The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 24, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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Domestic Trobules Have Disturbed the
Household , Which Fact Started Ru
mors of Suicide , But the Coroner
Finds Nothing Wrong.
IlaUlo Creole , Nub , , Jan. 20. Special
to The News : Mrs. Herman Kyi , the
wife of a retired fiinnor living In Hut *
tie Creek , died maidenly Saturday
night at Battle Crook under clrcum-
fitancoH that resulted In Coroner Kin
dred being called from Meadow drove.
The Inquest , hold Sunday , ahowcd
that death had resulted from hcurt
Domestic troubles have disturbed
thu peace of the Eyl household and
this connected with Mrs. Kyi's sudden
( loath resulted In various stories ,
mostly suggesting suicide , being cir
culated In Buttle Creek.
Coroner II. L. Kindred of Meadow
Grove arrived In IJattle Creek Sunday
and with Dr. Tanner examined the
heart of the dead woman , the post
mortem examination disclosing heart
failure to have been the cause of
death. An Inquest was hold and the
coroner's Jury returned a verdict of
\ death by heart failure.
Mrs. lOyl Is a second wife. She had
only been married a little over a year
but her domestic dllllcultles with her
husband had boon generally known In
Battle Creek , where It was reported
that husband and wife generally kept
In opposite parts of the house.
The funeral was held Monday af
C. C. Gow left at noon for Stautou.
M. D. Tyler was In Wayne Monday.
John Porter of Pierce Is visiting rel
atives in Norfolk.
Father Tovls arrived homo Monday
noon from Chicago.
N. S. Westrope was a Plalnvlow vis
itor In Norfolk Sunday.
S. M. Rosenthal spent the day In
Sioux City on business.
Fred L. Barclay of Stuart was a
Sunday visitor In Norfolk.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Carpenter of
Wayne spent Sunday In Norfolk.
P. J. McManus and J. F. O'Donnell
of O'Neill were In Norfolk Monday.
Dr. C. A. McKlm was In Norfolk ,
returning to Lincoln from Spencer.
Miss Elizabeth Zimmerman of Bat
tle Creek spent Saturday in Norfolk.
Attorney Janies Nichols of Madison
was in Norfolk Monday on his way to
Miss Lulu Durland returned to Oak-
'dale Sunday after a short visit in
A. II. Klesau has gone to Chicago
Grand Rapids and other points on
Herman Prlbbenow of Omaha , for
werly of Norfolk , is in the city visit
Ing friends.
T. D. Preece and Fred Brecliler of
Battle Creek were in the city during
the afternoon.
Mrs. M. Brown of Omaha is In Nor
folk on a visit with her parents , Mr
and Mrs. J. F. Bocck.
Mayor nnd Mrs. C. B. Durland spen
Sunday in Plainvlew , guests at the
homo of II. G. Correll.
M. C. Hazen left Monday noon fo
Stanton , where the Stanton conntj
district court was convened by Judge
Mrs. D. Mathewson has been quite
ill with a severe attack of the grip
A trained nurse was expected from
Omaha Monday.
V. McCormick , formerly a baker in
the C. P. Parish plant , but now run
nlng a shop in Wakefield , was in Nor
folk between trains.
Contractor Valln of the Stanberrj
construction company , builders of the
new high school building , went to
Omaha on business Monday.
Col. M. A. Strain of Crelghton was
here as one of the auctioneers at the
Smith Bros , horse sale , and he was
also a delegate to the race meeting.
Samuel Grove of Fnirflold , 111. , who
has been visiting at the home of his
brother-in-law , G. A. Gass of rura
route No. 5 , left at noon for his home
Ray Hayes left to Join his wife in a
short visit nt Council Bluffs before
going to Nebraska City to attend th
state convention of the volunteer fire
W. M. Queoner , Norfolk's colore
pugilist , left at noon for Omaha to
join his manager. There has been
some talk of working up a match fo
Queener In Norfolk.
George Burton Is home from a bus
ness trip to Omaha.
Lloyd Klentz of Sioux Falls , S. D
Is visiting his grandmother , Mrs. Fret
Klentz , sr.
Arthur J. Weatherholt of Hosklns
and bride , formerly Miss Martha M
Koehn , have returned from a visit a
Long Pine.
A. F. Chamberlain of Waterloo , la
was in Norfolk over Sunday , a gues
nt the homo of his nephew , W. H
Mrs. Nellie Gildca and daughter
Miss Lizzie Glldea , arrived home fron
Pipestone , Minn. , where Miss Glide
has been attending school.
Among the day's out of town vlsl
ors In Norfolk were : Cld Miller , Mad'
Ison ; C. C. Huff , Wayne ; J. B. Donovan
van , G. M. Raymer , Frank Keene , A
V. Smith , Madison ; N. C. Carstensen
Tllden N. G. Shlpman , Randolph ; G
L. Connany , Bonesteel , S. D. ; John
Click , iVordel ; J. Graham , WInsldo ;
A. B. Stanley , Theodore Robblns , Ly
cms ; A. J. Mordyke , Hubbard ; Gil Var
PatteJ. Sutton ; R. G. Van Horn , Ne
jf. C Tlghl , Stanton ; G. H. Jock
i ) . T Bestrew , A. J. Setton , Madl
on ; Edgar Taylor , Pierce ; W. F. Jon-
on , Hoflklns ; William Modcrow , Uce-
tor ; Otto Kochlcr , Pllgur ; Clarence
Vallaco , Wlfitior ; H. E. Bowman , Law-
enco ; W. J. Llnton , Elgin ; J. J. Kane ,
Alex FlHhback , living south of Nor-
) lk , has given up farming to move
> Norfolk. Mr. Flshback will worker
or the Northwestern.
At the Installation of the I. 0. O. F.
Ulcers at Nlobrara George N. Beels
f this city gave a lecture on the his-
ory of Odd Fellowship , beginning with
s birth In Manchester , England.
Frank Ware has purchased a drug
toro at WInsldo , his father , F. F.
Vare , remaining In Norfolk In charge
f the Norfolk avenue drug store. Mr.
ml Mrs. Frank Ware have moved to
Miss Edith Barrett , who teaches the
'amiehlll school , south of the city ,
as taken sick with the grip while
ome Sunday and was unable to re-
urn to her school Monday.
There was a rush for reserve scat
Ickcts Monday morning for the Tern-
tie quartet engagement lu the even-
ng nt the Auditorium. The Temple
unrtct Is the third number of the high
chool lecture course nnd the quartet's
rogram was expected to prove an nt-
ractlve feature of the course.
George Brooks of Bazllo Mills was
tie of the Nebraska delegates named
) > Governor Sheldon to represent Ne-
raska at the Missouri river Improve-
lent congress nt Sioux City this week.
Other delegates appointed from this
ectlon wore Herman Taylor of Plain-
lew and W. P. Logan of Norfolk.
The "Hying squadron , " a bunch of
ustlors for the Travelers Protective
ssoclatlon , will be In Norfolk the
rst of February. The squadron will
onslst of about three men prominent
n the T. P. A. organization. Their
rip Is made to work up membership.
The T. P. A. men will bo In Norfolk
ne day Saturday.
O. W. Doling , an Insurance man
vho has made his homo in Norfolk for
ovcral months past , leaves today for
Oklahoma City , where ho Is to be
tate agent for the Columbia fire In-
urance company of Omaha. Mr. Doi
ng came to Norfolk last spring and
urlng the summer figured in the am-
tour baseball contests.
Carl Sternberg , a resident of Hum-
ihrey for several weeks past , commit-
od suicide last week by drinking pol-
on. Sternberg was not thought to
ic In his right mind. He leaves a
vlfc and three little children. The
vlfe Is n sister of Mrs. Fred Meyer of
Humphrey and of Fred Schwartz liv
ing northeast of Humphrey.
Sunday Mr. nnd Mrs. John Oester-
Ing had been married thirty-five years ,
ind a large company of friends gath
ered nt their home in the evening to
iclp celebrate the anniversary. It
vas a merry crowd of visitors and
they had a good time until a late
lour , leaving with wishes for many
returns of the anniversary to the brldo
and groom of thirty-five years ago.
M. Mlhllls' special sale of thorough
bred Duroc-Jersey hogs Saturday
brought a representative gathering of
hog men to Norfolk. Most of the bid
ders came from some little distance.
Fifty-seven hogs were offered. The
prices did not run exceptionally high ,
a good many bargains being picked
up. The sale was topped at $150 ,
while one animal sold as low as $13.
Pierce Call : Last Saturday was
"soap day" lu the postofflce. A huge
sack of small samples arrived on the
afternoon mall and were distributed
to the addresses on the envelopes ,
Some persons had as high as three
packages of soap and the smell of tai
was so strong that the force had tc
open the ventilators. Saturday night's
bath should have been cheap so fai
as soap was concerned.
W. J. Stadelman of the Norfolk Long
Distance Telephone company left Mon
day morning for Omaha , where be
joins the Independent delegation
bound for the national convention of
Independent telephone interests held
this week in Chicago. The Nebraska
telephone men will travel in a special
car. Mr. Stadelman has just returned
from the state convention at Lincoln ,
where he was placed on the committee
on resolutions. There were 275 men
at the Lincoln convention and the
business interests represented were
said to aggregate a total of $0,000,000.
Kearney Hub : The Norfolk Com
mercial club started the new year with
a movement to secure better equalized
and more favorable freight rates for
that city. That Is the point exactly.
There Is no justice In a system of
rates that builds up one set of towns
at the expense of another. The thing
Is a well balanced distance schedule
that will enable any city favored by
location and enterprise and capital to
build upon Its own commercial foun
dations. Under the old rule of railroading
reading the town the most favored as
to natural location and advantages
would bo least favored as to rates , In
other words would be discriminated
against and not permitted to develop
according to Its right. This has been
the case In Kearney. The business
men of this city know It but have
never made an effort to right the
wrong. It is time that they were doIng -
Ing It and the organization of an ac
tive commercial club would be the
first step In a right direction.
Gave Walsh Verdict Twenty-four
Hours Ahead of All Others.
Pierce , Neb. , Jan. 21. Special to
The News : Again has The News
scored another scoop and demonstrat
ed the superior service given by The
News In this territory over all othei
dailies , in the publication of the John
R. Walsh verdict of guilty. The Daily
News was Just twenty-four hours
ahead of any other paper In giving
publicity to the fact that Walsh was
found guilty , and many compllrnentarj
remarks were made In Pierce In re
gard to The Nows.
At the Auditorium Saturday Night Will
be Seen One of the Best Attractions
of the Season In Norfolk A Clever
Musical Show.
Miss Grnco Cameron , the charming
ictrcsg who will bo seen for the first
.line In Norfolk next Saturday night
In "Dolly Dimples , " Is a Nebraska
girl. She was born nnd reared In
Falls City , where her parents still live.
Miss Cameron has made an enviable
name for herself on the stage. She
played leading role In the original
'Foxy Qulller" company nnd played
leading role last year In the popular
comedy "Plff , Faff , Poof. "
In Omaha Miss Cameron Is always
splendidly entertained by social folk ,
because she Is a social favorite In the
Nebraska metropolis.
"Dolly Dimples" Is one of the music
al comedy hits of the present season.
It has been playing week stands in
New York , Boston , Chicago , Clncln-
nattl , and other large cities. Norfolk
is the only city of this size that has
been able to book the company , which
carries sixty people.
Al Lawrence , the eminent comedian
and mimic , takes the leading male
Musical comedy Is what Norfolk
likes. Dolly Dimples Is a clever mu
sical comedy. There Is reason to be
lieve that the Auditorium Saturday
night will be packed to its fullest ca
pacity , because of the high grade at
traction and the popularity of Miss
Cameron In Nebraska.
The seat sale will begin Frlda >
morning. It Is expected that a large
number of visitors will be in Norfolk
Saturday night from other towns , to
see this attraction.
Seats may be ordered now by mall
Prices will be $1.50 , $1 , 75c and 50c.
This will be one of the best attrac
tions of the present season at the An
dltorlum. It Is a fun show with pretty
girls , clever music and other features
to drive away the blues.
Notice to Bridge Contractors.
Public notice is hereby given that
sealed bids will be received by the
county commissioners of Madison
county , Nebraska , for the furnishing
of all the necessary materials and la
bor for the erection and completion of
the following wooden bridges , or so
many thereof as shall be ordered built
by the said county commissioners , for
the year beginning March 20 , . 1908
and ending March 19 , 1909 , to-wit :
One thirty foot , IG-foot road way
pile bridge across a branch of Union
creek between sections 1C and 21 In
township 22 north , of range 1 in said
And such other bridges of like class
ns above as necessity or emergency
shall require said county commission
ers to order constructed during said
All such bridges shall be what Is
commonly called pile and stringer
bridges , to be built In accordance with
plans and specifications heretofore
adopted by the said county commls
At the same time and place as here
tofore specified , bids will also be re
celved by said county commissioners
for a yearly contract for the repair o
all rbldges and approaches to bridges
which may bo ordered repaired and
maintained by said county commls
sloners during the period above spec !
No bid will be considered unless 1
is accompanied by a certified checl
for $250 payable to the county clorl
of Madison county , Nebraska , whlcl
shall bo forfeited to the county of Mad
Ison In case the successful bidder re
fuses or neglects to enter into a con
tract It the same shall bo awarded to
The party receiving the contract , o
either of thorn , will bo required to
give a good nnd sufficient bond In the
sum of $2,000 , or such other amoun
as the said commissioners may dcslg
note , conditioned for the faithful performance
formanco of said contract.
Bids will bo received at any tlm
prior to 12 o'clock noon , of February
1 , 1908 , by the county clerk of said
county at his ofllco In Madison , Nebraska
braska , and said bids will bo oponec
nt the commissioners' ofllce at Madl-
on , Nebraska , nt 2 o'clock p. m. on
'ebruary 6 , 1D03.
All bids shall be made on bidding
hccta furnished by the county clerk
on application.
The commissioners reserve the right
o reject any and nil bids.
Done by order of the county com-
nlssloncrs , nt Mndlson , Nebraska , this
1st day of December , 1907.
Geo. E. Richardson ,
County Clerk.
Real Estate Transfers.
Real estate transfers for the week
ndlng Jan. 17 , 1908 , compiled by Mnd-
son County Abstract & Guarantee Co. ,
Ilico with Mnpes & Hazen.
Gottlieb J. Kollmar to Hclnrlch Bohl-
mn , W. D. , consideration $1,000 , lot
8 nnd cast of lot 19 , Ward's suburban
ots to Norfolk.
S. O. Campbell and wife to E. E.
Emery , W. D. , consideration $276 , lot
, block G , Bauch's addition to Madl-
Herman Frlcke , jr. , and wife to Carl
lolnecclus , W. D. , consideration $9-
00 , lot 8. block 31 , F. W. Barnes'
Third addition to Madison and part of
ots 2 and 3 , block 13 , F. W. Barnes
"Irst addition to Madison.
Louise Gosch and husband to John
trelfel , W. D. , consideration $1,200 ,
ot 8 , block 7 , Madison.
R. W. Day and wife to Louise Rel-
ofskl , Q. C. D. , $25 , part of the NEV4
NWVi of G-22-2.
F. J. Hale and wife to Bertha Gar-
els , W. D. , consideration $25 , part
f the SW 4 NE'A of G-23-2.
Daniel M. Holdrldge nnd wife to
Nellie and Elma Holdrldge , W. D. ,
onslderatlou $1.00 , Sj of NWU of
Shell Creek Evangelical church to
Andrew D. Carlson , W. D : , consldera-
Ion $285 , lot 1 , block 4 , Hauges addl-
ion to Newman Grove.
Margaret Crum and husband to J.
Lewis Packard , W. D. , consideration
$800 , lots 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , G and 7 , block 4 ,
C. S. Hayes' addition to Norfolk.
A. J. Durland and wife to Rudolph
Blatt , Q. C. D. , consideration $1.00 , lots
9 and 10 , block 2 , Pasewalk's Second
iddltiou to Norfolk.
Commissioners Wrestled With the
Foster Saloon License , Insanity
Board Has a Pitiable Case , Insur
ance Men Wrangle , and Other Things
Pierce , Neb. , Jan. 21. Special to
The News : Last Saturday was the
busiest day in the history of the Pierce
county court house as simultaneously
every one got busy and the offices and
corridors thronged with people.
In the county court was being tried
a petit larceny case wherein William
Arthur Strong was declared innocent
of stealing a pair of shoes and over
coat from John Relmers. There has
been friction in their neighborhood for
some time and the case drew a full
At the same time the county com
mlssloners were hearing the finish In
the Foster saloon case which was con
eluded and the applicant refused a 11
cense on the grounds of not having
the required number of signers , as
twenty-five were necessary and onlj
twenty-three on the petition as fount
by the board.
The Insanity board was also called
Into action to determine the residence
of a Mrs. Mary Ramsey , who was de
clared Insane by the authorities ol
Lincoln county , South Dakota , ant
brought to Pierce by the sheriff from
Canton , who claimed that Mrs. Ram
sey was a charge on Pierce county
This is a most pitiable case , as the
patient Is fifty-three years old and re
ports strongly indicate she has been
a person of some means , but being
mentally weak , though not Insane , her
near reiatlves have fleeced her of her
means of support and now leave her
In a feeble condition to strangers and
the mercies of charitable state Instl
While all the foregoing matters
were going on there were representa
lives of various Insurance companies
from Chicago , Omaha and other points
gathered In the office of the clerk of
the district court with representatives
of the Henkln Mercantile company
formerly of Plalnvlew but now o :
Sioux City , jangling over the $37,000
fire Insurance loss at Plalnvlew in
January , 1907 , when the Henkln's general
oral store burned.
With a force of men tearing up
floors and wiring the court house for
electric lights a busy day was experl
enced all over the building.
Len Llnlger , who Is In the countj
jail under $4,000 bonds to answer the
double charge of robbery from the per
son and assault with Intent to kill
will furnish bonds during the day am
bo set at liberty until the next term
of district court.
Yesterday afternoon the woman dls
appeared and people began searching
for her. Finally they found she hat
walked from a $1 a day hotel eve
to a $2 a day house. It Is claimed she
has been defrauded out of property
This will be Investigated by Count )
Attorney Van Wagenen.
In the hymn beginning , "Fron
Greenland's Icy Mountains , " thest
lines occur : "What though the splcj
breezes , blow softly over Ceylon's Isle
where every prospect pleases , and onlj
man Is vile. " Men are always catch
Ing It ; it seems impossible to keoi
abuse of them out of the hymns. ThI
poetry would Indicate that Ceylon I
a sort of paradise. Nothing In It. Ii
no respect is it equal to Kansas. I
Is a land of bugs , malaria and povertj
North Nebraska Horsemen Met In
Norfolk and Fixed the Annual Race
Dates For Next Summer Bigger
Purses Planned , Faster Time.
North Nebraska racing dates for
908 :
Norfolk , Aug. 12-11.
O'Neill , Aug. 19-21.
Nellgh , Aug. 2G-28.
( State fair wcck-vacant. )
Madison , Sept. 9-11.
Stanton , Sept. 1G-18.
Crelghton , Sept. 23-25.
Pierce , Sept. 30-Oct. 2.
Bloomfield , Oct. 7-9.
Hartlngton , Oct. 14-10.
The Norfolk races will open the
lorth Nebraska racing circuit again.
O'Neill , Nellgh , Madison , Slanton ,
Crelghton , Pierce , Bloomfield and
lartington will follow In the order
mined. This was the racing schedule
napped out Monday afternoon at the
nnual meeting of the North Nebraska
Short Shipment Racing circuit held In
ho Oxnard hotel In Norfolk.
Better races , better horses , better
uirses and u square deal all along the
Ino : this was the spoken sentiment
of the delegates who attended the
nceting. There Is every thing to In-
llcate a prosperous and successful
acing season. And Norfolk , whose
neet last summer broke all local suc
cess records , Is In a position to more
ban duplicate last summer's perfor-
Norfolk was given the opening date
jecause It was thought that Norfolk
vas logically entitled to It. O'Neill
vould have liked the Initial date and
uade a good natured light for It. Ar
ranging the schedule occupied virtual-
y all of the afternoon but the adjust-
nents once made resulted In a better
irranged schedule than last season's
H'ogram. And the arrangement of the
icw schedule held Stanton and Madi
son In the circuit.
Butte , Spencer and Tllden were not
eprcEented at the annual meeting and
iccordlngly were not listed In the cir
cuit. It had been thought that Spen
cer would be on the north Nebraska
route this summer.
In the election of officers President
NV. C. Caley of Crelghton and Secre
tary J. L. Rjnearson of Madison were
complimented with a re-election.
In arranging the races two classes
changed : The 2:27 : trot was changed
to a 2:25 : trot and the 2:50 : pace was
replaced with a special class for three
year olds or younger.
The following program was adopt
ed : First day , 2:20 : pace or trot and
2:35 : trot ; second day , three year olds ,
pace or trot , and 2:30 : pace or trot ;
third day , 2:25 : trot and free for all.
Entries to the Norfolk race will
close August 9 , to the O'Neill and
Nellgh races , August 11 , to the Crelgh
ton and Pierce races , September 8 ,
Entries must be made for three meet
ings ahead. The American trotting
rules were adopted with a provison
that one horse could be entered In
two races or two horses In one race
and the entrance fee refunded If only
one race was participated In.
This summer will see an Increase
in the purses hung up , thus attract
Ing bettor horses. The minimum purse
remained at $200 , but the association
recommended that running races be
cut out and the purses raised in the
track events. Neaily all the circuit
towns will increase their purses.
There will be no circuit ctarter In
1908 It was voted that each local
association choose Its starters ; also
that all the local associations should
become members of the American
Trotting association.
P. M. Barrett was the recipient of
a very pretty compliment , a special
vote of thanks from the north Nebras
ka horsemen for his successful work ,
as secretary of the Norfolk driving
club , in developing Norfolk into a suc
cessful racing point and for his gen
eral services towards the success of
racing In northern Nebraska.
President Rhodes of the north Ne
braska anti-horse thief association was
present at the meeting and exchanged
a few words of greeting witli the rac
ing organization. In the latter part
of the evening and after Mr. Rhodes
had left , the following resolution re
ceived a unanimous vote : "Whereas ,
we believe that the North Nebraska
Live Stock Protective association Is
doing a splendid work In fighting horse
thieves effectively : therefore be It
resolved , that It Is the sense of this
meeting that the North Nebraska
Short Shipment race circuit should
hereby endorse the good work and the
purpose of the North Nebraska Live
Stock Protective association. "
The north Nebraska racing season
will open In Norfolk about two weeks
later than It did last year. It was un
derstood at the mooting that Harting-
ton and Bloomflold would not be likely
to accept their dates but would pro
bably hold their races before the Nor
folk meet. No special objection was
Interposed If the northeast towns saw
fit to follow this course.
The local associations were repre
sented at the annual meeting by the
following men : O'Neill , P. F. Me
Manus , J. L. O'Donnell ; Norfolk , C ,
H. Groesbeck , P. M. Barrett ; Pierce
William Zulauf ; Nellgh , W. W. Cole
John S. Kay , C. L. Wattcls ; Crolgh
ton , W. C. Caley , T. J. Buckmaster
William Graham , J. K. Brown , W W
Strain ; Stanton , John Hancock ; Mad
Ison , J. L. Rynearson ; Bloomfield , E
S. Bagloy ; Hartlngton , J. J. Garvey
William Loraug.
The principal difference be
tween' Mocha and Java and
Atfbtickles' Afiosa Coffee is
that Afbuckles' Arioso , costs
yo * * less and has mote Coffee
taste *
, .
zmo& H r Tor * city.
Norfolk Driving Club Entertains Visit.
Ing North Nebraska Horsemen.
Thirty odd plates were placed at
he baiuiuct given Monday evening nt
the Oxnard hotel , where the Norfolk
Irlvlng club gave a smoker and ban
quet complimentary to the delegates
who cnme to Norfolk for the annual
neotlng of the north Nebraska race
circuit. In addition to the guests from
xway the banquet was attended by a
lumber of Norfolk citizens who have
jecn prominent supporters of the drlv-
ng club In Its efforts to promote rnc-
ng In Norfolk.
The banquet was an affair of mo
ment In north Nebraska racing affairs ,
It brought to a score of prominent
lorth Nebraska men , the men who are
mck of the racing circuit , an appre
ciation of Norfolk's hospitality and
good will. It brought to a score of
Norfolk men a clearer realization of
the Importance of the racing circuit in
promising good fellowship and commu
nity of Interests in north Nebraska.
The banquet as a banquet was a
| ) leaslng success. But more important
than the banquet features was the
good feeling and enthusiasm that was
sencrated among those who sat at the
long banquet table.
N. A. Hnse acted as toastmastcr.
It was 10 o'clock when the banquet
table was cleared and the first speak
er Introduced. The toasts were informal
mal , were uniformly short and to the
point and wore graced with humor.
At no time did the speaking drag , the
banquet coming to a close before 11
President C. II. Groesbeck of the
Norfolk driving club was commended
to the ranks of professional horsemen
as a dealer In "ponies. " Mr. Groes
beck spoke on "How glad we arc that
we are hero and that yon who are ,
are here. " Among other things Mr.
Groesbeck discussed the increasing
popularity of the racing sport In Nor
folk. Up to last summer , he said , a
great many people had thought racing
just a money making scheme. Last
bummer brought enlightenment and
Norfolk people were seen to appreci
ate a good meet. With good crops
and with the Northwestern road still
running , Mr. Groesbeck predicted thai
the Norfolk race meet would be a big
ger success than last summer. He
expressed Norfolk's pleasure lu enter
taintng her guests of the evening.
President Caley of Crelghton , "tht
high mogul of north Nebraska racing , '
spoke a few good words on "How
horsemanship draws men together IE
association. " He found his subject 11
lustrated lu the difference betweer
Norfolk's splendid reception In 100S
and the greeting of two years before
when P. M. Barrett seemed the onlj
man In evidence.
Toastmaster Huse in commenting or
how horse racing had drawn norU
Nebraska closer together and hat
made north Nebraska geography a pop
ular study , introduced John Ilancocl
of Stanton as a man who twenty yean
before had seen the first racing nice
ever held In Norfolk. After some
tiling along the line of reminiscence
Mr. Hancock paid Norfolk a prett >
compliment for Its reception , recalling
that only two years ago the delegates
had had to hunt for a place to meet
"And this Is not to be our last visit
to Norfolk , " remarked the Stanton
man.Two years more would give the
north Nebraska circuit a remarkable
position , Secretary Rynearson of Mad
ison predicted if the circuit towns
would only stand together. Replying
to a jest of the toastmaster Mr. Ry
nearfaon admitted that be had been
sent to the meeting with his bands
tied but \\hen he saw the interest tha
was manifested he was glad that he
had come even with his hands tied ,
Burt Mapes was Introduced as "an
honest lawyer. " The Norfolk attornej
thereupon explained that he had won
dered all evening why ho was the onlj
lawyer present. Mr. Mapes spoke o
the \\elcomo that Norfolk was glad
to give her visitors and said that he
hoped that next summer Ncrfoll
would be able to welcome the race
visitors to a race track which the cltj
would own. Credit for the passage
of the bill under which Norfolk is to
be asked toote $5,000 park bonds he
gave to Nellgh.
After a few minutes of light fun
with his own profession as a banker
C. E. Uurnham said that the short ship
inent circuit had come In at an oppor
tune time when the people were look
Ing for amusement as they never ha <
before In this western country. Speak
Ing of the reception accorded the clr
cult two years ago Mr. Burnhara said
that at that time the circuit was an
untried experiment In a terrltorj
where many another circuit had failed
Hut It had been shown that horse rac
es conducted on honest principle
brought success though failure In f
nances and crowds would be expecte
If every racing was put on a gamblln
Mr. Burnham spoke In appreclatlo
of the olllcers of the Norfolk drlvln
club , whom ho credited with much o
the ndiled vim of last year's Norfol
races. Charlie Groesbeck. "energetic
quick , fiery. " "always ready to boosi
for Norfolk , " "often finding u Ilttlit
fault with the town along lines whore
Investigation would oftentimes show
fault existing , " was complimented ,
along with Secretary Barrett , Treasur
er Hnnsc and other driving club work
The speaker said that ho too hoped
liat Norfolk could welcome her vis-
.ors to a race track of her own next
ummcr and that he thought that every
ffort would be made to have the park
lends voted. Whenever the city
wned the driving park the nssocla-
[ on would feel free to make needed
ermnncnt Improvements.
Norfolk's good will towards tlio rnco
ion was emphasized by nil the local
peakors and summed up by the toast-
mster at the close of the banquet.
A happy feature of the evening wna
n unexpected band concert by tlio
Norfolk band , which gave a compll-
tentary concert In a room opening
nto the banquet room. The band's
Islt was unexpected even to the pro-
lolors of the banquet and came na
nether expression of good will.
Committee Disregarded Recommenda
tion of State Committee and Called
the Convention in the District.
Strong Sentiment for Taft.
The republican congressional con-
entlon of the Third district will moot
n Norfolk on Tuesday , March 10 , nt
8 o'clock p. m. , for the purpose of
electing two delegates to the national
convention In Chicago , The congres
sional central committee so elected at
he meeting hold in this city Monday
evening. The convention will consist
of 18l ! delegates.
The meeting was held at the Pacific
lotel pursuant to call of A. E. Ward ,
chairman. Mr. Ward Is now In Wash-
ugton and In his absence Judge A. A.
Welch of Wayne was elected to pre
side over the meeting. Jack Koenlg-
steln , secretary of the committee , was
out of town and In his absence W. N.
Huse was elected secretary of the
The counties of the district repre
sented at the meeting are : Cedar , F.
\V. Barnhart ; Wayne , A. A. Welch ;
Pierce , Thos. Chllvers ; Thurston , J.
G. Gannon ; Cumlng , J. C. Elliott ;
Stanton , A. A. Kearney ; Boone , Geo.
W. Williams ; Dodge , F. II. Knowlton ;
Colfax , J. H. Piper ; Platte , R. G.
Strothers ; Madison , John R. Hays.
Counties represented ; Dlxon , Knox ,
Dakota , Antelope , Burt , Nance , Mer-
After considerable discussion It was
decided to not adopt the recommen
dation of the state committee that the
congressional convention be held in
Omaha at the time of the state con
vention , and motion prevailed that the
convention be held In Norfolk two
days before the state convention.
The basis of representation was
fixed upon the vote cast for Hon. H.
H. Wilson for presidential elector In
1901 , giving one delegate for each
150 votes cast and the major fraction
thereof. This apportionment gives
the several counties representation as
follows : Dlxon 10 , Cedar 12 , Knox
11 , Dakota G , Wayne 10 , Pierce 7 , An
telope 12 , Thurston 5 , Cumlng 10 ,
Burt 11 , Stanton C. Boone 12 , Nance
8 , Dodge 19 , Colfax 8 , Merrlck 8 , Platte
in , Madison 15 total 189.
A resolution was adopted recom
mending that the republicans of each
county select delegates to the con
gressional convention In such manner
ns Its central committee may deter
The regular chairman and secretary
of the central committee were In
structed to Issue call In accordance
with the proceedings of this meeting.
A resolution was adopted endorsing
the candidacy of Ross Hammond of
Fremont for collector of Internal rev
enue , and urging the Nebraska dele
gation In congress to support him for
that position.
By way of ascertaining the Indi
vidual preferences of the members of
the committee present , the roll was
called and every person present voted
for Taft as the choice.
A canvass for names of those who
will likely appear before the congres
sional convention as candidates for
delegates to the national convention
developed four names J. C. Elliott
of Cumlng ; A. A. Kearney of Stanton -
ton ; Ed. Herr of Platte ; W. N. Huso
of Madison. There will without doubt
be others who would like to help nom
inate Mr. Tnft for president by the
time the convention convenes.
One reason why the dishes , windows
dews , floors and clothes have so hard
n time finding someone to wash thorn.
Is that this class of work never comes
under the head of "Art. "
You never learn what church some
men belong to until their funerals oc