The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 03, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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; ; Events of the
Week In Norfolk
Formal parties Imvo been rather
mlttalng fiotn the social calendar the
lust week , Indicating ixwalbly that
Ixmt IB Becurlng moro recognition as
the ucaBon advances or poHHlhly that
the matter of Kantor bonnets and
ROWIIB In already Intruding.
Ifcujtor IB three woolen away. The
profMint week Haw the first of the
millinery openings , events always
climely bound up with the approach of
1'Jastor. '
Prominent among the parties of the
week wan a 0:30 : dinner party given by
Mr. and Mrs. D. Mathowson on Thurs
day ovonlng.
Pleasures of the Week.
J. W , lUise , manager of the Grand
Island sugar factory , who spent a few
days In the city during the week , was
a guest at the homo of N. A. Ralnbolt.
Ho was entertained during his visit
at dinner Wednesday evening at the
homo of T. E. Odlorne. at lunch Thurs
day by Goo. D. Butterllold , and at din
ner Thursday ovonlng by Dr. H. J.
Colo. Ho returned to his homo Friday.
This was the first visit ho had made
to Norfolk for six yo-ars , but ho still
has many friends hero.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Mathowson enter
tained at one of the most delightful
dinner parties of the season Thursday
evening at 0:110. : Real sweet peas were
I a fragrant feature of the springtime
\i \ decoratloiiB. The dinner was served
\i \ In courses , the guests being seated
nt little tables. Among the out-of-
town guests wore Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Mayor of Lincoln and Mr. J. W. Rose
of Grand Island.
Following the Initiation of a class
of seventeen young men Into the A.
O. U. W. Tuesday night elaborate re
freshments were served In the adjoin
ing hall by the wives of the Workmen.
A. M. Walling of David City , grand
master workman , I. W. Alter of Wayne
one of the grand trustees , and F. G.
Simmons , of Seward , deputy grand
master workman , wore special guests.
Ton friends took lunch with Mrs.
Blakeny Monday at the home of her
daughter , Mrs. C. P. Parish , the oc
casion being Mrs. Blakcny's sixty-
eighth birthday. A pleasant afternoon
was spent at the Parish home.
There was a gathering of friends at
the homo of Mrs. Frank Kruger , sr. , in
Edgewator park last Sunday , Mrs.
Kruger being sixty-nine years old.
Mesdames Morrison and Wellls en
tertained the Undies guild of Trinity
church Thursday afternoon nt the
homo of the former.
A birthday party was given for Miss
Clara Salzwedol Tuesday evening at
her home In South Norfolk. She was
llftecn years old.
The Christian Endeavor of the
Christian church gave a social Wed
nesday evening at the homo of C. E.
Mrs. M. A. McMillan entertained a
small company of ladles at lunch on
Friday , at her home in the Heights.
Miss Bessie Rlchey was hostess to
the senior class of the Norfolk high
school at a party Friday evening.
The File club held a pleasant meetIng -
Ing Wednesday evening at the home
of Miss Falo Burnham.
Misses Margaret Klentz and Freda
Korth entertained the "Merry Widows"
Thursday evening.
An Eastern Star banquet followed
the Initiation of four candidates
Thursday evening.
The Modern Brotherhood of Ameri
ca held a box social in G. A. R. hall
Friday evening.
Mrs. Ray Hayes entertained the
Trinity Social guild on Thursday
Miss May Schwenk entertained the
O. M. C. club last Saturday evening.
Coming Events.
The Norfolk Commercial club's
smoker complimentary to the travelIng -
Ing men who mafic this city their
headquarters Is given next Saturday
evening at the city hall.
The north state high school declam
atory contest Is hold Wednesday even
ing in the Auditorium. Thursday the
north Nebraska teachers come for a
three days session.
The Norfolk band will give a dance
at Mardqunrdt hall on the evening of
April Fool's day.
A notice was posted at the Missouri
Kansas & Texas shops at Scdalla yes
terday announcing that the shops
which employ 500 men , would bo shu
down on April 1. No explanation was
Fire destroyed the Burlington stock
yards at Putnam , a small statloi
south of Beatrice , and also burned
four ricks of hay belonging to Mr
Cooper and Mr. Kruse , farmers o
that vicinity.
Quite a movement of corn Is being
handled by the Burlington from Lin
coin and Nebraska points to Loulfi
vllle , Ky The corn goes to St. Louis
over the Burlington lines and there i
transferred to other roads. It Is
claimed Unit cast of St. Ixnils this
htiBlnoBB l evenly divided between
competing lines.
"Tho Mlsaouri Pacific adopted 0110
method of reducing operating ex
penses during the recent force reduc
tion era. " said a traveling freight
agent , "that Is now. They had a lot of
men they wanted to get rid of. Some
of the old tlmor got from one day
to no notice at all. Some of them
rend of their resignations In the nowB-
paporB before they know they were
to be lot out. In places where they let
out commercial agents they sometimes
named men under the commercial
agent as acting commercial agent
without an Increase In salary. They
saved the difference In snlary. It IB
claimed that that reduction In expense -
pense caught a great many high sal
arled men. "
Western railroads are considering
the discontinuance of the folder rack
In hotels and all large depots. U lnu
been the custom of the roads to prlnl
Immense supplies of folders for dls
The church buildings which north
Nebraska has Just completed or is
engaged in building is an indication
of the development and substantial
irosporlty of this section of the state ,
flu eo new church buildings were
started In Norfolk last summer.
At Pierce last month a new church
vas dedicated , the German Evangeli
cal Lutheran Chrlstus church. The
cost of the church \\as over $5,000.
The main part of Chrlstus church Is
! 0x50 feet with a sanctuary and sac-
Isty in the rear 12x11 feet and a
lastor's study 10x12 feet. The tower
and spire of the church reach to a
leight of seventy-five feet.
Special pains were taken with the
ntcrlor of the church. The altar and
surplice stand over sixteen feet high
trlbutlon everywhere so that the public
could easily ascertain the time and
outes of trains. The publication of
'oldors Is the laVgest Item of the adver
tising bills of the railroads.
The executive committee appointed
) y the railway labor organization to
plan the establishment of co-operative
stores In Lincoln , Wymore , Alliance ,
McCook and Omaha continued its
work at the Lincoln hotel. It was
said that the organization work had
not proceeded far enough to make
public the details. Three general
chairmen of organizations of the Bur
lington road are here at work with
the local committee. It is said that
where this scheme was tried in an
eastern town the local merchants rn-
fused to ship goods over the line of
road represented by the organizations
and that a strenuous fight resulted.
No fear of such a fight exists among
the promoters who expect to estab
lish co-oporatlve stores nt all divis
ion points on the Burlington system.
It Is said that labor organizations on
oiher roads have the same plan un
der consideration and that soon the
establishment of these stores will be
uridertaken on other roads.
Arrangements have been perfected
by the Northwestern to start the op
eration of cream cars commencing
next Sunday , and continuing so long
as the business will justify. The cars
were taken off last fall , and now the
Increasing business has caused the
railroad people to prepare to again
start the service as formerly.
Fremont Herald : Officials and em
ployes of the Northwestern are to be
called together Monday at the com
pany's ofllces In Fremont for a con
ference regarding the federal law re
lating to the number of hours em
ployes are permitted to bo on duty.
Full explanations of the law will bo
made and all Us different phases will
bo freely discussed , so that everyone
may understand the situation thor
oughly. From all indications the at
tendance at the conference will bo
largo and the meeting will bo a most
important one.
Try a News want ad.
At the End of Eighteen Years , If the
Rate of the Past Week Is Kept up ,
There Will Not be a Single Married
Couple In Omaha.
Omaha , Nob. , March 27. With a
continuation for eighteen years of the
lecords of the divorce courts and mur-
rlagc license bureau of Omaha for the
past eight days , the city will bo with
out a single married couple , in the
event of nil the divorce petitions be
ing granted.
From Murch 1C to March 21 , twen
ty-eight divorce petitions wore filed
and twenty-one marriage licenses is
sued , showing the unhappy couples to
have n clear advantage of 33 % per
cent over those entering connubial
This remarkable condition , said one
of the district judges , Is the result of
Nebraska laws which make It easy to
secure n divorce. "Talk about South
Courtesy of Pierce Call ,
and Is characterized as a rich and
magnificent piece of workmanship
costing about ? 250.
The church is located beside the
parsonage and parochlcal school a
block south of the Pierce public
school building.
Just five years ago Chrlstus church
at Pierce was organized with but five
members. Services were first held In
the Congregational church. Later the
present school building was used. The
church grew each year numerically
and financially.
The dedicatory sermon last month
was preached by Rev. G. Mueller of
Yutan , who organized the church as
presiding elder. Pastors from all over
Nebraska were present.
Rev. August Bahr Is pastor of the
Pierce church.
Dakota , " remarked the Judge , "why ,
that state does not even present a
strong case of competition. I have
been thinking seriously of asking other
members of the court to join me In
suppressing the number of divorces
granted. Two or three of the court
rooms arc crowded half the time with
people waiting to testify in divorce
cases. The record for the past eight
days Is plain evidence that our laws
should be amended In a manner which
will prevent them putting a premium
on divorces. "
This criticism was brought about
by the application for a marriage li
cense by Joseph Tapley and Miss Ida
Howard , of Moorhead , Iowa , Tapley
having been granted a divorce five
days ago.
The district judges of Omaha have
been trying for three years to stop
the wholesale divorce business in
Omaha , but admit that they have been
discouraged largely by an Influx of
persons from surrounding states , es
pecially Iowa , Minnesota and Kan
sas , who establish a six months' resi
dence and at once begin their suit for
a decree.
The police records show that nearly
fifty suicides have resulted from the
ranks of transients who have come to
the city within the past year to-sue
for divorce.
On Hats.
Ponca Courier : A millinery sales
man was in town the other day and
kindly allowed the agricultural editor
to take a look at the now styles. His
report reads like this : The new
styles will bo fully as pleslng as those
of last year. The principle change
noticed was that the front porch has
been enlarged and an upper deck added
to the roof. In many instances they
will run In three story effects with
the roof garden rich In foliage and
evergreen. The bay window has been
moved from the front to the left sldo.
whllo the chlmmncy has been done
Gothic Instead of Grecian design
There will bo a lister furrow across
the rear garden. Owing to the fact
that no now colors have been discover
ed recently there will be no change
In this particular , although an effort
will be mmle to got 'at lenst a dozen
different shades on each hat , The
cave trough will Bag over the loft eye.
Owing to the financial Hurry the price
, vlll bo from one to nine cents lower.
FIilK la supposed to bn the latest nc-
ciirato Information on the now styles.
Spring Hats.
Walt Mason in the Emporln , Knn. ,
Jnzette :
"My poor old lid Uwks pretty slim ;
I've worn It seven years ; anil when
! view its crown and brim , I shod
mbldden tours. It Is the cllmnx and
the sum of all that's tough in tiles ;
yet , though it's looking fierce and hum ,
It bents by forty miles , the hats I sco
the women wear , around the town this
sprint ; , all loaded down with grass
mid hair and moss and everything.
You'll sco their hats of every hue the
dyer's arts command ; with flowers
Ilko none that ever grew outside of
Dughouseland ; with wings of birds
and tails of cats , and traps too wlerd
to tell O Mary Ann ! Such scream
Ing hats , would make an Indian yell ! "
Tlmeo Looking Up.
Nellgh Leader : Fred Thornton re
ceived a telegram from Chicago on
Wednesday afternoon stating that the
train of cattle shipped by him from
the Iford feed yards the first of the
week sold at | 7.15 , and averaged 1,440
In weight. They were bought by the
United Dress Beef company of New
York. This ds way above the top of
the market to this date , and the ship
ment will net n handsome profit , when
earlier In the season n big loss was
"Wayne Normalitcs" Will Have a
Banquet Here , at Which the Facul
ty , Graduates , Former and Present
Students Will Attend.
Graduates , former students. fncult\
members and present students of the
Wayne normal will have a banquet
In Norfolk at the Pacific hotel In this
city on next Thursday evening. It Is
expected that 300 "Wayne normalltes"
will attend the banquet.
The Wayne meeting will follow the
Thursday evening session of the
North Nebraska Teachers' association
and the lecture by Governor Huchtcl
of Colorado at the Auditorium. The
Wayne banquet will be attended by all
of the present normal faculty and
many members of the alumni who live
In north Nebraska within easy reach
of Norfolk.
The Wayne reunion will be one of
the pleasant features of the teachers'
convention next week. Incidentally It
will be a factor In drawing more
teachers to the convention proper.
J. T. Sauntry of Wayne Is chairman
of the committee In charge of the
The banquet tickets have been
placed at $1.
James B. Forgan and Charles Dawes
Answer Senator's Charge.
President Forgan said Senator La
gan , president of the First National
bank , and Charles G. Dawes , presi
dent of the Central Trust company ,
who were classified by Senator La
Follette In his speech against the Al-
drlch hill as "tools" of the country's
"Industrial dictators , " and as taking
orders from "higher up , " retorted to
day In kind.
Chicago , March 30. James B. For-
Follette Is a demagogue , who is play
ing to the galleries , stirring up class
feeling and class prejudice , and that
he Is a "rainbow chaser , " drawing on
his imagination Instead of producing
"It is singular that Mr. La Folletto
should classify me as a tool , taking
my orders from 'higher up,1 when it
is well known that I have opposed the
Aldrlch bill all the time , " said Mr. For
"That being true , and If I am a
'tool , ' I suppose my job is in jeopardy.
If the senator's statements are true ,
I must be a rebel against my bosses. "
President Dawes IOOK tue matter
humorously. He said : "I don't care
to comment on Senator La Folletto's
speech. The Spaniards are right when
they say that 'It is a waste of lather
to shave an ass. ' "
Chadron Bookkeeper Arrested on Ser
ious Charges.
Chadron Journal : Monday evening
the community was surprised and even
shocked to learn that Marvin Booth
had been arrested on a complaint by
R. McNalr for forgery and embezzle
For the past few months Mr. Booth
hns "been bookkeeper for Mr. McNair.
Previous to that time , he was employ
ed by the Chadron Mercantile com
During his residence here , Mr. Booth
has seemed like a capable young man
and the friends he has made can not
understand why ho should commit a
Tuesday the preliminary hearing
was held before Justice Babcock and
Mr. Booth bound over to the district
court. Falling to secure anyone to
sign the ? 700 bond demanded ho was
sent to Jail.
While there arc heard many c-xpres-
slons of concern for Mr Booth , there
are many who deeply sympathize with
Mrs , Booth , who is said to be a very
excellent woman.
Purchases are Made Quarterly Esti
mates for the Next Three Months
Call for Quantities of Meat and
Other Provisions.
I low much food does the state of
Nebraska buy every three months for
the officers , employes and Inmates In
state Institutions ? This Interesting
question has been Investigated by
State Accountant Falrllcld probably
for the first time In Uio history of the
state , says tho'Lincoln Journal. As
an assistant of the board of purchase
and supplies ho haa compiled the
estimates of the amount of provisions
and other articles which the heads of
Institutions request the board to buy.
The board will moot next week to
make contracts for the coming quarter
The population of the thirteen state
Institutions where wards of the state
are maintained was 4,331 last fall ,
enough to make a good sized town.
At the Hastings hospital for the Insane
there are usually 1,100 or 1,200 em
ployes and Inmates , which is more
than m'any towns can boast of.
The estimates of heads of institu
tions call for a total of 12 ! > , IOr pounds
of meat and meat products to tide
them over a period of three months ;
201.300 pounds of ( lour and meal , 43-
035 pounds of sugar , and 22,425 pounds
of beans. The meats are divided as
follows : 87,210 pounds of beef ; 0,750
pounds of pork , not including 22,305
pounds of pork products and smoked
meats. A total of 8,850 pounds of ba
con Is asked for. It will require 1,018
pounds of baking powder to malic the
dough rise In the proper manner and
2,280 pounds of coffee to stimulate
the employes and Inmates to do their
dally tasks. "Passing the salt , " a
remark heard at the table , will result
In the consumption of 5,820 of table
salt. This does not include 75 barrels
of common salt for the superintend
ent's horses and for use in the
That fullness after eating will be
accelerated by the use of 7,700 pounds
) f diled apples and apricots listed In
he requisitions. This does not Include
Iried benles and other evaporated
fruit. Years ago a storm was raised
lecause It was reported that the popu-
1st administration was buying plug
tobacco for the home for the friend
less. Later this wan denied , hut the
estimates now on file show that the
nstitutions supported by the state de
mand 3,018 pounds of chewing tobacco
and 035 poundsof smoking tobacco.
There is a demand for 1,030 gallons of
coal oil and 1,075 gallons of gasoline ,
and 7.345 tons of coal. Last fall the
joard bought coal for a period of six
months for several institutions and
many of them have fuel on hand at
this time. All these figures arc for a
period of three months.
Mrs. C. A. Bacon of Wlsner was In
Norfolk yesterday.
Milliard South is home from Doane
college for the spring vacation.
Mrs. Pauline Schlack of Battle Creek
Is visiting at the William King home.
Miss Katherine Boas , who is a
senior In the Sioux City high school ,
arrived In Norfolk last evening for a
visit home.
Lester Weaver , who Is a student at
Wesleyan university , came up from
Lincoln yesterday to spend the spring
vacation at home.
Miss Flora Englemau arrived In
Norfolk last evening from Carroll , la. ,
where she is attending school , to
spend a few days with her father , J.
C. Engleman.
Miss Alberta Beermaker , Instructor
In music In the public schools of Mad
ison , was in Norfolk over night the
guest of Miss Grace Matrau , leaving
today to spend the spring vacation al
her home In Wahoo.
Miss Nellie Adams of Sheldon , la.
Is visiting at the home of her uncle
J. C. Adams , on South Fourth street
Miss Adams' homo Is in Sterling , 111.
but she Is teaching domestic science
in the high school at Sheldon.
Misses Polensko were up from Madl
son. .
P. Rlchllng was down from Crelgh
N. L. Taylor of Lincoln is in Nor
folk on business.
J. C. Schwichtenberg of Seward was
in Norfolk last evening.
Charles Lindsay came down from
Crelghton Friday evening on a visit.
Earnest Braasch and Clyde Best go
to Woodlake to hunt ducks for sever
al days.
Miss Leila Craft was expected homo
from Wayne normal to spend Sunday
in Norfolk.
Burt Mapes returned Saturday from
Pierce , wrere district court is being
held by Judge Welch.
Mrs. C. .E. White entertained the
B. B. club Thursday afternoon. Refreshments
freshmonts were served.
Miss Sophia Nethaway came up
from West Point Friday evening to
spend Sunday with relatives.
Frank Twlss came up from Lincoln
yesterday to'spend Sunday with hi
father and mother In Norfolk.
Misses Eva Ilorsham , Mablo Her
sham , Frances Leslie and Dora Krlel
man of Madison were in Norfolk.
Mrs. Connelly was reported Satur
day as being very low at the homo o
her daughter , Mrs. A. J. Ryle. Rola
lives were called to her bedside.
L. A. Rotho and P. F Boll leave th
flist of the week for Lusk , Wyo
where they will bo guests on Tom
Boll's ranch They will spend a good
part of their time hunting ,
Miss lEoleno Wetzel left cm the
nornlng train for Omaha to apoiul
ovoral dayH with her brother , Paul
Votzel , who Is recovering from the
ffocts of a recent operation.
Miss Ruth Shaw returned from
Xwno college at Crete last ovonlng
or her spring vacation. Miss Jennet
Wheeler , attending the tmmo InatUu-
ton , IB expected homo Sunday.
C. U. Engolman left at noon for
Wayne- where ho will complete the
commercial course In Wayne college.
Ic has attended the school before and
vlll complete his work in nlK > ut two
R. A. Stewart , representing the
) avld Cole Creamery company of
5maha , is In Norfolk today In conncc-
Ion with the purchiino by the Cole
company of the business of the Nor-
oik Creamery company.
Mra. R. W. Williams returned at
loon from an extended visit In New
York. Mr. Williams remained over
one train in Omaha. Mrs. Williams
saw the Itonoy'a Boys , who are to bo
at the M. E. church Saturday ovonlng ,
at Sprlngvlllo , N. Y. , and she says
they are well worth hearing.
A. J. Durland returned last ovonlng
'rom ' Omaha and Lincoln. In the Int
er city Mr. Durland represented the
Norfolk Commercial chit ) at the hear-
ng before the state railway commis
sion-on the petition for a distance rate
arlff. Mr. Durland said that no orga-
ilzatlon or town spoke for the dls-
anco tariff on the proposed Iowa plan.
On April 27 , however , the commission
will give formal hearing on dlscrlm-
natlons which may ho hi ought before
t by representatives of shippers or
communities. The Norfolk club will
> e represented at this meeting. Mr.
Durland did not speak at this week's
Mrs. Henry Appel Is on the sick list.
Albion ban a wet or dry Issue again
this year.
Miss Elsie Swott , who Is attending
3atos academy , came homo from No-
ligh this week on account of an attack
of rheumatism.
Holt county , according to Miss
Florence E. Xlnk , who is county super
intendent , will probably load In the
enrollment list at the north Nebraska
teachers' convention next week.
The new superintendent of the
Plalnvlow schools Is D. 1) . Gibson , at
present principal of the Beatrice high
school. Mr. Gibson is a graduate of
the state university and a P. B. K.
J. H. Conley , who is engaged in
strengthening the Eagle lodges In the
noi th section of the state , reports that
he has added on an average of from
fifteen to eighteen members to the
various towns visited.
Neligh Regl&tcr : T. F. Birmingham
of the Galena Lumber company of
O'Neill , ran in from Omaha Monday
with a new automobile ho bought at
the exposition at Omaha. Ho made
the run to Norfolk In seven hours.
MJss Nellie Kane , a central girl at
the Nebraska telephone company's
ofllce , ran a hat pin through one of
her lingers. The hat pin penetrated
one of the larger veins In the finger.
The accident was serious enough to
call for the attention of a physician.
The "A Bachelor's Honeymoon"
company which opened Its season In
Norfolk last fall has made good since
starting out from here with Its enter
taining play. The company is back
In north Nebraska and will play In the
new auditorium at Nellgh next Friday.
The1 meeting of the Norfolk Com
mercial club auxiliary has been post
poned a week. Instead of meeting
next Tuesday evening the auxiliary
will meet at 8 p. m. on Monday , April
0 , at the Norfolk National bank. A
plan of organization in the shape oi
"articles of association" will be pre
sented at the meeting.
Lincoln Journal : The number 2323
wll ! dangle from the rear of an auto
mobile registered yesterday by the
secretary of state. The machine is
owned by H. C. Sattler of Norfolk.
That the sale of motors has been good
In Nebraska recently Is shown by the
fact that the secretary of state has
registered thirty in the past three
The executive committee of the Y
M. C. A. campaign will meet Sunday
afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock In the office
of Mapes & Hazen to plan to carrj
out more thoroughly the organized
campaign for subscriptions. A rela
lively small number of citizens volun
leered to assist In the soliciting move
ment last Sunday and It Is very mud
desired that Norfolk men with the Y
M. C. A. project at heart should come
to the meetlnir Snnrinv to h li > In the
plan of getting additional subscrlp
tlons during the coming week.
One of the largest Masonic gather
Ings ever held In Cedar county mei
In Hartlngton this week. The Master
Mason's degree was conferred on two
candidates , one of whom Is the soi
of Past Grand Master Balrd. Visiting
Masons were present from Wynot
Crofton , Wausa , Randolph , Laure
and Coleridge. In the degree work
the principal stations were occupiec
by the following past grand masters
of Nebraska Masonry : Robert E
French of Kearney , C. E. Burnham o
Norfolk , Hon. R. E. Evans of Dakota
City and 7. . M. Balrd of Hartlngton.
Nearly all of the six groups of bank
ers in the state have made dates for
their annual meetings. The north No
hrabka convention will be hold in thlb
city on April 22. Group four has Jus
notified Secretary Hughes of the No
hrabKa Bankers' association that I
will moot at Hastings May C. Carsoi
Ilildreih of Franklin is president , am
R. V. McGrew of Bloomington Is- sec
retnry. Group six , located in the
northwestern part of the state , whlcl
gave a notice a week ago that the an
nual meeting will bo held at Chadroi
Ma2'.i. ' . 1ms written fuither that 1
will tuKi tin- occasion of Mo > 30 be
in , ; a holiday and Muj 31 a Sunday
to mo\t the whole meeting in a bed >
to Hot Springs , S. D , to enjoy an out
lug , following the formal session.
Driving to Town , Anton and Enoch
Bllck Failed to See the Approaching
M. & O. Train , Although the Track
Was Straight at That Point.
Wnkoflold , Nob. , March 28. Special
to The News : Ono farmer WIIH In-
stnntly killed and another , his brother ,
probably fatally Injured by the Sioux
City-Norfolk passenger train Miortly
before noon today.
Anton Illicit , aged twenty-nine , was
cut to pleri'H and his brother. Enoch ,
nged twenty-Hrven , will probably die.
The two brothers , bacholorH , were
driving Into town from their farm live
and a half miles southuiist of town on
the reservation.
Track at That Point Straight.
The track at the point whore the
was Htruck , a mile past of town ,
Is as straight as a string , and how the
two men could have failed to HOO tlu >
oncoming train Is a mystery.
Anton was horribly mangled and
Enoch wan very severely cut up. It
is not believed he has a chance to live.
Still Alive ; But Can't Recover.
Wakefleld , Neb. , March 30. Special
to The News : Enoch Illicit , who was
not Iimtantly Killed In the train arcl-
dent Saturday , was still alive at noon
today , but It was not expected that ho
could recover.
It Was Charged That Dibble Had
Knowingly Bought Stolen Hogs But
the Jury Found the Man Not Guilty.
Other Cases Pending.
O'Neill , Neb. , March 30. Special to
The News : John Dibble , a meat mar
ket man of Atkinson , was acquitted
Saturday night of the charge of know
ingly buying stolen hogs. The case
had been pending for some time.
One Atkinson man was some time
ago convicted of stealing hogs. The
supreme court sent the case back for
new trial. Several other cases are
Wilson to Lincoln.
O'Neill Frontier : Harry Wilson left
Monday morning for Lincoln to work
out with the western league team and
try for a position as catcher. His
many O'Neill friends hope that he will
make good and cover himself and his
team with glory.
The Team Came Home Without the
Wagon and Investigation Developed
the Dead Body , Still Warm , a Short
Distance Out of Town ,
Pierce , Nob. , March 30. Special to
The News : Henry William Sporleder ,
a young farmer of twenty-nine years
who had been living with his father
hero but who had planned to go to
work today on a farm for himself , met
accidental death Saturday night whllo
driving home. It is supposed that ho
was kicked by one of his horses whllo
driving , and killed.
The young man's body was found a
mile and three-quarters east of Pierce
early yesterday morning. The team
had gone to the parental homo seven
miles east and a younger brother ,
alarmed , Immediately drove back
toward town , finding the dead body on
Iho road. The body nt that time
about 1:30 : a. m. was still warm.
The right arm had been broken and
there was a terrible blow over the
right eye. There were no marks to
indicate that any wheel had run ovei
Iho young man.
Young Sporleder and his father , Wil
liam Sporleder , had driven Into toun
during the day and the young man
had bought new farm machinery. Hf
planned to begin operating a farm
nine miles northeast of. town th s
morning. The father loft for home
early , and the young man bUrtod later
in the evening. One of his horses was
spirited ami U is believed that the
nnininl klrKeil the driver when lu
ll .mid OM r too close , peihaps
The- funeral will be held at 2 o'clock
Tutsdaj afternoon from the German
Lutheran church two miles east of