The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 12, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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V T Evcnts ° f thc *
S JL t Week in Norfolk $
Pleasures of the Week.
On hint Moiiifii ) rxinliiK the hmni
or Mr mid MI-H K. M Mnnllnnt < in cm
South N'lulli Hlri-t-l , a fiirrvvHI liiiniin | > t
mill ri'ffiihinVIIH | hi'ld In honor uf
Mr. uiiil Mrt . H. o. Mount , who h-iivi-
noon for Fremont lo inuUttholr future
lioino. 'I'lio Kin-HlH were nil old time
" * * -"JtlB anil uelnhlioi-H In the llelnhts.
. mill Mi'H Mount have been a part
torfnlU for nineteen yearn anil they
' many , many warm friends who
/ -l very Hlnt-i-rt-ly their tjoliin
- y. Mr. Mount who has already
i'ii iii | hlH work In Fremont came
up for the rod-til Ion. The hcHt vvlnhi H
of all Norfolk no with Mr. and Mrs.
Mount In their new homo.
This week held the two Initial re
citals In the annual romnicnremeii !
program of the Norfolk hranch of
- IlioVeHtern ( 'onsorvatory of Musli ! ,
the Norfolk branch holng under the
direction of Mrs. Cora A. Heels. On
Monday afternoon u musical matinee
was Klvi'ii ! > ' the younger pupllH. It
wan followed Tuesday evening hy an
uviMiliiK recital hy more udvanced
pupils. Moth reeltalh were Kreatly enJoyed -
Joyed hy those who attended. This
rncltals are helus Iven at the Audi
t Mra. .1. ( ' . Still. Mrs. O. It. Mere
dith. Mrs A. II. Vlele. Mrs. .1. I' . Mny-
lurd , Mis. ( ' I1 Parish , Mrs. MlaUney ,
Mra. KnbiMi KeynoldH , Mrs. Weaver ,
Mrn. .1. I ) . SliifKeon went , lo Lin
coln on Krltlny to attenil a house
liarty In the home of Mrs. C' . 1) ) . Sims.
The ladies will retuin Monday.
The Indies unlit ! of Trinity church
and the lut'ilt-H ' - who asnlHleil at thu U.
1 C. T. haminet were eutertaliieil 'it a
pleasant social session on Tuesday
afternoon , in the home of Mrs. ( ! eor e
.r. A three course supper was
: d at six o'clock.
'a. I. . . M. Musselman was hosless
fl Informal luncheon on Friday ,
-.ty-llve ladles weie seated at small
" * at 1 o'clock and were served to a
. i very nice three course lunch. A. jolly
.A I 1 afternixin followed , Ilio guests enjoy-
IIIK ii ihiruliiK contest and plcluro
advertlsliif ; hunt.
Mcsdames II. 1 * . Snydcr and .T. 1) .
Stui'Keon entertained a company of
ladles lit a I o'clock luncheon on Tues
day. A pleasant social afternoon was
oiijoyed hy the quests.
The t > . \V. C. Huh surprised Miss
Hiittlo SchmledeherK Monday even-
\t\K \ \ , the occasion bt-liiK her llfteenth
Idrtlulay. UefreHhements were served.
The ladles society of the First Con-
Krenatloual church met with Mrs. Mc
Millan Thursday atternoon. Mrs. J.
T. Thompson assisted Mrs. McMillan.
The ladies of Ilio Preshyterlau
church enjoyed u pleasant mooting
with Miss White on Friday aftci.ioou.
Kluhtoon young ladles gave u
Bhower party for Mlas Kthel While
Monday evonlnK.
The O. M. C. Huh was entertained
last Saturday evening hy Miss Helen
The K. C Huh met at ( he home of
Mlsa Kdna Ward Wednesday.
rhe wedding of Miss Kathryn M.
* w to Mr. F. (5. Ciettlnger took place
JJDday morning at r > : HO o'clock at
W homo of the hrido's parents , Mr.
.ad Mrs. C' . F. Shaw. The hrido and
Miss Huth
. . .Tkwi were attended hy
Shaw , and C. S. steen of Kansas City.
Hov , .1. C. S Weills of Trinity church
performed the ceremony The bride
wore n bountiful and becoming gown
of white satin messaline , while the
bridesmaid looked charming In pink
silk. After a delicious wedding
breakfast , the yonng couple left on
the curly morning train for a trip to
Missouri. Miss Shaw Is a very pop
ular > onng woman , accomplished and
capable. Mr. Gettingcr travels in this
ttMTltoiy for ,1. ( Iralnger & Co. of
Lincoln and has hosts of warm
friends who congratulate him on the
charming bride he has won.
Mr. and Mrs. ( Jettlnger will ho "at
home" after July 1 In the now cottage
which has been built for them on
South Kighlli street. The furnishings
lor the new home are a gift from the
bride's father. Many other pretly and
useful gifts 07.1HO to the bride with
future happi
miuiy wishes for her
Miss Kthol While of Norfolk and
Clarence Mnrroughs of Mlanchard , la. ,
wore married on Thursday at Madison
by Rev. U. W. Mcdregor. The brldo
and groom wore attended by Miss
Adell I'hle and Frank Leslie of Hos-
Ulna. The yonng people returned to
Norfolk in time for a six o'clock wed
ding supper at the home of the bride's
parents. Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. White.
Mr. and Mrs. Murroughs will live In
" "Uinchard and left for that place on
a-riday morning.
Invitations have been Issued for the
Aiding of Miss Carrie Holand nnd
i * lter Hecroft which will take place
- > the. home of the bride's parents , Mr ,
and Mrs. W C. Holand ou Wednesday ,
Juno 10 , at 10 o'clock.
Mr. nnd Mrs L , HurKcndorf have
enjoyed a visit the past wi-ek from
their son , NVllliam of Fairfax. S. D. ,
nnd his bride. The young couple
were married nt Hassett on Sunday.
A company ot jouns people , all old
fi lends of the groom , came tc
chtirlvarl them Mondii ) evening. l 'ltei
In ( he evening Mrn. MucUendorf nerved
lefrchhcmentM. Mr. and Mrs. llnrlu-n
dorf will lake a trip to the Pacllli
coast before going to their home In
On Wodni'Hdny nt C p. in. , Arlhm
Thurher and Miss CoiiHlance Keliiharl
will be married at the home of the
brldo'H parents , Itt-v. J. C. S. WHIlt
will oillclato.
Personal ,
Mr. Joseph Shoemaker of Onialm
came In from the west on Sunday am !
vlHlted until Monday at the home ol
10. P. Wealherby. Mr. Shoemakei
made the trip through Wyoming wllli
the Omaha "boosters. " Mrs. Shoe
maker accompanied him home on
Miss Sinclair , superintendent ol
nurses at the hospital for Insane went
to Lincoln on Monday to attend thr
graduation of nurses from the Iralnhif.
school at the Lincoln hospital for In
Dr. and Mrs. Hear went to Omalni
on Thursday to meet their daughter
Miss Itohlnette , who Is returning
from Virginia , where she has spent
the past year at llolllns Institute.
Mrs. Chase , Mrs Morton and llortoi
Mnnger of Stantou came up to sei
"The District Leader" Flday evening
and were guesls In the homo of W
N. Muse.
Miss Madge Mlchlo of Denver , hns
arrived In Norfolk to spent the sum
mer. Miss Mltchle has taken rooms
In the home of Mrs. 1-JInlo Desmond
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. C. Fry came ovei
from Mnrtlngton and were gucnts 01
Mr. and Mrs. II C Saltier at "Tin
District Leader , " Friday night.
C. U. Allen of Mecla , S. D. , am
Marry Leggelt of llawarden , la. , won
guests In the home of W. N. Musi
Thursday and Friday.
Miss Helen Maylard will go to Sioux
City on Wednesday for a two weeks'
visit with Miss Huth Norris find Miss
Kathleen Kims.
C. M. Heynolds left Saturday noon
for Mlddletown , N. Y. , where ho will
meet Mrs. Heynolds and Miss Melon.
Alec Hoar , Jr. , has been confined to
the house several days this week with
a case of blood poison.
Miss Huth Shaw came up from
Crete to attend her sister's wedding on
Mrs. William Hntterllold has return-
d from a two weeks stay in Omaha
Mrs. F. ( I. Sailer of Fairfax Is In
I he city for a visit with relatives.
Woman's Club Unites With Commer
cial Club and Auxiliary in Reviving
Lawn Competition to be Open to All
The City.
Norfolk will have u lawn competi
tion this summer , this end of the city
improvement scheme having boon re
vived by committees representing the
Woman's Hub and the Commercial
Club Auxiliary. Seven cash prizes of
$1" each will bo offered. The prizes
will be paid from the treasuries , of the.
Commercial club proper aiul the
The prizes will be divided as
follows :
The Prizes.
One prize of $5 for host kept resi
dence property valued at $1,800 or
One prize of $ fi for host kept resi
dence property valued at over $1,800
and under fH.fiOO.
Four prizes of ? f > each for the best
kept property in each of the four
One prize of $5 for the best kept
alley In any residence block in the
Basis of Awards.
In awarding the prizes it has been
agreed that the following factors In
the making of a well kept piece of
property should be considered : the
lawn , parkage , frontage at roadside ,
M'getable garden , Irees and alley.
The prizes will he awarded on Sep
tember 10 , 1008. The comnUttee to
award the prizes will however go over
the city several times during Uie sum
Kvery piece of property In the city
will be considered In the competition
without the formality of n formal on-
' ry.
ry.It Is expected that the honor attach ,
ed to the award much more than the
cash prize offer will Incite Norfolk
citizens toward the Improvement of
their out-of-doors space.
About Norfolk.
Lincoln Star : The Norfolk News
Is glad that the garden rake has taken
the place of the muck rake.
Try a News want ad. t
A Clever Company , Headed by Miss
Ethel Dovey And Frederick Trues ,
dell , Make Norfolk Laugh Merrily
All Evening.
"The District Leader" leads thc
season In Norfolk , both In thu size ol
the audience and the popularity of thr
show. It was a genuine "hit" from
start lo llnlsh and Norfolk und north
Nebraska laughed till their sides shook
at the mirth of the clever troupe of
pla > ers Miss Kthol Dovey made new
friends with her winning ways and
other members of the company shar
ed the hearty applause that echoed
and rc-cchocd In the Auditorium dur
Ing the performance.
"What's the Use of Dreaming ? " was
probably the song hit of the evening ,
made effective hy a "dope" scene , til-
I hough "Heart to Let. " " Slug. Sing ,
Sammy Sen , " and "Same Old Story , "
proved mighty popular.
Fred Truesdell , a man of striking
appearance , was "all there" In the
leading role , and with u splendid
voice. Me and Miss IVovoy , in team
\\ork , hi ought down the house at each
Albert Denier as "Kzra Whattlo , "
and Frank Weed , as "The Man Whii
Hots , " proved a rollicking , fun-making
pair who won a warm spot In the heart
of the audience Instantaneously.
' "I'he District Leader" Is an Inter
esting melodrama set to music. It
differs from the ordinary musical
comedy In that there Is enough of a
heart story to hold genuine Interest
throughout , while the jokcsmitht
work overtime all through the play
keeping people in good humor.
Seldom has Norfolk enjoyed an >
show more than "The District
Leader. " And the packed house at
the Auditorium demonstrated that Nor
folk Is willing lo support the effort ! '
of the management In hooking hluli
class attractions.
Miss Dovey Commented Upon Nor
folk's Cordiality.
"It was a particularly cordial audi
ence , " said Miss Dovey , after the per
formance. "An audience that Is re
sponsive always makes It so much
easier to work. "
Miss Dovey is one of four famous
sisters who halo from Nebraska.
I'lattsnionth is their home. They have
all gained renown on the stage. Next
Monday night "Tho District Leader"
is going to Plaltsmouth , for Miss
Dovey's sake , to allow the people of
her old home I own to see the clover
Miss l > ) vey met a number of for
mer acquaintances in Norfolk. She
used to visit at the university of Ne
braska , and consequently has met
many Nebraska yonng people.
The manager of the company , Mr.
Sardham , was delighted with Norfolk.
The new U. P. station In Warner-
vllle is certainly an ornament to the
The cut worms have greatly in
jured the corn in this vicinity. Many
farmers have had to replant.
The adjnstor of the ( Ire insurance
company was hero Tuesday and ad
justed the loss on Ooo. Wheeler's
house which was destroyed last week.
The house was Insured for JliOO and
the contents for $1fiO.
Sunday , June 11 , will he children's
day at the M. 10. Sunday school. The
church will ho decorated with llowors
and a very pretty program will be
Hoskins News.
Mr. and Mrs. Scliwlndt observed the
anniversary of their fifteenth wedding
day by entertaining on Wednesday
last at their home a large company of
lelativos and friends.
Mrs. Anna Longer has now com
pleted her removal Into the Mantel
building where she will conduct a
boarding und rooming house.
Hobert Fenski gave a dance at his
farm on Saturday evening last. An
enjoyable time was reported by those
who attended.
Miss Helene SHiwend concluded a
successful term of school at Apex on
Friday last.
Misses Dorothy fircone , Kthol
Wothorholt and Llllith Foster went to
Norfolk on Tuesday to take part ina
recital given by Mrs. Cora A. Hcols ou
Tuesday evening.
Miss Laurette Cnllen of Winsido
visited at the Averll homo over Sun
day returning homo Monday after
Mrs. P. Kautz and Chas. fircone
wore passengers to Sioux City on Sat
urday Inst.
Mrs. Averll , Misses Anna Nelson
and Loretta Cnllen were Norfolk visi
tors Monday between trains.
Mrs. Johnson and llttlo daughter
Madge from Hartiiigtoii visited with
her niece , Mrs. W. Harge , a few days
of last week.
Miss Lizzie Desh was homo from
Wayne over Sunday.
Harry Xlemer was homo from
Wayne over Sunday.
Miss Mclutosh of Wnyno visited
with the family of Mrs. Louis /.loinor
over Sunday.
ICluier Schroeder Is reported sick
with measles.
Mr John Crobby and Hubert Temp-
lill atttli'Iod ' tinH.UikctV c.'HMIilUili . '
.it Sl ux t'lU on S.itunla > l.i.-t
Mr and Mrs W Wtthcrhult of Nor
folk and daughter , Miss Stella , visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. over
Mrs R Hohrke and children fron
Mi adow isnive arrived Sunday. Mr
Hnhrke will arrive In the course of r
few days.
Among ( hone who went to hear llryai
from llosklns were Mr. W.utz am
the Hov. Mr. Greber , Jr.
l-ast week three carloads of hogs
were shipped hy (5. Schroeder , one tt
Sioux City and two to South Omaha
This week Andrew Stamln shipper
two carloads of cattle to South Omaha
C. W. Anderson two carloads of hogt
to Sioux Cit.\ . and dus Schrin dor om
carload of hogs to South Omaha.
Thu name of this corporation shall
be "Columbia Life Insurance com
pauy. "
Place of MiiNinos.
The home olllce of the company am
Its principal place of business shal
lie In the city of Norfolk , Nebraska.
Kind of Huslness and Premium Hates
Section I. Tile business of the com
| ian > shall be to Issue policies of in
snraiice on the lives of Individuals
payable In thc event of dealh ; lo pa\
indemnities in the event of accidental
Injury , to pay cash and other siirren
dor values during the lifetime of tin
Insured , and to do all things pertain
Ing to Hie business of life and accl
dent Insurance , as defined by Hie lau >
of the State of Nebraska , creating am
legiilatiug mutual benefit associations
lite insurance ami lite Insurance com
panics , now In force or which mas
hereafter be enacted. The members-
of tin- company reserving the righl
at any time , at an\ annual or special
meet Ing thereof , to accept any pro
visions of law now In force , or wV Mi
ina.x then be In force , for changing
lo the mutual level premium , legal
reserve plan.
Sec. 2. The rate of premium
charged on an > and every policy is
hiied shall be such sum as will pro
vide lor the pa.Mneiit of the policy li
'full according to its terms , on a hash
of not less than that required hy tin
actuaries table of mortality with font
per cent interest.
Annual and Special Meetings of
Section 1. Kaeh Individual Insurei
In lite company by one or mure poll
Hos in force at the lime of the meet
ing , shall be entitled lo one vole a
an\ annual or special meellng of tin
members of the company ; and whei
not prohcnt in person , may dologati
his authority lo vote by printed am
written proxy ghon to a member of
the coinpan\ Such proxy to be valid
must stale tlu number , the date and
the amount of the policy held by the
person giving it , ami be filed with the
company at least fifteen days before
the meeting next following its date
of Issue.
Sec. J. The annual meetings of the
members shall be held at the home
olllce of the company , at one o'clock
p. in. on the second Tuesday In Jan
uary in each jour. Special meetings
shall be held at the same place when
called by the executive committee , b >
giving at least ten days written notice
thereof staling the purpose for which
such spi Hal meeting Is called.
Sec. I ! . At each annual meeting the
members of the company shall elect
a hoard of seven directors ; who , ex
cept the medical director , shall be
members of I lie company , to serve
lor one year or mil 11 their successors
are elected and qualify. All the cor
porate powers of the company shall
vest In the board of directors , who
shall also have power to fill vacancies
caused by the death or resignation of
any din dor or olllcer. The medical
director may , or ma > not be a mem
ber ot the company.
Sec. t. The board of directors shall
provide in I lie h.v-laws Hie number
of persons required to he present In
person or by proxy , at any annual or
special meeting of the members to
constitute a quorum.
Sec. fi. At any annual or special
meeting of the members of the com
pany , those articles of incorporation
may be amended , changed or altered
by an affirmative vote of a majority
of the number of members required
to be present In person or by proxy
to constitute a quorum.
Hoard of Directors.
Section 1. The incorixirators of the
company shall be its first board of ill-
lectors , to serve until the first an
nual meeting of the members and
until their siiccobsors are elected and
Sec. : ! . The regular annual meeting
ol the board of directors shall be hold
Immediately after the annual meet
ing of the members , when by a ma
jority vote the board of directors
shall elect officers for the ensuing
year. The officers shall be a presi
dent , a vice president , a treasurer , a
hocreiar.v and a medical director , who
shall hold olllce for one .vear or until
their successors are elected and shall
qualify. One person may hold the
office of treasurer and secretary.
Sec. ; ! . Tin board of directors
shall adopt , amend , alter or change
I he by-laws , create olllces ami elect
officers not designated in Section 2
of ihih article , when for the Interest
of the company so to do , and to do
all tilings nicessary for the successful
management of the company. Five
members of the board of directors
shall constitute a quorum lor the
transaction of business bv it , but an
affirmative vote of four members of
the board of directors shall be re
quired to earn anv motion or to elect
any olllcer.
Sec. I. The board of dirt-dors shall
eh el an executive committee of
three of Us members which shall have
power lo administer the affairs of
the company when the hoard of di
rectors is not In session. The board
of directors shall also elect a finance
committee ami an auditing committee
of three members each , whoso duties
shall bo defined In the by-laws.
Investments , limits and Deposit.
Section 1 All loans > \ \ \ \ \ \ be made
In Mie uaiiii of the ciimpam \ < i ! < im
\\.i\\ \ \ \ \ t tua < l > in , iii\ iln > ci'i '
l < l of tin I "H.lH ; | ! \\u\ \ \ \ li il
I i ' i i | < 'MilI ' i i | III' ' ' < > ' |
II In Ml' ( ' I X .III ' I 'Hill ' ! l < 'll ' i '
xal'iai'li ' ' 0"i > iii .in tin .iii. . -
of seflintii s tu it
Sec. 2. Loans mav bo made on 1111-
mciimbcred farms secured b > UIM
imirtiige thereon , provided witch
are Improved , productive and sltunieil
In well Met HIM ) iiud Well develop' ' il
sections , and that the amount loaned
thereon ' hull Hot exceed fnrlpel
cent of the appraised value then of
exclusive of Improvements. HoinK
or warrants may he bought for In
Mslmetit of the rillled Stales , or
state , count v , citv , town or school
district , when such bonds or warrants
bear Interest and are Issued accoid
Ing tti law. Also real estate ma > be
owned bv the company when required
for Its home olllce building Includinu
looms therein for rental.
See. ; i Tin1 company shall have
power to sell , transfer or dispose of
any real estate , bonds , warrants , mort
gage or Investments , which It mav
have secured In the regular course of
Its business , at any time the hoard of
directors may direct for the best later
esl of the company.
Sec. I. A slim equal to the net re
serve oil all policies 111 force on a
basis not less than that required b\
the actuaries table of mortality aiul
four per cent Interest , the first > eai
being computed as l.erm Insurance
when so desired , shall be Invested in
the securities prescribed ill section . ' '
of llils article , and kept on deposit
wllh the auditor of public accounts at
Lincoln , Nebraska , for the lieliellt ami
sectirliy of the pollcv holders.
How Mone.v Shall he 1'alil Out.
Seel ion I. No money shall be paid
out and no expenditure whatever shall
be made , except same shall have been
authorized in the h.v-lavvs or b.v special
iiulhorilN of the board of directors or
if the executive committee. No con
liilmllon shall be made b.v or for the
company to any political , legislative
< > , - other organization or association
of any Kind or for any purpose what
Sec. y. All salaries or other com
pensation of directors , officers , em-
plo.vees or agents shall be fixed b.V
the board of directors.
Annual Distribution of Surplus.
Section 1. The surplus earnings of
the company shall belong exclusively
to the policy holders , and shall be an
nually divided among the members
if the company whose policies are In
full force in the following manner ,
Hid not otherwise. At the end of
each calendar year the directors of
the company shall cause to be made
i valuation of every policy in force and
of all other liabilities of the company.
The excess of the assets of the com
pany alter deducting all of said liabil
ities shall be the surplus. Out of such
surplus the board of directors shall
cause lo he sci aside such sum as may
he necessary lo maintain the perman
ency and stability of the company ,
and the balance shall be apportioned
to I he policies In force according to
their terms
No Personal Liability.
Section 1. No person shall incur
my personal liability for losses or
other obligations or liabilities of the
. 'ompaiiy by reason of being a policyholder -
holder or contract holder in the same ,
or as an incorporator , or olllcer or
director thereof.
undersigned corporators of said com
pany have hereunto subscribed our
names , this UStli day of Mav , A. D.
I'.iOS. '
S. J. fi. IHVIN ,
O. W. HICK ,
11. C. MASON ,
10. L. HHUSH ,
Witness to all seven signatures.
Stale of Nebraska , County of Knox.
He li known thai on the : ' .stli day
if May , 1008. A. D. , personally ap-
iieaied before me the undersigned 110-
ary public duly commissioned and
pialilied for and residing in said
oiiniy , S. J. ( ! . Irvvln , O. W. Hice ,
II. C. Mason , Alex Peters , Chas. Atkin
son , 10. C' . Mertz and 1C. L. Hriish , to
: ne known lo be the identical persons
whose names are affixed to the above
Instrument , who executed the same
in my presence , and severally acknow-
ledgt d the execution thereof to be
their voluntary act and deed.
Witness my hand and notarial seal
the day and year last above written.
\ Notary's | II. J. STKINHAUS10N.
/ Seal \ Notary Public.
My commission expires February
17th , 101 I.
These articles of incorporation ap-
pioved this 1st day of June , P.MiS.
1C. M. SICAHL1C , .111. ,
\ Auditor's j Auditor of Public Ac-
/ Seal. \ counts.
The within and foregoing articles
of incorporation approved by me this
2nd day of June , A. D. , loos.
Attorney fiotioral.
Commencement and Termination of
Corporate ICxfsteiice.
Section 1. This corporation shall
commence business on approval ot
these artichs by the auditor of public
accounts and the attorney general and
shall continue for ulm ty-nlne years
methods of curing Nervous anil
Chronic Diseases. Write me a state
ment of your condition In plain \vonU
anil receive fee of charge coulldentlal
advice as to best and surest means
of cure. Address :
14 Bobertz Bldg. , Detroit , Mich.
Mr. nnd Mrs. V. fi. Hnebuer of
Pierce are visiting relatives In Nor
folk.Martin Watson of Pllgor was a city
visitor yesterday.
Miss Wright of Wtniietoon la visit
ing friends in the city.
Harold Cole came up from Stanlon
to attend the hall game.
J M Conley Is home from u busl-
in s ii iji to pl.nnv l > u
Mi- - I1 iirl leflin - i.f . Pile , r i-
\ i i' ' in.1 ti n ii'l- ' in tin i ii \
\ Hui hi. li.l- n Mirii1 finlli a
I MI ' i.iMI. . - - I r [ i to M i > l nII > -
( "r.i"iiiinlin of Hattit Cnek la
visiting Ht.tleliOfli.QQl !
Plan lor
Summer Comfort
Hon't ndil the ht\it of a
kitchen fne to the snlTicicnt
diseoinl'uit of hot weather.
Use a New 1'erfeetionViek
lUue Flame. Oil Cook-Stove
nnd cook in comfort.
With a "New Perfection" Oil Stove thr preparation of
daily meals , or the bitf weekly "bakitn. ; , " is done without
raising the tempeiatnre perceptil'ly above that ol any other
room in the house.
If you once have experience with the
Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove ,
yon will be at the restful wav in which it
enables you to do woik has heretofore overheated
the kitchen and > otn.silf" .
The "New Ptrkvtiuii" Stove is ideal for summer
use. Made in three s-i/rs anil all warranted. If
not at your diaUr's , write our nearest agency.
The J& <
rvci , , , crfect
. whether liigli
or low ii llu lofnto frro fmiu ili'.nr.iiT.iblcodor . aiul ru ; -
not Riiinkr. S.ilr , i nmi- it , niii.uncutat the ideal
If nut at ji'iir > r's , \\nte our ne.arc.M ncncy. | ;
( IM oiieiiiM ri n
John Davenport of Kluin is in the
city visiting fi lends and relatives.
Mrs. P. C. Marsh of I'ender was
visiting friends In the clly Tuesday.
Miss Klsle Kehrelber of Wlsner IK
visiting at the home of K. M. Xlesche.
Mrs. X. W. Clover and children
left at noon for West Point for a short
W. A. WH/lgman left this morning
for a short trip to Columbus and
Mrs. M. II. Krllogg of Crelghton was
in the city yesterday.
Miss Klla Hcliueth of Humphrey ,
visited with Mrs. William Itahr over
Miss Unth Morseh of Albion Is In
Norfolk on a visit with her sister , Mrs.
It. O. Webb.
Mrs. A. IKllllan and little son
have returned I'lom a three weeks'
visit at Lincoln , Peru and Wahoo.
Miss Iela finish returned this noon
from lOvanston , III. , where she has
been attunding Northwestern univer
Mesdamis Stilt , Parish , Maylard ,
Itlakeney and Heynolds have return
ed from Uncoil1 , where they attended
a house party.
1)1. ) O. U. Meredith , W. It. Lawrence
and Mrs. C. l.lnilsl 10111 lift this morn
ing for Fremont , where they will at
tend the stale Sunday sehool conven
tion that is being held there this
Albert C. Hanks of Tililen and Miss
Olga K. Nelson of Douglas county ,
were married In Omaha.
J. K. Montague is opening n pool
room in the building formerly oceupled
by the Lvrie moving plelnre show.
The speeial ICaule meet ings called
for Sunday afternoon will lie belli
Monday evening at S oYIot-U Instead
Fred M. Hunter. Norfolk's new eity
-iipcrlntcmlcnl , Is prlneipul nt' the
Alma junior normal sehool this - nin
Peter llnssey Is able to be ahum
again after having suffered for sev
eral weeks from a very severe at tail
of rheumatism.
No meetings were held Tuesday ,
either of the Commercial club or of
the Commercial club auxiliary , both
meetings being postponed until the
next regular meeting dates.
Julius Itoche , a young son of Her
man Hot-he , Is back on the Itoche farm
after having traveled through the
south with a elreiis , performing sev
eral .startling circus "stunts. "
Superintendent 10. ,1. [ indwell of this
oily and County Superintendent F. S.
Perdue of Madison are in the stale
superintendent's olllce in Lincoln ,
checking np the credentials of appli
cants for teachers' eerlilieates fmiu
Nebraska colleges.
A large snapping turtle eiin1in. ; :
along Norfolk avenue iau.iiHHI !
lillle excitement. The | ieiiv > lain.ui'l '
the overflowing of the riw i pinl > , iiil\
carried the turtle up Into one of Hu-
pastures and from there he i-.ime up
town to see the carnival.
York Times : 13. ] | . Brewer of \i.r .
folk is in the city the um si of ln-
IHother Jonas Hrewer. Mr lnu ! < !
arrlvid Saturday noon from 11,1-1 no
where he represented the ( 'hie l'i ib i
iitltiii of Norfolk at the lir t > --nm '
tinNebraUa Anti-Saloon b.mui ; c.
convi nl Ion.
Oswald Itclche , a son of ( 'n' ' lt < < ' '
living ct nth of the city , u.l ! linn I
the at tract Ions at ii > l < ii'i : '
of July celebration In one s > uih In
kola town | | e Is advei i- ; . J tin a
grand fne exhibit Inn wiib In- iliv.n. . '
dog ami one man band. I'm the at
tractions he will nciive $ . "i
The Norlliwesli rn recently built a
reservoir fifteen miles out t'to.n Dalla-
the reservoir being located in a blub
Htrelch of land where water was dif
ficult to secure for cattle men li ailing
their callle In to ship to market. The
reservoir will catch the spring flood
water and hold It for the dryer sea
t'ri k-liii N' ' w - The
I .l | > ! l I \vh
i A ) : MI
A U I i S i
Hi i
I'llMttl * > * ibi in
in - UK n aiul t In ir connect ion with
tile eiuiiian\ | , in a'-'iiraiiee thai the
business will be conducted along nafo
and eoiiservnllve lines.
The lalluie of one of the yonng men
appolnli d by Congressman llo.vd lethe
the Aniuipolis naval academy to pass
the lequiieil mental examination and
the I'alluie of the oilier lo pass the
physical examination left two vaean
cies Horn the Third dirslrlct. A
MIIIIIL ; man to receive an appointment
to Annapolis must have resided with
in I hi" district for a year past and
.niisi be over sixteen ami under
twenty years of nge. The appointee
: nnsi pass an examination in ( Cnglish
geograph.v , history , arithmetic , alge
bra and gi oiiu-try. Tin- examination
papers are marked on the scale rang
ing I'lom I lo n and a mark below I'd
may cause the rejection of the candl
'late. ' Thiiil district boys who would
he naval olllccis should correspond
\v itli Congn ssman Itoyd.
I'nliii-rli f'linnof Intlnroil
.vltli LOCAL APPLICATIONS , us tboy
iinii'it reach tlio .Hunt of thu iltHoiiHH.
Catarrh IH u liloiii'i or coiiHtltntloniil
llsiasinmi In nnlor In i-urii tt you muni
lake Intermit ri-ni''il'H. ' ] Haifa Catarrh
( 'lire IM taken Internally , anil art.H dlr-
erlly mi the lilmiil mill IUIICUH mirfiicus.
Hall's c.-il.-ii rh dm ; IH not a quack
mi-ilii'liii- . It was pii'serlbed by ono of
Hit- lies ! physicians In thin country for
years anil IH a regular priiHi-rltitlon.
It In cnmpirii-il of tin- best tonleH known
, -ninlilni'il with thu beHl lilooil purlllurH ,
irtlat , ' illreetly ( in the inueiiH mirfnciiH.
The perfect rnmhliiatliin of the two In-
ureilionts In what proiluce.H mieli won
derful rt'sultH tu curing Catarrh. Sonil
for testimonials frco.
F. J. OIIKNHY & CO. , Toledo , O.
Scilil liv IH'unnlsl.s , price 75e.
T.ike Hall's Family Pills for constl-
Ti Hi linw to cure Nervous Debility anil
Hidden Weaknesses , at Imnir , pnv.itcly
.mil M-iredy , ) si ril i In t , uul most t-l-
In tut home treatment known. II you
di-ire innri vigor , MUTltnllty , mori1
nerve-force 'in'l ' perfect niunlioou , nrnd
l'ir ' tti in Uii'k ' i'"l ' ly iMnlleii tree hi plain
M .ili-il t-nvi-l.ipe. > V'Mr < t. Ui' niiilior :
Or. G. II. Hubertflobcrt ; HMj. Mlth. <
feft&fylrf 50 VEARS'
f < \ \ .n . < - - ' -I' ' ' i hUrl ' ' n I MPTI I1 ll i-nun
fi,1. , u\ ' ' i' ' i n < n r i < i < ii M f ri > u iii'ihi-r nn
ii' ' . i' ' . . nn .I-MI'i ' HANDBOOK on'I'VICI'MF ' ' '
M in ' > i ' - v N i h. i.i nig. | > id nth.
ri. i1' , ihi M llir.n/ii MIIIIII .V C'n. rri-L-lvt
v ) , , , .il . - .lit i i itvf , m id
r& 'flfdi
\ - Iv illn-tr 1 wri'V'v. I Mri'1'nl l > lr-
. in. t - i -mi ' . . a. ( i i n | .i it
s. . tr 1 "it in - h- , 11. S . i t > ul , in-1
r.n - -
l-nsi .114 . 1420 24tA Rt iCt OINVCO COLO
You MUst Hot Forget
\Yc \ arc constiiiitly improv
ing in Ilio art of making Kino
Newest Styles in
Cards and Finish ,
\ \ c also ( MIT ) a Kino Line
of Mouldings.