The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 27, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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One of the Moat Rcmarkabe Settle
ments Ever Mndo with Creditors-
One of the Indicted Firm will Sacri
fice nil he Has to Settle.
The trial of tlio Kansas City fraud-
ulunt pump concern , among whoso
victims was Frank llormol of Nor-
follt who for $700 purchased county
rights to MudlHon , Stnnton , Plorco
Wayne , Cedar , Antelope and Iloone
counties , has had n startling sequel
It now appears that Uormel and the
other Investors In the falto concern
may have their cash refunded liy an
unusual sacrifice on the part of one
of the members of the Indicted firm.
What will probably bo one of the
inofit remarkable settlements over
made with creditors was licensed on
Thursday afternoon by the United
States court at Kansas City , when a
provisional order wan made to dis
charge Hervey S. McCowan from bank
ruptcy upon his promise to pay oft
certain obligations of the Western
I'ump and Manufacturing Company.
A recent Kansas City federal Jury
Indicted tlio owners of this concern for
swindling , and two of tbem , "William
II. Meyers and J. F. Iludd , were last
week sentenced to prison and to pay
lines for their part in the enterprise.
Mr. McCowan , who Is an occasional
preacher , and who regularly delivers
lectures , joined the Kansas City com
pany live weeks prior to the tlmo Post-
olllce Inspector 13. L. McKco closed It
tip and the district attorney seized Its
With Myers and Uudd , Mr. McCowan
was arrested , released on bond , given
a serverance from bis partners and
Jils case set down for trial during the
current month. Thursday , voluntar
ily and without previous notice to the
court , he appeared before Judge Me-
Pherson , and made the statement
that he bad undertaken to reimburse
every man who had been deceived In
to buying county rights and otherwise
Investing money In the worthless
pump machine to which Mr. McCowan
had lent his name deliberately , but
with the fullest conviction that the in
vention was of merit Instead of being
.utterly worthless.
According to Mr. McCowan's state
ments to the court , as given In Kansas
City dispatches , the settlement will
cost him $18,000 , at least , lie proposes -
poses to Incorporate a hardware con
cern which ho owns and which Is In
Snyder , Ok. , and to turn the stock
and management , and other assets he
possesses over to his own attorney ,
R. R. Drowsier , and to Arthur Miller
of the firm of Karncs , Now & Kraut-
lioff , as trustees , for the benefit of all
those persons who Invested money in
the Western Pump and Manufacturing
company while Mr. McCowan was
identified with It. Mr. McCowan asked
to have one year in which to liquidate.
'The effort will ruin him , so one of
his friends said , adding : "But ho is
so distressed at the plight of the vie-
'tlms of the Western Pump and Man-
tufar-turlng Company that ho has
promptly and cheerfully put absolute
ly every dollar he has In the world
Into this , trustee fund to clear his
name of a stain.1'
It is expected that when the Me-
Cowan criminal case goes to trial be
fore a jury In the federal court this
month , this settlement will have n
marked effect upon the verdict , some
holding that 'It will completely acquit
the defendant , as it will prove that
ho could not possibly have known
the pump machine was a swindle , oth
erwise a man with his sense of justice
never would have allowed his money
nud his name and the money and name
of his friends to be Involved.
Claims for a little over $10,000 have
l > een listed against the Moyors-Rudd-
McCowan partnership , but the list does
not Include Investments made by per
sonal friends of Mr. McCowan. The
$10.000 In claims Is to be paid off b >
the trustees out of the revenues from
the McCowan estate , which Is to be
Incorporated. The $8.000 paid to the
Meyers and Iludd pump outfit will bo
settled In private by Mr. McCowan
who was given permission to make
his own terms and time with those.
This remarkable detail belongs tea
a remarkable transaction. A paten
right peddler named Myers , of Okla
honin , contrived a handle to wind in
a spring which would be checked ii
Its release by a common ratchet , fron
which depended a pendulum , just ex
actly what may be seen In a clock
As this pendulum would swing It wa
to work a pump handle , and the claln
was made that an 18-year-old bo
could by winding the spring , make th
machine pump ten to twenty gallon
an hour of water constantly for twelv
hours. Experts showed that It woul
take six horses to wind the spring
and that the spring would weigh a
least ICO tons. Myers advertised h
could sell the machine for $15. Ex
perts showed the spring would cos
Not a pump was ever made
made were found to ru
not twehv hours , but scarcely twclv
minutes. Sales of county rights t
the extent of $00,000 are reported t
have been made.
Hosklns Briefs.
About one Inch of snow fell In thi
locality Tuesday morning.
A dance will be given at Wetzlick'
hall Saturday , December 21. Musi
will be furnished by Collins Bros. 01
Among the Norfolk visitors Tuoa
day wcro Mrs. Green , Mrs , F , Benser
Miss Anne Sulty , Win. Sentsy and Ra
Gleason ,
class jnlaj wHl vbe plvon _ bjr.1
mills of the high school In the opera
mine Friday , December 20.
Mr. llhllllps was In Norfolk Monday
> attend the play "Olivette. "
Delia , the threo-ycar-old daughter of
Ir. and Mrs. Atig. Nickel , is recover-
ig from an attack of membraneous
rou p.
Carl Alberts of Apex took the morn-
ig train to Wayne Tuesday.
Chan. Ohlund Is remodeling his prop-
rty on uppon Main street this week.
L new barn and nn addition to the
OUBO will bo built , Mr. Ohlnnd sold
ho property In which ho Is now ro-
Idlng and will probably move into
Is new homo as soon as it Is com-
Eddlo Wilkinson was In Hosklns
Vedncsday looking up a newspaper
ropositlon but found it would not bo
paying Investment.
Sheriff Bauman Has Faith In the Sin
cerity of the Parents Not a Clue
to Whereabouts of Child Who So
Suddenly Dropped From Sight.
Fremont , Nob. , Dec. 20. No more
( idling case has over confronted po-
ce authorities of Nebraska than the
no of the little Olson girl , who dlsap-
eared from her homo at Rosallo a
oek ago Sunday. It Is a mystery
ark , deep and Impenetrable , which
as confused detectives at every turn
ud grown more complicated with the
asslng of the days. This Is the opln-
on of Sheriff Bauman of Fremont , ouo
f the shrewdest olllcora of the state ,
has just returned from a two
ays' Investigation of various phases
Though the parents of the missing
ot arc not wealthy or prominent , there
ro pathetic features connected with
10 mystery which promise to make
famous over the country. Newspa-
or men with pen and camera are
rrlvlng on the scene , and the coming
unday's edition of some of the big
allies will feature the story In a way
mt make the Interest , now at high
Itch In Nebraska and Iowa , wide-
: ircad.
Sheriff Bauman put In his tlmo at
losallo and Bancroft In a vigorous
iqulry Into the mystery , and in going
ver the ground. He believes he has
lade a most thorough and minute ex-
initiation , into every phase that has
resented Itself , accumulating enough
vldenco In each to shatter It and
cave every seeming solution an im-
robablllty. Ho satisfied himself of
10 sincerity and honesty of the pa-
ents In all they have told about the
ase. Ho satisilcd himself of the sin-
erlty of the neighbors , and the ear-
estness of their search. He made
iqulrles from some seventy different
orsons who know more or less about
10 case. He reached no conclusion ,
ircd out with his labors , he has come
ack to Fremont with a headful and
otebookful of Information , from which
e will try to draw some deductions.
The only thing actually now which
: io Fremont officer learned came to
im by telephone after he reached
ome from a confederate who worked
vlth him. This man telephoned that
Ir. Copple , a relative of the Copple
ouple who were murdered near Resale -
lo a few mouths ago , had furnished
Im the Information that ho had passed
ho Olson home the evening of the
iiTs strange disappearance and had
'een two strange men walking along
ho road. This was at G o'clock , or
ibout an hour after the girl was
Whether this incident has any bear
ng remains to be seen. It is likely-
ooklng for results as anything that
las come to light.
The Olsons live a mile and a half
from Rosalie In a small house on rented , -
od land and have a family of seven
children , besides two children of Ol
son's brother , whose wife died two
years ago and who left the country
about that time , and has never been
heard from. The point at which the
child left her companions to return
liome alone is a further distance from
the house than reports have Indicated
It Is perhaps a quarter of a mile , ant
the house Is not visible from It. Had
the child wandered away , however , It
seems some trace of her movements
would have been left. The ground
was muddy , and she wore light slip
pers which would probably have come
off. At any rate she would not have
gone far. The search for her com
menced within an hour after she dls
appeared. The father at C o'clock tele
phoned to Rosalie for help and a partj
was organized.
Olson threw his house and premises
open to Sheriff Bauman for examlna
tlon , to dispel disquieting rumors
concerning possible criminal develop
ments , and the place was thorough ! }
ransacked , oven to the search of hay
stacks , cellars and lofts. This brough
no clue. A preponderance of tha testl
mony of his neighbors was that Olson
Is a quiet , law-abiding , hard-working
farmer. So far as could bo learnec
ho had no quarrel with anybody , hat
never been arrested or Involved in an >
court or jury proceedings which mlgh
make htm enemies. The hog theorj
Is scouted. The hogs wore all In thel
pens , and there was nothing in any o
the pens to indicate the animals mlgh
have eaten the child ,
Sheriff Bnunmn will spend a day o
two at homo while ho attempts deductions
tions from his fund of Information
Then ho will go back to Rosallo t
resume his Inquiry into the case.
Today's ads. are Important and un
llko some Important things , they nr
While There Has Been Little Doing ,
the Coming Christmas Festivities
Will be Full of Life and Activity
Befitting the Season ,
During the past week there has
icon a lull in social events , people
> etng busy preparing for Christmas
and the festivities of holidays which
nay bo said to have fairly started Frl
lay evening with two dancing parties
n town. The coming week will bo
full to repletion with Christmas trees
and their attendant good cheer , danc
cs , receptions , theatrical entertain
ncnts , and private gatherings In which
urkey and cranberry sauce will form
conspicuous features.
The people themselves are paying
Ittle attention to the bankers' panic ,
and the Christmas festivities will be
celebrated this year with more jollity
ban usual , and the gifts of the yule-
Ido will be more elaborate than ordi-
mry. Why not ? The people have gnr-
icred an abundant harvest , there is
) lenty and to spare for all , and there
s every reason why a prosperous and
mppy community should make the
most of the gay holidays.
Pleasures of the Week.
Friday evening of last week six
ouples of young people surprised Glen
Vllley , the occasion being his elgh-
eenth birthday. The surprise was
omplete , Glen being at the store
whore he works when his guests came.
After they arrived he was given an
rgent call home , and was astonished
o find a room full of visitors when
ic arrived. The evening was pleas-
ntly spent at games , due justice being
one to a three-course luncheon at
lie proper time.
The second number of the High
chool lecture course attracted a largo
udlonce to the Auditorium Tuesday
venlng , the attraction being Adrian
I. Newens In an Interpretation of
llchard Ganthony's "A Message From
lars. " The reading was high class
nd appreciated by all who attended.
Friday evening an Elks dance was
iven in Marquardt hall , above the
lub rooms of the order. Collins'
rchestra furnished the music and it
vas the beginning of the holiday festl-
Ittcs for a large number who were
A family reunion was held at the
lome of R. F. Bruce Thursday even-
ng In honor of Mr. Bruce's seventieth
irthday. Children and grand child-
en were present and helped make the
vent a merry one for Mr. Bruce.
Mr. and Mrs. WJlllam Wagner cole-
rated their tenth wedding anniversary
n Wednesday evening , and they were
sslsted in commemorating the event
y a large number of friends who
athered at their home.
At the Eagles club rooms Tuesday
veiling , the members of that order
icld a "smoker" which was one of the
njoyable events of the week to those
vho attended.
A dancing party In the South Norfolk
all Friday evening attracted a good
rowd of merry dancers , who extract-
d the full measure of enjoyment from
he festivity.
The Even Dozen club met with Miss
lara Rudat Wednesday evening , the
evening being spent In finishing
hrlstmas tokens for friends.
The W. C. T. U. held a mothers'
meeting with Mrs. Oxnam on South
Tenth street Tuesday afternoon.
Invitations are out for a reception
at the home of Judge and Mrs. J. B.
Barnes , 1C01 Norfolk avenue , given in
honor of their son , .T. B. Barnes , jr. ,
and his bride , who was Miss Alta M.
Rowe of Casper , Wyo. John Barnes Is
now practicing law In Casper , where
the wedding took place last Sunday.
John has many friends In Norfolk ,
where he lived for many years , who
will be glad to greet both himself and
his bride.
A holiday wedding will take place
at Christ Lutheran church on the af
ternoon of December 2C , In which the
contracting parties are Fred Miller
and Miss Charlotte Walter. The
ceremony will be performed by Rev
J. P. Mueller. A wedding reception
will be held at the home of the bride's
parents , Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Walter
on south Third street.
At the home of the bride's parents
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tannehlll living
near Warnervlllo , Miss Eva L. Tan
nehlll was united in marriage to Mr
David Varner , Rev. C. W. Ray , pastor
of the Norfolk M. E. church officiating
Mr. and Mrs. Varner will make their
home near Warnervllle.
Coming Events.
The usual Christmas service will bo
observed by Damascus Commandery
Knights Templar , at their asylum a
11 o'clock Christmas morning. Nor
folk Knights will at this tlmo join
with their fraters throughout the
world in participation of the Christ
mas sentiment , together with 172,000
Sir Knights of the order owing alle
giance to the Grand Encampment.
Probably the largest formal soda
function for the holiday week will bo
the twentieth annual ball to bo given
by Eikhorn Valley lodge , No. 101
Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen , a
Marquardt hall Christmas evening
This Is the twentieth year that the
Brotherhood has given a ball on
Christmas , and every one of them has
been a success , so that judging from
the table of averages the coming party
will not prove n disappointment to
anyone who attends. The various
committees who have the details In
charge arc making extensive prepara
tions to entertain their guests in n
royal manner.
A holiday event that will prove more
than usually attractive will bo the min
strel show to bo given by members of
the Norfolk lire department at the
Auditorium on the ovenlng of Decom
her 110. The boys who are to take the
various parts In this entertainment
arc rehearsing every ovenlng , and the
minstrel promises to prove ono of the
chief events of the holidays.
The M. B , A. lodge will celebrate the
holidays by holding a big Initiation of
candidates on Friday evening.
The first dancing party of Trinity
social guild will bo given at Marquardt
hall Friday evening.
Council Very Much Pleased Over the
Work Done by the Contractor Re-
latlons Are so Amicable That an
Oyster Supper Finishes the Deal.
"There are sewer contractors and
sewer contractors , " remarked a Nor-
'oik councilman Thursday ovenlng as
10 led the way to the banquet board
vhere an oyster supper attested that
ho relations between the city , its of
ficials and Contractor John Elslnger
of West Point had been pleasant and
satisfactory. The supper also marked
ho final completion and acceptance by
he city of sewer district No. 1.
The dealings that the city council
md with the last sewer contractor
vouud up with a lawsuit that is still
lending. This time the final settle
ment wound up with an oyster supper.
Contractor John Elslnger of West
Jolnt constructed sewer district No.
L for Norfolk. His work has been
approved and paid for. Thursday the
council settled with Contractor El-
inger. Ho was paid $0,707 for build-
ug the district sewer system.
Elslnger didn't present any bills for
extras. " The council was startled ,
ils final bills didn't oven reach the
amount of his original bid. The coun-
11 was dumbfounded. The sewer
vork had cost a few dollars less than
hey thought It would. Who ever
icard tell ?
"The city engineer must tie a rope
o Elslnger ; we can't let him get out
of the city , " said ono councilman.
Ve may want to build another sewer. "
"Just write to the Norfolk council
or recommendations , " said another
ouncllman. "We'll frame up a joint
nemorlal. "
"Can't bo contractors are getting
loncst , " said a third.
"And he did It cheaper than he bid
straight work and no row , row , row.
Veil , well , well , " said another.
"Let's all go out to supper , " said
So a sewer district has been built
vithout a lawsuit or a row.
The city council handled its work
vlth a rush Thursday evening to get
hrough before the 11 o'clock "lid"
vent on. Score "one" for Mayor Dur-
and's "lid. "
E. B. Fairfleld , Bookkeeper at the Pen
itentiary , Gets Place.
Ernest B. Falrfield , for many years
jookkeeper at the state penitentiary ,
ms been appointed state accountant.
Auditor E. M. Searle made the appoint
ment and It was approved by Govern
or Sheldon whose approval Is required
by statute. It Is to take effect about
the first of , the year. The auditor and
governor will determine the amount
of salary to be paid. It is understood
it will bo not less than $1,800 and not
more than $2,000 a year and traveling
expenses. The legislature created the
ofllco of state accountant and while no
fixed salary Is mentioned in the bill ,
an appropriation of $0,000 for salary
and traveling expenses was made for
a period of two years.
Among the candidates for tills posi
tion was Chris Schavland , whose term
as county treasurer of Madison county
expires at the beginning of the now
year. Mr. Schavland is unusually well
qualified for the place and his friends
are disappointed that ho did not get
Mr. Fairfleld Is the son of ono of
the earlier chancellors of the univer
sity of Nebraska. His father was later
In the consular service stationed in
France. Under the law It will be his
duty to examine the books and ac
counts of all state ofllcers , state boards
and bureaus and all societies and as
sociations supported by the state ,
state institutions , state normal schools
and the state university and report
the fiscal conditions of such institu
tions and offices and the misuse o
funds and any improper system of
bookceping. He must also bo present
at all meetings of the state board of
purchases and supplies to represent
the interests of the state in contracts
lot by the board. Ho Is to wrok under
the direction of the auditor and report
to the governor. The law contains
conflicting provisions In regard to the
filing of reports with the governor and
the auditor , owing to the fact that the
bill was changed repeatedly during its
passage through the legislature.
Today's ads. deal with today's pos
sibilities , difficulties , quests , offers , op
Seven Others Keep Him Company In
the City Bastllo for Various Of
fenses Busy Night for the Police
Ono wanted to bo a pallbearer at
Mayor Durland's funeral , ono tried to
hold up a Norfolk avenue bakery , two
or thrco wore "vngs , " ono was crazy ,
ono was a "suspect , " the rest were
drunk. There were eight men In the
city Jail last night something doing
all along the lino.
In two of the arrests Chief Flynn
played a dramatic part was quite
literally "Johnnlo on the spot. " After
Flynn had the jail prctt > * well filled
Night Officer Kell came on and , getting -
ting busy , soon brought the number
of city prisoners up to eight.
To serve as a pallbearer for Mayor
Durland was the cold-blooded wish ex
pressed by M. C. Morrarlty , late from
Dnbuque , Iowa. Morrarlty called at
the mayor's office and asked for trans
portation from Norfolk to Sioux City.
The mayor could see no reason why
Morrarlty shouldn't get out of Norfolk
as fast as possible but ho had loft his
pass book at homo. Morrarlty became
Insulting. When he got to the door
ho fired this at the mayor : "I don't
wish you any bad luck but I wish I had
ahold of your casket when you're
done. " The mayor complained to the
chief of police.
A few hours later Morrarlty , still
looking for that Sioux City ticket , saw
a smallish man hid In a big overcoat.
"Where's the chief of police , " Mor-
rarity growled.
"And what do you want with the
chief ? " asked the man In the overcoat.
"That's my business , " growled Mor
"And mine too , " said the chief as
he showed his star and marched Mor
rarlty over to the cfty jail , where ho
still anguishes , seventy-four miles
from his beloved Sioux City. "I was
ashamed of the fellow's nationality , "
said the chief.
Charles Norton comes from Scranton -
ton , Pa. , but looks more llko a west
ern bad man. Charlie went Into the
Kauffman bakery , looked fierce and
demanded something to eat. Charlie
hadn't noticed the little man In the
big overcoat , so , although he fright
ened the girl who was waiting on him ,
lie was jerked around by the chief and
headed for the Jail.
"Guess I won't go any further , " said
Charlie , drunk and ugly , as ho approached
preached the jail.
"I guess you will , " said Flynn as
Ills club came Into action.
"I guess I will , " said Charlie and ho
Is still In jail.
Chris Rankins of Lowden , Iowa , a
sewer worker , drunk again , was ar
rested for the third time within a few
Charles Kruger , who used to live In
Norfolk , came down from Pierce to
see If the "Norfolk lid" had slipped
any. He paid his fine in the morning.
L. Smith of Stanberry , Mo. , was run
In on general principles.
Fred Wilson , hailing from James
town , N. Y. , across the continent , and
Anton Hanson , not long from Den
mark , were both held over night as
"vags. "
Sheriff William Malchow , jr. , of
West Point and Marshal J. W. Mooney
of Wisner , brought an Insane patient
to Norfolk who could not be accepted
at the hospital. The patient brought
the number of jail inmates up to eight.
Chief Flynn removed whisky bottles
from four of the men , for the chief
keeps a tight "lid" on the city jail.
Splendid Record Made by the Union
Pacific During the Past Year.
It Is often charged that human life ,
In the present age , Is held of little
value. Whenever there Is an accident
In which lives are lost , sensationalists
generally bring forward the argument
that great employers of labor do not
exercise the right care for the protec
tion of life. The annual report of the
Union Pacific railway , shows among
other interesting things , how great
has been the effort made during the
past year to reduce to the minimum
the possibilities of accident and of the
destruction of human life and personal
injury incident to the operation of
During the past year about $2,000-
000 were expended In the installation
of safety appliances , all for the pur
pose of reducing to the lowest possible
degree the chance of accidents. That
this expenditure has not been in vain
is shown by the comparative report
of the loss of life and of personal In
jury on account of accident. For the
year ending June 30 , 1907 , the total
number qf employes killed on the
Union Pacific was GC. and Injured 859 ,
out of a total of 27,000 employes , and
95 % of the Injuries were very slight.
During the year 190G , C3 employes
were killed. During the year ending
Juno 30 , 1907 , there were but three
passengers killed and 1GG Injured. In
190C two passengers were killed and
135 Injured. During 1907 those em
ployed as postal clerks , express mes
sengers , etc. , one was killed and 3S
Injured , compared with thrco killed
and fifteen Injured during 1900. Other
persons who lost their lives during
the past year through railroad acci
dents of the system number 35 , with
Injuries to 45 , against 4G killed and
73 Injured In 190G. The total killed In
all accidents for the year 1907 was
105. The total Injured 1101 , against
114 killed and 1983 injured in 190G.
When it U taken Into consideration
that the increased business handled
by this company Is Indicated by In
creases of 2.0G per cent In tons of
freight carried ono mile and 12.87 per
cent In the passengers carried ono
mlie , 10.10 per cent In the total train
mileage and 5.71 per cent In the total
car mileage , the decrease In the loss
of life Is remarkable.
The principal train accidents during
the year , Include a collision between a
running wild freight car and a freight
train near Choycnne on August 20 ,
190G , In which ono engineer was killed ,
ono flrcman and ono hrnkoman in
Jtircd. This accident was duo to fall
uro to properly set the brakes In the
Cheyenne yards.
On September 4 , 190G , through do
fcctlvo track near Red Buttes , Wyom
Ing , n passenger train was derailed.
Ono trespasser boating his way over
the line was killed and another tres
passer and ten passengers injured.
On October 9 , 1900 , n passenger
train was derailed by broken rail neai
Wamogo , Kansas. Ono conductor and
forty-six passengers wore slightly In
On October 10 , 100(3 ( , freight trains
collided nt Ridge , Wyoming , owing to
overlooking of train orders. Two engineers
gineers , ono flrcman and ono brakeman -
man were killed and two firemen in
On December 3 , 190G , ono brakcman
was killed In a collision between
freight trains near Point of Rocks ,
On January 2 , 1907 , at Brule , Ne
braska , two passenger trains collided ,
causing the death of ono passenger
and Injury to seven passengers , four
mall clerks and four employes. The
cause of this accident was Improper
Magging and control of trains.
On March 25 , 1907 , through failure
lo observe signals , two freight trains
collided at Gllmore , Nebraska. There
were no persons Injured.
On May 15 , 1907 , freight trains col
llded at Red Desert , Wyoming , duo to
carelessness of an engineer and cans
Ing slight Injury to one engineer.
In all the above cases , employes re
sponsible for the accidents were dls <
charged , after careful Inquiry made
Into the accidents by special boards
of Inquiry , which have been provided
for during the past year , and which
consist of officials of the road together
with persons of prominence , Integrity
and reputation who may be selected
to fill a place upon the board.
Carefully compiled statistics , the
result of close Inquiries , during the
year , have supplied a basis upon
which the management of the road
are acting with a view of reducing
xccldents to the minimum , A system
of tests was established three years
ago for the trying ont of the watch-
tiluess of employes relative to the sig
nal system. These tests are conduct
ed on all divisions. A school of In
struction , or a board of examiners
passes over the system each six
nonths drilling both new and old em-
iloyes In the matter of transporta-
: fen rules so that all may think , know
and act uniformly In the performance
of their respective duties. With an
educational system and with the pro-
: ectlvo measures that are employed ,
t Is more than likely that during the
icxt year , there will be a still further
lecrease In the number of accidents ,
and In the loss of life and personal in-
urles on the Union Pacific.
Parents Live at Pierce But He Was
a Resident of Norfolk up to a Short
Time Ago Was a Clerk In the Fair
Store For a Time.
Chadron , Neb. , Dec. 20. At 10:30 :
a. m. yesterday Walter Shultz , a pas
senger brakeman on the Northwestern
railroad at this place , attempted sul-
cMo by shooting himself with a 32-
caliber pistol. The bullet , however ,
glanced on a rib without the desired
result , and was removed by Dr. II.
A , Brown.
Ills parents reside at Pierce , this
and home-sickness Is the
state - as
cribed cause.
Walter Schultz , the Northwestern
brakeman referred to In the above
dispatch , has parents living In Pierce
but he himself has lived In Norfolk a
considerable portion of the last two
Ho was employed for a tlmo as a
clerk In the Fair store and later be
came a brakeman on the Northwest
ern out of Norfolk. At the beginning
of the present season ho served as a
brakeman on the Boncsteel passenger.
He gave up his place In Norfolk on ae
count of certain attacks of sickness
to which he was subject.
Schultz's father Is F. A. Schultz , a
harness maker at Pierce ,
Walter Schultz's friends in Norfolk
recalled today that Schultz was fre
quently In a despondent mood , declar
ing that he had llttlo or nothing to
live for. Ho was constantly aflllcted
with the "blues. " Schultz made a good
many friends among the young people
of Norfolk.
Pitcher Jarrott Causes Contention Be
tween Managers.
Sioux City , la. , Dec. 21 At the com
Ing meeting of the Western Baseball
league at Qroalia the managers of the
Sioux City and Lincoln baseball teams
Lots of Men and Women Here Had
the Simple Home-Made Mixture Pre
pared , Says Drugget Tonlc EJfC-CU
Upon the Kidneys.
Some ronmrknblo stories are being
told about town and among the coun
try people coming in of this Hlmplo
homo-made mixture curing rheuma
tism and kidney trouble. Hero Is the
recipe and directions for taking : Mix
by shaking well In a bottle one-half
ounce lluld extract dandelion , one
ounce compound kargon , throe ounces
compound syrup sarsaparllln. Take
as a dose one leaspoonful after meals
and at bedtime ,
No eluuiKO nci'il lie made In your
iiMtial diet , but drink plenty of good
Thin' ' mixture , writes one authority
In a leading Philadelphia newspaper ,
has a peculiar tonic effect upon the
kidneys ; cleansing the clogged-up
pores of the ellmlnatlve tissues , forc
ing the kidneys to sift and strain from
the blood the uric acid and other poi
sonous waste matter , overcoming rheu
matism , bladder and urinary troubles
In a short while.
A Now York druggist who has had
hundreds of calls for these Ingredi
ents since the first announcement In
the newspapers last October stated
that the people who once try It "swear
by It , " especially those who have uri
nary and kidney trouble and suffer
with rheumatism.
The druggists In this neighborhood
say they can supply the Ingredients ,
which are easily mixed at home
There Is said to be no better blood-
cleansing agent or system tonic
known , and certainly none more harm
less or simple to use.
will contest for the services of Pitcher
Jarrott was recently transferred
from Sioux City to Lincoln , by pur
chase , but a clause in the agreement
which owner Green , of the Lfncolns ,
Insists shall be Inserted Is objected to
by Manager "Ducky" Holmes of Sioux
City , and may annul the transfer.
This clause provides that If Jarrott
falls to win one-half his games ho shall
be sent back to Sioux City and the
purchase price returned.
"Kfng" Cole Again at U. N.
Lincoln , Neb. , Dec. 18. At a meetIng -
Ing of the Nebraska university athletic
board this evening W. C. "King" Cole ,
was re-elected coach at a salary of
The selection of a football captain
will probably not be made until the
January meeting.
The North Omaha Athletic club Is
considering holding a series of boxing
matches In Omaha this winter , which
will bo for the benefit of the club mem-
jers only.
The first bout on the program -will
> e ono between Jerry McCarthy , late
of O'Neill , who gave Clarence English
such a hard fight near Sioux City a few
weeks ago , and a local man , probably
Paul Murray.
The club Intends to keep strictly
within the limits of the law , and no
admission to the bouts will be charg
ed , members alone being able to wit
ness the matches.
Cor > vr. ' . .i i a & .
Anyone spnrtlnR unite ! rh mid < le cr' n < i nip-
quickly n.cerlinn our t ) | > n urn Iron niiriiu-r an
Invention Is prnhnljlrtmto. rut.o. ( .ii-nuiili.i-
llnTisHtrlctlyeoiidilontlil. HANDBOOK " " i'aionts
cit ? free. DMcHl nuonry iui i ccuru'M paictji .
I'ntpnta taken tnrmu'h Altinii & ' - < , , lonetrc
LU < { nodi-f , rltlimit ctinrco. In tiic :
\ hnndinmrlr Illii'trnlcil wpov ? . ' "i
ulallcm of any wriciiutlo jimiiml. j , , n , i ,
fcuir ; fimr Moiillm , Jl. ,3oM by it ; n ,
llpi.ich JIBi-o. G25 Y F * *
UK i4o-2 lAwmutt ptnvta COLO
You MUst Not Forget' ,
We are constautly improv
ing in the art of making Fine
Newest Styles in
Cards and Finish ,
Wo also carry a Fine Jane
of Mouldings.