The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 07, 1908, Image 1

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, , , ,
Although Three Wolves Were Secured
In a Big Wolf Hunt at Crelghton
Wednesday , the Party Came Very
Nearly Bagging Two Men Besides.
Crolghton , Nob. , Feb. o. Special to
The News' : At u wolf hunt engaged
in near Crelghton yesterday Charles
Storz and Charles Joyce very v * \
lost their lives. Storz is car. s.
nineteen No. 4 shots in his leg '
iirm and Joyce has a mark of g\
powder In a burned eyebrow , ns a nt
Bult. There were two separate accl-
dents which ciuno BO near being fatal.
Three wolves were killed.
Shot at Wolf , Hit Storz.
Charles Star ; : was at a given point
watching for a wolf to como his way.
Another wolf ciuno toward him from
a different direction and ono of the
bunters , standing nt the opposite side
of the circle , flrcd at the animal. The
charge went straight at Storz , who
was In a stooping posture. Nineteen
of the shots entered his leg and arm.
Tlioy were sprinkled all the way from
the ankle to the hip.
Storz is the sou of Andrew Storz ,
formerly of Norfolk and a prominent
Btockmau here.
Gun Discharged Accidentally.
Charles Joyce came so close to hav
ing his head shot off when a shotgun
was accidentally discharged , that his
eyebrow wus burned by the passing
The hunters were preparing to go
liomo. Joyce was standing In a wag
on nnd another man came up , placing
his gun In the wagon-box and prepar
ing to climb in. In putting the gun
Into the wagon , the trigger was
tripped and the charge went belching
forth. The gun chanced to be pointed
straight up at the moment. As it was ,
the powder grazed Joyce's face and
burned his eyebrow. If the gun had
been slanting the slightest particle ,
Us1 head would have been blown off.
Although three wolves were shot , It
was considered a pretty perilous way
of getting them.
After Booming Senator Twenty Years
It Switches to Secretary of War.
Cleveland , Feb. 6.Th Third
XV'ard Foraker club of this city In
dorsed Secretary Taft for president
After supporting Ohio's senior senator
for twenty years. The indorsement
prevailed in the face of stubborn op
As a result of the decision by the
'Republican ' state central committee to
recognize the Taft committee In
Cuyahoga county , followed by a tele
gram from Secretary of State Thomp
son directing the board of elections
officially to take cognizance of tha
committee , a. suit for an Injunction
was filed against the election board
by Edward H. Hechler , member of tha
ForaUer committee. The action aims
to restrain the board from summary
action under the call of the Taft com
mittee , and the petition declares that
the Foraker committee Is the only
legal Republican controlling body In
the county. The petition avers that
the board of elections bad no right
to rescind Its former action In recog
nizing the Foraker committee. In
concurrence with the Instructions from
Secretary of State Thompson , tha
election board , in a stormy session ,
rescinded' its previous action ot rec
ognizing the Foraker committee and
formally named the Taft committee ai
the controlling power la the county.
Bryan Has Strenuous Day.
Now York , Feb. 6. William Jen
nings Bryan's stay la New York was
a strenuous ono. After a morning In
terview with the newspaper men , ha
hurried to Brooklyn , "where lie was
tendered a reception by Bird S. Color ,
president of the borough , and made a
Bpeech , in which ho declared that the
Democratic party presented a united
front and was now In position to fight
the divided enemy ; then ho made a
long trip to Harlem , where he ad
dressed a meeting of the Young Men'i
Hebrew association , and later was the
principal guest and speaker at th
dinner of the Economic club at tu
Hotel Astor.
Harmon Still in the Hace.
Cincinnati , Feb. G. Judson Harmon
declared ho Is as much In the race for
the Democratic nomination for presi
dent as he ever was on his arrival
home from a trip to Nashville , Bir
mingham and Now York. Mr. Harmon
traveled from this city to Nashville
and Birmingham In company with W.
J. Bryan and both spoke to the same
gatherings In these cities.
Franco Reported In Flight.
London , Feb. G. A special dispatch
from Lisbon says that the flight ot
Franco Is fully confirmed. According
to this dispatch , the former premier
left Lisbon in an automobile on Tues
day night and Is now In Galicla ,
Railroad Commissioners Take Action
In Service Gate ,
Lincoln , Feb. G. The state railway
commission olllclally denied a rehear
ing asked for by the plaintiffs In tliu
case of the creameries against the va
rious railroads of the state , In which
the matter of sorvlco wus the lasue ,
except In the request that receipts bo
given for empty cans returned by the
railroad. The commission ordered the
transportation companies to appear In
Lincoln Fob. 18 , to show cauao why an
order should not Issuu to require thorn
to give receipts for the empty cant
and other empty receptacles of a Ilka
nature returned. This hearing Is for
the purpose of securing Information
upon which the commission can Issue
an order covering the whole matter
of the return of empties and not
merely to give roller to one class of
shippers , as In this Instance.
Rock Island Attacks Nebraska Rail *
road Commission Law.
Lincoln , Feb. C. The Hock Island
Railroad company appealed to the dls-
ftvlct court from the recent ord'er of
o e state railway commission , direct-
4 It to maintain a passenger and
$ , ht depot at the town of Unlvor-
1 "Maco. The petition of the rail-
rejviows " the whole question of
tht1 , s of railroads and the power
of U" ' commission. It Is assorted that
the stnto commission law Is unconsti
tutional because it Is an Interference
with Interstate commerce , is unrea
sonable and deprives the company of
Its property without duo process of
law ; takes private property for pub
lic use without compensation , and ,
finally , that It disallows the petitioner
of Its right to trial by jury.
Physicians Give Up Hope for Recovery
of Former Governor.
Lincoln , Feb. G. The condition of
former Governor John II. Mickey , who ,
since his retirement from the execu
tive ollico , has been seriously III at
his home in Osccola , shows no im
provement , and some ot his physicians
say there is no hope for his recovery.
Dr. J. L. Greene , who was the gov
ernor's physician at Lincoln , but who
is now superintendent of a state hos
pital at Kankakee , 111. , was summoned
to Osceola to see Mr. Mickey. He
said the ailment was necessarily
chronic and progressive and that re
covery can hardly be expected.
Nelson Decides to Work.
Lincoln , Feb. G. Nelson , the con
vict , who for more than a year refused
to work , on the plea that he was sick ,
gave'up and * went to the broom factory
nnd became a common laborer. He
was examined by Prison Physician
Griffin several days ago and pro
nounced perfectly sound. Nelson cre
ated a stir some time ago by writing
to the Norwegian consul that he was
being abused by the penitentiary offi
Nebraska Delegation Adopts Plan.
Washington , Fob. 6. The Nebraska
Republican delegation agreed on a
schedule for distributing the federal
offices by which the plan of state ill
vision Is practically brought to an end.
A vote on the revenue collectorshlp
will be taken on Feb. 15 , Senator
Brown having asked postponement un
til that tlmo. That Ross Hammond
will bo collector is not now seriously
Mine Managers Propose to Keep Them
Out of Mining Towns.
Des Molnes , Feb. G. Led by Will
iam Buxton of Buxton , la. , coal min *
ers of Iowa are conducting a campaign
against bootleggers , who Infest the
coal mine camps of the state. The
shooting of C. H. Morris , one of the
largest coal mine operators of the
state , by J. C. Cain , who had been
prosecuted as a bootlegger , Is proba
bly responsible for the systematic
campaign now being conducted. With
two pay days a month there are regu
larly a large number of miners who
lese several days each pay day , and
aside from this the sale of liquor
breeds lawlessness , which the oper
ators desire to stamp out.
Lake Bed Hearing.
Des Molnes , Feb. 6. Before the gov *
ernor and other member * of the exec
utive council there was a hearing on
the draining of one of the numerous
lake beds of Palo Alto county. Farm
ers living adjoining the lake desire it
drained since it would make excellent
farming land. Others claim that the
lake Is a valuable asset to the beauty
of the scenery of northern Iowa and
desire It preserved. The policy of the
Executive council has been to preserve
lake beds wherever they were In fact
lakes and not merely swamps.
Boy Shoots at Train ; Hits Woman ,
Mount Vernon , 111. , Feb. 6. Mrs. P.
II. Hough , wife of the superintendent
of the Beardstown division of the Bur
lington railroad , was shot in the head
and seriously wounded' by John Ruth
erford , a thirteen-year-old boy , who
took a shot at the Burlington train on
which Mrs. Hough was a passenger.
Imports of Luxuries Less.
New York , Feb. G. The appraised
value of precious stones and pearls
imported at this port during the month
of January , 1003 , Is more than $3.000-
000 less than for the corresponding
month of 1907. It showed n gain ,
however , over last December of $105 ,
Norfolk Railroad Men Have Heard a
Report to the Effect That the Motor
Car Will be Taken Off the North
Line and Sent East.
It Is rumored nmong Norfolk rail
road men that the Boncstccl motor
car will not bo brought back from the
Omaha shops for scrvlco on the north
line and that a return to the old time
steam service may bo expected. The
car , the same report says , Is to be
used by the Northwestern on ono of
Its shorter lines across the river. The
railroad men who believe the rumor
claim that the extra repairs- for the
car have been boxed up and shipped
to the Union Pacific shops.
At the Northwestern headquarters
nothing was known of the reported
removal of the motor car from this
territory. The Norfolk officials stated
that they had received no notice of
this and that they expected the carte
to be returned for service on the
north line.
Some tlmo ago the motor was sent
back to the Union Pacific shop for
Realistic Representation of Guerln
Shooting In Trial of Mrs. McDonald.
Chicago , Fob. 6. A realistic repre
sentation of the shooting of Webster
S. Guerln , according to the theory ot
the tragedy hold by the defense , wna
enacted in the court room in the trial
of Mrs. Dora McDonald' ' .
The attorneys for the prisoner were
endeavoring to provo that during the
struggle between Guorln and Mrs. Me
Donald she turned the revolver against
him and that he pulled the trigger ,
firing a shot into his own chest. Dr.
M. L. Harris , an expert In gunshot
wounds , enacted the part of Guerln ,
and Dr. J. W. Hnll , Mrs. McDonald's
physician , filled the role said to have
been enacted by his patient. The
state oJaimed that if the revolver had
been held at the angle claimed' by the
defense the bullet would have entered
the body of Guorln in a different dl
rectlon from that which it actually
Dozen Passenger Trains Are Snow ,
bound in Various Parts of State.
Detroit , Feb. 6. Withupwards , of a
dozen passenger trains snowbound' In
various parts of the state and Indica
tions of zero weather , Michigan Is In
the grasp of a blizzard that has paral
yzed transportation In many sections
and threatens to cause serious dis
tress. On the Flint division of the Pere
Marquette railroad a passenger train
has been stalled since Saturday and ,
with the railroad closed , a number of
small towns are shut off from their
chief sources of bread and other food
supplies. So far as known the pas
sengers on all snowbound' trains have
been carried on bobsleds to nearby
towns or farm houses.
Four Men Carried Down Mountain
Near Crested Butte , Colo.
Crested Butte , Colo. , Feb. 6. A
snowslide occurred near the workings
ot the Crested' Butte coal mines , which
are located on the mountain a mile
south of town , whereby four men were
carried down the mountainside for a
distance of 1,000 feet , and two of them
were burled and killed in the slide.
The other two managed to ride the
sliding snow and were found at tha
bottom of the mountain , unhurt. The
slide was witnessed by miners on top ,
who at once rushed' ' to the rescue , but
the men were dead before found and
dug out of the snow. The killed are :
Laurence Bequoklch and George La-
Demands Include Free Rides and Abolition
lition of Vagrancy Laws.
St. Louis , Feb. G. As a means of
providing for men and women of the
country who are out of employment ,
the national committee of the unemployed
ployed , appointed at the national con
vention of the self-styled "hoboes , "
drew up a sot of resolutions , demand
ing of the United States government
that it appropriate the $25,000,000
loaned to banks during the recent
financial flurry for that purpose. It
will also bo asked to provide national
insurance for citizens against enforced
idleness or involuntary unemployment.
Other demands include free trans
portatlon for workers from one place
to another and the abolition ot
vagrancy laws. The resolutions will
come before the convention tonight.
Secretary of War Taft , who will be
In St. Louis the last of the week , has
been asked to address the convention
Sunday night , but has not responded
as yet.
Prairie Fire Threatens Damage ,
Pueblo , Colo. , Feb. G. Driven by a
high wind a prairie fire Is raging sev
eral miles east of Holly , Cole , , near
the Kansas line , and threatens to en
ter the town of Coolldgo , Kan. The
fire originated ono mile cast of Holly
from the burning of omo woods In
front of n farm house. The farmers I
In the vicinity of Holly are out on
mqg3Q to fljrht the
President Signs Proclamation Adding
350,000 Acres.
Washington , Feb. G. President
Roosevelt today signed a proclamation
placing 350,000 acres In addition to
the forest reserve territory of south
ern California.
Several Members of the Crew Re.
ported to Have Perished.
New Orleans , La. , Feb. G. A report
was received here today to the effect
that the fruit steamer "Anholin" has
been wrecked off the Spanish-Hondu
ras coast , and several members of the
crew lost.
Candy Salesman In Jail at Fremont
Admits Guilt.
Fremont , Neb. , Fdb. tJ. H. J. Good ,
the Pit Pnt candy salesman who fraud
ulently secured $18 from Otto Pohl on
a collection , is said ! to have obtained
sums aggregating $275 from merchants
in Nebraska and Soijth Dakota by sim
ilar fraudulent operations. Sheriff
Bauman returned nrom Minneapolis
this morning with Gflod. The prisoner
said ho wanted to' plead guilty and
naked for an Immediate hearing. He
was taken before Jfustice Dame , who
bound him over to 'the district court.
Arrangements were made to have
Good appear in district court Saturday
to receive his sentence. The author
ities expect he will be sent to the
Trains to Butte , March 1.
Aberdeen , S. D. , Feb. G. It is
learned from what is regarded as a
most reliable source that the Milwau
kee's extension to Butte , Mont. , will
be In operation and a time schedule
In effect by March 1 between the twin
cities , Aberdeen and the Montana
town. A new timecard will be effec
tive between Aberdeen and Terry ,
Mout. , the next few days.
Indiana Senator Makes Speech In Fa
vor of His Bill Payne Says Next
Republican National Platform Will
Contain Revision Plank.
Washington , Feb. 6. Senator Bever-
Irlgc ( Ind. ) delivered an appeal to the
senate to adopt his bill providing for
a non-partisan tariff commission , a
plan which he declared conformed to
modern and business ideas on this
subject. He spoke for an hour and a
half , recoivlng the careful attention
of the senators and a large gallery.
There were present many delegates of
commercial bodies , now in session in
this city. Following Senator Bever
Idgo's address , several Democratic
senators spoke briefly on the general
subject of the tariff.
Tariff revision and the president's
recent special message to congress
again were the main , topics of discus
sion In the house of representatives.
As has been the case for nearly a
week , the Indian appropriation bill os
tenslbly was before the house , but in
no quarter was any word spoken in re
gard to It. The house apparently had
made up Its mind to discuss the is
sues of the day at this time and no
effort was made to check the flow of
general debate.
A long speech by Serene Payne ( N.
Y. ) , the majority leader , was consld
ered Important , because of his assur
ances that a tariff revision plank
would be incorporated in the Republic
an national platform of this year. He
devoted some attention to Mr. Bryan ,
whom he accredited with going about
the country accusing President Roosevelt -
velt of grand or petit larceny in pur
loining his ideas.
A bitter attack on the rules and
power of the speaker was made in the
house by Nelson ( Rep. , Wls. ) , who
said the power of the house was
merged In the speaker.
President Relieves Charles A. Stilllngs
from Place , Naming Rosslter.
Washington , Feb. 6. President
Roosevelt temporarily suspended as
public printer Charles A. Stilllngs and
appointed William S. Rosslter tempo
rarily to fill the duties of that office.
The aatlon , as explained officially , is to
facilitate the Investigation now being
made of the government printing of
fice by congresi.
The committee on printing is Inves
tigating reports that the Audit System
Suppy company is exerting undue and
Improper influence in the government
printing office and Is also Interested In
the purchase of supplies for the of
Resolutions by numerous labor or
ganizations In various cities charging
violation In the government printing
office of the eight-hour law , discrimi
nation against veteran soldiers and
the widows of soldiers and violation
of the civil service law have been sub
milted to congress and the president.
Columbia Goes Dry.
Columbia , Mo. , Fob. G. Columbia
voted In favor of prohibition by a ma
jority of12 votes. The Fourth ward ,
whore the state university professor !
and officers live , went dry by a vote ol
228 to 93. The election ended a long
nnd bitter contest , The latest report !
Indicate that Boane county went
against the liquor element by 600 ma
Reversal of Government from Dicta
torship to Liberal Policy Has Sootlv
Ing Effect on Country Franco Still
In Hiding Plans for Funeral.
Lisbon , Feb. G. The announced in
tcntion of the now cabinet to put an
end to repression and restore tha
"old liberal monarchy , " which baa
existed In Portugal for sixty years ,
has had a soothing effect on the conn-
trjr. Tranquillity , ia reported from
everywhere In the Interior and Lisbon
seems perfectly peaceful.
Troops are less conspicuous on the
streets of the city nnd If the day of
the funerals passes without Incident ,
tha present phase of the crisis through
which the country id passing may be
regarded as at an end.
The willingness of the republicans
to acquiesce In the present situation
If their friends are released tends to
secure a return to less strenuous
modes of political warfare. Generally
speaking , another upheaval In the
near future la considered practically
Intense interest is shown In Fran
co's whereabouts. The drama centers
about him , but ho remains in seclu
sion , seemingly crushed In spirit. He
declines to see correspondents , to offer
a defense for his policy and explain
his downfall or his decision to retire
completely from the political arena.
His elimination is regretted by the
commercial classes and foreign ele
ments , who are convinced that his
sole object wao the good of the coun
Preparations for the funeral of the
dead king and the crown prince are
rapidly nearlng completion. Mr. Bry
an baa received the appointment of
special envoy of America.
The foreign newspaper correspond
ents from London , Paris and Berlin
are flocking into Lisbon. They seem
disappointed at finding that the coun
try is not In the throes of a revolu
tion. The outgoing telegraph lines al
ready are swamped and there are
many delays incident to the flood of
messages. Increased precautions
have been taken by the authorities to
prevent the spread of false or alarmIng -
Ing reports. Both commercial and
press telegrams are examined to see
that they conform to the regulations
forbidding the transmission of any
thing inimical to the public security
or Irreverent to the royal family.
Harry Thaw's Sister Gets Separation
from Earl of Yarmouth.
London , Feb. G. Sir BIrrell Barnes ,
president of the divorce court , granted
the Countess of Yarmouth , who was
Miss Allco Thaw of Pittsburg , a de
cree nullifying her marriage to the
Earl of Yarmouth.
The case was heard In private. At
the time fixed for the commencement
of the proceedings everyone not actu
ally engaged in the case was excluded
from the court room. The case was
practically undefended and the hear
ing lasted for only half an hour. The
countess , attired In a fashionable
black gown , was present , but the Earl
of Yarmouth was not In court.
The papers in the case are being
kept secret and all Information re
garding the nature of the charges has
been carefully withheld. The state
ment was made , however , that the
character of the medical evidence to
be given made a public hearing inad
Ralsuli to Free MacLean Today.
Tangier , Feb. G. Caid Sir Harry
MacLeau , who has been in the hands
of the bandit Raisuli for the past
seven months , is now within four
hours' ride of Tangier and probably
will be released today. The British
government has finally succeeded in
bringing their negotiations with Rals-
ull to a close and , in return for the
release of Caid MacLean , will pay
$100,000 to Raisuli and guarantee him
protection and Immunity.
Cuban Conspirators Sentenced.
Havana , Feb. 6. The audlcncla
court rendered a verdict in the case
of the six men indicted last September
on the charge of attempting to sub
vert the provisional government and
massacre or drive out the Americans
from Cuba. Masse Parra , Jose Ulla
and Gabriel Guerra were convicted
and sentenced to thirty-nine months'
Imprisonment. Lara Mlret and two
others were acquitted.
Makes Plea for Stoessel.
St. Petersburg , Feb. G. The court-
martial of Lieutenant Stoessrl Is not
yet finished. Deputy Smyrtlanoff ,
counsel for the defense , made an elo
quent plpa for the acquittal of Port
Arthur's commander , picturing the
heroic resistance offered by the de
fenders of the fort under the most
trying conditions and declaring that
not until it was Inevitable did the
fortress fall.
Operated on Eighty-Five Times.
Pcorla , Fvb. G. Mrs. Martha Ann
Davis , ago'J ' sixty years , died ol
dropsy. Mr- . Davis had been opeiated
on eighty-five times and 2,000 pounds
of water drawn off at different opera
tlons. Physicians declare the case tc
be ono of the most singular of Its
kind In the history of the practice ol
Temperature for Twenty-four Hours.
Forecast for Nebraska.
Condition of the weather na recorded -
od for the twenty-four hours ending
at S n. in. today.
Ma.xltnum 12-1
.Minimum 1
\\orago 14
Barometer 30.00
Chicago , Fob. ( ' . . The liullotln IB-
sued by the Chicago station of the
United States weather bureau gives
the forecast for Nebraska as follows :
Fair tonight , probably Increasing
coldnusa. Friday rising temperature.
Result of Sleet Storm In Nebraska ,
Iowa , Illinois and Minnesota.
Chicago , Feb. 6. Communication
from all parts of Illinois , Iowa , Ne
braska and Minnesota Is still In a
frightful condition as a result of Tues
day night's sleet storm.
Newspaper service and brokers'
business IB almost at a standstill In
some portions and the telegraph com
panies are far behind with the trans
mission of messages.
Witnesses Death of Three Doys and
Dies In the Faint That Follows.
Nyack , N. Y. , Feb. C. "Death from
shock" was the verdict of physicians
who examined Into the sudden death
of Mrs. Claudlno Abry of this place
Mrs. Abry saw thruo boys skating on
the Hudson break through the ice and
drown. She watched the work of res
CUR and when the bodies of the boys
were brought out of the river she
fainted. She died later without re
covering consciousness.
Two Women Frozen to Death.
New York , Feb. G. Two women
were found dead In the kitchen of a
house at 351 West Seventy-first street ,
of which they were caretakers. They
wore Mrs. Margaret Meek Bertie ,
seventy years old , and Mrs. Margaret
Kelly , forty years old. For many
years they had been friends. There
was a little coal In a bin In the cellar
and seventeen cents were found In a
cupboard. The police think the wom
en sat by a stove , In front of which
their bodies were found , to keep
warm and fell asleep before the fire
went out and were frozen to death.
Hospital Bed for Auto Victims.
Philadelphia , Feb. G. A bed for the
solo use of the persons injured In au
tomobile accidents Is to be endowed
In the new Garretson hospital here by
members of the Quaker City Ladies'
Memorial club. The deed of gift will
provide , that persons Injured in accl
dents to their own cars will have the
first right to the bed , those injured by
reckless and careless motorists only
being allowed to use it when no motor
car owner Is occupying it.
Suffragette Loses Hotel Case.
New York , Feb. G. That hotel men
of New York have the right to refuse
food and cnteitalnment to women
after 6 o'clock at night , when unac
companled by a man , was the verdict
of a jury In a test case brought by
Mrs. Harriet Stanton Dlatch , the well
known suffragette , against the 11 off
man House corporation. Mrs. Blntcli
announced that she would appeal the
case and try to obtain a decision in
favor of her sex.
Novelty In Veil Pins.
A new veil pin Is a long gold arrow
with detachable head , the end of the
pin fastening securely In place after
the veil Is iilnnud as desired.
Wire Rope Factory Burns.
Trenton , N. .1. , Feb. 6. Two build
fftfg of the John A. Uoebllngs Sons
cowyany , wire rope manufacturers in
this city , were destroyed by ( ire. I i
$20000. Three Italian laborers , who
wciv insisting the firemen , had' a uar <
row escape from death.
Ten Thousand Men Laid Off.
Philadelphia , Feb. G. Ten thousand
men liave been laid off since Decem
ber by the Baldwin locomotive works
of this city because of lack of orders
for engines in this and foreign coun
Peorla Has $250,000 Fire ,
pi'oria , Feb. G. Fire that started' in
tte McAdams Tailoring company con-
sunwd one whole business block on
Adams street. Loss , $250,000.
rdle Men Storm Pittsburg City Hall ,
Pittsburg , Feb. G. With Immediate
work for only about three thousand
men In sight , City hall was stormed
by the "unemployed" and 6,000 appll
cation blanks were issued by the
civil service commission. The rellu !
measures provided for in the ordl
nance appropriating $220,000 for pub
lie improvements in order to employ
the idle men now appear inadequate ,
but much good will result uotwith
County Option In Ohio.
Columbus , O. , Feb. G. The senate
by a vote of 24 to 13 , passed the Rosi
county option bill. The measuru now
goes to the house , and friends of tin
measure claim It will have a target
majority there than In the senate.
Anti-Bucket Shop Bill Paued.
Outhrie , OUIa. , Fob. 6. The stati
senate paused the nntl-buciiot shut
bill The bill Is a very stringent pro
vision and Is modeled after the Texas
law The lower house passed tin
Lindsay anti-trust act.
Witness Reluctantly Admits That H
Received a Percentage of Huston' *
Commissions Gives Damaging Tes
timony Against Sanderson.
Harrlsburg , Pa. , Fob. 0. Architect
Joseph M. Huston virtually turned
state's evidence by proxy against bin
co-defendants , Contractor Sanderson ,
former Auditor General Snydcr , fern >
nr State Treasurer Mathues and fona >
r Public Buildings Superintendent
Shumakor. In tin * trial for conspiracy
In the Dauphin county court. Through
his assistant , Stanford U. Lowlo , the
architect , who remained In seclusion
in his room at a hotel near the court
house and was accessible only to bla
lawyer and confidential friends , gave
damaging testimony against Sanderson
and the former state ofllcers.
Lewis has been called several tlmei
by the commonwealth , but It wao tha
first tlmo that the defense regarded
his testimony of sufficient Importance
to cross-examine him. Attorney Gil
bert Insisted that Lewis was a park
nor of Huston In the capital work and
was refusing to reveal his true rcla-
tlon to the architect for fear of In
criminating himself.
Lewis denied this. Lewis reluctant
ly admitted that he received a percent
age of Huston's commissions. Ha
stated that he was to get 26 per cent
Lewis was explaining why the deduc
tions were made by Huston in the bllli
for the metallic furniture when the
court adjourned for the day.
Forester In Charge of Las Anlmas Re
serve Says Timber Is Cut Illegally.
Leaavillo , Colo. , Feb. G. That fully
75 p r cent of the homesteads In the
Las Animus forest reserve uro fraudu
lent was the remarkable statement
made by Daniel 13. Fitton , In charge ot
thai reserve , at a meeting of the for
esters of Colorado and surroundlni
states. Fitton said that when the for
est service first took charge of the Lag
Animus reserve fully $500 worth ol
timber was cut every day illegally.
This , ho said , had been stopped.
F. D. Pollock , assistant forester ol
the United States , In an address , also
assorted that millions of acres of laud
on the forest reserves had been stolen
from the government. Pollock said
that the statements of Fitton could
bo mndw of all the forest reserves ID
the country.
Sugar Trust Employes Indicted.
New York , Feb. G. On Indictments
charging conspiracy to defraud the
United States government , Ernest W.
Gerbrachl , chief sugar expert of the
American Sugar Refining company ,
and seven other employes of the sugar
trust wpre arrestod. The Indictment ol
Gnrhrauht Is one of the results of the
investigation of the grand Jury la
learn who was responsible for the ma
nipulation of the scales on the Will-
lamsburg pier of the American Sugar
Refining company , by which , It Is al
leged , the government has been de
frauded out of thousands of dollars IB
the last fifteen years.
Cymric Reaches Boston.
Boston , Feb. G. The survivors ol
the steamer St. Cuthbort , who wore
taken from their burning and sinking
vessel by the steamer Cymric , 400
miles from this port , after fourteen
of their companions had perished ,
were landed here. Six of these who
reached here were In need of careful
nursing and two of them , Captain
John Lewis , the commander of the
vessel , and Armaml J. Obert , a seaman -
man , were so badly burned about the
head' and face that It was with d I fa
culty that they were taken to the lies *
pital. Both , however , will probabl/
Charges Against Joy Morton.
Chicago , Feb. G. Fraud In connec
tion with the purchase of $212,313
worth of alleged worthless securities
Is charged against Joy Morton , B. P.
Deinuty , W. F. Morrison and other di
rectors of the Jackson Trust and Sav
ings bank In a bill filed In the circuit
court by certain dissatisfied stockhold
ers of the bank. The court Is asked to
vacate a transfer of the leasehold of-
the bank to the Railway Exchange
bank , organized by Morton and others
for the purpose , It Is charged , of tak
ing over the sccuritius classed as
Convicted Clergyman Granted Writ.
Springfield. II ) . , Feb. G. A message
wus received by the ( Jutted States
district attorney's ofTlce saying that
Judge Putor S. Grosscup , In the United
States circuit court of appeals , bad
granted a writ of suporscdcas In the
case of the Rev. James E. Kaye , an
Oak Park (111. ( ) clergyman , who was
convicted of counterfeiting. Kayo la
under a two years' sentence In the
penitentiary arid Is now In the jail an
nex here.
Shot by His Brother-ln-Law.
St. Louis , Fob. G. John T. Wilson
of St. Louis , president of the Interna
tional Brotherhood of Railroad' Main
tenance of Way Employes , was shot
twice by his brother-in-law , Frank G.
Engleman of Kansas City , and Is ! n a
critical condition. The shooting oc
curred at the Wilson homo hero and
Wilson , In a statement to the police ,
alleged that his wife started a row
and Englcman joined with her.