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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1907)
THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NKWS-TOljRNAL ; FK1DAY. DEOMMIIEKS ? 1907. QUESTION THAT 18 OF VAST IN TEREST TO NORFOLK. LOCATION FOR JODDING CENTER Norfolk Occuplcn the Same Relative Position as Lincoln as a Wholesale Point , But RaJ's Must be Adjusted to Make It One. Editor News : The flno reception given to the locnl olllclnls of tlio Northwestern railroad under the aus pices of the Comtnorclal club at the opening of their now depot begins an era of adequate and convenient depot facilities within our city ; some one had wald , "Glvo us a depot adequate to our present needs and commensu rate with our proHpectfi , " hut If only the first condition of thla statement Is mot , It will please us very much. It must ho that now the Union Pa cific will "flit up and take notice , " hav ing In mind particularly the great dif ference In the proportion of their pres ent tralllc In and out of Norfolk com pared with the early ' 80's , our older settlers will remember that In the early ' 80's wo had the present Union Pacific station and the station at the Junction with only mixed freight and passenger trains on both roads In and out of Norfolk , and at that time the bulk of the freight and passenger busi ness In and out of Norfolk was trans acted by the Union Pacific road. J. G. Pollock , now I think of Omaha , was the Union Pacific agent for several years during this period. As a matter of fact , I suppose that If now the Un ion Pacific road were to determine to build a good passenger station hero , probably eclipsing the now station of the Northwestern , and put on a trainer or perhaps a bob-tailed motor like the one running to Doncstccl , leaving Nor folk for Omaha , say C o'clock In the morning , so that wo could have five to six hours In that city , returning either on the motor or on the regular train reaching hero at 9:30 : , they would probably Increase their passenger and perhaps their freight trafilc , as the new-depot would get them In the pub lic eye , revive at least to some extent their old popularity and the better train service to Omaha would be un doubtedly a popular thing. It Is probably as plain as anything In the future can be that In addition to the good , adequate , up-to-date , com mensurate depot facilities wo need more than anything else a freight rate that will establish wholesaling and jobbing houses and factories In our city without which , In sufficient num ber to employ several hundred operat ors , wo have practically reached the limit of our population , and as the sum total of the railroad freight business to Nebraska for the next twenty-five years will be just so much without regard to whether Norfolk has 10,000 or 50,000 In 1033 , It would seem that with a railroad commission to adjust rates , our problem Involves us with our competitive towns rather than the railroads. For Instance , Lincoln Is practically the same distance from the Missouri river which is the great di viding line In the field of freight rates that Norfolk Is , and while Lincoln adds only a differential of five cents per hundred to Missouri river or the Omaha rate , Norfolk Is taxed three or four times that much , which wouh' ' seem to ho a plain discrimination against Norfolk and against ever * town In northeastern Nebraska whlcl would undoubtedly get the benefit ol the lower rate to Norfolk. We nre quite fond of stating that Norfolk oc cuples geographically the same posl tion In Northeastern Nebraska that Lincoln does In southeastern Nebras lea , and this Is true. It is also true that we have abundant shipping facilities to cover the tributary territory prac tically as well as Lincoln does , so that If Norfolk were allowed to handle hoi freight traffic on as favorable term ? as Lincoln has been doing for the pasi twenty years , the result would bo o : great advantage to us all that Is , to Norfolk and all northern Nebraska Of course , we have to bear In mind that when Lincoln was given this con cession , she had somewhat more popu lation than we have and was also the capital of the state , at the same time . the freight rate In such cases Is not altogether or perhaps even largely a matter of the particular town to which the rate Is given , as It affects more In dlvlduals In the tributary terrltor > than In the towns. Why not make a little campaign on this basis , Mr. News , and get the people plo to talking about It. A good slo gan would be a five-cent differentia' from the Missouri river for Norfolk. Yours very truly , A. J. Durland. TO BECOME AN ATHLETIC CLUB O'Leary's Training Class to be So Or ganized. Jack O'Leary's physical training class Is to bo organized into an ath letic club. Sometime during the com ing week O'Leary will call a meeting of the Norfolk men who have signed the agreement to join the class orath JeUc-club. . The organization of the club , Its membership and rules will , It Is said , be entirely In the hands of the signers of the agreement , who will map out the kind of an organization they want O'Leary has put the plumbers to work In the Norfolk avenue building which has been occupied by the Nor folk Democrat and which ho has secured - cured for a gymnasium. O'Leary wll ! organize his classes as soon as the club Is formed. Friday evening O'Leary wrestled a tlo match with Carl Illech , at Wlsnor the match being called off In the thlri round when O'Leary ' sprained his right arm In an ugly fall. Dlecho Is a heavy Hohomlan wrestler from Table Hock. O'Lcary lost the first fall in thir teen minutes , Ho captured the second end In seventeen minutes. Ho had wrestled several minutes before the sprained arm put him out of the match , which was declared a draw. Real Estate Transfers. Heal estate transfers for the week ending Dec. 2U , 1907 , compiled by Madison County' Abstract & Guaran tee Co. , olllco with Mapcs Hazcn. Farmers Creamery Co. to Olydo B. Swltzor , W. D. , consideration $850 , lots 17 and 18 , block 1C , Railroad addi tion to Newman Grove. John E. Sanders and wlfo to Fred Scheorger , deed , consideration $2,500 , , lots G and 9 , Flclden J. Halo's Suburb an lots to Battle Creek , and part of the S'/j of SEVi 30 , 21 , 3 , and part of the W'/j SWVi of 31 , 21 , 2. Maggie Klorstcad and husband to Anna Knight , W. D. , consideration $1- 000 , lot 5 and N6 of lot C , block 12 , Hdlnuui's addition to Norfolk. August Loerko and wlfo Mary to August Borstrauch , W. D. , consldora- Ion $11,200 , EV6 of NEVi and EVfc 3EVi 2-1 , 23 , 1. Wllholm Reikofskl and wife to Aet na Life Insurance Co. , W. D. , consid eration $3GOO , EM ) NWVi and BVj A'Vi of 1C , 23 , 4. Henry Relnccclus to Carl Relnoccl- is , Q. C. D. , consideration $1,000 , SEVi 17 , 21 , 1. Martha Crawl to W. W. Kind , W. D. , consideration $1,650 , part of NEVi of 13 % 5 , 21 , 1. Frederick Alstudt and wlfo to Mar tha Crawl , Q. C. D. , consideration $1 , [ ) art of NEVi of SEVi of G , 21 , 1. Advertisement For Bids. Notice Is hereby given that scaled bids will bo received at the office of the county clerk of Madison county , Nebraska , on or before noon of the first day of January , 1908 , for the fur nishing of hooks , blanks and stationery for the county of Madison during the year following the first day of January , 1908. Following Is a statement of the prob able gross number of each item of > ooks , blanks and stationery that will jo required during said year. Books. Five 8-qulro records , two McMillan records , one treasurer's cash book , one treasurer's warrant book , three tax lists , 8,000 tax receipts , 72 name tabs , 288 poll books , 90 poll book envelopes , 48 ballot sacks , 29 assessment sched ule binders , three sets Indexes for rec ords , three canvass covers for records , 25 school directors' records. Blanks. Legal blanks as follows : 1,000 8i < &x 28 , 3,500 8MXl4 , 4,000 8 x7 , 1,000 8 % x3VC , 1,000 7x3 ; envelopes : 2,000 No. 11 , 9,000 No. CVfc , 7,500 No. 10 , 1,000 No. 9 , 9,000 letter heads , 3,000 memo heads , 2,000 postal cards , 4,000 delin quent tax notices , thirty reams exam ination paper , 10,000 perfect attend ance certificates , 100 order hooks for district treasurer , 200 bar dockets , 200 election notices , C.OOO assessment schedules , 2,000 sheets court reporter paper. Stationery. Twelve quarts black Ink , six pints rod Ink , two quarts mucilage , five gross lead pencils , twelve gross pens , rub her bands four pounds small , twelve gross assorted , 2,000 blotters , ten reams typewriter paper , 1,400 sheets carbon paper , seven steel erasers , eight dozen rubber erasers , eight doz en pencil point protectors , twenty-four dozen penholders , one box staple fas teners , four boxes challenge eyelets , eighteen dozen document boxes varl oua sizes , three reams legal cap , six dozen senate pads , two gross election pencils. Separate bids must be made on j books , blanks , and stationery , all bids must bo made on bidding sheets fur nished on application by the county clerk of said county. AH supplies must be furnished In accordance with specifications on file In the office of the county clerk. All supplies arc to be furnished as ordered. Bids must bo marked , bids for "Blanks " "Books" " " , or "Stationery , as the case may be , and addressed to the county clerk of Madison county , Nebraska. Each bid must be accom panled by a certified check payable to ? the county clerk In the sum of $25.00 : as a guarantee that the bidder will enter Into a contract and furnish bond If contract Is awarded him. The sue cessful bidders will be required to fur nlsh a good and sufficient bond for the faithful performance of their contract. At the same time and place and sub ject to the same conditions as above , separate bids will bo received for the printing of sample and official ballots for the primary and general elections of 1908. At the same time and place and subject to the same conditions so far as applicable , bids will be received for the printing of the proceedings of the hoard of county commissioners , the county treasurer's list of delinquent taxes , the county treasurer's annual and semi-annual statement and such legal notices and advertisements as may bo necessary for the county to have printed , during said year. The county commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Bids will bo opened according to the require ments of the law at the first meeting of the county board , January 14 , 1908. Dated at Madison , Neb. , this 5th day of December , A. D. 1907. George E. Richardson , County Clerk. To "know where the railway station Is" Is not enough you should know when your train starts. To "know where the store Is" Is not enough you should read the ads. If your offer Is a good one , your classified ad. will quickly find takers. If It's a poor one change It to a good one before repeating It. WALTER SCHULTZ DID NOT ATTEMPT - TEMPT TO COMMIT SUICIDE. WAS PREPARING TO GO HUNTING Didn't Know the Revolver Was Loaded But It Went Off Just the Same Bul let Plowed Down Left Side But Did Not Penetrate Abdominal Cavity. F. A. Schultx of Pierce , father of Walter Schultz , the Northwestern brnkenmn who It was reported attempted - tempted suicide at Chadron , returned from Chadron Sunday , where he had i hastened as soon as word reached him of the shooting. Mr. Schultz Is very Indignant over the newspaper reports of the shooting , which ho says was purely accidental without thought of suicide. Ho says the report of the af- fair sent out from Chadron was based wholly upon rumor , hearsay and guess work , and did not do his son justice. The report was gathered from the street , not n single reporter coming near the house where the young man Is boarding to get the real facts. As Mr. Schultz explains the shootIng - Ing , Walter was getting ready to go hunting with some companions and concluded to take his revolver with him. Ho took down the weapon , be lieving It was not loaded , and was "breaking" It when the gun went off and the bullet penetrated his left side , glancing on the second rib and travelIng - Ing downward about three and a half Inches but not penetrating the abdom inal cavity. The revolver was a 32- calibre affair and Mr. Schultz argues that If It had pointed with suicidal ef fect , the ball would have bored a hole clear through young Schultz's body. Instead of that It only made a slight llesh wound , and the doctor at Chadron who Is attending the young man said that he would be able to be home for Christmas. The accident happened at the home of Guy Cooley , formerly of Norfolk and brother-in-law of F. A. Schultz. As Indicated by the course of the bullet , Walter was holding the revolver close to him and had just thrown It down In breaking It , so that the wound Inflicted was comparatively slight. Mr. Schultz left Chadron Saturday. When be came away Walter was get ting along flue and the doctor prom ised that he might be In Pierce for Christmasi MONDAY MENTION. Mrs. Nettle Hood has gone to For est , 111. , on an extended visit. Attorney J. C. Engelman Is home from a business trip to Butte. Mrs. Malone and daughter were Enola visitors In Norfolk Saturday. Frank Phillips , a Hoskins business man , was in the city on business Sat urday. C. A. Relmers and R. H. Brodhagen of Pierce spent Saturday In Norfolk on business. F. G. Gettinger leaves Monday for a Christmas visit to Rockport , Mo. , and Nebraska City. Mrs. A. L. Kllllan and little son are expected home Saturday evening from a visit with her parents at Peru. Miss Gertrude Neilson , who is a junior at the state university , arrived in Norfolk last evening for the Christ mas holidays. Dr. A. Bear was called to Hadar Sat urday. O. E. Addlngton has gone to Gal veston , 111. , to spend the holidays , Perry Griffith of Clearwater was in the city Saturday on business , the guest of Ed. Conley. Mr. and Mrs. John Oesterllngand Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Machmueller will spend Christmas in Hartington. Miss Mine McNeely will leave Wednesday for a holiday visit in Lin coin , where she will be the guest of Miss Elliott , formerly of Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. John Duncan and little daughter , Dorothy , left Sunday to spend the holidays at their former home in Sioux City. Mr. Duncan Is In Norfolk as construction engineer In charge of the work on the Independent plant In Norfolk. Frank Tannehlll left Sunday morn ing for a trip that he has been plan ning for ten years. By easy stages he will reach Bedford , Ohio , which used to bo his old home , where lie will re main two weeks. After that he will make a trip through Arkansas , Okla homa and Texas , returning by way of Missouri and Iowa , stopping enroute at Excelsior Springs for a few days. Among the day's out of town visitors in Norfolk were : L. Hansen , Tilden ; W. E. Hadley , Westfleld ; Charles A. Thompson , Fairfax , S. D. ; Floyd Ev ans , Gregory , S. D. ; William D. Paul , Gandy ; Miss Emma Kodet , Verdlgre ; E. R. Dunn , Pierce ; Hugh Van Bus- kirk , Pierce ; A. W. Berg , A. W. Pans- tlan , D. E. Seger , Bloomfleld ; Miss SaUna - Una Farnsworth , Madison ; Miss Alice Brooklngs , Tekamah ; C. E. Brown , Fairfax , S. D. ; C. J. Franklin , Madrid ; Mrs. A. Neumann , Crelghton ; Mrs. Keno , Wlnnetoon ; W. C. Smith , Nic brara ; W. E. Harvey , Newman Grove ; Fred II. Von Seggern , Gregory , S. D. ; N. B. Opper , Plalnvlew ; Misses May and Julia Bloomfleld , Fairfax , S. D. ; C. J. Kortman , Madison ; Charles D. Osborn , Bloomfleld ; H. Marshall , Ver- del ; J. E. Sweet , Wayne ; W. R. Locke , Stanton ; Miss Bernlce Kruso , Red Cloud ; R. E.-Flsk , Bonesteel , S. O. ; George F. Boyd , Oakdnle ; Mrs. M. Huntlngton , Gordon ; I. H. Booth , Pierce. Miss Florence Biggs of Madison spent Saturday In the Junction visit ing friends. Dut HIgglnbotham Is in Waltervillo visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Miller and four children , formerly of the Junction but now living at Council Bluffs , are hereto to spend the holidays with Mrs. Mil lor's I parents , Mr. and Mrs. Julius Sal/.wedol. 5 5I Mrs. Otto Hnnkln , who has been vis iting I her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Aug ust t Grnuel , returned home to Cody last ' evening. Mrs. Osborn of Beatrice spent Satur day and Sunday with old Norfolk ilf friends. Arthur Krake , while playing on thereof roof of his homo on South Third street , . made a misstep and fell to the ground , breaking his arm. Mr. and Mrs. Gammond returned homo last evening from Iowa , where they had been visiting Mrs. Gammond's parents for the past three weeks. Mr. White , who has been acting as janitor . nt the Washington school on South First street , Is now taking of- fleer Livingston's place , as the latter Is j very HI. Mr. Orran of Ewlng spent Sunday with friends In Norfolk. Miss Vera Johnson went to Pierce Saturday noon on business and re turned homo In the evening on the motor car. Morris Adams , who has been attend ing the convent at West Point , re turned home last evening to spend the Christmas holidays with his parents , Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Adams. Miss Ruth Grauel went to Cody last evening to spend Christmas with rel atives. Roy Rankln , who has been visiting with August Grauel and family and also his brother Otto Rankln , returned to his homo In Chicago last evening. Miss Geneva Mooltck went to Pierce Saturday noon on business and re turned home In the evening on the motor car. The Christmas exercises of the Sun day school children at the Second Con gregational church nt the Junction Sunday evening was a success In every way. A largo crowd attended and all present enjoyed the Christmas tree and speaking , and also spent a very enjoyable evening , Martin Wineberg and his gang of pile drivers came down from Anoka Lo spend Sunday with their families. John Purvlance went to Iowa this noon for a visit with relatives. Miss Alice Dorsey and sister Myra , who have been attending the convent at Madison , nre home to spend the Christmas holidays with their parents , Mr. and Mrs. John Dorsey. Ludwig Koenlgsteln's studio will bo closed for two weeks during the holi days. Crelghton News : "W. SImpklns and wife of Norfolk came Thursday mornIng - Ing to visit their daughter Mrs. Chas. Duncan , who Is quite sick. Wlsner Free Press : The Wisner anti-horse thief association has. a membership of ICC and ought to get Into the north Nebraska organization. It Is recommended that a delegate bo sent to the Norfolk meeting. A son of Fred Degner , a boy about fourteen years old , fell from a horse Saturday evening , breaking one of the bones in his forearm. The boy was going after the cows Saturday and riding horseback. The fracture was reduced by Dr. W. H. Pilger. The police have determined to keep the t line of cement curbing on South Fourth street between Madison and Norfolk avenues free from teams , a new city ordinance forbidding the ty ing i of horses there. As fast as the police I discover horses tied on the pro hibited strip they lead the animals over to North Fourth street. E. G. Heilman , formerly of Norfolk , has been appointed by Warden Bee- mer as bookkeeper at the state peni tentiary , where he has held a place as usher for two years. Mr. Heilman was county treasurer of this county several years ago , after that becoming an assistant in the state treasurer's office < under State Treasurer Steufer of < West Point. In the Christmas number of the New York Dramatic Mirror a late photo graph of Phyllis Daye , seen in Nor folk last season in the Wizard of Wall Street , is presented with the following comment : "Here is an excellent like ness of the attractive Phyllis Daye , now being featured with Edwin Pat terson's musical , Wizard of ' Wall Street company. Aside from the soil' brette lead and her clever single danc ing i and singing specialties , she is leading 1 several of the musical numb ers. This popular little fourteen-year old girl is fast winning public favor. " Crelghton Liberal : The fact that the Crelghton band has been asked to supply the music at the minstrel show given by the Volunteer Fire De partment at Norfolk Dec. 30 Is a credit to this youthful organization and one of which the citizens of Crelgh ton should feel just pride. We believe that this Is only an Initial step for the band and that they will make an enviable reputation for themselves and the town. The band concert pro gram for Friday evening , Dec. 27 , promises to be ono of more than ordi nary merit and lovers of high grade music should be In attendance and tear the latest operatic hits on which the band Is putting In some hard work. O'Neill Frontier : P. J. Coffey , nn engineer on the Northwestern road running between Clinton and Boone , Iowa , was killed at Wheatland , Clin ton county , Tuesday morning. The skull was crushed by the superstruct ure of a bridge as he leaned from the cab window. Mr. Coffey was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Coffey of this city and , accompanied by his wife , spent a couple of weeks visiting hero last summer. Ho had been running an engine on the Northwestern road for eighteen years. The sudden and tragic death of their eldest son Is a severe blow to the aged parents and they have the sincere sympathy of tholr O'Neill friends In their bereave ment. At the Saturday evening meeting of the U. C , T , In tholr Norfolk lodge rooms distribution of rewards among those who have assisted In raising money to defray the expenses of the state convention to bo held In Norfolk next spring , was made ns follows : the piano to HOIIIPO Denning , a Northwest ern hrnkeman ; the leather couch to Mr. Anderson , a Hosklns Implement dealer ; the brass hod to A. E. Spencer a Sioux City traveling man ; the alli gator suit case to Mrs. E. E. Upstlll of the Upstlll hotel at Long Pine. Mr. Denning lives In South Norfolk. The meeting of the grand council of Ne braska of the U. C. T. In Norfolk next May will be ono of the big state events of the year. O. J. Johnson , who with his family left Norfolk a little over a month ago , has written to Norfolk friends that the California trip Is being onjoyrd very much and that they have spent most of their time In Orange. Calif. Theo dore Loescher , recently from Norfolk , lives only a block and a hnlf from Mr. Johnson. lie Is In pretty bad health , Mr. Johnson writes , but nblo to got around In an Invalid's chair. The morning that Mr. Johnson wrote to II. W. Jonas of this city he mot C. G. Miller , another Norfolk man living near Orange. Mr. Miller had just brought In his strawberries and said that ho was getting $9 a week for one- third acres of vines and that ho would have berries until January. Mr. Miller lias Increased his strawberry garden but the new plants had not begun to bear. Mr. Johnson wrote that every one seemed to like California , especial ly those who had been there some time. Kansas City Star : Orders were made by Judge McPherson this mornv Ing in the federal court dismissing the Indictment against H. S. McCowan , ono of the "pump men , " for using the mails to defraud and dismissing as to him the bankruptcy proceedings against the Western Pump and Manufacturing company. McCowan has turned his property over to R. R. Brewster anil Arthur Miller , as trustees , to reim burse all the Investors In the pump company who put their money In after August 15 , when McCowan became a member of the company. To reim burse the Investors will cost McCowan , It Is estimated , about $10,000. A list of investors accompanies the deed of trust. There are forty of them who In vested the amounts ranging from $100 to $400 , the total amount being $10,000. Personal j friends , who agree to hold their claims unsecured , invested about $0,000. To secure the claims the trus tees are to take possession of McCow- an's hardware store at Snyder , Okla. , and Incorporate It , the capital stock to be divided among the creditors In pro portion to their claims , the trustees to hold the stock. When the claims are paid from the profits the property Is to be turned over to McCowan , who. In the meantime will manage the store. W. M. Myers and J. F. Rudd , the other members of the company , were con victed and fined and sentenced to short terms In the Bates county jail. They have appealed and are now out on bond. There Is more catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together , and until the last few years was supposed to bo Incurable. For a great many years doctors pro nounced It a local disease and prescrib ed local remedies , and by constantly falling to cure with local treatment , pronounced it Incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires consti tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure , manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co. , Toledo , Ohio , Is the only constitu tional euro on the market. It Is taken Internally In doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the f As tern. They offer one hundred dollars for any case It fals to euro. Send for circulars and teBtimonlals. Address : F. J. Cheney & Co. , Toledo , Ohio. Sold by druggists , 75c. Take Hall' Family P1U for conitl- patlon. SYSTEM NEARING COMPLETION ; Gregory Water Works Plants Nearly Ready For Operation. Gregory , S. D. , Dec. 23. Special to The News : The large engine for the city waterworks arrived several days ago and is now being Installed at the pumping station. The system will be in operation now within the course of a very few days , and will be second to none In southern Soutli Dakota. The water will be forced Into a large concrete reservoir situated on an em inence overlooimtg the town and more than one hundred feet above the gen eral level. The pressure will be suf - ficient to carry water to the top of a ten-story skyscraper. DELL AKIN POSTMASTER. Nominated by the President for the Place North Nebraska Notes. On Saturday President Roosevelt nominated Dell Akin to be postmaster at Atkinson , to succeed T. B. Walker. Congressman Kinkaid has recomi- mended the establishment of a post- office in Sioux county , Neb. , to be called Kelley and that Matio A. Kelley be appointed postmaster. Ho also re quested the appointment of Sarah Ham ilton for the postmastership at Adella to succeed M. D. Jordan , resigned. Rural mall route No. 2 will be estab lished out of Orchard , Antelope coun ty , Neb. , March 2. The route will be thirty miles long and serve eighty- seven families. Governor Pardons Conditionally. Governor Sheldon has Issued a con ditional pardon to August Schroeder , a seventeen-year-old boy from Crelgh ton who Is serving a six months' sen tence In the Lancaster county jail. The boy took a small amount of money from the till In his employer's store who was paying him $7 a week , The governor has power to impose condi tions In Issuing a pardon and In this case ho required the boy to do many things Intended to keep him out of trouble. Shroeder's father lives on a farm near Crelghton. Miller & Co. , general merchants at Crelghton , have promised to give the young man em ployment. Ho Is to remain there till the expiration of his sentence and to report regularly to the governor. Try a News want ad. FALLS OF SLATE DELAY SEARCH IN DARR MINE. BOO MEN ARE STILL IMPRISONED Imall Hope Held That Any Victim of Pennsylvania Colliery Horror Will Escape Recovery of Bodies Is Pro. grossing Very Slowly. Jacobs Creek , Pa. , Dec. 21. From the Da IT mlno of the Plttsburg Coal company , where a terrific explosion imprisoned and , almost beyond doubt , killed every onu of the two hundred or more men who hud entered the mine for the day , only six bodies have been brought to the surface. Othora have been located and Ho In the entry awaiting n propitious time for tholr removal to the temporary morgue. Most of them , however , are still hemmed In by heavy falls of slate ami other root formation , a mile and a half and moro beyond the point to which the rescuers have penetrated up to this time. There Is still a flickering hope that some of them may yet be living , but the disclosures of the In- veutlgations so far made leava little basis for this hope. Rescue work has been halted. A vast amount of brattlclng must be done before It can proceed , the res cuing parties , 7,500 feet from the main entrance , having found condi tions such that to avert an additional disaster , precautionary work must bo done. ' The poisonous gases must bo forced ' from the sections beyond and additional air and ventilation must bo provided for that section. Conrad Schuth , crazed by the death In the mine of his son and other rela tives , ended his own life by drowning iu the river near the mlno. Mrs. Carrlno Delano was restrained from committing sulcldo with great difficulty. She lost her husband and two sons In the disaster , and In quest of the bodies was crossing the river In the "sky ferry , " a basket car sus pended from a cable , when she was seized with the Idea of leaping Into the stream. In the frail car the ef forts of three men were required to restrain her until a landing was reached. BROKER OLIPHANT FATALLY SHOT Dies From Wound Inflicted by Cus tomer , Who at Once Kills Self. New York. Dec. 21. James II. Oll phant , senior member of the Stock exchange firm of James H. Ollphant & Co. , died from a bullet wound in flicted at his olllco by Charles A. Geiger , a customer from Beaufort , S. C. , who , after firing upon Ollphant , killed himself. The men were closeted In Ollphant's private office at the time and all that is known of what immediately pre ceded the shooting was learned from the lips of the dying broker. Ollphant said that his refusal to extend further credit to Geiger caused the tragedy. There is reason to believe that Geiger had become mentally irresponsible. A note book found on his person con tained computations by which the writer apparently had figured that hit would be worth $3,000,000 by Jan. i , 1908. Ho actually possessed , so far as his personal effects showed , less than $11. Geiger owed the Oliphants $5- 000 and had been asked for a settle- ment. He called at their office and after explaining that bo could not meet his obligation , asked that tho. firm advance him sufficient credit to carry 5,000 shares of a certain stock until a rise in the price should yield him a profit. Ills proposition was re fused and the shooting followed. KILLED This Is Death List So Far In Powder Explosion at Palermo , Italy. Palermo , Dec. 21. The work of res cuing the persons wounded by the ex plosion in the military powder maga- zlno is proceeding. Up to the present time It is known -that ninety-three persons mot their death from the explosion and subse quent fire , and more than one hun dred were Injured. The lodging house for emigrants , which was destroyed by the llames , gave the largest num ber of victims. Rush for Europe Ends. New York , Dec. 21. Steamship agents say that the great rush of steerage passengers bound for Europe is practically over. The French liner La Lorraine carried 804 third class passengers and the White Star liner Arabic carried COO , In each case the capacity of the ship. The agents say , however , that but few tickets have been sold for the ships sailing next week. Santa Fe Must Build Stations. Guthrle , Okla. , Dec. 21. The railroad - road commission of Oklahoma ordered the , Santa Fo to establish stations at all . points on the state line crossed by the company. The action Is taken be cause of a decision on the part of the commission that the Santa Fo had failed to sell Interstate tickets at the 2-cent rate. Hoch Lowers Forger's Term. Topeka , Kan. , Dec. 21. Governor Hoch commuted to five years the sen tence of J. E. Marcoll , the Highland ( Kan. ) banker In prison for forgery under Indeterminate sentence. This Includes the time served In Jail and time off for good behavior , "making the actual time only four years and QUO month. THE INDUSTRIAL COMPANY. Old Officers Re-elected at Friday MeetIng - Ing of Directors. The 'old-officers wore re-elected nt a minting of the directors of the Nor folk Industrial company hold Friday evening. The men whom the directors chose ( o look after the company's affalrn for the coming your are : H. A. Paumvnlk , president ; Dr. A. Hoar , vice presi dent ; M. C. Hiizi'ii , secretary ; A. Deo- nor , treasurer. The Norfolk Industrial company la the corporation which controls the property of the Norfolk sugar factory. SHEEP HERDER IS MURDERED. Charles Heaso Found With Bullet Hole In Dody. Lander. Wyo. , Dec. 23. Chnrlca a camp mfVor for Dick liar- rash , a Hook Springs sheep man , wan shot and killed In Ills sheep camp be tween the government slldo and Halley - ley , on Beaver Crook , Wednesday night by a sheep herder named Homer Stalch , also In the employ of llurrnsh. The murderer took his rlflo and a Had- dlo and horse belonging to Barranh and ratio to lender , reaching hero yes terday morning. Ho sold the outfit to William Vaughn , a llvoryman hero , for $ l > 5 and Intended to leave on the eastbound train this morning , but got drunk and was arrested by Sheriff Stough late last night at the Capitol lialol. Heaso's body was found yester day by Frank Knhler and another lierdor called Big Jack , who noticed the sheep wandering without a hcrd- or. They rounded up the sheep and found the body of Iloase at the camp , lleaso had evidently been killed with a rlllo and there wore some evidences of a struggle , as the stock was broken off the AVInchcster. A messenger wan sent to Lander and It was upon a tel ephone message from him that Stalch was arrested. Coroner J. W. Shoo has none to Halley to hold an Inquest. Stalch has confessed the crime , but claims self-defense , Haying that Hease came nt him with a butcher knlfo and ho was forced to shoot to save his own life. He claims to ho but 19 years old , but looks older. lie had been In the employ of Barrash for four months , coming hero from Big Horn county , this state. lleaso was a mem ber of the Wpodmen of the World and his funeral will bo held hero Monday under the auspices of that order. West Point News. West Point , Neb. , Dec. 23. Special to The News : At the last meeting of the local lodge of the Royal Nolgh- liors of America , officers for the ensu ing year were elected as follows. Or acle , Dora Kassemaum ; vlcc-oriiclo , Elma Hoist ; receiver , Minnie Her1- niann ; recorder , Bertha Krause ; chan cellor , Ida Hermann ; marshal , Ida Stallborels ; Inner sentinel , Nellie Wilde ; manager for three years , Dovey Heltzmann. Carl Kurz , a resident of Scrlbner , died at St. Joseph's home for the aged at West Point on Tuesday of senile debility at the ago of 73 years. Ills body was removed to Scrlbner for In terment , lie leaves several children , residents of Scrlbner. William McKenzIe and Miss Viola Breutkrcutz were united In marrlago by County Judge Dowald. The bride Is the daughter of Ludwig Breulkreutz , an old pioneer farmer , and the groom a native of Ginning county. The cou ple left immediately for a wedding trip. trip.John John Fredericks of Wlsner was ar rested and brought to the city on a charge of insanity. He was judged to bo a fit subject for treatment and was taken ! Friday to the hospital at Nor folk by the sheriff , but owing to the crowded condition of the hospital the sheriff wjis compelled. . to bring him back until conditions Improve. The funeral of Miss Myrtle Rosen- field , ono of the best known young women of this vicinity , occurred on Thursday under the auspices of the Congregational church , Rev. G. W. CroftH , D. D. , pastor , officiating. The deceased was the eldest daughter of. J. F. Roseiifleld , the well known flor ist living east of West Point , and was only twenty years of ago. Death oc curred In Omaha where she was un dergoing medical treatment. She was a noted musician , her family being noted for its musical ability , her broth er , Reno Rosenfleld of Omaha , having attained a national reputation as a violin virtuoso. Herman Joseph Kelllnghaus , a weal thy and well known farmer living north of West Point , died of cancer of the throat and was Interred In St. Mich ael's cemetery under Catholic auspices. The deceased was an old time resident and leaves a numerous family and a large estate. He was sixty years of age. RAILROADS Sioux City. Dec. 21. L. F. Easterly , heretofore trainmaster for the Chicago and Northwestern Hallway company at Boone , has been transferred to Sioux City to become trainmaster of the Sioux City division. Mr. Easterly formerly was chief train dispatcher of the Sioux City division. Discusses Future Possibilities. Omaha , Dec. 23 , An official of the Union Pacific shops , discussing the re port that the road may build electric engines for use on mountain grades of the system In the Omaha shops- says ; "Most of the big railroads of the world are now working toward the electricity proposition and the roads are therefore being electrified. That In a few years most of the railroad traffic of the world will bo handled by elec tric locomotives Is highly probable , and In case the Union Pacific meets with success on the heavy mountain grades with Us new venture. It IH almost cer tain that stops will be taken to elec trify other divisions. " Today's ads. should flnd some dcslr- able tenants for some desirable prop erties.