The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 20, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Claus Young , Chairman of the 'Sol
dlers' Relief Commission , Receives
the Usual County Assistance New
Bridges the Coming Year.
Mndlson , Nob. , Doc. 10 , HI07 , 1 p
m. : Board of county commissioners
met pursuant to adjournment. Proa
cnt , John H. Harding , John Malone
ntul Unrr Taft.
MlnntoH of September G mid Novoni
bor 7 , 15)07 ) , wore rend and approved.
On motion the clerk was Instructor
to correct taxes of II. C. Hmldlu or
personal property In Schoolcraft pro-
clncl for the year 1907 , by computing
said taxes on a valuation $55.00 less
than the valuation on which Bald taxes
are computed , on account of error li
On motion the following bills were
allowed :
Henry Uccker , work , commis
sioner dlHtrlct No. 2 $ 18 00
Henry Ueckor , work , rend dis
trict No. 1 9 70
Henry Ueckor , work , road dis
trict No. 1 1C I 65
W. P. LIxon , work , drainage
dlteh No. 1 57 00
-f W. P. Dlxon , work , commls-
aloner district No. 2 C 00
W. P. Dlxon , work , commis
sioner district No. 2 7G CO
W. P. Dlxon , work , commis
sioner district No. 2 73 20
W. P. Dlxon , work , commis
sioner district No. 2 84 20
W. P. Dlxon , work , commis
sioner district No. 2 22 GO
W. P. Dlxon , work , commis
sioner district No. 2 C9 CO
W. P. Dlxon , work , commis
sioner district No. 2 78 05
Above bills of W. P. Dlxou were
allowed subject to assignments : to
Jack Koenlgstcln $175.00 , B. L. Suttley
$10.00 , Charley Schroeder $25.90 , C.
D. Johnson , steward , $20.05.
W. P. Dlxon , work , commission
er district No. 2 , claimed $99 ,
allowed $ 19 00
J ( Assigned of above bill to
Howard Miller Lumber Co. ,
$27.03 , balance of bill , $50 ,
laid over. )
W. P. Dlxon , repairs , general
* fund 1 50
Andrew Skiff , work , commls-
' sloner district No. 2 , assign
ed to Jack Kocnlgsteln 10 50
Earl Hay , work , commissioner
district No. 2 , assigned to
Jack Koenigsteln 13 50
Loyd Benedict , work , road dls-
trlct No. 7 , assigned to Jack
Koenlgstoln 22 50
Harry Wnu < , ( work , commls1-
sloner district No. 7 , assign
ed to Jack Kocnlgsteln 1C 50
John Wise , work , road district
No. 7 , assigned to Jack Keen
igsteln 755
Leo Anderson , work , road dis
trict No. 7 , assigned to Jack
Kocnlgsteln 10 50
Otto Born , work , road district
No. 7 3 00
Battle Creek Hardware Co. ,
hardware , road district No. 7 4 00
Lee Taylor , work , road district
- No. 7 , assigned to Citizens
' ' State bank 10 00
A. E. Craig , work , road dis
trict No. 7 50 25
Robert Schlnkus , work , road
district No. 7 13 CO
Frank Schlukns , work , road
district No. 7 15 00
Wm. Lowe , work , road district
No. 7 , claimed $19.50 , allowed
less $10.00 due the county for
lumber , allowed at 9 50
Wm. Lowe , work , road district
No. 7 , claimed $88.30 , al-
allowed 81 G5
L. P. Merz , hardware , commis
sioner district No. 2 5 45
A. Rlsor , work , commissioner
district No. 2 9 50
Henry Wagner , work , commis
sioner district No. 2 16 25
Monroe Horner , work , road dis
trict No. 1C , assigned Norfolk
National bank 27 00
Harvey Carson , work , road dis
trict No. 1C 7 50
Wm. Luebke , work , commis
sioner district No. 2 2G 25
C. A. Hedman , hardware , com
missioner district No. 2. . . . SO
\John H. Heggemeyer , work ,
commissioner district No. 2. 48 00
Geo. Dlnkel , work , commission
er district No. 2 5 00
Welchman , work , commissioner
district No. 2 4. . 3 00
L. F. Merz , hardware , commis
sioner district No. 2 4 90
Herman Wehrer , work , com
missioner district No. 2 1200
Wm. Lowe , work , commissioner -
er district No. 2 350
Prank Davis , work , commis
sioner district No. 2 13 50
Edgar Hoover , work , commis
sioner district No. 2 C 00
Elmer Hoover , work , commis
sioner district No. 2 , assigned -
ed to Wm. Lowe 16 00
Lee Taylor , work , commission
er district No. 2 , assigned to
Citizens State bank 22 QO
Israel Miller , work , road dis
trict No. 1C 7 50
P. S. Carter , work , road dis
trict No. 16 800
George Sewell , work , road dis
trict No. 16 3 00
Frank Ranney , work , road dls-
trlct No. 1C 4 50
Arthur Pettitt , work , road dls-
trlct No. 10 4 50
Vern Copeland , work , road dls-
rtrlet No. 16 , 9 00
\ " -Uowlett , work , road dls-
trlct No. 1C 9 00
N. P. Ilowlott , work , road dis
trict No. 1C II 0
II. A. Varner , work , rend dis
trict No. 1C 12 5
Henry Ueckor , work , road dis
trict No. 1 05
J. P. Ijiuver , work , rend dis
trict No. If , Ill 0
Moody Gllmoro , work , road dis
trict No. 8 13 5
Frank Tannehlll , work , road
dlHtrlct No. 8 C C <
\V. F. Wagner , work , road dis
trict No. 8 2 Oi
\V. I' . Dlxon , work , rend dis
trict No. 8 C Oi
J. V. Clinch , work , road district
No. 8 3 01
Knud NclHon , work , road dis
trict No. 8 7 5i
Will Duffy , work , road district
No. 8 8 OC
C. Long , work , road district
No. 8 , assigned to Jack Kocn
lgsteln 19 0 (
10. L. Duffy , work , road dis
trict No. 8 9 00
J. T. Moore , work , road dis
trict No. 8 C5 00
T. Wi. Scrlbnor , work , road dis
trict No. 8 C 00
0. W. Chandler , work , road dis
trict No. 8 4 50
Emma Thomas , work , road dis
trict No. 8 1 00
Joe Bunlsh , work , road district
No. 9 , assigned to Jack Keen
lgstoln 30 75
Hey Heiilsh , work , road district
No. 9 , assigned to Jack Kocn-
Igsleln 1C 50
J. F. Llnstadt , work , road dis
trict No. 9 4 50
Otto Radonz , work , road dis
trict No. 9 4 50
Gus Radon/ , work , road dis
trict No. 9 C 00
Harry Morris , work , road dis
trict No. 9 4 00
Roy Hcrrlngton , work , road dis
trict No. 9 3 00
Frank Reed , work , road dis
trict No. 9 C 00
Frank Moldcnhaur , work , rend
district No. 9 3 00
Frank Lehman , work , road dis
trict No. 9 75
Joe Benisli , work , road district
No. 9 , assigned to Jack Koen-
igstoin 1C 50
Joe Hciilsh , work , commission
er district No. 2 , assigned to
Jack Koenlgstoin 9 50
John Friday , hardware , road
district No. 1 5 5r
On motion board then adjourned to
7:30 : p. m.
Board met pursuant to adjournment ,
present John II. Harding and Burr
On motion the following bills were
allowed :
Peter L. Bussey , claimed
$200.75 , allowed less $ -1.00
for lumber bought from coun
ty , commissioner district No.
2 $110 75
Road district No. 2 80 00
Ora Bussey , work , road dis
trict No. 2 12 00
Lawrence Bussey , work , road
district No. 2 15 00
Isaac Michael , work , road dis
trict No. 2 , assigned to Peter
L. Bussey 32 25
Sam Klines , work , road district
No. 2 3 00
1. H. Real , work , road district
. .No. C , claimed $21.50 , al
lowed at 18 50
Battle Creek Hardware Co. ,
hardware , road district No. ' 0 1 CO
Fred Reeker , work , road dis
trict No. C 3 00
I. A , Bressler , work , road dis
trict No. 4 9 00
Crook Bros. , work , road dis
trict No. 4 23 50
L. F. Merz , hardware , road
district No. 14 2 50
3oo. Seckel , work , road dis
trict No. 14 48 75
3eo , Seckel , work , road dis
trict No. 14 , claimed $197.15 , ,
allowed 30 00
( Balance of abovebill ,
$107.15 , is laid over. )
John Brown , work , road dis
trict No. 3 14 00
Paul Dolmar , work , road dis
trict No. 3 6 25
Fames Richardson , work , road
district No. 3 31 00
Fohn Brown , work , road dis
trict No. 3 61 75
3eo. Chlttcnden , work , road
district No. 23 , claimed $3.00 ,
allowed at 2 50
lenry Sunderman , work , road
district No. 23 71 00
lenry Sunderman , work , road
district No. 18 94 00
3. W. Witzel , work , road dis
trict No. 18 64 50
Li. F. Merz , hardware , road dis
trict No. 18 3 50
Lx > onan Lumber Co. , lumber ,
road district No. 18 42 70
r. J. Orr , work , road district
No. C , claimed $232.50 , al
lowed 182 60
( Balance of claim , $50.00 ,
laid over ) .
rvin Rogers , work , road dis
trict No. 11 1 50
? . W. Baker , work , road dis
trict No. 5 21 50
3. P. Frlnk , work , road dis
trict No. 5 5 25
tV. G. Ersklne , work , road dis
trict No. 5 5 25
\ . . N. Snider , hardware , road
district No. 5 C 75
' 'rank Hayes , work , road dis
trict No. 5 35 25
sherm Snider , work , road dis
trict No. 5 C 00
[ os. Dunbar , work , road dis
trict No. 5 4 50
'orry C. Harris , work , road
district No. 5 87 70
Jarl Llnstadt , work , road dis
trict No. 12 6 50
lorb King , work , road district
No. 12 1 50
31ba Ervln , work , road dis
trict No. 12 C 00
James Ames , work. ro"\d dis
trict No. 12 2 00
John Llnslndt , work , road dis
trict No. 12 5 50
Frnnk Winer , work , rend dis
trict No. 12 1 00
W. ' \ ' . Iliown , work , rend dis
trict No. 12 9 00
Howard Miller Lumber Co. ,
lumber , road district No. 15 82 21
Brewer & Brown , hardware ,
road district No. 19 r 3 86
Waller Baker , work , rend dis
trict No. 19 3 00
Frank Vlazny , work , rend dis
trict No. 19 1 00
Gustav Miller , work , rend dis
trict No. 19 4 50
James Dvorak , work , road dis
trict No. 19 7 00
Warden & Reeves , work , road
district No. 19 20 00
Mel Young , work , rend district
No. 19 30
C. C. Palmer , work , rend dis
trict No. " 19 91 2
Shine Osborno , work , road dis
trict No. 19 3 Oi
L. B. Baker , lumber , road dis
trict No. 19 72 C
Crowell Lumber & Grain Co. ,
lumber , road district No. 20 23 OC
Crowell Lumber & Grain Co. ,
lumber , road district No. 28. 54 55
Joe Denial ) , work , commission
er district No. 2 , assigned to
Jack Koenlgstoln 39 75
Dan Scheer , work , rend dis
trict No. 20 C4 50
Dan Scheor , work , road dis
trict No. 20 39 30
C. A. Admas , work , rend dis
trict No. 13 57 00
Jos. Flnkrnl , work , road dis
trict No. 22 34 50
Dan Scheor , work , road dis
trict No. 20 99 00
John Weland , work , road dis
trict No. 21 151 70
J. R. Jacobs , work , road district
No. 28 1C2 50
On motion the board adjourned to
8:30 : a. m. , Dec.-ll , 1907.
Board met pursuant to adjournment
Present , John H. Harding , John Ma
lone and Burr Taft.
On motion the following bills were
allowed :
L. M. Johnson , work , road dis
trict No. 29 $ flu 50
L. M. Johnson , work , road dis
trict No. 29 9 00
L. M. Johnson , work , road dis
trict No. 29 CO 00
[ Unman & South , hardware for
bridge , one-half to be charg
ed to Plntte county 2 20
Nye , Schneider , Fowler Co. ,
lumber for bridge on county
line , one-half to be charged
to Platte county 40 00
Chas. Wleltz , work , road dis
trict No. 25 190 00
John Ilorst , hardware , road dis
trict No. 25 40
Dhns. Weltz , work , road dis
trict No. 25 12 00
W. S. O'Brien , work , road dis
trict No. 25 C 00
Qoone county , work on county
line 70 00
3has. Weltz , work , road dis
trict No. 25 1 00
2has. Weltz , work , road dis
trict No. 25 30 00
Prank White , work , road dis
trict No. 31 36 00
Willie White , work , road dis
trict No. 31 11 00
3111 Schmidt , work , road dis
trict No. 31 15 50
3eorge WInkler , work , road dis
trict No. 31 12 50
3eorge White , work , road dis
trict No. 31 12 00
Loonan Lumber Co. , lumber ,
road district No. 25 4 35
oonan Lumber Co. , lumber ,
road district No. 31 9 90
foe Sueper , work , road district
No. 30 16 50
rred Glocke , work , road dis
trict No. 30 1080
Vm. Oberhauser , work , road
district No. 30 , 22 00
lermnn A. Relche , work , road
district No. 30 14 10
tohn Horst , hardware , road dis
trict No. 30 4 90
fohn Frisch , work , road dis
trict No. 30 18 50
'ohn Dokken , work , road dis
trict No. 30 7 50
joonan Lumber Co. , lumber ,
road district No. 30 2G 35
joonan Lumber Co. , lumber ,
road district No. 30 12 75
Pony Sueper , work , road dis
trict No. 30 9 00
Valker township , Platte coun
ty , Neb. , one-half bridge on
county line 21 90
oonan Lumber Co. , lumber ,
road district No. 20 3 30
ohn Horst , hardware , road dis
trict No. 27 4 45
. P. Gabelman , work , road dis
trict No. 27 48 10
rank Posplsel , work , road dis
trict No. 27 750
idam Selp , work , road district
No. 27 4 60
lenry Wedeklnd , work , road
district No. 27 6 00
.oonan Lumber Co. , lumber ,
road district No. 27 2 00
'rank Gabelman , work , road
district No. 27 9 00
'oni Panek , work , road dis
trict No. 27 3 35
Vm. Gabelman , work , road dis
trict No. 27 8 50
( rover Olson , work , road dis
trict No. 27 1 60
"red Gabelman , work , road dis
trict No. 27 4 75
I. F. Barney , work , road dis
trict No. 17 3 00
lorman Gall , work , road dis
trict No. 17 2500
I. D. Lyon , work , road district
No. 17 14 00
Itto Gall , work , road district
No. 17 28 50
ohn Ilorst , hardware , road dis
trict No. 32 375
Wm. M/iholIu , work , road dis
trict No. 32 87 00
H. W. Linn , work , road district
No. 17 84 CO
L. W. Lyon , grading , rend dis
trict No. 32 15 63
L. W. Lyon , grading , rend dis
trict No. 32 39 92
L. W. Lyon , grading , road dis
trict No. 32 39 92
L. W. Lyon , grading , road dis
trict No. 32 47 3
Battle Creek Hardware Co. ,
hardware , road district No. 3 2 00
Battle Creek Hardware Co. ,
hardware , road district No. 11 1 60
C. A. Hedmau , hardware , road
district No. 6 2 00
C. A. Hedman , hardware , road
district No. 11 1 GO
C. A. Hodman , hardware , road
district No. H 2 00
Board then adjourned to meet nt 1
p. m.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Present , John II. Harding and Burr
On motion the following bills were
iillowed :
John Malonc , Inbor nnd mtlo-
ago $ 40 70
Burr Taft , labor and mileage. 87 40
John II. Harding , labor and
mileage 80 95
W. H. Jenkins , work , road dis
trict No. 12 2 50
L. B. Bnkor , lumber 32 25
Nye , Schneider , Fowler Co. ,
lumber ICO G5
John W. Wnrrick , lumber for
bridge 22 13
John W. Wnrrick , lumber for
bridge 95 52
John W. Warrlck , lumber , rend
district No. 20 CS 91
John W. Warrlck , lumber , road
district No. 20 56 68
John W. Warrlck , lumber , road
district No. 20 63 97
John W. Warrlck , lumber , road
district No. 3 12 02
John W. Warrlck , lumber , road
district No. 13 32 23
Of the above claims $112.90 Is to be
applied on personal tnxes of John W.
Wnrrick for year 1907.
C. F. Elseley , justice fees $ 6 95
C. F. ElseU-y , justice fees 365
Hnnnnh Craft , witness fees. . . 1 20
J. II. Conloy , foes , state vs.
Howard ot al. , claimed $11.25 ,
allowed 12 25
Mrs. Emma Priesman , attend
ing pauper , claimed $10.00 ,
allowed 7 00
Hugo E. Nelson. M. D. , attend
ing pauper , claimed $18.00 ,
allowed 13 00
Tildon Drug Co. , drugs for
pauper 2 05
Crook Bros. , digging ditch. . . . 350 00
W. IL Harding , maTdng index 93 CO
F. H. Dover , canvassing votes 4 00
Jack Koenigsteln , railroad fare
for pauper 281
Geo. E. Hlchnrdson , snlary ,
fourth quarter 100 00
P. H. Doyle , meals for jury. . . 9 75
F. E. Martin , county printing. C7 25
Geo. E. Richardson , fees , post
age and express 47 43
Wm. Bates , postage and express -
press 18 SO
Frank S. Perdue , salary , No
vember 100 00
S. C. Blackmnn , printing 75 75
John Krantz , livery , county. . . 24 50
John Krantz , livery , Perdue. . . C 00
Harry Lamb , bailiff 10 00
Fred Krantz , lamp for election 25
John Malone , cash paid for tin- ,
loading lumber 7 50
W. H. Field , fees , criminal
cases 134 30
Doy Curas , hall for election. . 5 00
W. C. Elley , salary , deputy
sheriff 105 00
U. D. Mathews , livery , Perdue 32 50
U. D. Mathews , livery , county. 23 40
C. F. Haase , caring for booths 4 50
John E. Douglas , canvassing
votes 6 00
Gus Kaul , salary , October 50 00
Gus Kaul , salary , November. . 50 00
W. F. Ahlmann , police and care
of booths 5 00
Pred H. Davis , canvassing votes 5 00
R. L. Warner , hall for election 3 00
Julius Hulff , delivering ballots 11 20
G. E. Klerstead , hall for elec
tion 6 00
City of Norfolk , coal for elec
tion 2 00
H. F. Sundermanni care of
booths 2 OB
W. C. Elley , delivering ballots
and livery 39 00
I. J. Clements , salary and fees 187 75
T. J. Clements , salary and fees 178 40
Edwards & Bradford Lumber
Co. , fencing for riprap 17 40
3. A. Sleeper , care of booths. . . 2 00
A. . J. Thatch , surveyor's fees. . Ill 00
\ . Bucholz & Co. , room for
election 3 50
Prank Kopach , sand for road. 10 60
Dennis Crumm , special police
for election 2 00
L < oonan Lumber Co. , coal for
pauper 450
I. F. Mathews , hall for election 6 00
Paul Brlnckman , medicine for
pauper 4 00
P. S. Perdue , salary and offlco
expenses 114 98
IV. H. Field , fees , insanity cases t38 45
IV. H. Field , salary , third quar
ter 100 00
3eo. T. Mills , constable for
election 4 00
3. Long , mowing weeds along
roads , assigned to Jack Koen-
Igsteln 6 80
Woodruff & Collins Printing
Co. , road laws 4 80
D. J. Kortman , repairs G 00
3. E. Klerstead , hall rent 5 00
iV. S. O'Brien , care of booths. 7 50
kV. C. Elley , livery , Perdue. . . . 16 00
Nebraska Telephone Co. , tolls 13 95
Mobraska Telephone Co. , tolla 6 45
r. A. Varner , mowing weeds. 19 60
( To bo assessed against real
estate as follows : N'of
SWU of 2G , 23 , 1 , $1.50 ; S&
of SWK of 2G , 23 , 1 , $6.00 ;
Of 25 , 23 , 1 , $ 12.00) ) .
H. Kllburn , register births nnd
deaths C 00
Clyde Hyncarsoii , register of
births and deaths 1000
D. F. Ringer , register of births
and dentliH 1 00
Chan. Lethoby , register of
births nnd deaths 700
Julius Hulff , register of births
and deaths 16 40
B. H. Mills , register of births
and deaths G 25
O. A. Sleeper , sub-register of
births nnd deaths 10
On motion the following settlement
wns made with the steward of the
poor farm :
To the Honorable Board of County
Commissioners of Madison County ,
Neb. Gentlemen : I herewith hand
you my third quarterly report :
Cash on hand Aug. 31 , 1907. . . $ 77 71
Board by Dlxon 1400
Six hogs 99 75
Steer stag 38 00
$229 46
C. A. Hedman $ 495
Third quarter salary 20 00
Aug. Steffen 29 60
Gola Johnson , Dlxon 7 00
Thos. Taylor 7 00
C. Werner , potatoes 10 CO
Refund money advanced 100 00
H. O. Whitney , freight 1 00
H. F. Scheor , extracts 1 00
R , L. Osborn , dehorning cattle 1 40
Geo. Hubus , threshing 9 00
Jud FIchter , bull 3500
Kiesau Drug Co. , merchandise 7C
John Rodekohr 1 00
$228 20
Balance on hnnd 1 2G
$229 46
C. D. Johnson , steward , 1ms to his
credit $1.20 , Nov. 30 , 1907 , In Battle
Creek Valley bank.
J. R. Wltzlgman , cashier.
The following bills have boon In
curred :
Juno 1 , 1907 , from Jim Brozek ,
10C % bushels corn < Q > 45c.CO 27
H. MIynek G 20
L. B. Baker 74 56
W. B. Fuerst 7 10
W. L. Boyer 29 80
Battle Creek Telephone Co G 15
Miller Bros 1 50
II. Miller 54 47
Battle Crook Hardware Co 5 55
C. A. Hedman 5 20
T. Morris , drugs 395
A. P. Brubnker 6 70
O. H. Mnas 17 33
W. L. Boyer , second quarter bill 11 46
C. D. Johnson , third quarter sal
ary 78 7G
J. E. Sanders 14 00
II. Stockcr 3 55
John Hughes , boar 15 00
C. D. Johnson , steward.
O. K. , John H. Harding , chairman
county board.
On motion the following bonds were
approved :
Ben C. Davis , road overseer , road
district No. 9.
J. P. Gabelman , road overseer , road
district No. 14.
Charles Weltz , road overseer , road
district No. 1C.
A. J. Thatch , county surveyor.
James McKay , constable , Shell
Creek precinct.
H. L. Kindred , county coroner.
John H. Heggemeyer , road overseer ,
road district No. 7.
E. G. Dennis , justice of the peace ,
Battle Creek nreclnct.
D. L. Best , constnble , Bnttle Creek
Henry Neuwerk , Justice of the
pence , Highlnnd precinct.
A. U. Tlllottson , road overseer , dis
trict No. C.
J. H. Colegrove , Justice of the peace ,
Meadow Grove precinct.
William Rockofellow , road overseer ,
road district No. 5.
John Browiv road overseer , road
district No. 3.
James Richardson , constable , Deer
Creek precinct.
C. M. Oilman , Justice of the peace ,
Deer Creek precinct.
German bank , Tilden , depository
Frank A. Peterson , county treasurer.
On motion the county clerk was In
structed to draw a warrant for $50.00
on the 190G general fund in favor of
Claus Young , chairman of the soldiers'
relief commission.
On motion the bond to bo given by
County Clerk-elect Geo. E. Richardson
was fixed at the sum of $4,000.00 , sur
ety to be furnished by a surety com
On motion bed of Nick Kent for Is
suance of duplicate warrant was ap
proved and county clerk was Instruct
ed to Issue said duplicate.
On motion the assessed value of the
personal property of Alex Miller in
Norfolk city for the year 1907 was re
duced $200.00 on account of error In
assessment and the county clerk was
ordered to correct the tax list accord
On motion the county clerk was or
dered to strike from 1907 tax list city
taxes for city of Norfolk assessed
against lots in Ward's Additional Sub
urban lots , said addition being outside
the corporate limits of said city.
On motion the county clerk was In
structed to strike taxes for city of
Madison from tax of S. M. Dowllng for
year 1907 , ho having been erroneously
assessed In said city.
On motion the county clerk was In
structed to make requisition on the
auditor of public accounts for the fol
lowing revenue books and blanks : 29
assessment books , real estate , 29 as
sessment books , personal property , 1
form No. 1 , 300 form No. 2 , 100 form
No. 3 , 60 form No. 4 , 10 form No. 6 ,
100 form No. C , 200 form No. 7 , 60
form No. 8 , 60 form No. 12 , 50 form
No. 13 , GO form No. 14.
On motion the county treasurer was
authorized to make the following trans
fers of funds In his office :
From 1905 county general fund to
190C county general fund , $2,000.
From J900 county general fund to
1907 county general fund , $ l.r > 00.
From 1906 bridge fund to 1907
bridge fund , $900.
From 1906 road fund , commissioner
district No. 1 , to 1907 fund , same dis
trict , $100.
From 190C rend fund , commissioner
district No. 2 , to 1907 fund , same dis
trict , $120.
From 190C road fund , commissioner
district No , 3 , to 1907 fund , same dis
trict , $120.
On motion the county clerk was in
structed to draw a warrant on 1906
general fund in favor of C. D. John
son , steward of poor farm , to take up
second quarter bills , for $328.85.
On motion the county clerk was di
rected to advertise for the construc
tion of the following bridges for the
year 1908 :
1. I 30-foot 16-foot roadway pile
bridge across a branch of Union
creek , between sections 16 and 21 In
township 22 , range 1.
2. The construction of such other
now bridges and the repairs of such
old bridges during the yonr 1908 ns
necessity or emergency may require.
On motion the board then adjourned
to January 7 , 1908.
Geo. E. Richardson ,
County Clerk.
Member of the Commercial Club Pro
tests Against Election by Mall.
Norfolk , Neb. , Dec. 11. Editor of
The News : If you will allow mo space
In your valued paper in opposition to
the election of Commercial club dir
ectors by mall , ns was stated In The
News of December 10.
First , It is unconstitutional. The
by-laws provide that the selection of
directors shall bo by ballot , all ballots
to be deposited In a box provided for
that purpose between the hours of
2 p. m. and 5 p. m , on the day of an
nual meeting and the election by mall
Is a violation of this section of the by
laws , hence this would be an illegal
election. I think It Is undemocratic.
I reason , and I bellevo I reason cor
rectly , the greater number of members
of the Commercial club would favor
an open meeting whore candidates
could bo placed In nomination nnd
voted on .according to the by-laws of
the order.
The same objection was raised last
election , and If strongly contested
for , would have resulted In disqualify
ing every director elected , as direct
ors elected in this way could not hold
the office and transact business , nnd
business transacted by directors elect
ed contrary to the by-laws would
not be legal and would cause serious
complications should the question
arise by some member of the club who
might see fit to take exception to this
violation of the by-laws.
Again , it gives rlso for too much
dissatisfaction. A few members could ,
should they feel so disposed , mani
pulate the election , electing who they
may sec fit to elect. In fact , the nine
directors would , or could , be elected
before a majority.of the members
could or would have received their
notices of election , and then the vote
would bo so scattering and would re
sult In the election of a favored few ,
which Is not fair to a majority of the
members who pay their money , and
who are entitled to know and have
somethinK to sav about the wnv Mm
affairs of the club should be conduct
I favor a good , live Commercial
club , conducted on good economical
and careful business principles. The
secretary should be paid a salary suf
ficient for him to give his entire time
to the business of the club. I believe
we have a good Commercial club , well
officered , a No. 1 good secretary , but
the secretary's time should not be
A Commercial Club Member.
Congressman Boyd and Senator Brown
Visit Roosevelt.
Congressman Boyd of Nellgh , ac
companied by Senator Brown , called
upon President Roosevelt Thursday.
They were accompanied by A. E.
Ward , private secretary of Congress
man Boyd and the Omaha Indian del
egation. Each member of the delega
tion was presented to the president by
Congressman Boyd. The call was
purely of a social nature , no business
being discussed. The Indians , , espe
cially White Horse , were delighted
with the visit.
Congressman Boyd has Introduced
the following bills : For a public
building at Columbus , $85,000 ; for ad
ditions to the public building at Fre
mont , $75,000 ; for a site for a public
building at Wayne , $7,700 ; submitting
the claims of the Omaha Indians to
the court of claims.
Congressman Klnkald has succeeded
In keeping the patents In the O'Neill
land offlco.
In October the commissioner of the
general land office ordered that be
tween 4,000 and 5,000 transcripts of
patents which have been lying In the
O'Neill land office bo sent to Washing
ton for record. Some of these pat
ents In question arc at least fifteen
years old. However , Congressman
Klnkald has Induced the commissioner
to rescind thlfi order because , It was
explained , If these patents wore taken
from the O'Neill ' office at this time It
would bo embarrassing to real estate
men. There has been considerable
activity In real estate transfers In the
O'Neill district recently and if the
records are not easily obtainable much
Inconvenience would bo experienced.
The commissioner has consented to
suspend his former order , at least tem
Today's ads. will help you solve the
place-to-llve question.
Ten Subordinate Organizations of
North Nebraska Are Now Affiliated
With the General Association , With
Headquarters In Norfolk ,
North Nebraska horse thief tighten *
will gather In Norfolk on December .10
for the second annual meeting of the
North Nebraska Live Stock Protective
Ofllcern for the coming year will bo
elected at the Norfolk meeting nnd It
IB posslblo that some now Ideas may
bo embodied In the organization.
Ten organizations In north Nebraska
nro now nlDltated with the general as
sociation which has headquarters In
this city. And the organization Is con-
stnntly gntnlng strength. At this time
It la understood that the Wayne nsso-
clatlon will probably come Into the
fold , while now organizations will
probably bo formed In a short time nt
Petersburg nnd Tilden.
The recent horse-grabbing south of
Battle Creek wns the first Instance In
which thieves have molested a mem
ber of the association and the prompt
action of the horscthlef fighters niM
the Immediate recovery of the stolen
property have ndded prestige to the
organized anll-horscthlcf men.
Each local association Is entitled to
send a delegate to the Norfolk meet
ing for each ton members In the local
association. An attendance of at least
fifty Is expected at the Norfolk meet
G. W. Evans of Norfolk , acting sec
retary of the general association , Is
mailing copies of the by-laws to all
who are Interested In the organization.
Speaking of the association the Battle -
tlo Creek Enterprise soys : "A moot
ing of the Battle Crook branch of the
North Nebraska Live Stock Protective
association wns held last Saturday.
Several new members were taken In ,
bringing the local roster up to about
seventy , and delegates wore elected to
the general meeting of the association
to bo held In Norfolk December 30.
At the Norfolk gathering a reorganiza
tion will bo effected. It Is found de
sirable to have the machinery of the
association put In smoother working
order and to got the suggestions of
men from all parts of the territory
covered. Workers of national promi
nence In the movement for live stock
protection will bo In attendance. "
The District of Verdlgre Has Abund
ance of Funds.
Center , Neb. , Dec. 11. Special to
The News : Eight or nine years ago
districts No. 9 , 55 and 83 , In Knox
county , were consolidated to form dis
trict No. 83. This gave the Verdigre
district nearly fifteen sections. A four-
room brick building was built , and
the plan worked successfully.
The district Includes about 175 pu
pils , and while there is no free trans
portation , some pupils drive in from
a distance of four or five miles.
The district has about five miles of
railroad , and this , with the saloon li
censes , cut the lew down to flvo mills.
During the last three years the dis
trict has been voting ten mills , and
now has in the neighborhood of $1,000
on hand as a good start for a flue now
building , which will become necessary
in a few years.
The district welcomes pupils from
the country and admits them without
charge of tuition as long ns there is
room for them in the school.
Night School at Lindsay.
Lindsay , Dec. 14. Special to The
News ; A night school has been orga
nized In Lindsay for the benefit of
pupils not going to school during the
day. Father Rabanus was Instrument
al In organizing the class. Now there
are twenty-nine pupils enrolled with a
staff of four teachers , consisting of
Miss Dunne , one of the teachers In
the public school , Rev , Rabanus , Matt
Raemakers and Dr. Tobkln. All sub
jects have not been assigned , but It
is proposed to have reading , spelling ,
writing , short hand , bookkeeping ,
arithmetic , grammar , physiology and
E. S. South of Newman Grove Pur
chases Interest of W. W. Weaver.
An important business change was
announced In Norfolk last evening , E.
S. South of Newman Grove purchas
ing W. W. Weaver's Interest In the
Norfolk hardware firm of Weaver &
Coleman. Mr. South has entered the
store , which will now be known ns
Coleman & South. Mr. Weaver will
remain with the firm for a month ;
after that his plans have not boon
made. For a time at least ho expects
to remain In Norfolk , E. S. South , the
new member of the firm for fifteen
years , has been in the hardware busi
ness In Newman Grove , where he has
sold his Interest in the firm of Hln-
man & South to his partner. Ho
comes to Norfolk because he likes the
town and because It offers a wider
business field ami a hotter place to
educate his children. Ho will bring
his family to Norfolk on January 15.
There will bo regret at Mr. Weaver's
retirement from business on Norfolk ,
Some local stores have been adver
tised more wisely , more adequately ,
this year than they were last and
they are bigger , better stores as a re
sult. This fact Is significant of your
store , or enterprise , for 1908.