The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 21, 1908, Page 6, Image 6
HK NOUFQLKWEKKLYYNKWS'JMURNAL ; Fill DAY. AUGUST 21 IMPS TILDEN AND KANSAS HORSES WON FIRST MONEY. DIQ CROWD AT SEASON OPENING With No Trace of Rain Yet In Sight the Norfolk Races , the First Meet of the Season , Opened Ausplclouoly Thursday. Kansas and Tllden divide honors In Iho first day races at the Norfolk frock , Dr. Rlber , a Kvnsns trotter , taking honors In the 2:35 : class whllo llosslo Hllllon , owned by the Osborns of Tlldon nnd driven by Cown , swept tovoryihlng Tiofore her | n the fast 2:20 : class for j acers and trotters. A First Jay Success. And what of the first day of the Norfolk racosV Several hundred Nor folk people rubbing shoulders with many of their friends from neighborIng - Ing towns In north Nobaska , watch- Ijig tlio track circled u do/.en times by fleet well matched horses , keep ing an eye on a rattling fast ball iune , enjoying the cool air and the wimp and ginger that Is always In ovldonco at the season's first races , proclaimed the first day races a sue cess. The Attendance. The attendance was very nearly ns largo as the first dny crowds which last year set a new recoil for Nor folk , . The grandstand was comforta bly filled , the paddock was lined with carriages and the quarter stretch en- thuslustlcs kept one glued on a high class diamond battle and the other on the oval course. The Track Slow. The track was a trifle heavy though It hardened as the races progressed nnd gave promise of a fast stretch of track for the last two days , barring rain. The Winners. IJesslo Billion , the bay mare from TlUlen , who took throe straight heats In the fastest race of the day , the 2:20 : class , was seen on the Norfolk \tracks \ last year. The Tllden racer was then driven In the 2:50 : class and came in for fourth money. A Wayne racer , Alice L. Woodford , owned by W. S. Miller of Wayne , took second money In the 2:35 : trot , tak ing second place In two heats , King Jlee , a Hartlngton horse owned by 3C. . Deller , took fourth money in /this / race. Dr. Rlber , a bay race horse from Sebotha , Kan. , had little i trouble in taking first honors. The Season's Opening. . xWfccn J. A. Waller , , the Norfolk starter , shouted "It's n go" and the crowd mnrmored "They're off" seven liorses swung off on the turn with a clash that only trotting horses have. The first race in the north Nebraska racing season was on. The Officials. The judges for the Thursday races wore J. S. Hancock of Stanton , W. C. Caley of Creighton and R. Y. Ap pleby of Stanton. The timers were "Woods Cones of Pierce , Al Marks of Stanton and D. D. Brunson of Nor folk. The 2:35 : Trot. Three straight heats won by Dr. Rl ber gave the 2:35 : trotting race to the bay horse from Kansas. Considering the track tlto time , 2:29 : % , 2:30 : % and 2:2814 : was considered fast for the class. Dr , Riber took the first heat with case , The bay was followed closely by Gladolla , the two maintaining theli positions from the start. Alice L Woodford , the Wayne mare , and Birdie Cloyer gave the heat the ap liearanco of a race. For the con litlon of the track the time 2:29 : % was surprising for the class. Gladolla who was unable to push by the doctot made the double , tilrcle In 2:32 : Seven horses participated In the heat Dr. Rlber led from the start In the second heat , establishing what provei to be a safe lead before the quartei rpost was reached. The heat .fur nished a spectacular dash for seconc place , Alice L. Woodford , the baj from Wayne , pushing out from th ( Held at the three-quarters post nm winning second honors from Gladolli by the narrowest of noses. The gali made by the big bay over Gladolla wai one of the features of the afternoon The mile was made In 2:30 : % , th < two next horses dashing under tin wire In 2:33. : Dr. Rlber gathered In the third hea and the race In 2:28J4. : Alice L Woodford hung on to second place li the heat , Gladolla was in third. Tin race was a speedy drive , the tlmi clipped so Indicating. Birdie Colye was not put on the track by he driver , Evans , in time to get in tin race , the line swinging down tin track just as the sorel marc was be Ing led to the track. Evans drov Windsor Walnut In the 2:20 : raci and was slow In changing horses his absence passing unnoticed. Summary of the 2:35 : trot : Dr. Riber , bay h. , ( Cagwin ) 11 Alice L. Woodford , b. in. , ( Miller ) 32 Gladolla , bay m. , ( Mitchell ) 23 King Ree , bay m. , ( Deller ) G4 Nut Point , blk. s. , ( Montgomery ) . .50 Paderewsky , gr. s.Lankstaff.77 ( ) Blrdlo Colyor , s. nt. , ( Evnns.45 ) 2:20 : Trot or Pace. The 2:20 : class offered n pretty raci Bessie Blllian being pressed clos enough to make the contest Interesl 1 i T' - Tlldrn hnrse took three tral'l ; > t hi'nt ' * Tlio Prut hunt In the second race iccti lm.d mote delay than any other licnt In the afternoon , the string of i.arriH being culled back time after ilmo. The heat when the start was Dually made was tulu'ii by IJesslo Million , the OHbonie horse from Til- den. Little Wonder for second place , mid Windsor Walnut lor third pushed close behind. On the first time around I I tlio half Hit' thire horses wore neck to neck , the loa-1 held by the Tllden ' mare at the Illnlsh being no more than safe. The time was In 2:2GVi : Tilh.'ii annexed honor * again In the Hocond lu-at In 2:2i'/i. : ( ' Little wonder ati'l Capltnln pushed Bessie Billion I the first half mile. Little Wonder was implied out of second place by Cap- Itola , giving third rank to Windsor Walnut. lii-Halt ! Billion annexed the third heat In 2:27 : % . Capltola and Little Wonder protected their positions. Summary of the 2:20 : trot or pace : Bessie Billion , b. in. ( Crown ) 111 rapltola , b. h. ( Myers ) 522 Windsor Walnut , b. h. ( Evans.3 ) n 3 Little Wonder , bay h. ( Wilson ) . .2-I G Miranda , h. in. ( Wall ) 454 Ruben Baby , gr. m. ( Stantz ) . . . .0 C C The First Day Races. J. L. Rynearson of Madison , secre tary of the North Nebraska Short Shipment Racing circuit , was In Nor folk to witness the season's opening. Ofllcers of the Norfolk Driving club , their fears of rain being temporarily C. H. Groesbeck , President N. D. C. allayed Thursday , greeted their out side visitors with the glad hand and a satisfied smile. Secretary p. M. Barrett was the busiest man on the ground while President Groesbeck was a close second. Among the prominent visitors from away at the first day races was Harry B. Fleharty of South Omaha , a can didate for the fusion nomination for attorney general. The Crolgliton delegation at the first day races consisted of W. A. Graham , W. A. Strain , W. C. Caley and .D. Jasmer. Mr. Caley who Is at the head of the racing circuit said that Norfolk would have many Creigh ton visitors Friday and Saturday with fair weather. "Saturday Is always a big day at the Creighton races , " said Mr. Caley. "We never follow the custom of closing with a Friday race. The farmers In the vicinity of Creigh ton are among the 'best ' patrons the association has. And on Saturday as on every other race day every store in Creighton closes while the races are In progress. " A special coach was added to the east freight Thursday night for the accommodation of the race visitors from Stanton and Pllger. The coach was crowded. Stanton sent the larg est delegation. In addition many Stanton - ton people drove over In carriages and touring cars. J. B. BAKER CAUGHT. Arrested In Oklahoma and Will Be Tried or Rosebud Land Frauds. Sioux Falls , S. D. , Aug. 15. The United States authorities In this city were today advised of the arrest at Lawton , Okla. , of Joseph B. Baker , who Is under Indictment In the federal court for South Dakota on the charge of land frauds In connection with the settlement of lands In the ceded portion tion of the Rosebud Indian reserva > tlon , In Gregory county. The prisoner will be brought back to South Dakota , and it Is expected his trial will take place during the regular October term of United States Court In Sioux Falls. Every man has at some time In hie life tried to make n collection of old coins , but had his career Interrupted by his wife who used to get at then : when she needed money. t A Hoon to Elilerlr People. Most elderly people have some kid ney or bladder disorder that Is botli painful ami dangerous. Foley's Kid ney Remedy 1ms proven a boon to man } elderly people ns It stimulates th < urinary organs , corrects Irregularities and tones up the whole system. Com mence taking1 Foley's Kidney Kemedj at once and bo vigorous. Klcsau Drue Co. Life may bo compared to traveling on a railroad train and running the risk of accidents. But if there anne no accidents , you finally reach tin station where yon get off. Attention , AMhmn SnfTrrrrNl Foley's Honey und Tar will Klvo Inv mediate relief to asthma sufferers am has cured many cases that had refusec to yield to other treatment. Foloy'i Honey and Tur la the best remedy foi coughs , colds and all throat and hint trouble. Contains no harmful drugs ICIesau Drug Co. Once In ten times , chance will sem yon a buyer or a tenant. The rest o the time you must depend upon classl fled advertising. DEFEATS STANTON IN EXCITING . BALL GAME. Defeating Stanton 3 to 2 and win- nlng the game In the eighth Inning , ' Pllgor won a thrilling game of base | ball. Norfolk race tournament games have won n reputation in local base ball history and Thursday's contest was worthy of a place with the other clean cut , snappy diamond battles. After the first heat of Thursday's races the ball game begun. Stanton the day before had played a shut out game with Pllger resulting In a score of 3 to 0. Thursday's game was Pllger's , but It was close and the game doubtful to the very finish. Ilartman , Stanton's ' pitcher , played excellent ball , striking out ten men. Mayor of Stanton made the first hit of the game In the first Inning. Schwartz , Pllgcr's ' pitcher , made a nice hit in the second. Holstcln , Stanton's star second baseman , made a good running catch In the second and brought In the first score of the game In the third. Saunders , Stanton's third baseman , was struck on the elbow In the second , but ho stayed In the game and played star ball to the end. Lnndak , Pll ger's right fielder , made several neat catches In the third. Herman Gorccke was called upon to show his skill at base ball In the I bird Inning , when a ball was knocked to him In his buggy and would have struck him had he not reached for it and caught It amid the applause of the spectators. ' Montgomery brought In the first score for Pllger. Martin , Pllger's centerfleldor mndo a pretty running 'catch In the fifth. I Pont , Stanton's rlghtfleldor , made an out In the sixth In a way that sel dom occurs. He struck a fair ball but the ball In turn struck him , which according to the rules makes the hat er out. Stanton AB R IB PO A E Mayor , ss 4 0 1 0 1 0 lolstein , 2b . .4 1 1 2 2 0 lopper , c 4 1 0 9 2 1 Jaunders , 3b..3 0 2 4 0 0 'ersons , Ib 4 0 0 10 1 2 Leldel , If 3 0 0 0 0 1 Strahle , cf 2 0 0 2 0 0 lartman , p . . .3 0 0 0 5 0 28 2 4 27 11 4 'llger AB R IB PO A E Larson , ss 3 1 1 1 0 0 Anderson , 2b . .4 0 1 2 3 0 Lundak , If . . .3 0 0 4 0 0 Van Arker , 3b 4 0 ' 0 2 1 0 Schwartz , p . . .4 0 1 0 4 1 Pryor , c . / 4 0 0 7 2 0 Martin , cf 4 0 0 1 0 0 Montgomery , rf 3 1 0 0 0 0 Ohman , Ib , . . .3 1 0 9 0 0 Total 32 3 3 20 10 1 Earned runs , Pllger 1 , Stanton 1. Bases stolen , Pllger , Larson , Schwartz , Montgomery ; Stanton , Saunders. Bases on balls , off Schwartz 2 , off Hartman 2. Hit by ; > itched balls , by Schwartz 4. Struck out , by Schwartz C , by Hartman 10. Passed balls , Hopper 2. Time of ; ame 1:20. : Umpire , Norton Howe. The score : Pilgor 00002001 0 3 Stanton 00200000 0 2 FRIDAY FACTS. Miss Lena Mills went to Sioux City Friday. Mrs. Joseph Schwartz was In Madi son yesterday. Henry Relf and George Doerlng of Battle Creek were in the city yester day. day.Mrs. Mrs. George D. Butterfleld left for Omaha at noon. Miss Pangle of Chadron is visiting her brother , M. E. Pangle. Mrs. Krehnke and Mrs. Wlel of Pierce were In the city Thursday. Miss Kate Stafford of Omaha is vis iting her aunt , Mrs. P. J. Stafford. Mrs. Preeso and daughter of Bat tle Creek were In the city Thursday. ' A large party of Indians passed through the Junction at soon eroute for Nlobrara. Mr. and Mrs. John Skiff of St. Paul are visiting Will Skiff two miles out into the country. Mrs. T. J. Steen and Mrs. Eva Ken dall of St. Paul are visiting at the home of Dr. P. H .Salter. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Warren and children of Tilden were In the city Thursday to attend the races. Misses Helen and Alma Wlese , Norah Hans and Edith Lambert of Battle Creek was In the city yester day. day.C. C. W. KIrkland left at noon for Deadwood , where ho will play ball Saturday and Sunday with the Valen tine ball team. A. D. Howe and J. A. Read re turned last evening from Lincoln , where they heard Bryan make his ac ceptance speech. Mrs. J. Pofahl of Hosklns was In the city yesterday. H. E. Miller of Plalnvlew was In the city Friday. J. L. Rynearson of Madison was in the city Friday. D. L. Best of Battle Creek was in ' the city yesterday. Charles Watts of Humphrey was In the city yesterday. H. B. Fleharty of South Omaha was In the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Carson of Hos- kins were In the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. John Troester ol Pierce were In the city Thursday. Among the day's out of town vlsl tors In Norfolk were : William Gra ham , Creighton ; J. C. Ecjker , Wlnslde ; S. J , Engel , Ponca ; George Gardner , ! Madison ; E. K. Pont , Stanton ; Mrs. B , K. Witt , Newman Grove ; C. L. Harrison , Gregory ; H. P. Keo , Plain- view ; H. T. Morgan. Wayne. William Bargmnn and Lee Wagner of Madison were In the city Thurs day. day.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Holvey of Fair- bury are visiting at the home of their daughter , Mrs. R. A. Scott. Misses Etta Napper and Elsie Mar- quardt left this morning for Fort Madison , la. , to visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. M. Crozlor , who have been visiting at the E. A. Bullock home , loft for Avoca , la. , Thursday. Charles Schramm and daughter , Miss Mlnnlo Schramm , went to St. Paul , Minn. , Thursday for a ten days' ' visit. Talcott Olneyof Chattanooga , Tenn. , who has been visiting J. S. Mathew- son , left for Yellowstone National mrk this morning. A. O. linden has returned to his position with the Durland Trust com pany after a two weeks' vacation. The large plate glass window , which was blown out of the Dnrland Trust company's ofllco several weeks ago ; > y a heavy wind , was replaced Thurs day morning by a largo window pane the upper part of which Is glazed. W. L. Dowllng of Madison , who Is studying law In Senator Allen's of- ! lco and who will be admitted to the ! > ar within the next year , will take part In the coming campaign , speak- ng In the Fifth congressional district about the middle of October for at east a week. Mr. Dowllng's speeches will be made at places designated by Congressman Norrls' campaign man ager. Senator Allen has promised to peak In October In support of Iho Democratic ticket. About the same time his son-in-law will bo urging the Republican cause. WEATHER MAN CALLS OFF THE NORFOLK RACES. O'NEILL NOW RACING CENTER Norfolk , Rain Soaked With the Rest of North Nebraska , Gives Up Last Two Days of the Races , Ball Games , Balloons and All. Race meet , hall tournament , balloon ascension and street shows were all washed away In a typical north Ne braska rain which started about 3 o'clock Friday morning and continued luring the day. At 8 a. m. .87 Inches of water had been poured from the sky. sky.The The rain was general over the northwest , embracing all of the terri tory under the direction of the North western offices In Norfolk. To north Nebraska the rain falling steadily with never a sign of pause told of the doom of the Norfolk races. Norfolk race men , pleased with the success of the first day's races and what was stamped as a very encourag ing opening of the north state racing season , dreamed pleasant dreams of a quarter stretch swarming with thousands of race followers on the morrow. And the "rain king , " having pity in his heart for the havoc he was to play , sent his storm up gently not to rudely awaken the race promoters meters with any violent clap of thunder or rush of wind. So the Nor folk racing world when It rubbed its eyes Friday morning awoke to the steady patter , patter , patter. It was hardly necessary for the Norfolk Driving club to announce that the races for both Friday and Saturday had been called off. The rain told that to the north state coun try. With the abandonment of the races went the Norfolk-Humphrey and the Norfolk-Spencer ball games , the second balloon ascension , the public marriage and all the other carnival and race side delights. O'Neill Next. Norfolk , her race opening blocked by rain , passes on the season's openIng - Ing to O'Neill , where three splendid days of racing are promised Wednes day , Thursday and Friday of the com ing week. O'Neill ' has made elabor ate plans for the week. There were suggestions made Fri day that the Norfolk races be held later in the season but it is very un likely that a second attempt will be made this year. The Driving club was unable to an nounce Its exact financial status Fri day morning as the result of losing the two biggest days of the racing. The treasury has been In good con dition , however , and it was said that .the results would not be disastrous. Ship Horses to O'Neill. By Friday noon many of the racers which have been stabled In Norfolk wore on board Northwestern cars ready to be shipped to O'Neill for the O'Neill races. Appleby at Battle Creek. Battle Creek , Neb. , Aug. 15. Special to The News : R. Y. Appleby of Stanton , one of the Republican can didates for state senator , was In Bat tle Creek this week. Whllo hero he made a good strong Impression and won lots of friends. Nor was Mr. Appleby entirely a stranger to many Battle Creek citizens before his visit. Foley's Kidney Remedy II core any case of kidney or bladder trouble that Is not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. IClesau Drug1 Co. THROUGH JACKSON BROTHERS NORFOLK WELCOMED NORTH. A hearty invitation Into the north country , Inspired by the proposed Norfolk excursion , has boon received from the town of Dallas through Jack son Brothers , who started this thriv ing terminal town a year ago. The Invitation Is written by Frank H. Jackson of the firm of Jackson Brothers : Dalias , S. D. , Aug. 11. Editor News : We note with pleasure the re vival of Interest In the Norfolk Com mercial club's excursion and take this opportunity of extending to your club a hearty Invitation to Dallas , "The Gate-Way. " Such nn excursion as your club plans Is n good thing. It promotes and Incites Interest In all lines of business , and acquaints people ple with their business territory nnd the people they are dealing with. There are few men In Norfolk who realize the Importance of the trade territory which Is tributary to Nor folk. folk.We We trust that they will successfully promote this excursion and turn out a good cro\vd to como up and "see for themselves. " Dallas extends a hearty Invitation to Norfolk Commercial club and guar antees a warm reception to those who conic. Very sincerely yours , Jackson Brothers , Frank II. Jackson. 1 PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT , The following1 pioposod amendment to the constitution ot the State of No- brarka , as hereinafter set forth In full , Is uiumltted to the electors of the State of Nebraska , to Vie voted upon at the general election to be hold Tuesday , No vember 3rd , A. D. 1908 : A JOINT KKSOM'TION to amend Sec- tlony IWD ( J ) . four (4) ( ) , H\eG ) , six ( d ) and thirteen (1,1) ( , ) of Article six ( t > J of the Constitution or the State of Ne braska , ivlatlng to Judicial I'owerw. Be It Resolved by the Legislature of tha State of Nebraska : Section 1. Amendment proposed. That Suction two C ! ) of Artle'.u slv (0) ( ) of the Constitution of tliu State oj1 Nebraska be amended to read as follows : Section 2. ( Supreme court ; Judges : Jurisdiction. ) The Supreme Court sliuli consist of seven (7 ( > Judges ; and a ma jority of all elected and qualified judges Bhall be necessary to constitute a quorum or pronounce a decision. Tim Supreme Court shall have Jurisdiction In all cases relating to the revenue , civil canes In which the state Is a party. nmnJntnub , quo warranto , habeas corpus , nnd such appellate jurisdiction us may be provided by law. Section 2. ( Amendment proposed. ) That Section four (4) ( ) of Article six 'li ) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska be amended to read as follows : Section 4. ( Supreme court , Judges , lection , term , residence. ) The judges of the Supreme Court shall bo elected by the electors of the state at large ; and their terms of office , except ns hereinafter provided , shall bo six years. And said Supreme Court Judges shall during their term of office reside at the place where the court is hohlen. Sections. ( Amendment proposed. ) That Section five ( B ) of Article six ( G ) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska bo nmcndod to rend as follows : Section 5. ' ( Snpremo court , judges , p'.cctlon , term ; chlof justice. ) That at the general election to be held In the elate of Nebraska In the year 19W ) , n * each six years thereafter , there shall bo elected three (3) ) judges of the Supreme Court , who Bhnll hold their office for the period of six years ; that at the general election to be held in the state of Ne braska In the year 1911 , and each six years thereafter , there shall be elected three (3) ( ) judges of the Supreme Court , who shall hold their office for the period of six years ; and at the goneml eUetlon to be held In the state of Nebraska In the year 1913 , nnd each six year.uurt , - nfter , there shall be elected a Chief Jus tice of the Supreme Court , who shall hold his office for the period of six years. Provided that the member of the Supreme Court whose term of office ex pires In January. 1914 , shall be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court during that time until the expiration of his term of office. And , provided further , that upon the adoption of the e nin"lmi'n bv * ' " > electors of the State , the Governor Bhall , immediately upon insulnt. hi. , proclama tion declaring said amendments adopted , appoint four (4) ( ) Judges of the Supreme Court , two (2) ( ) of whom shall be ap pointed to hold said office until their successors shall ho elected at the general election In 1909 , and have qualified ; and the other two (2) ( ) shall hold inIr orfliv until their successors shall be elected at the general election held In 1911 , and have qualified. Section 4. ( Amendment proposed. ) That Section six ( G ) of Article U < K l nt th" Constitution of the State of Nebraska , b amended to read as follows ; Section G. ( Chief justice. ) The Chief Justice shall serve as such during all the term for which ho was elected. He shall preside at all terms of the Supreme Court , and In his absence the Judges present shall select one of their number to presldo temporarily. Section 5. ( Amendment proposed. ) That Section thirteen (13) ( ) of Article i\x \ ( G ) of the Constitution of Nebraska be amended to rend as follows : Section 13. ( Judges , salaries. ) That Judges of the Supreme Court shall eacli receive a salary of $4,500 , and the Judges of the District Court shall each receive a salary of $3,000 per annum , payable quarterly. Approved April 8 , 1907. I , Geo. C. Junkln. Secretary of State , of the State of Nebraska , do hereby certify that the foregoing proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska is a true and correct copy of the original enrolled and en grossed hill , as passed by the Thirtieth session of the legislature of the State of Nebraska , as appears from said original bill on fllo In this office , and that said proposed amendment Is submitted to the qualified vot-rs of the state of Nebraska for their n ( option or relectlon at the general election to be held on Tuesday , the 3d dny of November , A. D. 190S. Tn testimony whereof , I have hereunto ret my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Nebraska. Done nt Un- roln. this Kith dnv of July , In the yeir nf our lyord One Thousand Nine Hundred nnd Klpht. and of the Independence of tlie Tnlted States the One Hundred and Thirty-third , nnd of this State tlie Forty- peennd. GKO. C. JUNKIN. ( Seal ) Secretary of State. An Antelope Pioneer. Madison Chronicle : Rev. Henry GrlfllthB of Elgin , an old friend of Prof. J. A. Dormus , and one of the earliest settlers of Antelope county , visited over Sunday at the Doremus home. Hev. Grllllths and his faithful wife still live on the same spot In West Cedar valley , three miles north of Elgin , where they located about thirty-six years ago ; and their only child , now n man grown with a fam ily of his own , lives Just across the road from them. On the same corner on which theyfllvo Is located a neat church and a well Ki'pt country school house , The Orlf- llth's corner Is n land murk In Ante lope county , and Itev. OrllllthR invna oiio of Iho cholci'Ht farms of that county , lit ? IK nlso one of the dl- roelors of the ( tales academy at No- IlKh. of whk'h Prof. Doremus was ut ono time principal. Hov GrllllthH luui also officiated at almost Innumernhle \uuldluKs In that section of the coun try , that of the writer and wife being one of the number. Hosklna News , August DecK returned tiom a few weeks' visit with relatives and friends In Lacrosse , Wls. Miss Honnlo Madson arrived from Osmond last week to spend a week with Miss Dorothy Green. Hasll Foster arrived from Florence Sunday evening to spend u week at the home of his uncle , John Foster. Herbert Xutz of Norfolk Is visiting his grandparents , Mr. nnd Mrs. Wil liam /.ut/ . Miss Elliot returned to Lincoln after visiting a week nt the Averll homo. Nell Wetherholt returned Monday from a week's visit In Wayne. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller and child ren spent Sunday with relatives In Wayne. Miss Anna Nelson was entertained Sunday at the Fonsko home. The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hasso Is very low with sum mer complaint. Among those who attended the mis sion feast at Mailar last Sunday were Hov. G. Grnbor , Emanuel Grulier , Hev. and Mrs. H. Grnber , William Xut/ and daughter , Mrs. Slnneken of New York , William and Ilertha MortaMrs. . F. Denser , Mrs. Lensor and Miss Dora Hulow. Seeds , lucludliig nnnko and other cucumber , prehistoric and other corn , both sweet and field , poncllarla , squash , melon , mammoth sunflower , and hundreds of other seeds. 1 cent and up per packet , ( also seed in bulk ) direct from grower to planter. Garden Guide and descriptive price list free. Address II. M. Gardner , seed grower , Marengo. Nebraska. Articles of Incorporation of the Realty- Advertising Cigar Company. To Whom It May Concern : Article 1. He it known that wo , the undersigned subscribers , for the pur pose of forming a corporation under the laws of the State of Nebraska , do by these presents associate our selves under the name of the eRalty- Advertising Cigar Company and to that end do adopte said title and sub scribe our names to the following articles of Incorporation : NATURE OF BUSINESS. Article 2. The general nature of the business to be transacted by this Company shall be the purchasing , selling , and distributing of cigars either with or without the giving of premiums with the sale of specified quantities. HEADQUARTERS. Article 3. The headquarters and principal place of business of this Company shall be at Norfolk , Ne braska. CAPITAL STOCK. Article . The authorized capital stock of this corporation shall bo twenty thousand' dollars ( $20,000) ) di vided Into shares of one hundred dollars lars ( $100) ) each , the entire amount of which shall bo subscribed and paid In before commencing business ; and no share of stock shall bo Issued to any one until the same Is fully paid for. The capital stock may be Increased from time to time at any annual meet ing , or special meeting called for that purpose , by a two-thirds vote of the stock represented at said meeting. OFFICERS. Article 5. The officers of this cor poration shall consist of President , Vice President , Secretary , Treasurer , and Board of Directors whose mem bers shall be the President and Secretary and three other members of be elected from the stock-holders the same as other officers , thus making five members in all ; and for the pur pose of organization , all of the said of ficers shall be elected and take charge of their respective offices at the time of the adoption of these Articles of Incorporation and shall hold said of fices until the annual election , at which time all of said places shall again be filled by an election by the stock-holders who may be represented by written proxy . Said officers shall hold their offices for the term of one year or until their successors are elected and qualified. Vacancy in any of said offices by death , resigna tion or otherwise , shall be filled by the Board of Directors and the per son or persons so elected to fill any vacancy shall hold their office until the next annual meeting of the stock holders of said corporation. DUTIES OF OFFICERS. Article C , Section 1. The President shall presldo at all meetings of the Stock-holders and Board of Directors and shall sign all orders drawn by the Treasurer for the payment of any money to bo paid by this corporation and shall act as general manager. Section 2. The Vice President shall In the absence or Inability of the President to be present at any meet ing of the Stock-holders or Board of Directors , preside at such meeting. Section 3. The Secretary shall keep a correct record of all meetings of the Stock-holders and Board of Directors nnd shall issue all warrants on the Treasurer for the payment of any money or moneys by this corpora tion when ordered by the Board of Directors , Issue'and sign all certifi cates of stock , and shall have the di rect keeping and use of the seal of said corporation , nnd perform all other duties required of him by law and directed by the Board of Direct ors , and , If required by the Board of Directors , shall give bond with good and Btilllclent surety , lo be npproveu by the Hoard of Directors , In the penal sum of llvo thousand dollar * for the 1 faithful performance of Ills iltitloH. Section I. The Treasurer shall collect and keep all the Hindu of said f corporation nnd pay the same out on warrants Issued by the Secretary and countersigned by the President , or In his abHoni'o or Inability to act. by the Vice President of nalil corporation , and he may bo required by the Hoard of Dlroclont to glvo good and HUlllclont surety to bo approved by the Hoard of Directors , In the ponnl mint of Twenty Thousand Dollars ( $20.000) ) for the faithful performance of his duties. Section C. The Hoard of Directors shall have the general management and supervision of the affairs of said corporation , and make all contracts for the purchaseof cigars or any other property that said corporation may purchase , audit and pass upon claims filed against said corporation , and If allowed , order same paid as heroin before stated , Said Board of Directors shall hold their regular moot Ing for the transaction of busi ness which shall come before them at the headquarters of said corpora- Motion the first Monday of each and every month at J ! o'clock , p. m. A majority of said Hoard of Direct ors shall constitute n quorum for the transaction of all business which shall properly como before then and Iho President In hereby authorized to call any special meeting of said Hoard of Directors , when In his judgment It shall become necessary , nnd said Hoard of Directors are hereby author ized and empowered to adjourn any regular meeting from day to day as mild Hoard of Directors may doom nooossary , but no mich ndjotirninont shall extend beyond the time of the next regular meeting. OK BUSINESS. Article 7. This corporation shall commence huslnotis on the 1st day of April , 1I08 ! , and shall terminate Its existence In twonty-llvo years from said date unless sooner dissolved by a majority vote of tlio Stock-holders representing two-thirds of the voting stock for such dissolution. ANNUAL MEETING. Article 8. The annual meeting of the Stock-holders of this association shall be held on the first Monday In April of each year , each member being entitled to a vote either in person or by written proxy- each share of stock being entitled to ono vote. SPECIAL MEETINGS. Article 9. Special meeting of the Stock-holders may bo hold whenever requested by a majority of the Board of Directors or by stockholders repre senting one-third of the paid up cap ital stock ; such request shall bo In writing , state the object of the meetIng - Ing , and be filed with the President or acting President nt least ten days be fore the meeting Is to bo held. Upon receipt of such request the President or acting President shall give notice V of the proposed mooting to each Stockholder at least eight days before It is to bo held ; which notice shall state the object for which the meetIng - Ing Is called und no business shall be transacted at such meeting except that named In the call. Upon failure or refusal of the acting officer to call the meeting aforesaid , the parties requesting the meeting may call the same as provided. SALARIES OF OFFICERS. Article 10. The salaries of the Board of Directors Is fixed at five dollars ( $5) ) per day , and all necessary expenses of said Directors while at tending all meetings of said Board of Directors. The salaries of all other officers of this corporation shall be fixed by the Board of Directors nt their regular meeting after adopting these articles of Incorporation. INDEBTEDNESS. Article 11. The Indebtedness of this corporation shall at no time ex ceed two-thirds of Its paid up capital ' stock. SEAL Article 12. This corporation shall have sc corporate seal upon which shall be engraved the name of the corporation and the location where Its headquarters or principal place of business is located. TRANSFER OF STOCK. Article 13. The stock of this cor poration shall be transferable on the books of the corporation In person , or by an attorney under such condi tions as the Board of Directors may order. AMENDMENTS. Article 14. The Articles of Incor poration may bo amended or modified at any regular meeting , or special meeting called for that purpose , by a two-thirds vote of the stock repre sented at such meeting. In testimony whereof , wo hereunto set our hands this 20th day of April , 1908 , Witness : Signed : C. M. Thompson. J. S. Smith C..M. Thompson. C. A , Smith. State of Nebraska , County of Madi son , ss. On this 27th day of April , 1908 , befc-o mo a notary public , In and for snld county and state of Nebraska , duly commissioned and qualified , person ally appeared J. S. Smith nnd C. A. ' Smith to'mo known to bo the Identical persons whoso names are affixed to the within nnd foregoing Instrument of Incorporation , and each for himself acknowledged the same to bo his vol untary act nnd deed. In witness whereof I have sot my hand nnd affixed my notarial seal at Norfolk , In the county of Madison and state of Nebraska the day and year last above written. ( Seal ) J. w. Ransom , Notary Public. Commission expires August 23 , 1901 ,