The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 14, 1908, Image 1
THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS = JOURNAL , , , , NORFOLK NEBRASKA KKIDAY KEHHUAIU M 1'JOS ' ANNUAL NEBRASKA CONVENTION OPENS IN NORFOLK. DELEGATES ARRIVE AT NOON Convention Opened With .1 Business Session Thursday Afternoon Chad- ton and Columbus Delegations Came Enrly George McDIII Here. Opening with it business meeting ill the Methodist chinch In the afternoon and with u business men a supper and Inlormul tulk lit Muniuiirdl hall In the evening , tliu NohntHka Young Men's Christian association cumo to Norfolk Thursday 1'or Itu tvsunty-olghlh unnual ntuto convontloii. Delegations from the utato ussoclu- tluiiH be au to urrhu on thu noon tiulns. Among thu llrst to arrive weru the Chadrou delegation headed by President J.V. . Good and Hurry J. Sly , thu Columbus delegation headed bj Henry Hochenberger and C. S. Sheldon , thu Central City delegation headed by Cienerul Secretary \ V.V. . Hughes , at onu time secretary of. the old Norfolk /.uclatlon , and the Grand Ishuia ° < S Button headed by John W1. Kemi. d > Among thu b * v > , s men to arrive early for the con n u was F. A. Me- Cornack , a Sioux Uankur. George D. Mclh Thursday ar rival In Norfolk , w , ' { a prominent llguro In thu coiivcn Mr. McDIII Ib a former Nebrask & "thwcstern V Geuigu U. McDlll of Chicago , International - national railroad secretaryY. M. C. A. % railroad man who Is now in Chicago ub International railroad secretary of the Y. M. C. A. Air. McDIII was In \ the Northwestern office at Chadrou and was later _ chief cleric lit Omaha under General Manager Burt. Ho will speak Sunday evening at the closing meeting. Delegates as they arrived Thursday were met by members of the local re ception committee. At the Methodist church , convention headquarters , thu city's guests were assigned to the Nor folk homes where they are to bu en tertained for the next three days. De spite a creditable response the enter tainment committee was still short on places of entertainment Thursday af ternoon and issued a call to the hospi tality of Norfolk people. A convention feature which was at tracting a good deal of attention Thursday afternoon was the business iiieu's supper at Marquardt hall at < i:30 : o'clock In the evening- Among t' e business and professional men from away who were expected to speak at the super were F. A. McCar- nack , Sioux City ; C. C. Sheldon , Co lumbus ; M. C. Steele , Omalia ; C. M. Jlayno , Lincoln ; W. D. Mead , York ; S. D. Ayers , Central City ; J. H. Kuowles , Fremont ; B. C. Wade , Omaha. It was thought that nearly every business and professional man in Norfolk would be at the supper. The supper Is served by the ladles of the Methodist church. Wallace Made Chairman. It was a little after 3 o'clock Thurs day afternoon when the Y. M. C. A. convention was called to order for Its lirst business session A nomination committed was named and the con vention organised for its three days' work. George G. Wallace , an Omaha G. G. Wallace , an Omaha real estate man , president of the state convention In Norfolk. real estate man and secretary of the state executive committee , will be president of the association at Its Nor folk convention. The principal feature of the after noon was the report of the state ox ecutlvo committee prepared by Chair man W. J. Hill of Omaha. The morning and afternoon sessions of the convention at the Methodls church are public and will be attendee by many Norfolk people The speeches will be interesting and wll afford an Idea of the work of the Y. M. C. A. Friday morning features will be ,1 blblo study by Dr. Daniel E. Jenkins State Secretary J. P Bailey of Omaha , who has been In Norfolk this veek getting read ) for the Y. M. C. \ . convention , has already secured a eng list of acquaintances among Nor- elk men. This Is his se/enth state xinveiitlon in Nebraska and thu de- alls of thu convention fall on him. lo has been In Y. M. C. A. work for wunty years and before that time waa i commercial traveler. resident Turner of Hastings college it 11 o'clock. Dr. Jenkins will speak n the afternoon at 1:15 : and Rev. John , V. Conley of the First Baptist church if Omaha will glvo u convention ad- Iress at 3. The evening meetings at thu Audi- orlnm which will attract Norfolk peo- ile are the address by Rev. Frank L. . .ovulund of Omaha Friday uveulng , he practical demonstrations of Y. M. C A. work Saturday evening and thu closing addresses Sunday evening b } Jeorge McDlll and A. L. Elliott. Twelve young men will come from the Omaha Y. M. C. A. Saturday night to llustrato Y. M. C. A. training. They are young business men of the me- ropolls who have been with the asso- latlon from six months to two years. > r more. Three special quartets , one from Central City , one from Bellevue col- ego and one from Omaha , will take mrt in thu musical program arranged or the convention. ICE-COYEREDJIYER ON FIRE Explosion of OH at Standard Pier In Brooklyn Causes Peculiar Spectacle. Now York , Feb. 13. Explosion of cans of case oil which were being pre pared' for shipment in a shed on a pier of the Standard Oil works at the toot of North Twelfth street , Brook lyn , set fire to and destroyed the shed , pier and a two-story brick building adjoining It. The building was used as u boxing department. The loss is about $125,000. Burning oil from the cans ran through the floor of the pier Into the river and , spreading among the drift Ice , presented the peculiar spectacle of an ice-covered river ablaze. Fifteenth Missouri District for Taft. Joplln. Mo. , Feb. 13. The Repub Means of the Fifteenth Missouri con gressional district In convention here elcrteii debates to the national con vention at Chicago Instructed to vote for Secretary Taft for president. At . torney General Hadley was Indorsed for governor of Missouri and the other state ofllcers were Indorsed' ' for re-elec tion. Massachusetts Negroes fop For k r. Boston , Feb. 13. Resolutions sup porting the candidacy of Senator J. B. Foraker for the presidential nomina tion and opposing the candidacy of William H. Taft were adopted at a mass meeting of negroes called to ob serve the birthday of Abrahwn Lla- coln. SEVERAL BOYS INJURED , ONE POSSIBLY FATALLY. WAS RESULT OF A CHARIVARI Carl Porath , Struck on the Head and Knocked Senseless , Sustained a Se vere Concussion of the Brain Ar rests Will be Made. West Point , Neb. , Feb. 13. A riot with several Injured , one possibly fa tally , occurred at a charivari party in this city last night. Two weddings were In process of celebration In the Second ward , the houses being side by side. As usual a crowd of boys congregated to sere nade the bridal couple. They had completed their serenade at one place and proceeded to the other and hud hardly begun their noise when a vol ley of clubs and brickbats met them In the melee which followed several of the sorenaders were struck with clubs , one of them , Carl Porath , being struck on thu head and dropped sense less to the ground. He sustained a severe concussion of the brain. The assailants are said to be participants In the wedding. Arreata will bo made j Mutinous Portuguese Sailors Pardoned Lisbon , Feb. 13. The council of state has decided to pardon all the sailors Imprisoned for the fleet mutiny In April , 1"S)02 ) I'.ng Manuel , who presided , Inserted tue following at the beginning of the decree "It Is my dearest wish to begin my reign by availing myself of the prerogative of pardon which the constitution gives i NEBRASKA STATE RAILWAY COM MISSION TO ACT. HEARING BEGINS MARCH 24 The State Commission Has Just Or dered a General Hearing Touching All Railroad Rates and Classifica tions In This State. Lincoln , Neb. , Feb. 13. Special to The News : The Nebraska state rail way commission today ordered a gen eral hearing on all rates and classifi cations of all Nebraska railroads and ( business interests affected , beginning March 2t. At this time the state railway com- nlsslon expects to go thoroughly Into he matter of railroad rates , alleged discriminations , and other features of he railroad freight rate and classifi cation business. It Is expected that all cities and .owns having complaints , will make hem at this hearing for Investigation. HEARING WAYNE CASE. Governor Sheldon Listening to Argu ments in Wayne Suit. Lincoln , Neb. , Feb. K ! . Special to The Ne\\s : Governor Sheldon today ibtened to the arguments In the eject- nent Milt which Is being brought by the Anti-Saloon league against three Wayne councilmen who are accused > f not enforcing the liquor laws. Asked to Inspect Picture Shows. Lincoln , Neb. , Feb. 13. Special to The News : State Labor Commission- ; r Ryder was today requested by City Ulerk Clifford of Grand Island to go o that place to Inspect the picture shows. Section Man Saves Train. Glrard. O. . Feb. 13. An attempt to wreck the New York-Chicago express on the Baltimore and Ohio railway was made near here A tie and a pile of stones were piled on the track , but were discovered by a section foreman who huiriedly moved them just before thf train passed Steve Vargo and ' Metro were arrested near the scene MIXER BLOWS UP IN STARCH FAC TORY AT PROVIDENCE. BUILDING IS BADLY WRECKED Fire Completes Work of Destruction. Passersby Enveloped in Shower of Hot Starch Property Loss Is Over Hundred Thousand Dollars. Providence , R. I. , Feb. 13. Five persona are believed to have been killed by the explosion of a mixer In the starch factory of C. S. Tanner. Three other persons were Injured. The building was badly wrecked by the explosion and fire following com pleted the work of destruction. The dead aie : Richard Gomes , John Dautt , two men known only as Tony and Mike. Another man , A. L. G. Chase , who was In a chandlery store , which occu pied a corner of the building , is miss . ing and is supposed to be burled In the ruins. Three colored' men who were pass ing the building at the time were hit by bricks and pieces of mortar , and also suffered burns from quantities of hot starch , which was sprinkled lib erally about the neighborhood. It Is thought that a spark from defective electric wiring Ignited the nilxer prem aturely , in the room where the explosion occurred were the four workmen. It is supposed that they were instantly killed and their bodies subsequently incinerated by the fire. The property loss will exceed'$100,000. CHINESE MAYJURPRISE ALL Berkeley Professor Declares They Are Awakening Rapidly. San Francisco , Feb. 13. The men ace of the "yellow peril , " resulting from the forceful awakening of China by the foreign powers , was pointed out in a lecture to students by Professor John Fryer , head of the department of Oriental languages and literature at the State university. His state- ments are especially significant on ac count of Professor Fryer's long resi dence In China. In the course of his lecture he said that Americans do not begin to realize what Is taking place in China , do not realize that with the departure from conservatism and the acceptance of a form of Oriental civilization It may go further and faster than have even the Japanese. Ho pointed to the millions of people at Its command' , to the rise of the "China for the Chinese" move ment , to the acceptance of modern methods of education , even to the a.d- dltlon of the higher education for women , and to the Increased tendency toward the growth ot a real national spirit , through the enforcement of the teaching of one dialect and the spread of railroads , resulting In the central ! ration of power. He said that If they continued to learn as they are doing now and retained independent existence once for another generation China would have an army and navy ready to meet any of the world's croat pow Germnny to Curb Autolsts , Berlin I > ob 13 The question of regulation or automobiles occasioned a most animated debate In the rulchstag and called forth an assurance from the government that It would bring In n hill laying down the most stringent rules for the protection of the public. Educational Test to Be Enforced , Vancouver U C. , Fob. 13. The lieu tenant governor signed the reenactment ment nntal act , assent to which was withheld last year. The act will bo put Into force Immediately and all the Immigrants In British Columbia will huvt to pass un educational test. REPRESENTATIVES DISCUSS IS SUES OF THE DAY. INDIAN BILL IS FINALLY PASSED Measure Carrying Eight Million Dollars lars Agreed to by House Senator Rayner Condemns Present System of Banking and Blames President. Washington , Feb. 13. Senator Ray ner ( Md. ) spoke at length in the sen ate on the currency bill , condemning thu present system of banking In the United States and Incidentally declar ing that thu president by his methods of lighting the encroachments of pred atory wealth had done much to in tensify the panlo through which the country has recently passed. The pent-up feelings of members on the Issues of the day and other topics were given a chance to bo aired In the house of representatives. The op- poitunlty came when the legislative , executive and judicial appropriation bill was taken Up and general debate for an indefinite period was begun. As was the case last week , the tariff question and the president's message were the principal themes of discus sion. In the coursu of the concluding debate on the Indian appropriation bill the proceedings were enlivened by Hamlll and . .eake ( Dems. , N. J. ) discussing the Virtues and faults of W. J. Bryan. Hamlll insisted that his colleague had not In his speech ot last Monday truly represented the sentiment of Hudson county , which they both represented , the state of New Jersey and the country. ReplyIng - Ing , Mr. Leako reasserted his charge that Mr. Bryan did not represent the principles for which Democracy stood. The Indian appropriation bill , after days of consideration , was passed by the house afterbeing" amended In many Important particulars. The ap propriation , however , carried by the bill Is practically as recommended by the committee , amounting to $8,000,000. RELIGIOUS EDUCATORS MEET Francis Greenwood Peabody of Har vard Elected President. Washington , Feb. 13. Interest in the fifth general convention of the Re ligious Educational association cen tered in a reception and an address to the delegates by the president of the United States at the White House , In which he declared' that our mate rial prosperity will avail but little un less It is bullded upon the higher and spiritual life. The real business before the second day's session , which was held In the First Congregational church , was tjie reading of the annual reports , or "surveys , " of the work of the association and of the progiess in moral and religious education. Fran cis Greenwood Peabody of Harvard , Mass. , was elected president. Will Give Up Telegraph Franks. Lincoln , Feb. 13. The state railway commission has announced that It will take action against th newspa per men of the state who hold tele graph friAiks. The board holds that such franks are in violation of the law which prevents discrimination by common carriers. It Is expected that most of the newspapers will volun tarily give up their franks , and sev eral In Lincoln have already an nounced their Intention of so doing. New Rifle Is Ready for Militia. Washington , Feb. 13. Acting Secre tary Oliver was able to make the Im portant announcement that the war department ai last Is in position to completely arm the organized militia of the country , 100,000 strong , with the new high power army rlllo. Gov ernors of states may have the new rifle for their militia upon requisition and turning1 in the KJrag-Jorgensen gun. Black Pearl Given Lawyer. New York , Feb. 13 When Charles J. Hughes , a Denver lawyer , finished his forty-live hours' address before the arbitrators who are hearing the Denver waterworks case here , he was presented with a black pearl by David Moffat of Denver , whose Interests h Is representing. The pearl Is said to be worth $15,000. Surety Company Follows Man. Galllpolls , O. , Feb. 13. On a Colorado rado indictment charging embezzle ment aud forgery , Arthur D. Hey , su perintendent of the Pomeroy and Mid- dleport company , was arrested by offi cers of a surety company. He Is said to have been followed all over North America. Favor Gray for President. Scranton Pa Heli 13. The Demo cratic county committee unanimously passed a resolution favoring the nomi nation of Judge George Oray for presi dent by the Democratic national con- HIGHEST PAID MINING ENGINEER IN THE WORLD. HE DREW $250,000 , PER YEAR The Mining Engineer and Expert at the Head of the Guggenheim Com panies , Has Retired and Will Travel for Two Years. New York , Feb. 13 John Hays Hammond , mining engineer and ex- liert , has retired from the position as Head engineer of the Guggenheim Ex- [ iloratlon company , on account of 111 iculth. Announcement of his retirement was made today. The position carried a salary of $250,000 per year , being the largest ever paid for that kind of a position. It Is stated that Mr. Hammond Is low out of the mining business nor- nanently and will travel for the uexl two years. John Hays Hammond Under Knife. San Francisco , Feb 13. John Haya Hammond , the mining engineer , was operated on for chronic appendicitis. He Is resting easiJjr. Lower Freight Rates In Kansas. Topcka , Feb. 13. The state board of rallioad commissioners ordered the Kansas railioads to put the scheduled Jiaxlmuni freight rate tariff Into ef fect tomorrow. The new rates will be made onoctlve Immediately , but the roads will have thirty days to deter mine whether they will contest the rates or obey them. The new sched ule will make a reduction of about 20 per cent. Ohio Town Poisoned by Impure Water. Dayton , O. , Feb. 13 Three persons are dead and' twenty dangerously III In the vicinity of West Manchester , 0. , with typhoid fever , an epidemic of which was caused by Impure water from an old well. The whole neigh borhood has been poisoned and other deaths arc expected. Thousand Miners Strike. Duquoin , 111. , Fob. 13. One thousand coal miners went on a strike hero. Their grievance is dissatisfaction with the alleged Inferior grade of blasting powder being sold them for use In the mine OPENING ARGUMENTS IN CAP ITOL GRAFT CASE. DEFENDANTS USE ALL EFFORTS Former State Officials Fail to Secure Satisfactory Ruling In Harrlsburg Trial Claim They Relied on Huston as to Correctness of Bills. Harrlsburg , Pa. , Feb. 13. That the blame for the alleged abuses in the contracts for the furnishings for the new capitol will be shifted from Con tractor Sanderson and the throe former state officers , now on trial In the Dauphin county court for conspir acy , to Architect Huston is apparent from the opening arguments of coun sel for the defense to the jury. Following the refusal of Judge Kun kel to make an order to give binding Instructions to the jury to acquit all of the four defendants , the lawyers for the defense began their opening arguments , Mr. Rothermel for Con tractor Sanderson and Mr. Gilbert for former Auditor General Snyder. They contended that as a member of the grounds and buildings committee the defendants relied on Huston as to the correctness of the bills of the contract on and that It was his duty to certify as to the quality and quantity of all furnishings before the bills were paid. OIL TRUST'S ' m IN BAY STATE _ Ex-State Senator Says Standard Paid Him Rebate. Albany , N. Y. , Feb. 13. When a re cess 'A as taken until morning ot the hearing In connection with the action brought by the United States govern ment to dissolve the Standard Oil company of New Jersey , former State Senator George 2. Deam of Cheshire , Mass. , was on the stand. Mr. Deam gave testimony supplementary to that offered by Thomas L. Hlsgen ot Sprlnsfleld , Mass. Other witnesses are to testify along the same line. Mr. Deum's testimony was to the effect that he secured a contract with the Standard Oil company and after buy > ing oil was refunded the difference be tween the open and the contract price The attorneys for both the govern ment and the Standard hope to eon elude the hearing here as quickly as possible , as similar testimony Is sched uled to be token at WashingtonFeb. 24 Dies from Eating Poisoned Bonbon * . Kansas City , Feb. 13. Ruth Miller , the four-year-old daughter of Charles Miller of Kansas City , Kan. , died from the effects of eating candy from a box of cheap bonbons sent through the mall to Ella Miller , an older slstor. The following Inscription was on the candy box : "Sweets to Ella Miller From girls of the S. and S. " The candy Is believed to have contained strychnine , and Ruth Miller died In agony ten minutes after eating some of the bonbons , Four other children of the family were affected by the candy , but they suffered only tempo rary distress. THt CONDITIONOF THE WEATHER _ Temperature for Twenty-four Hours , Forecast for Nebraska. Condition of the weather aa record ed for the twenty-four hours ending it S a. in. todny. Maximum 35 Minimum 21 Vverago US larometer 30.00 Chicago. Fob. 13. The bulletin Is sued by the Chicago station of the United States weather bureau gives ho forecast for Nebraska as follows : Haln or snow tonight and Friday. TAFT'S ' DAY IS STRENUOUS ONE Secretary of War Busy at Grand Rapids , Mich. Grand Rapids , Mich. , Feb. 13. Sec retary Tuft's day In Grand Rapid * was strenuous. He arrived from Kan- ens City at 2:15 : and thu day'a activ ities Included a public reception at the Morton House , a ieruption and upeuuh at thu convention of thu State Lenguu of Republican clubs , a reception and Epeoch under thu auaplcoa of the Tuft club at the Majestic theater , A so- clnl dinner at thu homo of I'hilo 0. Fuller , an old college frlund ; the Lin coin club banquet and address und an other banquet In the evening. The Lincoln club banquet was a brilliant success , with a galaxy of speakers never equalled In Michigan political banquets. Moro thau two thousand persons occupied scats at thu table. The hall was elaborately decorated and aa a compliment to Am bassador Jussorand of Franco , French colois were mingled with the Amer- Icfin. The speakers were Ambassador Jussorand , Congressman George Ed- mend Foss , Secretary Taft , Governor Curtis Guild , Jr. , of MnssachuietU and Director John Barrett of the bu- loan of American republics at Wash ington. Although all of the speaker * were greeted with enthusiasm , It was Secretary Taft who received the great est ontbuist of applause. SHATTERS UNWRITTEN LAW PLEA Defense of Clyde Gant Shot to Pieces by Supposed Wife. Belleville , 111. , Feb. 13. Dining the trial in the circuit court of Clyde Gant , charged with thu killing of Henry Dickerman , whom Gant ac cused of having maintained Improper relations with his wife , and who pleaded the "unwritten law" In his defense , a sensation was created when the supposed wife of Gant was called to the witness stand. She was the only witness to thu killing. Taking her place on the stand , she said : "I am not the wife of Clyde Qant. My name is Cora Simpson. We were together a year and a half , but we were never married. " The statement was a bombshell to the defense. PREFER DEATH W HOT COUNTRY _ Sixteen Yaquis Jump Into Ocean and Six Are Drowned. Mozatlon , Mex. , Fob. 13. Sixteen Yaqul Indians deported from So nor a and en route to the Isthmus of To- toauntepec , attempted to commit sui cide by jumping Into the ocean from the government transport when a short distance from this port. Boats wore iVit out and ten of the number were hauled out of the water. The others were drowned. Those rescued declared they preferred death to serv Ing on plantations or In the army in the "hot country" of Mexico. There are now more than 1,500 Yaquis un < der guard awaiting deportation. Motor Racers Reach Ossinlng , Osslning. N. Y. , Feb. 13. The six cais In the New York to Paris auto mobile race passed through here. PlU FIFTY YEAR FRANCHISE GRANTED - ED TO IRA HEWITT. HE WILL DAM UP PINE CREEK Power and Lights Will be Furnished Long Pine and Possibly Alnsworth. The Creek Has a Fall of Fourteen Feet to the Mile. Long Pine , Neb. , Feb. 13. Special to The News : The town board has granted a fifty-year franchise to Ira Hewitt of Neligh , Neb. , to furnish light and power for the people of Long Pine and vicinity. It is Mr. Hewitt's Inten tion to build a dam on Pine Creek to furnish the power. The dam Is to be forty-five feet high and this will give them In the neigh borhood of 250 horse power. The people ple of the town are enthusiastic over the prospects of the town being light ed by electricity and almost everyone Is In favor of the plan and will give It their hearty support. It Is rumored Uiat the company Intends to also build a large mill hero and furnish power for the village of Alnsworth. Mr. Hewitt has made several trips to this place within the past month and It is understood that the work on the dam will begin In about two weeks. Pine Creek , which is to furnish the power for this system , Is one of the finest little streams In the state for power purposes and It Is strange thai It has never been used for more ol this work. Thousands of little springs furnish water for this creek and with a fall of fourteen feet to the mile 11 has a pressure hard to beat , CHANCELLOR ANDREWS ISSUES ORDER TO STUDENTS. CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST DOWN Because Herbert Bopp , a Christian Scientist Student , Refused ] to be Vaccinated and Broke Out With Smallpox , Order Was Issued , Lincoln , Neb. , Feb. 13. Special to The News : Chancellor E , Benjamin \ndrew3 of the Nebraska state unlver- Ity today Issued an order requiring" hut all students In the university bo acclnutcd. Herbert Bopp , n Christian scientist vho refused recently to bo vaccinated ind who has attended his classes rcg- ilarly , broke out with smallpox and he virulence of the case forced the luincellor's order to bo made. CLEMENCY FOR JJONVICT MARTIN Governor to Release Prisoner and Miss Anderson Will Wed Lover. Lincoln , Fob. 13. Governor Sholdou announced that ho would commute the sentence of John Martin , convicted ot swindling , and release thu prisouor tomonow. Miss Ingti Anderson , from Alaska * pleaded for her sweetheart and s - cured executive olcmoncy. She will marry him when ho IB released Valen tine day. Martin was sentenced to five years In prison and has lorvud three years. Jones Held for Mall Pouch Robbery. Omaha , Feb. 13. Joe Jones , the N - braska City colored man arrested by Chief of 1'ollco Grant Yules of that city on information sworn out by Post- olllce Inspector Grogan and brought to Omaha by Deputy United States Marshal Joseph Proctor , was ar raigned before United States Commis sioner Anderson. Jones Is charged with mall lobbcry at Nebraska City and aa the goods were found on him Judge Andcison thought he had a good enough case to bind him ovur to the federal grand jury In $2,000. First County Goes for Taft. Hartlngton , Neb. , Feb. 13. Cedar county , first In Nebraska to express Its presidential preteruncu tor candi dates at u ptimary election , voted on Republican aspirants. Of the 1,300 Republican voters in thu county , leas than 250 took the trouble to vote. Returns - turns show that in but thirteen of the twenty-ouo precincts was an election held , and oven in these the interest was slight and the vote was light. Taft had a plurality In nine of the precincts , LaFolletto In two and Roosevelt In two. J. H. Johannes Dies at Columbus , Neb. Columbus. Neb. , Feb. 13. J. H. Jo hannes , one of the foremost citizens of Columbus and one of the leading Germans ot the state , died after three weeks' illness. Mr. Johannes was editor of the Nebraska Biene of Co lumbus , grand secretary of the Har- munsohno for Nebraska and for eight years chairman of the Democratic cen tral committee. "Night Workers" Threaten Farmer. Lincoln , Feb. 13. "Night Workers" have demanded $50 from W. Finegan. a dairyman living near Lincoln. The missive , threatening murder , arson and pillage , was left on Finegan'a porch. J. M. Linton , a neighbor , waa arrested on suspicion. BRYAN BUSY AT BUFFALO Nebraskan Addresses Many Meeting ! of Various Kinds. Buffalo. Feb. 13. William J. Bry anlved at 1 p. m. and from that Urn * until midnight he was a busy man IB this city. During the afternoon Bryan addressed a woman's oiganlzatlon at the Twentieth Century club , spoke tea a gathering of clergymen at the Y. M. C. A. , met and conferred with Demo cratic leaders and attended a recep tion and luncheon given by the Demo cratic general committee of Erlo coun ty. At night he spoke at a mass meetIng - Ing at Convention hall and ho also de livered addresses betore members ot the Saturn and Buffalo clubs , the Knights of Columbus and the Modern Woodmen of America. The meeting at Convention hall was open to the public and the auditorium wa filled. On the platform with Mr. Bryan worn Mayor Tom L. Johnson of Cleveland and many men prominent In the rank * of the Democratic party In western New York. Horse's Kick Cripples Glover. Lead , S. D. , Feb. 13. From the kick of a horse received over a week ago , George W. Glover , son of Mrs. Mary Baker G. Eddy , the Christian Sclonco leader , Is suffering from paralysis of one leg that threatens to become per manent. The horao kicked Glover on the right leg and reopened an old gun shot wound received in the civil war. Since then Glover has lost the use of the limb , and surgeons fear he will never regain It. Negro Whipped by Kansas Mob. Sallna , Kan. , Fob. 13. Oaore * Washington , a negro , charged with a brutal assault on his wife , was taken from the jail at Ellsworth by a mob of 100 masked men and' threatened with hanging. He was released after a horsewhipping was administered to him and as ho was leaving town ho was shot In the shoulder by a member of the mob. He made his way to Wil son , Kan. , where ho received medical