The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 20, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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Train In Charge of Conductor Adalr ,
Due In Norfolk at 7:37 : p. m. Did
Not Reach Here Until 2 O'clock In
the Morning ,
The Sioux City passenger on the M.
& O. line left the track Tuesday evenIng -
Ing at a Rwltch just out of Dakota
City. The train wax running at a slow
Hpeed and whllo both the englno and
the mail car left the track the engine
and cars remained upright. No one
was Injured. The wrecked train WUH
delayed nearly seven hours.
The Sioux City passenger which
wont through the switch Is duo In Nor
folk nt 7.17 : p. m. It arrived Wednes
day morning at 2 n. m. The englno
was put out of commission by the ac
cident and a now englno was secured
to pull the train Into Norfolk.
The train Is known as "No. 11 , " and
was In charge of Conductor Adalr and
Engineer Smith.
The trainmen who came In on the
Sioux City passenger said that the
train left the track on a derailment
switch that had been thrown open to
give the right of way to the Burling
ton track. The Sioux City train was
slowing down , It was said , but did not
make the stop In time to avoid leaving
the track.
John Hucbnor of Hosklns was In
the city Tuesday morning.
II. L. Snydcr Is expected homo Sun
day from his eastern visit.
Charles was In Norfolk
Wednesday on his way to Madison.
Miss Margaret Blthcll , who Is at
tending Jennings seminary nt Aurora ,
111. , Is homo for the holidays.
Mrs. W. II. Shlppee has returned
from Bcnvor City , where she was
called to attend the funeral of her
brother-in-law , Eugene Harvey.
Rev. Thomas Blthell left Wednesday
noon for Inman , where ho olllciatcs at
the wedding of Rev , Benjamin II. Mur-
ten of llooiio and Miss Eva Smith of
II. B. Dlxon went to Omaha Tues
Frank Sterling of Creighton was in
Norfolk Tuesday.
E. P. Weatherby has been in Da
kota City on business.
Will Ilayward Is expected homo to
morrow to spend his Christmas vaca
Frank Huffsmlth of Creighton was
in Norfolk yesterday on business mat
Chris Anderson Is in Keya Palm
county on a business trip. Ho will
return to Norfolk the latter part of
the week.
Nicholas Kauffman of Hartford , S.
D. , Is In Norfolk on a visit with his
cousin , Councilman E. B. Kauffman.
Mrs , Anna Madsen leaves tomorrow
noon for a visit with her daughters ,
Mrs. P. Collins and Miss Opal Madsen ,
in St. Louis , Mo.
C. M. Thompson , the Newport bank
er , was In Norfolk over night , being
called to the city on business. Mr
Thompson was accompanied by his
llttlo daughter.
Among the day's out of town visit
ors In Norfolk were : George C. Stev
enson , Madison : I. O. Friend , Plain
view ; Mrs. II. C. Bruss , Fullerton ; R
A. Hindman , Goldfleld ; John Wldhalm
Pierce ; F. B. Wlxson , J. W. Hayes , J
C. Hayes , Elk Point , S. D. ; II. G
Campbell , Auburn ; II. B. Klmp , Bone-
steel , S. D. ; O. E. Danlelson , Emer
son ; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Woodward
Crawford ; Miss Julia Glbbard. Tllden ;
D. McLeod , Brunswick ; William Krot
tcr , Stuart.
'Tho city council meets Thursday
evening for its December session.
Invitations have been Issued for the ,
Eagle smoker of Thursday evening.
Ole Boehnko has been serving
substitute clerk at the Norfolk post
ofilco while F. W. Freeland Is on a
fifteen days' vacation from the fcdera
The union Sunday school teachers
training class will not meet next Mon
dey evening , the meeting being
dropped on account of the holiday sea
son. Meetings of the class are heh
in the Christian church.
No definite actions were recorded b >
the Commercial club directors at thel
Tuesday morning meeting although :
number of Important matters were tak
en up at the meeting for discussion
The club directors have two or three
Important items before them but it Is
probable that no preliminary an
nounccmcnts will he made until the
propositions nro whipped Into deflnlt
shape , providing , of course , that the
negotiations of the club do not fal
The two now hose carts ordered by
the Norfolk fire department to replac <
the old carts used by the Mast am
Queen City companies were receive
Tucbday. The carts represent an ex
pendlturo of $477 , n sum which It I
hoped will bo restored to the firemen1 !
treasury by the firemen's mlnstre
show soon to bo given In the Audlto
rliim. Herman W. Winter , Val Llgh
and Charles Pllgor will examine th
new carts , having been placed In
charge of purchasing the now appara
tus by the department.
Fremont Tribune : Twenty agent ;
of the Nebraska-Wyoming division o
the Northwestern came to Frcmon
yesterday for a meeting with Superln
tendent C. H. Reynolds and Genera
Freight and Passenger Agent S. F
Miller of the transfer depot. It wa
s. one of the periodical conventions o
the employes of the road , which ar
being 'had for the purpose of economy
discussions of business. Th
agents aHHomliliMl at the ofilco of K
K IlleliH , convening at 10 o'clock , nud
listened to remarks by the oillclals ,
Htil > Hefiu | > ii < ly paitlclpatlng in a gen
eral round of talk. Traveling Freight
gent John Mellon was among those
resent from out of town.
Attorney Hurt Mapes of this city
IIIH been named as receiver of the
laiiKen Mercantile company of Til-
en , the company whoso financial pro-
rodlngs started by the German bank
f Tllden. Receiver Mapes receives
IK appointment from the federal
ourt at Omaha , whore the wholesale
redltors of the Tlldon company have
farted Involuntary bankruptcy pro
ceedings against the firm. Ho was In
Mldcn Tuesday afternoon for the pur-
OHO of taking charge of the business
nil making an Invoice. The store
III be closed by the receiver , who by
iw holds office until a trustee Is
nmod to cloMO out the business. The
lock of goods carried by the Hanson
ompany was said to be worth about
Mr. David Varner and Miss Evn L.
annchlll were married at 8:30 : o'clock
Vodnesday morning at the homo of
ho bride's parents , Mr. and Mrs. Frank
nnnehlll , near Warnervllle. Dr. C.
V. Ray , pastor of the First Methodist
hurch of Norfolk , performed the cere-
lony. A wedding breakfast was
orved In honor of the young people.
Ir. and Mrs. Vnrner will live on a
iinn near Warncrvlllo.
slebraskn Metropolis Negotiating for
American St. Paul Franchise.
Omaha , Dec. 18. Special to The
"Jews " : It Is reported In reliable sport-
UK circles that the American assoola-
Ion franchise which was abandoned
iy St. Paul may come to Omaha. A
yndlcate , " which Is trying to secure
, n opening for Omaha In the American
sfiociatlon Is said to have plenty of
noncy behind It.
The St. Paul franchise Is the one
vhlch American association Interests
mve been figuring on transferring to
hlcago , thus Introducing a third club
nto the Windy city. The major
eagnus have offered serious objection
o this Invasion into their territory.
Eugene Austin Married.
The following from the Sacramento ,
California , Union , will prove of inter-
ist in Norfolk , where Eugene Austin
Ivcd for many years and was popular
unong his acquaintances. The last
ear he was here he worked as a line
ype operator on The News. The
Union story is dated at Lodi , Gal. , and
s as follows :
A pretty wedding occurred Wednes
lay night at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
M. Bowling on South Sacramento
street , when their youngest daughter ,
Edith Alice , became the bride of Eu
one Austin of Sacramento. The cere-
nony was performed by Rev. John
Young of the Christian church. Miss
Myrtle McClung acted as bridesmaid ,
and the groom was supported by
George II. Moore. The Immediate rel
atives of the bride and a few friends
witnessed the wedding. A wedding
supper was served , and then the young
couple went to Stockton and later to
San Francisco , where a short honey
moon will be spent. Mr. and Mrs. Aus
tin will make their home in Sacramen
to , where the groom Is a linotype
operator with The Union.
The bride looked handsome In a
gown of embroidered net over white
silk. Miss McClung wore white em
broidered silk with pink roses. Aftei
the ceremony a reception was held
Many people called to congratulate the
couple. A number of beautiful pros
cuts were received.
Mrs. Austin Is a girl of charming
personality and high accomplishments
She has lived here for a number 01
years , and Is popular. Previous to the
wedding bhe was tendered a series o :
"showers" by her girl friends.
Quick Change From Autumn to Winter
The A. lj. Killlan store passed fron
autumn Into winter holidays in a sin
le night , the change in the extensive
store decorations - being carried on
Tuesday evening after the store hai
closed for the evening. The browr
decorations were replaced with a pro
fusion of holly and evergreen , the
bright green of the Christmas seasoi
being set off with a touch of red am
white here and there In the color
scheme. Mr. Killtan of the Killlai
company intends to put special cm
phasls on the decoration of his store
and his window display.
Gambler Takes His Own Life.
Hastings , Neb. , Dec. 18. Special to
The News : R. S. McCune , the gam
bier who figured prominently In the
McCulln shooting scrape in Hastings
committed snlcldo at Button between
the hours of 10 a. in. and 2 p. m. bj
shooting himself in the head.
At one time ho was well off , owning
considerable property at Harvard , bu
since his wife's death eight years age
ho ran through with all of It. It 1
believed his losses caused despondency
and Impelled him to take his life. II
was about 52 years of age.
Omaha Surgeon Who Examined Victim
of Hosklns Shooting Gives Opinion.
The Omaha Dee on Wednesday stal
ed that Dr. J. E. Summers , who attend
ed Bertha Tledjo of Hosklns , taken t
an Omaha hospital after being nccl
dentally shot by her brother , did no
bellovo that the girl would recover
Ho said that the bullet , which entered
her neck , had injured the spinal cord
The Bee said that no attempt had bcei
made to remove the bullet following
the girl's arrival In the Omaha lies
pltal but that an operation might bi
performed Thursday If the patient wai
strong enough to undergo the nervou
shock which would follow.
Action of the Mayor is Consistent With
His Proclamation at the Beginning
of His Term of Office Lid Goes on
at Once.
Features of the new Norfolk "lid : "
cncral enforcement of the "Slocum
nw , " removal of all window curtains
ind screens from s-nloons , an 11 o'clock
aloon closing order for week days
md nn all day closing order for Sun-
lay , n stringent prohibition of the sale
> f liquor to minors.
Norfolk saloon keepers were notified
Tuesday evening and Wednesday
naming of a new "lid , " supposedly to
> e nailed on local saloon affairs at
once by the city administration. Ix > -
cal saloon men were visited by Chief
of Police Flynn and served with a
copy of the following signed notice
rom the mayor :
"To Whom it May Concern : You
ire hereby notified to comply with nil
) f the requirements of the "Slocum
aw" as prescribed In Cobbey's com-
> iled statutes of Nebraska , 1907 , and
of the city ordinances , In conducting
ho business of your saloon. We espe
cially call your attention to the closing
lour , which Is now 11 o'clock , p. m. ,
and any failure to comply with this
lotice , after this date , will be dealt
with according to law. By ( signed )
H. Durland , mayor. December 17 ,
11)07. ) "
Mayor Durland stated during the
lay that the order meant exactly what
it said and that its provisions were to
; ) e enforced Immediately. Screens
were expected to be removed within
.he day.
The mayor said that what he was
fighting more than anything else was
the sale of liquor to minors. Sale of
liquor to minors Is to be followed up
with vigorous prosecution.
Norfolk saloons have been under a
"Sunday lid" for some time but have
been remaining open until midnight
luring the week. Eleven o'clock Is
the new hour set for closing , a city or
dlnancc that has not been generally
observed providing that during the six
months beginning with November 1
the Norfolk saloons must close at 11
instead of 12.
It Is the mayor's order calling for
the removal of window obstructions
that seems to call forth the most ob
jections from the saloon men and the
liberal element. It Is said that the re
moval of screens handicaps the deal
ers whose places of business are the
more exposed to public gaze. Of
course the usual arguments are ad
vanced In favor of screens but It Is
said that In Norfolk's case the differ
ence in the arrangement of local sa
loons will make the anti-screen order
uneven In its operations.
When Mayor Durland stepped Into
office last spring he outlined his saloon
policy In his first address to the coun
ell. He said : "There are just a few
things that I want to refer to before
we take up the license question. I
would like for the saloon men to know
about where I stand before they pay
for their licenses. First , the part of
the Slocum law referring to minors
loitering In and around the saloons
will be adhered to , also gambling In
and out of saloons can not be coun
tenanced , neither will women of bad
repute be permitted to enter them.
Those saloons having partitions In
with swinging doors , cutting off the
bar from the street , must be removed
at once , and at the hour of closing
Saturday nights , all screens , curtains
and window decorations are to be re
moved , so that the bar Is In full view
of the street and remain so until the
hour of opening Monday morning. The
law referring to the sale or giving
away of liquor on Sunday will be
strictly looked after , and I want to
say that this will apply to the drug
stores as well as to the saloons , am
right hero also I want to say the or
dlnnnces regulating drug stores on the
sale or giving away of liquors will be
enforced. "
The mayor does not thlnlt that the
"lid" idea as outlined In his Inltia
address has been carried out by some
of the saloons. As n result ho re
Iterates his first order with the addl
tlonal feature of an "open bar" unob
structed by screens.
A number of saloon men removet
their screens as soon as the mayor's
order was received. The others , I
was said , would comply at once.
The new "lid" does not banish pee
tables , chairs or beer tables from the
saloons. It has been hinted , though
that some such action ns this ralgh
bo brought before the city council.
Superintendent Books of the Mlssour
Pacific Subpoenaed.
Lincoln , Neb. , Dec. 18. Special to
The News- Officer Hunger today lef
for Omaha to servo a scubpocna 01
Superintendent Broods of the Mlssour
Pacific to appear before the state rail
way commission , It Is assorted by the
commlHHton that the cause of the ac
tion Is the failure of Superintendent
Urookg to Illr monthly car service1 re
ports as required by rules of the com
mission. Brooks is ordered to appear
omorrow and explain.
Homesteaders and Stockmen of Lyman
County at War Over Herd Law.
Pierre , S. I ) . , Dec. 18. The home-
leaders of Lyman county , who at-
empted to secure a vote on the herd
aw proposition in that county , through
letltlon to the board of county com-
nlssloners for an election tinder the
aw , and found themselves blocked by
he action of the board in cutting
nough names off the petition to get It
jelow the required majority , on the
ground that the names stricken off did
lot appear on the poll lists of the
ounty , are now on the war path In
Under the provisions of the law , they
Cannot now get n vote before the gen-
ral election of next year , and that
neans another general all summer row
jetween the fanners and stockmen.
While they were barred from any
nrther direct action , over 300 home-
tenders met at Presho , and after nn
ixclted discussion of the situation ,
hey demanded the resignation of the
ntlre board , and some of the mem-
> ers wanted a "petition in boots" on
land at the January meeting of the
board to see that the resignations
vore not haltingly handed In.
They finally adopted resolutions and
appointed committees to circulate pe-
itions all over the county , demanding
he resignations.
Sewer System of District No. 1 Is
The sewer system laid for sewer dis.
rict No. 1 by Contractor Elsinger of
kVest Point is ready to be accepted by
he city council. This action will
probably be taken at the next council
Yesterday members of the council
nspected the sewer. Water was
urned Into the sewer and ran through
satisfactorily. Mayor Durland and
nembers of the council expressed
hemselves as pleased with the work
of the contractor.
The relations between the council
and Contractor Elsinger have been
ileasant , which the "city dads" say is
i rather unusual experience with them.
Royal Highlanders.
The Royal Highlanders at their reg-
liar meeting last evening elected the
following officers for the ensuing term :
S. D. Robertson , I. P. ; Mrs. Alta
Madsen , C. C. ; Margaret Klentz , evan
gelist ; Mrs. Anna Troutman , secretary
and treasurer ; Miss Anna Kelehor ,
warden ; Ray , Asher , sentry ; board of
managers : S. D. Robertson , E. M.
Zlesehe , Frank Median. The next
regular meeting will be the third Tues
day in January at G. A. R. hall.
Wild Cat Money Men Are Held by
Federal Authorities.
Lincoln , Neb. , Dec. 18. Alex John
son and Thomas O'Brien , the two men
brought from Geneva to Lincoln last
week by United States Marshal 'Hen-
sel , charged with counterfeiting , were
bound over by Commissioner C. C.
Mnrley yesterday to await action by
the federal grand jury at the May
term. They previously entered pleas
of not guilty. Their ball was fixed at
$1,000 each , and in default of It they
were taken back to the Lancaster
county jail. The men had just fin
ibhed doing time in jail at Geneva
when they were turned over to Mar
shal Hensel by the sheriff of Fillmore
Julius L. Monteen and Earl Morln ,
both of Wahoo , appeared as witnesses
against Johnson and O'Brien at the
preliminary hearing before Couimls
sloner Marlay. Monteen Is a clerk In
A. Morln's department store. He told
of taking a ? 20 bill issued by an old
Georgia bank more than fifty years
ago , the currency being worthless ever
since the war , In payment for a ? 1 pair
of pants and giving $1C In change.
Earl Morln Is a boy about 14 years of
age , the son of the man who owns the
store. He sold a shirt to one of the
two men for $1.50 and gave change for
the same kind of a $20 bill.
The sheriffs from Fillmore and
Saunders counties were present , but
their testimony was not called for.
The two defendants claim that the
money they passed was not counter
feit , since at one time It served ns
legal tender. This point will bo con
tested with some vigor at their trial.
Second Number of High School Lec
ture Course.
A large audience and a satisfied au
dience listened to Adrian M. Newens"
interpretation of Richard Ganthony's
"A Message From Mars , " given at the
Auditorium Tuesday evening ns the
second number In the high school Ie&
hire course.
"A Message From Mars" Is a play
in three acts , the story of the reform
of the egoist by messages that came
from Mars In his dreams. The charaa
ters portrayed were differentiated by
Mr. Newens In a way that gave each a
personality. The patrons of the lec
ture course were highly pleased with
the program , Mr. Newens having dupli
cated his success of last year In "A
Singular Life. "
Owing to the character of the course
the expense Incident to carrying out
the lectures Is of course heavy , and
the receipts , outside of the season tick
ets sold , will have to bo heavy to bring
the lecture course committee out of Us
financial obligations.
The next number on the lecture
course Is the Temple Quartet , appear
ing at the Auditorium on January 20.
Minnesota Governor Now In the Field
Against Bryan For the Democratic
Nomination For President of the
United States.
Minneapolis , Minn. , Dec.IS. Gover
nor Johnson of Minnesota Is definitely
In the race for the democratic nomi
nation for presidency. This statement
Is made on the authority of D. W. W.
Mayo , nn eminent surgeon of Mliine-
ipolls , and a friend of Governor John-
sou , who said today that the gover
nor told him he was certainly a can
didate for the democratic nomination.
Dr. Mayo , who arrived from Missouri
last week , while In St. Louis , had n
conference with Governor Folk regard
ing the presidential situation. Folk
said he would like to know what the
Minnesota executive had In view with
reference to running against Brynu. Dr
Mayo readily offered to consult Gov
ernor Johnson , and If possible secure
a definite announcement.
When he called at the Minnesota
capitol and discussed political affairs
lie was startled to receive from the
governor thin reply to a question ask
ing whether he , Johnson , "was a can
didate for the nomination. "
"Yes sir , I am. "
The governor further stated that ho
liad received letters from nil qver the
country asking him to bo a candidate ,
and had a full expression from the
meeting held In Washington. This has
determined him to take his chance If
the democrats of Minnesota wished It.
Dr. Mayo asked the governor If ho
might use this statement publicly , to
which the reply was :
"What I say Is for everybody , and
you may say to Governor Folk and
everyone else that I am In the field for
the nomination. "
Mr. Callum of Atkinson Is Severely
Bitten by a Horse.
Atkinson , Neb. , Dec. 13. Special to
The News : Mr. Callum , who lives
about two miles from town , was se
verely bitten by a horse. The horse
had acted ugly during.the day , snap
ping and biting at different ones who
wore about It while baling hay. Fi
nally , Mr. Callum thought ho would
see what the trouble was and went to
examine the shoulder , when the an
imal made a lunge at him and took a
good-sized piece out of his face and
neck. Mr. Callum was hastily removed
to the care of a doctor , and so far Is
getting along as well as possible un
der the circumstances.
A Portion in the M. E. Church , Others
in Auditorium.
The business sessions and day meet
ings of the state Y. M. C. A. conven
tion In Norfolk next February will be
held in the First Methodist church , ar
rangements to this effect having been
made yesterday. The public meetings
will be held In the Auditorium.
A union service will not be held
Sunday morning of convention' week.
Instead convention speakers will be
assigned to a number of local pulpits.
At one of the Sunday meetings , It
is announced , Judge Kennedy of the
Omaha bench will give a lecture on
the general subject of juvenile work.
Father of Mrs. Earle Blakeman.
Mrs. Earle J. Blakoman received a
telegram Wednebday from Los An
geles , Calif. , announcing the sudden
death of her fal her , W. II. Johnson.
No particulars were given. The John
son home is In Los Angeles. Mrs.
Blakeman has been man led only a
few weeks.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Weber ,
a daus'-itcr.
The Elk dancing party is given Fri
day evening.
Miss Tessie Roscberry has accepted
the pobitlon of stenographer In Dr.
Sailer's office.
The Trinity Social guild has Issued
Invitations for Its first dance of the
winter , the dance to bo given at Mar-
qunrdt hall on Friday evening , De
cember 27.
Miss Floy Faucett of Norfolk Is one
of the candidates In a piano contest
being conducted by the Sioux City
News. Miss Faucett headed the list
of candidates at the last count.
The Even Dozen club met with Miss
Clara Rudat Wednesday evening ,
Christmas work furnishing the occu
pation for the evening , which occupa
tion Is keeping busy the young ladles
who arc members of the club.
Howard Beymer , who Is back at the
Northwestern ticket office at the Junc
tion after settling up his father's cs-
tate in California , in the course of a
week saw boys gathering oranges and
lemons In California and snowballs In
"Farmer" Burns , the noted wrestler
seen not long ago In Norfolk , made a
strong showing In Omaha this week ,
throwing Prof. M. J. Dwyer of Denver
twlco in the stipulated hour nt the
Omaha Auditorium. The first fall
came in about thirty-four minutes , the
second fall going to Bjirns after Dwyer
had broken nn arm In a fall on the
mat after eight minutes of wrestling.
There are a few cases of chicken
pox reported In the city but otherwise
Norfolk Is free from contagious dis
eases. Chicken pox Is about the mild
est of the children's diseases which
apparently run their course In a town
about over so often.
State Veterinarian C. A. McKIm
went to Ilitlto yesterday to appear as
a witness at the trial of Jens Jennon.
who It Is alleged , sold a horse allllct-
e'd with the glaude'i-H. The Hnlo was
ronsuinnmttMl after Iho horse had
lieon coiideinncd and ordered killed by
Dr. McKlin. JOIIHOU is under arrest.
The < penalty prescrllu'd In the law for
the mile of diseased horses Is a line
of fuiiii $ fiO to $100.
Assistant Supreme Chief Adams of
the Trlbo of Hen Hur , from Crawford-
vlllo. Ind. , will give1 a 'stereoptlcon lee-
turn Friday on the Trlbo of lien Hur.
The > lecture Is public , members of the
lodge expecting a general public at
tendance nt the Odd Kellowu hall ,
where the Iccltiro will bo given. State
Manager C. 1' ' " . Way of Lincoln will
accompany Mr. Adams to Norfolk.
Lunch will be served at the ledge
The Interchangeable ) International
stamp , which Is easiest described ns
a plaster , will not be put on sale In
Norfolk unless some demand Is made
at the postolllco windows for the now
foreign stamp. The stamp was agreed
upon last year at the postal congress
for the benefit of these who wish to
Inclose return postage In their foreign
letters. The stamp is nearly four Inch
es long and about three Inches dee ] ) .
It's value Is six cents.
Charlie Illce has been called to the
Norfolk postolllco to pay tariff on an
other gift from his brother-in-law , who
IH engaged In the fur business In
China. This time Mr. Hlco was called
to pay ? ; ! .30 to the federal government
for the privilege of getting the present
from China , a beautiful black fan of
ostrich plumes mounted on tortoise
shell. The value of the gifts which
have been received from China and
Japan by Mr. and Mrs. Hlco runs up
to several thousand dollars , making a
very interesting collection at the Rice
R. C. Shaffer , until recently a cigar
manufacturer In Missouri Valley , la. ,
lias moved' ' to Norfolk to open n cigar
factory on the third floor of the Mast
block. Mr. Shaffer Is a cigar maker I I
of about thirteen years experience and
whllo he will open his factory in Nor-1 i
Ik with a relatively small force lioj I
expects to build up a considerable
business hero on account of Norfolk's
location. Mr. Shaffer has his factory' ;
supplies on the ground. IIo was ac
companied to Norfolk" by Mrs. Shaffer ,
who Is n daughter of C. S. Hoar , pro
prietor of the Junction store.
John Dlngman is In Norfolk for the
first time since he was seriously In
jured between two cars at Ulalr , hav
ing arrived in the city yesterday on a
visit with his'sister , Mrs. D. J. Sorn-
bergor. He Is able to walk about with
the aid of a cane. Mr. Dingman has
been at the home of his father and
mother near Missouri Valley since he
was released from the hospital. Mr.
Dlngman is being congratulated on his
narrow escape from death , the in
juries he received when crushed be
tween the cars having been regarded
ns necessarily fatal for a few days.
It Is not likely that he will return to
the railroad service.
Groesbeck Makes Reply.
C. II. Groesbeck , manager of the
Gnnd Brewing company for Norfolk ,
Neb. , wishes to answer an article
which appeared in The Norfolk News
on December 13 and which was copied
from the Omaha News , the latter pa
per saying :
"Tho Northwestern road has an
nounced it has selected for discharge ,
in order to retrench expenses for tTie
winter , the men who are addicted to
drink , whether they are new or old
"As a result , the Northwestern be
lieves it Is today operated by about as
temperate a body of men as can be
found in the entire United States. Of
ficials claim that there Is not a drunk
ard in the service , and that further
more it is their Intention not to let
any drinkers join the ranks of em
ployes. "
Mr. Groesbeck's statement Is : "I
wish to say that if the Northwestern
system is going to deprive an Ameri
can citizen from going openly Into a
jar-room and taking a drink like a
Shake the Ingredients Well In the Dot.
tie and Take n Teaspoonful Dose
After Meals People Are Warned
Against Using Patent Medicines.
When an oinlnent authority an
nounced In Iho Scrnnlon ( Pa. ) Tlm >
that he had fount ! a now way to ( real :
that thead American disease , rheuma
tism , with Just common , overy-day
drugs found In any drug stoic , llur
physicians wi-ro .slow Indeed lo atlacli
much Importance to his clalniH. Thin
was only a few months ago. Today
nearb every newspaper In the coun
try , even tlu > metropolitan dallies , li ;
announcing It and the splendid rcsiilln
iichlovi-d. It IH so slmplo ( hat any onw
on n prepare It at homo at small cost.
It IH made up as follows : Got from
any good prescription pharmacy fluid
extrai-l dandelion , one-half ounce ;
compound knrgon , ono ounce ; com
pound syrup swrwiparllla , tlireo ounce's.
Mix by shaking In a bottle and tnkolu
tcaspoonful doses after each meal and
at bedtime. These nro all simple In
gredients , malting an absolutely harmless -
less | home remedy at llttlo cost.
Rheumatism , as every ono knows , Is.
a symptom of deranged kidneys. It
is j a condition produced by the fnlluro
of the kidneys to properly ( liter or
strain from the blood ( he nrlc acid and
other matter which , if not eradicated ,
either In the urine or through the skin
pores , remains in ( he blood , decompos
es and forms about the joints and
muscles , causing ( ho untold suffering
and deformity of rheumatism.
This prescription Is said to bo u
splendid healing , cleansing and Invig
orating Ionic to the kidneys , and gives
almost Immediate relief In all forum
of , bladder and urinary troubles and
backache. . Ho also warns people In n.
loading . New York paper against the )
Indiscriminate use of many patent ,
medicines. ,
man , then we , the brewers and the ?
wholesale liquor houses , had better
look for other roads to ship our goods
over. C. II. Groesbeck , Norfolk , Neb. "
Convicted of Assault and Battery In
Pierce , Neb. , Dec. 17. Special to
The News : Carl Ncrwoornor of Nor
folk was fined $10 and costs In the
county court of this county yesterday
on being convicted by a jury of being
guilty of assault and battery against
one August Flltner , who Is a wcll-to-de *
farmer living near Hadar , where the/
complainant homesteaded thirty-five-
years ago.
We sometimes toll others by our ac
tions , the very things wo do not wish ,
them to know.
Those husbands and wives who get
along , do It without "trying. "
How polite the man with curly halrt
Is about taking off his hat.
The good die young. It is those who
live to bo old and wicked who improve
the world.
When a woman has a homely figure ,
the other women do this much : They
admit It Is natural.
So many people.are like a poorly
governed community. They fall to
maintain a sinking fund.
As a rule , a woman will have a pre
monition of all sorts of coming trouble *
except the ono that really comes :
That her husband will be mad when
the Christmas bills come In.
We are eer vinly excelling ourselves aua
everybod else in ike resent ualit of Ar-
! 1 1 > A.
Dickies Anosa
_ iaity ! of coffee
fi * n * > i.All Sl sold pnaft 'of a bag , Mot
ffyJfJi * or raws timer
o t jf Zt &j Uut 42"i , < ity aa aaaa 3 GA0w Jbi ,
asiyihiftg s .ear the same
ira r nsa icK p
That's a strong statement , but you can
Uike our word for it , and we are the largest
dealers in coffee * in the world. Another thing
--the egg coating on AR1OSA COFFEE
does not improve its appearance but preserves
the flavor and aroma.
Remember that AR1OSA Is
mot sold to look at , but to drink
Complies with all the requirements of the
fs'aiional ' Pure Food Law. Guarantee 204 !
Filed at Washington.
ARBUOKLH imOR , K W Tork Clfy.