The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 17, 1908, Page 8, Image 8

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" *
Blfj Darn IB Destroyed Sunday After
noon With All Its Contents Origin
of the Fire Is Unknown Durncd
With Startling Rapidity.
l > Mro Sunday afternoon at tlio "Owen
ranch. " owtii'd ' by Clins. Cliaco of Stan-
ton. tli'Htroyt'il ' the Inrjjo barn , black-
Hinlth nhop and tools , thirteen head
of horauH , ten tonu of hay , llvo him-
tlrfil htmhols of corn , nnd ton seta of
lint-ness. The origin of the lire IB un
The barn was discovered on fire
nhout 4 o'clock , when llanios were
bci'ii bursting through the roof. A
Htri'iiuouB effort was inado to remove
tinhorm'S , but even then It waa too
late , and the thirteen head of big
work horses were cremated In their
Htalls. la the barn were hay , corn
and harness , all of which were con
tinued with remarkable rapidity.
From the barn the flro communicat
ed to the blacksmith uliop adjoining
and that with the Implements which
it contained wore burned.
The "Owen ranch" Is one of the
biggest farms In this section of the
stateIt Is located about llvo miles
wont of Stanton nnd Is now owned by
Onus. Chace , a Stanton capitalist. E.
H. Cliaco Is the superintendent In
charge , while a family named Lint
llvo In the house. The ranch Iq op
erated on a broad gango plan and
everything about the place Is first
< -lasn. The barn destroyed was one of
ibo largest nnd finest In north Ne
braska , fitted up with modern equip
nionts to correspond with the sur
rouadlugs. The horses were an n&
cumulation of largo work animals ,
carefully selected as to size and breed
It Is understood that the barn waa
Insured but the llvo stock , corn and
hay were not ,
Foster Williams & Co. Locate in
Foster , Williams & Co. , is the name
of a new real estate linn In Norfolk.
J. C. Foster , until recently a banker
at Loshnrn , Nob. , Is local manager
and' the company's ofllco will bo In
room 1-1 , Ulshop block.
The now company has three olllces
in Nebraska , one In Omaha , one In
Lincoln and one In Norfolk. Norfolk
was selected because this , outside
Omaha and Lincoln , Is by far the llv-
< -st city In the state , und because Nor
folk has more territory tributary than
all other Inland towns put together
O. S. Strain of Omaha is president
\V. C. Williams of Leshara Is vice
president and lr. Foster Is secretary
2iud treasurer. Mr. Foster owns the
residence property at 4110 Soutl
Fourth street , so that ho has not mel
the usual trouble of finding a homo li
nown. Mrs. Poster has arrived ant
they are now moving Into their home
The new company does a genera
real estate business , dealing partlcul
arly In Colorado and western Nebraska
Sands. Norfolk's Ideal geographlca
location appealed to them as n grea
An Outsider's Uncomplimentary Opln
ion of a Norfolk Institution.
Tllden Citizen : A stranger , whosi
lirst impression of Norfolk Is galnci
by spending a couple 'of minutes in th
Union Pacific station Is not likely V
carry away with him any very exaltei
respect for that town. Of all th
dirty , ramshackle old huts , that eve
Hiil duty for a permanent olllco fo
the transaction of public business
Norfolk has the dirtiest , the mos
dilapidated and the most uninviting
The walls and celling were at one Urn
covered with a coat of plaster , but ag
bas worked havoc and where the plas-
tnr hasn't tumbled off , cracks sugges
Ivo of a series of earthquakes run 1
every direction. The woodwork , wa
painted at one time , but now the whol
of the Interior is frescoed with grim
* hat conceals any color more attrac
ive than the sombre line of osnl smok
and Nebraska soil. Twenty people
would bo a crowd in the waiting room
which is illthy from lloor to celling.
Dogs' eared notices adorn the walls ,
i mutilated caution against smoking
iarcastically stares one In the face.
The piece of old junk that does duty
for a stove is in strict keeping with
its surroundings and coal dust and
ishes are strewn around it in prof
ligate abundance. The Citizen doesn't
liollevo in condemning what Is , with
out suggesting a remedy. In this case
plentiful application of soap and
vater followed by two or three coats
of paint would work wonders and an
outlay of a few dollars In addition for
jlasterlng materials would complete
n transformation most pleasing and
ianitary. The future upkeep of the
waiting room need be nothing more
expensive than the price of a few
brooms and brushes and the dally ex
ercise of n small amount of muscular
inergy. In striking contrast to this
unsightly pimple on Norfolk's other-
vise rather attractive face , is the fine ,
new high school now nearly complet
ed. This building is a splendid piece
of school architecture , substantial ,
strictly modern , and apparently built
for posterity as well as for the future
generation. A town that has pride
and enterprise enough to furnish such
t noble looking an'd altogether excel-
"cut structure for educational purpose
onpht not to bo lacking in the means
ior compelling , If necessary , a railway
to maintain a waiting room
for UK imtroiiK which could boast of
M much ch-Riillm'Hii as the average
chicken cnop around Tllden.
rlttito of Ohio , City of Toledo , Lucas .
county. UK , . . .
I'm nk J. Clionoy makes nuth that
lie In gi-Mlor partner of the tlrm of V. J.
Clienuy & Co. . doing I > UHIIU | H In the
City ( if TulHtlo , County niul Htiito iiforo-
* ul < l , itnil that xulil MI-MI will pny the
mini of ONli IIUNUUI3I ) UOU AI18 for
Ditch iiml uvory cane of Catarrh that
cannot bo cured by the use of IiuirB
Cnuirrh Cur.i r'UANK J CIIKNI3Y.
Sworn to buforu mo and aiitiscrlbod
In my prusonco , this 6th day of Docotn-
bar , A. D. 1880.
( Soul ) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure IB taken Inter-
ally , nnd act * directly on thu blood and
iiiiicoiiH surfaces of the system. Send
for testimonials froo.
If. J. CHUNKY & CO. . Toledo , O.
Hold by alt UrilKBlHtH , 76c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti
) ne of Four Cases Against Attendants
Ordered Prosecuted by Gov. Mickey
During the Alden Administration of
the Institution.
Lincoln , April 11. Owing to the
uuimury manner In which the grand
iry was called in Madison county ,
'orreat 12111s , an attendant In the Nor-
oik asylum convicted of simple as-
unit , has obtained a reversal. Rills
as Indicted at the Instance of Gov-
rnor Mickey. Governor Mickey had
rdered Superintendent Alden re-
uivetl from his position on account
t ilIsseitHlon among the olllcers and
lelr families. Alden refused for a
me to vacate the olllco. In the mean-
mo Governor Mickey was Instrument-
1 in preferring charges against sev-
nil attendants for cruelty toward pa-
cuts. No grand jury had previously
een ordered nnd during the session
f the April term , 1900 , the district
ourt ordered ttie sheriff to Immedl-
teiy summon the grand jurymen ,
'his jury indicted Ellis for assault
h intent to do great bodily injury ,
'he trial was had and the defendant
mud guilty of simple assault from
hlch conviction he prosecuted error
o the. supreme court.
Following decisions in two former
ases the court holds that "no grand
nry can he lawfully organized unless
Is election has been previously or-
erert by a judge of the district court.
Such order must bo In writing and
led with the clerk of the district
ourt on or before the day fixed by
iw for the drawing of jurors for the
orni of court for which the grand jury
s to appear. "
The action of the supreme court In
oversing the Ellis case was generally
xpected by Norfolk attorneys. The
iction of the 'supreme court brings to
in end the four hospital cases which
rom time to time have attracted
statewide attention. The cases against
Joseph Wiles , Wilson Byerly and
M. Mlnnlcks In the district court at
Madison will be dropped from the
court records , the Ellis case having
jeen taken up as a test case.
Ellis Is running a hotel at ITartlng-
ton. Minnlcks is said to be teaching
school somewhere in Kansas. Wiles
nnd Byerly are still on the hospital
The Ellis case was prosecuted by
County Attorney Koenlgstein and H.
P. Barnhart. Ellis was defended by
Mapes & Hazen , M. D. Tyler and Sen
ator Allen.
Many women mistake kidney and
bladder troubles for some Irregularity
peculiar to the sex. Foloy's Kidney
Homody corrects irregularities and
makes women well. Miss Carrie Har
den. Howling Green , Ky. , writes ; " :
suffered much pain from kidney am
bladder trouble until I started to use
Foley' . ! Kidney Remedy. The flrst bottle
tle gave mo great relief , nnd after
taking the second bottle I was entirely
well. " Klesau Drug Co.
Some men claim to be free and In
dependent , when In reality they arc
only obstinate.
Seeds , Including snake and other cu
cumber , prehistoric and other corn ,
both sweet and field , pencllaria ,
squash , melon , mammoth suntlower ,
and hundreds of other seeds , 1 cent
and up per packet , ( also sell In bulk )
direct from grower to planter. Gar
den Guide and descriptive price list
free. Address H. M. Gardner , seed
grower , Marengo. Nebraska.
Will be in the Game the Coming Sea
Alnsworth , Neb. , April 14. Special
to The News : Alnsworth's ball team
will be In the game the coming sea
son. It was reorganized the other
evening with Clyde DeSllva , the well
known ball player , as manager , and
Rob't. Herre , assistant cashier of the
Citizens bank , as captain. It will be
able to put up good ball.
Ainsworth Items.
An addition has just been completed
to the Congregational church. Rev.
VanValkenburgh. the new minister'Is
making good , and the attendance is
Sunday was a summer day So In
the shade.
Henry Hall of Long Pine has been
appointed county commissioner to fill
the vacancy caused by the death of f
Uriah Chester. He Is a son of the
Hall who is a member of the Krotter-
Hall lumber company , and Is a very
competent young business man.
You will soon receive the congratu
lations of your friends upon your im
proved appearance If you will take
Foley's Kidney Remedy as It tones up
the system and Imparts new life and
vigor. Foley's Kidney Remedy cures
backache , nervous exhaustion and all
forms of kidney nnd bladder troubles ,
Commence taking it today. Klesau
Drug Co.
There Arc Practically No Modern
Houses In Town and Many People
Are Searching for Places to Live
Vacant houses are about as scarce
as { he proverbial hen's teeth.
People desiring to move into Nor
folk have for the past month been put
up against a most proplexlng problem
In the matter of trying to llnd a suit
able residence. Practically every
house In the entire city Is occupied
and there are no houses available.
Even people wanting to buy , have
found offers hard to get.
Ex-Secretary of State Cowdery who
Is trying to move , to Norfolk from
lumphrey , has not' yet been able to
ocate a modern house for rent. And
its plight Is only that of dozens of
ithor people who would like to move
o Norfolk Just at this time. Many
nore commercial travelers would
: ome to Norfolk , It Is said , If they
ould llnd homes.
A great many houses have been
milt In Norfolk within the last five
ears. The number would run Into
he hundreds. And so the fact that
very house In town Is occupied right
low , shows that Norfolk's population
s far greater today than it has over
icon before In all the hl&tory of the
More than that , the growth Is a
steady , welcome , healthy Increase ,
riioro Is nothing spasmodic or of the
loom nature about It. The town Is
growing In just the right way It Is
uklng on a growth that will be per
nanent and one which Is strongly In
llcatlve of the future.
Norfolk Is coming more and more
0 he recognized as one of the best
msiness points In all the west. It Is
1 "live" one. And there's plenty of
eason to believe that the growth will
jeep right on.
Not only Is residence property oc
cupied , but the same condition applies
o the business district. Store build
ugs and ollice buildings are practlc
illy all brimful- throughout the entire
Real Estate Transfers.
Real estate transfers for the week
ending April 10 , 11)08 ) , compiled by
Madison County Abstract and Guar-
inleo company , ollice with Mapcs &
Hazen :
Ixils Shelton to Ferdinand Pofahl
W. D. , consideration ? 00 , part of
WVi of SEVt of 23-2-1-1.
Alonzo J. Hays and wife to William
L. Abel , W. D. , consideration $275 , lot
1 , block C , KImball & Blair's addition
to Burnett.
Harriet E. Walker to William Kocp
Bel , W. D. , consideration $50 , lot 1-1
block 9 , Edgewater Park addition to
David Rees and wife to William
Koepsel , W. D. , consideration $50 , lo
1 ! ! , block 9 , Edgewater Park additior
to Norfolk.
Martin Tuma and wife to W. H.
Blakeman , W. D. , consideration $250
lots 1 and 2 , block 2 , Verges Suburban
lots to Norfolk.
Laurence Barry and wife to John
L. Doty , W. D. , consideration $25 , lo
3 , block 5 , Thompson's addition t
Newman Grove.
James Orr to John E Sanders , Q. C
D. . $1.00 , part of SWW SW'/i of 31
C. W. Lemont to Emclio Blelch , W
D. , consideration $1,800 , part of
SW % of 31-24-2.
Herman Diers and wife to L. H
Watson , W. D. , consideration $25 , lo
10 , block 23 , Hillside Terrace addition
to Norfolk.
Ferdinand Kamrath , W. D. , consld
oration $8,000 , SWV4 17-21-3 to Wl
helm Kamrath.
Rachel Bolton and husband to , !
M. KIngery , W. D. , consideration $500
part of out lot D , Tllden.
W. A. Moldenhauer and wife to Gus
tav Schoenfeldt , W. D. , consideration
$1-10 , lot 4 , block 4 , Hellman's addi
tion to Norfolk.
Plan to Start a Co-operative Store Has
Been Given Up ,
Prominent railroad men living In
South Norfolk stated to The News
today that the movement to organize
a co-operative store at the Junction
had heen laid aside on account of the
agreement which had apparently been
reached between the railroad men and
the representatives of the business In
terests of Norfolk on the rate ques
tion. The railroad men say that they
are Interested In Norfolk and Interest
ed In seeing Norfolk become a jobbing
center but that they view any attack
on railroad revenue at this time as a
move decidedly hostile to them on ac
count of the condition of railroad
business at present. They said that
the exact Intentions of the Commer
cial club had not been exactly under
stood by them and that they had
thought that the attitude of Norfolk
business Interests was hostile ,
Commercial Club Nicely Located In
rBishop Block Auxiliary Growing ,
The -Commercial Club Auxiliary will
meet Tuesday evening in the Norfolk
Commercial club's rooms In the Dish-
op block. The auxiliary now has a
membership of about forty members.
A general Invitation Is extended to
men thinking of joining the auxiliary
to attend the Tuesday evening meet
The Commercial club directors will
uceupy their new quarters In the Rich
ards block Tuesday afternoon at the ! * ,
weekly meeting. The Commercial
club apartments were iltted up by
Harry I/odor.
Mellgh f High School Club Wins Prom
the Albion Nine.
NellKli. Nob. , April 11. Spet-lal to
The News : The llrst baseball KIIIIIO
of the season was played here yester
day on the Hlversldo park diamond
between the hl h school of U'ln ' elty
and that of Albion. The home team
had the game In a walk from start to
finish , defeating the visitors by n
score of l ! lo 7. There was n good
crowd out to witness the llrst exhi
bition of the national ganu- hero this
year. The Albion boys say that they
. pro royally entertained , amiwish to
otnrn the compliment In the near fu
, iro.
STANDS ABOVE $12,000. ,
Complete List Published for the First
Time Remaining Half of the Fund
Will be Raised , it Is Believed , In a
Short Time.
Virtually half of the Y. .M. C. A.
nlldlng fund has been raised. Sixty
inscriptions have been received by
he committee up to this time and
heso sixty pledges have brought the
utldlng fund up to $12U1G.
It was last February that Norfolk
eople , aroused to what a Y. Al. C. A.
ulldlng occupied by an active associ-
tlon would mean to Norfolk , deter-
lined to raise funds for a $ LT > , UOU
ulldlng. Shortly after the campaign
pencil it was announced that W. 11.
Jutterfleltl & Son nnd U. Mathcwson
voultl start the ball rolling by sub-
crihlng $2,500 each.
A month and a half has brought
ho subscription list past the $12,000
nark. Today for the first time a list
if the subscribers who havu signed
ilodges up to date Is made public. The
mbllcatlon of the list marks the en-
erance on a more active publicity
lampalgn. As the figures climb up
ho additional subscriptions will be
More men are becoming inieivsti'd
n the Y. M. C. A. movement in Nor-
oik as active workers. Having sc-
urcd sixty subscribers the committee
s going after the next sixty. Then
hey will start after the third sixty.
The fund today stands :
previously acknowledged . ? SOOO
L' . F. Shaw . 500
F. 13. Davenport . 500
M. Hiintlngtou . 500
Durt Mapes . 250
A. H. VIele . 250
A. L. Killian . 150
H. F. Bruce . 200
. S. Cotton . 1000
! . S. Bridge . 1000
Mrs. McMillan . -10
C. P. Parish . 100
Mrs. A. J. Johnson . 1 (
Ed. Redman . 1 (
Eugene Harper . 1 (
H. A. Drebert . 25
C. B. Durland . 100
Elvira Durland . 20
Josephine Durland . 100
Etta Durland . GO
T. W. Mackle . 2
G. L. Carlson . 100
Dan Craven . 200
Ladles' Aid society of Baptist
church . 100
John Penney .
C. Lederer .
Thorn. Woolman .
Nebraska Telephone Co , , . G (
Em II Sar . 10
7. . H. Bateman . 10
Frank Hamilton . G
E. B. Humphrey . I
L. Bruce . G
S. G. Miller . G
E. E. Gillette . 20
J. H. Van Horn . ir
J. A. Cnster . GO
G. T. Sprechor . 25
J. H. Oxman . , .
S. F. Dunn .
Cash .
Cash . 2
W. J. Stadelman . 10 (
F. G. Coryell . . IOC
L. P. Pasewalk . ; . 10 (
Beeler Bros . 10
L. C. Hepperly . 10
M. Gregorian . 10
H. J. Cole . . . 10
M. C. Hazen. . . . ' . 10
C. S. Hayes . 10
Huse Publishing Co . 20 <
B. C. Gentle . 3
S. M. Braden . . 3
A. P. Larsen . 3
C. S. Parker . G
A. O. Hazen . 3
Ladles' Aid .society of Congrega
tional church . 30
Foloy's Orlno Laxative is best fo
women and children. Its mild action
nnd pleasant taste makes it preferabl
to violent purgatives , such as pills
tablets , etc. Cures constipation
Klesau Drug1 Co.
House Cleaning.
Walt Mason in Emporia Gazette
My grandmother sings like a bird o
n bard , and hums like a hive full o
bees ; for she has all the furnltun
piled In the yard , and the rugs ar <
slung over the trees ; she's sloppini
around with a pailful of suds , andnrni
and a broom and a mop , she has sea :
on her topknot and grease on her dud
nnd Old Harry can't get her to stop
The stove's taken down and the clock'
on the lawn , and the organ's out ther
on the stoop ; and as vainly I hunt fo
the things that are gone , she won'
care a jlm-dusted whoop. My grand
Hollar's gone and dismantled the
iluci1. and si 111 she goes 'round on the
unip : I sit on the KI-IIHH when I'm
'oiMlliig m.faie . , when thirsty I go to
ho pump. And when the day's labors
ud Journeylngs close , and I do to my
abln repair , I find on tli'c Door I must
tang up my clothes , and sloop on the
> nck of a chair.
. nr.iiMo\ ; .
It Is important that you should do-
Ido to take onlv Koloy's llonoy and
'ar when you luive a oonith or cold as
t will euro the most ' -
ng cough and expel the cold from your
yxtoni. Foloy's ilonoy and Tar uon-
alii * no harmful drugs. Insist upon
laving It. Klesau Drug Co
[ Continued from page 1. ]
ire , his team running Into a fence ,
mil he was thrown off the plow Into
he tall grass just as the awful conlla-
gration struck him. He was very se-1
lously if not fatally burned , his eyes
icing swollen shut , his fact badly
turned and the skin burned from his
lands. Dr. Wilson arrived as quickly
as possible in response to a message
and did what he could to allay his
uttering. Mr. Davenport lost all his
inlldings , except his house , twenty-one
togs , hay , harness and grain. His
lorscs on the plow were not seriously
When she saw the fire sweeping
lown toward their home north of In-
nan , Mrs. William Gannon , whose
iiishand was helping his neighbors to
Ight the llames , put the three small
children in an outdoor cellar or cave ,
md made preparations to resist the
onslaught of the fire fiend to the utter-
nest , but only succeeded in saving
ho house , all other buildings being
losUroyed. During her struggle with
he llames Mrs. Gannon always kept
nn eye on the cave as her first thought
vas naturally for her children , and
ipon going to the cellar to see how
hey were getting along she found
hat some manure , with which the cave
vas partially roofed , had caught lire
ind was smouldering , the smoke pen
etrating the cave , and when she
ipened the door It was only to find
ho three children apparently dead
isphyxlated by the smoke. Dr. Gil-
Igan was hastily sent for and the
children were all finally resuscitated.
Con Shea lost all of his buildings ,
lay and grain.
Pat Kegan lost all of his buildings
° xcept his house.
Henry Hunterman , living eight
niles northeast of O'Neill , lost build-
ngs , horses , harnt-sb and grain.
The Thomas ranch at Disney was
only saved by the ehiuiBo in the wind ,
which occurred ju t at the proper
While Clark Young was returning
homo from O'Neill Tuesday lu WIIH
caught In the llro with his load and
Ms horHus badly singed.
John Kelly. ( ! eo. llradt , Ed. IVn-r
son , Tim Harrington and Pat Kelly
are among those who lost hay , fonris
and some trees In the pralrlo tire.
Several days ago a straw Htaek was
IIrod on the Hanley place , which had
apparently been entirely consumed ,
but the high wind Tuesday fanned
some smouldering ashes Into a llame
and It spread to the stuhblo Held , and
It was here that this great pralrlo llro
had Its origin.
Sam Wolf lost , nineteen stacks of
hay four miles east of town. Mr. Wolf
said , In speaking of the coullagratlon ,
"We could not see the llames until
they were right upon us. The cloud
of dirt and dust that was carried along
before the lire by the hurricane made
It Impossible to look toward the com
ing eonllagrntlon. "
Many cattle that had been turned
' out of enclosures to enable them to
I > avoid the flames or which had been
I caught In pastures , were found wan
dering over the prairies Wednesday
morning , many of them burned badly ,
and many of them only badly singed.
Many of these cattle will bo perma
nently Injured , yet many others will
not suffer to any great extent from
their experience.
Charles B. Rockford , living thrco
miles east of town , was a most unfor
tunate victim of this great sea of
flume that swept over so many of our
broad acres Tuesday. Mr. Rockford
lost hlH buildings , household goods ,
horses , stock , hogs nnd chickens , the
fire just about taking everything ex
cept the clothes he and his family
were wearing. The valiant tight they
put up was unavailing , no power being
able to .make an Impression on the
great cloud of llame , smoke und dust
that seemed omnipotent In the face of
all human effort.
E. W. Bloenker , living on the Sk'irv- J
Ing farm , was working in the Held ,
with his four-horse team when the llro
was seen approaching his neighbor
Davenport's. Ho hastily unhitched his
horses and put them In the stable and
went over lo help save his neighbor's
property. But as the lire could not bo
stopped at Davenport's it rushed on
toward his own place and before he
could get home his buildings were
afire , and ills four horses , hogs , chick
ens , grain , harness and farm tools are
all destroyed , leaving Mr. Bloenker
James Cameron , several miles east
of O'Neill , made a determined effort
to sttve ills home from the deluge of
that canu.pouring down from
Alwnyu thu
the north. He and hl wife were hack-
Ill-lug north of the grove that sur
rounded their liulldlngH and II seemed
at one ( line that thc > had ( he llames
checked , when , upon looking toward
their buildings , they found the fire had
been parried by a corn shuck or HOIUO
like material fifteen rods insldo the
llro guard and all hope of stopping It
was at once abandoned and they then
put In all of their effort to save tholr
house , but In vain. Their house and
all household goods , hogs and chickens
were destroyed. Their horses , harness
and a carriage were all of their prop
erty they succeeded In saving.
John and Charley Border , of Disney ,
had the misfortune to IORO their barn ,
a good mare and a yearling steer ,
together with some harness nnd ether
property by lire last week. The property -
erty was partially covered by Insur
ance , Mr. Downey the Insurance agent
Informs us. The Merger boys nro a
pair of the best hustlers In the north
country , and wo trust their loss may
not he too severe when the ndjustor
looks over the loss.
A disastrous prairie fire broke out
In Conley township Monday which did J
considerable damage to the farmers
In the vicinity of Harold. Wo have
been unable to get many details , but
learn that most of the property dam
age was the burning of hay and trees.
Charles Fiirqulrer lost considerable
hay and fence. - \ Jack Prothero was
caught In the tire and very painfully ,
though not seriously burned , as also
was William Gibson. Mr. Banborry
was caught by the lire with n team
and wagon and his horses were badly
scorched. Many tons of hay , many
trees and fences were burned. The
lire swept , before a heavy south wind
and seemed Irresistible , but the whole
lire lighting force of the country were
soon on hand and after a desperate
struggle succeeded In checking Its dis
astrous progress. The heavy growth
of grass , In many places being the
growth of several seasons , and the hot
south wind made the lire ono of the
worst that lias broken out In that
country for years.
To thoroughly Introduce , Direct to the Consumer In nny part of the United States ,
the AhsniptPly Pure Vintages of the famous Kantn nose Wineries , In California , wo
have ndontoil a remarkable nnd tinlnuo method , giving you the opportunity for n
limited time to trv these famous whips , free of nil cost It Is u well known
fnct among California wlno nipn that most of the so-cnllcd "California Wines" nnld
throughout the past hy the retail dealer , were olther cheap Imitations "California"
in name only or else n highly adulterated mixture a little real California wino and a great
deal of some Inexpensive substitute. The wineries shipped the pure product to the whole
saler In barrels. The wholesaler shipped to the retail dealer in barrels and kegs , nnd the
retail dealer sold to the public In his own bottles. Naturally , after all this handling ( and
oftentlmo rank adulteration ) the matchless quality nnd delicious flavor of the wine wna
seriously affected. It was on this account that wo have adopted the plan of shipping direct
from our "Winery to the Consumer. "
Under Our New Selling Method Absolute
Purity Is Guaranteed The Greatest
Ever Made Any House In America.
The Wine that h J brought the roiesb ck to many pallid checks and through
its high Medicinal Qualities finds Friendi all over the United States. Read Our Special Introductory
Our grapes are grown carefully
An under perfect conditions in ideal , FREE WINE
Enormous fertile vineyards continual sunshine
and warmth , maturing the famous ,
Offer to readers of lhi paper for
extra largo and juicy grape for
Money Saving which California IB noted the world a ihort time only
over. Our wineries arc situated
For You among the beautiful groves and vine Bottles
yards where the air Is fresh and 6
pure and It Is hero that the grapes of Pure
By buying your wines and brandies nro pressed and made Into the fam WINES
dies direct from us , you cut out ous Santa Ilosa Wines. Our new and
the usual big profits of the middleman "Winery to Consumer" plan was Inaugurated
man , the wholesaler , retailer , etc. augurated to Insure the delivery of
This in Itself amounts to one-half these excellent vintages direct to packed in a
In most cases considerable more. you ABSOLUTELY PURE f r o o plain box
U'e can sell to you at the very from any adulteration or tainted by sent to
lowest price because under this careless handling. Under the Na you
method wo cut out the big salary tional Pure Food nnd Drug Act of Express
ami traveling expenses of salesmen. Juno 30 , 190G our guarantee Is PREPAID
To you It means at least ; backed by the United States Govern
HALF PRICE AND LESS ment , a double safeguard for you.
Our Real Purpose
Is to give every customer complete satisfaction by dellverlnc
Wines and Brandies In their original perfect condition better In
quality , more delicious In flavor , and selling at actual winery rates
less than half usual prices charged by retail dealers. Under these
conditions we Intend to do the largest wine business In America.
To Prove the Excellence of Santa Rosa Vintages and Our Methods , We
Offer Our Popular Sii-Botde Box of
Under Our Rebate Offer ,
FREE If You Mention This Paper
We have set asldo G.OOO of these cases , contain
ing one bottle each of five of our carefully
selected wines , and one bottle of the I Wlnerlo lociicd it Sononu Counti |
Liberal Conditions of Our Free Offer Famous
Out Popultr Sii BotiU Cut Contiioi Apricot Cordial
1 Boitli of Clirct
1 Baltic of C.lifornU Pott Win * We want to send one of these cases to each person who will appreciate
1 Dolllt of populir Anclici the peerless quality nnd delicious llnvor of a Buaranteed absolutely pure
1 Bottle of dchcioui Sherrr vintage , and to demonstrate the excellence of Santa nosa Wines over
i Bottle of Reuliof nil others compared with our extremely low prices.Ve have spared
> nd bottle of the fjmoni neither labor or expense In maklnK un these G.OOO cases , because wo
CALIFORNIA APRICOT BRANDY depend upon them to secure permanent customers they nro our nales-
all six bottles packed securely In a jnen sent to convince yon that our claims of peerless quality , delicious
Irtaln box and sent to you by express all flavor and low prices are actual facts.
charges prepaid It wuuld coat u a fortune
tune to SITU ! these broadcast free to number is limited to 5000 , and only one to each
everyone who asked for one and to pre
vent unsTUpulous pern ins , cuilosity sat- person. Tell your neighbors about this wonderful offer
Isflcrs and young boys ft ml girls from
sending for this offer , we are compelled PMYSICfANS WHO KNOW IT RECOMMEND IT
to request that you eond ore dollar with
your order as a deposit of good faith , "Sample "
Order Form"
Your Returned
Money Santa Rou
Vineyard Compuiy
Onp di liar dues not nearly cov r the coat
of b.jttlis , boxes , lanor and the express Lot Anelci , Cillfornlt
charges which we prepay , to say nothing OENTLEUENt
of the live excellent wines and Apricot I w.juld foe glad to try your famous
llrandy , but wo vslll gladly etanj the Hanta Ilosa Vintages. Enclosid llml
loss because we are * un. that nearly all One Dollar < ll 00) ) ai a depoill. which
who recelv these cases w 111 become our is to bt > credited to my future orders ,
regular customers In each bux uf wino fa'cnd > express all chargan prepaid ,
wo will em lose a rebate slip which will > < mr ' I'diiuiar Six IJottle Hox" con
lie ac epte'l the same as IIW on any taining uiu bottle each of Claret ,
future i nler. We will alau sen.l y < * u Reining. I'.tt. Sherry , Angelica nnd
free our Wine Bonk , with uf ( rations of Aprtuul formal parked In a plain
the best wines and the pri' | s shuul'ig box. It In understood that there will
our excoll.nt ro > thnds of ' omblnatlon hi no furth. r xpensa to me I am
prepaid shti mrntji * i p-pular - with our or 21 years of aee. AUo send me
custom , rs through > ul the country. TO YOU. ALL yuur I'rlte List.
REMEMBER to l > Ve advtntip of ihl. lit offer CHAR&SJ Nntn"
= Z Z = you muil huriy Writ * out t.o order like Ailiirvos
the "Sample Order"ihowu , roenlioa tlui [ upcr. aud raiil PREPAID
to-djy with $1.00 to Intuit prompt delivr > Addrtiithe BUt . . .
MANAGER Mail Order Dept.
Santa Rosa Vineyard Co. your Writ nirai ,
P. O. Box 1337 Los Angeles , California carefully aJdreiy