The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 01, 1908, Image 1

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, , , . .
Elmer E. Thomas , Attorney for the
Civic Federation of Omaha , Proposes
to Contest the Issuance of Licenses
In Norfolk.
The artlvnl of IJlmor Id. Thomas , al
lot noy for the civic federation of
Omaha , In Noifolk Wednesday even
ing and the announcement that he has
boon engaged as special attorney by
the W. C T. U. of Noifolk toi'-lher
vrlth the statement that romoi' ' ' / 'en' '
iiivilnnt every saloon keeper
folk will be brought before U
council next Tuesday morning < t
HCOIIHO applications come up , nppc
to mean thai Noifolk Is staled for
saloon light.
Attorney Thomas of Omaha , who
has boon back of the anti-saloon fight
at Wujne , was In Norfolk Thuisday
morning rotuinlng to Omaha at noon.
Ho was In confoionco with the local
officers of the W. C. T. U. and visited
the clt } cloik's office.
Before Mr. Thomas' arrival seven
remonstrances had boon filed with Iho
city clerk. Ho announced Thursday
moinlng thai bofoic night lomon-
htrancos would bo filed against every
applicant for a Norfolk saloon license.
The first Hovon remonstrances
against the granting of saloon licenses
wore directed agalnbl R. L. Bovorldge ,
William G. Ilerner , J. P. Walton , Wil
liam Stokes , lamll Moellor , W. E.
Koohn and Hay Weber. The remon-
slrances wcro filed by a commillee of
Ihe local W. C. T. U. consisting of
Mrs Brow or as piosldent , Mrs. Bal-
lantno as sccrotai } and Mrs. Thomas
as treasurer. The remonstrances arc
not all the same. The points covered
are the violation of the Slocum law
in respect to minors , Sunda } opening
and the obstiuctlon of windows. It Is
chaigoil that Hay Weber's appli
cation was not filed in good faith but
was filed as the bai tender for H. L.
Bovorldge. It Is objected because two
members of the city council signed
sonio of the petitions.
Mr. Thomas stated that If the te-
monstranccs woie turned down by the
council the granting of the licenses
would bo appealed to the district court
provided the evidence wan anted It.
Four additional remonstrances
against the granting of saloon licenses
weio Hied In the clt ) cloik's oillco
dm lug the eaily pait of Thursday
afternoon. The applications of P. M.
Ban oil , C. A. Tarepenulng , A. H.
Rolnoccius and C F A. Marquardt
woie objected to In this collection of
remonstrances. The lemonslrancelo
Mr. Barrett was based on the charge
that he was running the "Oxnard bar"
nnd the "Family Liquor store" under
one license. It was charged that C.
A , Taropennlug filed his application
In the Interest of his father-in-law ,
James F. Walton. A. H. Relnecclus
is accused of having violated the Slo
cum law at Madison during the past
iear. Th o presence of screens dur
ing part of the past forms Ihe objec
tion to the Marquardt saloon. It was
set up that Mr. Barren's appllcalion
had been signed by two councllmen.
During Thursday afternoon two ad
ditional signatures were placed on the
saloon remonstrances In addition to
Iho names of the three ladles who
aie the officers of the W C. T. U. ,
which Is filing the lemonatrances. All
of Ihe icmonstrances have now been
signed by Mrs. Lillle M. Nightingale
and Mrs. Alice O. Stemer as resi
Orphan of Render Murder Tragedy
Shocked by Lightning ; Lives.
Randolph , Neb. , April 30. Carrie
Copple , aged nine , was struck by
lightning as she was entering her
home. She had just placed her foot
on n wire fence when the bolt came
along the wire. She was badly shock
ed but will recover. She is a daughter
of Walter Copplo and wife , who were
murdered at Hosalle , Neb. Higgens ,
the murderer , was taken from a train
at Bancroft and lynched.
Young Woman at Wayne Is Sick But
Six Weeks.
Wayne , Neb. , April 30. Special to
The News : Miss Wattle Jeffrey , aged
twenty-six , daughter of A. B. Jeffrey
of this city , died yesterday afternoon
from IV'Orcnlosls. She had been sick
but six weeks.
Mrs. Kennedy Is very critically 111
Little Green Fellow Hops Under Lima-
light at Social and Women Scream.
T Lake City , la. April 30. An ugly
little bullfrog caused a panic at a mu
sical eutortalumont at Yetter. The
entertainment was glvon in the Odd
Fellows' hall. The nudlenco was thor
oughly enjoying .the music , when a
small boy near the platform began to
snicker Those nearby looked at him
reproachfully Ho pointed to a small
object on the platform near the win-
dow. The other small bos began to
snicker and a binllo spread over the
features of all as the } saw the small
object on the platform hopping slowly
toward the center of the stage Worn
on on the stage shrieked and In a few
tpoiueuts pandemonium reigned.
Game Billed For Friday Afternoon
Promises Surprises.
Homo cnnstoi nation rolgns In am
ateur ImHolmll circles as a result of
action of the management of Mapos *
"own" In a moment of regrctablo
magnanimity agreeing to poimlt the
hospital nine to annex Haak and
GllHsinnii as their battery. It Is
foaied that the city nine will bo
mowed down by Hank while \f \ > \ \
Ciitt/mor's cubs run off with the vic
The game , the first of the season ,
between Mapes" "own" and the state
hospital nine will bo called at 3 o'clock
Friday afternoon nt the driving park
diamond Admission , twonly - five
/S -
Word Has Been Received That Mr.
Bryan Will Have Four Hours Available -
able May 29 for Some Point In Mad
ison County , Probably Norfolk.
William J. Br } an , twice a candidate
for the piosldoncy and to all appeal-
ances the probable nominee of the
Denver convention , will probably
speak In Noifolk on the afternoon of
AJay 29. Whether ho will give a po
litical addrobs for the benefit of the
Y M C A. fund has not been deter
C. M Gruenthor of Columbus , sec-
retar } of the BO an Volunteois , will
bo In Norfolk Saturda } morning to
confer with local democrats as to the
Bran engagement. Mr. Grucnther
has written that Mr. tuvan will have
four hours available for Madison coun
ty on the aftoinoon of May 29 , when
ho comes Into north Nebraska for
several other dates While Tllden or
Madison might bo selected for Mr.
Hi } an's addicss , It Is vlitually cer
tain that ho will speak In Noifolk.
The fact that Mr. Bian was asked
b } the Norfolk Commeiclal club some
time ago to deliver a lectuio for the
benefit of the Y. M. C. A. fund may
result in Mr. Biyan appearing here
for an afternoon lecture as the local
committee Is very anxious to make
some such arrangement.
Meeting at Mapes & Hazen's Office
Friday Evening.
A mooting of Norfolk young men In-
toiosted in the organization in this
city of a detachment of state militia
has boon called at Mapes & Haven's
office for 8 o'clock Friday evening.
It was proposed sometime ago to
organize four squads of the Stanton
company In Norfolk. Several men
who are interested in this move are
anxious to have the matter carried
through so that the local squads can
participate In the coming Memorial
day exercises.
There Is said to be a chance to get
an armory just now nnd this Is one
of the purposes back of the Friday
Under Direction of Prof. Otto A. Voget
on May 11.
A Y. Jr. C. A. benefit concert , which
is expected to give an nppieclable
boost to the building fund , will bo
given at the Methodist church on May
11 under the direction of Prof Otto
A Voget of Wajno. Violin and piano
solos , trios and quartets will form
pait of a splendid music program.
Two jeais ago Mr. Voget gave a
Y. M. C. A. benefit concert at Fre
mont. The admission was placed at
$1 and ? 1,300 was taken in. The Nor
folk committee docs not aim that high.
They intend to sell 500 tickets at fifty
cents each.
Mr. Voget Is a musician of excep
tional talent. He is a graduate of the
National Conservatory of Music in
New York and of the Stearns con
servatory in Berlin. He will be as
sisted in the concert by several of his
pupils , among others Ray Estabrook
of Norfolk and Arthur Johnson and
Miss Voget of Wayne. On May 7 Mr.
Voget gives a concert at Wayne.
Concerning this latter concert the
Wayne Herald says :
"Otto Voget , jr. , is preparing to give
a concert In the opera house on May
7. Mr. Voget will go to New York
about the middle of May to Investigate
a proposition that has been made to
htm by a largo piano manufacturing
company to take a position as general
manager , traveling In the United
States , Canada , Germany and France.
If ho accepts this position the concert
he will give Wayne will bo something
In the nature of a farewell concert.
Mr. Voget's splendid musical talent Is
well known to Wayne people and the
concert will be directed by him and
participated in by so\eral of his pu
pils. A variety of musical Instru
ments will be used and it's pretty
certain the people of Wayne and vl-
clnlt } will give him a largo audience ,
as It will bo a musical treat to bo re
Will Take Remains to Ainsworth.
The remains of the late D L Bar-
rltt will bo taken to Ainsworth Fri
day evening for burial The Norfolk
lodge of the Modern Woodmen will
furnish pallbearers to escort the body
to the station.
Mr. Patterson's Daughter Has Diph
theria at Wayne He Was Fumigat
ed and Fled to Omaha Sheriff
Went Down and Brought Him Back.
Wane , Neb , April 30 Special to
The News : 1) . C Patterson , a wealth }
and [ imminent real estate man of
Omaha , was hi ought to Wa > no last
night by Shot Iff Moais and hauled up
before Justice Alter this moinlng on
a charge of violating the inlcs laid
down b } the board of health.
Mr. and Mis Patterson and their
daughter came to Wayne several das
ago. The daughter was taken sick
with dlphthoila. Mr. Patterson ap
pealed to ho board of health to allow
him to be fumigated and return to his
home In Omaha , where his business
was pi easing The board refused
Mr Patterson then had the muse
In the hoiibo fumigate him , drove to
Wakcfiold , caught u train and then
wont to Omaha The boaid of health
sent the bheilff down for him nnd h *
was biought back labt night.
Mr Pallet son appealed In his own
behalf this morning He claimed that
the law of the board of health allowed
him to bo fumigated and released from
quarantine. Justice Alter dismissed
the case and Pallet sou i etui nod to
Mr Patterson owns the Patteison
block in Omaha. He wab formctl } In
business here.
Royal Wedding In Toklo.
Toklo , April 30. The marriage of
Prince Tfitinebhlsa Tbakeda and
Princess Tbunciiomya Masako , eldest
daughter of the emperor , was solemn
Iced this morning before the Imperial
sanctuary Both wore the ancient
court costume.
Platform Indorses Administration of
President Roosevelt West Virginia
Gives Taft Votes Foraker Indorsed
by Bolters in Mississippi.
Harrlbburg , Pa. , April 30. Within
an hour after the Republican state
convention had adjourned the certlf-
loato of nomination of Superior Court
JudfeeV. . D. Porter and the delegates
ftt Urge , alternates at large and elect
ors at large wore filed In the state
department at the capltol. The cou-
TQQtlon enthusiastically cheered refer
ences to President Roosevelt and
Governor Stuart and gave prolonged
applause when Senator Knox was in
dorsed for the presidency.
The plank indorsing Senator Knox
for the presidential nomination closes
at follows : "To the end that the na
tion shall have a great president ; that
Pennsylvania shall receive fair treat
ment at the hands of the Republican
party and that one whose labors have
borne the richest fruits lo the Amor-
lean people in cabinet , court and sen-
fte shall be given just recognition at
their hands , wo hereby Instruct the
delegates here chosen to work and
T0t for Philander Chase Knox as long
M be shall consent to stand for the
pause of Pennsylvania and unlll ho
peoomos Ihe chosen candidnle of Ihe
national convention for president of
the Unlled Slntos. "
Johnson Sees Two Evils.
Detroit , April 30 "Two evils men-
nco America , " said Governor John A.
Johnson of Minnesota In a lecture on
' 'Tho Majesty of the Law" before the
alumni association of the Western
high school They are , ho oald , the
centralization of power In the federal
government and the centralization of
business power In the hands of a few
Fire Loss at Randall , la.
Webster Clt } la , April 30. The lit
tie town of Randall was saved from
serious lire b } long work of volun
teors. The Crosloy ding store and
soniQ smaller frame buildings wore
buniod. Loss , ? 10,000 ; insuranco6,000. |
A Son of Prince Oyema , a Cadet , Is
Among Those Who Went Down With
the Ship Three Captains Were
Among the Officers Drowned.
Tokio , April 30 The navy depart
ment has a lepoit from Admiral Yoshl-
matasa that the Japanese ciulscr Mai-
biibhlma wab Mink by an explosion
aboard the vessel at 1 o'clock this
moinlng In Makang Harbor In Pesca-
doics Islands. A hundred and fifty
mombois of the crow , Including nearly
all the olllceis of the ctulsoi , per-
ibhod Among the oillceis are three
captaltib and the son of Pi luce Oyema ,
who wab a cadet.
The caiibc of the explosion Is un
William Coon of Lincoln , Who Was
Driving Machine , Arrested.
Lincoln , Apiil 30. Miss Nelll *
Smith , employed by the Gilswold Seed
company , was tun down and killeu
hoio b > an automobile , drhen by Will-
lam Coon , an automobile dealer Th9
accident happened at Twelith and O
streets. In the automobile at the time
wore Mr. Coon and his daughter Miss
Smith was taken Into a nearby drug
store , where it was discovered her
skull was crushed and she expired
within a few minutes , without regain
ing consciousness.
The police took charge of the auto
mobile and placed Mr Coon under re-
bttalnt immediately and on the death
of Miss Smith he was fonnally placed
under arrest on ordeis of the coroner ,
pending the result of the Inquest.
Ask Legislation to Compel Purchase
of Modern Machinery.
Lincoln , April 30. A letter has been
received at the executive office , ad
dressed to Governor Sheldon and
signed by two men who style them
selves "farmhands. " They want help
from the governor. They set out that
they want him to enact a law provid
ing that no farmer be permitted to
use other than riding machinery , such
as plows , rakes , and harrows. Because -
cause of the fact some farmers con
tinue to use the old-fashioned kind
of implements , the letter says , many
farmhands have sore feet and life to
them is somewhat of a burden. The
letter asks the governor to let the
writers know what the prospects are
for this kind' ' of legislation.
Victim of Terrible Assault at Minden
May Live.
Minden , Neb. , April 30. Miss Pearl
Taylor , the girl assaulted by her
brother-in-law , icgained consciousness
> -The father of the girl requested the
sheriff to prevent any violence being
done Bert Taylor.
Taylor eluded the posse near BloomIngton -
Ington and it la bolicvod that he Is
hiding near Franklin. After abandon
ing his bicycle , he rode with a farmer
for several miles , and in this way es
caped his pursuers. Franklin is about
thirty miles south of Minden.
Holcomb Returns to Nebraska.
Broken Bow , Neb. , April 30. Judge
Silas A. Holcomb returned to this
city from Seattle , Wash. , where he
has been for the last two years. On
retiring from his position as chlof jus.
lice of the supreme court , the ex-gov
ernor went wesl In Iho expectation
that his health would be bettor there
than it was hero , but did not find the
climate of Seattle favorable and so
has returned to Nebraska , Mr Hoi-
romb expects to engage In the practice
of law hero.
Refuses to File List of Stockholders.
Lincoln , April 30 The Western
Union Telegraph company refuacd to
file a list of the stockholders of the
corporation with the Nebraska state
railway commission Secrotaiy Per
kins was Instructed to Inform the com
pany that the Information must be
forthcoming or a suit would be start
ed The state law provides a penalty
of not lesb than $500 nor more than
$5.000 for each refusal to f mulsh data
demanded b } the cornmlsblon
Poison in Box of Candy.
Omaha Apiil 30 Dr Jennie Col
fns.s physician foi the \\oodnutii Circle
clo lies bltk at her hon.e at rwonty
eighth and Pacilk stieets fiom the
effects of poisoning The poison was
found to be corrosive subllmato and
came In a box of candy which Mrs
Sheriff McMullen Has Been Serving
Copies of an Alternative Writ of
Mandamus on Commissioners Re
quiring Them to Make Record.
Hoi rick. S. D , Api II 30. Special to
The News : Sheriff McMullen was
} ostoida.v and toda.v solving copies of
an altoinativo wilt of mandamus on
the boaid of county commissioners ,
Issued from the chambers of the judge
of the Flist judicial elicult , requiring
the boaid to meet and make n ice-
01 d on the count } seat petitions , show
ing that the Buiko petition contained
the mimes of l,50t ! legal voters of
Grogoiy count } , and that 101 names
of legal votois woio on both the Hor-
rlck and Utitke petitions nnd woio
not counted on clthei , or show cause
befoio the judge at Fairfax on Maj
1 why the } have not so dono.
This ib the Hist move that has boon
made In the count } seat fight of this
county blnco the board of count } com-
misblonois made their finding on
Mutch 121 and ordoiotl the town of
Hcnlck placed on the ballot agaiiibt
Pali fax at the coming election.
The object of thlb move on Hie pait
of Burke Is to ti } to induce the board
to make a record which would show
on Its face that neither town had a
majorit } of the legal voteis of the
count } on its petition.
The cltUens of Heirick are not dis
turbed over this move , ns the boaid
has alieady found that thcie aie not
to exceed 3,000 legal voters in the
county , and could not now find that
theie aio 1,599 legal voters on the
Buiko petition. Theie woie , perhaps ,
more than 1,700 names on the Burke
petition , but thoic are bovcral liun-
died of tiicso namob who were not
Identified as voteis.
Meaclire Provides for Emergency Cur
rency Based Entirely on Clearing
House Securities Provisions for
Corporate Bonds Are Left Out.
Washington , April 30. As the r -
sull of a bories ot conferences bolwccn
Republican leaders in the house , the
first of which was held yesterday , Rep
resentative Vreoland ( N. Y. ) Intro
duced a bill to take the place of the
currency bill introduced by him last
week. In the new bill , which is de
clared to represent the views of a sub
stantial majority of the Republican
members and which Is the measure
that will be presented to the confer
ence of the Republicans of the house
to be held within a few days , nothing
Is left of the Aldrlch currency bill ex-
cepl the provision for the payment of
Interest on government deposits In na
tional banks. The provisions for the
Issuance of emergency currency on
corporate bonds aie swept away.
The new bill provides for the forma
tion of national clearing house asso
ciations by not loss than tea national
banks having an aggregate capital
and surplus of not loss than | 5,000,000.
A tax of 4 per cent on emergency cir
culation , babcd on clearing house as
sociation securities , is provided for the
first month , this tax to bo Increased 1
per cent each month until it reaches
10 per cent , where it Is to remain un
til the currency is retired.
Another bection of Ihe bill provides
for the creation of a currency commis
sion , to conslsl of six members of the
house , six members of the senate and
Ix to bo appointed by the president.
Iowa Central Carmen Strike ,
Marshalltown , la. , April 30. All car
men and blacksmiths of the Iowa Cen
tral railroad slruck In resistance to
schedule culling vraees.
Alienists Visit Thaw.
Newburg , N. Y , April 30 Lawyer
Graham and three alienists visited
Harry K. Thaw at the Malleawan
state hospital. They are preparing
him for appearance In court. Thaw li
sanguine of a favorable decision.
Steeplejack Killed at Cleveland.
Cleveland , April 30. "Steeplejack"
Gallagher of this city foil eighty feet
from a smokcslack and was instantly
killed. Gallagher had won fame for
daring feats of climbing In various
parts of the country.
Ruef Trial Begins In Earnest.
San Francisco , Apiil 30. Following
t denial of the motion of the defense
for a change of venue , the trial of
Abraham Ruuf , on the charge of brlb
cry , was begun before Superior Judge
Maurice T Pooling The only \\ltnosb
examined was John U Behan , a deputy -
uty to the clerk ot the boaid of super
vlfcors Ruef i of used to testify In the
cafao against They L. Ford on the
ground that he was a co defendant
and he was excused by the court
Naval Bill Sent to Conference.
Washington April 30B } a vuto of
187 to12 the huuao tefusid to accept
the senate amendments to Iho naval
appropriation btll und svnl 11 lo con
Temperature for Twenty-four Hour * .
Forecast fortNcbraaka.
Coiulltlon of the weather on record
ed for the twenty-four houra ending
at 8 a. m today.
Maximum 65
Minimum 30
Average 13
Haromotor 29 SO
Chicago. April HO. The bulletin Is
sued by the Chicago Htatlon of the
United Stiitos wcnlhor Inueiui gives
the foiocasl for Nobrnska as follows :
Fair tonight \\lth fiost Frlda } part-
1 > cloud }
American League Dotiolt , 0. Chi
"HRO. ( i Boston. 5 , Now York , 1 Phil
adolphla 3 , Washington , 2. St. Louis ,
3 , Cluvulnnd , 0
National League Boston , 7 , Now
York , t ! Chicago , 1. IMUsburg. 2
Biuoklyn , 1 , Philadelphia , 3.
Atucikan Ashoclatlon Indianapolis ,
4 ; St Paul 6 LoulHvillo , 8 , Minneap
olis , 4. Toledo , 8 , Milwaukee , 0
WoBtatn League Lincoln , 2 ; Oma
hn. 12 LX'iivoi , 1 , Sioux Oltv. 5. Pueblo
oblo , 6 , D"s Molnus , 4 (11 ( Innings ) .
What Is Offered by the Buyers to the
Producers of the West The Latent
Quotations , Showing the Receipt *
and the Demand From All PolnU.
[ Live Stock inarKct lurnlincd by
The National Live Stock Commission
Co. , Stock Exchange building , South
Omaha. ]
South Omaha , Api 11 30 Cattle Re
ceipts 2,000 The general market Is
Hogs Receipts 8,000. The market
lb lOc higher , bulk selling at $5.12 %
@B.17 > / & ; top price $5.55.
Sheep Receipts 5,000. The general
maiket lb steady.
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago , April 30. Cattle Receipts
0,000. General market Is steady.
Hogs Receipts 10,000. Market is
lOc higher.
Sheep Receipts 17,000. The gener
al market Is weak to lOc lower.
Selling Price of Wheat , Corn and Oata
In Chicago.
[ This market report Is lurniuhod by
the Omaha branch office of Logan &
Bryan , commission merchants , room
112 Board of Trade , Omaha , Neb ,
members of Chicago Board of Trade
and all other principal exchanges. ]
Chicago , April 30 Following were
prices on the Chicago Board of Trade
at 10:30 : this morning :
May ? 998
Ma > C7Vi
May G3V6
Prices Being Paid for Staple Products
In Norfolk Today.
[ This market furnished by the Salter -
ter Coal & Grain Co. , Nortolk. ]
Wheat | 85
Oats 42
Corn 64
Rye 66
Barley 40
Hogs $1 90
Mis George Robcbeny is among
the sick this week.
Little Homer Stansberry went to
Colorado josteiday on a visit with
friends and relathes. He was accom
panied bj hif , mint , Mrs. J. Stansberry
of Iowa , who will also visit there a
few weeks.
Mis. Ciobiock and three children
arrhed home from Battle Creek jcs-
teidaj , where they had been visiting
friends and relatives.
Mrs. Robert Watson arrived home
from Fremont last evening after
spending a few davs with Mr. Watbon ,
who is in the hospital there.
Howard Bemer is on the sick list
this week.
William Lewis , n foimer railroad
man of Norfolk but now of Iowa , was
In the Junction yebterda } .
Mrb Redman arrived home from
Stanton last evening after a short visit
with Mis. Pettee , formerly of Nor
Mis Moso Ilowell nnd small son
went to Benlngville , Iowa , Wednes
day noon on a visit with her parents ,
Mr nnd Mrs. Houston and family.
Mis. John Quick and daughter ,
Nona arlived homo from Stanton last
evening whore they spent the day with
Mr and Mrs. W P. Petteo , former
residents of Norfolk.
W A. Woodbiir } , who has been
spending a few da > s with his parents
at Center , K'nox county , returned to
Noifolk last e\cnlng.
Mis George Castle and little daugh
ter , Clarlpo , foimeil } of the Junction
but now of Chadion , came down on n
\lblt with Mi Castle , who is working
out of hou
The pi u ati. cai of Guural Manager
Il glns of the N Y & N H ralhoad
was attached to train No 5 , which
went through Norfolk last evening ,
Bailers Vent Their Anger for Al
leged III Treatment Dance of the
Flowers Is Closing Feature of the
Entertainment of Officers.
Santa Barbara , Gal. , April 30. After
u atitj of llvu dayu In thin port , the At *
lantlc tlout of battleships sailed this
tnoinl'iv ut 0 o'clock for Monterey ,
the ut Bchi'duled stopping placti on
the .1 tig Itinerary. A dunce of the
flowers last night in honor of the of
ficers of the lloet and In which foity
of the young women of Santa Bar
bara's social clrclo took pait , was the
closing fciUuio of the entertainment
hoio. The ( Innco was given on the
Plaza Dclmar , where a large tent had
boon oicctod. The visit to Santa Bar-
bat a has boon it-plot o with nodal func
tions In honor of the olllci'rn and the
spoctactilai floral parade eclipsed any
thing seen on the entire cruise fiom
Hampton roads. But the Htuy of tha
enlisted iiHMi here has not boon an on-
tliel } happy one. No Hpoclul on tor-
talnmciil was arranged for thorn , and
they wpio allowed to go tholr own
way without olllclal attention of any
The Incident of last night , In which
a small lOBtauiaiit was partially de
molished b > indignant salloiH , wan not
olllcially reported to the flagship It
Is not known that Admiral Thomai
will take uny steps In the matter , al
though he deprecates very greatly
that anything of the kind should' ' have
occurred to mar the excellent rocoid
of the moil for good conduct ashore
There Is no outward disposition , however
over , on the pait of oven the rltl/oin
of Santa Barbara to blame the blue
jackets for tholr drabtlc action for alleged
loged 111 treatment of thorn
Officials Safeguard Missionary During
Stay at San Francisco.
San Francisco , Apiil 30. Warned
that a number of Koreans in San
Francisco wcio preparing to assassl
nato Bishop Morilman Colbert Han is
upon hlb uiilval on the Pacific Mail
stoanibhlp Koiea from the Orient , Siir.
vojor of the Port Woodwaid , accom
panted by a number of other federal
attaches and members of the local
pollro force , met the steamer upon Its
appeal mice in poit , and , placing tha
dlvino upon the revenue cutter Goldpn
Gate , caubed his lomoval to Oakland
The action of the oflirials came in re
sponse to n request from Washington
As a companion of the late ID W
Stevens , advisor to Korea , who was
shot down at the ferry depot while on
his way to Washington , and one who
had studied conditions In Korea under
the Japanebo rule , Bishop Harris was
warned by the vsncrican ambassador
to Japan and the Japanese officials
before leaving the Oiiont to avoid
making any statements on the Korean
questions upon Ma arrival at San
Francisco which might bo likely to
arouse Korean residents In this city
While the archbishop was making his
way around the Pacific on the liner
Koiea a number of tolcgranib wore received
coivod from Washington by local federal
oral officials to the effort that a plot
to murder a missionary upon his ar
rival hail been formed among the Ko
reans of this city and the sutvevor
of the port was directed to toke every
possible moans of safeguarding the
divine during his stay horo.
Report from Morocco that the So.
Called Sultan of South Meets Defeat.
Babat , Morocco , April 30. Mulal
Hafld , the so-called sultan of tha
south , Is reported here to have suf
fered a disaster and to have Hod to
Tadla , a town 128 miles southwest of
Fc , where he has taken refuge with
Iho SIdl Bondaoud Iribe The news
of his reverse was followed Immedi
ately by the departure for Fez of Sul
tan Abdel Aziz's army , 5,000 slrong ,
with five cannon , under the command
of General Bagdanl , chief of the sul
tan's atnty. Two French and some
Algerian officers accompany General
Storm Does Damage In South Dakota.
Deadwood , 3. D. , April 30. Tha
atorm which prevailed in Ihe Black
Hills country was severe , bllghllng
nearly all vegetation. A heavy fall of
sncw was accompanied by a cold wind
and freo/.e and trees and shrubbery
suffered severely. Out on the ranges
and Iho calllo scclton Iho slorin
killed hundiods of calves that wore too
young to stand the winter weather ,
and Spearfibh reports much loss lo Its
fruit and crops and truck gardens.
Governor Spark * Stricken.
Reno , Nov. April 30 Governor
John Sparks , who for the past three
weeks lias boon In San Francisco vlsll-
Ing his daughlor , relumed to Reno ,
suffering from a stroke of paralysis.
The govotnor Is In a very serious con
dition Ho la unable to move either
of hl.s bunds. His speech , however ,
Is not Impaired
Mrs. Fitz Elected President.
Now York. Api 11 30 The Daughters
of the Revolution clot-ted Mrs Made
line Frances Fitz of Chelsea , MabS , as
Mount Etna In Active Eruption.
Mesblnn , April 30 Mount Etna 1 >