The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 07, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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Mrs. Emma G. Walker of Emerlck Is
Asking for a Divorce From Frank
A. E. Walker , Who Picks up a Living
Playing Fiddle at Dances.
Matllmni , Neb. , Feb. 3. From a staff
corroHpondont : IH playing tliu fiddle
around at country dances n just ground
for dlvurcu ? Mrs. Emma 0. Walker
f Kmorlclt thinks HO , or at Icnat HIO !
alleges her husband's musical turns as
ono of the grounds on which she asks
DlHtrlct .Juilgo A. A. Welch to grunt
her a divorce from her husband , Frank
A. 10. Walker. They wcro married
April , 1900 , In IJoono county. They
liavo four children.
Mrs. Walker says that her husband
IB extremely cruel. She also says that
ho IB "lazy and shiftless. " This Is
-what she says In her divorce petition :
"And the plaintiff avers that said
defendant has no regular occupation
but is now engaged a part of his time
us a musician , playing at country
dances and In small towns whenever
lie en n secure an engagement , and thus
picking up a precarious living. "
W. V. Allen 11 led the petition.
The following suits have been Hied
in the district court at Madison : Storz
Brewing company VH , Wllhclm Hart-
wick , Louise Hartwlck , Newman Grove
Improvement society and G. C. John-
BOH , to foreclose lots ono and two ,
block , Railroad addition to Newman
Grove ; Anna Marquardt vs. James
Walton , appeal from justice court ;
Jennie M. Harncd vs. Clyde A. Smith
ct al to sot aside conveyance of lot
filx , block thirteen , Dorsey Place ad
dition to Norfolk Junction.
Extra clerical help was made nec
essary by the filing of the city's an
nexation petition In the district court
at Madison. The long list of defen-
ents made It necessary to prepare
over a hundred notification papers. It
was thought that It would take Sher
iff Clements several days to serve the
papers on ( he property owners enum
erated. ,
Ray Kennard from Norfolk , charged
with forgery , Is the only occupant of
the county jail at Madison ,
v. County Clerk George Richardson Is
sick with the grip.
The county commissioners are td
open the bridge bills Wednesday. Five
bids had been filed by Saturday.
Herman Bechtol was hi Madison
Miss Matrau was up from Madison
over Sunday.
Miss Clara Rudat was a Pierce vis
itor Saturday.
President J. M. Pile of Wayne col
lege has returned to Wayne.
County Superintendent F. S. Perdue
returned to Madison Sunday morn-
J. C. Elliott , editor of the West
Point Republican , was In Norfolk
Mrs. T. C. Donahue and Mrs. Henry
Kennedy left Sunday noon to visit Mrs.
Donahue of Creighton.
County Superintendent Pllger of
Pierce county was the guest of rela
tives In Norfolk over Sunday.
Miss Carrie Gettlnger of Nebraska
City was In Norfolk over Sunday , the
guest of her brother , P. G. Gettlnger.
Mr. and Mrs. I. Elllngson of Kuox
county were In Norfolk Sunday return
ing from Howard county , Iowa , where
they were called by the death of Mrs.
Elllngson's father. Mr. Elllngson lives
near Center.
Among the day's out of town visit
ors In Norfolk were : S. O. Campbell ,
Creighton ; J. C. Gould , Spencer ; II.H.
Ofe , Oakdale ; C. F. Cochlln , Wayne ;
C. S. Leslie , Hosklns ; J. Alexander ,
G. L. Connany , Donesteel , S. D. ; Fred
H. Free , Plalnvlew ; Paul Carpenter ,
Creighton ; T. D. Preece , Battle Creek ;
L M. Swanson , Emerson ; Mrs. H. C.
Buechler , Mrs. F. H. Guenthner , Dallas ,
3. D. ; Frank Phillips , Hosklns ; C. H.
Reed , Madison ; H. Barnes , Battle
Ralph Campbell of Lincoln was In
Norfolk yesterday.
C. S. Bridge IB home from a busi
ness trip to Lincoln.
Harry Barnes was In from Battle
Creek Monday on business.
Misses Minnie Schram and Anna
Miller spent Sunday at Battle Creek.
T. D. Preeco arrived In the city from
Battle Creek at noon to cry the Smith
Brothers' horse sale.
Thomas Bell of Lusk , Wyo. , who was
called to Norfolk by the death of his
mother , loft for Omaha ,
Robert Ballantyno and Charles Hal-
loway left at noon for Hartlngton ,
where they have work painting.
Charles Mathewson , cashier of the
First National bank of Wakefleld , was
In Norfolk Monday , the guest of rola
Judge Brlggs of Fremont was In
Norfolk Monday on his way to Madl
eon and called on hlsfrlend _ , C. F.
Sheriff J. J. Clements came up from
Madison Monday morning for the pur
pose of notifying owners of property
In the territory to bo annexed to Nor
folk of the suit filed by the city In. the
district court. It will take several
days to serve the hundred or more
Miss Agnes Flynn of Norfolk , the
daughter of Chief of Pollco and Mrs.
J. F. Flynn , was operated on for ap
pendlcltls at 9 o'clock Monday morn
ing at St. Joseph's hospital In Omaha.
Frank Flynn received a message at
been RiiccoBHful and that Miss Agnes
was In excellent condition after the
operation. Mr. atid Mm. Flynn wens
In Omaha.
W. I1. Logan , cashier of the Ne
braska National bank , wan taken 111
with the grip Saturday moiulng.
Mondii > evening Is the regular date
of the February meeting of Hie Norfolk
board of education.
President J. M. I'llo of Wayne college -
lego was elected to membership In the
Nebraska Schoolmasters club at the
meeting In Lincoln last week.
The Nebraska congressional delega
tion failed Saturday to decide the In
ternal revenue collrctortmlp. Another
meeting will be held Wednesday.
The Orleans hotel at Spirit Lake ,
Iowa , has been destroyed by fire. The
loss was $12,000. Many north Nebras
ka people are Jamlllar with this hotel.
Sheriff Hnuman has returned to Fre
mont from St. Josheph , Mo. , where he
found that the little girl held by the
St. Joseph police was not the missing
Lily Olson of Rosalie.
"Tlmt Thaw verdict didn't surprise
me , " said ono Norfolk man , "For I saw
that It would be pretty hard to hand a
man for the only sensible thing he
over did in his foolish evil career. "
Mrs. George LaFarge , who was op
erated on last week as a result of ap
pendicitis and gall stones , is now much
better. While her condition was very
critical her friends are now quite con-
lldcnt of her recovery.
Petitions have been circulated over
Antelope county for the organization
of an agricultural society to hold a
county fair. The meeting was called
for the court house at Nellgh next
Saturday morning at 11 a. m.
Mr. Robliibon , publisher of the new
Norfolk city directory , desires local
ministers to mall him the various
hours of service at their churches ; also
that the secretaries of Norfolk lodges
mall him the lodge meeting place and
the meeting nights.
Wesley Roberts Is visiting at the
home of his mother , Mrs. Ella Roberts ,
because of an Injured eye. He Is a
student at the Kearney military acad
emy and In practice drill his eye was
burned the other day with powder.
Just how long ho will bo kept at home
Is not known.
William Thlesen of the West Point
faculty and Roy Rich , Otto Steufer ,
Sidney Splllner , Henry Thlesen , Boyd
Sims and Joe Limbaugh of the West
Point high school basket ball team
were in Norfolk Saturday night return-
'ng from Madison where they lost a
game to the Madison high school.
Lincoln Journal : State Veterinarian
McKlm was called to Aurora to
take action In an outbreak of rabies
that 1ms appeared among both cattle
and horses. It Is said to b6 due to the
bite of a mad dog that passed through
the region recently. Some live stock
died as a result of the disease but
thus far no person has been afflicted.
Sam Kent of Kent Siding was seven
ty-five years old Sunday. And next
July Mr. Kent and his wife will cele
brate their golden wedding anniver
sary. Mr. Kent is ono of the pioneer
farmers of Madison county and one of
Its staunch and prosperous citizens.
He was born on February 2 , 1833 , In
county Wexford in the south of Ire
School directors will In the future ,
It Is said , make short work of tramps
who break into Madison county school
houses to spend the night under cov
er. Miss Helen Irwln of Madison , who
Is teaching In the Tannohlll school
south of the city , stumbled over a man
as she entered the school house the
other morning. A director had to be
called to eject the man.
The Brotherhood of Railroad Train
men and the Order of Railroad Con
ductors of sixty-five railroads west of
the Mississippi river voted recently
to change the wage system by having
the rate paid per mile traveled by-
trains Instead of by the month , as at
present. The railroaders on the moun
tainous divisions of the east voted
against the proposition as a unit be
cause It would decrease their pay.
There are a good many Norfolk people
ple who do not know that Manager G.
T. Sprecher's title is really "district
manager" in the service of the Nebras
ka telephone company. The state Is
divided into about twenty districts , the
Norfolk telephone office being the
headquarters for one of these dis
tricts. The Norfolk district has more
miles of poles than any other district
In Nebraska , though not more miles of
toll lines. It Is the biggest district in
the state in point of territory and In
cludes forty-five toll stations. It also
includes 150 sub-license stations.
The town of Columbus has lost Its
national guard company on account
of the Inefficiency of the organization.
Company K , First regiment , has been
ordered mustered out of the service.
In its place the First separate In
fantry company of Wymoro , formerly
the Wymore battery , has been assign
ed. The new company has also been
assigned to the third battalion of the
First regiment. The election of Second
end Lieutenant Frank E. Crawford by
the new company K has been ap
proved by the governor. He is to take
rank from December 1C.
A library is something more than a
collection of books. An Imposing array
of sumptuous and untouched vol
umes does not make ono. Your books
should express your own Individuality ,
says a writer In The Delineator. Do
not let any ono persuade you to buy
a book you know Is not your kind of
book. Do not be lured Into buying
a handsome library edition of some
author that you do want , if the U
brary edition is heavy and uncomfort
able to hold and your own preference
Is a comfortable pocket edition with
flexible covers. And above all , If you
are building up a homo library , to
which the whole family is to have free
access , do not choose bindings of such
delicate colors or expensive texture as
It Was a Rather Peculiar Coincident
That Ground Day In Norfolk Should
Bring the Coldest Weather of the
Winter Nine Below.
The groundhog saw his.
Six weeks more of winter ; banish
the thought of an early spring ; no
premature activity In the millinery
business ; no early spring suits ; keep
your overcoat collar up.
All minds Sunday turned to the an
cient fable. All over north Nebraska
men , women and children arose with
the break of dawn to go shadow
searching. But there was no active
search. 11 was a cloudless day.
The groundhog emerged from his
hole about the time the noon edition
of The News usually comes from the
press. lie wanted to read the weather
forecast. But he gave a slight gasp
when he saw a great clear-defined
shadow and returned gloomily to his
hole , there to hibernate another six
Incidentally It was not until ground
hog day approached that Norfolk and
north Nebraska got the first real touch
of winter weather. In the twenty-four
hours ending at 8 o'clock Sunday mornIng -
Ing the temperature dropped to nine
degrees below. During the same pe
riod ending Monday morning it was as
low as three above.
The origin of groundhog day is ac
counted for In the Housekeeper for
February in the following way : Feb
ruary 2 , or Candlemas day , was a
favorite holiday , marked by public
gaiety and ceremonies in Europe dur
ing the middle ages. It Is still marked
there by the closing of banks and of
fices , but not otherwise outside of the
reading of church services.
In the church calendar It is known
as the feast of purification of the Vir
gin , and was first Instituted by Pope
Sergius , about the year 084 A. D. The
popular name of the day is derived
from the early custom of lighting up
the churches with candles and carry
ing these In process on the festival.
As to the weather superstition
that gives to Candlemas the name of
'groundhog day , " that Is a world wide
fable. In Germany it is the badger
that breaks his winter nap on this day
to essay the thankless task of weather
prophecy ; In France and Switzerland
it Is the marmot. In England the
hedgehog' .
Whatever the value of the atlporstl-
tlon it is a general truth that in tem
perate latitudes , warm and sunny
weather in the first half of February
Is apt to be followed by a change and
a cool spring , and on this fact our
groundhog and badger stories are
Real Estate Transfers.
Real estate transfers for the week
ending January 31 , 1908 , compiled by
Madison County Abstract and Guaran
tee company , office with Mapes &
Fran ? Dollerschell and wife to Aug
ust Schulz , W. D. , consideration $900 ,
lot 15 , Nenows addition to Norfolk.
M. C. Garrett and wife to John H.
Garrett , W. D. , consideration $5,000 ,
W , of NEVi of 22-22-1.
C. A. Smith and C. M. Thompson to
Jacob Thompson , W. D. , consideration
$1,000 , lot C , block 13 , Dorsey Place
addition to Norfolk Junction.
Ed Hide and wife to Dell D. Antls-
del. W. D. , consideration $1,400 , block
IS. P. W. Fritz addition to Madison.
Pioneer Town Site Co. to Charles
A. Hodman , W. D. , consideration $80 ,
lot 3 , block 37 , Pioneer Town Site Co.'s
Second addition to Battle Creek.
A. E. Llnd and wife Emelle to A. E.
Llnd , W. D. , consideration $3,000 , one-
half interest in west 100 feet of lot 13 ,
the west three feet of lot 9 and the
east 22 feet of lot 10 , block 9 , Railroad
addition to Newman Grove.
Etta H. South and husband to Gul-
lick Oss , W. D. , consideration $4,000 ,
lots 7 and 8 , block 18 , Railroad addi
tion to Newman Grove. ,
Elkhorn Land and Town Lot com
pany to M. J. Davis , Q. C. D. , consid
eration $2 , right of way across N half
of NEVi of 7-21-1.
Andrew J. Durland , Herman Pase-
walk , Leo Pasewalk , executors of the
last will of Ferdinand Pasewalk , de
ceased , to Alice M. Farage , W. D. ,
consideration $1,000 , lot 9 , block 7 ,
Pasewalk's addition to Norfolk.
Alice M. Farage and husband to C.
S. Smith , W. D. , consideration $900 ,
lot 7 , block 89 , W. J. Barnes' addition
to Madison.
Bertha J. Johnson and husband to
Sigurd Olson , W. D. , consideration
$900 , part of the SEVi of the NEVi of
Sequel to Rosebud Reservation OpenIng -
Ing Excitement.
Sioux Falls , S. D. , Feb. 3. Harry A.
Jones , an eastern newspaper man who
has just been released from the penl-
cntlary here , ho having been granted
a pardon by the state board of pardons.
Jones , who comes from an excellent
family at Rochester , N. Y. , drifted to
Yankton , S. D. , at the time thousands
of persons were gathering there for the
purpose of registering for a chance to
draw a homestead in the Rosebud res
ervation in Gregory county.
Many rough characters were at
Yankton at the time for the purpose
of fleecing the landscekers , and many
robberies were committed. One of the
victims of the pickpockets was Martin
A. Stevens of Minneapolis , a traveling
salesman , who had about $30 abstract
ed from his pocket. Jones was arrest-
Hi for the crime. It has since dovel
| it > d ( hat he had nothing to do wltli
lobbing Siivi-ns , SievoiiH himself slat
in ! pi'iphntlc'tilly that Junes was not
the guilty mini.
.Notwithstanding this , when Jones
\\iis taken before a justice for hla pre
liminary hearing he , under a mlsun <
derstniidlng of the facts , and still suf
fering from the effects of a prolonged
spree , entered a plea of guilty to com
plicity In the robbery. Ho thought he
was In a serious dlfllculty , and was
under the Impression In bin befuddled
state of mind that the best way out of
the trouble \\as to enter the plon of
guilty as an accomplice , Instead of
taking chances of being convicted as
the result of being trial on the charge
of being the person who actually com
mitted the robbery.
Alter ho had been lodged In the
penitentiary and the cITccts of liquor
had passed nwny , he became aware
that he was Innocent and had made a
serious mistake in entering the plea
of guilty. Friends of the young man
from New York to San Francisco were
Informed of his predicament and
promtly rallied to his support.
They had the case taken before the
state board of pardons and were able
to present such a conclusive array of
evidence that the board granted the
pardon and ordered the release from
prison of the young newspaper man.
Efforts Thus Far Fall to Locate Carl
Porter , a Brother.
Word was received in Norfolk Mon
day morning from Fairfax announcing
the sudden death there Sunday after
noon of Allen Porter. Hemorrhage of
the lungs was the cause of death.
Thus far efforts have failed to locate
Carl Porter , a brother , who Is a com
mercial traveler In this state for a
Jewelry firm.
The Porter family at Fairfax is one
of the most prominent in the Rose
bud country. They formerly lived at
Madison ,
Will Meet In Pierce February 29 to
Select Delegates.
Pierce , Neb. , Feb. 3. Special to The
News : The republican county central
committee met here Saturday and set
February 29 as the date for holding a
county convention for the purpose of
selecting delegates to the state and
congressional conventions. It was de
cided to adopt the old system of cau
cuses for selecting delegates to the
county convention. The state ballots
will be distributed at the township
caucuses for the purpose of allowing
the people to express their presidential
West Point News.
West Point , Neb. , Feb. 3. Special
to The News : Two wrestling matches
are scheduled to take place the com
ing week at West Point. The first one
will be a preliminary contest between
Casimir Zacek of Wisner , a local man
who has developed considerable talent ,
and Jim O'Leary. The second exhibi
tion will be a contest between Jack
O'Leary , the champion welterweight of
the northwest , and Rastus Thompson
of Casey , Iowa , who was seen here
on the mat with "Farmer" Burns. The
match is for the gate receipts , and is
to be wrestled catch-as-catch-can style.
E. M. Von Seggern , proprietor of
the Nebraska Volksblatt , and his bride
have returned from their wedding tour
on the Pacific coast and are now at
home to their friends in their cottage
on South Colfax street.
Diphtheria Is epidemic in north Bee-
mer township in this county , the Sie-
brandt school being closed on account
of the scourge , Moderator English hav
ing lost an eleven-year-old son from
the effects of the disease.
Re-elect Prof. Demel.
Niobrara , Neb. , Feb. 3. Special to
The News : At a meeting of the Nio
brara board of education Prof. C. Dem-
el received an unanimous re-election
as principal of the schools for next
year. A substantial increase In salary
was made. The reason for this early
action was the fact that Mr. Demel re
ceived a special Inducement from else
where. Mr. Demel began teaching at
$25 a month in the country and has
now quadrupled that figure. The Nio
brara board believes in retaining good
men. He came to north Nebraska four
years ago from Jefferson county , Neb.
Niobrara people are pleased over the
Biles Case Affirmed.
Neligh , Neb. , Feb. 3. Special to
The News : Notice has been received
by R , H. Rice , clerk of the district
court of this county , that the supreme
court has confirmed the case of Phoebe
Bliss vs. Perse Beck , Tom Perrlno et
This was a case originating at Oak-
dale and the plaintiff alleged that she
was seriously injured by being run
into by a team driven by Joe Prevo.
That at the time he was Intoxicated ,
and that this was the cause of the ac
cident , and further that ho purchased
liquor from the defendant
The jury awarded Mrs. Bliss $2,000
damages and by the decision of the
supreme court , the money will now
have to be paid.
Triangular Contest Is Held Between
Atkinson , Alnsworth , Long Pine.
Long Pine , Neb. , Feb. 3. Special to
The News : A triangular debate took
place between the pupils of the Long
Pine , Atkinson and Alnsworth high
schools. Ainsworth and Long Pine
pupils debated at Ainsworth , Long
Pine winning ; Atkinson and Alnsworth
pupils debated at Atkinson , Ainsworth
winning , and Atkinson and Long Pine
pupils debated at Long Pine , Long
Pine winning.
J' ! < > ! ! ! ! ! * * I--M' < H"H"H e-t"r-r-t"tt"H-i-t- t i t-t' + + + + + + *
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The Norfolk federal building located
at the northeast corner of Fourth
street and Madison avenue occupies
an Important place In the public mind
just now In connection with the loca
tion of the proposed Carnegie library.
It Is the federal building that makes
the corner of Fourth and Madison the
Battle Creek Mutual.
On January 11 , 1908 , the members
of the Battle Creek Mutual Insurance
company held their annual meeting.
Delegations from Knox county , Platte
county , Newman Grove and Tilden
were In attendance. The president ,
Geo. Heuerman , called the meeting to
order and the secretary , M. G. Doer-
ing , read his annual report , showing
condition of the company.
Following is the report condensed :
Policies in force Jan. 1 , 1907 , 588 ,
carrying an amount of $1,017,811.
Written during year , 214 policies , the
amount of which was $373.033. Ex
pired and canceled , 107 policies , with
an amount of $173,407 , leaving in
force Dec. 31 , 1907 , 095 policies with
an amount of $1,217,437. Net increase
for the year , 107 policies , amount ,
Financial Statement.
Cash on hand Dec. 31 , 1907. . . $ 410.86
Total income 1,444.54
Paid out for losses. . $907.70
All other expenses. . 484.38 1,392.08
$ 499.32
Amounts In process of col
lection 300.49
Cash assets of company $ 799.81
The last assessment of two mills
was made Sept. 29 , 190C.
M. G. Doering ,
Five Millions to Budapest Before the
Countess Starts.
Budapest , Feb. 4. A credit of five
million dollars was received today
from New York by the Hungarian Dis
count and Exchange bank for the ac
count of the Count and Countess Las-
zlo Szechenyl.
Count Laszlo Szechenyi was mar
ried In New York January 27 to
Gladys , daughter of Mrs. Cornelius
The Vanderbllts have paid foreign
men of title once before and besides
them many other American million
aires have sent fortunes abroad with
their daughters. Consuelo Vanderbilt
took fifteen millions to the Duke of
Marlborough , but twenty-five millions
went with Anna Gould Boni do Castel-
lane. Here is a list of some of the
international weddings , together with
the amounts involved and the out
comes :
Miss Anna Robinson , one-half mil
lion dollars , Lord Rosslyn ; separated.
Miss Helen Morton , ono million dollars
lars , Due de Valency ; neglected.
Miss Florence Droulllard , one-half
million dollars , Count Bernard de
Pourtales ; separated.
Miss Elizabeth Curtiss , one-half mil
lion dollars , Due de Dlno ; divorced.
Mrs. Frederick Stevens , seven mil
lion dollars , Due de Dlno ; divorced.
Miss Isabel Buncc , one million dollars
lars , Baron Brlnsart von Schwonllon-
dorf ; separated.
Miss Isabel Tucker , ono million dollars
lars , Lord Lindsay ; divorced ,
Miss Edith Van Buren , one-half mil
lion dollars , Count Castelmanardo ;
Miss Lillian May , one-half million
dollars , Lord William Bagot ; separat
Miss Julia B. Mackay , one-half mil
lion dollars , Prlnco Colonay ; divorced.
Miss Marie Rclno Fusz , one-half mil
lion dollars , Count Penaloza ; divorced.
Miss Consuelo Vnnderbilt , fifteen
million dollars , Duke of Marlborough ;
Miss Anna Gould , twenty-five mil
lion dollars , Count de Castellano ; di
Miss Alice Thaw , ono million dollars
lars , Earl of Yarmouth ; action to an
nul marriage begun.
"Uncle Sam" Kent Told His Boyo So ,
Two Months Ago.
The mild winter that north Nebras
ka haa enjoyed was predicted two
months ago by Undo Sam Kent of
most conspicuous corner In the city
and the Ideal location , as most people
am-ee , for the library site.
The fideral court house 'and post-
office in Norfolk arc housed In n $100-
000 building of press brick and stone.
In no state In America Is there a city
of Norfolk's population with as fine
or expensive a government building.
Kent's Siding. And Sam Kent Is a
real weather prognosticntor , for wasn't
ho bom on ground hog day ?
How many Norfolk people knew that
the mild winter was really settled
two months ago ? Did you know that
"the first three days In December rule
the winter ?
Last December after the first three
days had passed into registered ther
mometer history Sam Kent recalled
the old saying and gave his sons a
hint of mild weather. And it has been
mild. So don't you believe the old
adage ?
In fact the winter as a whole has
been so pleasant that most people
don't care if it does last six weeks
longer a la groundhog.
Sam Kent was born on a groundhog
day seventy-five years ago. He Is ripe
with the experience of success on the
prairies of north Nebraska. Mr. Kent's
birth place was In the south of Ire
Measure Provides for Compulsory
Investigation of Federal Disputes.
New York , Feb. 4. A Washington
special says that congress Is contem
plating the enactment of a bill which
will play a highly Important part in
preventing the development of contro
versies between capital and labor tea
a point injurious to the people.
The house committee on the Inter
state and foreign commerce has decid
ed to report favorably the Townsend
bill , providing for compulsory investi
gation of disputes affecting interstate
commerce transportation of malls or
civil or military operations of the
United States , whether the cause of
the disputes are found In differences
concerning wages and hours of laborer
or conditions of employment gener
The bill does not contemplate com
pulsory arbitration. It does permit ,
however , an Investigation by the fed
eral government without an Invitation
from the parties to disputes and It re
lies mainly on publicity of facts to
force settlement , though a report of
the investigation must be submitted
to the president and by him trans
mitted to congress.
The country must bo keenly Inter
ested in this legislative project , be
cause it marks another step , and n
long one , toward preventing grave
Industrial disputes like the anthracite
coal strike of 1902.
Railroad Company Secured Its Supply
This Year From Valentine.
Valentine , Neb. , Feb. 4. Special to
The News : The Northwestern has
finished its annual harvest of Ice.
Altogether 300 cars or nearly 9,000
tons of Ice were cut , Employment
during the ice season was given to
fifty men and thirty teams , the aggre
gate payroll of the Northwestern for
this purpose being about $2,800.
Norfolk Seemc to Have a Hard Time
Making Arrests Now.
There Is quite a bunch still on the
water wagon. Pollco business in Nor
folk has been dull since the first of
the year and the police say that most
of the fellows who got on the water
wagon have stayed there.
The common charge of drunkenness
was almost an unknown quantity on
the police court docket for January.
The police have been unusually active
in other lines but the "drunks" have
dropped off since Christmas time.
Pollco Judge Eiscloy believes that
the water wagon theory IB the only
plausible ono. "Tho bibbers swore
off , " said the judge , "and they have
still to slide off the wagon. But wait
for a month or two , till the 'good old
summer time.1 What do you fellows
call the summer time "good" for , any
way ? My , it's the toughest season of
thoyear. . All the devilment IB pulled
off then. "
Two men slid off the water wagon
hard the last day or two. Auguot Mat-
he federal building was completed
lout three years ago. The postolllco
icuplos the first floor of I ho building ,
le federal court house , government
IIcos and federal prison the second
id third floors.
The Hlto most favored for a public
lirury Is the corner just south of the
dornl building.
noy was arrested for being drunk anil
then for lighting the officers. Henry
Ahrondl was arrested for being drunk
and for kicking out the hack windows
after be was arrested. Doth w'oro
severely fined for their bad behavior
Theatre Manager Advertising Baby to
Holder of Lucky Number.
Minneapolis , Minn. , Feb. 4. In
censed at what they term an "Insult
to motherhood , " certain women in
Minneapolis are banding together In
an effort to compel the manager of a
local theatre to desist from his an
nounced plan of giving chances on a
two weeks' old child to all women who
attend n matinee performance at the
playhouse In the near future , and as a
last resort declare they will attempt
to secure an injunction to prevent it
The theatre management claim It
is a legitimate advertising scheme in
which many women who wish a child
will be more than willing to partici
pate. The baby has been provided ,
and If nothing happens to prevent , the
human lottery will continue as out
lined , the child going to the holder of
the lucky number.
Penalty That Causes Useless Hand
ling of Empty Cars.
Chicago , Feb. 4. A meeting of the
American railway association has been
called for Chicago February 7 , for the
purpose of adopting measures to stop
the tremendous loss occasioned by Uio
present movement of empty cars on
the railroads of the country. It is the
first special meeting in the history of
the association and the emergency is
regarded as great. It Is stated that
since the falling off in traffic began
several million dollars have been wast
cd by the railroads in their frantic
efforts to send the empty cars of other
railroads home and thereby escape the-
penalty of 50 cents a day for the use
of a foreign car. This penalty was
imposed by the association less than
one year ago to accomplish the very
thing which the railroads arc now
anxious to stop. Now the situation
has so materially changed that there
are at least 350,000 Idle freight cars
in the United States , and no road de
sires the speedy return of Its equip
ment. It is stated that fully one-fifth
of the entire freight car movement re
cently has been that of empty cars
being hurried to the owning or home
It is proposed to suspend the opera
tion of the per diem rules , beginning
March 1 , and continuing until the sit
uation again demands a penalty.
State Engineer of South Dakota En
Pierre , S. D. , Feb. 4. State Engin
eer Lea has returned from the "Dry
Farming Congress" at Salt Lake City ,
where ho met a strong delegation
which was ready to show what could
bo done with that manner of farming
in a country with a light rainfall.
Mr. Lea is an enthusiast over irriga
tion and "dry farming , " and believes
that with the two systems there is no
reason why South Dakota should not
support a dense farming population ,
using the irrigation plan where it la
convenient and not too expensive , and
the dry farming process where the securing -
curing of water for Irrigation is not
A soil with a small preccntage of
gumbo naturally lends Itself to the dry
farming process , as it makes a dust
blanket of itself when once broken and
will not require as much labor to pre
serve the blanket as will bo found In
a loam soil.
Both the republican and democratic
county committees of Stanley county
will meet at Midland on Feb. 15 for
the purpose of arranging for county
primaries. Stanley will poll a largo
vote this year. In past years the dem
ocrats have been able to hold part of
the offices , but the republicans now
say they will sweep everything , be
cause of new population.