The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 20, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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Company Formed for the Purpose of
Operating an Elevator at Lindsay
Which Will Keep Up the Price of
Grain to the Top Notch.
Lindsay , Neb. . Doc. 1C. Special to
The News : At n meeting of the sub-
ncrlbors to stock for thu Farmers El-
cwntor company , ex-Senntor Brady or
Albion was present as main speaker.
An organization WHS perfected , elect
ing a board of directors , consisting of
Henry Scliaeclior , Hnbt. Ramackors ,
P. 1 > . lleldc , .lake Gobleman , Jake
llorer and William Hamackera. Tbo
company lias an authorized capital of
$ 10,000 , of which over ? 8,000 has been
subscribed , having now 114 members.
During the past year Lindsay mer
chants have noted a decrease In their
business nntl at the Instigation and ex-
IK'iiBO of the business men an investi
gating committee wan appointed to
find the cause of the trouble , and It
was found that neighboring towns most
all had farmers' elevators and from
actual Hguros taken from the records
it was shown that towns further from
Miarkot were paying from 2 toI cents
and oals than
more a bushel for corn
the farmers were getting at the line
elevators at this place.
I'or the past two months meetings
liave been held until thu company has
now been organly.ed. The board of di
rectors will decide and make arrange
ments to buy an elevator or to build
one , depending upon circumstances ,
the object being to buy grain as soon
as possible. Ex-Senator Brady of Al
bion , secretary of the association of
farmers' elevators In Nebraska , acts
ns one of the committee of board of di
rectors to actively push the matter.
lames Poole was In Madison Mon
day.Drs. . Bear and Pllger were called to
Hadar Sunday.
Dr. G. P. Bllgor was called to Win-
ftlde yesterday on veterinary work.
Herman L. Ucckcr and family of
Portal , N. D. , who have been In Nor
folk visiting relatives , left at noon for
A visit In Indiana.
General Manager P. Walters of
Omaha and General Superintendents.
M. Braden of Norfolk came In from
u Black Hills trip Sunday evening.
Mr. Walters went on to Omaha.
Miss Matrau was home from Madi
son over Sunday.
Joseph May has been In Chadron on
u visit with his father , J. T. May.
Boyd Blakeman and Marcus Rey
nolds were in Columbus over Sunday.
George Dudley , sr. , returned Sunday
from a month's visit to his old homo
In Indiana.
Mrs. W. E. Mullen and daughter ,
Bessie , returned last evening from a
visit In Omaha. '
Among the day's out of town visit
ors In Norfolk wore : H. Hampton ,
Pullerton ; Mayor C. S. Smith , Madi
son ; B. J. Overtoil , Gretna ; E , M.
Hood , Gregory , S. D. ; J. Ross , Pine
Ridge , S. D. ; Ed Martin , Madison.
Herrick Press : Mr. and Mrs. Wll-
ford Standiford left for Norfolk on
Tuesday morning where Mr. Stand- !
ford attended a meeting of the direct
ors of the Norfolk Pickle and Vinegar
factory , after which he and Mrs. Stan
dlford went to Omaha to purchase the
furniture and fittings for their hand
Borne new residence at this place.
Wlsner Chronicle : Mrs. Mlra Brlggs
of Norfolk was here last week visiting
her friends , the Davis families , and
looking after her case in the district
court brought to recover on her late
husband's policy from the Royal High
landers. The case was heard by Judge
Graves and taken under advisement
until the next sitting of his court which
will probalby be In February.
Robert I. Elliott , who was recently
principal of the Pilger schools , was
one of the three state university speak
ers who won a unanimous victory over
the Iowa university debaters in the
Nebraska-Iowa debate. Nebraska con
tended that the federal government
should have exclusive control over all
interstate transportation companies.
William J. Bryan presided at the de
bate. Elliott opened the debate.
Tilden Citizen : The Hansen Mer
cantile company Is still carrying on
business in splto of the financial diffi
culties that have overtaken the firm.
The attachment case is expected to bo
tried this week at Nellgh and the re-
suit will probably decide the immedi
ate future of the business. In any
< : ase , a change or reconstruction will
be made In the ilrm and every business
man in Tilden hopes that no loss will
occur to the creditors and that a suc
cessful career still lies before the mem
bers of the firm
Nebraska City Mews : The people of
Nebraska City wore amusing them-
.selves yesterday by testing the new
discovery In the telephone and a great
deal of amusement and wonder wore
results of experiment If you have
a desk phone you can try it yourself.
Just unbutton your vest and put the
enunclator to your body and he as
perfectly understood as if you used
the enunclator to speak through. Why
It Is we do not understand , but it
works and the discovery will doubt-
les be put to some very practical uses.
Ponder Times : Judge Graves has
tendered the position of court reporter
of the Eighth judicial district to Mr.
Wllford Osborne of Hartlngton , and
that gentleman has accepted the place
and will commence Ills ofllclal duties
about the first of the year. Herman
Freeso Is the present i oporter and the
salary Is $1,600 , per year and fees ,
which amounts to between $500 and
$1,000 more. Mr. Osborno is a young
rapher and a man well fitted for the
place. Ho was In town last Friday and
made a very favorable Impression on
Ponder people whom ho mot.
Fremont Herald : Nellie Kern , the
18-year-old girl arrested Wednesday
afternoon by Chief of Police Peterson
on a charge of forgery made by the
sheriff of Valentine in a telegram , was
sent homo yesterday. Deputy Sheriff
Williams of Valentino arrived on No |
0 yesterday to return with her , but ac
companied the girl only as far as
Blair , she promising to continue her
Journey homo from that point alone.
The local authorities think that the
girl was wanted In Valentine for run
ning away from homo and not for for
gery , although It was on the latter
charge the arrest was made.
"Sewer district No. 2 , " created at a
recent meeting of the Norfolk council ,
was "uncreated" Saturday evening by
a vote of three to two. It had been
announced that bids for the construc
tion of the Second district , which runs
from Pasowalk to Park nvenuo on
South Fifth street would bo opened
Saturday , but before the bids were
opened circulators of the petition ap
peared and stated that they thought
that the sewer could bo constructed
cheaper In the spring than at this time.
The councllmcu differed as to whether
or not the matter should run over , a
motion to reject all bids and return
them unopened finally prevailing.
Councllmcn Buchholz , Garvin and
Spellman voted to reject bids , Councilmen -
men Haase and Dolan standing hf > fa
vor of going on with the Fifth street
The steel car which has been used
on the Norfolk-Columbus branch of
the Union Pacific , has been taken off
the run for a time at least and sent
Into the Omaha shops where It was
made. Railroad men have found a se
rious objection to the new car in Its
present form. They say that the steel
construction makes the car too thin
and that It Is too hard to heat. As
steel conducts heat easily they figure
that the car will tend to bo cold In the
winter and hot in the summer. Since
the car has been In service on the Co
lumbus line it was found that given
the same amount of steam over night
the steel car would be twenty-five de
grees colder In the morning than the
smoking car. Outside of this the new
steel designs are considered a success.
The car Is said to be safer in case of
a wreck and the entrance placed near
the center of the car , something after
the English style , is a convenience.
This Will be on Thursday Evening ,
February 13 , and the Following
Three Days Will be Given Over to
Work of the Convention.
A business men's ' banquet at Mar-
quardt hall on February 13 will open
the state convention of the Y. M. C.
A. in Norfolk , the convention proper
meeting of the three days following ,
Friday , Saturday and Sunday.
Three or four Norfolk business men
will respond to toasts at this banquet.
There will also be a number of busi
ness men from away who will speak.
Hon. E. R. Gurney of Fremont will
probably act as toastmaster.
Arrangements for the convention
and the various meetings are progress'
ing , the local committee keeping in
touch with State Secretary Bailey of
It is now announced that in addition
to a number of prominent association
men from over the state the following
prominent speakers and Y. M. C. A.
workers in the national field will be In
Norfolk : W. M. Parsons of Mlnneap
oils , George D. McDill of Chicago , J. H.
Elliott of New York City , W. E. Sweet
of Denver , E. B. Willis of Milwaukee
and P. H. McCormack of Sioux City.
Mr. McDill was formerly connected
with the railroad Y. M. C. A. associa
tion at Chadron.
Thursday , the day of the banquet ,
will bo given over to meeting Incom
ing delegates and placing them about
the city in Norfolk homes.
Friday and Saturday regular con
ventlon sessions will be held in some
Norfolk church. In the evening and
Sunday afternoon and evening special
meetings will be held at the Norfolk
Auditorium at which a general public
attendance Is expected.
It will bo determined In a short
time whether Y. M. C. A. speakers will
fill the local pulpits Sunday morning
of the convention week or whether
the churches which are Interested In
the Y. M. C. A. movement will unite
In a union service.
A meeting for delegates only will be
held some time during Sunday.
Son of New Congregational Minister
at Alnsworth Passes Away.
AInsworth , Dec. 1C. Special to The
News : The little Infant son of Rev
and Mrs. H. C. VanValkenburg died
Sunday afternoon of bowel trouble af
ter a short illness. The family came
hero a week ago from Nora Springs
Iowa , in response to a call from the
Congregational church of Alnsworth
The family have the sincere sympathy
of Alnsworth people ,
Charley Marsden returned the other
night from Chicago , where ho has beer
eighteen months in the employ of Sie-
gel-Cooper company. Ho was former
ly a painter and paper hanger in this
J. N. Culver returned the other daj
from Green River , Utah , where ho had
been to look after his Interests. Ho
reports that the bank there has re
cently undergone a complete renova
tlon and is now virtually In the hands
Became Ugly Because Wife Don't Like
the Climate of Oklahoma and the
Snakes of Texas , Moore's Dramatic
Spirit Was Aroused.
Madison , Nob. , Dec. 1C. From a
staff correspondent : Innoculntcd with
ho dramatic germ and making a noise
Ike the Notlmway tragedy , which ho
openly threatened to outdo , Jess Moore
of Madison compromised with" his more
violent Intentions and spent Saturday
n the Madison city Jail.
Because his wife objected to the cli
mate of Oklahoma and wouldn't llvo In
Texas on account of the snakes ,
Moore's Ire was aroused and ho be
came violent and demonstrative.
Moore , who has been living In Texas ,
had ills eye on Oklahoma and became
violent when his wife preferred the
comfort of her parents' homo In Madi
son. His violence didn't get past the
stage of threats , however , for ho was
quickly disarmed and hustled off to
the city jail.
Saturday it was said that Moore , If
lie would make a peaceful "getaway"
from Madison on Ills Oklahoma trip ,
would not bo further prosecuted.
Moore Is a young man , the son of
: he contractor who came to Madison
to build a high school building. Mrs.
Moore is connected with a prominent
Madison family , last week's trouble
occurring at the parental home.
Madison athletics have taken a turn
towards basket ball. During the week
the high school boys went down to
Humphrey whore they beat Humphrey
23 to 19. Saturday evening a large
crowd gathered at the Madison opera
house to see the game between the
girls of the Madison and Newman
3 rove teams. Newman Grove took
the lead at the start.
December 3 Cupid took Ills last
'look in" at the county judge's office
and left on a "before the holiday vaca
tion. " Cupid is especially busy dur
ing the Christmas season when Christ
mas brides and grooms demand Judge
Bates' attention. So , Cupid to prepare
for the rush , has taken a lay-off. Th'e
last marriage license was issued on
December 3 and Judge Bates , who dis
likes the drought , is whistling for Cu
pid to come back.
Madison county people have not
only stopped marrying but they have
stopped fighting , at least no lawsuits
were filed during the past week , a ra
ther unusual seven days' record.
About the only action recorded in
the district clerk's office was the filing
of new petitions In the Turner and
Beer cases against the county. A de
murrer by the county was recently
sustained by Judge Welch with the re
sult that amended petitions were filed
by Senator Allen. In these cases Vernon -
non Turner and Will R. Beer , the two
young fellows who were held in the
county jail from August 25 , 1905 , to
December 8 , 1905 , as witnesses to the
murder of a negro at the Junction ,
seek to recover witness fees for the
length of time they were held In the
county jail. They ask for $2 a day or
$214 apiece. The county is resisting
the cases.
The institute faculty for next sum
mer's Madison county teachers' instl
tute has been announced. It will con1
sist of City Superintendent H. II. Halm
of Blair , County Superintendent A. V.
Teed of Dixon county , Miss Elizabeth
Sheehan of Columbus and R. Solomon
of Norfolk. Miss Sheehan was an in
structor at the institute in Norfolk last
summer. Mr. Solomon had charge of
the music at the Norfolk institute and
lie scored such a hit that he was im
mediately engaged for the next Insti
tute. The institute will bo held at
Madison during the week beginning
August 17.
County Superintendent F. S. Perdue
will put In four weeks of the summer
as an Instructor at the summer normal
school at Wayne college. Ho will also
bo a member of the faculty at the DIxon -
on county Institute. City Superinten
dent Doremus has "been named as a
member of the faculty at the junior
normal at Valentine.
D. D. Lynch , who left Madison to
take charge of a bank at Afton , Wyo. ,
has written that he is pleased with the
first impressions of his new home. He
took charge of the bank during the
Sermon on the Norfolk Tragedy.
Wayne Herald : A startling tragedy
was the murder of Mrs. Valley Netha-
way at Norfolk by her husband , and
his subsequent suicide. Here is a
case covering the whole gamut of
conjugal experience affection and de
votion , estrangement and alienation ,
and at last deadly hate and murder
and self destruction.
Such a case affords no other Illus
tration more significant of the vicissi
tudes of human existence. la the
midst of life we are in death , but
more solemn and Impressive still , In
the midst of seeming security and
happiness wo are Involved In danger
and crushing calamity. In this
strange Incident there Is only a fresh
admonition of _ the weakness and un
certainty which continually balances
and offsets the stability which human
nature dally reveals.
To those persons who repudiate the
Idea that the ways of man are ordered
by fate , such awful events present a
problem which seems Impossible to
reconcile with the theory that people
In this world are the architects of
their own destiny.
There Is quite enough In the Infiu-
pnrn nf moral dlsnlnllno and training
o make It worthy of persistent prac
tice , but none the less , underlying all
> f the agencies which education and
ethical culture can supply nnd devise
there seems to bo a mysterious force
hat carries men and women quite be
yond themselves nnd makes them , not
nfroqucntly , the part of a sinister
spirit of evil and destruction.
Big Fund Raised In Cumlng County for
Capture of Zahnow Thieves.
WVjst Point , Neb. , Dec. 1C. Special
: o The News : The friends and neigh
bors , both in country and town , of
llobcrt Zahnow , the farmer whoso vnl-
table team was stolen from the streets
of Bancroft three weeks ago have sub
scribed a fund of $315.00 to bo given
as n reward for the recovery of the
stolen property and the arrest of the
thieves. This makes a total reward
of $515 offered In this caso. The team
was one of the finest in Ginning county
nnd was valued at $ COO. Up to this
time not the slightest clue has been
obtained as to their whereabouts or
the Identity of the thieves.
West Point National Bank Moves to
New Quarters.
West Point , Neb. , Dec. 1C. Special
to The News : The West Point Na
tional bank has moved Its business
Into its new building , just completed.
The new homo of the bank Is the fin
est and most complete banking build
ing In the Elkhorn valley , without ex
ception. All the latest devices and
up-to-date fixtures have been installed.
It replaces an old structure built in
1871 by Bruner & Neligh , and occu
pied by them as a private bank. They
wore succeeded by Stevenson & Slue-
for , also private bankers who conduct
ed the institution until 1885 , when the
business was merged Into the West
Point National bank.
Well Known Citizen Goes Suddenly.
Two Others During Week.
West Point , Neb. , Dec. 1C. Special
to The News : George L. Rcbhauseii ,
a well known citizen , died very sud
denly yesterday morning of heart fail
ure at the age of 43. Mr. Rcbhauscn
was a native of Omaha , his parents
being pioneers of Douglas county. He
was for some years U. S. ganger at
Omaha. lie leaves a widow and three
children and several brothers and sis
ters , one of whom is Mrs. Michael
Tex of Millard. Funeral Tuesday
morning under the auspices of the lo
cal branch of the Catholic Knights
of America.
Dr. H. H. Cohee of Wood Lake , son
of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Cohee of Bee-
mer , died at his homeof , typhoid fever
at the ago of thirty-six years. The
doctor was a native of Cuming county
and a graduate of the Crolghtoii med
ical college , and his untimely demise
is much deplored by the people of this
community. The remains were in
terred at Wisner on Thursday under
the auspices of the local lodge of the
Modern Woodmen of America.
William Townsend , a well known
resident of West Point , died at the
Fremont hospital on Wednesday from
the effects of a stroke of paralysis.
The deceased was a native of England
and was one of the pioneer settlers of
northern Knox county , from which
place he moved to West Point twelve
years ago. He was sixty-seven years
of age and leaves a largo family of
married daughters and one son. The
remains were brought to West Point
yesterday nnd interred in the family
lot in the public cemetery.
Young Lady is Again at St. Mary's
Academy at West Point.
West Point , Neb. , Dec. 1C. Special
to The News : Sophia Netuaway , the
young daughter of the couple who met
such a tragic death at Norfolk a week
ago , has returned to the care of the
sisters in charge of St. Mary's acad
emy In West Point , where she will
probably remain. The newspapers
have referred to this Institution as a
convent , which It is not , merely a pa
rochial school attached to the local
church , and under the care of a num
ber of sisters of the Franciscan order ,
who also have charge of the homo for
the aged , a charitable Institution In
West Point. The parochial school re
ceives pupils of any religious faith ,
Protestants as well as Catholics being
admitted. One of the students there
at present Is a full-blood Omaha In
Now on Their Way to West Point.
Wlsner Athletic Association.
West Point , Neb. , Dec. 18. Special
to The News : The Hungarian par
tridges subscribed for by the sports
men of Cumlng county are on their
way and will soon arrive In West
Point. They will bo colonized by P.
P. Wortman and F. J. Malchow , two
local sportsmen.
The Wlsner Athletic association Is
the latest organization to commence
business In Cumlng county. Thirty-
five members have been enrolled. The
following were chosen officers : M.
Weldman , president ; C. S. Delly , treas
ures , nnd Miss Anna Waller , secre
tary. Board of directors : M. Weld
man , W. T. Stockdale , Miss Emma
Marquardt and C. S. Delly.
Rev. Mr. Ellwood Receives Call.
Pierce , Nob. , Dec. 1C. The members
of the Congregational church of this
place have extended a call to Rov. Wil
liam Ellwood of Anthony , Kas. , to be
come their pastor and their Invitation
has been accepted. Mr. Ellwood visit
ed the church last Sunday and deliv
ered two sermons. Ho with his wife
and little son will arrive this week.
The. work of the now pastor with his
people will begin Sunday , December
Announces That He Will Not be a
Candidate for the Third Time Will
Have Served State Eight Years at
End of His Term.
State Superintendent J. L. McBrlcn
will'not bo n candidate for n third
term. His announcement made Satur
day , throws the field open to Nebraska
educators. In making his satcmcn Mr.
McBrlcn named County Superintendent
Perdue of Madison and Superintendent
Bodwt'll of Norfolk In a list of those
who would bo discussed In connection
with the nomination for state superin
The Lincoln dispatch announcing
Mr. McBrlcu's Intentions says :
State Superlnendent J. L. McBrlen ,
like Roosevelt , has announced that ho
will not bo a candidate for a third
term. Recently his name was connect
ed with third term newspaper gossip.
In answer to the question as to whcth
or or not he will run again he said :
"I have tried to hold this third term
talk In abeyance. It has hardly seem
ed proper to put myself in or out of the
race so early in the campaign. But
under the new primary law more lime
Is needed for the people to study the
fitness of the various candidates for
the nomination than under the old con
vention system. Therefore , I deem It
my duty to the public as well as to
those who may aspire to the nomina
tion for state superintendent of public
Instruction to say that I will not be a
candidate for a third term.
"While I am not unmindful of the
high honor the nomination for n third
term would confer , I appreciate the
fact that nil the honors to which I am
entitled have already been given me.
For four years I was deputy under Mr.
Fowler. On January 7 , 1909 , I shall
have served four years as state super
intendent. This makes eight years'
service in this ofllce. It is a longer
time than any other school man has
been associated with this ofllce In these
positions. I shall endeavor to serve
the state just as faithfully until the
last hour of the last ( fay of my term as
though I were anxious to hold the of
fice for life. Our office force will con
tinue to come early , work hard and
stay late. "
When asked ns to the man most
likely to succeed him , Mr. McBricn
said :
"That Is a question to be determined
by the republican voters at the next
state primary. I have no favorite can
didate. There .are at least fifty first
class school men in the republican
party of Nebraska well qualified for
the ofilce of state superintendent. I
shall not use my official position to
promote the candidacy of any man for
this high office. Among the county
superintendents who may aspire for
the nomination are Supt. George O.
Carrlngton , jr. , of Nemaha county ,
Supt. W. A. Yoder of Douglas county ,
Supt. F. S. Perdue of Madison county ,
Supt. C. L. Hopper of Sherman county ,
Supt. E. E. Larson of Phelps county ,
and Supt. A. V. Teed of Dlxon county.
"Of the city superintendents who
are likely to be urged for the nomina
tion you may hear the names of Supt.
Geo. B. Thomas of McCook , Supt. E. J.
Bodwell of Norfolk , Supt. R. J. Barr
of Grand Island , Supt. C. A. Fulmer
of Beatrice , Supt. A. L. Cavlness of
Fairbury , Supt. James E. Delzell of
Lexington , Supt. J. D. French of lifts-
tings , and Supt. W. W. Stoner of York.
Among other names sometimes men
tioned for the nomination are Dr.
George E. Condra of the University of
Nebraska , Supt. E. B. Sherman of the
boys' Industrial school , and Deputy
State Supt. E. C. Bishop. No doubt
sentiment will soon crystallize in favor
of a few of the leading candidates ,
probalby in favor of one from eacli
congressional district. No more im
portant state office is to be filled.
Great care should bo exercised by the
voters at the primaries in the selec
tion of the candidate.
"I appreciate the loyalty to my ad
ministration of the school men and
the school women throughout the
stale regardless of political affiliations.
I am grateful to the people for their
confidence in me as expressed in two
elections to this office. I am like the
young man of whom Mr. Bryan tells ,
who , having received an affirmative
answer from his best girl to a pro
posal of marriage , on his way homo
looked up into the starry heavens and
said , "Lord , I hain't got nothin against
nobody. ' "
Hosklns Briefs.
The work of repairing the depot and
platform was completed during the
latter part of last week.
About two Inches of snow fell here
the latter part of last week and quite
a few rabbits were bagged as a result.
Doc Averlll has moved into the prop
erty of Wfa. Sentsy which was recent
ly vacated by D. E. Nellor.
The meeting of the Hosklns Telephone -
phone company occurred last Friday
night and an assessment of $25 was
There will bo no dance at Hosklns
on Christmas eve as was planned , on
account of the orchestra being unable
to furnish music at that date.
Some local talent has organized an
orchestra and now Hosklns will have
a dance every other Saturday night
after Now Years.
Frank Phillips and Frank Hart had
a sort of a scrap In the barber shop
last Sunday but neither party was in
The Hosklns schools will have two
weeks vacation Christmas.
Miss Mlnnlo Cane has returned from
an extended visit with relatives and
John Kaulen has returned from St.
.Top. . Mo. , after nu extended visit.
Pete Kaulen returned to his feeding
grounds at Wausn , where he expects
to spend some time.
Trade Is very slack at present among
local merchants , though for no appar
ent reason unless the money strin
Frederick Strntte was on the sick
list last week.
The young son of Frank Talk was
taken sick last Wednesday and Is slow
ly recovering.
A program Is being prepared by the
school to bo rendered at Uctzllck hall
Christmas eve.
The mall carriers are now starting
out of Hosklns at 8 o'clock Instead of
11 , which Is a great help to thorn as
they are now able to get In before
dark , which they could not do before
the change.
Tilden Branch Was Organized Satur
day With a Membership of Thirty-
three , Largely Farmers Becoming
Dangerous for- Horse Thieves.
The Tilden Live Stock Protective
association Is the latest auxiliary to
the North Nebraska Live Stock Pro
tective association , with headquarters
at Norfolk. The Tilden association
was organized Saturday afternoon with
n membership of thirty-three , practic
ally all being farmers living tributary
to that town. Messrs. Geo. Losey and
Adrian Craig represented the central
association at the meeting and assist
ed in the organization. The officers
elected are : President , J. E. Bolton ;
vice president , A. M. Jones ; secretary ,
H. W. Klngery ; treasurer , John Mich-
nelson ; captain , Geo. Connely. The
now organization will adopt the by
laws and rules governing the parent
association , and will work In harmony
with it for the suppression of horse
stealing and the capture of thieves.
It will only be a comparatively
short tlmo before practically every
town In north Nebraska will have such
an association all allied and working
with the main organization. When
that time comes It will be practically
impossible for a horse thief to get any
great distance with a stolen animal.
The efficiency of the north Nebraska
association was illustrated a short
time ago when a team , buggy and har
ness , taken from fanners near Battle
Creek , were returned to their owners
by Captain Losey of the association ,
after a hard chase which lasted three
days and extended over many miles of
country. It is true the thieves were
not apprehended , because they aban
doned the stolen properly when they
found the chase after them was so
hot that it became uncomfortable , but
every dollar of value taken was re
turned to the owners.
With a strong central organization
working In harmony with a number
of auxiliary association , horse stealing
will In time become so unpopular that
it will cease to be profitable in this
section of the country.
Real Estate Transfers.
Real estate transfers for the week
ending December 13 , 1907 , compiled
by the Madison County Abstract and
Guarantee conipany , office with Mapes
& Hazen :
Margaret Crum and husband to R.
B. Tucker , W. D. , consideration $000 ,
lots 11 and 12 , block 4 , C. S. Hayes'
addition to Norfolk.
John Denny and wife to Charles
Denny , W. D. , consideration $ COO , part
of the NE 4 of the NWV4 of 19 , 24 , 1.
John R. Saxton and wife to John
Denny , W. D. , consideration $1,300 ,
part of the NE'i of the NW& of 19 ,
24 , 1.
Martin L. Thomson nnd wife to
Charles A. Martin , W. D . .considera
tion $170 , lot 5 , block 8 , Battle Creek.
P. E. McKilllp and wife to Ida V.
Prink , W. D. , consideration $1,800 , S&
of 1C. 24 , 1.
Josephine Durland to Fred G. Get-
linger , W. D. , consideration $350 , lot
4 , block 8 , Durland's First addition lo
Norfolk- .
Anna Troutman and husband to Her
man Gall , W. D. , consideration $1,450 ,
soulh 50 feet of north 11011-12 feet
of lot 2 , block 3 , Pasewalk's First ad
dition to Norfolk.
Anna T. Rowe and husband to Myr-
licla A. Scolt and Edgar S. Monroe ,
W. D. Consideration $2,000 , S % of the
SV of lots 9 and 10 , block 8 , Koenlg-
stein's First addition to Norfolk.
Leonard Brown and wife to Madi
son county , W. D. , consideration $100 ,
part of the SE4 of the SEV4 of 10 , 23 ,
Sheridan Williams and wife to Mad
ison county , W. D. , consideration $40 ,
part of the SWM , of the SW'4 of 11 ,
23 , 4.
Ludwig Wachter nnd wlfo to Madi
son county , W. D. , consideration $180 ,
part of NE',4 and part of NWV4 4 ,
24 , 1.
Louis C. Mlttlesladt lo Thomas
White , W. D. , considerallon $1,200 ,
lols 1 and 2 , block 4 , Koonlgstein's
Second addition to Norfolk , Neb.
Absalom Wilcox and wife to Lars
K. Kvam , W. D. , consideration $3,800 ,
Wj of NEVl and EVd of NW'4. 19 ,
21 , 4.
The public responds "In kind" lo
store-advertising. If It Is big , Import
ant , full of significance to thrifty people
ple it wilt "pull , " It will impress , it
will create trade , accordingly.
The Philanthropist Requires That the
City Shall Pledge Sufficient Money
to Cover Expenses of Library After
It Is Completed.
Andrew Carnegie , steel king , will
glvo Norfolk a $10,000 library building.
A letter bringing Carnegie's offer to
Norfolk was received In this city Sun
To secure the $10.000 library build
ing thai the eastern phllnnlhroplslhna
agreed to build In this city , the city
council Is required ( n pledge an an
nual supporl of not less than $1,000
while Norfolk Itself must furnish a
suitable site for the building. The
city council has already mndo provi
sion for the necessary annual levy
while the city library board will moot
nt once lo take up the question of thu
library site.
Carnegie's response to advances
made to him by the local library board
cnmo In the shape of a letter from his
private secretary addressed to the
city clerk. It was dated December 13 ,
1907 , from New York and read as fol
lows :
"Responding to your communication
on behalf of Norfolk. If the city will
agree by resolution of council to maintain -
tain a free public library at a cost of
not less than $1,000 a year and provide
a suitable silo for the building , Mr
Carnegie will be glad to give $10,000
lo erccl a free public library building
for Norfolk. "
This spring Iho clly council by ordi
nance crealed a library board and
pledged Hie necessary supporl.
The definite offer received from the
steel masler brings Iho question of a
library site Into Iho foreground. A
meeting of the library board will be
called at once to take up Ibis mailer.
It Is understood that the library
board will ask for popular subscrip
tions to a fund to purchase a site for
the now library building. The cost of
the necessary amount of ground cen
trally located Is placed at about $3,000.
The location of the library building
will be a matter of Importance. This
\\i\\ \ \ probably rest with the library
board although the city council may
tnke a hand In the matter. A large
number of possible sites arc sure lo
be presonled.
The present clly library board ,
named when negoliallons wore starled
with Carnegie , conslsls of A. H. Vlele ,
M. D. Tyler , Mrs. M. A. McMlllen , M.
P. Hazen , N. I. Owen , Mrs. John R.
Hays , Julius Hulff , Mrs. H. E. Owen
and Mrs. II. If. Hagoy. The board
was named by Mayor Durland and has
effected a temporary organization by
electing Mrs , McMlllen as temporary
president and Julius Hulff as temporary
ary secretary.
The city library , now In ils second
year , has been starled and maintained
by the library commltlee named by Iho
Woman's club of Norfolk. The library
which is now open on Salurdayn in the
Bishop block will be merged Into the
Carnegie library , giving a good basis
for working up a substantial city li
To the average person the' season
of gift-making Is both Intcresl and
appalling. To the ad.-reader , how
ever , It remains interesting , but It la
not appalling.
Anyone nenrtlnis nnUetrh and rt < crlptinnni >
qnlukly ascertain our opinion free wficthor an
Invention 18 probably pnlmilnhln. Communica
tions strictly contldentliil. HANDBOOK oiirnienu
out free. Oldest nuenrr lor m-curniK pair nt.i.
I'ntnnta taken thrcmch ilium & Co. receive
rpniit notlc < , rlthout charge , In Iho
Scientific Jfltitric < ro *
A Jmndsnmolr lllliK ! ruled vopUK I.nrcw r.r.
dilation of nny nolentlllo Jnurnul. Ti'Uin. M * tiuidtyti ! )
lIm.ichumco.C25K EU Wnshlr. " n. 1) r.
You MUst Not Forget
We are constantly improv
ing in the art of making Pine
Newest Styles in
Cards and Finish ,
Wo also carry a Fine Line
of Mouldings.
i. M.