1 HE NUUKOLK WEKKI.y NEWS-JOl'ltSAI. KIUDAY , JUNK 111 IMS < v MADISON HAS INVITED NORFOLK TO COUNTY SEAT. 300 PEOPLE BROUGHT THE BID Staniori and Battle Creek Will Alto Celebrate Other North Nebraska Towns Are Making Elaborate Plans to Attract Vlsitorn. In a fortnight north Nebraska IM-O- ple will be called on to tnko the-lr Feiurth of July plans. Anil an usual e-ltl'/e-iiH v.hose own town doon not relelirnto will visit neighboring tenviiH , where they will widen their list of ae > epialnlnnce > n and help cremate closer tlo botwern nolRlihorhnodH. Neitlidk has already received nil In- vltatlim lo spend the Fourth of July In Madlsem. The Invitation WIIH e > lll- dally Issued by the1 .Mudlnon Cemimur- clal e-lub. It was delivered te > Neir- folk by IlllO Madison poeiplo who came te > the' flreineii's carnival with the Mndlson lituiel lei put an exclamation mark after their expression of good will. The Union Pacific will preibably run an excursion te > Madison em the > Fourth the- special leaving for the county se'at about ! t n. in. In the- evening the' reg ular piihsoiiKor will probably bo held until IU o'clock. To the west eif Norfolk Battle Crook will eiMobrate the national blrlhilay. To the east Stanton will eele-brato. He > lh will draw people from this city. In lloll county lowing Is bidding for Feiurth eif Jul ) vlslteirs. In Kea Piihn county Burlem nnd Sprlngvlew , rival towns , will both cole-Ill Itto. Plni' v ! n announced a Pierce county e i . ( ration. T1' 'lev o mlli- tary bniiel has been engnge'd Hrii'-w ! e -I ; will celebrate 111 In ; i county. Knei.x county people can celebrate in Nleihrara. Bo. , el county will have1 at least u triple celebration. Kpencer , Unite and Lynch have al- lonely been hoard from. There will be a race meet at Spencer , a week's carnival at Butto. TUESDAY TOPICS. W. II.Vidaiiiiin Is compelled to use crutches because ot ; i turned ankle. Monte .1. Thiobold of Wayne gradu ated from Wisconsin university with high honors C1. 10. IXmghty has begun oxcavivt- ing for a new residence on South Ninth street. P. II. Patterson of Chadron was elected president of the Hlack Hills Traveling Men's nstwcatiou at the an nual meeting nnd outing at Hot Spiings , S. I ) . Monday afternoon a force of men with teams removed the rubbish left on Norfolk avenue from the 1'tirket shows. The street commissioner had the King draj ; on the streets Monday at tcinoon , putting them in condition foi travel. The Kpweirth League convention o : the Notigh district In session in Oak dale will close Thursday evening will a lecture , "Our Country" by Dr Thomas Hlthell of this city. Congressman Moses P. Kinkald o the Sl.xth Nebraska , with his sccretnrj A. W. Humphrey , Is one of the con vcntiou spectators in Chicago. Con gresBinnn Kinknid will return t < O'Noftl as boon as the conveiitioi closes. A group of Northwestern olllciah left Monday afternoon in a private on on an inspection tour of the Bonesteo line. The east trains from Fremon are still dela.\ed and running slightlj behind time on account of the sof track all along the fine. The newly elected ollicers of Mosale lodge , No. . " 10 , A. F. A. M. wore in stalled last evening with the usual ceremonies- . The new otllcers are : W. K. Hoffman , \V. M. : 11. L. Snyder , S. W. ; M. C. Hnzen , J. \ \ ' . ; Goo. 11. Burlem , seoretar ) ; L. C. Mittelstadt , treasurer ; S. ( ! . Dean , S. I ) . ; Warren McOlnry , J. 0. ; 11. Gerocko. S. S. ; H. C. Simmons , J. S. "Blind Tom , " who died Sunday at lloboken. N. J. , once gave a concert at the Methodist church In Norfolk. He was a famous negro musician , much like "Hlind Hoone" except that he was simple minded. Tom used to applaud his own work on the piano , doing this just as he did his music-making wholly from hearing others do it. He had been living in retirement of late and subsisting on charity. An amusing incident occured in Norfolk police court recently. A German woman had been called to the Mnml to testify concerning a con versation which had taken place be tween two Niys. I'pou taking the stand she refused to testify except in German , explaining at the time that she was unable to speak English. The conversation of which she was to testi fy had taken place in English and the opposing lawyer was quick to see his advantage Ho pointed out that it would he imiHisslble for the woman to authentically testify as to a conversa tion in English when she could not understand it. The point was so well taken Hint the lady was forced to leave the stand without testifying. BONAPARTE TO QUIT ? f ' i 1 Relations of President nnd Attorney General Reach Critical Stage. Washington , D C , June 10 Thnt relations between President Roosevelt and Attorney General Bonaparte have reached a point where the latter thinks he should quit the cabinet Is the be- nc\ . it In snld. will prompt Mr lionn parto to remain with the admlnlMni lion for the present , but It Is thought lui will retlru BOOH after the November elections. Mr. Ilonaparto has not felt nt home In the department of Jubilee , it is de clared , wince the trouble between him self and the president over the pro ceedings Instituted In the case of the New York , New Haven and Hartford railroad company. The action of the president In order ing the removal of United States Dis trict Allotney Norman M Hulck and United States Marsha ) Hue ! Hounds of Idaho IH pointed out as r. new source of trouble. Mr. Honaparte wnf op posed to their removal , It Is nsportrd. STATEMENT SOON. Carnival Committee Preparing Finan cial Report to Department. Members ol the committee from the Norfolk lire department , which had charge of the carnival of last week , stated today that they were unable to give the financial results of the car nival but that a statement would bo re pared as noon as the bills out- landing were audited. The accounts live not been entirely closed up and lomhortt of the committee have net dellnllc Idea of just what was netted. Case May Be Dropped. The bond of Dr. Bracking , who van bound over to the district court y .1stice Lambert Saturday , has not oen lived. Dr. Bracking is charged vlth practicing medicine without a cense. The case may be dropped as ) r. Bracking has signlllcd his Inle-n- Ion of gettini ; a state certificate and hus complying with the law. Ciilnrrli Cttiinnt lir Pnn-il vlth LOCAL APPLICATIONS , ns they iitmiit rruoh tlic Mont of the illsen iitnrrht \ * a blnne'i or oiiiistltuUonal IsriiMc unit In nnliT to cure It you must uko Internal remedies. Hull's Catarrh /lire In tiikrn Internally , unit uctH ellr- n'tly on tlie liloml ami mucus mirfnors. lull's C.iliirrh Cure Is net n quitch m-elli'lue. Hviis proscribed liy one of : he bust physicians In this country for i-ent'H and In n reuular prescription , "t Is composed f the. best tonics known ombliu'it with the bent blood purlllerH , ictlni ; directly on the mucus surfaces. I'ho perfect combination of the two In- redlpnta Is what producea such won- lerful rusults in curlns Catarrh. Send 'or testimonials frue. F. J. ( "HHNHY .t CO. , Toledo , O. Sold by UruKtflstH , price "lie. Take Hall's Fumlly Pills for consti pation. TAFT UNDER LADDER. Superstitious at the White House Shiver With Fear. Washington , June Ki Workmen wrought a ladder Into the otlice of the secretary of war yosterelny. Some nnx- ious courtier started to remark that was the ladder that led to higher hlngs , but he suddenly remembered that the slender structure was no eler- lick and desisted. Now as everyone knows , pane IS , of the Hast us Jenkins Dream Book tells us just what will happen to u man who walks under a ladder. It is the same thing that happens after a black cat chases itself acioss the road in front of you. Willie this ladder obstructed the doorway , Secretary Taft came toward the door as one who would fain gc out. Ho perceived the ladder , halted and backed tip for a fresh start. A score of curious persons gathered te : watch the struggle between the Highet Thought and the Lower Superstition On each side of the ladder was space enough for Vice President Fair banks to pass , but not for the secre tary. The middle of the road and UK fatal plunge under the ladder was the only thing big enough to afforc safe conduct. The secretary crossed his fingers shifted a telegram to Frank Hitch cock Into the other hand , and made the daring sortie under the emblem o bad luck. "Lordy ! He's done gone and done it , " walled a dusky porter , who strok ed a rabbit's foot over the carpel where the big war chief passed. "It done came from a urnveyare rabbit's left bin' foot , and it maj help , " said the faithful worker. RECTOR GOT $30,000. , The Rev. Baker P. Lee of Los Angales Church In Trouble. Los Angeles , Cal. . June 13. A though drawing a salary of from $1 , 000 to fo.Oufl a year and having the free use of a ? 12,000 house for severa years , the Rev. Baker P. I oe , rector of Christ church , Episcopal , borrowei from vestrymen and other pnrishlon ors and certain outsiders sums aggregating gating more than ? 30,000 for his per sonal uses , and finally found it neces sary to obtain from a money lender $000 at an Interest rate of 10 per cen per month , giving as security a chatte mortgage on the furniture of the rectory. The recording of the mortgage dis closed the clergyman's activity as a financier. Some of the indorsers o his notes who have made good tht amounts of the loans complained to Bishop Johnson , and an investigation was ordered. Wesley Clark , a mem her of the church , was appointed by the bishop to conduct an investigation and as a result the vestry demandec Mr. Lee's resignation. He refused to resign. "The rector can he removed onlj upon charges against his moral character actor , " said Lee , "and I challenge an ono to say a word against me In thn regard. " In getting acquainted with a mar ried woman you will find she Is pretty upt to say , early in the acquaintance , "I did not know a THING when I was married. " What does she mean ? The women arc paying out n good deal to improve their complexions. What Is the matter with the old-fash ioned woman's method of getting a "AMERICAN KIDS" SOUGHT FOR FOURTH OF JULY DATES. PLAY PLAINVIEW THURSDAY Norfolk May Play Columbus at Madi son on the Fourth A Two Weeks Base Ball Tour IB Being Considered. Fast Game in View. The Norfolk base ball team Is In demand over north Nebraska for games. Correspondence Is already coming In from towns anxious to secure-Nor folk's "American Kids" for Fourth of July tournaments. It Is quite possible that Norfolk may play Columbus at Madison on the Fourth. Strengthened In the pitching de partment hy the addition of Kliklnnd , a star t wirier from Atkinson , the chances for a winning hall team for Norfolk are exceedingly good. Kirkland - land has made a splendid record thus far this season and will be on the slab for Norfolk when they meet Plninvlew next Thursday afternoon. Hoffman , who does the receiving for Norfolk , Is a heady player and al though only eighteen > ears of ago plays a fancy game nt backstopplng. With thos.0 two ns a battery Norfolk is sure to be strong In this depart ment of the game. The inlleld and outfield , although pla.\lng good steady ball now , will im prove as the season advances. The thing most needed Is practice and if the weather permits , the team will practice regularly from now on. The continued rains have made it impos sible lor the players to use the ball diamond. Ijiler on In the season Captain Shafer - or maj take his "American Kids" on a two weeks' tour of the state , playing the best amateur teams on the road. A large number of games will also be ehcdulod on the home grounds , so hat Norfolk fans need not go away rom home to see an exhibition of lie national sport. Plalnvkw cornea > Norfolk on Thursday afternoon , nnd t a transfer of dates can be made with Mainview , Crofton will be here Frl- ay. The game which was being con- Idered with Neligh for today , was ropped on account of the ixior condl ion of the ball diamond. With a littk unshine the grounds will be In ex client condition for the game Thurs ay. CONVENTIOfmOGRAM District Convention of Missionary So ciety Here Saturday. The program of the district con volition of the Woman's Home Mis sionary society of the Methodist church which convenes in the Metho list church of this city Saturday aftei loon , is : Saturday , 2. p. m. Devotional Mrs. G. L. Goodel Boomer. Roll call of district delegates. Appointment of committees. Election of ollicers. Reports Auxiliary societies , Quee Esther circles , district ollicers. Duet Myrtice Doughty , Warrei lleit/.man , Norfolk. Paper "Christian Giving , " Mrs Ella Tranmer , Lyons ; discussion , Mrs F. M. Druliner , llnrtington. Social hour at home of Mrs. J. \ \ Hansom. Saturday , 7:30 : p. m. Devotional , Mrs. C. F. Shnri Wayne. Greeting , Mrs. C. W. Hay , Norfolk Hcsponse , Mrs. C. S. Hughes , Pei dor. Drill "Home Guards , " Norfolk. Address , Miss Nellie Snider , genera organizer. Duet , Misses Ethel Doughty an Edna Ivoucks , Norfolk. Sunday , 10:30 : a. m. Devotional , Rev. Chas. W. Hny , Nor folk. Solo , Mr. Ross Tindall , Norfolk. Address , Miss Nellie Snider , Solo , Mrs. H. A. Moler , Wayne. Solo , Mis. Ida Blair , Wayne. Sunday , 2:30 : p. m. Devotional. Miss Lena Mills , Nor folk. Round Table , conducted hy Mis * Nellie Snider. Solo. Rilva Adams , Norfolk. Paper "The Incoming Millions , " Mrs. Mae House , Wayne ; discussion , Miss Esther Wentworth , Randolph. Solo , Winifred Hazen , Norfolk , Sunday , 7:30 : p. m. Devotional , Mrs. C. N. Dawson , Nor folk. Report of committees. Paper "Other Women Under Our Flag , " Miss Elizabeth Spencer , Boo mer. mer.Solo Solo , Miss Myrtle Hewins , Wayne. Address , Miss Nellie Snider. Chorus , Queen Esthers , Norfolk. Officer * . The officers of the Norfolk district are : Mrs. E. C. Horn , president ; Mrs. C. S. Hughes , vice president ; Mrs. Carl Llndstrom , recording and corresixjiidliig secretary ; Mrs. S. E. Coil , treasurer ; Miss Elizabeth Spen cer , secretary of literature. HOSKINS NEWS. Death of Gustave Andcrsoni Age Eighty-Ona Years. Gustave Anderson died at the home of his daughter , Mrs. William Ander son early Sunday morning. He was eighty-one years old , death resulting from old ago. The funeral was held Monday afterm/on in the Swedish cem etery nine miles north of Hosklns. P. Hart has returned from Iowa i he pant week. Mr and Mrs J. A. Ilucbnrr have re- 11 ned from a week's visit with rela vex nnd friend * in Iowa. N S Deal loft Friday for a visit 1th his father In Colorado. Lee Tens-linger of Wakefleld visited Ith John Foster a few dny last eek. John Foster left Sunday for Chicago o travel out of that city for the An- her Grain company. Paul Deck has gone to Wayne to ttond the summer term nt the nor- ml. Miss Elsie DobbliiB and Harry and 'onion JColmor arrived home Saturday rom the WII.MIG normal , having com- leted the spring term. Mrs. Louis Xelrmer gave a party Sunday for her son , Vernon , in honor f his twenty-ilrst birthday. Mr. and Mrs. August Huclow were ailed to fierce last Tuesday by the erlous Illness of Mr , Ruolow's aged Hither. Charles Green left for Presha. S. D. Mrs. H. U Luke and children of 'ortlnnd are visiting with Mrs. Luke's not her , Mrs. A. M. I-'iiesn. Mrs. A. M. Fuesz will leave Tliurs- lay for Lincoln to attend the Epworth .eaguo assembly. R. Rohrke arrived from Meadow Jrove last week to again become n esidetit of Hosklns John Crosk > underwent an operation 'or ' his e\es at Sioux City last week. V1USIC PUPILS GIVE RECITALS THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. FRIDAY COMMENCEMENT WEEK Miss Norma Henzler of Pierce Grad uates This Year in Norfolk Branch of Western Conservatory of Music. Recitals at Auditorium. The twelfth commencement of the Norfolk branch of the Western Con servatory of Music closes this week with recitals on Thursday and Friday veiling. Friday evening is graduat ing night proper. Programs of special interest have been prepared for the two nights , the recital -of Thursday evening being by the advanced pupils who have been studying under Mrs. Cora A. Heels. Fifty-six pupils take part In the Thursday evening program , Madison , Battle Creek , Pilger , Stanton , Win- side , Hosklns and Pierce being repre sented. Commencement evening President Scott of Chicago speaks at the Audi torium on "Music the Art of Arts. " Miss Norma Hen/lor of Pierce is the only graduate this year. A feature of the Friday evening pro gram will be a clarinet solo played by Mr. Slechta of Pierce. Mrs. Edith I'lrich will play the celebrated con cert paraphrase of the Blue Danube waly.es by Schulx-IClever. Oscar Schavland Friday evening will make his last appearance as a pupil of Mrs. Heels. In September he will enter the conservatory at Lincoln. Forty-two pupils will take part in the exorcises of Friday evening. Both recitals of this week are given at the Auditorium. WHY GAPS IN STREET GAPPED Men Wouldn't Work on Streets Dur ing Carnival Week. Carnival week brought a labor famine to Norfolk. Despite the fact that the carnival hardly blossoms forth until evening the spirit was infectious. It was Councilman Pat Dolan of the street and alley committee who tapped the local labor market last week and fciind it diy. With the heavy rnins came renewed trouble from the trenches in sewer dis trict No. 1 , the west end district. With the constant rains the heavy crust which had formed over the tops of the settling trenches broke in. And the reason that the gaps in the street continued to can loncer than they should have was becauee men wouldn't work during the carnival. RAIN POSTPONED PICNIC. School Picnic of Christ Church Goes Over Until September. It rains on the carnival and the Sunday school picnic alike. Rain Sunday made It necessary to postpone the annual school picnic of Christ. Lutheran church which was to have been held during the day in Pasewalk's grove. The picnic has been postponed until next September , when it will mark the opening instead of the closing of school. Next Sunday the school children of St. Paul Ev. Lutheran church will en joy their annual picnic in the grove. Hunting a Job. Walt Mason in Emporia Gazette : "I would like a situation , I have hunt ed for It long , " said a youth who look ed discouraged ; "everything that is is wrong ; there is no demand for labor , no respect for willing hands , hence the people who are idle are as frequent as the sands. I have waited in the pool hall through the long and weary day. and no lucra tive position seemed to come along that way ; I have stood upon the corner nor , smoking at my thrusty cob , but no merchant came to hire me , though all knew I had no job ; I have sat on i ver\ doorstep that against mo wasn't fenced , \mi could scarcely find a building that I haven't kaned anam.-t ; I haMMimKed a thousand MOHHS , . I have chewed a curd of plug , I have shaken dice with dozens , I have touched each elder Jug , to sus- waited for a berth , with some up to date employer who'd appreciate m > worth But the world Is out of Kilter niul the countr > 'H out of plumb , and ( he poor downtrodden \oter finds that tilings nre on the hum. " WIFE SUCCUMBS TO CONSUMP TION IN NORFOLK. HUSBAND IS DYING IN OHIO While Mrs. Edward Beslln Lay Dying in Norfolk Word of Husband's Death Was Expected at Any Moment. Wife Was Miss Katherine Richards. While Mrs. Katherlno Breslln lay d > lng at the home of her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Charles lUchards , at 711 South Fourth street , word of her hus band's death was expected at an > moment. Death called the wife Fri day morning. Both suffered from consumption. Husband and wife parted when they saw that they both faced death's quick summons. The one went to the home of a wealty sister in Ohio , the other to a father's homo near Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Rlchnrds have lived in the vicinity of Norfolk for many > enrs. When their daughter arrived a few- weeks ago they moved to Norfolk to be close to medical aid. The funeral will be held in the Unve school house live miles west of 'the city Saturday afternoon. There six men , who wore once schoolmates of the dead woman , will act as pall bearers. Dr. C. W. Ray , pastor of the Meth odist church , will conduct the ser vices. The funeral procession will leave the Fourth street home at 1 p. m. m.Mrs. Mrs. lireslln has n sister , Mrs. John Hay , who still lives In the neighbor hood of the Lowe school. Mrs. Bres lln was twenty-seven years old. The pallbearers at the funeral will ! ) e Clyde Best , Harry Wadd , John Wadd , Harry Best , Edward Foale and Edwin Deuel. ROOSEVELT TO KEEP IN TOUCH Choicest Place in Hall to Be Occupied by His Telegrapher. I Chicago , June Hi. The choicest seat in the whole Coliseum , the one In the corner of the press section near est the speakers' stand , immediately at the right of the chairman , is to be occupied by the telegraph operator , one of the fastest In the country , who will have direct communication with the white house in Washington. Every word uttorul will be Hashed over the wires as soon as spoken to President Roosevelt , thus keeping htm in as close touch as modern science can with everything that is done on the the lloor of the convention. Thus , if any speaker , by some re markable effort of oratory , changes the oven , prearranged course of events the master mind of the administration faction , hundreds of miles away in Washington , can formulate a defense and instruct his lieutenants before the orator has taken his seat. LOCAL CREAMERIES FIGHT. Small Northeast Creameries Before Interstate Commission. Sioux Falls , S. D. , June 15. Special to The News : D. II. Smith , of Miller ; George Rice of Flandroau , members of the state board of railroad commis sioners ; William II. Stanle > , secretary of the boatd , and P. W. Duugherty , of Dell Rapids , assistant attorney gener al of South Dakota nnd counsel of the board cf railroad commissioners , have returned fiom Chicago , wheie they wore pn sent nt a hearing before the interstate commerce commission on tlie matter of freight rnt..s en milk and civnm. The result of thf else now pending before the intovHiato commerce com mission will lm\c hearing upon a num ber of casot iinolvlng milk nnd cream rates which now are pending before the railroad commissioners of South Dakota and other western states. The plaintiffs in the action before the In terstate commerce commission are several of the big centralized plants. which are opposing a proposed in crease in rates which the railroad companies are seeking to put into ef fect so far ns the shipments of milk nnd cream are concerned. The small local creameries favor the Increase in rates , as it Is declared by the small creamery interests that the present low rate has operated to tlie great advantage of the centeralized plants and has ruined numerous small creameries and put them out of busi ness , those still In operation being seriously affected by the strong com- IR'tition of the big centralized con cerns. Therefore the small creanu-rles are opposed to the low rates on milk and cream for long distances , and with tlie railroad companies they want to see the rate advanced , us they believe this would work to the advantage of the small creameries and place them more on an equality witli the big cen tralized plants than they are under th * present low rates. In the hearing before the Interstate commerce commission the representa tives of the small local creameries of the northwestern states charged that the centralized plants were a truM that the\ paid big prices to farmers for milk and cream for the purpose of putting local creameries out of bus ! n < K.- . , and that win n tin- ? was ucenm pli ln d thf price pnul by the Mg ci-n- trali/i-d plants was reduced and far mers were compelled to take whatever price the big concerns- were willing TRACKS BREAKS REPAIRED AND TRAINS RUN ON TIME. LIGHTING PLANT NOW RUNNING The Sugar City Cereal Mills Start to Grind Monday for First Time Since Flood Norfolk River Bridges Are Open. Storm damage Is being repaired in ind about Norfolk and for ( lie time being conditions are approaching normal again. The breaks In the Northwestern lines between Norfolk and 1'llger were temporarily repaired Saturday even ing so as to permit the passage of trains running at slow speed. Trains In nnd out of Norfolk were running close to schedule Monday although repair crews were still at work along the line. The Sugar City Cereal mills started to grind Monday for the llrst time since the high water. The mill WIIH also aided by the fact that both the Norfolk avenue and the First street bridge over the Northfork have been opened to travel. At the electric light plant repairs have been made In the dynamo dam aged by lightning a week ago. Elec tricity Is accordingly being furnished the city from the Seventh street pow er station. The river fell Monday following n Sunday rise. The gates nre still down at the mill dam. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION. ARTICLE I. Name. The name of this corporation shall he "Columbia Life Insurance com pany , " ARTICLE II. Place of Business. The homo office of the company and its principal place of business shall he in the city of Norfolk , Nebraska. ARTICLE III. Kind of Business and Premium Rates. Section 1. The business of the com pany shall be to Issue policies of in surance on the lives of Individuals , payable in the event of death ; to pay Indemnities in the event of accidental injury , to pay cash and other surren der \nluos during the lifetime of the insured , and to do all things pertain ing to the- business of life and acci dent insurance , as dellned by the laws of the State of Nebraska , creating and tegiilating mutual benefit associations , life insurance and Hie insurance com panies , now in force or which may hereafter be enacted. The members of the company reserving the right at any time , at any annual or special meeting thereof , to accept any pro visions of law now in force , or which mnj then he in force , for changing lo the mutual level premium , legal reserve plan. Sec. u , The rate of premium charged on any and every policy is sued shall he such sum as will pro vide lor the payment of the policy in lull according to its terms , on a basis of not less than that required by the actuaries table of mortality with four per cent interest. ARTICLE IV. Annual and Special Meetings of Members. Section 1. Each individual insured In the company by one or more poli cies in force at the time of the meet ing , shall be entitled to one vole at an > annual or special meeting of the members of the company ; nnd when not present in person , may delegate his authority to vote hy printed and written proxy given to a member of the company. Such proxy to be valid must slate tlie number , the date and the amount of the policy held hy the person giving it , and be filed with tlie company at least fifteen days before the meeting next following its date of issue. Sec. 2. The nillllial meetings of the members shall he held at the home olllc e of the company , at one o'clock p. m. on the second Tuesday In Jan uary in each jear. Special meetings shall be held at the same place when caliid by the executive committee , by giving at least ten day * written notice thireof stating the purpose for which such special meeting is called. Sec. : i. At each annual meeting the members of the company shall elect a board ol seven directors ; who , ex cept the medical director , -dial ! be members of the company , to serve for one year or until their successors are elected and qualify. All the cor porate powers of the company shall vest in the hoard of directors , who shall also have power to 1111 vacancies caused by the death or resignation of any director or officer. The mudlcal director may , or may not he a mem ber of the company. Sec. I. The board of directors shall provide in the by-laws the number of persons required to ho present In person or by proxy , at any annual or special meeting of the members to constitute a quorum. Sec. 5. At any annual or special meeting of the members of the com pany , these articles of incorporation may be amended , changed or altered by an affirmative vote of a majority of the number of members required to bo present In person or by proxy to constitute a quorum. ARTICLE V. Hoard of Directors. Section 1. The Incorixirators of the company shall be its first board of di- lectors , to servo until ( lie first an nual meeting of the members nnd until their successors are elected and qualify. Sec. 11. The regular annual meeting of the board of directors shall be held immediately after the annual meet ing of the members , when by a ma jority vote tin- board of directors shall elc 11 otlieer for the ensuing M ar The olliei r * ' -hall lie a pn-si- dint , nice pri M < | I nt. a 'nnsurir ' , a M i ntirand ; .1 nu'dnal dini-tnr , wlm t-hnll hold nlllii' fen din M-ur i > r until thi ir Mini'fsors are elected and shall qualify One person maj hold the shall adopt , amend , alter or chnngi the blaws , create olllcon and eleci. oillcers not dcHlgnatcd In Section i' i-f this article , when fur Hie Interest of the company so to do , and to do ill things tiicessnry for the mirconnfiil management of the company. Flvt iiomliort ) of ( he board of directors hall constitute a quorum for the transact Ion of business by If , hut an itllrmatlvo vote of four members of the board of directors Khali bo required quired to entry any motion or to elect illy o Ulcer. Sec.I. . The hoard of directors shal. ' elect nn executive committee < H" three of Its members which shnll him power to administer the nffalrs ol the company when the board of dl rectors Is not In session. The board of directors shall also elect n llnnnce cominltlc ( < niid an auditing committee of three members each , whoso duties shall be defined In the bj laws. ARTICLE VI. Investments , Umns and Deposits. Section I All loans nhall be inndi In the name of the company. No loan shall be made lo nn.\ director or olll cor of the compaii ) , nor hlmll any ill lector or oillcer of the company prof it hj or receive any commission ot valuable cotislderalon on any salt of securities to It. Sec L1. Umns may be made on tin incumbered farms secured by first mortage thereon , provided sucli farm'- are Improved , productive and sltuateit In well settled nnd well developed' sections , and that the amount loaned thereon shall not evceed lorty per cent of the appraised value liienof oxclnshe of Improvements. Bonds or warrants ma.be . bought for In vestment 0the | I'nited ' Slates , 01 state , count ) , ell ) , town or school district , when such bonds or wiirraiils- bear interest and are Issued accord ing to law. Also real estate may In owned by the eompnii ) when reiilren ( | for its home ollleo building Including rooms therein for rental. Sec. : ! The company shall him power to sell , transfer or dispose ol mi ) real estate , bonds , warrants , nmrt gage or Investments , which It ma\ have secured In ( lie regular coinse of Its business , al mi ) time the hoard of directors may direct for the best inter est of die company. Sec. I. A sum equal to the not re serve on nil policies In force on m basis not less than that required bv he actuaries table of morlallty nmi ' 'our per cent interest , the llrst year 'icing ' computed as term Insurance when so desired , shnll be invested In lie securities prescribed in section 2 > f tills article , and kept on deposit witli the auditor of public accounts at Lincoln , Nebraska , lor the henellt and security of the policy holders. ARTICLE VII. How Money Shall be Paid Out. Section I. No money shall be paid nut and no expenditure whatever shall lie made , except same shall have been iiul homed in i | lc. b\-laws or by special authority of the hoard of directors 01 nf th" executive committee. No con trilmtlon shall lie made by or for tlu 'ompany to any political , legislative > r other organization or association of any kind or for any purpose what ever. Sec. L1. All salaries or other com pensation of directors , ollicers , em ployees or agents shall be fixed by the board of diiectors. ARTICLE VIII. Annual Distribution of Surplus. Section I. The surplus earnings of the company shall belong exclusively to the policy holders , and shall be mi nimi ! ) divided among the members- of the company whose policies nre lit full force In the following manner , and not otherwise. At tlie end of each calendar year the directors of the compati ) shall cause to be made a vnluntlonof every policy in force and of all other liabilities of tlie company. Tlie excess of tlie ahsets of the com pany after deducting all of said liahil files shall be the surplus. Out of such Mil-plus the board of directors shall cause to be set aside such sum as ma\ he necessary lo maintain the peniinn- one ) and stability of the company , and the balance shall he apportioned to the policies in force according to tin ir terms. ARTICLE VIII U , . Commencement and Ti rmination of Corporate Existence. Section 1 This corporation shall commence business on approval of those articles by the auditor of public accounts and lluaiioino.v . general amf shall continue for ninet.v-nlne jears hereafter. ARTICLE IX. No Personal Liability. Section 1. No person shall Incur any personal liability for losses or other obligations or llnllilti.c , , .t .1 , , . coinpaii ) by reason of lie-in- ; a pulley holder or contract holde-r in the same , or as an Incorporutor , or eilllcer en director thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF , we , the unde rsigned corporators e > f said com pany have hereunto subscribed our name's , this 'Sth day e > f Mav , A. D jyos. S. J. n. 1HVIN , O. W. RICE , H. C. MASON , ALEX PETERS , CHAS. ATKINSON , E. C. MERTX , E. L. BRUSH. H. J. STEINHAl'SEN , Witness to all seven signatures. State of Nebraska , County of Knox , ss. Be It known that on the 2Sth day of May , 190S , A. D. , personally ap- pe'ared before me the undorsigne > d no tary public duly commissioned and qualified for anel residing in snkl ce > unty. S. J. G. Irwln , O. W. Rice1 , H. C. Mason , Alex Peters , Chns. Atkin son. E. C. Mertz and E. L. Brush , tome mo known to lie the identical persons whose names are afllxod to the abovp Instriimont , who executed the same In my presence , and several ! ) aekneiw- leelge-d the execution thereof to ln. the'Ir voluntary act and elood. Witness my hand and notarial seat the elay and year last above written. I Nolao'8 | H , j , STEINHAl'SEN. I Se-al \ Notary Public. My commission e xplns 1'Vbrunry ' 17th , HI 11. Thee niticle- of ine-eirpor.i'ion up. preiVi > ! tin- . 1-t in\ | , , f .lutu . | 'ms ' E M SKA RLE , IR , \ Auditor H ( Audit.u nf Public . \r. ) Seal \ cniintt- Tl.i- within and fun-gong anules nf iiu-urpiirutiiiii pprtd l > > day of June , A. I ) . , 10oS.