The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 31, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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Judge Barnes Authorized the County
Attorney of Holt County to Enter a
Nolle to the Proceeding * After Ed
itor Acknowledges Mistake.
Tbo criminal libel caao nfnlnst ; Ed
itor Gfiorgh A. Miles . .pJlio O'Neill Independent -
dependent was dismissed from the
Holt county dlRtrlct court yesterday.
The dismissal followB a retraction pub
lished by Editor Miles In the Indepen
dent , the dropping of the cnso being
Immediately suggested by Judge J. D.
Harriet ) after Editor Miles had ac
knowledged his error In the article
touching Judge Darned which pro
voked the libel prosecution.
Yesterday County Attorney E. II.
Whelan In the district court of Holt
county filed a "nolle prosequl" and
moved the court to strike the tran
script from the fllea. The court sus
tained the motion and dismissed the
case , discharged the defendant and
released the bondsmen.
The dismissal of the Miles libel case
this week la a final chapter in the
prosecution of the Holt county editor.
Funeral of Ferdinand Schwede.
The funeral of Ferdinand Schwede ,
a Madison county pioneer who died at
his homo two miles cast of the Nor
folk hospital , was arranged for Friday.
The services at the liotiso will bo held
at 10:30 : o'clock , at Christ Lutheran
church nt 12 o'clock noon. Rev. J. P.
Mueller will conduct the services.
Mr. Sclnvcdo was seventy years old
and was one of the German-American
citizens who came to this vicinity
from Wisconsin In the early seventies.
Ho died of old age.
A wlfo and four sons survive. The
sons are Herman Schwede and Frank
Schwede who live six miles east of
the city , Gustav Schwede who lives in
Pierce county and Fred Schwede who
lives on the old home place.
Death came Wednesday.
Interment will be In the east ceme
Battle Creek.
lola , tile three-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Derrick died this
morning at 8:30 : , of bralnfever. The
funeral will be conducted by Rev. J. R
Callow of the M. 13. church and the
remains will be laid to rest at the
Union cemetery. The funeral will be
at 2 o'clock , Friday afternoon.
Howard Miller's brick block will be
the finest in the city. The large plate
glass front Is put in now and the build
ing will be lighted by electricity. The
lower part will be occupied by the
Battle Creek Hardware company and
the harness business formerly trans
acted by A. P. Brubaker.
The west end drug store changed
hands again. AV. H. Stocker sold the
business back to it's former proprleto
Chas T. Hamnn.
John Burch moved into the Man
nlng house on Depot street.
County Attorney Jack Koenigstel
of Norfolk transacted business her
the middle of this week.
John Rodekohr returned WedneS'
day from an extended visit with rela
tlves in Missouri.
Blbert Carrleo has rented the Mar !
Coad form in Highland precinct. Th
place is vacated by J. C. Dinkel.
Nine carloads of stock were shippe
to Omaha Monday. Among the ship
pers were : Fred Tegeler , Harry Nlles
Grant Reed , W. H. Daniel , L. J. Danle
John Praeuner and Wta. Tledgen.
Mrs. B. Crowell and three chlldre :
returned Monday after a couple o
days visit here with her parents Mr ,
and Mrs. G. P. Johnson , to her horn
in Tilden.
S. ' H. Thatch hag moved to town
into his house in Highland park.
Major Hale and sister , Miss Bird !
Hnle of Atkinson were visiting rela
tlves here the latter part of last week
F. K. Carnett was visiting relative
In Tilden Sunday.
S. S. Moftett was here Saturday from
Ralph Simmons was In Norfolk
J. A. Bressler was hero Friday on
business from Meadow Grove.
Morris Hale arrived here Friday
from Wythe county , Virginia , for an
extended visit with his brother , Mil
lard Hale. If this country suits him
ho may locate here permanently.
Strange Reason for Commending th
Gregory , S. D. , Jan. 24. Editor Nor
folk Dally News : I see by The New
that Gov. Sheldon is to be commend
ed for his brave stand in regard t
the Barker hanging , and that If Gov
Mickey had shown the same spirit
Hlggins would never have been' lynch
ed. Well , all I have to say is , Hurra'
for Mickey ! If more of these dirt ;
murderers were Hlgglnizcd , ther
would bo less murderous assaults o
women and children. F. Ishert.
G. W. Ramackers of Lindsay.
Lindsay , Nob. , Jan. 24. Special t
The News : G. W. Ramackers , age
73 , died at the homo of his son Wl !
Ham , a mile and a half north of here
after a lingering Illness duo to in
firmlties of old age.
Mr. Rnmackcrs was ono of the carl
settlers in the north Platte country
when all was prairie , before Llndsa
or Humphery or any town on th
branch was established , when the
hauled tliolr grain to Columbus to mar
kct , or in need of a doctor they hate
to traverse that distance. He was th
father of a largo family , most of whom
have preceded him. He left his eon
William and Mrs. Jncon Hour , living
near Lindsay , to mourn bin losn. Ho
was hurled yesterday from the Cath
olic church , of which he has always
bci'ii a de\oted member.
eventy-Two Years Old , George Os-
borne of Tilden , Takes Tumble.
George Onborne experienced an awk
ward accident on Wednesday states
10 Tilden Citizen. Upon mounting a
risky saddle horse ho found ono of the
tlrrups twisted and stooped over In
tie saddle to talic out the kink. The
erse appeared to become frightened ,
.imped sideways and threw its rider ,
n the fall Mr. Osborno struck a big
hunk of dirt and sustained
very painful and extensive bruise
long the spinal column. "Daddy" is
ovcnty-two years old , but If ho lives
o double that age , ono couldn't 1m-
glno him riding any but fractious ,
nd spitfire horses and the horse that
brows him In a fair tussle Is entitled
o a place in equine history.
Herman Winter Wires The News That
the Norfolk Delegation Has Been
Successful In Securing Next Win
ter's Convention.
Nebraska City , Neb. , Jan. 21. Spe
cial to The News : The Nebraska
State Volunteer Firemen's association
will hold its annual convention in Nor-
'oik ' in 1909. Herman Winter.
The above telegram , sent by Herman
Winter of the Norfolk fire department ,
tells the story of success that has been
accomplished by the Norfolk firemen's
delegation attending the state conven
ion this week at Nebraska City.
The Norfolk fire boys went to Ne
braska City determined to bring back
ho next convention if possible. How
well they have accon pllshed their de
sired aim Is shown by the brief dls
Twice before Norfolk has entertain
ed the state convention of the state
volunteer firemen's association. And
without doubt next year's visit will be
the best of them all.
Real Estate Transfers.
Real estate transfers for the wcel
ending January 24 , 1908 , compiled by
Madison County Abstract and Guar
nntee company , office with Mapes &
lxou Z , Lee and wife to T. W. John
son , W. D. , consideration $3,000 , lo
3 , Durland's suburban lots to Norfolk
August Leu and wife to John Horst
W. D. , consideration $5,000 , W , & o
NEW of 3-21-1.
WJlhelm Reikofski and wife to John
M. Lulow , W. D. , consideration $12
000. E > , of NW'i 21 , and S
of 1C-23-4.
John V. Klein to Chris P. Christian
sen , W. D. , consideration $4GOO , , lo
11 , block 3 , Norfolk Junction.
Andrew J. Durland and wife , Win
nle R. , to George A. Scott. W. D. , con
sideration $0,000 , E CO acres of S'/i
of SWU of 24-24-1.
Andrew J. Durland and wife to Ra
chel J. Coleman , Q. C. D. , $1.00 , lo
C In C-22-1.
Myron L. Ogden and wife to J. E
piCrum , W. D. , consideration $550 , lo
11 of Davis subdivision of block 12 o
Haase's suburban lots to Norfolk.
Elizabeth Knapp to Bena Knapp , W
D. , consideration $25 , E& of the
of 21-21-2.
Mills Real Estate company to Pau
Fruhof , W. D. , consideration $380 , lot
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , G and 7 , block 11 , Dorse
Place addition to Norfolk Junction.
Mills Real Estate company to Wll
liam Rleke. W. D. , consideration $220
lots 8 , 9 , 13 and 14 , block 11 , Dorse
Place addition to Norfolk Junction.
Entered a Plea of "Not Guilty" to the
Charge of Forging Garfield Wood-
bury's Name to a Northwestern Pay
Ray Kennard , charged with forgery ,
was bound over to the district court
at 11 o'clock Friday morning in Jus
tice Lambert's court. Kennard will
probably be tried on the charge next
Accompanied by his attorney , E. P.
Weatherby , Keananl appeared In jus
tice court and entered a plea of "not
guilty" to the charge of forging Garfield -
field Woodbury's name to a North
western pay check. The prisoner's at
torney then waived preliminary hear
ing nnd Kennard was bound over to
the district court under $500 bond.
It was not known whether or not the
bond could be furnished. Kcnnard's
father , who lives at Plalnvlew , Is said
to bo a poor man and the bond will
probably depend on friends. Konnnrd
himself comes from Plainvlow. He
was until recently in the service of
the Northwestern.
The officers said Friday that Ken-
nard would remain In Norfolk until
Saturday , when ho would be taken to
Madison if bail was not furnished.
Chris Lenser , who implicated Ken
nard in the forgery , will have bis pre
liminary hearing next Wednesday.
Territory Includes 13D Property
Owners and 100 Actual Resident
Families List of Property Owners
a Part of Court Records.
When the annexation petition gets
hrough the district court Norfolk's
ugal population will be increased by
alf n thousand. There are 130 pro-
> crty owners In the outlying sections
the city is to bring within the
; lty limits. Of these property owners
Ity Attorney Hnr.en has figured out
hat virtually an oven hundred live in
ho territory to be taken In. Taking
ho customary average of five people
o each household gives Norfolk an ad <
lltlonal ROO residents to bo added by
he annexation proceedings.
City Attorney Hanen has secured a
1st of all the property owners in the
Itstrlcts affected. This list Is arrang
d alphabetically and will bo filed with
he district court. A plat of the tor
Itory has been prepared by City En-
Inner Salmon.
The annexation petition will be filed
at once.
Few people in Norfolk who have
eel < ed into the matter doubt that Nor
folk already has 5,000 people within ,
he city limits nt the present time. |
iut once the annexation is complete
here will be no doubt of 5,000 people.
Ivlng in the city. '
A population of 5,000 will make Nor-1
folk a city of the same class as Beat-1
rice , Fremont , Nebraska City , Hast-
ngs and Grand Island , which are gov
erned by a different charter.
Miss Mamie Ward is visiting friends
near Nehawka.
Mrs. Oaks , who is now conducting
a millinery store at Seward , is visit-
ng In Norfolk. .
Spencer Butterfleld returned last
evening from Sioux City , where he was
present at the river congress.
C. C. Clark has returned to Norfolk
from Fort Morgan , Colo. , where he
was employed in a sugar factory dur
ing the past season.
Superintendent C. H. Reynolds and
Bridge Superintendent Burrell have
been out for a trip of inspection over
the south Platte lines of the North'
County Attorney Jack Koenlgsteln
Is still in Battle Creek in connection
with the taking of an Invoice In a
Battle Creek drug store which is
changing hands.
G. W. Evans is home from Lincoln
where he attended the annual meeting
of the Dwelling House Mutual Insur
ance company. Mr. Evans was elect
ed to the board of directors for a three
year term.
C. E. Burnham , Henry Haase and
J. B. Maylard , members of the Norfolk
delegation to the Missouri River Nav
igation congress at Sioux City , re
turned home Thursday evening from
Sioux City. G. D. Butterfleld , anothe
member of the delegation , went t
Omaha from Sioux City.
Among the day's out of town visit
ors in Norfolk were : E. A. Klnkald ,
Plalnview ; Misses Carrie , Hattle am
Margaret Stoecker , Joseph Stoecker ,
Schuyler ; Charles Bruner , Pierce ; G
D. Welch , Rockford ; J. S. DeForest
Creighton ; Mrs. K. S. Haugen , Mn
Alfred Haugen , Verdel ; Mrs. A. S. D
Johnson , Hlllo , Minn. ; M. Nichols
S. R. Carney Is home from a trip
south of the Platte river.
President Kluke of the Rosin coa
company , in which many Norfolk people
plo are interested , came up from
Dodge Friday on his way to visit the
mine In Wyoming.
J. F. Flynn , chairman of the demo
crllllc central committee , will go tc
Madison next week to confer with
Madison democrats in regard to call
ing the central committee together.
Miss Victoria Killian of Cedar Bluff :
is a guest at the Killian home in Nor
folk , having arrived with her brother ,
James Killian , who is assisting in the
annual Invoice of the A. L. Killian
A number of firemen returned at
noon and the balance will be home to
night from Nebraska City. Among
those who returned were : C. E.Hart
ford , R. H. Reynolds , H. W. Winter ,
Ed DIxon , Bun Dixon , P. J. Fuesler ,
Lou Bruce and Lou Kenerson.
Chris Anderson has been threaten
ed with the grip.
Born , to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wlldeman ,
living northeast of Norfolk , a daughter.
Martin Kahland of Tilden and Miss
Mollie Simonsen of Mlllard were mar
ried in Omaha.
Miss Elsie Case of South Norfolk
has been added to the sales force in
the ? Bee Hive store.
The Madison band on next Monday
evening will give an old fashioned
minstrel show In the Madison opera
The Bonesteel motor was missing
from the Bonesteel line , another small
break in machinery taking the car off
Joseph Cullos received a broken
leg In a runaway at Pierce. Ono of
his horses fell into the arcaway of
a basement barber shop , but was un
P. D. Coryell of Plalnvlew is one of
the directors of the Nebraska Lum
ber Dealers association which met this
week In Omaha.
The comptroller of the currency has
authorized the First National bank of
St. James , Neb. , to remove to Wynot ,
Neb. , under the title "Tho First Nat-
lonal Bank of Wynot. "
Mrs. Earle Harper of Clearwater Js
111. Mr. Harper's parents , Mr and Mrs.
George Harper of Plalnvlew , wrote
that they would pass through Norfolk
on their way to Clearwater.
Ray Kennard , the ex-brakeman
barged with forgery , had a visitor
estorday his father from Plalnvlew.
Cennard's home U nt Plainvlow nl-
hough he has been in Norfolk whllo
railroad man. Ills preliminary hear-
Jig , It was stated , would be held
. "rlday.
George Stalcop's force of men began
r estorday * noon to put up the 1908 Ice
rop. Ice is being cut from Stalcop's
; > end , near the sugar factory , and is
nine to nine and a half Inches thick.
The ice is said to bo unusually good.
large force of men arc on the Job ,
filling various vaults , etc.
Supeilntendent O'Brien of the state
loli hatchery , passed through Norfolk
rom South Bend for Valentine with
200,000 trout eggs which will bo planted -
ed In the Verdigris and other streams
near Valentine. The eggs nro about
six weeks old and were hatched at
he South Bend station.
Ed Harter has Just received a letter
'rom ' Redding , Cal. , giving details of
he death of his brother , Joseph Har-
er. The man died of grip. He had
been sick in the hospital of the Mam
moth Mining company at Kennet , near
Redding , for about a week. He was
given suitable burial at Redding.
Fremont Tribune : Mrs. F. M.
Slsson of Albion , wife of the Rev.
F. M. Slsson , , is at the Fremont hos-
; > ltal. Rev. Mr. Slsson , who is pastor
of the Methodist church at Albion ,
was In Fremont today to be with her ,
and was accompanied by his son ,
Warren , who is located at York at
present. '
Musical people , such as the Criter
ion ' Musical Four , Ola Faber and Eva
Spear , have deserted the ranks of
vaudeville and will be seen at the
Auditorium 4t t 4 , Saturday night with Grace
Cameron in "Little Dollie Dimples. '
The recuits from the polite and "some
times continuous" will render their
various specialties as well as appear
In 1 prominent roles.
Glen Willey says he saw a burglar
trying to get into the house when he
got home Wednesday night. Willey
also says that he chased the burglar
and that the wicked man had a dark
lantern and wore a mask. Willey rode
homo on a bicycle and rode up on the
grass and in this way caught the burg
lar at his nefarious work which was
apparently to break In the house. He
was not caught.
The seat sale of tickets for the Grace
Cameron performance in "Little Dollie
Dimples , " which comes to the Audito
rium Saturday night , has been brisk
from the beginning of the day. The
demand for seats has been unusually
large and it is believed that the Audi
torlum will be packed to Its capacity
Saturday night for this musical cock
tail. A large number of out of town
people have already ordered seats and
it is expected that many more wll
arrive in Norfolk Saturday night tc
see the show.
Miss Grace Cameron's latest vaude
ville engagement was at Cape Town
South Africa , and on the long voyag <
to her native land , when not thinking
of "home , sweet home , " she was study
Ing the part of Dollie In her new play
"Little Dollie Dimples , " In which sh
will be seen at the Auditorium Sat
urday night and when she arrived in
New York was letter perfect at th
reading rehearsal. Miss Cameron ha
had many offers to return to vaudevill
but now that her success as a sta
is assured , she has turned a deaf ea
to the "two-a-day" managers. Th
play Is now making Its second tou
and is meeting with great success.
Installation of officers of the Loya
Mystic Legion for the coming year wa
held at G. A. R. hall last night , afte
which the tables were spread with a
bountiful repast , a prominent featur
of which was oysters. All present en
joyed a Jolly good time and will re
member the occasion as one of th
bright spots In the history of the L. M
L. A. Following Is the new list o :
officers : John W. Fetter , W. C. ; Mrs
E. A. Ogden , W. V. C. ; Mrs. D. A
Quick , W. P. ; Mrs. R. A. Adams , P
W. ; L. M. Gaylord , W. Tr. and Sec.
Mra T. T > m11enr P. W Tnhn OnloV onf
ed as installing officer. The installa
tion was semi-public.
"Of course you have plenty of time
now , " suggested the Norfolk man.
"Very busiest time in the year for
me , " replied the farmer who lives near
Norfolk and who has few equals as a
successful farmer. "Against common
supposition this is the time of the
year when I am really the hardest
pressed with my work. I need a long
er day. In fact , I always employ more
help at this time of year than any
other season. There Is the hay to
gather in. There is the wood to cut.
Such of the fall crop as we desire to
sell is to be marketed. The farm haste
to be kept In repair , the stock looked
after. Any farmer who turns his at
tention to any extent towards stock-
raising finds his winters hold plenty
of work. Some farmers may arise at
10 in the winter. I don't . "
Congressman Kinkaid has been
advised of the following pension al
lowances : Elmer S. Bailey of Bal-
laugh , Otis Long of Scovllle , Lyman
Z. Lotspelch of Blngham , George Pal
mer of Pullman , Francis M. Stumble
of Lynch , William Stanley of Lomax ,
Henry E. Ware of Lexington , Joel
Rhoads of Staurt each $12 per month ;
Newton Clark of Brady , Jonathan
Freeman Ellsworth of Hyannis , John
H. Mills of Whitney , John F. Wil
liams of Erlcson , each $15 per month ;
Jacob J. Myers of North Platte , Au
gust Miller of Arnold , John A. Points
of Ansley , Hanford N Smith of St.
Paul , Robert W. Shaffer of Comstock ,
each $20 per month ; James F. Kel-
log of Wood Lake , $8 per month ; Gus
Larson , $12 per month , Mrs. Clare M.
Cole of Emmet , $8 $ per month and $2
additional for a minor child.
Dahlman Says Story From Sioux City
Was Exaggerated Claims Chairman
Labored Under Mistaken Impression
That He Was a South Dakotan.
Omaha , Neb. , Jan. 24. Special to
The News : Mayor James Dahlman
of Omaha today declared that the re
port of the Sioux City waterways con
jress episode in which ho figured , had
been grossly exaggerated.
Ho denied that he was intoxicated
or that he did anything ungeutlomanly
or was out of order.
Ho said the chairman made errors
thinking ho was from South Dakota ,
with the result that a number of dele-
atcs from the state precipitated the
trouble by Insisting that he sit down.
Sioux City , Jan. 24. Mayor Jim
Dahlman , of Omaha , made his speech
yesterday afternoon that Is , ho tried
to make it.
The cowboy mayor was on the list
of notables who were down for ad
dresses at the doubleheader banquet
of the Missouri River Navigation con
gress Wednesday night , but ho failed
to arrive in time for the banquet.
The far famed burgomaster endeav
ored to make n few brief remarks at
the closing session of the congress nt
the New Grand theater yesterday af
ternoon , with the result that ho was
ejected from the convention upon do
in nnd of the assemblage.
Hisses , cat calls , stamping of feet
nnd loud cries of "Put him out !
drowned the thick accents of the man
from down the river when he endeav
ored ( to present sonic of his perfumed
"I want to say right hero that I
represent the people of Nebraska , '
came in an unsteady volco as Dahlman
rose to his feet. It was evident that
the mayor during his sojourn in Sioux
City had not devoted his attention ex
clusively to waterways.
The audience got restless.
"I want to say right here that I
have something to say about this mat
ter , " repeated Omaha's mayor. "Let
me tell you something. I have some
thing to tell you. I know something
about this. "
Difficulty of Navigation.
Thereupon he proceeded to Illustrate
some of the difficulties of navigation
and advanced a few steps down the
aisle , grasping the seats on either side
as he went.
By this time the audience had dis
covered the truth. Dahlman was for
water in the river.
The audience was more than rest
"We are ready to help fix the Mis
souri river , and want to see it done , "
declared Mayor Dahlman , "but I want I
to tell you that what you have got to
do is to go down to Washington and
see Joe Cannon and Allison and all
those other fellows "
A noisy pounding of shoe leather
sounded from one end of the room
and was taken up by other Impatient
delegates till the voice from Nebraska
was drowned in a racket. Remarks
of protest came from various members
not respectful of the dignity of the
chief executive of so large and Im
portant a city.
Dahlman Held Floor.
One man arose to a point of order.
Others seconded his point loudly. The
confusion grew as hisses were added
to the stamping. But Dahlmau held
the floor.
Gov. Burke tried to make himself
audible above the din.
"The gentleman from Nebraska is
out of order , " shouted the chairman.
"Put him out ! " came in a vociferous
chorus from an upper box.
"Sit down ! " and "Shut up ! " re
sounded from all corners of the room.
"I won't sit down , " balled Dahlman
In as loud a voice as ho could muster.
"Come on and nut me out ! I nm hnro
to talk , and I am going to talk. "
And he began to remove his coat.
The demand that the speaker bo put
out was repeated time and again.
"Is there a sergeant at arms in the
house ? " Inquired Gov. Burke , trying
to make his voice heard above the
confusion. "Is there a sergeant at
arms In the house ? " ho repeated.
Dllley to the Rescue.
The call of "Sheriff Dilley ! " was
taken up on all sides.
The sheriff was the official sergeant
at arms of the congress.
That rotund official finally elbowed
through the crowd and made his way
to Mayor Dahlman , none of the
Nebraska delegates interfering. Ho
took the explosive Mr. Dahlman by the
arm and that worthy , with hut little
objection , gathered up his coat and
hat and was personally conducted to
the door by the officer.
Later in the proceedings , after the
report of the committee and the mat
ter of how the president should be
chosen were disposed of , Gov. Burke ,
in Justice to Omaha's mayor said : "I
will now hear the gentleman from
Nebraska. "
Cries Immediately rang out : "Wo
don't want him. " They showed de
cidedly that the delegates were in no
mood to listen to the cowboy mayor.
And Mr , Dahlmnn did not endeavor
to continue his remarks.
Death of Michael Rooney , Jr.
Michael Rooney , Jr. , living two miles
from Battle Creek , classed as n splen
did young man , widely known and es
teemed by all his friends , died Sunday
morning following an attack of ty
phoid fever. Ho was about twenty-
five years old nnd lived with his father
and mother , who were early Bottler *
ArbucMes1 is a tremendous
organization that results4in
economy , and gives coffee
drinkers in the United States
the cheapest good coffee in the
We have our own offices in
Brazil , charter our own vessels
that bring the coffee to our
own docks in Brooklyn , own
our own stores where the green
coffee matures and improves.
ArbucMes' Ariosa Coffee
is not touched by human hands
it is cleaned , sorted , roasted ,
packaged and weighed by in
genious machinery , mostly
constructed by our ownmachin
ists in our own shops.
The package is for your protection ,
that you may be positive that you re
ceive the genuine Arbuckles' Ariosa
Coffee every time no matter where
you buy it or what price you pay. We
will * tell you where you can buy
Arbuckles * Ariosa Coffee if you have -
trouble in finding it. I
AHUUCKLE BKOa , Now Tork Cltr.
in this section of north Nebraska. He
was a member of the O'Neill council
of the Knights of Columbus and mem
bers of that order will be in attend
ance at his funeral which will be held
at the Catholic church in Battle
Creek at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning.
Father Thomas Walsh will be assisted
by Father McNamara of Bloomfield ,
Father Dolan of Chadron , Father J. T.
Smith of Omaha and Father Mulligan
of St. Edwards.
Suggestion Is Made That Such a Plan
Would Economize on the Lot , on the
Heating Plant and the Janitor One
of Each Would Do.
"Allow mo to suggest , " said a Nor
folk business man who is interested
in both the proposed public library ,
the proposed new Y. M. C. A. building
and the welfare of the city of Norfolk ,
"that the two buildings be united Into
one proposition , that subscriptions be
taken for both in one fund , that we
buy the lot directly across the street
south from the postoffice and put both
these buildings on that lot.
"That would mean economy in many
ways. In the first place wo would
have to buy only one lot. In the second
end place , one janitor could take care
of them both and in the third place
one heating plant could heat them
"It seems to me that would be a sim
ple solution of the whole matter which ,
If allowed to remain two distinct prop
ositions , is very soon going to cause
"Let us get together and quit quib
bling and quarreling over the affair.
Without absolute harmony and enthu
siastic co-operation , both propositions
will be difficult. Let us unlto them
and then , uniting for them , all get to
gether and boost. "
"We could move the house off that
lot and sell it for what it would
bring. "
The lot referred to , known as the
old Gerecke or Howe Egbert property ,
is 100x170 feet
John Dettmann Bound Over for KillIng -
Ing Geoi M. Taylor Wants Liberty.
Fairfax , S. D. , Jan. 27. Special to
The News : John Dettmann , recently
bound over to the circuit court by
Justice Biggins for the killing of Geo.
M. Taylor , has made application
through his attorneys to Judge Smith
for ball. The application was present
ed to Judge E. G. Smith nt Platte on ,
Monday of last week. After exnmin-
ing the evidence produced at the pre
liminary hearing , Judge Smith admit
ted Dettmann to ball in the sum of
$10,000 $ , and upon furnishing said bail
ho is to bo released from the custody
of the sheriff of Gregory county. The
order has been filed with the clerk of
courts nnd it Is expected that ball will
bo procured in a short time.
Fairfax Hose company No. 1 , will
glvo a grand ball on the evening of
February 14th. Music for the occas
ion will bo furnished by a new orch
estra recently organized at this place
by Prof. Jacob Becker. The firemen's
annual ball is always a big event in
Rural mall routes out of Gregory
and Burke are soon to bo established
and examinations for carriers will bo
held in Fairfax on Saturda
week before Postmaster Olson. It I
understood that there are about eleven
applicants for the two Jobs.
Last week a paper was circulated
about town and almost unanimously
signed , asking that our officials taker
steps to entirely suppress the gambl
ing evil. Those who signed the docu
ment mentioned , pledge themselves io
stand by all lawful efforts to make it
a complete success.
Al. Sears says a Catholic prlost at
Downs lately told him the following-
story : An Irish section boss was dis
charged , and an Italian placed over
him , ns foreman. One day the Irish
man's priest came along , and said :
"Good morning. How do you like your
dago boss ? " "All right , " the Irishman
replied ; "how do you like yours ? "
The State of Nebraska , County off
Madison , ss.
At a County Court held at the Coun
ty Court Room , In and for said County ,
January 11 , 1908.
Present , Wm. Bates , County Judge ,
In the Matter of the Estate of Ralph
L. Braasch , deceased.
On reading and filing the petition of
Jack Koenlgsteln , late attorney for C.
W. Braasch , administrator , now de
ceased , praying that administration off
said estate may be granted to Burt
Mapes as administrator , De Bonls Non _
Ordered , That February 10 , A. D.
1908 , at one o'clock p. m. Is assigned
for hearing said petition , when all per
sons Interested in said matter may
appear at a County Court to be held
nt the court room in and for said coun
ty , and show cause why the prayer of
petitioner should not be granted ; and
that notice of the pendency of said
petition and the hearing thereof , bo
given to all persons Interested in said
matter by publishing a copy of this
order in Norfolk Weekly News- Journal
a weekly newspaper printed , published
and circulated in said county , for three
successive weeks , prior to said day of
Wm. Bates , County Judge ,
( Seal. )
Notice to Creditors.
The State of Nebraska , Madison Conn *
ty , ss.
In the matter of the estate of Vallfo
B. Nethaway and Mary L , Nethaway ,
deceased. Notice is hereby given to
all persons having claims
and de
mands against Vallle B. Nethaway and
Mary L. Nethaway late of said Madison
county , deceased , that the time fixed
for filing claims against said estate
is six months from the 21st day of
January , 1908. All such persons are
required to present their claims with
the vouchers to the county judge of
said county at his office in the city of
Madison , in said Madison county , on
or before the 22nd day of July , 1908 ,
aid that all claims so filed will bo
heard before said judge on the 22nd
day of July , 1908 , at ono o'clock p.
. It is further ordered that notice to
nil J persons interested in said cstato
be given by publishing
a copy of this
order in the Norfolk
Weekly News-
Journal , a weekly newspaper printed ,
published and circulating In said
county , for four consecutive weeko
prior to said day of hearing.
Witness my hand and seal this 14th
day of January , A. D. 1908.
[ Seal. ] Wm. Bates ,
County Judgo.
Western Grown Garden and Field
Seeds , including snake and other cu
cumber , prehistoric
nnd other corn ,
both sweet and field. pcncilarla ,
squash , melon , mammoth sunflower ,
and hundreds of other seeds , 1 cent
and up per packet , ( also sell Hi bulk )
direct from grower to piunter. Gar
den Guide and descriptive price list
free. Address H. M , Gardner , seed