upon the stiong will prevent the failure of the weak" for soctlon 8 of the report , which lead : "It unjustly weakens the stiong ami unfairly stiengthuna the weak banks" The amendment was adopted and the icport ol the cominlttoo with Itu vc8oitul'n wasi then can led vvluioul a dissenting voice. Mr. HrocKenrldgo then offered the following lesolutlon , which was also adopted with only two or three dis senting votes. "That the American Hanking asso ciation condemn as unwise and huitful all proposals to establish postal sav ings banks " Nearly two hours were consumed with the repoits of vice presidents from the states , the concensus of which VMIS that the effects of the recent panic are rapidly passing away throughout the country. In the icport of the currency com mission , which was adopted at the morning session , the chairman used these words in referring to the Aid- rlch-Vreeland measure : "In the Aid- rlch-Vrecland measure , however open to severe criticism , congress , by law , has recognized the normal and legiti mate assets of a bank as the natural and proper basis of credit extended to the bank In the form of circulating notes. The principle for which wo have so long contended has thus re ceived legislative sanction. To this extent the labors of the American Bankers' association have been crowned with success. " Freight Rates to Be Advanced. St. Louis , Oct. 2. C. C. Halle , vice president and traffic manager of the Missouri , Kansas and Texas railway , testified before the Interstate com merce commission here that freight rates will be advanced an all lines In the territory of the western trunk lines committee and on all roads In the territory of the trans-Missouri committee. Nevlus Resigns as Prosecutor , Trenton , N. J , Oct. 2. That he may be In a position to give all his time to the duties of comniandor-ln-chluf of the Grand Army of the Republic , to which ofUce he was recently elected , Henry F. Nevlus resigned as prosecut or ol Mcmmuuth county. Chicago School Children Suffering. Chicago , Oct 2. Ten thousand school children In Chicago ate liisuf- llciontly nouilshed , some live con- htantly on the verge of starvation and many arc not sulllciently clad to Keep them In a healthy condition , according to a report made to thu board of uUu cation. Specific instances ol poverty , noted in a house to house inspection , aio given in the report. Forakep Issues Statement. Cincinnati , Oct. 2. That the law b * invoked against him If ho has done Mong Is the conclusion of a statement issued by United States Senator For- aKer. Hefoie making this suggt-stlon he sums up the various charges that have been made and discusses biiuily the legal ethics as to service for vari ous clients Shame Shock Kills Man. Contialia III cut „ ' J w Dan- , houi , a < haul at Bo ihler fHteeu miles north 01 here is > ( Had frcm a nervous shock , supposedly of shame. At a preliminary hearing ho was