The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 03, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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It IB Snld In Norfolk That a Number of
Prominent Democrats Have Written
to Former Stnte Senator Hale Ask-
Injj Him to Mnke the Race.
Will Nebraska fuiiloiilstH nominate
F. J. Halo of AtkliiHon , formerly a
altito senntor from Madison county
when ho lived nt llnttlu Crook. as thotr
candidate for governor thin fall1'
A number of prominent democrats
In varloim parts of the Htatu iiro
F. J. Hale
to have already written Mr. Halo , urg
ing him to become a candidate for thu
Mr. Halo TVUS In Norfolk last nlglt
but could not bo Keen Tuesday aftcri
noon to coicflrm the story nor to inalju
a statement as to whether or not lie
would 'accept the nomination if it
were to bo ( tendered.
Principal of Beemer Schools.
West Point , Nob. , March 31. > $ <
clnl to The News : The Nellrurg Man
ufacturing -company Imvo sneceedofThi
establishing selling agencies for tht'it
product , the patented gasoline rend
kerosene oil cans , In the eastern
state * . Prospects ' .ire Rood Ser a very
large output of these c&na , their va'ltie
and \itfllty becoming more apparent
President NelburR will shortly make
a totir of tbs states west ol' NObratilra
to csJjiblitfli "agencies there.
Opening a Market.
"West Point , Neb. , March 31.
clnl to The News : Profeshor Wllllair
ThelsHon , oT the faculty of 13ie WIJKI
Point high cchool , has been elected tc
the prlnelpalshlp of tbo Beeuior pub
He schools. Mr. Thultauu IB a grafl
uato of the West Point high flchod
and of the ctato university. He hai
tilled i-he position of assistant .miperin
tondent of the West Point schools foi
the past year and lias ivcn ereellen
satlBfactluu. Ho Is a u&tlvo at Cum
lug county ami the eldest . Hour ;
Thelssen. a pioneer settlta- .
Annual Meeting of Stockholders 01
Monday Fixes Dales.
AinsworLh , Neb. , March 411. Specla
to The News : The Drown county fal
will bo hold September 30 and Octube
1 and 2. The annual meeting of tin
stockholders was held Monday after
iiyii In Rising hull , when tie follow
> ' ing olllcere were elected : W. H. IVsk
president ; Dan Corpender , viee-presl
dent ; C. W. Potter , secretary ; J. 13
Finney , troaEurej.
Precinct vice presidents : Henrj
Mattescn. Ainsworth ; Clarence Cassia
man , Johustowu ; George Rohiort.
Lakeland ; W. H. Hitchcock , Chester ;
Frank Blnnoll. Smith ; W. H. McGill
Pine ; Park Skllliuan , Pine Glenn ; A
D. lleebe , Buffalo ; Frank Stephensou
Garlleld ; Wm. Kuure , Falr.n eld.
Board of managers : C. F. Howe , F
A. Baldwin , John M. Cotton , Mai
Ranscher , Fred Maetlck , John Weyer
.1. H. Calver , superintendent ol
Mesdames J. C. Tollver apd , W. II
Baldwin , superintendents of the ladles
Miss Florence N..Johnston , superln
jtendont ol ihe educational department
The board of managers will meel
-qn April 15 at 1:30 : p. in. at Munfioi
, & Howe's department store in tills
V city. '
Aliwworth Items.
I'ralrle flreB seem to be the ordei
for both day and night. They can bt
seen In every direction. So lar , how <
eve.r. there has been no heavy loss
from Ihem.
Mis * Kate Cowley of Johnttown , a
most Of-limable young lady , daughtei
of one of the pioneers , died Satardaj
evening of pneumonia and was buriei
Monday , followed to her last restinf
place by a large number of persona
The commissioners have ordered th <
vote on the county high bchool ques
tlou for June 'i.
Uriah Chester of Long Pine , one ol
the county commissioners , died Sun
day afternoon and was burled Tuesdaj
afternoon. He was one of the besl
known and most highly respected clt
Izons of this county and his loss wll
bo felt In all parts of the county ant
will bo a personal loss to many be
sides his Immediate relatives.
Hagin & Moomoy of AInsley hav <
bought the Wyvol building In this cltj
and on Thursday of this week opei
up a first class , up-to-date meat mar
kct. They come very highly recom
mended. Mr. Haglu will move his
Xamlly hero and manage the business
Mr Moomoy will remain In Alnslcy ,
where ho has other largo interests.
There Is talk of a building boom
hero the coming stimmut. Some four !
or live two-story business blocks are I
already on paper. It Is hoped that !
they may bu'on solid ground before
thu fall snows Bet In. Cement IB the
material talked of.
Farmers report the ground In excel-
nt condition for spring work.
The lakes In the Houth p.xrt of the
ounty are reported to bo full of ducks
nd , of con rue. the Halting Is fine al
ways IB.
Meeting of Department In Conference
With the General Agent of the
Parker Shows Causes a Change of
Dates of the Carnival ,
The llremen's carnival , If the plans
f the department In that direction
ro dually carried out , will bo held
he week of Juno 8. An option on that
week has been secured by the com-
nhtee roprosontlng the lire depart
mint , the date being agreed on at a
ui'otlng at the city hall last evening
wSth A. H. Barkloy , general agent for
Uie Parker shows.
The contract to bring the Parker
fihows hero has not been signed and
t will not bo definitely known for a
'ew days whether or not the carnival
ilans will be carried out. It will be
lecessary , It is announced , to raise a
ouplc hundred dollars to bring the
shows here. This maitor will he tak-i
; n up at ouco with Norfolk people.
Moving the earnlvnl Into Jirno win
irolmbly not interfere with the plans
Tor a Fourth of July celobraitlon which
the department first Intencloa to hnlil
In conncctlou with the carnival wedk.
Sentiment today seemed to 'favor both
a carnival and a Fourth of July 'cele '
O'Neill Loi.t FlrdtGame. .
O'Neill , represented hy some ' 01 last
season's "old timers" and a few
"aspiring youngsters" wore trimmed
in the first bull panic played at .O'Neill
this season , losing to IZinniott 3 to 0.
Batteries. O'Neill , llrsdley and Al
berts ; ISmmott , Wilson and \Vilson.
The score :
O'Neill ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,
Kmmett ' 0 0 0 0 2 U ) 1 3
Fred Beell at West Point.
Fred Bccll , that wonderful bunch of
energy , proved too much for Mike
Johnson at West Point , 'throwing '
Result of Paralytic Stroke on Monday.
Had Laved , ln Vicinity Many Years.
Mrs. A , F. 'ISuinehlll , who differed
a paralytic stroke Monday morning ,
died at 7 o'clock Tuesday morning at
the Tannehlll home at (120 South Fifth
street. Death ccnie vary unexpectedly
as Mrs , Tjuinehill wan up and about
Mr. and Mrs. Tannehlll have lived
In this vicinity ifo'r ninny years past
Two years ago they moved from the
, old farm near "Warner.\311e to Norfolk
Mrs. Taiuiehill was sixty-nine yeari
ld. She was a member of the Jinptisl
tihurch. Shtf has many .friends iln Nor
folk and throughout the .county.
Mrs. Taunehlll Is survived Ijy sto
fwus and foeir daughters : George
Tiijinehlll of this city , Homer , X-larrj
and Frank Tannehlll living near War
nervlUe ; Charle-s Tannehtll llvinc In
Oklahoma , John Tannehlll In the gov
eroment service In Panama , Miss
Vafln Tannehill living at home , Mrs ,
Garlichs of North Platte , Mrs. Fetors
of Stanton and Mrs. Evans oJ Norfolk ,
No .funeral arrangements were made
pendtog a message from Joliu Tann -
hill in Panama.
Olc Olson's Troubles Real.
Ainsivuctli Democrat : A prairie flrc
driven by the high wind swept over a
large scope of country about six miles
northeast f town last Wednesdar , and
did considerable damage. Ole Olson
lost his btdldlngs and couUnte. He
and his daughter were away from
home at the time and saved nothing
but the clothes they had on. A num
ber of other farmers lost hay and
pasttire. The fire Is supposed to have
started from a hurnlng straw pile.
Another Accidental Shooting.
Sprlugview Herald : The youngest
son of W. S. Dillon was accldontly
shot by an older brother who was try
ing a new 22 rifle. The shot glanced
along the jaw bone and lodged in the
neck. The little fellow eats well , and
Is getting along nicely as Dr. White
( alls us.
Newspaper Men to Meet.
The Northeast Nebraska pencil
pushers will hold their semi-annual
meethjg at Kmerson Monday. April
20. the following program being out
lined for their edlllcatlon :
Address hy President Chas. K. Ott
Lyons Sun.
The County Printing C. E. Jones
Ponca Journal.
Prices on Job Work. F. L. Snoop
Wakeflehl Republican.
Printing Otilce Help \V. S. Goldie
Wayne Democrat.
The Editorial Page M. W. Murray
Pendor Times.
Discussion Ready Print Service.
For : J. L. Phillips. Bancroft Blade
Against : Jas. Brink , Concord World
The Postmaster C. D. Crelllu
The Newspaper and Politics
John H. Ream
Dakota City Herald.
Round Table , conducted by C. E , Nevln
Laurel Advocate.
Then When the Police Rounded up the
Crowd , She Was Glad to Refund the
Cash to Blacksmith Clark and Quit
the City.
Font g > psy women trailed Into the
blackHinlth shop of II. C. Clark at 110U
South First street Tuesday moinliig
a-fortune lolling.
AH became. a sturdy blacksmith
Clark would have none of them. The
women persisted. They would tell his
fortune , but no.
One ol the gjpsles , with one eje on
the future and the other on the shop
door , letiulred .Mr. Smith to place a
dollar in the open palm of his hum !
while the future-reader gave him a
sample ot her prollclcncy.
Clark put the cartwheel in his open
llht. The g psy looked at the dollar ,
uttered three Incantations and made
a wild llourlbh with her hands includ
ing a swift and successful descent on
the dollar.
Grasping the coin the woman made
for the door. The gypsies hit for the
tall timber while Clark made tracks
for police headquarters. Chief Flyun
spent part of the day , as a result , gath
ering in a hand of uypslos which have
been here for several days. Two or
three were arrested.
Then all was settled , Clark got
back his dollar and departed content.
The gypsies wore released from jail
and given the absence of the city.
The city jail JB again omptj ; .
Meeting in Neligh Was Well Attended
Monday Night
Niillgh , Nob. , March 31. Special'to
The News : The committee appointed
liy the law cind order league to drafi
resolutions of this organization in
Noligh met at the court house lasi
evening to perfect aiu ) make more
binding its purposes whether th5s >
-s "svet" or "dry. " The meeting
wnh well represented and a irooc
crowd prtiMent. J. C Jenkins callet
tue meeting to order-and O. A. Wil
limns , chairman of the committee on
resolutions , read the same to those
present. 3'hey were li. . a nature to the
elfect that law and order must am
will prevail in N'elipi after the JlrB
of May. 'That gamtflmg and lawless
Jiebb will be abolished. They were
unanimously carried
The election of olhcers was HE fol
lows : President , J. D. HntfieldTice ;
president , T. H. Bienton ; secretary
J. W. LauiEon ; treasurer , T. S. Pox
To meet necessary expenses ant
Kirry on Ihe spring campaign a - committee
mittee VKW appointed to bolicit funds
und the fuine reponed before half o
the meeting was over. The total a
that time-was $101 HI ) .
"W. L. McAllister was the -eloqucn
speaker of the ovccing. Hie , acldres
was one trial appealed to tbose tha
fnnuentetl the drinkng and gamblin
retorts ; that their children would , am
coti'd ' be better dressed , and mo doub
present a better 'appearance in ou
citj schools , were it aot for tlrtj temp
tat Urns existing In our city. He wa
followed in this Mrujn of Uiowght b
J. M Colen-an , L H. Suter. Wm
Campbell , F. M. Houah and otbers.
Before the- closing of the Tneetin
O. A. Wllliaais made several pointed
remarks and 'stated teat the Han. E
mer E. Thomas of Omaha wouh
speak in 'U / Auditorium tonigh
Wishing all iu attendance would b
present to hear his address on "L.'n
and Order. " Thobe not having the op
portunity to sign the roll of member
ship wer i invited to do so after at
Attempting Escape Frwn Burning
House , Beard Came Too Close.
Bill Lemon's whiskers -were singed
and his hair burned in the fire eve
on North Second street and Braascli
avnuf. . He was in the second storj
of the hotise when It caught 'jlre and
In getting himself and some of his
belongings to safety was brought in
close proximity the names. The
house , which was one of the finrt bull
In Norfolk , was badly burned Sn the
attic or upper story. The house was
rented by Mrs. Chestney. Mrs. Chest
ney. colored , 1s mother-in-luw of 6am
Goon , the Chinaman.
Rev. J. F. Parker of Boneste l Pub-
llcly Retracts.
Bonesteel News : It will be remem
bered some wc-eks ago the Kewb con
tained an article in Its columns con
cerning the retirement of Hev. J. F.
Parker as pastor of the Catholic parishes
ishesat Bonesteel , Herrick and Fair
fax , stating that he had been suspend
ed and dismissed from the diocese by
Bishop Starlha. Press- reports stated
that Father Parker had left the priesthood -
hood to enter Into the business world
and his actions were thought of sulll-
clout importance to be given promi
nence in the city newspapers. Follow
ing the article in the News he commu
nicated to the Herrick Press that the
News had done him an Injustice In
stating that he had been dismissed for
actions unbecoming a Catholic priest
and that his only offense was the join
ing of the Odd Fellows order , which
lie dtennd was stnctlv proper as It
contained nothing in its teachings
contrary to the teachings of the Cath
olic church and In his letter to the pub
lic he intimated that the effort of bis
life would he on the reconciliation of
the church to the lodge and to do
away with the ban.
Now thu following chapter has been
enacted and the deposed priest has
tnur : ! > the following public declaration
above his own signature :
"Herrick. S. D. , March 1-1 , 1008 : Not
realizing my position I joined the Odd
Fellows , a society , membership of
which Is barred to Catholics. Owing
to my olllclnl position I must have
given an occasion for scandal to Cath-
lies. Henceforth 1 make It known
lat I have ceased membership of said
) ody , us I have sent In my resignation
o its olilclal head at Herrick.
"Joseph F. Parker. "
It is generally understood that
'ather I'm her will again make an of-
ort to be reinstated In the church and
that pending necessary arrangements
to enter n monastery ho is staying for
the present with friends In Btitto , Neb.
People Who Had Gone to Bed in Sum
mer Awoke Wednesday Morning
With Winter Abroad In the Land A
Stiff North Wind Drove It in.
April Fools' day was no joke. The
neicury dropped from fifty-seven
Tuesday to llfteon 'cegrees above zero
Wednesday morning and then laughed
ip its sleeve , filling the sleeve with
People who wont to bed In the goml
old summer time on the last day o1
March woke up on the first of Aprl1
to llnd winter abroad In the land. It
was by far the coldest day for mor
.han a month and people felt the cell
< eeiily , as It was driven Into the mnr
ow by n stiff north wind.
The prediction is for colder weathei
Wednesday night , warmer Thursday.
Candidates Shy the Mayor's Office.
West Point , Neb. , March 58. Spe
cial to The Now ; . : Julhis Thlolo , citli
/.en's candidate for mayor of West
Point has filed his declination of the
nomination. Tins resignation was fol
lowed by that of foranor Mayor Son-
ncnschela , who was nominated as
councilman for the First ward of the
city. The committee has -not - yet filled
the vacancies.
South Dakota 'News. '
D. Horras , cashier of the
defunct bank of Hot .Strings , was arrested -
rested und lodged in jail nt Deadwood -
wood on a charge of embezzlement.
District court .at Dmulwood upheK
3io primarj law and socialists will
now appeal their < case to thq supreme
Janls Hunt bus joined'his ' wife at
Sioux FAlLs and the nllvorce story Is
Holt -County Farmer .Shows Signs of
Recovering , Now.
AVwrd from O'Neill at noon "Wednes
day was Jo the effect that Eric Borg
tlu > Holt county farmer who was shot
by John Price 3ust5aturtl y , Is gaining
in .sirejigth . aod it as now believed ht
may recover.
Speaks Under the Jurisdiction of Ihs
Law and Order League.
NeJlgh. Neb. , A\rll { 1. Special to
The News : The address given In
the Aoidilorlimi latU , availing by the
Hon. Elmer R Thomas of ( .Omaha was
Blstened lo by a crowded house. It
was not only rotors that .attended the
iithoriiig , but it was mothers , wives
and hrothcre. Mie meeting
with , a. song 'by ' a chorus o.
twenty voices , "Rescue dhe Perish
liy , ' . " which was followotl by a male
qmirtet singing "Nearer Sly God to
Tli * < > . " Mrs. J. B. Davis .closed the
mitdcal part of the IntroQuction by
retiUerlng oae of her niharmlng solos.
MK J. C. Jenkins gavti a short sketch
as to what the law aufl orller league
was , mid. what It intended to do , after
which he introduced Mr. Thomas
who held bis audience for nearly two
hours , u the subject of gootl govern
ment arid why Uie fciloons eiioiilxl be a
minus quantity. He stated In JUs re
marks that the -saloon as an institu
tion did not do anyone any goofi , , and
that the lime was but short dkitant
when thei would be driven from the
fno < > of the land. Mr. Thomas luaid
that today * JO cities and towne In
Nebi-a.ska were in the "dry" list , and
predicted that after next Tuesday Sfi.0
more would be in this column , ami
from i.ll indications and geucral senti
ment expressed Neligh was scheduled
as among the bunch.
At tht close of the meeting Ihe audi
ence cabs ;
A Dawes County Tragedy.
Chadron Journal : The entire com
nninlty was startled and horrified by
the news that Mearl Raines aged sev
en years had been shot and Instantly
killed at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Tully. The facts as nearly as can be
learned at this time are about as fol
lows : The parents , Mr. and Mrs.
Raines , live on J. W. Good's ranch ,
east of town and two sisters have been
staying with their uncles and family
on Beaver and attending school. After
returning fiom school some furniture
was being moved and Bula , an older
sister was given a gun to hold for a
moment whoa It was in some way
accideutly discharged , the ball from
the gun striking little Mearle In the
back , penetrating her body and came
out In front causing death almost In
stantly ,
preliminary Overtures to the Commis
sion for Rates Which Will Make a
Jobbing Center of This City Effort
Promises Well.
Lincoln , March 11. ! Special to The
NO\\H : Norfolk business men today
consulted the state railway commis
sion In regard to securing better job
bing rates. The effect probably will
be successful.
Messrs. Bullock and Sprecher , of the
railway committee , together with the
attorney of the Norfolk commercial
club , 11. C. Bronio of Omaha , are rep
resenting the club In Lincoln today.
The foregoing dispatch would Indicate
that the effort on the part of the club
to secure a freight rate which will
make a jobbing center of Norfolk has
at least found a receptive ear on the
part of the commission.
Mrs. J. F , Wagner was down from
Hudar yesterday.
C. M. Thompson , the Noyporl bank
er , came to Norfolk ycsterdar after
Miss Ida Lee of Stauton was In Nor
Burt Mnpes went to watmotoon at
Dr. A. TO. Tashjean was called to
Plalnvlew yesterday.
Geo. 'JL ' Burton returned at noon
from Fremont ,
C. G. Whlpplo of Nlobrara was In
Norfolk yesterday.
Miss Nola Walker loTt today for lier
now homo In Weeping 'Water.
Lon GuUmer Is back from a hunt-
ng trip near Columbus.
Mrs. Hattle Wllbcrger of Ancfca was
u Norfolk Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fechnor and flaughtor
6f Stwnton vere Norfolk visitors yes
Miss Elsie Eberllng and Miss Clura
Ueckman left for a few davs' visit In
West Point.
Charles Konnor of Wlsmor Is In
Norfolk OKI a vlult with , his uncle , Mar
tin Kane ,
R. II. lleyirolds and Marcus Rey
nolds went to Tllden tc iput up 'a now
brick bmldlng.
City Superintendent E. J. BoawolHa
homo fiorn a visit to Wiosloyan. univer
sity at ILlncdm.
Wll ] Powers , court reporter for the
district , Is home from Pierce ,
( court "havlny adjournofl.
"Or. and Mrs. Peters of Stanton wore
to TSJorfolk yesterday by the
illness of Sirs. A. F. Tannohill.
Mlfs Anna Field of Madison 'Spent
Sunday with Miss Burnham In this
city. Mrs. Field visited with Mrs.
Burxham Monday.
Senator F. J. Hale of Atkinson , a
aelegtite-aUlarge to ithe democratic na
tional convention , -was In Norfolk on
hlb way for a trip through 'the eastei n
part of the state.
Among the day's out of town visit-
oi-fc in Norfolk wore : : Mr. and Mrs. T ,
Click ; H. M. Scott , Plalnviow ; John
If. Booth , Columbus ; IS. C. Ludwlg
AKsworth ; James , Nlchdls , Madison ;
.Q. . A. King , "Wayne ; Jdhn Phinny , Til
dea ; R. C. Anderson , Genoa ; C. F
TMner.'Pllger ' ; n. B. Stocking , O'Neill '
31. E. 'Owen has 3uat returned from
-extenucd trip through Idaho , where
'he met a number ol Madison , Wayne
anft Stantmi county people. He thinks
Iditi'O ' the most prosperous country he
has seen for many years and on *
wh'teh presents many opportunities foi
yoing moii. Many of the largest Irrl
gating schemes in the United States
nre 'underconstruction at present in
lilahu , and 'there will be many more
In 1lw near ifuture.
W. H. Butterfield end '
D. D. 'Brun-
son made a business itrlp to Mr. But-
lerflt'kl's ranch near Mugnet.
Mis&es Loaore and Helen Hftgol ol
Coluniwis ana in Norfolk on a visit
with their sister. Mrs. Will HalL
Superintendent Doremus of Madison
was in Norfolk Monday completing
details lor the declamatory contest.
Dr. Ttmng , superintendent ofthe
Norfolk hospital , left for Lincoln at
noon on business connected with -the
R. Reiland of Lexington was In Nor
folk yesterday ou his way to Cozi.d ,
stopping in Norfolk for a brief visit
with friends.
Ed. Lewis , a prominent stockman
of Butte , was In the city on his way
to Sioux Cltjr to purchase rattle. He
shipped two carloads through hero last
Mrs. M. Robb and daughter Gussle
accompanied Mr. Robb's mother , Mrs.
F. W. Robb , to the latter's home at
Union , Nebraska , where they will visit
for a month.
Miss Myrna Wright has gone to
Sioux City to meet her brother Gilt ,
who Is an actor In the Ole Olson com-
ianjShe will also visit her sister ,
Mrs. Stevens.
H. F. Barnlmrt Is back from Council
Bluffs , where he went on business con
nected with the Lynch road case which
ms been Jlled In the federal court In
his city. C. B. Scott , court reporter
n the Fifteenth judicial district , has
) eon commlBbloned by Judge Munger
0 take testimony In the case on April
2 and G.
Among the day's out of town visit
ors in Norfolk wore : C. A. Smith ,
rilden ; Dr. and Mrs. M. D. Baker ,
Madison ; William O'Keefe , August
TIKalhky,1 Arthur Pavelka , M. Oborle ,
'erdigrt Rd L Brooks , Winnetoon ,
\ R. Walters , Bloomflold F. Lawsun
\lobrara , H B. Hoobs , Madison. G
1 Hitchcock , Wayne , J R Lmabury
Spaldlng ; Miss Jennie Prudon , MOM-
owl ; Mrs. R. H. McCall , ( No. Iowa ;
Martin Welch , Tllden.
Mrs C. A. Blaltoloy Is sick.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ktl. R. Taylor ,
a son.
Will Smith la 111 with an attack of
Miss Bertha Uhle. an employe of
the Norfolk laundry company for the
past two years , has resigned.
Miss ICtnnm Mnnpmrdt Iu another
H-yoar-old Norfolk girl who has Just
won a prize In the Omaha Bee Juve
nile story contest.
Norfolk sddu founts nre being pol
ished and will open with the first
assurance that Miss Spring has really
chrcl > od her baggage to Norfolk.
\V. L. Ix'hninn , who burned his
hands badly while trying to put out n
lira In his home a few weeks ago , was
able to retuin to work today In the
Star clothing store.
Fred Boche has just finished cut
ting 8,000 feet of cottonwood lumber
on the John S. Craig farm. About
llt'ty trees were cut out of the big
grove , which It Is estimated still con-
tnlns 100.000 feet of lumber. These
trees were planted hy Mr. Craig about
thlity years ago.
Columbus Telegram : The boys In
the manual training class at the high
ehool are this week making a line
vnlnut gavel , which will be presented
he presiding officer at the meeting of
ho North Nebraska Teachers' assocl
tlon In Norfolk. Work of very hlgl
ratio In wood turning and draughting
ias boon turned out by the class this
oar , and Superintendent Conn Is pre
larlng to lake with him an exhibit o
ho work , just to show what the Civ
umbus ttchoolB are doing In the man
nil training department.
Norfolk has been on Us good be
mvlor the pant month. Or else Nor-
'olk luis been more careful. Or else
Norfolk's erstwlillc zealous guardians
Ivuve been only human and have not
"BVEiiod too Ir.ird the festive voter on
he ew of election. Anyway Police
Judge 'Rlseley's report for March will
show only $7 collected In fines. Ac-
jordhig to the report Norfolk has in-
lulged in only seven dollars worth of
As a result of the visit here of State
Drug Inspector Frank Nicholson of
Nobniska City , Wm. G. Bonier has
Iwen reported to the state food com
mission for prosecution on a charge
of selling unbranded liquor. The state
Inspector was in Norfolk two da > s
and at the Bcrner saloon bought a bottle
tle of liquor which he charged was
not brnnde l as required by the new
law. The prosecution will be placed
In the. hands of County Attorney Jack
tein and will probably be
started In a local justice court.
When the HUle two-year-old son of
K l MartihRll tumbled Into a tub of
Iwit water yesterday at the Marshall
Iftume just east of Edgewater Park
auJditJoii , the little fellow created a
llorr.v of excitement. The water had
jjicst 1)een ) taken from the stove and
was ivear the boiling point. The little
's arm and back were quite bad-
H ildefl. Tlve bunas were quite
.serious h&w serious could not bo told ,
TJio mother had place/1 the tub ol
witor on the llo&r and supposed that
Itier litUo sun was out of doors.
Staiiion Register : Reverend R
Tl'iehter , an eloque-nt minltfterpreachet
an eiitliusiftritic sermon at the Ger
man St. Lucas church. A.fter the ser
Vit he was called to the sick bed ol
Mas. Heiiingfi. twelve mileu Kouthwesi
erf Stun4on , adminSsterlng the holj
* : amuucut. Re Is a very soci.ihle mar
wit to verj' accurate fetching ways. II
Xnnfolk o'lll send him the CH.11 Stanior
Mill acquire a very useful and heJp
fuj uii/.trn. lit * . Richtcr at itho pres
out time lias charge of two English
Lutheran nhureies and one -German
The Stanton Llgh school promises
to hav the blggt-st representation ol
any outside high school at the north
state declamatory contest at the Audi'
torium Wednesday evening. Fifty-
seven seats have been ordered re
served In the Auditorium for the Stanton -
ton delegation , who are coming here
to support their representative In the
contest. Madison will have01 delega
tion of twenty , Atkinson of fourteen ,
Tllden of twelve , Beemer of six. Other
high schools will also be represented
In the 'audience. The teachers who
are coming to the convention which
convenes Thursday morning will he-
gin to arrive In Norfolk Wednesday.
Brown County Democrat : Sheriff
Plersall , who has been on the trail of
an escaped prisoner for a couple of
weeks , returned several days ago and
recounts an experience that he does'nt
want to try again. He got track of
his man In Gregory county , S. D. , and
followed him west until he came to
the White river , and as it was nearly
night and the only human habitation
n sight was on the west bank he
decided to ford the stream. The
reacherous river was higher than he
bought. The team went out of sight
and Frank , .standing In the buggy was
urprised when the murky , Ice cold
.vater . reached above his waist. He
was In for it , however , and urged his
forward. Swimming and float-
ng they reached the opposite bank ,
Iragged themselves onto the sandbar
ind fell down completely exhausted ,
en foot further down the stream It
A-ould have been Impossible to climb
ho bank. Frank went to the ranch near by and when ho told the
'oiks he had crossed the river they
ouldn't believe it. They told him it
i'as a miraculous escape , one chance
11 a thousand , that a number of men
nd teams had been drowned there
. hen the river was not so high. Frank
vas "skeorod" at his close call and
Her getting rested went on a short
Utanee to his brother-in law's plact
hire hi umalncd four dajb waiting
for tite watfr to subside Ho saje no
more fording an unknown rlu < r for
The "Lincoln Plan" of Handling This
Class of Advertising May be Adopt
ed If the Proposition Meets Approval
of Business Men ,
The Norfolk Commercial club may
come to the aid of the man along thu
street , a pro | > nMtluu having boon maim
to adopt the "Lincoln plan" IIH a menus
of preventing local merchants from
being foieed into Indiscriminate ad
vertising. The Commercial club dl-
rectotK have referred I ho mutter to a
special committee.
A few years ago the Lincoln Com
mercial chili took a decided stand
against the ludlsurlmliiiito advertising
that then prevailed In Lincoln. Through
luck of co opciatlnii , It was said , Liu
coin merchants worn forced into all
kinds of fruitless forms of advertising
Strangers cnmo to Lincoln and worked
up all kinds of advertising schemes.
Many weie pure fakes ; nearly all
were profitless to the merchant. And
Lincoln Itself offered Innumurahlu
places to drop advertising mouny , people
ple soliciting advertising In all kinds
of forms for all kinds of causes.
Lincoln merchants found that Jones
lid It because Smith did and Smith
iccausu Jones did. So they handed
hemselvos together. They decided
tvhat were prolllable advertising me-
Hums. They established a llnul trt
Hinal to pass ou the inerltB of differ-
-'lit advertising schemes. The mer
chants agreed not to putroul/.o any
scheme which did not. have the en-
lorsement of the special advertising
It Is thought thu schumo which
worked In Lincoln will work In Nor
folk. Norfolk business men will he
sounded on the plan.
The Commercial club as a club will
not hack a winter lecture course. The
directors were appioached at their
meeting yesterday afternoon by a rep
resentative of the Kcdpath bureau.
The directors , however , have Interest
ed themselves in a ehautauqua for this
Mimmor and coiibuijuently decided to
steer shy of the lecture course.
The organization of an auxiliary as
sociation to the Commercial club was
President Diirland , W. H. Hoffman
and Sol Mayer wore mimed as a com
mittee to look after the local end of
the state convention of Commercial
clubs In this city next spring. This
action followed Mr. Hoffman's report
on the grand Island meeting at which
he represented the local club.
Banks In Omaha Are Loaning Money
Cheaper Than They Did Before the
Recent Trouble and Business of All
Kinds is Prosperous.
" 1 don't know how long it will take
the eastern financial centers to get
entirely straightened up again but as
fur u& , Nebraska Is concerned the
panic is all over and the state is as
prosperous an before the recent trou
ble , " remarked N. A. Rainbolt ioda > .
Mr. Rainbolt returned last evening
from Omaha where he has had occa-
hlon to spend a considerable i > orJoi | |
of his time during the last few weeks.
"I believe business In Omaha Is pei-1
haps more active than before the
panic. Every one tells you that In
private conversation in Omaha. The
country , this ' western country , is
sound. That's the point.
"It'b a fact contrary to what wo
would have predicted last December
hut banks down In Omaha are loaning
money to their customers as cheap If
not cheaper , than they did before the
"The prosperity that exists here in
this northern section of the state and
throughout the central west in the
agricultural regions , Is evident. Prices
for farm produce are up. We have
, ecn cattle go up. Hogs have climbed"
back again.
"Presidential elections are always
supposed to have a depressing effect
on business , but that effect will be less
this year than for a long time past ,
laft , Johnson or Bryan will carrv out
Roosevelt's policies. The business
world does not stand aghast at the
idea of Bryan at Washington as they
did a ftw yea i a ago. Bryan has
changed with his own prosperity and
is more or less conservative. At least
he is not the wild , frantic , raving
bioncho he once was , a brilliant hut
ingtilded lire rocket. I d , , not want
o bee Bryan president but as a candi
date ho will iiot disturb business con
"Nebraska business and financial In-
stitutloiiH are again actlvo with the
same prosperous conditions at hand.
Of course wild speculation and rash
Investments have boon inoro or
checked. "
Rleh people who have become rich
by long and hard ivork do not enjoy
the Hen things they can afford to eat.
A man who has lived on bread nml
butt , r for thlrn
or fuiu V ( v > t ; < K
I III' I'l ' ( Mil I ( | , | , , HI , iM. | . , |
ii"i u'lin i ( .r . rH , , , f , , , You VMM find
ti. | n < "i'l < who win lungo-t m getting
rko au i he- ones who most enjoy
a poor man's fare.