The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 18, 1908, Page 8, Image 8

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little Green Louse Has Caused
.Acreage Which Last Year Yielded 12C
Tons of Cucumbers , This Year
Drought Forth Only Three Tons and
n Half , Near Norfolk.
A little Innect , called the green
ImiHo , HUB caused an almost total full-
mro of the encumber crop all over the
Mlate. AH a direct result of this little
Siug'H activity. I ho Norfolk I'lekle ami
AMnegar Co. , has had but few cucum-
"hern , and Ihoiio of an Inferior grade ,
with which lo carry on their business.
G. W. Evans said I hat they received
Knit thre < > and : i half Ions of eueuni-
lern ) this year cff practically the same
number of acro.i which yielded 120
noun of cucumbers last year. The
\\eiither conditions were good all the
.line and the prospects of n largr
fiop early In the season were very
rnvonible. Hut after the advent elI
I lie green louse , the encumbers ceased
Jo grow , and most of them died.
The green louse lives on the under
.side of the cucumber leaf , where It'i
ixlmost impossible to spray with any
success. The louse multiplies rapidly
.mil Is batched from an egg , laid by
A black gnat. The only known
method of getting rid of the louse if
fumigation by placing some tight bos
or vessel over the vine and burning
tobacco under the box. This method
UK too tedious and expensive , excopl
for a few hills In a small garden foi
family use.
Weather conditions being favorable
Abe season is from the middle ol
August until frost time.
Manager G. W. Evnns said that he
liad lived in this state for twenty-five
years , and had never before seen r
failure of the crop from this cause.
< C. C. Gow went to Omaha Tuesday
Miss Minnie Maas has returned frorr
a. vacation.
M. D. Tyler returned from Llncolr
Miss Nora O'Brien went to Jacksor
Wednesday morning.
Miss Minnie Schram returned fron :
tOmah Tuesday evening.
Mrs. R. O. Webb returned home
Ifroni Albion Wednesday.
D. F. O'Brien returned Mondaj
evening from Kansas City.
Mrs. J. E. Harper of Clearwater is
wisitlng Miss Laura Durland.
Mrs. F. M. Cookingham Is visltlnf
The\r ulster , Mrs. B. S. South for a few
\uys. \
Alfred Johnson , who was sick Tues
tfin ) , ( Is able to report for work Wed
Mrs. Taiwan ! Pratt has been visiting
Bier daughter , Mrs. E. S. South , for the
jnast month.
-ToJui Mellon , traveling freight ngenl
wf the C. & N. W. railroad , was in
town Wednesday.
C. Mt " < tfetlu M. De Lnno came to Nor
jfo'lk to visit Mrs. E. S. Monroe Wed
jncsday afternoon.
Miss .Tennie Rockefeller of Tllden
on her return from Dallas , stopped ofl
5u Norfolk Tuesday.
Misses Emilia Preuskcr and Almr
Xachert and Darius Raasch went tc
Stanton Wednesday.
Miss Agnes Matrau leaves Thurs
clay Tor Lincoln where she will attem
the state university.
Miss Ada Bowyer of Beomcr , re
turned home after a few days' vlsil
with Mrs. C. S. Evans.
.Mr. , and Mrs. Fred Gall have movei
Iba'cU to Norfolk from their farm soutl
of town , and now live on Phillip av
\-Miue , between Fourth and Flftf
Charles Brubaker who "proved up'
on a claim In Sasgatchowan Province
Canada , has come to Norfolk to entei
the driving well business for H. E
Ned Wilkinson has returned to Nor
Toll ? from Sioux City and will leave
shortly for his ranch In South Dakota
He expects to travel by way of RapU
Among the daj's out of town guest !
were : Miss Minnie Rafforty am
tarney ? E. Smith , Lynch ; II. E. am
V. V. Goodness , Yankton , S. D. ; N. O
Thays. Benedict ; A. D. Pater and wife
Crofton ; .1. D. Shires , Columbus ; J. E
Donnely , Wynot ; J. F. Rosonberger
llartlngton ; J. J. Clements , C. S
Smith and H. M. Clenaglmn , Madison
lichael Kraut/ , Panama ; H. J
Siovensou , Crelghton ; C. E. Bender
JMrs. F. W. Woods , Spencer ; A. E
mveman , Now Castle ; ; P. M. Fullon
'Jlurke. S. D. ; Will D. Forbes , Butte
"VY. L. Mote and son , Plalnvlow
Phillip H. Kohl , Wayne ; J. E. Vanci
and H. H. Howafth , West Point ; Mis ;
1ulu M. Smith , Mrs. Llzer and daugh
ror. Miss Grotchon , Fairfax , S. D. ; II
A. Bloom , Wausa ; and C. O. Ollnc
Robefl Brashear expects to ongagi
in the cbinaware business In Norfol !
about the * ilrst of October.
iTem Hight expects to leave sooi
for the conjral part of South Dakota
where ho has a homestead.
A dancing , party will bo given b ;
' club in Mar
.1 young men's dancing
iimmlt hall Friday evening.
The church social given by tin
ladles' Aid society of the Chrlstlai
church on the church lawn , was wel
W. A. Moldenhauer celebrated hli
nlxty-sdvcnth birthday Tuesday cvgn-
ing A number of friends were guests
for the evening.
Herman E. Miller will be taken to
the Catholic hospital at Columbus , for
treatment. Mr. Miller Is Buffering
from stomach trouble.
E. P. OlniHted expects to move his
ofllce from the Citizens National bank
building Into the building partially oc
cupied by the Norfolk .lewelry com
pany's store , within a few days.
Rev. Samuel Gregg , one of the state
evangelists of the Christian church ,
will hold revival meetings In Norfolk
about the Ilrst of October , soon aftei
closing a series of iiieH'tlngH H <
Ferd Relchmnnn has moved the
Gregory County News from Botiesteel
to Dallas. Postmaster Lucas at Bone
steel will publish the Pilot in the fu
ture. Ben Wood Is publishing the
Herald at Bonesteel.
The A. .1. Durland residence prop
erty In The Heights Is offered foi
sale In the want columns of The News
today by the owner , A. E. Kull , ol
Bonesteel , Mr. Kull bought the prop
erty some months ago.
Last evening about 5 o'clock a team
of horses , attached to a cab , took
fright at an automobile and ran down
Fifth street and Braasc.h avenue , de.
mollsliliu ; the two doors of the cab , n
wheel and an nxlo. The cab belonged
to Ed Ahrens.
The ladles' auxiliary of the B. of L
F. and E , were entertained nt the
homo of Mrs. C. E. Patterson Wed
nesday afternoon on South Thin1
street. Three new members were in
Itlated and at the close of the meet
lug a dainty three-course luncheoi
was served by the hostess.
Ike Harrison ( colored ) , who cnnu
to Norfolk from Omaha three weolu
ago , died in this city at fi o'clock lasi
evening from heart trouble. His wife
and mother-in-law , Mrs. Roumaliu
Brown , were both here. The man was
thirty-six years of age. Word was re
colved Thursday morning from his
mother in Kentucky and the funera
services were arranged to be heh
Republican Presidential Gandi
date Can't ' Gome ,
Judge Taft Comes Into Nebraska b ;
Way of Omaha From Fort Dodge
la. , and Then Travels Westwan
Through the State ,
W. H. Taft will not speak In Nor
folk on his tour of the middle west
as had been hoped by local Repub
The itinerary issued late Wednes
day afternon In Cincinnati leaves Nor
folk off the trip and shows that tlu
Republican nominee will speak onlj
In Omaha and along the line of the
Union Pacific westerward through Ne
A. B. C. Contest.
Within the next ten days The Dailj
News will contain one of the most in
teresting and unique advertisements
yet published In the city. Twenty-si :
business firms of Norfolk will b <
represented by the different letters o
the alphabet , arranged In alphabetlca
order. Scattered through the ads li
I general will be serval mlsspellei
words , placed there intentionally , am
$10 in cash prizes will be given b :
The News to the first persons win
will send in a correct list of thos <
Prizes will be divided into first , see
end and third , namely $5 , $3 and $2.
Walt and look for It you can be !
winner and you might be able to go
to be a proofreader on some big dail ;
Is Afraid of His Wife.
O'Neill Frontier : A petition , lonj
and full of sensational charges ha :
been filed in district court by Jamei
H. Bacon who wants a divorce fron
Mary E. Bacon. They reside on :
farm near Atkinson that Is , the fain
lly do. Mr. Bacon alleges in his pc
titlon that his wife made life so 1111
bearable at homo that he removee
to bachelor quarters about five mllei
away. The family occupy his farn
and ho operates the same and keepi
out of the way of his wife , who hi
says threatens to kill him , by llvlni
alone. They were married in Hills
dale , Neb. , in 1SSO , and have nim
living children , six of whom are mlu
ors , from three to nlntcen years. The ;
came hero two years ago from Dawe :
county , where , the plaintiff says , hi
sold his property at a great sacrlflci
to please his wife. Since coming t <
this county and before the petltlono
alleges his spouse has frequent ! ;
threatened to shoot him and once ti
use poison. Ho also charges that 01
two different occasions while slcepliij
alone ho awoke to find his wife be
side him with a drawn knife , and ex
presses the belief that she Intendoi
to kill him. Numerous charges o
cruel treatment and conduct unbecom
Ing a wife toward her llego lord an
made. Ho wants a divorce and tin
defendant enjoined from In any wa ;
Interfering with the free use of hi ;
homo and other property , and tha
he may have access to and provldi
tor his children.
Large Exhibit of stock-First
Day's ' Events.
Stiuiton. Neb. , Sojil. 17. Special to
Tin- News : Tlio Stnnton county fnlr
commenced here yesterday. The
opening events wore witnessed by a
comparatively fair assemblage. It wns
entry dny and the. time was largely
taken up with the completion of the
entries. There Is n line exhibit of
hogs , some line cattle and some six
teen or seventeen racing horses. In
addition to the races there will bo a
dally balloon ascension , a high dive
and slack wire performance at the
fair grounds. Up town the streets are
Illuminated , and the National Amuse
ment company have a number of
street shows. The attractions In this
line are said to bo bolter than ever
The trotting rnco resulted as fol
lows :
King \Voodford 1 1 1
White Wings 2 2 2
Al Rex I ) : t 3
Time : 2M : , { . , 2:28 : , 2:8 : : ? .
The ball game resulted In the de
cisive defeat of the Stanton team by
the Wlsner aggregation by n score of
r > to " . The game was characterized
by heavy hitting by both teams and
loose lleldlng by Stanton.
Base hits , Stanton , 11 , Wlsner 11.
Errors , Stanton ( ! , Wlsner . Struck
out , by Hartman 9 , by Anderson 2.
Mases on balls , off Hartman ,1 , off Ail'
derson 1. Batteries , Hartman and
Hopper for Stanton and Anderson and
Thompson for WIsnor. Umpire , Hor-
Today's program will comprise the
following events.
Hall game between West Point and
2:35 : trot. ' :
Novelty race.
Stantou county race.
Running race.
High dive , slack wire performance
and balloon ascension.
The WIsnor band Is giving free con
certs dally at the fair grounds and
will continue during the fair.
Among the visitors were C. A. Ran
dall , the Republican nominee for the
oillce of state senator , and Dave Rees
bis Democratic opponent.
Supposed Grandchlldern of Lord Ches
terfield Find Each Other.
Sioux Falls , S. D. , Sept. 17. Specla !
to The News : While in the city Dr
Spencer , a well known physician ol
Montrose , northwest of Sioux Falls ,
told of a remarkable and Interesting
reunion which has Just taken place at
Montrose , the principles In the re
union being Miss Rachael Chesterfield
a Young Women's Christian assocla *
tion worker of New York City , and
Edward Chesterfield , who since boy'
hood has been a resident of Nebraska
and South Dakota.
Tlie reunion was the culmination ol
a search which has been prosecuted by
Miss Chesterfield for many years for
her long-lost brother , whom she now
has found. Miss Chesterfield and her
brother are said to be grand children
of the famous Lord Chesterfield oi
England , who was noted for the
beauty of bis attire and who for years
set the fashion for his countrymen.
When Miss Chesterfield and her
brother were mere children and re
sided in New York city their parents ,
as well as themselves , were stricken
with typhoid fever. The parents died ,
but the children slowly recovered and
when they had entirely recovered and
left the hospital where they had been
cared for they had no home to go to
and were taken In charge by an or
phan's society.
Young Chesterfield , together with n
number of other orphans , about twen
ty years ago was sent to a home In
Nebraska , where he remained for
some years. A few years ago he
drifted to South Dakota , where he
was given a position by Dr. Spencer ,
whom he has faithfully served since
as ostler and as general utility man
about his office , barn and home.
He was known as Ed Chester , the
r'fleld" having been dropped from his
name , and this fact greatly handl-
capped Miss Chesterfield in tracing
and locating him. But as stated hot
many years' search has resulted sue'
cessfully and the brother and sister
are once more united.
Their plans for the future are not
definitely known , but It Is believed the
brother will accompany his sister tc
New York and in future reside with
her in Gotham.
Thurston Speaks ,
Chicago Tribune : The want of ex >
citement In the presidential campaign
Is doubtless causing some concern tc
the party managers. Apathy Is feared
especially by the Republicans , and
with reason founded on painful ex
porlence. Mr. Taft's hint that the sue
cess in Vermont might result in over
confidence indicates that the Repub'
lican leaders are awake to Its dangers
In this campaign.
As to the existence of apathy among
the voting rank and file , former Sena
tor Thurston of Nebraska has an In
teresting opinion , Nebraska , ho says ,
will certainly go for Mr. Taft , and any
apparent want of exigent and onthus'
Instlc partisanship now prevailing , he
declares , Is moro apparent than real ,
Not apathy but contentment Is the
cause of the quiet. The Nebraska
farmer Is far from Indifferent , he saya ,
but he Is prosperous and disposed tc
foul that the state of the nation under
Republican administration In , If not
perfect , at any rate reasonably satis
factory and better than It would bo
If the rule were changed.
New South Dakota Paper.
Sioux Falls. S. IX , Sept. 17. Special
to The News : Arrangements
have been made to establish
a new weekly paper at Re
liance , one of the new towns In Ly-
man county. The now paper will be
CHtahllshod by George II. Smith of Re
liance , democratic nominee for mem
ber of the state legislature from the
district In which Lyman county Is sit
uated. The new paper will support
the principles of the democratic party
and also Is expected to very materi
ally advance the Interests of Mr.
Smith and aid him In his candidacy
for the legislature. The first Issue
of the now paper soon will make Its
About Norfolk.
Madison Chronicle : A Democratic
paper In this county speaks of .1. C.
"Hnglewood , " Democratic candidate
for eount.N ntt < > rnii.Such . Is fame.
Mr. Engleman Is no wooden man and
I here-fore not Englewood.
OnFaubel's ' Complaint , Groc
ery Store Closes.
The grocery store of C. F. Wake-
man & Sons , of Hndar , has been
closed upon complaint of .1. F. Faubel
who claims that the former parties
secured possession of the store
through misrepresentation of a part of
the land traded for the store.
Wakeman & Sons gave their farm
of 200 acres for Faubel's stock of
goods in the grocery store some time
last summer. Now Fanbel claims , so
L. C. Wakeman said Wednesday at the
Junction , that forty acres of this land
is not as good as represented. Wake-
man said that Ills father had been In
possesion of the land but a short time
and was unable to show Faubel the exact -
act boundary lines.
IThe trial has been set for the first
part of November , and will be held at
A Dlrectolre Gown In Wayne.
Wayne Herald : Quite a little excite
ment was stirred up on the streets the
other day by the announcement that
a visiting girl was the owner and
wearer of a dlrectolre gown. The re
port was unfounded , however , as the
gown proved to be a very modest af
fair , one that the most exacting Wayne
woman could wear and still retain her
self-respect and her position In the
South Dakota Justice.
Sioux Falls , S. D. , Sept. 17. Special
to The News : Judge LuCraft , who
presides over a court at White , Brook-
Ings county , has set a new pace In
dealing out justice to those who In
dulge In gambling. A man who had
lost a considerable sum of money In
an effort to punish the men who had
beaten him and secure a return of the
money , made complaint and had the
men arrested. When the case was
stated to Judge LaCraft he imposed a
fine upon the defendants and declined
to give aid to the plaintiff in securing
the return of the money he had lost.
On the other hand , the judge held that
the plaintiff was equally guilty and
also Imposed a fine In the case of the
plaintiff , who paid the fine and de
parted a sadder and wiser man. At this
season of the year the state Is Hooded
by expert gamblers and crooks , and
Individuals who are folish enough to
get into the games with them and lose
money , according to the reasoning of
Judge LaCraft , are not entitled to any
sympathy or redress.
$100 Reward , $100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there Is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure In all It stages , and
that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is the only positive cure now known
to the medical fraternity. Catarrh be
ing a constitutional disease , requires
a constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken Internally , act
ing directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system , thereby
destroying the foundation of the
disease , and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitu
tion and assisting nature In doing Its
work. The proprietors have so much
faith in Its curative powers that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for any
case that It falls to cure. Send for list
of testimonials.
Address F. J. Chenney & Co. ,
Toledo , O.
Sold by all druggists , 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti
Business Houses Were Closed For an
Hour at Crelghton.
Creighton , Neb. , Sept. 17. Special
to The News : The funeral of Miss
Vivien Cheney was held here yester
day. Many friends of the family from
all over the state wore present , In-
eluding one of the Drownoll Hall
faculty members. Business houses in
Crolghton were closed for an hour
and school wns dismissed. Children
lined up on each side of the street
while the funeral cortege passed be
tween them. There wore sixty carri
ages In the funeral procession. Rev.
Mr. Brlggs had charge of the ser
Dallas Arranged to Care for
Visiting Women.
Dallas , S. D. , Sept. 17. Special to
The News : The building that Is be
ing done In Dallas preparatory to the
opening Is to be > wondered at. Car
penters are still In great demand and
more than 100 of them could IIml em
ployment at big wages. There will
be accommodations for all who come
If the work now planned can be com
pleted by October fi.
When It is considered that the mall
capacity In both Dallas and Gregory ,
the towns to which all allldavlts must
be mailed , will bo greatly taxed , It Is
believed here that most people will
out by information bureaus , real
estate men and others advertising
thdr lines of trade , and this will con
tinue for many weeks after the draw
ing takes place.
All allldavlts sworn to before no
taries at affidavit points designated
it O'Ni 111 , Valentine , Presho and
Chamberlain , must be lecelved by
Judge Wltlen at either Dallas or
Gregory before 1:110 : o'clock p. m. Oc
tober 17 , and with the congested con
dition of the malls which will surely
exist , there must bo many hundreds
of allldavlts that will not be received
register here rather than at allldavlt
points , In which case there would be
danger of the allldavits being mis
carried in the malls , or lost entirely.
A congested condition of the malls
can hardly bo avoided. It Is true that
the government Is arranging addition
al clerking forces in the Dallas and
Gregory postolllces , but the additional
help that will be secured will he in
experienced , and they will be over
whelmed by the mall-rush , since all
allldavits must be mailed to these
Tons of mail matter each dny are
being handled now , being matter sent
in time to entitle the senders to any
chances In the drawings.
The Masons of Dallas are arrang
ing to have their hall equipped with
beds and they will be able to accom
modate about seventy-live people.
Those who will have charge of this ,
will care only for visiting Masons who
can show cards or who are vouched
for by someone as Masons.
Ladles of the different churches will
provide beds for women only , and
these will be In charge of an Omaha
woman , a representative of the Oma
ha Young Women's Christian associa
Those who register should see to It
that their allldavlts are properly exe
cuted. Too much care can not be
taken In this regard. There will be
perhaps 100 notaries In Dallas.
And American Railroad Employes Are
Paid Far More.
New York , Sept. 17. "Four billion
dollars would be added to the Ameri
can freight bill if the people of this
country had to pay the same rates as
the English shipper , " said B. F. Yoa-
kuni , chairman of the executive com
mittee of the Rock Island-'Frlsco lines ,
In an interview yesterday.
Mr. Yonkum had been asked regardIng -
Ing the differences in rates on Ameri
can and foreign railroads. After mak
ing the foregoing statement , he con
tinued :
' "Nearly every one of the thousands
of travelers who return from abroad
in the next sixty days will bear wit
ness that our railroads are the best
In the world. There Is no doubt about
this being true.
Three Important Factors.
"Three things are of importance to
the people and their welfare concernIng -
Ing railroads. They are :
"First The efficiency of the ser
"Second Cost of the service to the
"Third Wages paid to employes.
"In all these things the railroads
of the United States are ahead of the
railroads of any other country. That
the service furnished by American
railroads Is better than that furnished
by the railroads of any other country
Is an undisputed fact.
"We will now look at the cost of the
"The average charge for moving
one ton of freight one mile Is :
"In Great Britain , 3 % cents ; in
France l'/ > cents ; In Germany , 1 %
cents ; In the United States , % cent.
"To state this in another way :
"One dollar pays the charge for
moving one ton of freight in the dif
ferent countries the distance shown :
"In Great Britain ? 1 pays for mov
ing one ton forty-throe miles.
"In Franco ? 1 pays for moving one
ton sixty-six miles.
"In Germany $1 pays for moving
one ton seventy-five miles.
"In the United States $1 pays for
moving one ton 132 miles.
"Tho freight revenue of the United
States railways , according to Inter-
slate commerce statistics for the > ear
1007 , wore $1,820.000,000. If the
United States for that period had paid
the English rate for freight the cost
would have been $ -1,000,000,000 more
than the people of this country paid
at the present rate. At the English
freight rate the total freight bill in
the United States would have been
$ ; .713.00'onoO Instead of $ lS2G,000aOfi
as paid at the United States freight
"It is not difficult to show how this
four billion difference occurs. "
Here Mr. Yoakum turned to a wall
map of England , and Indicating Man
Chester and London , said :
"Tho charge to move a ton of grain
between these points , a distance of
227 miles , Is fl.21. "
Then turning to map of the United
States and pointing ( o St. Louis he
said :
"It costs only $ l.H ) to move a ton
of grain from St. Umls to Chicago , a
distance of 280 miles , ami from St.
Louts to New Orleans , 1,0(1(1 ( ( miles , a
ton of grain Is moved for $1 , or twenty- ,
one centH less than the English charge
from Manchester to l/mdon , less than
one-quarter the distance.
"If the l.7fi.OOO ( ! railway employes of
this countiy had been paid the English
wages the total compensation for the
> oar 1007 would have been JfiOS.OOn-
000 liibtead of $1,075.000.0(10 ( as It was.
"The average wage per annum paid
to railroad employes in the various
countries Is as follows :
"In France , $2ii ( > ; in Great Britain ,
$ : ! 02 ; In Germany , $ : iS ! ! ; lit the United
Stales , $012.
"Classified In the different depart
ments of railroading : Firemen In
Great Britain are paid $ . ' ! 00 ; llremen
In the United States are paid $70. :
conductors in Great Britain are pat'l '
.JP.Ifi ; conductors In the Unlled States
TO paid $1,15. ; engine drivers In
Great Britain are paid $ IS" ; engine
drivers In the Unlled States are paid
$ I.o'J. : ! '
"The compensation of the section
man In the Unite ; ! States is $123 per
minim , which is $10S moro than eon-
lilctors are paid In Great Britain and
# 12 ! ? mote than locomotive llremen are
iiald In that country. "
New Church Dedicated.
SIc.ix Palls , S. D. , Sept. 17. Special
to The News : On Wednesday of this
week , Rt. Rev. Thomas O'Gorman of
this city , Catholic bishop of eastern
South Dakota , will make a trip to
Lake Andes , Charles Mix county ,
where he will officiate at the dedica
tion of a new Catholic church build
ing. Catholic clergymen from that
part of the state will gather at Lake
Andes to greet the bishop and aid In
the dedication exorcises , which will be
made a notable occasion In Catholic
circles In that part of the state.
_ _
Starts Out With Strong Mem
bership and Enthusiasm ,
Spencer , Neb. , Sept. 17. Special to
The News : At a meeting of the
Spencer Republicans in Odd Fellows'
hall , a very enthusiastic and live Taft
club was organized.
About seventy-five men wore present -
sent and all were enthusiastic In their
expressions of faith In the Republican
party and for the candidate , William
Howard Taft.
After listening to short rtddressOfl
by W. A. Goble , of Butte , Candidate
for county attorney , T. N. Galbralth ,
candidate for representative , A. C.
McFarland of Lynch , chairman of the
Republican county central committee ,
and a number of other local cltixens ,
the organisation was perfected with a
membership of over fifty , and the fol
lowing olllcers were elected : E. .7.
Weie , president ; Robert Lynn , sec
retary and treasurer.
It Is expected that this club will be
active for its favorite candidates from
now until election , witli "Nebraska for
Taft , " as their guiding motto.
After perfecting organization , the
members adjourned to the dining
room of the King hotel , whore an
elegant banquet was spread , and the
physical and mental being well pro
vided for. The banquet continued
until a late hour.
FOR A , 0 , U , W ,
Deputy Grand Master Workman
Dillon Here A Week.
After just one week's work In Nor
folk A. B. Dillon of Oakdale , deputy
grand master workman In the Ancient
Order of United Workmen of Nebras
ka , has secured twenty-five new mem
bership applications , and the pros
pects for a large number more are ex
It Is desired to Initiate a class of
100 new members within the next
couple of weeks. It Is said to bo prob
able that a special Initiation night will
be designated.
. The A. O. U. W. Is the oldest and
one of the very best of fraternal in
surance orders. The Norfolk lodge Is
already a strong one.
Well Know North Nebraskan
Takes Omaha .Bride ,
A dispatch from Cieightou to a
Sioux City paper is authority for the
statement that Gcurco A Brooks of
Bazllle Mills , one of the best known
of northern Nebraska's substantial
business men. has recently been mar
ried at Jollot , 111. , to Miss Agues
Aable of Omaha.
as to the
Baking Powder
RtctUed lllticit Award
World's Pure Food Etpoiitloa , 1907.
Nebraska Stale Canvassing
Board Ends Work ,
Dnhlman's Vote Wns 10,157 Fusion
Parties Cast 30,000 Votes at the
Primary Election Barton's Lead Is
Just 265.
Lincoln , Neb. Sept. 10. Special to
The News : According lo the state
canvassing board , Shallenborgor has
been nominated for governor by a
plurality of ! , , rfii , ! over Berge
Democratic and Populist paries. Dahl-
man's \ote was . Shnllenberuer
received III.SSO and Bergo 111,2:21 : In
the fusion parties.
Silas R. Barton has been nominated
by the Republicans for state auditor
by a plurality of SfiK. Barton was
easily the choice of Nebraska Repub
licans who knew the men In the race ,
but owing to the alphabetical handi
cap he came near being beaten by a
man named Alden , whoso name was
first on the ballot , and whose candi
dacy Is said to have been filed merely
to test the primary In this respect.
D. H. Cronln a Delegate.
O'Neill , Neb. , Sept. 1C. The Repub
lican county central committee met
and elected D. H. Cronln of O'Neill a
delegate to the state convention. Dr.
J. P. Gllllgan and Romalne Saundarn
were elected chairman and secretary
of the county central committee , > , , . . -
W. C. Elley Quits Livery Business.
Madison Star-Mall : W. C. Elley ,
who has conducted a livery barn In
this city for over a quarter of n cen
tury , quietly stepped out of the own
ership of the big brick livery barn on
Pearl street and A. E. Remender , one
of Madison's ' brightest young men ,
took up the management where the vet
eran liveryman laid It down. Mr. Re-
mender needs no introduction to the
people of Madison , as he Is well and
favorably known. Col. Elley the well-
known auctioneer , will remain in our
city and conduct farm sales as usual
and help maintain the peace and dig
nity of Madison county in his present
oillce ! is deputy sheriff a position ne
has held with credit to himself and his
friends for a number of years. ,
Move Now On Foot Among Loc
al Republicans ,
A Taft club will probably be organ
ized in Norfolk within the next few
days. A mavement towards this end
is now .on foot among local Republi
cans and the organization will prob
ably be effected In the very near future -
ture- , a
Fighting Mall Order Houses.
The following "stickers" are being
used In Idaho to fight the mall order
houses ; t
* * * + * * + , * ,
Did you give your homo merchant - *
chant a chance to make you a *
cash-ln-advance price on those *
goods before you bought ? *
Did jou ask for a delivered *
price , and on the same brand your *
home merchant quoted on , before *
you bought ? Do that next time. *
To be fair take these goods to *
the local merchant and compare *
quality , prices and terms. *
YOU. *
When you need accommodation
do you ask the catalog house or
your homo merchant for It ?
Should misfortune befall you , to
whom would you look for assist
ance ?
Do you think It fair to send
\our cash to the catalog houses
and when JOH arc short on ac
count of the late harvest or a
light crop , ask your homo mer
chant to carry you ? / '
* * , * , H. * * * < * * i
. . . * * *
-x.-----n- i TMLiu-i
The right person would "Jump nt
the chance" to buy that property of
A reasonable "campaign" in clas
sified advertising will "soil you out"
la real estate.