The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 21, 1908, Page 7, Image 7
TUB NOHI 'l Uv WEEKLY NEWS-JOl'UNAL.FKlDAYAUaUSTai ' 11108 I LEWIS. DICKSON DOXINQ EXHIDI- TION RUNS FOUR ROUNDS. f , birr , birr. birr. After ( our routidH of fast billing In the mlllt In Inll on Norfolk nvonuo Iho lefoieo announced Hint Kid Dick- HOII of Otnahii ami Hari.v I.e-vlt of C.alU'Htoii and Norfolk Imil fought n < lm\v. The fuel Unit the bllllm ; wan limited to four i omuls v , as not iinoxiHTletl on account of Ihu s'zc of I ho pio\\d while Iho ( Milling of the liirffc'Hl In a draw IH the | noH | > r form In Norfolk lillllng UlloH. A piollmlnarwns wlvon liy the HoiiHch lioj's , \\lio Bhow rent ability In the Untie ait and light with nun - Kfanco from Rtait to finish The liout \\nw a draw until the last round when Claude , the older of the two brothers , made Hcu'ial Rfioil points , \\lnnlni ; the reforfe's decision Itvas uctt'cit that the preliminary billing waa , In fact , a faster and better nrtk-lo of billing t'nn ' the main con- Harry Lewis , < * k..iolk Fist Artist , test , which did not creat any degree of enthusiasm outside of the personal following of the two chief bitters. "One of those Housch bos could bo put In tialnlng and whip either man up tonight , " snld one fight foi- le > wer who knows a point or two. The Housch lads are meie bos. Lewis has made his ho-iie In Nor folk for some months nnd hns been In the lighting game for about four teen .veais. Last night he nppcnrct to the better advantage In the first and second louml , showing consider able headwoik and agility , but Dick son w aimed u : > In the last two rounds and'made up for the time ho lost a' ' the flist of the fight Dlckson was the heavier of the two and his blows aie effective. Lewis showed that he was an older man In the ring. Dlckson las'been In the pugilistic ait for six ) ears Both nro young ant their fi lends like to believe that the ) have a iccoid befote them. Theie was some confusion at firs as to where the fight would take place. The bills lead "at the Olnej hall" but It was occupied so the mill tin hall on the north side of Norfoll nvenue between First and Secone stieets was finally procured. CHARLES MIX FIGHT GOES ON. Lake Andes Will Go Before the Courti Against Geddes. Sioux Falls , S D , Aug. 17 Specia to The News : The fight between th < town of Geddos and Lake Andes fo : n place upon the ballots in NovemN- to make the rnce against Wheeler v. itl the object of capturing the count ; sent of Chnrlcs Mix county from tha place , will without doubt re.'ch ' UK courts. The county commissioners a fev days ago decided that derides wa : light full ) entitled to a place upon tin ballot as the competitor of Wlieolet Although this action hns for he thin being defeated the ambit lor of Andes to make the race against Wilt-el or , the people of that phc < > say the ; have not lost hope of their town ) c securing the coveted place upon th ballot ns the competitor of Wheelet The people of Lake Andes hnvo prac ticnlly determined to carry the matte into the coin Is , wheie an effort wil bo made to secuie a icversal of th action of the count ) commissioner nnd have Geddes displaced from th ballot and Lake Andes substituted. It was decided by the county con : mlssloners that the petitions filed b Lake Andes did not contain the slgnr tures of 1,951 legal voters of the cour ty , which number wns fixed ns a mr jority , but did have 1,775 signatures It wns decided that Geddes had 2,12 names , which on It's face wns mor than a majority , and that Gedde theiefoie should lie placed upon th bnllots ns the opponent of Wheelei Under tno state law only one tow can appear on the ballots as the con petltor of the county scat In struggle to move county seats to a now loci tlon. tlon.So So confident do the residents e Lake Andes appear to feel of their p < sltlon that they hnvo offered to di posit the sum of $500 or more In nn reputable bank against a like sin from Geddes , to bo foreited if th Lnko Andes petitions now on file 1 the office of the county auditor do ne contain the signatures of more leg : voters of Charles Mix county than d the petitions of Geddes , upon whlc the county commissioners renderc their decision. The count , under the condltiot proposed by the citizens of LaV Andes , shall be made by dlslntereste pi i t lie , to be chniien and a rei d upon 1 ' 'i' two innp ? The re"-1 'oils ' cf Jike Andes nro confident Hitch u re- oiint would prove ) loond n doubt hat the counting of the board was noiicouR. Thnt the courts will In mi ) event bo called upon to adjust the mutter Is ptnctlcally certain. Wool Marketed at Delle Fourche , Hello Pom die , S. D. , Aug. 17. The Jello Fourcho wool market closed Saturday afler the largest business vor done hero. The total amount of vool mnrketed this year re.ichcd 1- 010,000 pounds , at ) compared with .7i > 0.000 lust ) enr. 1,500.000 In 190C nnd l.USO.OOO in 1905. While the u Ice s paid this year did not com- into with last ) oar. the Belle Fourche naiket held up well dining tlm season mil the aveinge price paid was close o I ) ' , cents a pound Of the total utiouiit shipped fremi heio about 500- 100 pounds went on consignment , the xilnnco being sold outtlght. I ) SON OF GUSTAVE JAHN WAS PLAYING WITH RIFLE. The fouiteon j ear old son of Gustavo Iiilitiho lives nix miles boutheast of N'orfolk , bhot himself thiotigh the ihiimb ami Index llngor of the left mud SundU } nfteinoon while pla > lng \\lth a t\\ent > ts\o callbie revolver. The bo > lepiatedly fainted from the mln of the wound befoie medical ab- Distance could bo ptocured The In- lured ircmbcrs111 not be amputated f Infection does not occur. Sent to the Penitentiary. Pleue , b D. An ? . 17 Judge Bou cher completed his term of coutt In Stanle > county today Seveml crim inal cases \\eie tried at the term , the principal one being the Dowen mur der case , In which the jury failed to agree. George Clawson was sentenced to a ten > ear term on n charge of i ape Jack Ilodgers to eighteen months on n charge of horse stealing and Peter Peterson to ten months on a charge of assault with dangerous weapons A number of jail sentences \\cro Imposed for petty offenses. Northwestern Freight Wreck. Omaha , Aug 17. In a misunder standing about who bad the light of \vn > , a northbound Northwestern fi eight train , moving slowly , struck a coach of a westbound Missouri Pa cific tialn consisting of four empty coaches at Fourteenth and Califor nia streets. The northwestern engine was toin loose fiom the tender and whirled aiound at right angles from its course. The sides of t\\o coaches were badly ciushed , but only one of them was derailed. J. C. Bonam > er and B. F. Hnffner , the engine crew , escaped by jumping just befote the engine struck. Bonnnucr strained his wilst In jumpIng - Ing , but otherwise no one was in- juicd. The Missouri cars were being taken from the union station to the rotim house. The other engine was haul Ing a long stilng of empties from the Southwestern freight jards. SUSPECTED HORSE THIEVES FROM VALENTINE ARRESTED. Valentine , Neb. , Aug. 17 Special to The News : In response to word fion Tilpp county , South Dakota , that men who answered the description of the men who are supposed to Ua\e stolen a team and buggy from the Stai Iheij barn , weio being held there by the authorities together \\lth the btolei team and bugg > , the sheiiff left for Lincoln at once to got the necesbaij lequlbltlon papers to bring the prison eis fiom Tiipp county back to Val entlne A telegram asking for a debcrlptloi of the stolen team and buggj was the. first word that has been received o the outfit taken fiom'the Star barn The shot Iff's description lilted the piopeity nnd the men who aie being , held in Tripp. The Star barn has sent a man tc bring back the team and buggy. The bherlft before securing the prisoner must first present his requisition pa pers to Governor Ciawford. Precedent Didn't Go. Albion News : While holding evan D gellstlc s 0 county H. S Nelson and E. L. Jorgensen son went out hunting and a few rtnj ago Deputy Game Warden Hunge diopped Into town and arrested then for having prairie chickens In thel possession The > pleaded guilty to th charge and were fined $21 each. The thought that as nearly every one els over there , Including the Wheele count ) odlclals , were hunting , the too might join In the spoil , but the doubtless reall/e now that it Is bctlo to obey even the game law than t follow precedent. A Wheat Yield. Albion News : C. A. Nichols ralsei forty acres of wheat this year whicl yielded about thlrly-seven nnd one half bushels to the acre. This is lh < best yield wo hnvo heard of this sen son although a good share of th < wheat is turning out from twenty five to thirty bushels per acre. QERGE AND HOWARD STRONG IN LOCAL POLITICS. "I would like to bee Shnllenborgor the nominee , believe thai Berge will be the fusion candidate niul will prob ably vote for Dahlman because of per sonal friendship for ,11m" This was the wa > a piomlnent Norfolk Demo crat stated his personal position In the nee corneled llghl for the Democratic omlnatlon And his political sltua- on Is a common one. Not folk Domociats would probably Ke to see Shallenlierger governor but majoilty will probably vote for Bergo ecau e the "situation" seems lo dc- land the Lincoln man. Dahlman la ot taken seriously here but will re- elve Homo votes oul of peibonal ilendshlp and some on account of Is stand on the "personal llbert.v"ls. ue Just what will happen to Beige i this section of the stale If ho gels he nomination Is n question but the ndlcatloiib seem to be that he will airy the local primaries. Touching congressional politics Nor- oik Dctnociats close to the Inside say hat Ihev believe that Edgar Howard vlll earn the Norfolk primaries and Senator Lattn the district Among other contests on the Derno- latlc ticket Harry B. Fleharty of Omaha , has quite an acquaintance bete ml will poll the vote for attorney gen ial. E O. Garrctt of Fiemont , who vants Ihe fusion nomination for lieu- ennnt governor , was once a Boone ount.v man and has an extensive ac- inalntance in ilorth Nebraska and will ) ell a big vole at the primaries. John Mattes , editor of a German newspaper n Nebiaska City and a candidate for the fusion nomination for secretary of state , has also the advantage of an icqualntance among many German cltUens of north Nebraska. That North Line Excursion. Lincoln Star : The business men of N'orfolk will make a trade-winning tip of 1GO miles north on the Dallas Ine of the Noithwestern road. Nor- 'oik Is one of the piogrcsslve cities of NebiasKa much smaller than Oma- ia or Lincoln , but possessing the spirit : hat accomplishes results If cities , iko Norfolk get Into the trade ox- 2111 slon business , can the business : nen of Lincoln afford to remain al : iome instead of making frequent ournejs for the purpose of meeting .he repiesentalivcs of trade ? New South Dakota Court House. Sloiw Falls , S. D. . Aug. 17. Special to The News : Encouraged by the act on of the boaid of commissioners of Bon Homme count > In deciding tc submit to the voters of that county nt the November election the proposl < tlon of Issuing bonds In the sum ol $73,000 for the construction of a new county court house building , the res' Idents of Potter county are taking steps to have the commissioners ol that county also submit to the voters In S'ovomber a similar proposition. The residents of Potter county be lieve that JoO.OOO will bo a sufllcienl sum to trect a court house in thai county , and It Is probable that the commissions s will be asked to submll to the voters a bonding proposition ir this amount. The present court house and jail building In Potter county has long since become Inadequate for the lequlrements of the county , and was recently severely condemned by a grand jury which was in session ir the county. At a mass meeting of Potter count ) citizens which has just been held var Ions committees were appointed te push along the movement for the sub mission to the voters in November 01 the proposition to Issue bonds for the construction of the proposed new coutt house It is expected the count ) commissioners will tnko the ni'cessai ) action at their next regulai meeting IN SPECTACULAR PITCHERS' BAT TLE , STERLINGS WIN. Plalnvlew , Neb , Aug. 17. Specia to The News : The Plalnvlew Ster lings defeated O'Neill in the rubbe game at O'Neill ) esterdny afternooi In a spectacular twehe-lnnlng game The score was four to two. A largi crowd saw the game. Dunaway and Chapman were th ( batteries for theSterllngs and Phlmle ; and Wilson for O'Neill. Plalnvlov made a scoie In the first Inning 01 Hlldebrand's hit and Gwoen's sacrl lice. O'Neill made one on Wilson' : two-bagger after two men wore out Plalnvlew made another In the thin and then the game dropped into \ pitcher's battle till the first half o the twelfth when Allison , Gwoeti Chaplin and Shenovver landed for twi runs Dunaway tightened up In tin last half and didn't allow O'Neill ti get a man on first. There weio several tight hole fiom which each pitcher extricate ! himself with brilliant work. Two o three men got on bases nearly ever ; Inning. MONDAY MENTIONS. F. A. Beeler left for Chicago Sunda noon on ouslness. Miss Eleanor Murray of Omaha wa tie vilest of Mlws Mrtlct > Doughty OMT Pumhv 1'iuil Wetzel IK visiting relatives In Ileemer for a few da.vs. Mlsa Ruth Mount of Fremont IH vis iting with Miss Marlon Stilt Misses Mar ) and Minnie Veigcs and MIH Xltkowskl left this muiiilng for Pueblo , Colo. Mrs A Btummund i etui net ! Satui- da ) evening from visiting her daugh ter In Slouv City. Mr. and Mrs J. W. Kldder , who have been visiting Moaes Kldder , ie- turned to Onkdale Saturday. Pieston Ogden left Monday noon , for Chicago , where ho will engage In evangelistic work for ten dns. Mis. James Cemloy of Fremont ar rived In the city at noon to be the guest of her bon , J. H. Conley , for sevetal da.vs. Miss Maltlc Simmons of Batlle frook was In the clt ) Monday on her wa ) to Madison to take the count ) teachers' examination. ,1. F. rijnn went to Ilumphiey Mon- dti ) , having gone on the road as a spe-clal agent for the Elkhoin Life In- Htuanco company of Norfolk. Mrs. W. H. BuchoU nnd sons , Fritz and Arden , of Omaha , are visiting at the home of her parents , Mr. nnd Mrs. N. A. Kalnboll. Carl Wilde , assistant cashier of the Norfolk National bank , Is taking n vacation. T. C. Cantwell , desiring to aid In the local light for the peerless , has offered a $3 hat to the man who secuies the most members to the Norfolk Btan club. club.A A little bo ) has been making a can vass of Norfolk houses securing a llsl of names of people desirous of re ceiving a Senis-Hoebuck calalogue. 1) sending a latgo shipment by freight he big mall older hotibo probably ex- ) ects to save heavy postage. A pleasant party given last week vas In honor of the biith anniversary of Charles Glbbs , about thirty friends spending the evening at his homo five nlles bout Invest of Norfolk. During he evening Mr. Glbbs was ] > resented vlth a handsome ring by his mother. The latter part of the evening was spent In dancing. Miss Mabel Hilling , who Had charge of the children's work at the recent hautauqua , Is president of the "Hun dred Yeais' club" of Des Molnes , an oiganl/atlon of phslcal cullure en- thuslabts who hope to lengthen their stay In this world by the careful nb- vniice of vnrlous rules of life laid down by science and common sense. S. F. Ersklne this morning took his Sunday school class on an outing to Crstal lake , near Sioux City , where .hey will spend their time boating nnd fishing. The following ) oung men will camp there for ten das : Sam Crsklne , Lowell Eisklne , Charles Bridge , Ro ) Hlbben , Warren Beeler , Louie .Thompson , Clifford Palish and Llod Pasewalk. Mr. Ersklne will re main at the camp for some das. Omaha Bee : The engagement Is an nounced of Miss Ell/abeth Sharpless , daughter of Rev. and Mis. Sharpless of Feigns Falls , Minn. , to Mr. Mere dith Daniel of Omaha. Miss Sharpless Is the niece of Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Reckard and has been their guest sev- eial times and has also visited Mrs N. A. Daniel and made ninny friends in Omaha. The wedding will take place In the late winter or early spring , and they will make their home In Omaha It Is not impiobable that President Roosevelt ma ) bpeak In Norfolk on the eve of the present election. Dls patches from Washington state that the president Is more than likely to get into the campaign In the mosi active manner close to election time It Is equally likely that If Roosevelt takes this step he will be whirled out 'o the west where his personal popu larlty is the greatest. In that case he would naturally speak In Nebraska and probably in Norfolk as the cen tral city in the north state countr ) where the political fight has in past ) ears been the closest of any section of the state. E. A. Mooie , a traveling salesman for the American Shoe company , who has been a resident of Norfolk for several ) ears , expects to leave the city about October 1 to take aYi ad vanced position with the Sells , Sen \\ab Shoo compan ) of Chicago. Mr Mooie has been Interested In bovera Ural enterprises In the cltv and Is tin. su , > t i intendent of the Melhodlsl S'ln i iv bdiool He will taUc his fnmll ) v .ih him whrn lu leaves , though hr ha > i not ) et decided upon a dellnllc LOCAL POLICY OF PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION TO BE UP. The now political association of the raihoad emploes of this division wll hold an Impoi tant meeting Wednesda ) evening at Hallway hall at the June tlon. The local policy to be follovvei will be up for dlicusslon. A hie gatheilng of railroad men Is expecled The new organballon while It IE known as a political organization Is very different from most political or ganlzatlons A largo part of the efforts forts of the new protecllve associalloi will be spent in winning the coop eratlon of the public In nn effort te secure a "square deal" for the inter est of the railroad employes. "What we want Is a sane view poln adopted , " said one of the railroad em plo.ves. "We don't want anything that is not for the public good ane wo do not think that any great par of the public favor any public course that will bring disaster of a big sec tlon to the working men of the coun try and Indirectly on the whole land. CUPID FINALLY PREVAILED IN THIS ROMANCE. , IXTY MILES IN AUTOMOBILE Hiss Alma Zleme of Denver City , Neb. , Becomes Bride of Anokn Daibcr After Months of Patient W.iitlnq Were Married at Center. Anoka , Neb , Aug. 15. Special to The News : Cupid won. Lust winter Guy Wllburger of thif place wag oit Ittcd by her Irate papa In an at- empt to elope with Miss Alttri Xlomc f Beaver City , Neb. Today \\IHiur- er arilvcd In Anoka with his sweet enrt as his bride , after an exulting l\ty-inllo spin across country In m utomobile. The ) were married at Center , the ountv sent of Knox county , enroute Wlburger Is the barDor Here. Whet , 10 left town Ane > kn glow up to will * ers until a tramp barber came alon. ? ml saved the town by shaving It TUESDAY TOPICS C. J. Bullock went to Omaha Mon ay. ay.Mrs. Mrs. E. Sly returned fiom Long Mne Monday noon after n week's Islt. Islt.Mrb. Mrb. Alice King went to Hndar londa ) . Mrs. Cousins went to Wlbiiei Mon- lay noon. I Misb Mrtlce Doughtv went to Oma in at noon. W. J. Gow went to Nnper Mondny an business. I E. L. Mers was In the city Monda ) on business. I James Poole left Mondny evening or Alnsworth. I M. O Walcott returned fiom Omaha Sunday evening. , G. C. Lambert returned Monday noon from Chadron. Mrs E. F. Stear and daughter left monday for Madlbon. Mlbs Katherne Wledenfeller left Monday moinlng for Omaha. Mrs. E. A. Wad'lcll of Meadow- Glove was In the ck ) Monday. Miss Margaiet Mills of Omaha is visiting her sister , Mrs. John H. Has. , Mrs. Joseph Schwartz nnd Miss May Bnnett left this morning for Omahn. Mr. nnd Mrs. George M. Dudley nnd children left Tucselny morning for a visit nt Omaha and Utlca , Neb. Martin Kollmorgen , who has been visiting at the homo of U Buckcnelorf , left Monday noon for Bancroft. John Wells and Joseph Stlbley of Madison and Fred Zlmmormnn of Bat tle Creek were In Noifolk J'onlnj. A. E. Hutchlnson , who has had chnige of the A. L Kill1 n store for two * weeks , left for VUIe ) Mondn ) . Misses Agnes nnd Leona Rnasch re turned fiom Madison where thev hnve been visiting friends for n few dns. Will Wetzel , who Ins been v lilting his pnrents , Mr. and Mrs. Ludvvlg Wetzel , returned to Columbus Mon day. day.Mr. Mr. nnd Mrs W. J. Will'ims ' of Plnlnvlew pass'd thiough the clt ) Monday noon on theii way to West Point. Miss Dorn Durham , " .ho hns been visiting at the ho"-r ot W. P. Dlxon for several davs , letmned to Concor- din , Kan. , Monday. The Durland Trust Company Is hav ing the front of their office building newly painted. H. G. Correll of Plalnvlew Is erect ing a two story brick building at Plalnvlew and has given R. H. Re- nolds the contract. _ , Dr. Culmseo , whose oillce has been over the mllllnoiv stoic of Mrs. E. A. Waddell , will hnve his oillce In the Bishop block heieafter. Two extia passenger cais weic taken north on No 10 ! ! Tuebday mot n- Ing to bring a laige number of In dians from Nlobiarn to Valentino this evening. Will Staffoiel Is taking his annual vacation fiom the Cltl/en's National bank and will spend his tlmo hunting and iishlng with friends on the Elkhorn - horn liver near Battle Cieek John Horlsky , who has been In the omplo ) of the Fnlr stoic for sovoinl ) enrc ? , hns resigned nnd will move his famll ) to Cieighton , where he has ac cepted a position in the Rjan & Schneider stoie. Albion News : Dr. F. M. Slsson left for Ashlatvd to attend the encampment there. He ib chnplaln of the first reg iment nnd was oidered out at the be ginning of the encampment , but was excused for the time , owing to Mis Sisson's illnebs and the chautauqua. Arnold Wagner , the threa-vvceks- old son of W. A Wagner , was chrls- ened Sunday moining at St. Paul's Lutheian church fater the services by Rev John Witt A dinner was served and febtlvltles cnjoed In he after noon at the homo of W. I. . Lehman. Dr. O. R. Motedith met Adrian New- ans , the famous reader and Imperson ator , at Ames , In , during his recent trip nnd learned from him that ho In tended giving up his work at the Ames agricultural school in order tote to take charge of the training talent of the Redpath Lceum bureau. Discussing the Inst day program of the Albion chautnuqun , the Abllon News snys : Hon. W.M. Chandler fnlled to nrrlve , and Dr F M Slsson who , throughout the chnutauqtia , tilled the difficult position of platform mana- WANTED-A RIDER AGENT IH EACH TOWN - unit ili'ttlct lit Ililf ! lulr lilMt. -ample Ijtetl Model "HniiRcr" bicycle luttiUhed liy u ( lurxtnti luVing nioneyliil II rilr/sr//frli , H/irliitififitfrftritfMt : NO MONKV UKUmfliai uu'll inn receive ana | < i < iuve'.f hi fciiinrone. ' anrwhrie In the I ) . J > , niltf lt ft tttf , < advAnce./rrAtr \ tnitiit jnI allow ll'.NbAlS' lflliiTlllAI.luiliw : : lmlMime > i iiniyrlifclh iii ile 1 imt It o any test von w th. II you ate then not | * ilrclly nullified nr .Ui . not with to keep the lilcyclo thin It tuck to us M our enpense and jvw ti ill net A , W t ctnt FARTflRV PPIP.FS VSc < un l lithe liiKlinl Rra.le ItUrcles It li | H < lhle lo mtVo i nuiwiii I niwkw at one inull pistil above aclutl factory coat You MVC ju to fi mMillemcn'i ; profin by Wins ilnect c ( 111 > nd Invetlie nmnulictiirrt < KU.II- nlee t > elilml your bicycle III ! NOT Hill it l > lccleor A pilr ol llie > lioniii > ii , > t any fritt until vim receive our ctuloKiiet And levrn our imlicjtii ol " nl nmirtnNt iitfirt lo rlilcr itKnutit. YOU WILL wll < 1.n > ml > our l * ulUul riulociie iml iuu niuk iic naiuniaiicu , iHy , | nr , , , , , , , ( , lnoicU | , h < . , , vh1) , Ifn'friifi we ran nuVe > ou lhl if u We ncll the iljicsl crulc Uc cle lor lot money lil.Vl ? lrM0ilf.r.l.lf. ' . < 't& We re Mllilinl lili ft to ( .rolil l > u\e ( acuity lull. . ) . . . IIUVUI.K II..MI.KH | , > ou can tell our lilcyilci under jour own tijino liulc At --our mlcrt. Unlrrt filled I ho iliy received , , CONIMIANII , 1U\OIKS. ! Wa ilo mil recuhtly Mndle ifronj tund lilcj-clei , but luiully luve n number on Innd liken In Iridr by our tlilniio reull storri llie we dcAr out promptly at prices nnxlne lium VU lo * H or 1O. Dmtiiulve tu nrtln Ilili nulled lire R nnAKP < liiKlo wlim-U. limNirU'jl nillrr rliiilim and in-ilm * . wm. mutr ami m- - , equipment of all Miult at tatfn , tuml fruti. 'iiy HEDGETHORH PUNCTURE-PROOF ' A SELF-HEALING TIRES A TO inimiDuoe s nE , PM" ONLY 4' Jv The rexuliii tttMl frier otl/ittt ttrrs is tSMferftti kut la inlrnliift lieu ill HO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES NAII.S , TnokH or Glit n will nut lot tli nlr out. Sixty thounuul jmlis sold In t jinr Oxertwo huajreil tlioiisauil ( nils now In use. ami ciisyriditic.v cry dmntilcnml Kuril Iniiltlc with B special mmllty of rubber , wlilcli nrxer liccunte riorum and which closes n | > smnll tmnctiircsvllluuit nllow- iiiRthenlrtoescnpc. VVchcliunJml of IctlctsfioiiiHiitls- ' Nullro the tlilrlt mhbnr ( rcnil " "A" anil iiinotiir < t aliliiM "l " | thnt tlielrlltcihaveonh twcn CcdcustomersitnlliiR uitui > cil | mill "I ) , " iilmi rlin utrfp "II" upoiice or twice In n whole Reason. 1 hey \vclili ; no 11101 c t linn nlltltst In pro * < nt rlin ( Hittlni ; . Thin an ordinary tire , the puncture restating n > eliiK given tire \ \ \ * by $ evernl Ujers of tliln , specially ptepircil fntirlcon the \ \ ontlimt liny othot Irenil The regular price of these tires Is JJi 50 per pair , but for nmko-HOIT , ICLAMTIU . and IASV : itiutNO. aiU ertlsliiR purposes we are mnklnir a spec in I factory pi Ice to the rider of only f | So per pnlr. Ail order * shipped Mine ilny letter Is received. We ship C O I ) ore approval. You do not pay n cent until you have examined nnd found them strictly as rcprecnte < l , VVe will allow n rnnli ilUcount of 5 per cent ( thereby mnklni ; the price Wl.lft per pnlr ) If yoit send FULL CASH WITH OHDICU mid enclose IliU Advertisement We will n 110 send one nickel plated brass hand pump , Tires to be returned nt ( IIIIt expense If for any reason they r r not satisfactory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to tin Is nn nfc ns In n bank. If you order a pair of these tires , you will find that they will ride easier , run faster , wear better , last longer and look finer than any tire jou have ecr used or ncen at any price. We know that jou will be so well pleased thnt wlien you want n bicycle yon will gi\c us your order. We want you to uend us a trial order at once , hence tills remarkable tire olTer. j V'/lff SUCCn TlDfO don't buy any kind nt nnj- price until you send for n pnlr of r Wlflf IVCCSS i fnCO ircdgcthorn I'uncture-l'roof tires on nppro\nl nnd trial nt the special Introductory price quoted above , or write for onr big Tire nnd Sundry Catalogue wlilcU describes and quotes all makes and kinds of tires nt about half the usunl prices. nn mnr WAIT lmt wrftc " * n p ° tnt today , no NOT THINK or nuvmei n bicjctc UV nlti WVftll or a pair of tires from nnyone until you know the new and wonderful oilers we are making. It only costs a postal to Icaru everything. Write U NOW. v * . J. L. HEAD CYCLE COMPANY. CHICAGO , ILL ! er with r' in'vdsil satisfaction , was piessfld Into be-rxle-e nnd dellveied his sjiulld ) le , ture on 'Plus" The Ihst IVeo dnvs of Septoiibei nip dnjs for Noifolk to wilte down In her note hook The ) me the dnvs rf t' r 0 11r ( . The flist is of cense uiiiar ) da ) but the labt t.vo davs should witness n good sl/ul Noifolk repttsentation in Pleice for Pleice Ins fie a.haitage of Meal tialn connections for Its lace meet , which Is combined with a count ) fall BeatIce ! Expiobs An agent who Ib STid to have liibiiied diunglsts of Lincoln and Noifolk and piolmbly other Ne'jiasKa ' towns ma ) ho prose cuted foi willing the Itihuinnco In an authoil/ed company If Insui.ince Deputy John L P.eice. can find him. Ho clalnib to icpio'-ent the Druggists Indemnity exchange of St Louis , a compnii ) which Mr. Pierce sa.vs Is not licensed In Nebraska and whoso pedi cles under the statutes of this state are void for that roabou. In a general history of this yeai's \Vajne noimal giaduates , the Waiie Demociat has the following to say about two Norfolk girls who weie In the graduating class : Miss Geoigla Austin Is a Nebiaska product. She has gathered to herself mail ) filendb bv her womanly quali ties. She goes into the Noifolk schools ab one ot the giade tencheih. She will not be disappoint her fi lends. Miss Elsie Duel lesidos in Noifolk Miss Duel was a successful teacher beloie enteiing the noimnl. Her vvoik heie has been vei ) satlsfactoi ) and next > enr she will teach the giammai giade of the Meadow Grove schools Miss Austin in an annual con test between two societies gave ar oiatlon on "Filendshlp , " her society ? ? "Jug the contest. The annual class sermon wab delivered b ) Rev. J L. Stlne , until iccentl ) pastor of the Christian church fo this clt ) . HENRY KLUG'S ' RESIDENCE BURNS TO FOUNDATION. WAS OUTSIDE THE FIRE LIMITS. Fire Which Destroyed the Klug Home First Serious Fire In Many Months. Narrow Escape for Mrs. Klug An Argument for City Expansion. A kerosene lamp exploding about 8 o'clock Monda ) evening In the home of Hcnrv King in Edgcvvatei paik stnitod a fire which totall ) de- stroed the Klug icsldence and which fuinlbhed the first serious fire of the summer. Mrs. Klug had started to turn the lamp down when It exploded Fortunately she escaped uninjured although her hands were later burned In tiIng to cairy out some of the hemsehold belongings. Outside of Fire District. Located In what Is known as King's addition to Norfolk the burning home was outside of the fire dlstilct and the firemen were unable to use the city water. The black embers left another argument for clt ) expansion now under way. which must sooner or Inter bilng ndequnto fire protection to the out ! ) Ing residence districts of Not folk Chief Krnntz declared thnt twothlids ol the house might hnvo been snved with clt ) water at hand , but the effoits of the Hi emeu could only bo directed towatds saving the the homo of William King , an adjacent residence. The Henry King property which burned to the foundation , wns a good sized two story frame residence , part of which had been rebuilt some time ngo. Neighbors nnd members of the Klug family removed a greater part of the furniture before the flames made much headway. The house and fuinltuie weie Instiled lot $1,100 Mr. Kltitf estimated the loss at $1.100 The Hie feu about half an liemr wim limited to the uppit bed looms , IniK soon after the depaitment in lived the ) flniiM s shot downwind nnd began to eat out the ol Ihe house While the Iliemen weie piovontlng the llames fiom spieadlng to the Wil liam Klug lesldence , Mis. King vvoikod In the celhu of the binning house In u fiantlc endeavor to snvo IK r canned liuit Buckets of water ponied on the toof saved the William King rebldence A Flreless Town. The Monda ) evening ( lie was the ? fiist seilous blu/o which has occulted since John Kiant/ has been chief of the Hie department Chief Krnntz haw held office since last April. Only four alarms have been tinned In slnco that time In t'vo instances no water was needed and In the other case the damage was nonliial. And Mondn'a Hie was outside the city limits. NoilolK's labt big fire was the binning of the high school building a- . ) ear ago labt Match. The Ice houses files were the fire featine of last sum mer. LONG PINE CARNIVAL SUCCESS" . Bad Weather Only Increased Attend ance From the Country. Long Pine , Neu , Aug. 17. Special to The NCVVH : In spite of bad weather the carnival , which closed Saturday night , has been a success Unable to > stack grain or put up ha ) the fanners have taken advantage of the baeT weather to join in the cainival meriy making The last da ) of the cainival opencdt veiy unfavorably raining most of the ; foienoon. But b ) noon the stoim had cleared aw a ) with no wind , making an Ideal afteinoon foi the balloon as cension b ) Capt C C. Church. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE" A Imml Mipiv HIimtriOMl wwlclv. I nrin > rr > . r Inln n i * v i MI J ' I " n rt a vrir toil < ! ii * , . I to ijj n i in NI * tMli-rA REI5TLESPLATE5ARERTO REI5TLE5 RATES ARE RIGHT FRANK REISTLE ENGRAVER AND ELECTROTYPER PrlOSI 1114 U20-24 LAWRCNCC DIN VCD COLO FAIR PRICE Yin ! Most plot Forget Wo are constantly improv ing in the art of making Fiim Photos. Newest Styles in Carts and Finish , Wo also carry a Fiuo Line of Mouldings. I. M. MACY