The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 27, 1907, Image 1

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N011FOLK , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , DEl'KMUifiH ' 72 , 1907. I <
" " "
* *
Leg May Have to be Amputated to
Save Attorney's ' Life She Did Not
Intend to Kill Him , Just Wanted to
Show That She Meant Business.
Attorney II. F. Barnhart Is Jr his
room in the Pacific hotel wit1' < 'tet
wound in his left leg , the res fy *
"near-tragedy" Christmas nlgi. * % , ,
which he and his wife were the i >
clpuls. Mrs. Barnhart shot her hu
band during the evening , trying to
make him go home. About 11 o'clock
ehe saw him in the -Walton saloon.
Barnhnrt left by the back door but his
wife met him at the corner of the
Nebraska National bank. They
crossed to the Bishop block. Then
she fired two or three shots from a
32-callbre revolver. Barnhart started
to mount the steps toward the second
floor of the Bishop block. Ho was on
about the fifth step when his wife shot
him in the calf of the left leg.
May Have to Amputate ,
The bullet ranged upward and was
thought Wednesday evening to be
lodged in the knee bone. Dr. Salter ,
who dressed the wound , said that the
injury might have serious results If
infection set in , and that the limb
might have to bo amputated , always
' n dangerous operation under the cir
K' cumstances.
Barnhart was taken to a room in
the Pacific hotel. Mrs. Barnhart with
one load still in her revolver hold the
stairs in the Bishop block for some
mlnutcB but was finally caplured by a
ruse and locked In Iho city jail.
Thursday morning she was sllll in
the city Jail although Barnhai't ' himself
had desired to give ba > ll for her a few
minutes after the shooting.
County Attorney Jack Koenlgsteln
announced that Mrs. Barnhart would
bo prosecuted for shooting her hus
band. He said that the complaint
would be drawn up Thursday and
might charge assault with Intent to
Domestic Troubles.
The domestic infelicities of the Barn-
liart family have been generally known
in Norfolk and have been brewing fern
n number of years. The outbreaks
have usually been dramatic. It was
so Wednesday evening.
Early Wednesday evening Mrs.
Barnhart called on her husband at the
Pacific hotel to Insist on his nccompa
nying her home. Barnhart got away
from her and went to bed. About
10:20 : p. m. Barnhart left the hotel.
His wife followed ten minutes later.
When Mrs. Barnhart was seen look
ing through the open front of the Wai
ton saloon , Barnhart was given a tip
and left the saloon by the back way ,
passing down the alley. He and his
wife met at the Nebraska National
bank corner. They crossed over
toward the Bishop block.
Shot In the Air.
Mrs. Barnhart threatened the attor
ney with her gun. She says she fired
twice , once down the street and once
in the air. The first shot went through
the plate glass in the office building
of Dr. H. S. Overocker.
Demonstrated She Was in Earnest.
Then Barnhart made for the stairs.
That was where his wife winged him.
"I shot to show him I was in ear
nest , " said Mrs. Barnhart Thursday
morning. "I shot to hit and of course
I got him. I did not want to kill him
or , I would simply have shot higher. 1
wanted him to go home and I wanted
to show him that I meant It. "
The shots Immediately attracted at
tention. Mrs. Barnhart mounted the
steps beyond her husband , whom she
permitted to bo taken from the stair
Stood Officers Off.
Mrs. Barnhart had her own way on
the stairs.
An officer started to arrest her.
"Get out , ' she said , and she leveled
her gun at him. The officer got.
A Norfolk councilman tried his
hand. "Get under , " she said. The
councilman got.
As a ruse Dennis Crum Impersonated
ed n cab driver. "I wont a cab to get
home , " Mrs. Barnhart said. She was
told that a cab would bo ordered.
When the carriage for Barnhart ap
peared , Mrs. Barnhart opened the door
to leave the building and was grabbed
by an officer She was taken to the
city jail , where she spent the night.
Barnhart was taken to the Pacific
hotel , where his wound was dressed
about midnight. The bullet seemed
to bo lodged In the knee joint. It was
said that the knee would bo placed
under an X-ray machine Thursday ,
Well Known Attorney.
H. F. Barnhart has been a well
known attorney in north Nebraska. Ho
was county attorney of Plerco county
before coming to Norfolk and secured
the conviction of Nlegcnflclnd , one of
the few men who have been hanged
In Nebraska In recent years. Barn-
hart was the democratic candidate
for county attorney of Madison county
n year ago liiHl fall. Ho Is especially
well known In north Nebraska along
the Bniiesteol line , where a good deal
of IIH ! practice lies.
Norfolk people who have been fa
miliar with the affairs of Uarnhart
and hlH wife and the threals that have
been Interchanged between have been
fearful of a serious collision between
Two Los Angeles Youths Pilfered a
Big Department Store In That City
Christmas Afternoon and Then Es
caped In Stolen Automobile.
Los Angeles , Gal. , Dec. 2C. Two
boys , after pilfering a largo amount
of plunder from a large department
store late Christmas afternoon , stole
i automobile and started to escape
'i their booty.
tfo > police , In another machine , fol
, ,7 . * he robbers.
V , - mse lasted many miles , during
vh.'ii fifty shots were exchanged.
The boys finally left the car and
scaped in the darkness.
York Commercial Club Files Charges
Against Two Roads.
York , Neb. , Dec. 20. Special to The
Vews : The York Commercial club
lied complaints against the North'
vcstcrn and Burlington railroads to
lay , alleging that track scales are not
iirnlshed as provided by law.
A hearing will be granted In a few
Big Celebration Planned for the Day
at Gregory.
Gregory , S. D. , Dec. 24. Special to
The News : The management of the
low Gregory roller mills together
with the Commercial club are plan
ning to make Dec. 31 a memorable day.
On that day the mill will be started
and formally thrown open to the in
spection of the public. It Is planned
.o have a roast ox and to feast the
'armors ' and others who come to Greg
ory to look over the new mill , on roast
> eef , and biscuits made from flour
ground at the mill. That the affair
will be a grand success In every way
iml will prove an advertisement to
the town of the most desirable char
acter is a foregone conclusion , since
the Gregory business men have taken
mid of it , for they have gained a wide
eputatlon ns belonging to the livesl
of the live ones , who never do things
: iy halves.
The new mill is thoroughly tip-to
late in every way , being constructed
of the very best materials throughout
and of largo capacity and the mosl
convenient arrangement of machinery
iniown in modern milling. It Is
credit to the owners who have stakec
so much money on their faith in the
future of Gregory. That their hopes
will be fulfilled seems assured , since
three years of bumper crops have
given the Rosebud country a reputa
tion far and wide as one of the bes !
wheat and grain countries to be found
Eighteenth Annual Ball of Nellgh Fire
Nellgh , Neb. , Dec. 26. Special to
The News : The eighteenth annna
ball of the volunteer fire departmeni
of this city took place In the audlto
rlum last evening. The members eacl
year endeavor to make their annua
dance one of the most enjoyable
events of the season.
They certainly did themselves proud
in their efforts at this time by furnish
Ing excellent music , which was no
only enjoyed by the large number o
spectators , but by the dancers as well
The auditorium was in a crowded con
dition until a late hour.
Revising Freight Classifications
Lincoln , Dec. 20. Beginning with
the first of the year the state railway
commission Intends to got down to
serious business and revise frelgh
rates by classification. In practically
every one of the hearings which hav
been heard on an Increase or decreas
of rates on a commodity , it has been
the contention of the railroad's tba
it Is impossible to tell the cost of ship
ping any one commodity , and there
fore unjust for tha commission to
change any rate on any commodity
They have argued that the commls
slon should take up tha matter o
rates by classes.
Dyer for Department uommanacr.
Mason City , la. , Dec. 2G. The Ma
son City G. A. R. post has passed res
olutlons indorsing Hon. H. A. Dyer o
that city as a candidate for depart
mcnt commander of the Iowa G. A. R
Ho served as a private in company C
of the Twenty-first Iowa for three
years during the civil war.
Miner Killed by Fall of Rock.
Lead , S. D. , Dec. 26. John Roth , a
miner employed on the COO-foot love
of the Homestako mine , was Instantl ;
killed , being cnished to death by
mass of rock falling upon him.
The President , Hia Wife and Her Sis
ter Left Washington for the Virginia
Retreat to Enjoy Rest and Recrea
tion for a Week.
Washington , Dec. 20. President and
Mrs. Roosevelt , accompanied by the
attor's sister , loft hero this morning
for Pine Knot , Va , , to spend the bal
ance of the holidays.
The train was scheduled to arrive
n Pine Knot at 2:30 : , after which the
iresldentlal party must take a ten-
nllo drive through the country.
The party was due to reach Mrs.
loosevelt's cottage at about 5 o'clock
his afternoon.
Victims of the Disease Are Many in
Brown County.
Alnsworth , Neb. , Dec. 20. Special
o The News : An epidemic of wed-
lings has struck Brown county. Here
ire a few of the victims :
Will H. Metcalfe , deputy county
reasurer , and Miss Bessie Gould were
married Christmas eve at the homo of
ho bride's parents in this cily by Rev.
P. W. DeLone.
Alonzo Monroe and Miss Nellie
Stearns were married at the home of
he bride's parents some twenty miles
south on Christmas day by Rev. Mr.
W. A. Anderson and Miss Cora Cai-
ver were married Thursday at the
tome of .1. Raven , Esq. , twenty miles
outh of lown.
Walter Allen and Miss Clara Alpha
Fcnnlngs , adopted daughter of B. M.
hase and wife , were married Christ-
nas eve at the M. E. parsonage in
lohnstown by Rev. Mr. Carpenter.
Owen Rlckard of Long Pine and
Miss Pearl Hoke of Johnstown were
narried Christmas evening at the
Stall hotel in Johnstown.
.1. C. Jensen , an old Norfolk boy
who married Miss Amy Brown , an
Mnsworth girl , some months ago , and
ils wife are spending the holidays
wilh his parejits near Pilger.
Elections In Portugal April 5.
Lisbon , Dec. 20. Following the
promises of the government to termi
nate the dictatorship and hold the
elections for the chamber of deputies
at un early date If Ihe calm In Ihe po
litical atmosphere was maintained , a
decree was Issued fixing the elections
for April 5.
Fatal Fight at Christmas Dance.
New Franklin , Mo. , Dec. 20. it was
learned here that during a fight at a
Christmas dance In the western part
of the county , George Beard was killed
and four persons were seriously
wounded. No arrests have been re-
Falling Off at Minneapolis Not Entire
ly Due to Financial Flurry.
Minneapolis , Dec. 20. Flour ship
ments fiom Minneapolis for 1907 will
tall slant of thu totals shipped during
1000 by nearly 1,000,000 barrels. This
decreahe appaiently has not been en
tirely due to the financial Hurry , aa
the figures lor each month show that
only In three months for the entire
year have the shipments for 1907
ceeded those lor the same mouths in
The number of barrels pf flour sent
out from Minneapolis by the various
mills so far this year have been 13 , '
825,375 , while lor a conesponulng pe
riod In 1900 there were 11,573,123 bar
rels shipped , a difference of 747,748
Despite the recent financial string'
ency the sales of flour fpr use In the
country or tor export did not suffer
so much as was generally expected
The shipments for October this year
were 1,499,052 barrels , against 1,593 , '
097 barrels last year. In November
this year the greatest falling off is
shown , with shipments of 1,067,970
bands , against 1,318,048 barrels a
year ago. For the trading days in
December up to the present 079,271
barrels have been sent out , as against
979,491 barrels for the corresponding
days last year.
Left for Dead by Thugs Who Chucked
Him In Big Drain Pipe.
Omaha , Dec. 26. Albert Holft ,
watchman ut the Cudahy packing
plant , was assaulted by thugs and
thrown through a manhole , and spent
the entire night in the big sewer
which drains the Union stock yards.
Ho escaped by crawling a mile to
where the sewer empties into an open
The unfortunate man was found ,
more dead than alive , by the crew of
a stock yards switch engine , who
heard his feeble groans as he lay in
the half frozen mud. He waa dying
from exposure when found. When
taken to the hospital it was found he
had suffered a severe boating before
being thrown Into the sewer by hia
assailants , who evidently supposed
they had killed him.
Physicians fear the ficczlng mud la
which ho must have lain an hour 01
more may cause severe congestion ol
the lungs. Helft has not yet recovered
sufficiently to give a coherent account
of the affair.
Says Coast Is Helpless.
Seattle , Wash , Dec. 20. Colonel
Woodburn , acting commander of the
Department of the Columbia , U. S. A. ,
In a statement , said that the Pacific
coast would be helpless In case the
nnvy would prove uhablo to prevent a
force of 20,000 , Japanese or other for
eigners landing along the coast. Ho
said there are not two thousand reg
ulars on the coast to resist un attack
by land , while 150,000 Infantrymen
are needed' .
Surgeon General of Navy Wants Doe
tors to Run Hospital Ships Why
Admiral Brownson Resigned Post
as Chief of Bureau of Navigation.
Washington , Dec. 26. That a serl
ous breach exists between the bureau
of navigation and the bureau of med
icine of the navy , Involving the ques
tion of the responsibility of the latter
bureau , was made apparent in a state
ment issued by Surgeon General Presley
ley M. Rixey of the navy , In which
he touches upon the circumstances
leading up to the probable selection
by the president of a medical officer
to command' the hospital ship Relief
over the protest of Rear Admiral Wll
lard H. Brownson , chief of the bureau
of navigation , who" Tuesday sent hia
resignation to the president. While
disclaiming exact knowledge as to the
caus = e of Admiral Brownson's resigna
tion , the surgeon general's statement
leaves litlle room for doubt that the
controversy he reviews was a potent
Doctors Command Hospital Ships.
Surgeon General Rixey malnlalna
that hospital ships , as a rule , always
have been commanded by medical of
ficers , with a sailing master and civilIan -
Ian crew for purposes of navigation
This particular vessel , he says , form
erly belonged to the army and always
was commanded by a medical officer
when used as a hospital ship. In at
tempting lo unify Ihe medical services
of the army and the navy , he says
that a Joint army and navy board ol
medical officers , which was convened
by executive order more than a year
ago , recommended that hospital ships
should bo commanded by medical of-
. fleers and that that recommendation
was approved by both the secretary of
war and the secretary of Ihe navy in
general orders. Since the civil war ,
he says , all hospital ships and med
ical transports of the army had been
placed under the surgeon general of
the army. He says further thai Japa
nese naval hosptlal ships were com
manded by medical officers , afler hav
ing iried line officers. These ships
he says , are simply tloaling hospitals ,
properly under Ihe conlrol of Ihe med
ical deparlmenl , and should be con
dueled in peace exaclly as in lime of
war. This is especially so , he adds
because during war lime line officers
cannot be spared and do not , and
should not , deblie the command of
these ships.
Doubt as to Neutrality Status.
He maintains thai il always has
been a doublful question if the Geneva
and The Hague agreements could
guarantee Ihe neulrallly of Ihese ships
If combalanl ( line ) officers and crews
were aboard , and 11 was Ibis doubt
which prevented the Japanese during
the recent war with Russia from us
ing line officers on hospital ships.
"The inlernal admlnlslrallon of the
bureau of medicine and surgery , " he
says , "has been , in my opinion , too
much Interfered with by the bureau
of navigation. This "Interference has
at times caused grave concern as to
how I could meet the needs of those
under our care. "
The hospital ship Relief , ho says
should now be with the battleship
fleet on Its cruise , but , he adds , "the
bureau of navigation thought other
wise , and' the fleet of 15,000 men , with
its auxiliaries , is without a hosptta
ship and will be until It arrives at
Magdalena bay , more than three
months from now. "
Ho adds that he cannot understand
how Admiral Brownson should be
specially Interested in the officering
of hospital ships , as his duties lie In
another direction , and that ho should
not Interfere In a matter pertaining
entirely to the bureau of medicine am
surgery , and therefore to bo decldet
by the secretary of the navy.
The Feeling Between the Navigation
and Medical Departments of the
Navy Has Reached an Acute Stage
and Internal Disruption May Follow
Washington , Dec. 20. The feeling
> ctwocn the navigation and medical
lepartments of the navy has reached
he acute stage and it is feared that
inless the matter can be permanently
settled In some manner , It may result
n Internal disruption.
Congress Is expected to make the
natter one of official Investigation ,
lending which the two departments
are working under armed truce.
Will Ask Not Only for Injunction
Against Picketing , but for Final Dis
solution of Goldfield Miners' Union.
Troops May Be RetalneJ.
Goldfleld , Nov. , Dec. 26. To carry
the fight into the federal court will
bo the next move of the Goldflold
Mlno Owners' association. Today a
suit will bo filed in the circuit court
of the district of Nevada , asking not
only for an injunction against picketIng -
Ing and Interfering with , but for the
final dissolution of the Goldfleld Min
ors' union.
The suit is to bo filed by the Goldfield -
field Consolidated Mines company
against the Goldfleld Miners' union ,
the Western Federation of Miners ,
the local union , and nineteen other of
ficers of the same. The complaint
sets forth the alleged' vast extent and
richness of the mining Interests in
volved , and the large number of per
sons holding shares in the mines In
various states and territories ; alleges
that the Goldfield Miners' union and
the Western Federation of Minors are
unincorporated associations and thai
it is claimed to bo a part of another
larger organization , known as the In
dustrial Workers of the World , also
unincorporated , which has the same
principles and seeks to accomplish
its resulls by Iho same alleged unlaw
ful melhods , and has in its ranks as
members of these associations , not
only the miners of the Goldfield dis
trict , but other laborers , such as
waiters , clerks , cooks , barbers and
Claim Union Is Criminal Society.
It Is further alleged that the West
ern Federation of Miners Is organized
for the destrucllon of properly and
creating "endless strife , disorder ,
bloodshed and rioting. " The Goldfleld
union is charged in the bill with "In
timidation" and of being guilty of
"wanton destruction of property , mur
der of Innocent citizens , lawlessness
and anarchy to such an extent that It
has Instituted a reign of terror in the
Goldfleld district. " It is further al
leged that the Goldfleld union is a
"criminal society. "
The court is asked to cite the de
fendants before it to answer the alle
gations of the complaint , and to issue
a writ of Injunction restraining the
defendants from obstructing the busi
ness of the Consolidated Mines com
pany by threat , Intimidation or picket
ing. An injunction against boycott Is
further asked for. The court is asked
to enjoin the Goldfleld union from
holding any more meetings. Watchers
or examiners are asked for , with full
authority to enter on the propeity of
the defendants and to carry out the
orders of the court and to arrest any
person violating them. Finally , It Is
petitioned that the injunction be made
permanent and that the Goldfield Min
ers' union be abated and forever dis
solved as a nuisance and perpetually
enjoined from any further meetings or
action of whatever kind or nature.
The complaint Is signed by George
Wingfleld , vlco president of the Con
solidated Mines company.
One effect of the filing of this , it Is
said , may bo to Induce President
Roosevelt to order a portion of the
troops now in Goldfleld to remain on
the ground to assist In the enforce
ment of the mandates of the federal
court , if necessary.
Nebraska Teachers Meet.
Lincoln , Dec. 26. More than 1,000
Nebraska teachers were enrolled for
the state association convention. The
opening program was given , compris
Ing a concert at St. Paul's Methodist
church. A. H. Waterhouse of Omaua ,
president of the association , doliV'
ered a welcoming address at the Tern
pie building.
Mississippi Is for Taft.
Jackson , Miss. , Dec. 20. L. B. Moio
ly , Republcan national commltteeman
for Mississippi , has held' ' conferences
recently with leading Republicans
throughout the state. The sentiment
clearly expressed Is that Mississippi
will Instruct Its delegates for Taft.
Missouri River Still Open.
Pierre , S D. , Dec. 26 , The Missouri
river refuses to form the usual ice
bridge at this city thla year , and with
out a decided change in temperature *
the stream will be open until after the
1st of January this winter.
Temperature for Twenty-four Hours.
Forecast for Nebraska.
Conditions of tlio weather us record
ed for thu twonty.four hours ending
it S n. in. todny :
Maximum 40
Minimum 22
Vvorago 31
laromctcr 29.10
Chicago , Dec. 20. The bulletin Is
sued by the Chicago station of the
United States weather bureau gives
the forecast for Nebraska as follows :
Partly cloudy and colder tonight
and Friday.
Good Things Distributed With Lavish
Land Brokers Raise Fund of $12,000 ,
for Stock Exchange Employes
Many Dinners for the Poor.
New York , Dec. 26. There was no
spirit of depression In this city on
Christinas day. From the Bronx to
the Battery and over Into Brooklyn to
the point where Coney Island points
Its nose Into the sea , there was merry
making that must have satisfied the
jolllcst soul and those who had no
cheer of their own were bountifully
supplied by these who had enough
and to spare. These In a position to
know , say that never before have the
good things been distributed with so
lavish a hand or so many of the less
fortunate made happy with gratuities.
The Salvationists , Volunteers , Young
Men's Christian association and a hun
dred' other public and private humani
tarian organizations vied with each
other In supplying to all who would
accept , bountiful repasts , surprise
gifts of clothing and toys , with music
and bright lights and well wishes
thrown in. Even at the Stock ex
change the scene of recent financial
disaster for many , the walls were
hung with holly and mistletoe and the
brokers proved they were not broke
by making a pool of $12,000 for the
360 exchange employes. Nearly
every public school had its Christmas
Railroad Withdraws New York-Chi
cage Passenger Rates.
Chicago , Dec. 20.The Erie railroad
has announced the withdiawul of all
its passenger rates now published in
the Chicago rate sheet and a rate war
of no mean proportions will be precip
itated unless the other Chicago-New
York roads bring enough pressure to
bear to stop it. The new rates which
the Erie proposes to establish will be
announced Jan. 1 , and if filed with
the intcrstafo commerce commission
then will become effective Feb. 1.
This action by the Erie has aroused
all the other trunk lines , and it is
not improbable that several more will
cancel their rates in the Chicago rate
No announcement has been made by
the Erie officials as to Just how tar the
cut In rates will go. It Is reported ,
however , that if the fight becomes hot
the tariffs will be cut a second time ,
and it Is not improbable that for a
time the lare between Chicago and
New York will bo $12. The second
class lare is now $10 , which repre
sents a cut of $0.75.
Blacks Given Forty-Eight Hours In
Which to Get Out of Town.
Mnskogee , Okla. , Dec. 20. Negroes
are rapidly leaving Henrietta , where
the lynching of James Garden , a ne
gro , occurred Tuesday , following the
murder of Albert Bates , a prominent
white business man. The blacks were
given notice to get out of the town
within forty-eight hours. A second at
tack was inado on the jail early this
morning by a mob of citizens , who
sought a one-eyed negro named Bill
Smith , charged with inciting Garacn
to commit the crime. Sheriff W. P.
Robertson spirited the man away from
the mob and took him to Okmulgec.
Jim Johnson , a negro who gave Gar
den a rifle , was also taken to Okmul
Business of Iowa Towns.
Des Molnes , Dec. 20. In an effort
to help along the entire state of Iowa
on the theory that what helps Iowa
helps DCS Molnes , the Greater DCS
Molnes committee Is busy gathering
statistics that will boost the towns of
Iowa. The statistic * ! pertain to the
amount of buulness done , the accessi
bility to tianiortatlon ) and other
features that make them suitable for
factory sites.
President Goes to Pine Knot.
Washington , Dec. 26. President
Roosevelt left for Pine Knot , Va. , thla
morning at 8 o'clock over the South
ern railroad. Ho was accompanied by
Mrs. Roosevelt and Theodore Roosevelt
velt , Jr. , and' will remain at the cot
tage until next Tuesday , devoting
much of his time to horseback riding
in the Virginia hills.
Slain by Her Husband.
Hyde Park , Mass. , Dec. 20. Dr.
Walter R , Amesbury of Mllford shot
and Instantly killed his wife , Anna , a
teacher of music In Roanoke college ,
Danville , Va. , as the family were
about to sit down to their dinner at
the home of Mrs Jcnnlo Reese , Mrs.
Amesbury'a mother.
A Chicago Paper Says That the Tele
graph Operators Are Preparing For
Another Strike Because Strikers'
Wages Were Cut.
Chicago , 111. , Dec. 2C. The Commer
cial Telegraphers union Is reorganiz
ing Its scattered forces with the vlow
of again striking against the two hip
telegraph companies , according to the
Chicago Record-Herald of this morn-
That paper today prints an Inter
view with Secretary Russet saying that
the movement has already begun.
He Is quoted as confirming the re
port that another strike is being pre
pared for.
It Is stated that the union will hold
a convention In Milwaukee Juno 8 and
that the strike will probably be called
belween that dale and Iho holding of
Ihe national republican convention in
Chicago In June.
Mr. Russell says that there has been
plenty of provocation by the compa
nies , who materially reduced the wag
es of all strikers who returned to
work after the strike was called off.
President of Smelter City Bank Un
der Arrest at Durango.
Durango , Cole , Dec. 20. Charles E
McConnell , president of the Smelter
City bank , which closed Its doors Dec.
17 , was placed under arrest. The
warrant upon which he was arrested
was sworn to by Harry Jackson , a de
positor of the bank , who had $3,400 on
depobit when the institution closed its
The committee which has charge of
examining the affairs of the bank
found that on Dec. 12 Mr. McConnell
had borrowed $10.000 In cash from
the First National bank of Durango
and had' given securities from hia
hank for the money , but the books of
the Smelter City bank did not show
that the $10,000 had been placed oti
deposit there.
The committee sent for Mr. McCon
nell and questioned him for several
hours as to what he had done with
the $10,000. After the conference Mr.
Jackson swore out the warrant and
the sheriff plated Mr. McConnell in
Action Brought for Keeping Stock
Too Long in trie Cars.
Des Molnes , Dec. 2i. ( In a suit filed
in the tC'Jfial conrt , In which the
Grfat Western railway is defendant ,
the first piosetution is begun in Iowa
under the ledeial statute putting a
limit on the time that live stock can
bo kept in a car without teed and
water. It Is charged against the Great
Western that a cur of twenty-nine
head of cattle was shipped from Stow-
artsville , Minn. , Dec. 3 to Eldrldgo &
Dreier at Van Meter , la. , and that the
car did not arrive till Dec. 5 , and the
cattle were without food and water
for thirty-nine hours and thirty-five
The suit Is brought In the name of
the Unltea' ' States and the penalty on
conviction Is a fine of $500. $ The law
wus put on the statute books soraa
years ago , after a bard campaign by
the Humane society. At the last ses
sion of congress the railroads made
an effoit to get the minimum timu
limit raised , but without success.
Appointed United States Senator to
Succeed Late Stephen R. Mallory.
Jacksonville , Fla. , Dec , 26. Govern
or Broward appointed William James
Bryan of this city to bo United States
senator , vice Stephen Russell Mallory ,
deceased , for the balance of the term ,
expiring March 4 , 1909. Mr. Bryan is
a prominent young attorney , only thir
ty-one yeaia of ago and now 1-plds
the position of county solicitor for
this ( Duvnl ) county. He was born in
Orange county , Florida , Oct. 10 , 187C.
Ho Is the son of John M. Bryan , who
served fourteen years as state senator
and afterwards as a menvber of the
state railroad commission. Ho is not
related to William Jennings Bryan of
Powers Trial Nears End.
Georgetown , Ky. , Dec. 26. The de
fense In the Caleb Powers trial ex-
pccts to close today and it Is said Iho
commonwealth Is prepared to go on
with its rebuttal testimony. It is also
said that Henry Youtsoy will bo
brought back to contradict Powers'
testimony. Judge Jero R. Morton of
Lexington , formerly counsel in tiu >
Powers case , testified that ho was in
the court of appeals room when the
shot was flrec ! that killed Goebel.