The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 24, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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Welcomed as Breaking the Monotony
of a Rather Dull Week People More
Concerned With the Sick List Than
Tlio nnmml anniversary dancing
party of the Kilts on Friday evening
wnn decidedly the event In the society
functions of the week. The Elk's
ilnnco cnnio at a time when it was
welcomed as breaking the monotony
of a rather dull period In Norfolk soc
Norfolk during the week was more
concerned with the sick list perhaps
than with any attempt at parties.
Skating has been the chief recrea
tion of the week.
Pleasures of the Week ,
Dy all means the social event of
the week Indeed , ono of the events
of the season was tbo seventh anni
versary ball Friday night given by
Norfolk ledge No. GG3 Benevolent and
Protective Order of Elks. The party
wns largely attended and was in all
ways ono of the most delightful that
has been given. The Marquardt hall
was most attractively decorated for
the occasion , the artistic work being
executed by L. P. Pasewalk. The mu
sic , furnished by a Sioux City orches
tra , was superb. Duffel luncheon was
served during the evening. The com
mittee on arrangements was headed
by J. C. Stltt , to whom much of the
success was due. Among the out of
town guests were Senator F. J. Hale
and daughters , Atkinson ; Mr. and Mrs.
Rathburn , Gregory ; Mr. Peyton ,
Thirty-two young people wore guests
nt the Faucett homo on Tuesday evenIng -
Ing at a unique party given for Miss
Floy Faucett on the occasion of her
sixteenth birth anniversary. At 6:30 :
o'clock a "Twelfth Night" supper was
served In five courses. A pretty feat
ure of the supper was a cake In which
a bean , a pea and a clove had been
placed. Dy finding the bean Roy Ers-
klnc became king for the evening , by
discovering the pea , Miss Lillian Mar
quardt wns Installed as queen and by
biting on the clove Claude Ogden be
came the evening's knave. The great
er part of the evening was spent at
"progressive peanut. " The honors
were won by Miss Clara Scarlett of
Fullerton and by Warren Beeler. The
consolation prizes went to Miss Ollle
Drcbert and Lawrence Hoffman.
Mesdames Burnett and McQrnne en-
tertainVd sixty f& > ndsJaS the railroad
hall Wednesday evening in honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Harshmnn of Omaha.
High five was Indulged In until 11
when the hostess served a delicious
lunch , after which the tables were
cleared away and dancing wns then
commenced and kept up until 3 o'clock
In the morning. People danced that
night who had not danced for forty
years. At cards Miss Mary Schaeffer
received first prize , J. J. Welch had
high score of the gentlemen and Matt
Schaeffer the booby prize. Mesdames
Burnett and McGrane have again prov
en their ability as hostesses among
their many friends.
Newman Grove Reporter : About
thirty of the friends of Mr. and Mrs.
South assembled nt the Frink home ,
Friday night and marched In a body
to the Souths , taking them completely
by surprise. The guests took poss
osslon of the house. Two long tables
were prepared in the dining room and
later In the evening nil sat down to a
bountiful supper. The only thing to
mar the pleasure of the evening was
the shadow of the coming departure
of the Souths to their new home In
The Rebekah Odd Fellows lodge
held an interesting meeting Friday
evening , during which there were In
itiation and refreshments. Mrs , Kler-
stead of Tlldeu , district deputy , was
here and conducted the secret work.
The drill team of the lodge gave the
floor work in an Impressive manner.
Refreshments were served as the clos
ing feature of a pleasant evening.
The Browning club met at the homo
of Dr. H. J. Cole on Tuesday evening.
Ferdinand Schultz on last Saturday
was sixty-one years old. In the even
ing about twenty-five friends visited
him nt his home in Edgewater park ,
to pass a pleasant evening. Refresh
ments were served at 11 o'clock.
The Joint birthday of Ed Bennlng
and his little son , Fred , was celebrat
ed on Sunday by two parties , a party
for the son In the afternoon and a
gathering for Mr. Bennlng in the even-
Members of the Modern Woodmen
were the guests of the Royal Neighbors -
bors ledge Monday evening at a lunch
eon given at the close of the Woodmen -
men meeting.
The Queen Esther circle wns enter-
talned on Tuesday evening by Miss
Adams. The next session will be an
open meeting.
A number of friends gathered nt
Herman Hllle's home on Thursday
evening on the occasion of his birth
day. >
On last Saturday evening the mem
bers of the O. M. C. club were the
guests of Mies Matilda Herrmann.
ilr. and Mrs. D. Mathewson enter-
tnlncd a few friends nt a ( ! o'clock din
ner on last Saturday evening.
Tht1 West Side Whist club wns plcnu.
antly c'litorlnlucd by Mr. and .Mis.
H. A. Bullock Thursday night.
The pleasant evenings of the week
have taken many young people to
King's pond for skating parties.
The Chess club was entertained nt
the homo of C. H. Krnhn Wednesday
A birthday party was given In
honor of Frank Wlchart Wednesday
Miss Mnhle Tanner entertained nt
a leap year party on Fridny evening.
A former Norfolk romance has cul
minated In a matrimonial alliance In
Omaha , George A. Younger , until re
cently of Norfolk , being the groom and
Miss Grace Hutchluson of Denver ,
Colo. , the bride. Miss Hutchlnson
lived in Norfolk about two years ago ,
making her homo with Miss Minnie
Apfel. She left Norfolk to become a
nurse In Denver. George Younger
has spent much of his life in Norfolk ,
and until recently was employed In the
Leonard drug store. He went to
Omaha to attend a school of pharmacy.
Miss Hutchlnson lived In Sioux City
before coming to Norfolk on her moth
er's death.
Gottlieb Jacob Kolmnr of Pierce and
Miss Ida Wilde of Norfolk were mar
ried In Norfolk on Wednesday even
Coming Events.
A banquet at the Oxnard hotel is
to follow the annual meeting of the
North Nebraska Short Shipment Race
circuit in Norfolk Monday. The busi
ness meeting will be held in the after
noon , the banquet in the evening.
The next senior class party will
be at the home of Ralph Lulkart.
The next band dance will be given
on Wednesday evening.
Many Reductions In Rank and Those
of Lower Rank Let Out.
The Northwestern Is still dropping
brakemen from its list. In fact , a
number of brakemen have just been
let out. This does not mean that the
force Is receiving any material cut
since the earlier reductions but is due
to the large number of vacations
granted when business slacked up.
When the Northwestern went on a
winter basis on account of slack bus
iness every trainman who desired a
vacation was granted one. In this
way n number of men who would other
wise have been dropped were kept
employed. But most of the men who
have vacations coming have had their
leave of absence and are coming back.
As n result a number of men have had
to go.
Many reductions In rank , the loss
of the conductor's cap , a forced re
turn to the firebox has been the fate
of a number of short service conduct
ors and engineers.
When the rush starts in the summer
many brakeman and firemen draw
their old rank when the slack busi
ness months roll around. Instead of
being dismissed the men are offered
reductions in rank until business again
resumes its full volume. The older
men get shorter runs , the newer men
become brakemen and firemen while
many of the latter seek the round
house and shops or find other work.
Efforts on Part of Newspaper Men to
Secure Fair Rates.
At the meeting of the Elkhorn Val
ley Editorial association , held In Alns-
worth last June , a commltte was ap
pointed to draft a plan whereby local
newspaper men could secure a com
pensatory rate for publlcatlng "foreign
advertising. " This committee , con
sisting of John M. Cotton of the Ains-
worth Star-Journal , Geo. A. Miles of
the O'Neill Independent and L. O.
Wilson of the Sprlngvlew Herald , have
just prepared their report , which Is as
follows :
We believe from our own experience
that such living rates may be secured
from those advertisers if we have an
organization and an understanding
among ourselves and will honestly
abide by this understanding. It Is not
the Intention to boost the price of
such advertising beyond a reasonable
charge for such service , but it Is a
well known fact that those people
have never paid , and except In rare
Instances , do not now pay anything
like the rate that is charged to local
merchants the men who give us the
support that gives our paper its stand
ing and enables us to continue our
We believe that the "Foreign Ad
vertiser" should pay the same price
that other advertisers pay and we feel
that such rates can be secured if we
make an agreement and stand by it.
It ought not to take any argument to
convince the Jiewspaper men of this
part of the state that this statement
is true.
Wo suggest as a minimum price the
following rates :
County Seat Newspapers Transient
advertising , 20 cents an inch , each In
sertion ; quack doctors and medicine
fakirs , 25 cents an Inch each Insertion
if taken at all.
Contract rates , 3 months or longer ,
subject to change every week if de
sired , 10 cents an inch for each Inser
tion , net.
Reading notices , 5 cents per count
ed line , each Insertion , net.
Country Town Papers Wo suggest
a minimum price in papers printed at
towns other than county peats , n
charge of SO pur cent of the above
pilcus , net.
The committee further suggests
that the members of this association
make n united effort to put tlipne
ralo.s Into practice and report at the
next session of the association to be
held nt Valentine next June , if , then ,
It Is deemed practical , we cnn put ourselves -
selves Into an effective organization ,
mid Insist ( in the Foreign Advertiser
coming to our terms If he docs busi
ness with us. And ho will want to
do business , as his very life depends
upon It. They cannot afford to keep
out of North Nebraska , and they will
come In If we will but present a solid
front. At present , when an agent
comes to nn ofllce , one of his stock
argument , Is that he can get his adv.
In the other papers of this territory
at a price ever so much less than we
arc asking. And he Is ready to back
his assertions by producing the con
tracts. We can cure this trouble If
wo will. The question is : Will we ?
Let the Rates bo Net We suggest
net rates. If advertising agents do
business with us , let them make a
price above our net rates.
County Commissioners Decide Fairfax
Is Not Permanent County Seat.
Rosebud Times : At the meeting of
fjlio county commissioners Tuesday ,
a petition bearing the names of 1820
voters of the county was presented by
representatives of the town of Herrick -
rick asking that that town he named
as the candidate against Fairfax in
the coming county seat contest. The
of county judge , C. A. Davis , decided
commissioners , however , on advice
sary and any town or towns In the
that Fairfax was not a permanent
county seat by a vote of 2 to 3 , and
that thereofre no petition wns neces
sary and any town or town In the
county could enter the race.
It Is the opinion of a majority of the
leading citizens of the county , that
the decision of the commissioners is
correct , but nevertheless the court will
bo called upon to settle the matted
definitely. The Herrlck county seat
promoters are also of the opinion that
Fairfax Is not a permanent county
seat , and were of that opinion prior to
the meeting of the commissioners , but
In order to be on the safe side they
secured the strongly signed petition ,
bearing 1820 names of the voters of
the county , which would have placed
Herrlck on the ticket against Fairfax
in case the commissioners had decided
the present seat of county government
was permanent.
Now , if the decision of the com
missioners is sustained by the court
any town In the county may enter the
county seat fight as a candidate and
the town receiving the majority of the
votes cast at the election will be the
winner. If , on the other hand , the
court rules tha t Fairfax Is a perma
nent county seat , then only the town
ent county seat , then only the town
showing the strongest petition can
enter the race against Fairfax. In the
latter case Herrlck will be in readi
ness with her petition which will In all
probability place her upon the ticket.
If the decision of the commissioners
Is sustained by the court the fight will
be a three cornered one , with Burke ,
Herrick and Fairfax as contestants ,
and in this event , it is difficult to pre
dict at this time what the outcome
would be. Herrlck , however , has flat
tering prospects in either case.
Secretary of Treasury Neither Resign
ed Nor Quarreled With President.
Washington , D. C. , Jan. 18. Secre
tary Cortelyou has not resigned and
does not Intend to just at present. He
has not had a quarrel with the presi
dent and Is not likely to have.
His relations with Secretary Taft
and other members of the cabinet are
entirely cordial , and will surely con
tinue so.
He Is not an avowed candidate for
the presidency. The president has nr > t
Informed him that he could not be
such a candidate. His entire liberty
of political action has been repeatedly
recognized both by President Roosevelt
velt and Secretary Taft.
The secretary of the treasury has
been an extremely sick man , and he
Is still far from well. He has been ab
sent n great deal from the treasury
department , but has attended every
cabinet meeting when he was able to
be out of the house.
The president and the secretary de
nounce as absolutely untrue the sto
ries printed this morning that Secre
tary Cortelyou had retired from the
cabinet In a huff and was about to ac
cept a position under Plerpont Mor
Fell on the Railroad Track on His
Way Home.
Pierce , Neb. , Jan. 18. Special to
The News : F. W. Stelnkraus , cashier
of the Pierce county hank , was sud
denly taken 111 yesterday on his way
homo and fell unconscious to the
ground. As his home is nearest reach
ed from town by walking along the
railroad track ho lay between the rails
and fortunately was stricken at a time
when no trains were running. Today
he Is very sick with pneumonia.
Engine Starts Prairie Fire.
Fremont , Neb. , Jan. IS. A prairie
fire yesterday afternoon , said to have
been started by a Northwestern train ,
swept east of Fremont from the rail
road to Ed Mahoney's farm , burning
fodder and hay over an area three
miles wide and eight miles long. The
buildings on Nels Johnson's farm were
consumed. Sixty haystacks , aggre
gating 1,000 tons of hay , were de
stroyed. The loss is probably $5,000.
Farmers and gangs of Northwestern
men fought the fire for three hours ,
finally subduing it.
A Pretty Story of a Summer Outing
Among the Moss Grown Landmarks
of Early Days A Land of Peace ,
Recreation , Rest.
Dr. J. H. Mttckny In January Recrea
tion : After an absence of twenty years
I set my feet down last summer In the
footprints of boyhood's days away
down In Nova Scotia. I arrived at
Yarmouth early in the morning after
an all-night journey by boat from Bos
ton. Duty must he paid on guns and
bicycles , which is returned , however ,
If the tourist takes these articles hack
with him. Baggage was transferred
to an awaiting train ; we had n half
hour for breakfast , then the guard
gave the signal and wo were off.
Dear old Acadla ! Land of peace , re
laxation rest. There were the wide ,
green marshes ns of old , fringed with
their dykes built so long ago that per
chance Evangellne and her Gabriel
had strolled along their banks. Yonder
with its white sails and shimmering
lights and shadows the placid waters
of Minns stretched away In the morn
ing sunlight to where the ha/.y out
lines of Blomldon stood out darkly
against the s > ky. There at my feet
with moss-grown landmarks , nestled
among wide-spreading trees the little
old village of Grand Pre , immortalized
in story. The tide was coming up that
morning , as we traversed the beauti
ful Annapolis valley the majestic ti
dal bore of the Bay of Fundy bringing
with it the pungent , salty breath of
the ocean and bearing to thousands
of awaiting seines vast schools of shad.
The train rushed on , leaving beautiful
Mluas , the far reaching hay marshes ,
grain fields and orchards , as well as
the rugged outlines of Blomldou In the
fast receding distance , and soon tow
ering hills and giant boulders frowned
down upon us and foaming little tor
rents came tumbling down from the
hillsides and dashed , with many a leap
and tumble , down below until lost to
sight In dark , wooded glens. Every
where the grey boulders , overhanging
perilously and isolated from some
rocky hillside or nestling lovingly
among the buttercups and daisies of
the narow little antediluvian giants
who had been playing marbles with
In many places great ridges of bare
schistose rocks bristled from the hill
sides or caused fantastic gaps In the
dense woods. What a wild , sweet tan
gle of lambkin , brecken and wild briar
greets the eye as the train swings from
curve to curve in dodging the hills In
this wilderness ! At several stations
children came Into the train with bas
kets of the delicious wild strawberries
that grow everywhere in the country
and the train officials assisted passen
gers in securing a supply. At one
stopping place two flaxen-haired girls
dressed in white came aboard bearing
great armfuls of the magnificent Nova
Scotia wlldwater lily , they sold for the
ridiculous sum of five cents per dozen
and the train was held several min
utes over schedule time to enable us
all to get a nosegay.
I left the train and pursued my jour
ney across the Cobequld ridge to the
north shore. For miles and miles this
road was arched over by the Interlac
ing of branches overhead until the
road maintained a twilight gloom even
at mid-day. Save the murmur of run
ning brooks and the whir of the ruffed
grouse wings and now and then the
faint tinkle of a far-off cowbell , not a
sound broke the stillness of the forest.
Tiny lakes , clear and cool and teem
ing with trout , lay scattered like pearls
at intervals along the mountain , even
on Its summit , enabling the traveler
to catch a glimpse of the sky over
head. From this elevation Prince
Edward Island , fifty miles distnt , can
be observed as well as the thirty-mile
wide strip of water that Intervenes
between it and the peninsula of Nova
Scotia. This is Northumberland Strait
and Is a part of the Gulf of St. Law
rence. It is a grand sight that bursts
upon the traveler here from the crest
of the mountain. Fifty miles of the
coast , with Its bays and lighthouses
and white sails , are open to view. A
cannon booms and then another and
another and the echo rolls up from
below. It is a salute of some passing
vessel. While all the principle points
of the province can be reached by
rail or boat the most charming spots
are those where railroads and steamers
have not penetrated , and an overland
trip like mine from the south to the
north shore by stage should not bo
Here and there through the glens
where flowed a mountain stream stood
he picturespue ruins of old-fashioned
sawmills long since supplanted by mod
ern portable ones. These are the haunt
of the black bear , numerous enough
and generally Inoffensive , but difficult
o hunt owing to their keen scent and
nocturnal habits and the refuge of
tangled undergrowth and jams of wind
falls. Dogs are of little use in trailIng -
Ing bruin for he covers up his scent
by walking on high logs and wading
streams. Through this wilderness roam
an occasional moose , although gener
ally they keep to the spruce and juni
per swamps near the coast. Contact
with man for three hundred years has
not succeeded in exterminating the
moose from Nova Scotia , but It ha"s
taught them caution , and only rarely
docs one fall a trophy to the hunter's
I spent many pleasant days along the
sea shore shooting seal and In the
harbors "Jigging" for mackerel. These
seals are southern cousins of the arctic
seal , and their fur is quite valuable.
They como In from the open ocean Into
in August to the outlying reefs In Itu *
meiiBc numbers to mate. A ride Is
the only available weapon against
tkcm ,
Mackerel fishing with honk and line
Is great sport ami there Is no gamer
llsli of his size In the herring pond.
Still water with a clear bottom two or
five fathoms Is preferable. Strips of
red llannel are attached along the line
to attract the fish. Fresh meat Is us
ed for halt mid pulverized boiled lob
ster scattered about the vicinity of
the boat ns a chum. Of trout Salvol-
inns fontlnalls , I had n surfeit , for the
brooks and lakes wore swarming with
them and they always seemed to be
hungry. These were small and medium
sized ones , and it Is no trick to catch
them oven by gulldlng , but the big
ones are not so easily taken by any
kind of a lure. These solitary old vet
erans feed at night , frequent deep ,
shady pools and absolutely refuse to
fly. They arc vicious cnnlbalH , and woo
be to the flngerllng who ventures Into
their loir. It wns that genial philos
opher of angling , the venerable Izaac ,
who said : "There Is night fishing as
well ns day fishing , for you are to note
that the great old trout is both subtle
and fearful and Ho close nil day , but
In the night feeds boldly. " It was thus
In Colchester county , I caught a griz
zled old giant. It wns almost dusk ,
and the first drops of a shower wore
falling on a deep pool In an abandoned
mill pond. I had a few nursling mice
which I used to lure the big fellows at
dusk , and slipping one on the hook I
approached the pool stealthily and
dropped it over the trunk of n fellcn
tree. Instantly there wns a commo
tion In the pool and I had a strenuous
five minutes until I landed the daddy
of all the speckled beauties. For trout
I used a horse hair line which every
boy In Nova Scotia makes. It Is three
stranded nnd twisted by goose quills.
Each strand has from three to six
hairs , according to size desired , nnd
one hair in each strand should be
white. This makes a strong , light line
for It will not get water soaked and
sink. It will not knot , loop nor kink ,
and It needs no oiling nor drying and
It never rots. I did my fishing in
Colchester and Plctou counties , but
conditions arc ideal all along the north
coast from the New Brunswick line to
the straits of Canso , or beyond into
Cape Breton.
Should you ever desire n taste of
brine you can go out to the banks
with the cod fishers and try your hand
at these , and it costs nothing except
to ask some bighearted schooner mas
ter to invite you. I had all the salt I
wanted when I went out one nasty day
with a lobster fisherman to overhaul
his traps. The sea was choppy , caught
between a flood tide and a gusty land
wind. The little cat boat was piled
full of traps , and before we got these
set and buoyed and the others pull
ed up and emptied we were dripping
and tacked home with a boat two-third
full of squirming lobsters and churn
ing water.
When the grouse got "ripe" I spent
many a rare day in the woods. The
beaches teem with shore birds and
one does not have to return to camp
at night , for here everyone gives you
a cheerful "good day" and keeps open
house. There is always a spare free
seat In whatever boat Is going out , for
the launch and tug have not yet defil
ed this spot. Retired captains and
sailors will be glad to enjoy your com
pany and take you for a sail down to
some point where shore birds are feed-
Ing. There are no trespass signs , and
the "gudewife" who gives you milk or
butter or eggs will scorn your proffer
ed "silver" for the luxuries she be
stows upon the stranger within her
gates , but she will accept a mess of
fish or birds. One act only is unpar
donable and the tourist therefore will
not fish , hunt , work or travel upon
the Sabbath day , for among these
Highland Scots and their offspring
that day is a day of rest. The aver
age summer temperature is 70 degrees
F. ; there is no haste , no strife nor
struggle. No one is very rich , none
are poor. The people are thrifty and
Industrious , but finance , trusts , mar
gins , pools are words of an unlearned
Soon , too soon , along the hillsides
amidst the dark , green foliage of the
woods , patches of crimson , yellow and
old began to appear ; the blush upon
the sumac and the ruby on the rowan
were unmistakable signals that those
long , delicious summer days were com
ing to a close. Down the shadowy
glens the mists came trooping like
phantom armies , casting wlerd , change
ful shadows over the landscape and
out on the reefs the surf broke in long
echoing notes like the firing of far-
off signal guns that seemed to say ,
"It is finished ! " And although I knew
that hastening southward through the
mists and gathering winds the cohorts
of geese , brant and ducks were wingIng -
Ing their rapid fight , and that soon
every bay nnd inlet would bo swarmIng -
Ing with them , I could not bear to see
the summer's beauty and fragrance
pass away before rity eyes and be lost
in the chill and gloom and grey mists
of autumn. So ns the tangled skeins
of life demanded attention , I gazed
once more upon the wooded hillsides
and shadowy glens nnd out upon the
gleaming ocean , then turned my back
upon these scenes nnd took up my
Journey towards the setting sun , bearIng -
Ing In my heart the Joys of a perfect
Family Absent , Skunk Moves In.
Wlnslde , Neb. , Jan. 15. While the
A. T. Chopin family were absent from
their home this week , a skunk moved
In. The return of the family brought
on a fight for possession that caused
a big "stink" in general , but finally
resulted in the murder of the Intruder
by the Irate head of the Chapln house
hold. "Signs" of the battle are still
perceptible to the nostrils of passers-
Officials Expect to Inaugurate Service
Between St. Paul and Butte Some
Time In May or June Will Reach
Seattle In 1909.
Sioux City Journal : The open win
ter In the west has boon HO favorable
to railroad construction work that the
Chicago , Milwaukee nnd St. Paul rail
way company now is planning to com
plete the Uno Into Seattle early In
IflOfl. Rccpnl steps In the progress of
the extension have been announced by
F. A. Miller , general passenger agent.
Train service was established hist
Sunday to Mnrnmrth , N. D. , thirty
miles west of Bowman , N. D. , the
present end of the line. On the same
date local service was put on between
Hnrlowton and Mussclshcll , Mont.
These two towns arc In the central
part of Montana , nnd arc ninety-two
miles apart
Work has advanced so rapidly that
trains will probably bo running be
tween St. Paul and Buttc some time in
May or June. By the middle of Feb
ruary It Is expected that most of the
construction work will be finished.
Already the grading has been prac
tically completed , and rails arc being
laid at the rate of four miles a day.
Marmnrth , . to which trains will bo
run this week , Is about 200 miles west
of the Missouri river. While construc
tion crews arc advancing westward
from this place others are working
eastward along the Musselshcll valley.
It is thought that the two lines will
bo connected and the bridge built
across the Yellowstone nt Miles City
by the middle of next month.
Surgeon Taken Into Custody to Pre
vent Suicide.
Omaha , Jan. 18. Dr. II. L. Getz of
Marshnlltown , Iowa , at one time gen
eral surgeon of the Northwestern rail
way and twice president of the Nation
al association of surgeons , was locked
up for safe keeping Thursday night on
the charge of insanity. Having suf
fered from over work some years ago ,
Dr. Getz became addicted to the use
of drugs nnd as n result his mind be
came slightly deranged. He was plac
ed In a sanitarium by his family last
spring , nnd was but recently released ,
coming to Omaha. Irately he has re
sided at 010 South Nineteenth street ,
and has suffered from the hallucina
tion that he wns being followed by the
authorities of the sanitarium where
he had been confined. Following the
death of Dr. Baetens by his own hand ,
Getz has repeatedly threatened to end
his own life. Fearing that he would
carry his threat Into execution his
friends had him taken into custody.
He made an attempt at suicide at
Iowa City last September , but was un
President Makes an Appointment for
January 27.
Washington , Jan. 18. President
Roosevelt today made an appointment
for January 27 , to confer with a com
mittee of the operating vice presidents
of leading railroads. The appointrtien
was made by Senator Warner of Mls >
sourl at the request of the St. Loui
& San Francisco road. The committee
will represent among others the New
York Central , Pennsylvania , Burling
ton , Northwestern , Illinois Central am'
Frisco roads. The object Is to bring
to the attention of the president mat
ters regarded as adversely affecting
railway operations. It is understood
that legalizing of pooling agreements
will be one of the important topics
The president has hitherto Indicated
his position as favorable to sucli
agreements under proper supervision
of the commerce commission.
David Fawcett Explains He Wants to
Begin With Clean Slate.
Lincoln , Neb. , Jan. 18. The pangs
of an uneasy conscience have prompt
ed David Fawcett , a Burlington rail
road machinist , at Havelock , to offer
restitution of wages overpaid him by
his corporation employer.
Fawcett recently became a convert
to religion and the following day he
confessed to his foreman that he had
been paid $7.15 in excess of his right
ful wages during the month of Febru
ary , 1907 ; that his conscience was
smiling him , and he desired to return
the money.
A search of the dally wage ticket
has so far failed to disclose any over
payment and Fnwcett has not yet been
permitted to make the desired restitu
Fnwcett explains that he Is plan
ning to be married within a few
months nnd that lie intends to begin
married life with his slate clean of
Lane Cutoff of the Union Pacific
Nearly Completed.
Omaha , Jan. 18. Thirty days more
will suffice to finish building the Lane-
South Omaha cutoff of the Union Pac
ific , which Is to cut out the famous
"ox bow" between this city and Fre
mont on the great overland road. That
time is the opinion of railway men and
contractors watching its progress.
When that work Is done the Union
Pacific has only to ballast and lay
track before it can run such of its
trains as it pleases over the road , and
thus save nine or ten miles of ills-
titiico , The roHt of ( ho whole \t\l
structure of Mils and CUH ( , tromloM ,
rondurls , and the Illto la estimated at
not far from $ HOIK,000. )
The Union Pai-lllc IB hulldliu ; n o
culverts and Kllpntrlck Bros. & C l-
llus doing the grading. Together tiny
luive about fiOO men employed ,
May Contract With Steamship Line to
Work With the Milwaukee.
Chicago , Jan. 18. The Tribune to
day siiys : The Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Paul IH to outer active competi
tion with ( ho Ilarrlninn and the Hill
lines for the trans-Pacific trade. J.
H. IMland , third vlco president In
charge of trnllle on the Milwaukee. It
developed yesterday , Rails from San
Francisco for Japan January . ' 10.
Pacific coast extension of the Mil
waukee will bo completed to Seattle ,
Wash. , during 1000 , and the road then
will bo In n position to handle traffic
through from Chicago.
It Is understood the Milwaukee man
agement prefers a traffic alliance with
some existing steamship company but
If this cannot bo arranged , the road is
prepared to build Its own steamers
and establish its own line.
Baltimore & Ohio Stands to Lose the
Terminal Transfer Railroad.
Chicago , Jan. 18. Unless the finan
cial situation soon grows hotter the
Baltimore & Ohio railroad may lese
the opportunity to secure the Chicago
Terminal Transfer Railroad company ,
In which it already has Invested moro
than $10,000,000.
Contrary to general understanding ,
the deal whereby the Baltimore &
Ohio was to purchase the minority In
terest and thereby eliminate all oppo
sition to the sale of the terminal , sub
ject ( o the lease of the eastern road ,
Is now off.
Move Made by the Nebraska Com
Lincoln , Neb. , Jan. 18. Commis-
Issloners Williams and Clarke , of the
state railway commission , today ap
proved of the plan to compel railway
officials to furnish photographs and
complete details concerning wrecks.
Discrlptiun of the equipment must be
furnished nnd the cause of the dis
aster explained.
J- *
Scheme to Get Coal.
Leavenworth Times : The railroad
brakeman tell of an original schema
a fanner near Parnell has adopted to
got his winter's coal : Ills ground Is
between the two railroads , nnd near
either track he has set up Images
of roosters , labeled "John D. Rocke
feller , " at which the train crews jeerIngly -
Ingly throw coal. After the train has
passed the old man and his boys gath
er up the harvest. He averages about
a ton a week.
Fremont Herald : J. W. Olmsted ,
of the Northwestern , who was elected
vice-president of the committee of ad
justment of the Brotherhood of Rail
road Trainmen at the last meeting ,
leaves Sunday for Chicago to attend
another meeting of this national com
mittee , when unfinished business of
the1 recent session will be wound up.
Railroad Notes.
The Frisco will not get into Dallas
over its own rails until March 1.
Fewer railroads are distributing an
nual calendars this year than ever be
The general offices of the Trinity
& Brazes Valley will be moved from
Fort Worth to Houston.
Arthur G. Stalrwood of Boston , as
sistant treasurer of the Burlington ,
died last week at the age of fifty-
ilght years.
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Chicago Terminal
Transfer Railroad company was post
poned until February 17 ,
Railroads affected will
probably re
fuse to obey the order of the Texas
railroad commission , directing that
they buy nearly $5-1,000,000 worth of
rolling stock and power during the
next three years.
The Interstate commerce commis
sion decided that all tarrlffs Issued by
the railroads must be definite and
affirmative and of such a character
that anyone may be able to tell the
rates between any two points.
Traffic officials of Chicago roads
are trying to devise a plan whereby
economy may be effected In the con
duct of the western railway weighing
bureau. It is stated that fewer inspectors
specters will be needed as the new
law imposes a penalty upon the ship
per for violations
the same as upon
the railroads.
After several weeks' trial of the
nineteen and one-half hour schedule ,
the management of the New York
Central lines has decided to make an
other change In the running time of
the Twentieth Century Limited train.
Beginning next Sunday the train will
bo placed upon a schedule of eighteen
and one-half hours west bound and
nineteen hours east bound.
Railway Notes and Personals.
D. M. Collins , district freight agent
for the Union Pacific , with headquart
ers In Minneapolis , arrived in Sioux
City last evening.
Next Sunday the New York Central
will further curtail its passenger train
service on divisions , but not between
New York and Buffalo.
In order to determine Just how far
the government has a right to go In
controlling railroads and to prescribe
what safety appliances must bo used ,
the Wabash will seek a ruling frbm the
United States supreme court. 1 The
: aso to bo carried up was orljunally
instituted In the federal count at
Springfield , III.