The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 24, 1908, Image 1
THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOURNAL. , , , , , NOUKOLK NEBRASKA FRIDAY JANUAHX 24 1908 BANK OF ENGLAND REDUCES DIS COUNT RATE ONE PER CENT. PARIS DROPS A HALF PER CEN7 DISCOUNT RATES IN ENQLANC REDUCED FROM 5 TO 4. PARIS GOES FROM 3/2 TO S r Although the Effects of the Panic Have Not Been Manifest In England foi Some Weeks , This Action Official- Ends It. London , .Inn. 23. The Bank of Eng land discount rate was reduced todaj from C to1 per cent. Although the effects of the recent financial llurr > hnvo not been felt hero for some weeks , this action of the Bank of Eug land puts an end officially to the panic I'arls , Jan. 23. The bank dlHcounl was reduced today from 3Vfc to 3 pei Ct'Bt. PLOWING INMIDWINTER Farmer Near Lamro Who Has a Large Tract Ready for Crop. Lamro , S. D. , Jan. 23. Special tc The News : Beautiful weather still prevails In this Immedlato locality A man living four miles north ol Lamro was plowing nil last week ani now has a large tract that he has plowed od this winter. The mercury stood all day Monday from 40 to 0. above zero , and at C In the evening It wnf 15 above. Talk about your sunny sontli and the land of sunshine and roses I and seekers are getting thicker all the time , nil looking for deeded land to buy or for future prospects. Set tiers are coming In very rapidly those that have bought deeded land and some that have leased Indian land and will farm It until they can open up a farm for themselves. THE INDIAN AS A TRADER. No Longer Compelled to Buy at the PoSt Stbres. - ' Lamro , S. D. , Jan. 23. Special to The News : The special Indian agent was In town yesterday. He Is looking after the Interest of the Indians to see that they are allowed to trade where they can buy the cheapest and do the best. Heretofore they have been ex pected to trade at the peat trading stores , without regard to the prices paid. WHY HE WEARS IT. P. Pauli , Manager of the Western Union , Has Some Experience. Norfolk has seen the first sight oi spring , a man In a spring overcoat P. Paull , manager of the Western Union office , swung up the avenue dur ing the afternoon la a light spring overcoat. During the morning Paull burned up his winter coat. The moral In Panli's spring-like ap pearance Is not to carry matches In your overcoat pockets ; and further , that If you Insist on carrying matches in the overcoat , don't place the said coat near a red hot stove. Matches are Ignltable and given to spontaneous combustion. Paull not only carried matches but he placed his overcoat near a stove in the telegraph office. Afterwards he rushed madly from the office carrying a burning overcoat. The coat was ruined but the tire did not have time to spread. Grain Dealers Favor Pediraf tnipeotlot Lincoln , Jan. 23. At a meeting ol the Nebraska Farmer Grain Dealers association a resolution was passed declaring for the system of federal au pervislon over grain grading and weighing , particular reference belnj made to the practice of boards ol trade of some central markets. B. H Deal of Kansas City read a paper OE federal Inspection of grain , In whlcl bo advocated such legislation as pro posed in the bill of Senator McCuin ber of North Dakota. There was sonu opposition to the resolution , but II was passed by a good majority of thi 150 delegates present. Dining Car on Flyer Burnt. Friend , Neb. , Jon. 23. The dlnlni oar of the Burlington westbound flyoi took flro shortly after leaving Dorohosi tor last evening and' by the tima tin train reached here , where the oar wai uncoupled , it was practically con turned. The cook * and waiters cnpod without Injury. Llttlo damag < was dona Jo the othar CJT . Private Bank Suspends. Chicago , Jan. 23. The private bank * f A. C. Tlsdello suspended payments to depositors. A call was sent to po lice headquarters for ofllcors to quell rowlblo disturbances around the of. flee , but there was no trouble of any kind. Glass Workers' Union Illegal. Cleveland , Jan. 23. Judge Phlpps , in deciding the case against the Amalgamated Glaus Workera1 union , held /that Uie organization was In re train ! of trade and ordered Us dUsolu- tionjpn the ground' ' of public policy. NEW TOWN WEST OF DALLAS Twelve Miles Out and Well Locatec to Make Town , Lamro , S. I ) . . Jan. 23. Special ti The News : John Colombo , who hai throe-quarters of u section twelvi miles west of Dallas , will In the neai future survey It out Into a town am lot will bo In great dcmaiH , as thli tract Is well located and the right dls ( mice from Dallas to make a goot town. Ho states that parties arc will Ing to open up business at once , whlcl Induces him to begin operations soonci than ho Intended. ST. JOSEPH AND GRAND ISLANC ACCEPTS NEW RATES. COMPLY WITH 30 PER CENT GUI Nebraska Commission Receives Cop ) of Rate Schedule From the Granc 'stand ' Road Commission Sayi % 'ads Will Not Go Into Court. iln , Jan. 23. The Nebraska rail wi 'w\f \ 'mission today received copj of t < . j schedule from the St. Jo seph ' - ( . . 9 ? , rand Island road , compl > Ing wlv'- , recent cut of thirty pei cent In ' . .tes. Members of the com mission sny the railroads will adop the reduction without u contest In tin courts being filed. NETTLETONJ.OOMS UP Speaker of House May be Compromisi Candidate. Lincoln , Jan. 23. Special to Tin News : Uoss Hammond has gone U Washington to bo present at the llnlsl of the collectorshlp light , which comes to u vote of the Nebraska delegatloi on Saturday. Speaker Nettleton's chances as a compromise candidate are beginning to loom up consplcu ously. Rich Succeeds Glazier , Lansing , Mich. , Jan. 23. Qovernoi Warner announced that former Gov ernor John T. Rich had accepted an appointment as state treasurer , to sue ceed Frank P. Glazier , who has re signed. LONG STRIDE TOWARD CONCLU SION OF CELEBRATED CASE. ANTHONY COMSTOCK A WITNESS For First Time He Tells About Com plaints Thaw Made to Him Alienls' ' for Defense Takes the Stand Prls oner's Mother Completes Testimony Now York , Jan. 23. The end of the second Thaw trial la fast approaching This was Indicated when Dr. Charles Q. Wagner , the first of the alienists tc bo called by the d'efenao , took the stand for his preliminary examlna tlon. Anthony Comstock , vice presl dent of the Society for the Suppres slon of Vice , had been heard as a wit ness earlier In the day and Mrs. Will lam Thaw , mother of the defendant had completed her testimony. The kindergarten teacher , who had charge of Harry Thaw as a lad of six , also testified , and the day marked a long stride toward the conclusion of the celebrated case. Mr. Couiatock's testl mony , while new , had been discounted by the known facts of Thaw's appeal to him to assist In closing up the houses where Stanford White was alleged legod to have maintained elaborate ! ) furnished apartments and where young girls wore said to have been mistreated. A dozen letters Thaw wrote Comstock regarding the matter , giving a detailed description of the Twenty-fourth street house , were ad xnltted In evidence and read to the jury. The district attorney seemed as pleased as the defense with the letters and later In the day read Into the rec ord himself most of Mr. Comstock'i replies to Thaw. The witness indl cated in his testimony that nothing over came of the complaints , legal evl denco being lacking. Mrs. William Thaw , still unable tc walk unassisted because of her recent Illness , was not long on the stand , She told of Thaw's early life , of Influ ences before his birth , and mental un soundness of two of her brothers. Sh was not cross-examined. Mr. Jerome contented himself with reading to tin jurors the affidavit made by the elder Mrs. Thaw last year , when the ques tion of her son's sanity was before a lunacy commission. In that affidavit she declared that in the direct line ol descent there had been no Insanity In Harry Thaw's family for four genera tions. As to the collateral cases , Mrs , Shaw said , In the affidavit , there wer but two and they were easily accounted od for. In her statement to the com mission , Mrs. Thaw also resented the Insinuations which she said she had been compelled to suffer because ol the newspaper reports of Insanity la the family and she asserted' that there were no family secrets to hide and there was no skeleton to be bared. Magoor Summoned to Washington. Havana , Jon. 23. The announce ment was made at the palace that Governor Magoon had been summoned to Washington. The news was circu lated In extra editions of the papers ind caused much Interest and spocu- latlon regarding tlio Intentions of President Roosevelt. Governor Ma- loon will Ball on Monday. MOTION TO CENSURE GOVERN MENT FAILS IN LOWER HOUSE. THE VOTE STOOD 177 TO 165 Debate In the Lower House of the Die at Toklo Lasted Three and a Hall Hours and Resulted In a Defeat Foi the Motion. Toklo , Jan. 23. A motion to cen sure the government was defeated It the lower house of the diet today , by e vote of 177 to 1CS. The debate on tin motion lasted three and a half hours LESS COTTON THAN LAST YEAR Report of Census Bureau Shows Drof In Ginned Cotton. Washington , Jan. 23. The census bureau today Issued n report showln ? the total amount of cotton In the Unit oil Suites ginned from January 1,1907 to January 10 , 1908 , was 10,337,001 bales , as compared with 12,170,191 bales for same period last year. Corn Show Indorsed. Llni'oln , Jan 23. The slate bouri of ngriculliuu passed a ri'solutloi unanimously indorsing lite eftoita ol Omaha to secure the national con show for that city und Nebraska. Tin assurance was given that the oericul turlsUs of the state would back thi movement with every assistance It their power. Child Not Llllle Olsen. Nelson , Nob. , Jan. 23. Advice * r cetvud by Sheriff Jones satisfied hlu that the child held by the band o gypsies here Is not Llllle Olsen , ant unless dome one claims the little gir today he will order the release of tk < band. Methodist Seminary Burns. Wesalngton Springs , S. D. , Jan. 23. The Free Methodist seminary hen was totally destroyed by flro. Th < loss la $15,000 , insurance $7,000. flREEHOEPURJSTAL/RIES / Attorney for United States Expreti Company Makes Showing. Lincoln , Jan. 23. Salary earnings of the chief officials of at least one express company were made known tc the railroad commission through At torney Charles A. Greene , represent lug the United States Express com pauy. Mr. Greene made a supple mentury report to the board , In which he included information demanded that had been hitherto withheld , con cernlng the extent of the company' ! business. In this the company is represented as being willing , privately to lay information of salaries of iti officers before the board , but It dla likes to make this a matter of record Mr. Greene showed the members ol the board a letter In which the infer mutton was given that the presldenl of the company draws $25,000 a year , the secretary $20,000 and the treas urer $15,000. But for the tendency oj the newspapers to enlarge on all suet details and rnako mountains out ol molehills , the board was Informed , tin whole matter would have been r ported long before. Arguments were heard in supreme court in the case Involving the valid' ' ity of the Sibley law cutting expresi rates on all merchandise transported 25 per cent The attorney general ii asking for a referee to take testlraonj and when this phase of the case li closed ho will demand a temporary in junction prohibiting the companies from disregarding the reduction law until the suit is settled. SOLD EGGS TOSICK AT $1 EACH _ Witness Tells How Stoessel Reaped Rich Harvest During Siege. St. Petersburg , Jan. 23. Testimony showing the straits of the civil popula tion at Port Arthur during the siege was given at the court-martial of Lieu tenant General Stoessel by Colonel Vershlnln , who was civil commissioner of that place , and who fathered the charges against General Stoessel thai he reaped a rich harvest by selling eggs and milk and other luxuries to the sick during the slego. According to Colonel Vershlnln more existence was a luxury for civil ians. Provisions were enormously ex pensive. A cow cost $800 , a pig $500. eggs $1 each and other things corre spondingly. He testified that Mine. Stoossel had a large herd of cattle ami a Hock of chickens and charged exorbitant prices. Shortly before the surrender , he testified , she summoned a merchant ana' attempted to dispose of these , the supposition being that she had an Inkling of the coming surrender. The prosecution's case is practically all In , but several of General Stoes- uel's witnesses have yet to be heard. North Dakota Is for Taft. Fargo , N. D. , Jan. 23. The Repub lican state committee of North Dakota selected Minot as the place and May 14 as the date for the state convention to elect delegates to the Republican national convention. The committee declared In favor of the nomination of Secretary Taft. Morris K. Jesup Is Dead. New York , Jan. 23. Morris K. Jesup , retired banker and long promi nent In civic affairs , died from heart disease. Deceased was seventy-eight years old. He contributed largely to and took active Interest In several In dustrial schools and other philanthro pic Institutions. GOVERNOR CUMMINS WELCOMES DELEGATES TO SIOUX CITY. NAVIGATION A NATIONAL ISSUE One Thousand Men from All Polnti Up and Down the Missouri Boost foi Steamboats Kansas City and Oma ha Contending for Next Convention Sioux City , Jan. 23. Omaha am Ynnkton are In control of the politico end of the Missouri river congress with the result that the next congress will probably go to Omaha and Yank ton for the president and secretary o : the organization. Congressman Ellis of Kansas City Is a candidate for presl dent but It Is believed he will be out voted. There wore a few speeches this morning and rt | K > rts are being heari this afternoon. The resolutions com mlttee will probably report later. J recommendation for nn approprlntlor of10.000,000 by congress will bo i feature of the resolutions. Sioux City , Jan. 23. Seven statei were represented at the opening of tlu Missouri River Navigation congress bent. Delegates , nearly one tliousuiu in number , arrived during Ihe da ) fiom Montana , North Dakota , Soutl Dakota , Nebraska , Missouri and Kan sas. Politics crept Into tbo opening session of the convention. The flchi canio over the control of the tempo rary organization between the boost ers from Kansas City and Omaha The fight for the next convention hat something to do with the line-up. Thi Omaha men won their point in the selection lection , of Victor Bender of Councl Bluffs as temporary chairman and A B. Beall of Sioux City temporarj secretary. George Cl Call , who waj supported by the Kansas City men was defeated for the chairmanship. Governor Cummins of Iowa , whe was Instrumental in calling the firsl convention of the Missouri Iliver Navl gallon congress , addressed the meet Ing. welcoming 1,000 delegates at guests of Iowa and ( guests of Sioiu City. He said Iowa had no project ti promote other than that which was foi the good'of all her neighbors and al ber countrymen. The governor salil the question of waterway Improve tnent must become a public issue and thai until it did congress would not and Iiad no right to make large appropriations. He said that thougL the American people did not have the Initiative and referendum in form they certainly havo-tft- substance and the necessary support for 1m proving the waterways can be secured when it becomes the subject of dls cusslon around the firesides , in the fields , offices and' factories of the na tlon , and the demand for It the worli of earnest and public spirited citizens Congressman F. C. Ellis of Missouri spoke strongly In favor of cooperation tion with other states in making a fight for congressional appropriations for the work of Improving the stream , Other speakers were Congressman F , H. Hubbard , Henry T. Clarke of Oma ha and Thomas Wilkinson of Burling' ton. BERTHA TIEDJE PROBABLY AN INVALID - VALID FOR LIFE. HOSKINS GIRL WHO WAS SHOT Victim of the Gun That Was Not Load ed Which Sent a Bullet Into Her Spine Some Weeks Ago The Bullet Has Been Removed. Lying In an Omaha hospital with the lower part of her body paralyzed , Ber tha Tledje. , accidentally shot by her brother , has had the bullet removed from her spinal column but as a result of the terrible accident must go through what years stretch out before her a victim of paralysis. It was a gun "not loaded" that sud denly exploded on the Tledje farm north of Hosklns , bringing a terrlolo disaster to the sister of the young boy who held the rifle. The bullet was removed by Dr. Sum- inerE , an Omaha specialist. It had en tered near the neck and was lodged In the bone , having penetrated the spinal column Instead of having merely lodged near the spinal cord as first thought. The girl Is still In the Omaha hos pital , too weak to be brought back to her north Nebraska home. She may live for years , the physi cians say , but the lower part of her jody will he paralyzed as It was from the start. SERUM CONTROLS MENINGITIS Medical Inspector at Newport Uses It Upon Two Cases. Newport , Tl. I. . Jan. 23. Two naval apprentices recently received at the station hero are suffering from spinal meningitis. Both were considered hopeless cases. Medical Inspector Luclan O. Henobereor , U. S. N. , however - ever , determined to try the serum dis covered by Dr. Simon Flokner of the ftockefeller Institute , and It Is now reported that both men are expected lo recover. , One of them , F. F. Craw ford of Charleston. 111. , is said to bo doing well , while the other , R , B. Hoi- loway of Llpton , Tenn. , IB reported a § convalescent. ANTELOPE COUNTY HAS TWC SUCH CASES AT THIS TIME. ALLEGED WHEAT THIEF HELC W. M. Keith , Charged With Systemat Ically Robbing the Store of Join Davenport at Elgin , Is Held Undei $700 Bond , Nellgh , Neb. , Jan. 23. Special te The News : Business In the count } court's office has been looking up It the past twenty-four hours. The firsl appearing before Judge "Wilson was Frank Sims , of near Elgin , chnrgei by Clerk Robinson with stealing fifty four bushels of wheat , valued at $ 1G.2G He waived examination and was re leased upon $500 bonds , furnished bj bis father , to appear at the next torn ; of the district court. The young man has heretofore borne n good reputation In the communlt } where he resides , and his downfall 1 ; a surprise to the good people of thi vicinity. The second case before the countj judge was that of W. M. Keith yester day afternoon , who" was arrested t short time ago at Aberdeen , S. D. , foi stealing a sum estimated at $1,500 01 $2,000 , while employed ns clerk In tin Davenport store at Elgin. His bom : was fixed at $700 for his appearanci at the next term of the district court Up until this morning he has beer unable to secure ball and consequent ly Is still In the hands of Sheriff Mil ler. It is reported that he confessed the crime , placing the amount that he secured at $2,000 , but n portion of this sum he has made good. The claim now made Is that this confession was made under compulsion , and if sncli can be proven , It may be difficult tc obtain a conviction. In the testimony of Mr. Davenporl he says that he did not discover his loss until an inventory of the stocli was taken. Gco. N. Seymour , the banker , testified that Keith made n deposit at his bank of $425 , and this it Is claimed , Is a portion of the amount that was stolen. WARSHIPS LEAVE RIO FOR RUN TO STRAITS OF MAGELLAN. VISIT BINDS NATIONS CLOSER Both Officers and Men FeUd and F aited During Their Sojourn in City Half the Population Turns Out to Give Them Fitting Farewell. Rio Janeiro , Jan. 23. To the boomIng - Ing of guns and the cheers of thou sands on the accompanying pleasure offtft , the American warships Ballad from Rio Janeiro , bound for Punta Arenas , on the Magellan strait. Ten days will bring the fleet almost mid way on Its 14,000-mile cruise to San Franclsoo , and the ships and the men carried with them tSe good wishes of the whole Brazilian nation. Not an untoward incident had marked the visit of the Americans hero. They were feasted and' feted , both officers and men , during their so journ in Rio , and half the population turned out from aarly In the morning to give them a fitting farewell. As upon the arrival of the fleet , BO upon Ita departure , the quays , the public bulldinga and the hills were crowded with thousands watching the "wor ships until they had disappeared through the mouth of the bay Into the open soa. The president of the republic , Dr. Penna , came to Rio Janeiro from Petropolls and proceeded on the yacht 31Iva down to where- the warships were lying. Ho went aboard the orulser Benjamin Constant , which was In readiness to accompany the Amer ican fleet , and made a tour of all the American ships. Accompanied by Ad miral Alencar , the minister of marine , ind Dr. L. Muller , the minister of pub lic works , and other high officials , he visited the divisional flagship Minnesota seta , remaining there about an hour. Admiral Thomas , commander of the flagship ; Captain Hubbard and th American ambassador , Irving Dudley , received him with all honors and the band' played the Brazilian national xnthem. In the salon of the Minnesota seta there was a mutual exchange of greetings. Admiral Thomas made a ipoech , In which he expressed his wishes for the best prosperity of Bra- til and her people , concluding with 'Brazil , Brazil , God bless you for 3vermore. " The president responded with a : houaand wishes for a good voyage 'or the splendid fleet , prosperity for the United States and the health of President Roosevelt. Cannon is Grosscup's Choice. Chicago , Jan. 23. "Uncle Joe Can non can , In my judgment , safely and confidently be given the place at the wheel , " said Judge Peter S. Gross- cup of ( ho United States circuit court , peaking at the banquet of the Illinois Lawyers' association. Woman's Death Is Mystery , dalllpolls , O. , Jan. 23. Mystery surrounds the death of Mrs. William Phillips of Dowlngton. whoso body was tound In a secluded spot out In a field near her homo. Evidences of a strug gle were plainly visible. THE CONDITION THE WEATHER Temperature for Twenty-four Hour * Forecast for Nebraska , Conditions of the weather ns recorded od for the twenty-four hours ending at 8 n. in. today. Maximum 41 Minimum 01 Average 21 Hnrometcr 30.91 Chicago , Jim. 23. The bulletin Is sued by the Chicago station of the United States * weather bureau gives the forecast for Nebraska as follows : Fair tonight and Friday. Rising temperature. GREGORY COUNTY PROMISES BIT TEREST ROW IN STATE. TWO TOWNS AGAINST FAIRFAX. Contest Has Developed Into a Mutual Recrimination -and Mud-Slinging Row. Herrlck and Burke In Race , and St. Charles Coming , Gregory , S. D. , Jan. 23. Special to Tht' News : Gregory county Is now In tlu > throes of what promises to become the bitterest county sent fight In the history of the state. Thus far two towns have entered the contest ns against Fairfax , the present location. As between these three towns the fight seems to have developed into a mut ual recrimination and mud slinging contest. The Herrlck committee have Issued a statement In which they de clare that Uurke In return for a "mis erable mess of political potage" has entered Into a shameless deal with Fairfax whereby Burke agreed to en ter the contest against Herrlck solely for the purpose of Increasing the chances of Fairfax to retain the loca tion. The Burke committee refer to these accusations as " absolutely false , " and denounce them as "Infam ous lies. " The Burke committee In their zeal against Herrlck have Issued a map which shows that the geograph ical center of the county is consider ably north and west of Burke. They also publish election statistics which prove that the center of population Is considerably west of Burke , about half way between Burke and Gregory. The next developement In the contest It Is now understood will be the entrance of the town of St. Charles Into the race. St. Charles Is one of the new towns on the railroad and although not so old as some of the other towns It Is'a prosperous little city , favorably located , and has n good bunch of boost ers among whom are some of the wealthiest men In the country. The candidacy of St. Charles seems to be regarded with favor In Gregory which Is now by far the largest town In the county. It Is probable that should St. Charles enter the race they will be able to make a strong bid for the sup port of Gregory and surrounding ter ritory which Is now the most populous part of the county and without the support of which It will be Impossible either to keep the county seat at Fair fax where It now is or to remove It to n new location. ARTERY STRENGTH NEW TEST Policemen In Chicago to Be Tried for Fitness in This Manner Hereafter. Chicago , Jan. 23. Policemen In Chicago cage are to be retired In the order of the hardness of their arteries. "It has been determined beyond dis pute that a man is as old as his ar teries , " said Health Commissioner Evans , explaining the plan on which the retiring board will work. "While It is a universal rule that aa a man grows older his arteries harden , yet the process of hardening does not move evenly with the years. The ar teries of a man of fifty may bo harder than those of another man of sixty- five. It depends on the way he baa lived. " The machine for testing the arteries is a hollow rubber band put around the biceps of the arm and connected with a rubber tube , which runs to a common pump bulb in the hand. By working the bulb the person being ex amined forces air Into the band around the arm until it swells enough to stop the pulae. A mercuiy standard attached Indicates how much pressure this takes. STOCKMEN LIKJ BURKETT BILL National Association Pssses Resolu tions Favoring Leasing System. Denver , Jan. 23. The eleventh an nual convention of the American Na tional Live Stock association was un able to complete Its work , and ad journed until morning , when officers for the ensuing term will be elected and the place of the next meeting se lected. The meeting was taken up in a dis cussion of the Burkett bill for the leasing of public lands and It was ap proved by an overwhelming vote. The question of leasing public lands for grazing came up In the report of the committee on resolutions on the snbject. The majority report favored the passage of Senator Burlcott's bill , with certain amendments made by the tommlttee. The most Important of Uiese amendments provldo a maximum grazing fee of 4 cents per aero and a minimum of , ( . cent per acre. Other amendments to the bill provide for the movement of live stock across the public lands and for fencing rights. BIG WARSHIP STARTS FROM 3AN FRANCISCO. FIRST LARGE PRACTICE TRIP When This Practice la Finished It Is Expected the Mammoth Warship Will be Ready to Join Admiral Ev ans' Fleet. San Francisco , Jan. 23. The battle ship Nebraska started this morning on Its first large practice trjp. It is ex pected the monster vessel will bo ready to join Admiral Evans' fleet when the practice Is concluded. i SENATE HITSAT PRESIDENT _ Constitutionality of Trade Pact With Germany la Attacked , Washington , Jan. 23. President Roosevelt transmitted to the senate and the houao copies of the tariff rep ulatlons negotiated some tlmu ago bo- twceii Uio United States and Germany together with a proposed amendment to the customs administrative act put ting the sumo In force as a stutuio. In the senate the message aroused lively discussion In executive aesslon when It was taken up. The remark * were not addressed to the message BO much as to the policy of considering It In executive session as well as the policy of the president In connection with the agreement. Ilia course , not only In negotiating that Instrument , but In proclaiming It to tbo world , as ho did last July was sharply criticised. It was declare ! that the agreement makes change * which are equivalent to legislation and It was pointed out that all legis latlon affecting the tariff must , under the constitution , originate in the house of representatives. Stress was laid on the fact that the president had not only negotiated the treaty , but that ho had given It out as a com plete performance without referring It to the senate for action. This th * senators seemed to consider as espe cially reprehensible and far beyond the authority of the chief executive , It was pointed out that Uio German kaiser had not only referred the agree ment to the luichstag for Its action , but that ho had even consulted both the local and national boards of trade. Hence , the president was charged with being oven more autocratic than the head of the German empire. It was also declared that under the system of valuations provided for by the , treaty fci ort Injustice 5K9"'d bs done to the Unltdd State ? Senator Heyburn made strenuoui objection when the question waa raised that the message was a subject for consideration In the open senate , instead of behind closed doors. The Idaho senator maintained that an open senate debate would only plunge the senate into an almost endless tariff discussion. Senators McLauren , Tell er and others called for open session and their plea finally won , but not before - fore Senator Galllnger and one or two others had delivered' their sentiments concerning the action of an executive In calling for legislation whenever the spirit moved him. It waa finally decided to refer the message to the committee on finance. HARRIMAN SUIT WILL COME < Government Delayed Bringing Action in Union-Southern Pacific Merger. Washington , Jan. 23. With refer ence to the contemplated suit agalnit 13. H. Harriman by the government questioning the legalULy under the antl-tiubt act of the purchase by the Union Pacific of the controlling Inter est in the Southern Pacific and other lines alleged to be In competition with the Union Pacific , Attorney General Bonaparte said that when brought the suit would be based on the report of the interstate commerce commission of last July , in which the details o the alleged merger were given. Ha said that after the report had been made the bubject of It had been dis cussed at a confeienco hold at the While House , when the entire matter was referred to the department of justice for consideration and Investi gation and that eaily in December ac tion was determined on , but was de layed by icasoti of the unexpected ah- sonce in Muiojio ol C. A. Severance , one of the special counsel for the gov ernment. He added that Mr. Sever ance had now retuined to the United States and will be In Washington within a few days , as also will be Frank B. Kellogg , the other special counsel. When they arrive the attor ney general will have a consultation with them , after which an authorized statement will be made to the public. VON BUELOWJEEPS SILENT German Chancellor Declines to Reply to Socialist Interpellation. Berlin. Jan. 23. Chancellor von Buelow refused categorically in tha rolchstng to reply to a Socialist Inter- pollution on the subject of the Prua- ilan suffrage. This precipitated a. ioafenlng uproar from the mamtoro. during which all the ministers left the house. The debate was then con tinued bcforo the half empty benches. Trouble with the people baa been Dxpectod , particularly in view of the street disorders , and In order to bo prepared for a rocurrenca of violent encounters between the pollco and the populace , the bulldinga of parliament wora surrounded from early morning with a strong force of police ormod with pistols and sabers.