The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 07, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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The Norfolk Weekly News-Journal
Thn New * . HMnbllshml , 1881.
The Joiirniil. ICntulilliihod , 1871.
W N. HUM : N. A. HIHF.
I'rmlilfllt HivrrUry
tflv ry"i'rTTTiV | ( T/jniilJ JIB r P oil r , $ T fu"
ICntcrurt at tlio pOHtolIIco at Norfolk.
Neb. , rm Hc'oond olnni inn t tor.
Telephoned : IMItorlul DoparlmonL
No. 22. Ilunln < ; K Olllcp and J" ' ) lloorim
No. It 22.
Enough presidential timber wont to
wnHto to build Hovoral platformn
larger ami stronger than those con
President HooBOvelt ha0 tcrj * fit
tingly named one of the national re
nerves for ox-President Cleveland.
Such a memorial will bo a lusting one.
Dr. Draper , United States com-
inlsslemer of education , thinks It Is a
mistake to tell the child ho "can" be
president , and quite a number of
eminent citizens ngrcc with him.
One of history's greatest battles
for humanity Is now being fought
and It Is marked by no bloodshed. It
the white plague and
IB the war on
mnny splendid fighters nro enlisted In
the cause.
A New York evangelist tnlnks It an
act of wisdom for a woman to desert
lior husband In order to seek spiritual
llfo and go to heaven. IIo would
Hcom to assume that husbands were
taking the opposite road.
It should be cause for great re
joicing that Governor Hughes has con
sented to accept a renoinlnatlou to
the governorship of New York. Ho
lias been a great governor and would
bo elected to succeed himself by an
overwhelming majority.
London has Inaugurated a campaign
of extermination against the numerous
cats which Infest the city and have
become an Intolerable nuisance. The
superstition against killing cats has
been followed so blindly that the great
city Is over run.
The ofllclal Information that ho was
actually defeated by Mayor McClcllau
of New York In the mayoralty contest
of 1005 has cost William Hearst
$200,000 , besides the nerve wracking
uncertainty he has endured for three
Olllclal reports of coal production
show that West Virginia has lost her
rank ns the second coat producing
state In the country and has fallen
to third. Illinois regains the second
place which she lost to West Virginia
in 190C.
Great surprise Is manifested In
London papers because a princess has
cloned with an automobile agent ,
Don't the Londoners know that
coachmen are back numbers now and
any up-to-date princess would pick for
an automobile agent ?
The Texans sent Bryan a water
melon with the expressed hope that
lie would get as many electoral votes
as it had seeds. A vivid imagination
can picture William J. on his hands
anl knees and pawing over the dining
room carpet for seeds enough to make
his "calling and election sure. "
If one half the reports aboui
the Olympic games is true , the mucl
vaunted British sense of fair play is
consplclously absent , and the introduc
tion of such Inferior games as ping
pong and into the Olympli
lists proves what Is often stated tha
the English physique is fast retro
The new labor park which is bein !
completed by the Indianapolis labo :
organization and will be formally dedi
cated on labor day , is thirty acres li
area and has a pavilion for meetings
dances , roller skating , etc. , which ii
forty feet wide and 100 feet long. I
has many other attractions and prom
ISL-S to be one of the most beautlfu
parks of the city.
It Is reported that after making dlr <
threats of what the "oath bound 01
ganizatlons" under his control wouli
do if the Republican platform wa
not shaped to his liking , Preslden
Gompers is making in his paper i
pathetic plea to unionists to "vot
once for labor instead of party. " Thl
looks like a rather humiliating coi
fesslon that Mr. Gompers is not quit
able to "deliver" the labor vote.
Eight billion dollars is the estimate
worth of this year's crop of variou
kinds throughout the United States
That is a stupendous sum , quite b <
yond the conception of the human li
tolled. As a matter of fact , we hav
Just begun to take our real measure i
this land. We have grown so fas
and so furiously that wo have hardl
had time heretofore to think nbon
how great we are getting. We ar
gigantic and wo are Just finding it ou
A rich man seems mighty big to u
In our day but la the long run even n
tills world goes , he Is very sraa
potatoes. Name if you can half
dozen rich men who lived before th
nineteenth century , whom the worl
has cared to remember. Yet we hav
no trouble in recalling Columbui
Newton , Ilnphael , Milton , Shakes-
pi-arc. The BO wrought little for themselves -
solves but accomplished well and
honestly for humanity.
Those who accuse President Hooso-
veil of being nnxloim for war and
ridiculing his desire for a big navy
forgot his letter of acceptance to the
honorary prosldenc.v of "Tho Pence
and Arbitration League" In which he
said : "We must do everything pos
sible to sccuro agreements with nil
the governments to respect each
other's territory and sovereignty and
arbitrate all other questions. " This
IIOWH what the president's Ideal
latlon will do as regards other
atlons. But there Is always the ques-
Ion whether the other nations will
: t well their part In the arbitration
irorrrnm. If not , then comes the need
: > r the big navy.
Lloyds have Insured against almost
ivory form of catastrophe in the
ears past but this year witnesses n
iew departure In the insurance line ,
'hey ' have entered the Held of Ainer-
iau politics and are now writing pel-
: ics against the possibility of the
lection of Bryan. The first policies
we at the rate of $20 per $100 , then
dropped to $10 and later raised to
15 on a rush of applications. This
B virtually betting from 9 to 1 tote
to 1 against Bryan's election. It
s sure evidence that Lloyds believe
lie pro-convention statement of
emocrntlc leaders that Bryan cannot
ie elected. liven now the defections
om Democracy are dally accumula-
ng and the undertow looks like a
letermlnntlon to make the Democratic
ofoat of 190S more overwhelming
lian that of 1904.
The vice president holds the sec-
mil olllce in the nation nominally , but
: ho official prominence ends witli the
lame. In order to keep up the stand-
, rd of living which the position
ienmnds , It Is necessary to pay more
ban the salary of the olllce for house
ent. Not all men eligible to the
losition are able to do this. In fact
t is commonly talked that the can-
lldato for the vice presidency must
jo a rich man to bo able to afford so
expensive a luxury. It seems only
'air since the vice president is re-
yarded merely as the fifth wheel tc
.he administration wagon , having nc
ipportunlty to use his powers or at
.nin the accomplishment of presona'
.mbltlon , that he should be providei
ivlth a suitable olllcial residence ant
a salary sufficient to maintain the
itandard of living demanded by UK
The array of naval fighting ma
chines which England has assemblct
n the North Sea for maneuvers make !
our sixteen battleships look like :
'wee bit" navy after all. It include !
311 fighting craft , twenty-nine battle
ships , twenty-four great armorei
misers , thirty-six protected cruisers
13G destroyers , big and little , thirty
hree submarines , four torpedo boat :
and three mine layers. In addition ti
this Great Britain has twenty-sevei
battleships and cruisers in the Mod
terranean and ten similar vessels li
the far east , while four battleships nnt
four cruisers will attend the Princi
of Wales and protect him from foi
elgn foes on his way to Canada. It 1
a tremendous display of power , bu
in order to build and support It th' '
common people of England and tin
countries ruled by her , are belni
ground down with a burden of taxo
tlon which Is actually degrading th
race physically and morally. For Ii
its last analysis the cost of thes
navies must be added to what men ea
and wear and homes that shelte
In the death of Senator William I
Allison , who for forty years had bee
in congress from Iowa and who stoo
out pre-eminently ns one of the gran
old men of the nation , is felt keenl
by the entire country as well as b
Iowa. It should be cause for lastln
satisfaction , however , now that he ha
been removed from the politico
fray , 'that ' his record was endorse
by the people of Iowa in the recen
primary struggle. Iowa voted Its coi
fldence in him by selecting him i
the face of a terrific flght waged b
Governor Cummins.
It seems with ill grace , at bes
that Mr. Cummins rushes into th
race for Allison's shoes , shouting hi
candidacy over the dead body of th
late senator before the corpse ha
time to become cold in death. Man
selfish ambition to hold public ofllc
should not allow him to forget the o
dlnnry courtesies of llfo.
Governor Cummins was defeated i
the polls and yet within the hour (
his victorious opponent's death , Cur
mlns gives forth an Interview decla
Ing himself a candidate to succec
the man who had Just been remove
from the senatorial office.
It Is unfortunate that the terrlf
political struggle , which has toi
Iowa's Republicans In twain , should i
this time bo reopened after havlr
been so recently settled In Senator A
llson's victory.
The death of Allison takes one <
the men who had achieved nation ;
prominence through long years i
valuable public service. He was not
a bold man , not a creator of now
theories , but ho was a conservative , *
cniialon * , and Intelligent senator.
There are not so many of that sort
that one can be lost without being
A good political Mory If told on
Edgar Howard of Columbus , who IP
Just now engaged In campaigning to
be candidate for congress on the Dem
ocratic ticket , his opponent being J.
P. Latta of Tekamah. Not no many
years ago Edgar was president of a
company that look over the Fremont
Herald nud made a real newspaper of
It , owning n majority of stock In the
concern. Then he sold hi * stock , re
ceiving largely therefore promises to
pay. In due course of time those
promises became duo but only n portion
tion wore paid. Mr. Howard , being
an easy going , good naturcd sort of a
follow , finally agreed to tnko back a
portion of the stock , but enough of it
was paid for to take the control
of the paper out of his hands. It Is
possible that when ho agreed to ac
cept back some of the stock that he
had In mind his coming candidacy for
congress and thought an Interest in
a paper at Fremont would not come
amiss. But it was a pure case of
displaced confidence , for , although ho
s at this time a heavy stockholder
the Herald , his own paper Is Just
ow devoting n large share of Its en-
Tgy to booming the candidacy of hist
ipponont , Mr. Uittn , to be democratic
lominoo. Thus , smltteif in his own
lousohold and turned out of his own
mme , as It wore , Edgar Is still looking
iheerful and calmly predicting to his
'rlends ' that he will be elected the
Democratic candidate for congress
'rom the Third district at the coming
irlmnry election. Politics sometimes
irlng about strange conditions and
.his scorns to be about the limit.
In inaugurating a movement to
barge foreign advertisers the same
rales for space In their papers that the
ionic advertiser pays , the Elkhorn Ed-
torlal nssoclnllon have begun on n
Inn that cannot help but prove bene
ficial to themselves and be fair lo
.heir own people. There is no just
excuse for printing palent medicine
idvertlsements at a low price and at
ho same time charging their home
merchants twice as much. A clrcnln-
.ion that will justify a certain rate
'rom a homo man is worth just ns
much to the foreign fellow who wants
.o roach the same people , and he
should pay it or stay out. And as ad
vertising Is the life blood of many ol
the medicine concerns they will not
stay out permanently. When The
News adopted this system of charging
a number of years ago , having earlj
seen the Injustice of treating the for
eigner any better than Us own towns
nen , Ihoro was a general slump from
Its columns of the class of advertisers
who fool that they must have some
thing for nothing. But pretty seer
they commenced coming back am
today The News carries all this class
of advertising that it cares lo , ane
not one single line is appearing at r
ess rate than the highest rate pah' '
by home men. In fact , The News no\\
hns but one rate for a given amount
of space , and if the foreign advertise !
wants to reach its readers he musi
pay that rate without discounts ofanj
kind. We newspaper people objcc
when our people send away from home
for articles they can buy from towr
merchants , and we should be consist
ent enough not to ourselves discrlmin
ate against our own town by giving ai
outsider the benefit of our circulatloi
at a less rate than we expect ou :
home merchant to pay. The Elkhon
valley editors are certainly taking i
step in the right direction , and every
one of them , should adopt the pollc ;
of one fair rate to all.
It Is ol practical Interest to all voter
to face the possibilities of the press
ent campaign as they can be adduce )
from cold figures. The question o
political success for either candidate
of the two great political parties depends
pends on how many electoral vote :
they can control. Let us look over ttv
roll of states In order , If possible , ti
get a more definite Idea of the sltua
Since 1894 seven votes have beei
added to the electoral college by th
admission of Oklahoma , There ar
now 483 electoral votes , making 24
votes necessary to name n preslden
and vice president.
What are the resources of the Den
ocratlc party ? If Mr. Bryan is to wi
what are the states ho will carry ?
To start out with , Bryan and Ker
can be conceded Oklahoma , Ter
nessee , Texas , Arkansas , Misslsslpp
Louisiana , Georgia , Alabama , Floridt
North Carolina , South Carolina , an
Virginia. The state give them 12
votes to begin with. Mr , Bryan an
his colleague are still In need 01' 11
electoral votes if they are to trlumpl
Where are they to look for them ?
Kentucky , although good flghtln
ground for the Republicans Is , it ha
been conceded , most likely to stand I
the Democratc column. It has till :
teen voices and Its accession bring
Mr. Bryan's electoral vote up to 141
The chances are that Missouri , a
though It went for Roosevelt In 1901
and la good fighting ground for Taft ,
will be found In the Bryan ranks.
If HO. this adds twenty-two and ad
vances the Democratic total to 15S.
Hero the definite and admitted
Bryan strength comes to a halt with
the necessity of securing eighty-four !
More votes If "tho peerless otio" Is to
sit In the white house for four years.
Where nro they to be found ?
One no sooner begins the search for
hem than ho Is convinced of the hope
lessness of the case unless there
should prove to bo n complete revolution
elution In public sentiment between
now and November , of which there
aio no Indications and for which there
Is no reason.
Mr. Bryan can hardly expect to
carry an eastern state. Nowhere Is
his leadership so Ignored , nowhere nro
his policies more distrusted among the
rank and Illo of the people than In the
states of Now York , New .lorsey , Del
aware and Maryland , where formerly
Democratic majorities wore the rule.
So well do Mr. Bryan and his mana
gers recognize the futility of any ex
pectations of winning victories In this
bunch of states that they have evi
dently abandoned all missionary
effort in the oust.
The result of the campaign depends
entirely on how far Mr. Bryan can
cause n break In the hitherto loyal
Republican states stretching from
Ohio westward. Call the roll of those
splendid western commonwealths.
Ohio , Illinois , Minnesota , Michigan ,
Iowa , Kansas , Wisconsin , and the Da-
kolas. There is not n scintilla of
evidence indicating that they will not
each and all of them endorse William
II. Taft at the polls In the same hearty
manner as they did his predecessors ,
William McKlnley and Theodore
Roosevelt. Nor Is there any grave
reason to fear the loss of further west
ern mountain states. Despite all
claims , the Pacific west Is not In re
volt against the Republican ticket.
But in order to be generous , grant
without the least refiPon for doing so ,
that Indiana , Xebrasika , Montana and
Nevada are to bo found in the Dem
ocratic electoral column In November.
All these four states have only twenty-
nine votes and with them added to
those which have already been Con
ceded , Mr. Bryan will still need fifty-
five more votes in the electoral college
before he will be justified in planning
to break up housekeeping at Falrvlew
and occupying quarters in Theodore
Roosevelt's present residence. *
To get those fifty-five votes , the
Democrats must capture Illlnoils , Col
orado , Iowa and Kansas. They will
capture Iowa and Kansas when the Re
publicans capture Alabama and Mis
Mr. Bryan's chances for winning
the election are about one to sixteen
for being defeated. Meantime Hitch
cock and his advisors aio wise In
planning for a very comprehensive
campaign In every state.
Mr. Bryan will conduct an Interest
ing contest. It will bo spectacular ,
noisy and full of claims. His presl-
' | dontlal battles serve the double pur
pose of energizing the Republicans
and keeping before the country a
charming private citizen.
The people admire the gifts and the
genial personality of Col. William
[ Jennings Bryan but they do not trust
his theories. He will not win. It is
improbable that his defeat by William
Howard Taft will be more overwhelm
ing than was that of Alton B. Parker
by Theodore Roosevlt In 1901.
r The chautauqua , which Norfolk Is
now enjoying for the first time in Us
history , is accredited by Edmund
Vance Cooke in Collier's as being the
. most powerful factor that has kept
I Mr. Bryan before the public so em
phatically for twelve years.
Following Is the description of the
chautauqua , particularly with reference
enco to Mr. Bryan , written by Mr ,
Cooke :
What has held Bryan close to the
people's heart and head ? The answer
best worth considering is this : the
lyceum and the chautauqua , especlallj
the chautauqua. In the great middle-
west , which Is the backbone of Bry
an's support , the chautauqua is an
Institution. There are , approximately ,
six hundred or more scattered
through the west , and every season
adds to their number. Bryan Is the
chautauqua star , par excellence , thii
headllner of them all. His voice Is
big , his personality is big , well suited
to large auditoriums and unconven
tlonal crowds. He can talk polices
and not offend , for ho has a sense ol
humor and Is willing to turn the latigl
against himself occasionally. He car
talk ethics and leave his audience ox
altcd. The Republicans who come tc
laugh remain to admire , the Demo
crats who come to admire remain t (
worship , and all of them file up ant
shako hands most prayerfully. Bryni
meets many of them personally. I
d the Democratic county commute *
Isn't there to receive him , ho doesn'
" I care. Ho talks to the policeman 01
the corner or the baggageman at UK
depot. Ho dodges no subject but one
That one is Bryan.
"It's all right to talk personalltlei
between friends , " says Mr. Bryan
"but when I have talked of myself fo :
publication , I have been appalled a
the number of 'I's' and 'mo's * whlcl
seem to have crept In. "
But upon a public platform a mat
must bo 'pornohal,1 Xo matter how
Infrequent III * personal pronoun , It Is
his voice which speaks , his o > o which
Hashes , his arm which gesticulates , his
ponumnllty which dominates the
Ht-e'iio. And Bryan talked thus per
sonally to ilOO.OUO people during the
chiuitauqun season of 1907. He has
been delivering from 100 to ICO ly-
i-t'uin and flmutaitqun addresses yearly
for a dozen years.
Few people realize the extent and
Inllui lire of the chnutauquas and the
possibilities they afford a public man
with a purpose. It Is doubtful whether
Mr. Bryan himself realizes his In
debtedness to them. Comparatively
few people know anything about the
extent of the chautauqua movement ,
and especially In the east , where the
chnutaiiquu originated , Is the Ignor
ance of the real outgrowth most pro
found. The conservative Democrat of
the east , for example , ronlinually rubs
his eyes and scratches his head over
the vitality of the Bryan boom.
"Chautauqua ? " Why , that Is a lake
in western Now York with a summer
school. Some such vague Idea exists
In many minds , and even when they
do know what chautauqun Institute
( of New York ) Is , they do not know
that It Is a mere drop In the bucket
of the great chautauqua movement of
the west. These chautnuquas are held
for about ten-day sessions , from June
to September , all over the west , and
the aim is to hold them when and
where the rural population can attend.
And it does. The farmer and his
family buy season tickets , and they
attend the sessions afternoon and
evening , for ton days , oven to phys
ical exhaustion and Intellectual Indi
They hoar the prelude by the
soprano and the render , they listen to
the lecture by the more or less great
statesman , orator , minister , or trav
eler , they hear the jubilee singers , the
well known author , and they see the
magician and the moving pictures.
If they do not buy season tickets ,
they at least drive to town on
"Bryan day. " Indeed , part of Bryan's
fee is conditioned upon the extra ad
missions at the gate , and It is said
his own share amounts to about
$25,000 in a single summer. In one
day last summer his receipts wore
$1,200 The chaulauqua received D
like amount.
Most people can understand the
figures of gate receipts If a little slow
to accept figures of speech. They can
begin to realize Bryan's popularity
when it Is expressed in dollars , and
yet Mr. Bryan's fees are the smallest
part of the dividends from his plat
form work , ns before hinted. It only
fair to Mr. Bryan to mention that he
makes more speeches without pay
than he does for pay. A large part ol
his time Is devoted lo public and
party work , which not only brings no
profits , but Involves a very consider
able expense.
Nor does Mr. Bryan charge "all the
rafllc will bear. " It is intercsling tc
nolo that his contracts provide that
the admission fee to hear him shall
not bo higher than the same fee for
at least two other numbers of the
"course. " Is this modesty the wisdom
of the serpent or the harmlcssness
of the dove ? He is also cautious in
expressing his opinion of his con-
freres. "Who is the greatest oratoi
you over hoard ? " ho was asked
"Oh , " answered Mr. Bryan coyly , yet
without a blush of self-consciousness
"I have heard too many good Denv
ocrats speak to answer that. "
Mr. Bryan has Ideas about introduc
tlons , from which he has suffered
and ho lays down one Infallible rule
"When an audience becomes tired ol
the introduction , it is time for the in
trodncor to stop. " "Tho laudatorj
introduction , " he says , "should be
avoided. Not that one objects tc
being well thought of , but he objects
to having people watch him while hr
blushes , or , worse still , watch hin
wliile he falls to blush when he oughl
to. "
Mr. Bryan has long since ceased tc
blush when Introduced as "our ncxl
president , " though there Is a touch ol
Incredulity In his smile. And if the
presidency comes to him , he maj
thank the chautauqua , and If the
presidency flees from him the chautau
qua Is still there and waiting to wel
come him again.
Not without good cause maj
Pierce and Stanlon county Repnbli
cans look to the future in conslderinj
the primary campaign now belnf
waged in the Eleventh senatorial dls
trlct. Time honored custom , long age
agreed upon as eqnllable and fair
until now lived up to by each of the
four counties In the district in gooe
faith , decrees that this year It li
Stanlon county's turn to name tin
Republican senatorial candidate. Sen
ator Randall of Mndlson county , son
without a dissenting voice among tin
Republicans of the four counties ti
the legislature's last session , Is tin
first man to rise up and Insist 'tha
this long-standing and eminently fnl
f | rotation agreement bo violated. H
would have the Eleventh district Re
publicans break faith with Stanloi
county at this time In order that hi
might bo sent back to the senate. Mae !
Ison came in two years ago under th' '
agreement. It was and eminently fal
agreement at that time. Today th
rotation plan has lost all of Its vli
tues. At the present time this rotn
tfon plan is "puerile. " Senator Ran ,
dall has boon pressed by the multltud
of friends friends who insist then
Is only ono man In all of these fou
counties who can capably ropresen
us In the state senate ? to accept Jus
ono more nomination. He had quit
11 decided to ask for the honor a secom
time In succession In fact a nurabe
of reliable Stanton county men an
ready to attest that Senator Randall
told them ho would not again seek the
olllco If Stnnton county wanted the
nomination but his friends all eivor
the district rose up on masse and In
response to bushels of letters ho was
forced , regardless of precedent estab
lished by the Republicans of the dis
trict years ago and consistently lived
up to by the party over since1 , to
offer himself ns the district's savior.
If the long-time precedent of rota
tion In this nomination Is to bo vleiln-
ted this year , to satisfy ono man's
personal ambition , what of the future ?
Under the established precedent ,
Pierce County's turn would come next ,
then Wayne's , and then Madison's
again. Break that agreement this
year and where Is the senator te > come
from two years hence T
Would there , following the grntl-
llcallem of Senator Randall feir twice
as much olllcevholdlng In this olllco
ns hns over before boon given any
man , bo a now precedent to follow ?
Would It bo two terms e'nch In the
fuluro or would It bo ono term for
each of the oilier Ihroo and two terms
when it cnmo to Madison ?
To give the sonntorshlp twice con-
K'outlvoly to any emu county would
make It sixteen years before the olllco
over rotated through the circuit of
four. Thus to ono man In each county
would bo given all of the senatorial
honors thai could como to that county
in sixteen years. Is there anything
particularly fair about that ? Is there
anything to commend such an arrange
ment to anybody except Iho four men
who would hold the olllco throughout
those sixteen years ? Yet such a basis
Senator Randall would apparently
have us establish.
Or , quite as le > glcnllj- , since Mr.
Randall of Newman Giovo Is the only
nan In the femr counties this year
who is capable of Intelligently rep
resenting the Eleventh district In
the senate , is there any foundation
for the expectation that there would
be senatorial timber in the district ,
: \sido from Mr. Randall , two years
from now , or four , or six.
And If it Is necessary to break all
precedent for the sake of being rep
resented in the state senate by the
Newman Grove banker again this year ,
could our Interests any bettor spare
him in years to come ? Is it that wo
have at last had discovered for us
the man who can properly look after
these four counties In the state feen
ate ? And if so , will anybody deny
that we ought to perpetuate this one
natural senator for llfo ?
Everybody admits that R. Y. Ap
pleby Is fully as able , fully ns Intelll- .
gent , fully as honorable and honest ,
fully as broad-gungcd , fully as shrewd
a business man and fully as well
known in the state as Mr. Randall.
R. Y. Appleby of Stnnton Is fully
the equal of C. A. Rnndoll for senator
ial timber. Ho has fully as many
friends throughout the state. Ho
would bo able to accomplish fully as
much during the coming session of
the legislature for the Eleventh dis
trict and the Eleventh district needs
attention as would Mr. Randall or
any other man In the district.
R. Y. Appleby Is peculiarly fitted
for the senatorshlp. His viewpoint ,
te > begin with , Is that of a farmer. He
' I has been In line with all of the Re
publican party's progress In fact he
hns helped make the Republican party
what it is in Nebraska. He Is a man
who holds the good will of his neigh
bors and townsmen. They say his
word Is as good as his bond. He Is
straightforward , clean-cut and means
what he says. Ho Is eminently a
fair man in all things. And ho pos
sesses a personality that will at once
attract friendship and good will. No
more capable , no better qualified man
In the Eleventh district could be found
to represent us In the senate than
R. Y. Appleby.
No better senatorial timber could
be found than R. Y. Appleby. And
this Is Stanton county's turn.
Stanton county asks this year only
the same treatment from Madison ,
Pierce and Wayne counties that has
boon accorded to each ono of these ,
in its turn , with Stanton's help , during
a long period of years.
And In case Stanton county Is
turned down this year ; should the ells-
trlct at large break faith with Stanton
B i
| county and with Itself , Pierce and
Wayne may well look to the future.
t For if the Republicans of this dis
r trict this year violate their paste
agreement , the senatorial nomination
may easily become a free lance in
years to come. Madison and one other
o county could unite , if it came to that
and thus retain to themselves the
senatorial nomination for all time to
como , freezing out the two less pop
tilous neighbors freun any glimpse
of the senatorshlp.
It may be argued that this sort of
. practice would mean defeat at the
e pe > lls ; and It may just as feoundly bo
argued that violating the rotation
agreement already In force the fairest -
est system of distributing the olllco
that could be devised will just ns
surely work for disruption of the party
1 in the district
r And party harmony and party sue-
o cess ought to bo as much desired bye
one who has had ono senatorial oleev
lltm from the district , as by any othoi'
man In the district.
If faith Is bullion with Slaiilon this
Kiir , when ( hut county proiiontH u J
mini worthy the honor In every wn > ,
would those who now want to violate
on agreement , for the grntlllrntloii of
emo man's nlllcoholdlng ambition , lie
In favor of giving the Konatiirslilp to
Stanton next time , or would llioy pana
Stiinton by altogether ?
And If Wayne mid Plore-o counties
liecomo parlies to this lirueeh of faith ,
what sort of support may ( hey ex
pect feu- their candidates In the future
when they come to claim thtlr lurmt
at olllco ?
The Eleventh district ef ) Nebraska
has never ye-t seen the day when It
pe > SHe > KKod only on man fit to tepresont
It In the slate somite. That day In
not diiwnlug now. Fair play was at
the basis of the rotn ( Ion agreement
made by Republicans Of ( ho Eleventh
district , Just as It wast miide In either
districts , yours ago. Fair piny Is in
order at the prt'Mont tlmo.
The friends who hnvo pressed Son- *
ntor Randall Into nuking for more
than his shnro of senatorial lionorn In
this district , nro nsklng the Repub
licans of those four counties te > break
an equitable precedent and te > estab
lish a dangerous disorder.
This Is a season whou Iho Repub
licans of the Eleventh senatorial dis
trict should think twice , ami inciden
tally look Into the future.
More Is Involved than the UKTO am- '
liltlou of emo mnu to gain twice nn
much senatorial distinction In this dis
trict ns hns ever been granted to anyone
ono man before.
Did they tag yon ?
La Follottc drew the crowd. IIo also
drew $225.
The crops nro mnklng a noise ll'e ' >
the jingling e > f the guinea.
Te'ii years ngo wo thought Iho Rus
sian thl&tlo was geilng lo destroy the
Bo thankful If you havn'i hay favor
Hint Is , if you havn't.
Norfolk hns started out chautait-
qnnlng In first rate style.
The Chicago Tribune has discov
ered that many statements In tha
declaration of Independence wore also
stolen from Mr. Brynu.
Ono merchant at O'Neill stopped tak
ing The News because ho never geit
a chance to see it somebody came In
and swiped it every afternoon.
Now is the time to vote In The
Xows piano contest.
LaFollclte Is here , but wo still
lay our money on Allen.
How many times have you hoard it
"This Is going to bo a scorcher. "
Rase ball news is of much more
Interest just now than the presidential
campaign. <
"A grent many visitors are in our
humidst , " remarks the New York i
Evening Mail
The town marshal at Valentine is
a man of rare discrimination. He-
can tell one "coon" from another. A
colored lad has been arrested there
as answering the precise description
of a young darky who escaped from
the Kansas reformatory.
Mnny a business enterprise whoso
death Is diagnosed as due to "lack of
public appreciation , " has really suc
cumbed to n lack of judicious adver
tising. About the time T.he public
begins to stop appreciating an Insti
tution Is the time for that Institution
to wake up and let the public know
it is on earth.
Pray for the thing you want , but
work for the things you must have.
There are lots of men who seem
worthless until compared with a girl
who has Just returned from a vaca
George N. Beels of Norfolk lo an
nounced as a candidate at the coming
primary election for the republican
nomination as representative from the
district of Madison county.