The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 05, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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    I'HK N'MHFOl.KKKKLY ' \ NTK\VS \ ,101'UN , ' A I , : KRiOA Y. .11 N K 5 IIIP1 *
The Norfolk Weekly News-Journa
Ttin Nitux Otnlillitliiil 1881.
( hn Ic.urtuil KntnlillHliPil H71
I'r. i li-nt s" r < lnr\
Wvtiry I'llilnv liv tniiil ti r ycnr S1 00
tliitt-ri'il ( it the rioMtollloe ill Norfolk.
Noli us MI' , onii i IHNH matter
T itit > li'inuB Editorial Uofinrtmeni
Nti 22 HiminaBH urilro ami Job UOOIIIA
No If tt _
A faint heart never won much of
nnthing worth winning
Jupiter tniiHt be n very heaven for
barking dogs It IKIR eight moons.
Men Beck the presidency but the
vice presidency has to seek men.
The mare goes quickly In these days
if a man has money enough to buy
nn automobile.
l > m'tsorry about the platform.
Tuft's record is the host platform the
jmrt } can have.
It Is well to pity the deserving i > oor ,
but what vso ssould like to know * Is who
defccrses to bo poor ?
As ono t'cts older , ho finds that the
most of the golden irnlr In this world
Is found In cheap novels.
It's going to he hnid on Tnft to
elect him president. He'll have teat
at home.
Milliners sny the new spring hat
Is easily adjusted despite its unusual
Mnjbe , but the bill Isn't.
It makes some women jealous of
theli husbands because theli husbands
don't get Jealous of them.
It's probably foolish to borrow
tiouble , but what would some people
borrow If the } couldn't do this ?
There Is one reason why some sso
men do not man } for the second
time. They never have a chance.
Some people's definition of a good
memory Is one that enables them to
foiget over.vthing at the pioper time
A Itultlrnoip man IUIH predicted the
xutllenluni In 1 ! < 11 There's a genuine
prosper It } boomer for } on
Unlrifatructod delegates are popular
in both the gioat political parties when
it comes to the sice presidency.
It's all light to he modest but its
ns well to remember at the snrrro tlmo
that other people are apt to take } ou
nt } our own valuation.
Tnft does not look like Lincoln but
nevertheless is admlttedl } a states
man of sulliclent sl/e to splendidly
fill the president's chair.
Aunt Hett } Oieen , vse notice by the
papers , has moved again Is it pos
sible that she has found out that It
is cheaper to move than pas rent ?
Sas the Chicago News "It keeps
some people broke dressing ssell
enough to make others think they are
not. "
Some gieat men can noser bo presi
dent ssho ssould make gieat chief
justices. There Is Clihu D. Hoot for
Senator Halle } wants the president
Impeached and Setor Toraker is
willing. Still there Is no excitement
about the people.
The number of } oung fellow A and
Borne older ones Isn't small who vsould
like to base all the holldas come
during the base ball season.
It ma } be startling but nevertheless
it is true. There never ssas a man so
Impossible but somewhere there ssas
a ssoman who denied the proposition
What the airship needs is a safety
clutch that svill ssork automatically ,
In case of sudden descent.
An extia strong roof is being put on
the convention hall In Denver. They
mean to be prepared for the worst.
The death during the past } ear of
four aged senators laves Senator Alli
son of Iowa the senior senator both in
age and length of service.
The man who changes his political
color every time ho thinks ho can
land an otllce or some political prefer
ment by so doing Is not a very reliable
man to depend upon.
The Boston Globe Calls for a Fath
ers Da } . It might not ho out of place
to give the old man a chnnco. He's
useful when the bills como to bo
Whnrton Marker sajs that ho ex
pects to poll " -1,000,000" votes. Some
men fairly revel In expectations nnd
Whnrton is ono of them
A Kansas paper fcavs that anjono
can dig up a rich relative. The se >
rlous question In this , however , iscan
the } make the rich relative "dig up"
after the } have found him ?
The judge who hns decided that If
Hurry Thaw was crazy enough to bo
acquitted of rnurder.ho la crack enough
to b < 3 kept where he cannot repeat tno
< iinn or entourage others to attempt
-Irnllur games , has rendeied a
I OllN l !
The trouble thnt oppress ? ? moat
liUFlness imn and houm'holdors IB that
tinare unable to prove that their
bills are unconstitutional.
An Oklahoma man 1ms n front yard
lawn with forty acres In It Ho must
have to el up before breakfast nnd
conic home earl ) after dinner In order
to keep UH vvhlskors proper ! ) trimmed ,
Admiral I3vnns well said : "It takes
enl statesmanship so to steer the
countr.v's course that she wilt light ,
, vhen ( die U obliged to , for the right ,
nnd never otherwise. "
To be willing to stand alone In lic
ense of n principle If need be , Is
isorthy of pi also but there Is not the
mrtlculnr virtue that some men think
here Is In always being on the wrong
sldo of the fence.
Prof lyiwfll , u scientist expresses
he fear Hint the earth Is doing up
Some of the farmers In this section
Ish It would for a little while so they
could do their wotk in the fields.
An Ohio editor thinks If President
looses oil were blindfolded and bis
innds tied behind him he would still
> e able to wilte a prett ) good stilling
The Chicago Coliseum sshoio the
latlonal lepubllcan convention is soon
: o be held Is a very large building.
A large sl/ed candidate Is to be noni-
nnted there.
Tlio dandelion and the housclly are
low under ban. The crusndeis do-
; lnro they must RO. Isn't that the
trouble ? Haven't they been going
ibout whole they ssanted to ?
Chicago lawor demands that the
ten commandments bo either repealed
or roslsod So far as Chicago is concerned -
corned , they have evidently been dead
letters on the statute books long since.
Miss .lane Addams has been men
tioned for the presidency by the wo
men suffragists. What has become of
pooi Helvn I ckssood. ' Is she to bo
crowded off the platform at this late
date ?
The Plttsburg and Uike Kilo rail
road company has ordered 2,000 , now
steel cais for the handling of its
tialllc. That's business. As Horace
Ciieeley said "the vva ) to resume Is to
resume. "
It Julius Caesar Huitows , the Michi
gan senator , doesn't make good as
tempoiar.s chaiiinan of the republican
national convention , it vsill not bo for
lack of a formidable name
Men's stiaw hats ssill have ver.s
run row brims this summer. There
wouldn't be vei } much loom foi them
to be an } thing else than nanow If the
owner walked long side a .Merry
Kx-Cioverrror Gee W. Peck has been
dossn in Tennessee and Insists thnt
two diinks of "squlnel" whiskey such
as is sold in Chattanooga would make
a man climb u tioe. The Nashville
American is unkind enough to be
lieve that ono Is enough.
The Increased sbe of the world's
battleships not onls means the in-
ci eased cost In construction of the
ships , but also large amounts of mono }
spent In enlarging haibor entrances ,
docks and canals to accommodate
these powerful floating foils.
The value of inter-state commerce
in this country can hardly be rwtll/od
until we como to see the figures. The
south ships annually to Northern mar
kets { 100,000,000 , worth of ve-getable
and ft ults.
Mrs Cllzabeth Cu ter , wife of Gen
eral Ouster , who fell in the Indian
fight at Uttle IJiK Horn thirty yenr *
ago , will build a home in Oronxville ,
New York , for inipoverinhexl literary
women as a memorial to her heroic
Hooker T Washington calls the at
tention of the } oung colored men of
his institution to the fact that a com-
potouco awaits those who will go into
mule raising intelligently and adds
"No one ever saw a mule In the south
who couldn't Hud homo one to buy
him "
Uiuisann has seven million acres of
swamp land which nro nosv worse than
useless , for they are the blooding
plnco for malaria and mosquitoes
Think of the families that area would
support in health and comfort if it
were properly drained !
The problem of getting efllclent ser
vice In municipalities is simply that
of getting good government. Every
part of the city government should bo
made to toll In the way most advan
tageous for the municipality as a
Miole Special Interests and special
classes do not constitute a city.
Senator Aldrlch will reach his sev
entieth birthday Boon after the expira
tion of his term in March , 1911. It Is
stated that he plans to retire at that
11 me and njo > his beautiful home In
Ithodp lahuid Illi niersi i cy cur
renc ) bill has had such hard sledding
thnt ho hai become both wcaihd nnd
There was once n man who d clared
that he never smoked p pt on two
occasions vvlun lie was with others
to keep them company and when he
was alone to keep himself company.
That's the way It should be with ad
Senator Dolllver asserts that the
employer's llnblflt ) which passed the
senate was purposely drawn to fall
before the supreme court. Such work
Is of great value to the country. No
wonder the salary of congiessniPii had
to be raised
Mrs Hussell Sage hns presented the
Ness- York Societv for the Prevention
of Cruelty to Animals with a thirty
horse ] > ewer automobile for nso in its
ambulance service Mrs. Sane seems
to be distributing her millions with
moie than usual wisdom and discrim
Swarthmoie college , near Philadel
phia , which refused the million dollar
lar Jeanos bequest lather than bar
footlm ! permanent ! } fiom Its cata
logue of college sports , has nosv de
cided to shut out both football and
base ball So the college is minus the
million nnd the game , too.
There aie many things that Hob
Huidette has said thnt deserve to he
remembered Per Instance , this : "My
son , follow not the footsteps of the
loafer , and mukc no example of him
that Is born Hied , for veiily , I say
unto vou , his business is overstocked
It Is better to saw wood at two bits
a coid than whittle nt a whittling
place and abuse the government. "
Villages on the Atlantic and Pacific
coasts , \sheio sailors of the llect can
establish homes aie being planned by
the nass department to Increase the
attractiveness of the navy. Such a
plan if put into effect would remose
the most serious obstacle to a naval
The fulled States is the only gieat
agiicultuial expoitlng country which
peimils brokers , boards of trade nnd
pioduco and cotton exchanges to de
termine ( ho pi ice which the fanners
shall icceiso for their products at
haisest time and Hie excess piico
which the consumerb shall pay the
rest ot the joar.
Hradstieet sas the pi Ices of the
necessaries of living base not been so
low for sears as at present. Where
upon a blight exchange ilses to re-
niaik "It would be Intelesllng to know
at what giocei ) store Mr. Ilradstreet
docs his tiailing That man can do
business if he svill advertise. "
The depaitmont ot agriculture stntes
that Curopo has increased Its annual
purchase of wheat more than 100,000-
000 bushels and doubled Its put chase
of coin These' llgi'res ought to give
now hope to the most skeptical far
mer The fact is that taken as an
as 01 age there is no more prosperous
ptople in America at present than the
Chas. W. Morse , as the sequel shows
seems to have been the victim of cir
cumstances and of his financial ene
mies , lather Ihau a crook. Tour
months ago he was a bankrupt facing
an assortment of indictments nnd a
host of irate credltois. Nosv , after
having settled all debts with cash ,
he is reported as $20,000,000 to the
good and it has not been extra good
times since January 1 , either.
It Is general ! ) believed in naval
circles thai Commander Walnw right ,
the "Dick" Wainw right made famous
during the Spanish-American war as
commander of the gunboat Glonsceeter
now commanding the battleship Lerais-
ana , will be made comniander-ln-chief
of the Atlanilc fleet when Admiral
Speiry relinquishes command because
of his age a little more lhan a year
The Wall Street Journal calls at
tention to the fact that America's
fire losses are enormous annually and
that seventy-live per cent of the loss
Is preventable if proper attention
weie paid to making conditions as safe
as possible We are Irving to check
the waste of our forests , our mines ,
our arid and swamp lands , but allow
Ihe buildings vse have erected to burn
dossn by the thousands annually for
waul of attention to proper building
lasss and other safe guards
A Ijondon s-icar evolved a theory
that too much talking is the cause of
many of the nervous ills from which
people suffer nnd through which our
Insane nslums are filled. The vicar
prescribes silence as the euro for a
multitude of human Ills If ho would
also advlso useful employment the
picscription would bt > complete and
would tend not only to prolong the
dab of those afflicted with Iho talk
ing mania but also those of the vic
tims' unfortunate friends
The llfo of a modern battleship la
of fovr years and full of trouble. The
shlpo of Schley and Sampson are all
'iun Nut in f H < in I1to t > e nuilit
eil on tin iffietlvi * ll-l t > f the nav \ ,
to'lav though H vv ! mil } tin ) eurs
a t > thev participated In the war with
Spain Ten vuirs finrn now there will
tip none left of HIP great licet which
wns taken around thp Pacific b > Ad
miral Mvans The ) will nil bo on the
Junk pile bv thru time , and In the
meantime thev vvl'l have to bp replac
ed with new ships ,
Mrs hah de Chlpenhnrn Hergtr ,
thinks she should be regaidpd ns the
benefactress of her race becuute she
hag evolved the Idea that If people
thought in curves Instead of angles ,
their faces would become more beauti
ful nnd life vsould take on a new mean
ing We have often heard of people
who couldn't even think straight and
It Is vers evident that Mrs. Hergli is
ono of them
The almost unprecedented rainfall
throughout the country Is damaging
crops Much coin land Is too wet to
plant yet , while seed of many kinds
has rotted In the ground Iowa far-
inns are having a particularly hard
time , ns the ) had last sear Nebraska
had the bumper corn crop and got
the harvest of high corn pilce-s.
Paris has ordered the abolishment
of icvolving ( loots in hotels , restaur
ants nnd other buildings capable of
containing moie than 100 persons , on
the giound that they aie dangerous
In case of fire and panic H would be
a piolltable measuic for American
cities to adopt and if the case needs
stlengthening the ) might be pronounc
ed n public nuisance at all times.
A Pails Inventor proposes to estab
lish a wile-less t.vpesetter in England
and sviih It eel t.spe in the composing
loom of a New York newspaper. Ho
will bo lead ) to begin this miraculous
feat as soon as Mai coal succeeds in
sending ssireless ssases nciosa Hie
Atlantic. Such talk sounds extrava
gantly foolish , but the gieat principle
of wireless tiansmlssion is still In its
infancy No one can sa } that oven
this cannot be done. The day of
scientific miracles is at hand.
sxe1 aio so apt to think that sse are
so much smaller than the people ssho
pn ceded us in the inaich of cisilba
tion that it helps 10 keep our heads
at not ma ! si/c to come up against Mich
facts as these' free mral de-llvery
nnd a ser.s excellent post ollice svstom
existed under N ( huchadmv/at , Haby-
Ion had u couit of appeals , els 11 ser
vice reform flourished under King
Menes of IJg.vpt , l.fiOO .vears before
Chi 1st ; the turbine wheel , the phonograph
graph , wireless telegraphy sseie all
known to the earl } IXvptians "Wh )
should the spirits ot moitnls be proud'
We Hiink the same thought- * that our
fathers have thought"
The Memphis Commercial Appeal
says "If Tennessee , Mississippi , Ala
bama , nnd Arkansas could have $500-
000,000 Invested In electric rnllvvns
within the near future the wealth
which it would mean to those states
and thelt inhabitants would bo incal-
enable. " The same newspaper urges
a more friendly attitude to capital
There is no question but what this is
good ads ice not enl ) to the south bul
to the whole country What Is most
needed is a rest from the hysteria of
agitation against wealth so thai Ihe
energies of Iho people ma } bo devoted
to upbuilding industries and promot
ing substantial prosperity.
Kansas lias a grievance against
Minnesota. The notorious Cole
Younger who committed so many
crimes In the eailitir dnS of the
Gopher state , was at last caught , es
caped the gallows only by a technl-
culits , spent many vears in Stillwator
penitenliary and was finally some len
sears ago b ) a special lasv turned
loose on parole and eventually par
doned. This was granted on the
ground lhat he wished to return to his
old home and end his das quietly
lie is now the head of the ssildest kind
of a Wild We-st show nosv touring
Kansas , which offeib such features as
the "Hold Up of the Leads ille Stage"
and the ' "Bank HobbtTb of Rollings ,
W } " The people of Kansas naturally
do not approve of such edlf.slng per
formances for the moral uplifting of
their front , and fen , ' ! thai the > state of
Minnesota should hase kepi u legal
string on so notorious ft lasv breaker
instead of placing faith In the promises
of a man who had broken all the laws
of God and man.
President ITliot recently addrefhod
Iho high school 1)0 ) } s of a western city.
H < > did not tell them that each one
was especially endowed and could
achiose a brilliant 6iiccefl along any
chot-en line of endeavor He did tell
them thnt they svere all given some
measure of talent and wirne quallfl-
catlone of iiHofulnosa. The public
HchooKs demonstrate capacity or lack
of It in children. Here boH und girls
como to know their talent and the
Urntt of their endowment Rvory
) outh can go far toward rnnklni ? up
for the lack of talent by hard work
No other agency can ury the youth
so far on the road to BUCCCCB as per
slstent hard work Many a boy with
a alow brain has far outdistanced his
brilliant school mate by hard work
and stlck-to-ltiveneBB. Men like Hlot
nnd Ki m s < lt prmltlm the truth not
pltttrlnu KI in mill les rtuir advice
to the -irhiMil bos and nppientice is
to be tllllgent ami then tf he Is also
litl'llant ' a Rnat future Is assured If
nature endow id him with enl ) ordln
nr.s abllltv , diligence will bring him
reasonable success and a llfp of con-
tpntmpnt and happiness , with HIP
povur to make others hnpp ) , also.
Mr. llrjan Is starting on a ver.v dan-
uerous roadway when he attempts to
make the people of the west bellovo
that HIP financial flurry of last Oc
tober was the most disastrous In HIP
hlstor ) of the countty Aside from
the questionable practice of Irving to
create financial unrest by Insisting
that there wns n bad panic , be Is de
liberately misrepiesi ntlng the situa
tion for the sake of tr.vlnu to show
how Vry , verv bad the republican
ndmlnlstintlon has been.
"There never before wns a panic so
severe that the banks of the country
had to suspend pn.vlng out deposits , "
he declared. If Mr Hrvan had chosen
to be fair nnd perfectly truthful , he
might have snld that never before did
the hankers of the countt ) adopt
emeigenc ) measures so quick ! ) and
thus so study avert a panic , ns last
fall 'the mensuip adopted absolutely
pi evented a panic , insttad of Indicat
ing the Inlen-lts of panic , ns Mr. Hr.s-
an would hase the public believe
Mr Hrsnn In IMif , contended that
an administration could not be held
responsible foi panics Now he has
shifted , for the sake of politics , and
worse than that he is living to exap
gerate the situation Into making people
plo believe that the ) have just passed
through the severest panic of all time
That soil of niRiiment won't make
ninny sous in Nebraska
We shall never have a more sshole-
sornoitsppct foi law in this coiiiutv ,
we shall never put an end to the hide
ous offenses committed against light
and against huninuit.v , until sse secure
a difierent treatment of the offenders
b } jutlRfs and juiles It is the old
Sstern of substituting lines for jail
sentences that makes the daring offender -
fender snap his lingers at the lasss ,
and even the novice conclude that ho
ma.s as well take a chance of making
good speculallon , since at the worst
It can cost him no more than a ver )
small percentage of his sine pioilts
Hoss' aggravated is this practice of
the courts may be seen from a recent
case in the Distiicl of Columbia The
maker of a patent nostrum ssas on
tiial tor violation ot the puie food law.
Haull ) a circumstance to make his
crime offensive was ss anting It ssas
established Fatlsfactoiil ) lhat the bo-
railed remedy ssould be dangerous to
health and life. The mannfactuiei
was compelled to admit on Hie stand
that he would not lake a bottle of it
himself. The department of justice
pressed for a jail sentence , for the
sake of the effecl on criminals all over
the counti ) ssho weie watching the
result. Tlure ssas no qucslion of guilt
Flirt a Judge who ought to be held up
to the lepiobalion of Iho sshole coun
try fell back on the familiar plea of a
"fhst olToisc , " and sentenced the man
to pa ) a fine that hurts him no more
than It would most of us to hand over
a nickel
This is the standing crime of the
law , and until it is remedied we can
not hope to have a successful admin
istration of justice. In this instance
the cilme was no lobs than atlemptcd
murder for the sake of financial pio-
flt The "Hist offense" idea has no
application whatever. This is an ex
tenuation enl ) in the case of extieme
} outh or in crimes committed in the
heat of passion Perhaps the first
offense of the man vsho deliberately
plots against the Uses nnd health of
people In order to make mono Is the
woist that he can ever commit Arrd
ho pas a few hundred dollars where
he ought to be confined to hard labor.
The fine where jail sentence ought to
be imposed Is the bane of this conntr.s.
The greatest possible reform would
be Its abolition as an alternative pen
alty from three fourths of the cases
where it is nosv allowed.
The ) cars are fast approaching a
half century of time since out from
every corner of the northland , from
farm , from forgo , from factor ) , from
the counting room , nnd from the
counter ; from the pulpit , from the
law.ser's desk and the editor's sanc
tum , there stepped forth , at the call
of arms , thousands of men to do battle
for a common cause
These men had not been reared to
war They loved peace and their dis
position , purpose and plan was to pur-
sire it On Ness- England hillsides , In
the mountains and valleys of Ness-
York and Pennsylvania , or In the
newer regions of forest nnd of prairie ,
whoso magnificent resources nnd un-
explore'd wealth ssere eser beckoning
them westward , the people were busy
n.s their descendants of a Greater
America are busy today In the up
building and development of a nation
Hut worth ) ns their work was ,
the-ro was etlll greater work for them
to do.
An awful cureu held the land in
bondage Slavery , hideous monster
that It was , like all great evils that
tint alt mil to i riRiill MM n Is bail M"
tee.I'd 111 Winpptnu Its - tdUfllvt cells
nbout the tiiitlonal life until It seemed
n if Hit re wan no wri ) of ewtipe from
Its iniquity And no the clouds or ills
cournKtrnitit and disaster Rrcvv thick
and henvv on the national horizon
At last HIP storm which hnd bepti
eat luring more than n gpnnrntlon
broke with reli'titlc1" * fur.v Porl
Sumpter was ns < wlled and the nation's
ver.v llfo held trembling In HIP bal
Then camp HIP inosl tremendous
awakening of a great people which
this nation or iui ) other nation hnd
i ver seen Those venrn from 1SBO to
IsOifi which WP commetnornlp by nn
nunllv honoring the mernorv of HIP
brave men who shared In their trials
and tribulations ssere of more vnlup
to hiinianlt ) than either "fifty .veais
of Europe 01 a ccle of C'ntba ) "
The matching columns of trong
men , who crossed and ti crowd the
minis southland at the quest of dut )
and call of countrv , huve IOIIR since
bet II muster PI ! out of service Hut
their works have follow id them and
toda ) sse enjoy the present splendor
of golden days , pi ace , plent ) turd pros-
petit ) because of what Hies did
The union was saved The Hag which
Hies eaillcd floats todus over neiills
half a bundled states , OIH > nnd Indl
visible Not enl ) wns the nation sas-
ed but four millions of bondsmen
weie made fiee , and Hlaser.s , twin
it-lie of barbarism , was wiped out of
our national life forever
It Is ssoilhs ol thlb gnat nation to
n't np.'iit a dii ) once a } ear In which
to do sped il honor to tluvso whom
sncillices made possible out prenerrt
gicatm st , nnd timrqulllt ) II Is meet
to "give team for HIP Using and I cars
for the dead" The Hag which floats
above us Ih the Hag ot a great and
iriil8tlblp nation beraiiHe of those
weary seats of toil and blix > dnhed
The ssork which HIPPO men WPIO
called uporr to do has long since b < > in
eompli ted. Within the boiders of the
republic no man Uses toiiitv vsho
wishes Hlaseiy back South find north
cast and west alike rejoice In a nroro
pel feel union than thai of which Hie )
esen dr earned
Users generation has its probleniH
The men of the sixties had theirs anrl
sse bo\s In homage before Ihem for
their noble devotion to libeily and
Outv whispeis lo Amoi leans today
as she > spoke to the men of half n con
fur ) ago and points sternly to ques
lions sshlch musl be settled The
horizon is full of tlu'in. The teceiit
past has demonstrated , despite all
that is said to the corrlriu ) , that the
henit ot the nation still is duo to the
eall of humanlts The ) ounger men
of ISHS In quick respori'-e to those ssho
sseie oiifte'iing from liannv and op-
pi ( ssion showed the same llbie of
patiiotlMn us did theli fathers Cuba ,
Poito Rico and the Philippines
wiought not enl } foi the bettermi nt
of the condition of those people , but
made Arnerlci a gieat world power
We are uall ) just beginning to
liscover what sse aie- here lor "An
eagle's nest was nesei made for a
Inimii'ing bird. " If it rs line thnt
sse base a growing consciousness of
oiu power In i elation to the ssoild , It
is oquall ) true thnt our national con
Fciuice is much ruoio sensitive to all
that affects tlio moral ssclfiue of the
count i y than esei before Tills IE
triu In esets department of life. In
politics , in social life and in commer
cial aiT.ilis , there has been a trem
endous awakening which has given us
n elatHied vision.
The nation desires peace sslth all
the world It has no other thoiighl
"War , " as Gen Sherman said , "is
hell" Hul there are some thing
woise than war A craving eowardl.s
nation thai tiles to shirk its duty has
no respect of mankind.
As Thomas Carlsle salu "Difficulty
abnegation , mait.srdoni , death , are
the allurements thai act on the heart
of man" This was true in the ages
thai are pasl , true nosv , true foreser
It is this element In human nature
that links it with the throne of the
The old soldier did his part well in
our national history Because of whal
ho did and our contemplation of it ,
wo are strengthened and inspired to
do our part as ssell. "And sve for
whom they suffered and died , let us
thank God for show Ing us in our own
experience , as In history , that the
noblest traits of human chnrnctpr
aip billl spanned by the rainbow of
perfect bonnts ; and that human love
and faith nnd fidelity , llko day and
night , like seedtime and harvest , shall
never , never fail "
It is for us to do our work In living
for the republic in the same noble
spirit in which they died for It Their
recompense was ample. They secur
ed n crown of glory kept green for-
evei in a nation's life.
Only ono month moro until the
fourth of July.
Well , Plalnvlew had to go some ,
Wh } should the Juno hug army
cause comment' Isn't the month of
Juno well started ?
II you ever do get around to houseclean -
clean , it's a dead mortal cinch you'll
II tSI t I'UIJI ' III * * linn
llf XOIII IOIII ll | > Ht S
1 In M- anhr ( limitest ( line of u 7
month The ) begin to hortin nfi- - i 7A
tintwent ) first , so innUo tlio best f A
I hem while tin- ) lust
It'n nwns ! fair wcaHier when Use
ISiiglt s get together.
Norfolk In glnd to offer Itnt'lf n
noRt for the N'I brasl n TJagles.
That's pln.MnR Unit , even If Uio first
nntiip did menu n lipntlm ; for Strain i
If ( his hind of vu'itlhpr lipppn on
thorp won't bo any UBC for nil "nrtlll
rlnl" Ice plant.
It Isn't satisfactory to go Into par
teriishlp with ) otir neighbor on owning
nn Incubntoi or nnjthlni ; dap.
It'n been MI long Hlnep Ihoi'o was a
genulnel ) peed plmw here Hint the
\\holoof ninth Nebraska will welcome
The District Lender" Pilday night
sslth open arms
None nf the Haglps In Norfolk base
their ssliiKs clipped The're nil full
Mm ! . unabridged birds nnd when thct
lt.Ihi'lr . bucks scrape against tin-
These Meir\ Widow lints nio nut
Olllj beguiling. tllP.\'lP deceiving
See n filend benonth n Monv Widow
lint and yon Ret so frustrated tlmt jou
can t i-von locoRiil/p the filend
The Ill.ick Hills alwuss him bet n
fasi enough , but nppaicntlv Hint rpRlnn
Is netting Mill moip inpld For on. .
thing , an houi Is going to bo ellppi d
tilt HIP limning limp of Hie Illaek Hills
Noilolk ti.iln , beginning Sunda > .
Noifolk now has two homo life in-
sutance companies. Ono way of MI
comnglrig home industry would bt to
take Insurance In them hoth and Hun
live eight } or ninety years People
might as well bo accommodating jn
I big \\oild
l/ots of Bjmpnthy Is wasted A lot
of people began to feel BOI i y for n
faniils who ssire about to move away
from Noifolk , thinking that It would
lie a tioincndous hardship. Come to
find out the family could hardly con
tain itself over the jojfnl prospect of
Another in w town IH going to ho
added to the immense territory lilbu
t.iry to NoitolK when Wlnonn , In Tripp
count ) . S 13 , begins to boom tomor-
low Theip Isn't a tmltoi.s aiiwhiio
in an.\ land moie Ideal foi Inture ib
\elopment than that in whoso cinti r
Noifolk is located This iniiKiiillct nt
toniior } is bound to build up lor It1- ! It
n nu tropolls of sshlch it may ft i 1
proud , Xoilolk is going to be that
imtropolis There s a tuluio
ahead foi tills noithwost and Nor-
folks piospeilt ) and giowth will only
be rninsuied bj I lie prosperity and
growth ot the it gion thai bin rounds
Ihis cliv Omaha and Sioux Clt } aio
too fai awaj Norfolk is the natural
eintu tossaid sshieh this whole conn-
tr } is coming moie anil mote to grasl-
t.Uo as tlio natural and logical me
tropolis , of this ht'ction
All the training In the world will
not maKe a duck a MS an.
Whoever "talks" about another per
son , will lie about him.
As jon guns older , there ar fewer
stories that make } ou laugh.
Ambition with some men is laziness ;
the } hase an ambition to liso without
w 01X
The man ssho thinks a great deal of
one woman IH apt to bo gallant and
honorable toss art ! the EOX.
Almost anssoman , If glsen her
choice , would rather ho independently
ilch than happily man led.
You ssill observe that the Jittlo
girls have an admiration for high
heels and a coiset that corresponds
closely to a ho.s's desire to get shased.
The only woman who has n right
to take adsantage of leap } ear privi
leges , and propobo Is the vsoman vsho
has lots of mono } In her own name
After a man has been accused of
stealing , though he may hase proved
his Innocence , the people for the rest
of his life , vsill tighten their hold on.
their pocket hooks vshen they tx-o him
When you hear a tremendous yell
ing on the streets , and ringing of
bells , don't he frightened ; it Is only
seine photographer taking a plcturo
of a baby IK'foro nn artist can take
a picture of a hab } , he must scare It
half to death.
Somehow sse never admire the man
who scolds his children before coin-
pan } . It Is what mown folks would
call "rubbing it in , " and the chlldrin
feel a childish resentment tosvartis
their father for doing it. If } oii want
u man to hate jou , humiliate ulm
The same thing Is true in regard to
Ilttlo men and women.
There are a good many failures In
the world , hut the most helpless is the
one who admits It. There Is alnajs
hope , however binnll. for the man who
keeps on tr > lng There is n vast difference -
forenco hetvseen defeat and total fail
ure. A defeat may sometimes provo II1 /
helpful In the cud , but when a man
admttfl he Is a total failure he la cer
tainly Bpeakfng the truth unless ho
can bo Induced to change mind.