I11K NORFOLK WKKKLYNtJWS-JOUHNAL FKIDAY SBl'TEMUliU 18 11)08 ) The Norfolk Weekly News-Journal The Newii. lSntatillshei ! . . _ The Journiil , Kiiliililliiheil. 1S71 THS HU8F. PHBLIBHINO COMPANY IV N. IK-HI : N. A. HIHK I'rmlili'tit HiK'K-lnrjr KvBry Friday. Hy nmll yrr year Jl 60. Knturcri at the pontoftlco at Norfolk. Neb , , ii H nrcond Pln fl tnattBf _ _ _ _ TolnphnriPft' Kdltorlnl Depnrlincni. No , 22. IliiHliion Oilier and J' tj Itooinn No. 11 22. _ The next time the Saturday Evening 1'oHt takes a ( lip In Alaska wheat , It won't. Mr. Ilrynn apparently thinks that lilfl ability us a dolmtor ought to qualIfy - Ify him for the presidency. In one thing Mr. Bryan has been oonHlstcnt. Ho has nlways been a free trader and and still remains true to this principle. Charles Schwab Is cnld to bo tired of bis five million dollar palace In Now York and Is trying to sell It and go back to Bethlehem , Pa. The society girl and the second baseman who exchanged suit cases on the train were not so badly off for she got a ball suit and he a ball gown. A boat arrived at Portland , Maine , the other day with 13,900 lobsters aboard. This surpasses the number listed by any of the great ocean liners this season. Chemist Wiley says nlnoy-elght per cent of the liquid sold as whiskey Is not whiskey at all. The deceptions practised on an unsuspecting public are Innumerable. Atlantic doctors have decided not to attend those who are unable to pay for their services. Wonder If the mortality will bo greatly Increased In that city ? Nebraska has been surely well served during the past two years by Governor Sheldon. And Nebraska will give Governor Sheldon a second term with a mighty majority. It's quite n come down from his high aspirations , but Agulnaldo's present ambition Is to become alderman of Manila. Ho has sufficiently American ized to recognize the relative value of official position , anyway. Campaign songs so far received do not reach a high standard. The authors will not gain appointments carrying a largo salary on the strength of them about thirty cents would seem a proper reward. ' Los Angeles county In California , which has voted three and one-half millions of dollars for good roads , seems to have stumbled upon the pro found truth that the way to get good roads Is to pay for them Instead of passing resolutions for thorn. Mr. Hearst has secured affidavits to prove that Mr. Bryan , when a con gressman , called the working men "a lot of public beggars. " Several men heard the statement , but that was be fore Mr. Bryan was depending on the labor vote. He feels very differently towards the common people now. France Is at the top of the column of nations for a high average of In dustry and thrift. Whatever the In come of the French peasant from farmer or labor , he saves a portion of It every year. This Is so largely Invested In banks having public confidence that France has the largest loanable fund of any nation. > _ _ _ _ A former member of the Indian cabinet lately estimated the present hoards of coined money In India at a billion and a half and thought the yearly Increase would reach $50,000 , ' 000. If this Is true much of the vast gold and silver production of the last few years will bo absorbed without any great disturbance of prices. WEAR A NORFOLK BADGE. Norfolk people expecting to go tc the Stanton fair tomorrow have beer requested to wear Norfolk badges. II every crowd of Norfolk people visit Ing other towns would remember tc wear the Norfolk badge , this city wouh derive material benefit without mucl effort. When you go away with r bunch of Norfolk boosters , wear r badge. The watchword of the progressive American today Is speed and ac curacy. Great minds are forever bat tllng with the problem of improvinf conditions and making one pair o hands do the work of many. This li not done to throw any man out o work for It Is the work of the masses that makes the world go on. Tin prime object for such Industrious am studious Improvement of conditions li that more can bo accomplished. It Is useless for citizens to com plain about the way the public attain are conducted and let them go by do fault. If men have positive views 01 the question of who should and wh < should not represent the people li city or county office , why not carr : out the spirit of those convictions b ; voting and getting others to exercis * the privilege , for it should bo held by every citizen of the United States the highest privilege an well as duty to have n voice In the conduct of public affairs. The traffic moved by railroads In the United Stales exceeds four and one-half million tons every twenty- four hours. The rnllrcnd traffic has doubled In the last seven years , while the facilities for transporting It have Increased less than twenty-five per cunt. Should It Increase as fast In the next seven years the only hope of taking care of It proper lies In devel oping our waterways. The fact that twenty-three horses have been stolen within a radius of 100 miles of Norfolk during the past month , should put farmers and live stock owners on their guard. The further fact that but one of these thefts was from n member of the North Nebraska Live Stock Protec tive association , and that that thief was caught and sent to the peniten tiary within eight days , should In duce every horse-owner to get Into .hat association with all haste. For many years the gcnslng Indus try was a flourishing one and any one could successfully culttyate a small patch of It and was sure of a large return , while those who went Into the Industry on a large scale made fortunes. But the advance of civilization in China marks the doom of the gensing traffic. As the Chi nese become more enlightened they are finding out that the wonderful medical properties which they sup posed were contained In gensing do not exist that they have been fooled for thousands of years. A laboring man asfcs : "Has Bryan over told us anything that was true ? In ' 9C It was 'free silver' at sixteen to one , without the aid or consent of any other nation. " In 1900 It was "Imper ialism , " If any one knows what that means. In 1904 ho was a "gold bug" and supported Parker with all his might. In 1908 It Is anything to get votes. He wants the labor vote. What tias the Democratic party ever done for the laboring man except furnish ing free soup tickets ? What will he bob up with In 1912 ? The making of films for picture dra mas has become a business of great volume but authorities on such mat ters tell us that there must be an Im provement In the grade of moving pic tures exhibited If the business is to prove a lasting one. It can be made an agency of much good by Introducing educational features and special pro ductions appropriate to special oc casions and seasons. It should be the effort of the forces for good to en courage and urge on a upward ten dency in such entertainments , for In the past their Influence has been de finitely degrading. Judging from much of the talk about tariff revision one would gain the idea that it was a small matter to accomplish. That the tariff sched ules affecting nearly every article made or produced In the country and affecting all classes of people , could be changed as easily as taking off one's suit of clothes and putting on another. It is a big Job to readjust the tariff on a multitude of articles so that the Interests of all will be Just ly conserved. That is why all polit icals have approached It with hesita tion. Now all are agreed that It must be done and the Republican party Is pledged to go about It In a business like manner as soon as possible after Inauguration. NORFOLK SCHOOLS. The Norfolk high school Is attract ing students from a largo territory. This departure of the board of educa tion , In installing a normal course , is highly commendable and will afford opportunity to many northern Nebras ka young men and women to acquire a practical education that they might not otherwise have. The Norfolk schools rank among the very vest In the state. And It Is to be noted that they are progressing rapidly , being made constantly better THE IOWA SENATORIAL FIGHT. The Iowa senatorial fight Is to be settled where It ought to be by the Republicans of the state at large. Gov ernor Cummins will be given a chance for his toga , but he will not bo able through his governorship , to force his own election. The trouble with Cummins Is his in sincerity. He has been both a Demo crat and a Republican. Ho used to be a railroad attorney. He Is found In uny band wagon that happens to be leading popular passion for the mo ment It Is anything to get an office with Cummins. The story told about the actions ol certain people In Augusta , Ga. , during the recent flood Is a most shocking one. A number of people got out In boats among those who were maroon ed In the upper story of their houses or were clinging to the tops of trees or telephone posts. These boat owners were willing to rescue these unfor tunates but they charged for the ser Ice all they could got. One man who could offer only $50 for the assistance vns obliged to remain In his perilous losltlon a long time while better pay- ni ? patrons were cared for. Is thin he southern generosity nud hospital ty which poets have sung In the past > r were the boats all owned by the lethor strata In Augusta society ? When It was announced that Brazil mil ordered three battleships of the argcst and most modern typo It was conjectured that It must bo a Japanese -tchemo to have them built ostensibly for Brazil and later Japan would pur chase them. But Brazil Insists that the battleships arc for her own pro tection from outside Incroachmont. As Argentine Is the only power at all likely to meet her In war , It is taken is a threat by the Argentine govern ment , who have retaliated by voting to > ulld two largo battleships and four armored cruisers. Thus do the smaller nations follow In the fool steps of their more powerful predecessors. The possibilities of reclamation of the arid and semi-arid west , seem , In the enthusiastic western mind , to bo almost Illimitable and no man can place a limit on the possibilities which will result from the Irrigating of all the desert land of the west. But the time will undoubtedly come when Irri gation will have accomplished all that Is practicable In the far west. Then the government will turn Its attention to draining the swamp lands of the south and cast. If the United States Is destined to have ultimately a popu lation exceeding half a billion , there will bo urgent need of utilizing every available acre of land to support such an aggregation. The west Is having Is day now but the east and south may have their turn before the nation Is many years older. HUGHES' NOMINATION. Republicans throughout the country will be glad over the victory of Gover nor Hughes in New York. The gover nor has given New York an efficient administration. He has stood for good government as ho saw it , and yet he ias not been among that class of oatliesome politicians who shouted for every radical reform , however un reasonable , Just for the sake of stylng In the band wagon. Governor Hughes Is an able and a conscientious statesman. He might liave become a potent factor in the Republican convention if he had spoken sooner. He has not sought the nomination and he ran his own af fairs in the state of New York without inviting or accepting outside Inter ference. There Is no questioning the fact that the study and use of the univer sal language Esperanto Is increas ing the world over. At the recent Es peranto congress at Dresden atten tion was called to the magnitude of the calamity which befell mankind when at the building of the historic tour of Babel , languages were multiplied and Intercommunication was Interrupted. The Incidents and circumstances leadIng - Ing Zamenhof , the Polish Jew , when he boy , to set himself the task of devis ing a new language which should be a practical International verbal code by the use of which all the people ple In the world mlgh be able to un derstand each other , were entertain ingly related , and the progress of the language In the different countries re ported. A large amount of Esperanto literature has come into existence and over sixty Jour nals are devoted to Its advance ment. In spite of all this most of us believe that English Is more rapidly becoming the universal tongue than Esperanto. There Is little question but what the consolidated school will be the rural school of the future , which means that two or three districts will com bine their resources and build up by a concerted movement a single school that is far better than the old in dividual schools could possibly be made. One township In Illinois has made a marked success of such a school , which is graded and employs four teachers , two in the grades and two in the high school branches which Include as all rural schools should domestic science and agriculture , Two wagons bring the more distant scholars to school at a cost of nine cents per pupil per day. One of the unused school houses Is turned Intc a homo for the teachers , which solves one of the most serious problems ol the country schools. No teacher is paid less than sixty dollars , yet there Is a marked saving over running several - oral old-fashioned schools and the children are given nvery advantage that town children have. TRADE EXCURSIONS. Norfolk has been talking of an ex curslon into the Rosebud country which would allow Norfolk business men to shake hands with their neigh' ' bars. There seems every reason why such a social call should be made by Norfolk people , and The News hopes that Mayor Sturgeon's plan will yel succeed. Norfolk Is the center of n big , growjng territory. From a sel fish standpoint , alone , , , Norfolk bus ! ness men could well afford to take a couple of days off to get acquainted with their neighbors. Many people who have not made a trip Ijito the Rosebud country , fall to appreciate the extent of rich country to which Norfolk is the open door and only door. Shire Norfolk began discussing thin OXCUIH'OII ' , Fremont business men lutvo tnltcn up and carried through a sim ilar Journey up the Burlington line between Fremont and Sioux City. Norfolk Is superior to Fremont In point of geographical locution , and In point of tributary territory. If Fre mont business men can make one trip , Norfolk ought to be able to make n pair of them PRIMARY CHANGES NEEDED. Among other changes which should bo made In the primary law , Is one regarding the time for holding the state conventions. The fourth Tuesday In September Is too long after the nominations. The filing time In the summer and the primary date should be brought closer together , and the platform conventions should be brought nearer the primary. In order to make the direct primary a consistent proposition , It would also seem that the county central commit tees and the state convention dele gates should be elected at the pri maries. And each county should have repre sentation in the state conventions In proportion to Its party vote. At present every county , big and little , has the same voice. All delegates to conventions , In cluding national delegates , ought to be chosen at the primaries , to make the primary consistent. The state and congressional committees should also be chosen at the primary , to carry things out logically. The South Dakota primary elections are held In the spring and In some counties the party leaders hold a "con ference , " very similar to the oldtyle conventions , to determine who shall go on the primary ballots. In Ne braska , In some Instances , similar "conferences" were held , as a result of which only one name appeared on the party ballot at the primary elec tion. It might be argued that such a conference is valuable because It pre vents bitter factional war within a party. All that can be said for or against this conference plan can be said for or against the old convention system no more and no less. If a "con ference" before the primary to select one candidate to go on the primary ballot , Is a good thing , then the con vention system is a good thing and the primary a bad one. The "confer ence" and the primary have no part In the same nest. If the conference is desirable , then the expense and sham of the primary might as well be abel ished. If the primary Is wholly de sirable , then "conferences" or "cau cuses" held ahead of the primary to determine who shall go on the primary ballot , are altogether defeating the purpose of the primary. TAFT'S REPLY TO BRYAN. Mr. Taft forcibly replied to Bryan's insinuation that'Tnft had not voiced his own political views. Before Roosevelt velt ever mentioned tariff reform , Judge Taft , In a speech at Bath , Me. , spoke for revision. He has never failed to give his views on llvo topics In clear , forcible language. Nobody who reads the papers has cause for any misunderstanding as to Taft's position. One paragraph from Judge Taft's reply serves to bring out the point admirably : In my notification speech , and In other speeches made since , I at tempted to make clear my position on all the Issues of the campaign. If Mr. Bryan has been unable to understand them I cannot make them clearer. I stand on my record In office and what I have said. Mr. Bryan should devote a little time to his own record , from which he seems to be struggling to separate himself , with all the adroit ness acquired In a twelve years' hunt for an issue on which he can be elected president. The readiness with which Mr. Bryan In successive presidential campaigns , passes from one paramount issue to another shows that the chief consider ation which affected his selection of an Issue has been Its plausibility In attracting votes. He presents the remarkable spectacle of one who has been seeking the presidency for twelve years without success and with out official responsibility , and without the opportunity to test the various propositions which he has advocated for reforms , and yet of having events demonstrate what a colossal failure h'o would have made In each Instance had he been permitted to carry his proposals forward as the policies of the country. SHALL THE PEOPLE RULE ? It Is characteristic of Mr. Bryan that ho has chosen to make this campaign mostly on the strength of a phrase that sounds happily to his ear. Ho Is , above all other things , a phrase maker. When ho can string a few words together that sound smoothly to the ear , ho Is happier than at any other time. And he believes that he has found a great slo gan In this motto which ho Is said to have selected to carry the burden of the coming fight ; "Shall the people rule ? " If the people do no.t already r ile , the n It will have to bo explained llrat wherein they do not and why. Mr. tlrynn will say that It Is the corpora tions that rule. But do they ? Where Is there vaunted power ? Huvo they not been chased for four years past from ono retreat to another until they have cried for mercy like whipped children ? N not the practical ques tion at this moment whether or not we shall go on at once with further punishment , or wait to see If abundant promises to bo good will bo fulfilled ? Does n corporation even dnro at this In stant to contribute a dollar to the cam paign fund ? Has not Mr. Uryan him self commended Mr. Roosevelt repeat edly for this ousting of the corpora tions from power ? And is not Mr. Toft pledged by his own character ns well as by definite promises to keep up the good work ? Is there the remot est suspicion anywhere that anybody except the people Is going to rule In this country no matter what happens or who Is elected ? What opportunity la to be given to the people In the event of Mr. Bryan's election that they would not have otherwise ? They arc In full command now. They arc going to have their way after Mr. Taft goes into the white house and everybody knows It. Indeed , there is not the slightest disposition anywhere to Interfere with the rule of the people , except in the councils of corporate power ; and these have given up for the present the thought or hope of Influencing in the slightest either of the two great parties In the national campaign. Mr. Bryan's cam paign cry will provoke no enthusiasm. It Is profoundly meaningless. THE NEBRASKA PRIMARY. Among other things apparent from Nebraska's second test of the new primary law Is the fact that If your name begins with A.f you are pretty well qualified to hold public office. The blind voting that Is done for the first name on the list , where the can didates are unknown , Is hardly to the credit of the state of Nebraska. The unfair advantage given to the man at the top of the ticket should be equal ized by some not too complicated plan of rotation. Perhaps some plan put ting one man's name at the top of the ticket in one county , the next man's name at the top In another county , and so on , might solve the problem. A plan to rotate the names In any given county would so complicate the bal lot printing as to run the risk of seri ous errors , to say nothing of the fact that It would add considerably to the expense , where a plan to put one name at the top In one county , another in the next county , and so on , would probably accomplish the some desired end , without costing the taxpayers any more money for printing. Where a vigorous contest is raged at the primary the voters select their candidates with full knowledge and deliberation , but where there has been but slight contest , the man whoso name begins with the letter A has a decided unfair advantage , and upon this sole alphabetical discrimination many candidates based their only hope of ever getting Into the political lime light. One of the results of the primary which many people consider a serlouc defect is the fact tfiat party lines are t'jndly" shattered. With those who deem party organizations of little val ue to the body politic , this perhaps , will not appeal as a serious fault , but The News firmly believes the wel fare of this republic depends upon the existence of two opposing political parties , each anxious to point out wrong doings of the other , and for this reason this newspaper regrets that any condition should be able to make men forget their party affilia tions. Perhaps the legislature may be able to devise a more rigid primary qualification , holding voters more strictly to the act of making a choice of candidates within their own parties , and preventing them from overstep ping Into the opposing party for the moment to assist a favorite or to vote against a man whoso nomination might be for the best Interests of his own party. It Is rather to be regretted that a Democratic newspaper should attempt to Influence the nominations In the Republican party , or a Republican pa per attempt to Influence the Demo cratic party's nominations , and with some effect. Perhaps a few years of practice , however , will discredit a pa per in its attempt to mix with the af fairs of the opposing party , and thus discount this sort of work. The date of the primary should bo so changed that it will not overtake the farmer Just when ho Is busy In the field. The date under the present law pla-ys Into the hands of the population center , to the disadvantage of the ru ral comunity. There Is no question but that more Interest is taken in the nomination of candidates under the primary than under the old caucus system , notwith standing the fact that the caucus sys tem gave equal opportunity to all to voice their pro-nomination sentiments and to Influence the nominations by their votes. From this fact alone it la safe to assume that the primary will bo thoroughly tried out , amputated here and patched up there , before It Is our discarded , If Indeed It has not "in to May. Some attention bus been paid to the i'NpiiiM > of the primary system upon the taxpayers IIH well UN upon tin can- dldutCH , but If the taxpayers uro bet tor alilo to express their choice In selecting candidates , the public rout ought not to bo seriously looked at , and UH long MH candidates nro nlontl- fill , perhaps the cost to the Individual candidate ought not to Do considered , Hlneo politics In , unfortunately , an ex pensive gumo at best , In the United States. Perhaps If the dates of filling out candidacies and holding the pri mary , wore brought closer together , the bitterness of the primary cam paigns might bo considerably Hoft- oned nud the drain upon the candi date's pocketn and nerve-energy ma terially lessened. The people of Nbraska have expressed - pressed their desire to try out the pri mary plan to Its limit and the people ple of Nebraska generally get what they want. In Justice to themselves and to the primary , therefore , such remedies us appear essential to Its best success should bo made , always with the Intention of giving the pri mary system the fairest kind of a chance to make good. AROUND TOWN. The horschldo sphere must now make way for the oval pigskin. Every Rosebud opening closes In a little further on the diminishing tribe of the Sioux. The last batter on the diamond has been put out , and the season Is almost ripe for a stack o * buckwheats. There's a young man In Norfolk who has spent seven Christmas days sick In bed. And It's our opinion that Mr. Carnegie should bo informed. . News want nds will do almost any thing but there's a limit. Ono wo man put a want ad In The News Sat urday asking the person who picked up her umbrella In the postofflce , to kindly return It. There Is a limit. No , it is not yet the coal man's put in. September has been as delightful a month on these plains as July al ways Is. That baseball championship still has the better of the Bryan-Taft presiden tial campaign. Cannon has no fear of the Demo crats , but he didn't ' figure on having to fight the whole Mo'hodist church. Twenty-three stolen horses have skldooed from northern Nebraska within the past month. The Iowa standpatters stood pat all right , all right. And apparently they've got Cummins gotn' . The string of incandescents across Norfolk avenue during the forthcom ing Rosebud rush ought to throw con siderable light upon the subject of Norfolk. For a solid week at the Madison county teachers' Institute next sum mer those two young men will each have three dozen fair maids to smile upon him. Or do they still teach that 72 divided by two Is three dozen ? Right here wo want to give credit to the two young men In Madison county who declde'd to teach school this year. Can you imagine any popu larity any more Intense than that which will be showered upon these two young men by the seventy-two young women who also teach country- schools ? Score one for the man and woman who used to go to spelling bee. Here In Madison county the school children have become so punk in spelling and geography and special pains will be taken this winter to brace them up If they can bo braced ( which some of the old timers have their doubts about. ) All 'board for Stanton. There's plenty of dust In the hair. The dentists nil agreed that their banquet was filling. Thi > people of Norfolk rather play hosts to the dentists than to visit them. No , there's not any worry over a frost. Some alarm Is being felt over an Ice famine , though. There's this to bo said about den tists , as a general rule : They make a good share of their living by dealIng - Ing In things that are false. A large number of those small boys and girls who are Just now starting to school in the primary room , will re main fast friends all through their school lives and during their lives after school days , no doubt. It's a large Influence over American life that school days exercise. OVER NORTHWESTERN PRAIRIES The Gregory military , band may ac cept an offer to play at the Omaha Ak-sar-ben. W. R. Day , a former citizen of Fair fax , S. D. , Is Involved In bankruptcy proceedings ns a result of flood dam ages to his mill and store In Elkhorn , S. I ) , mid nil accident which coillliied him to his homo lant winter. Llablll tlos amount to $19,000 ami unsold lost * than $18,000. A atngo and dronslng room luivo boon nrraugod In the hall over the Hank of OulhiH In Dulhis , S. 1) ) . , In or der to acrotumnduto amateur theat ricals or traveling companion. Bloomllold Journal : Alex itoos nud Paul Chapman , both Sunloo ludhimi , wore nrroHtod by CoiiHtahlo lllaekHinllli and brought to the county Jail at Center - tor on tlio charge of herm > stealing. Two teams of horses were stolen by thoin , both of them at the big Indian pow pow near Nlohrara August 1 , ono team being sold at Nlobrnnt and the oilier ono at Ynnkton. The proofs against thorn BCOIII Iconcluslvo and there Is no doubt but they will ho BOH ! over the road for a good many years. NEBRASKA POLITICS. Lincoln Stat : The Grand Island In dependent says the primary law should be amended at the next legisla ture. But the next legislature will owe Its existence to the primary law as It stands , so there Is small hope of Its amendment. About Norfolk. Bassett Bulletin : The Norfolk News scooped nil competitors In Its publica tion of the president's proclamation throwing open to settlement the Trlpp county ( S. D. ) lands , beating "em to it by twenty-four hours. The News Is a rattling good news pur veyor , but Its politics Is oh ! so bad. When a woman sets a clock she al ways sets It by guess. SCRAP BOOK. No Discrimination. "It is very peed of you , sir , to me your Beat. " "Npt at all , mum , " said Pat. "li'a a. dooty we owe to the scr. Some folks only do so when a woman Is young and pretty , but I says the scr , and not the Individual. " Hit Diteai.e. CongrcHHinaii Hamilton of Michigan went out for u walk In the country. The day was hot. and when he had gone n few miles ho Bat on a fence to rest. "Want n ride ? " asked a teamster who came by. "Yes. thank you , " Hamilton replied. Hamilton was thinking of u plan to get a bridge for the Paw Puw river mil Bald nothing. Finally the teamster asked , "Professional man ? " "Yes. " The teamster wnuted further infer mation. A few minutes later he said : "You ain't a lawyer or you'd be talk- Ing. You ain't n doctor or you'd have n satchel. You ain't a preacher be cause you cursed when" you barked your shin getting Into the wagou. Say , mister , what Is your profession any how ? " "I am a politician. " "Huh. " snorted the teamster , "pol > ties Mlift no profession. Politics Is a. disease ! " Not Quito the Same. Having arrived at that point In the baptismal service where the Infant's name Is conferred , the clergyman said , "Name this child. " "Original Story , " Bald the sponsor nurse. "What do you say ? " he asked In sur prise. "Original Story , " she repeated. "It's n very odd name. Are you sure you want him called by the name of Original Story ? " "Original Story that's right. " "Is It a family mime ? " "Named after his uncle , sir , " explain ed the nurse. Original Story the little fellow was christened. Some weeks after thin event the minister made the acquaint ance of the wild uncle , a farm laborer In another village , whose name war Reginald Story. The Painter's Way. When a painter has taken up the par lor carpet , removed the furniture from the dining room , leaned two ladders against the hall mantel and stacked a half dozen variegated cans of paint on the sideboard , it means he is now ready to paint the outside Bhuttera and the back fence. Mark Twain. Crockett and the Mules. It Is told of the famous Davy Crock ett that one day while standing on Pennsylvania avenue , Washington , a Kwann of mules trotted by under the custody of an overseer from one of the stock farms In Virginia. A congress man from Boston attracted Crockett's attention to the unusual Hli < lit. saying : "Hello , there. Crockett ! Here's a lot of your roimtltiiontH ou parade. Whern are they going ? " Crofett ! ; looked at the animals with a quizzical glance and answered quiet ly. "They nr glng to MasHachusetts to teach elinol. " HOLLAND WILLJJO SLOWLY , In Speech From Throne This IB Indl cated Relative to Venezuela Case. The Hague , Sept. 1C. The speed from the tin ono at the opening of tin states guneial was read by Premlei , ? ' " tl ! ° alj < - ' of Qut-ur VUlhulmma. who is convalescing frou her recent Illness. The speech makei but a bi ier reference to the different between the Netherlands unit the republic public of Venezuela which , resulted U the Dutch minister at Caracas bulni axpclled from Venezuela by CaBtro. "In our friendly relations with Veno luela. ' the government aaya in tin speech , "an Interruption occurni which our government Is ondoavortni 10 overcome " peacofully.