The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 20, 1907, Image 1

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, , , , .
Taft Secured Endorsement of Last
State Convention , But Frank Harri
son Thinks LaFollette Has a Show ,
While Hughes Is Waiting.
Lincoln , Neb , , Dec. 19. Special to
The News : Political manipulators
are now engaged In red hot battle for
the Nebraska state delegation. LnRt
fall Taft secured the endorsement of
the republican state platform conven
tion. Several weeks ago F. A. Harri
son , clerk of the federal court at Lin
coln , filed hlH resignation and started
a boom for LaFoIlotto.
Now there Is a vehement demand
for a Htato primary. The LaFollette
'campaign ' IB being directed by llarrl-
HOD , who Is aided by several workers
from Wisconsin.
State Chairman Hayward Hays the
primary hchemo would cost the party
organization $20,000 and he insists
that It Is Impossible to raise the nec
essary sum of money. He urges a
convention to choose delegates. C. O.
Whedou ami others are agitating for
a direct vote of the people. Hughes
has an organization in Lincoln and
Senator Uurkett's name has been men
tioned In this connection. However ,
the fight will bo between the Taft sup
porters and the LaFollette men.
Governor Sheldon and Senator Bur-
lctt have both been suggested as vice
presidential candidates. Neither has
given consent for the use of his name ,
Attorney General Holds With Food
Lincoln , Due. 19. Until a court orders
changes In conditions , Nebraska food
products put up in package form must
ba branded with nut waight and muas-
uro of contents. An opinion was giv
en by Attorney General Thompson to
Governor Sheldon , embodying this
view , and it will be followed by tha
food commissioner.
Governor Sheldon asked tha attdr-
noy general the meaning of the pure
food law with respect to branding
packages , lu his letter the governor
mentioned the belief of the executive
department and asked if this was cor
rect. The attorney general says it is ,
and , In a lengthy opinion , details hla
reasons. He says thu Interpretation
is In line with the holdings of the
court. And while It is more strict than
the federal pure food law , tbo state
legislature evidently regarded the na <
tional law too lax and made the pro
visions purposely.
Formerly it was the custom , tht
opinion recites , for people to go to the
grocery stoie and buy lu bulk bj
weight what they now receive in package
ago form already weighed by the man
ufacturers. The law was evident ! ]
brought forth by the practice of dls
honest wholesalers , who defraudei
customers by short weights. By lei
'HE ' the confidence of the public the ;
called down upon themselves this leg
islatlon , Intended to provide ful
weight and standard quality.
In his opinion the attorney genera
says there are products that shrlnl
and' whose weight In package fore
may be variable. He believes the la's
will permit the dealers in this ser
of goods to arrive at some agrcemen
on branding with the food commis
LaFolUtte Opens Headquarters.
Lincoln , Dec. 19. W. L. Houser of
Madison , WIs. , who is in Nebraska in
the Interest of the presidential- candi
dacy of Senator LaVollette , estab
lished permanent headquarters in Lin-
coin , and said an aggressive Qnnvass
would be made to soouro the Nebraska
delegation to the Chicago convention.
Supreme Oourt Orders Another Trial
of the Famous Suit.
P B Molnes , Deo. 19. There must
be another trio ] of the famous Doyle-
Slums lawsuit In Pottawattamle coun
ty , unless the parties settle the big
Buit out of court , which they are not
likely to do. The supreme court af
firmed the last action of the district
court in setting aside the verdlot of
the jury because ot misconduct on
tha part of the jury and for ether
This Is the third time the case has
feeen in the supreme court. On tke
first trial In the district court at Coun
cil Bluffs Doyle got a verdlot of | 700-
000 on the default of the defense. This
was set aside and a trial had , which
resulted' in a verdlc of $460,000 for
Doyle. Then there was an appeal to
the supreme court by Burns and the
results of the district court trial wore
reversed. On the next trial there was
a verdlot for Buns , and Doyia en
tered a motion to have this verdict
et aside , alleging misconduct on the
part of jurors.
The suit wag started by Doyle to se
cure an accounting , alleging a partner
ship with Burns In valuable gold and
silver mine properties In the Cripple
Oreelc district of Colorad * .
Jews Given Notice to Move , .
fit. Petersburg , Deo. 19. A d'lspatoh
Moelvfd hove from Vladivostok de
glared the Jews have been ordered te
wlthli. four days. Jewish prop
folders , however , ara given eight
s la
mrnense Crowds Line Streets as King
Oscar Tnkcs Last Ride.
Stockholm , Dec. 19. The body of
nto King Oscar was laid to rout to-
ay In the Dalrholm church , where all
ho kings of Sweden are burled. The
lercmony was ono of the most impres-
Ivo ever held In this country. Dur-
ng the passage of the pageant him-
Ireds of thousands of people lined
ho streets , heads were bared despite
ho severe cold and the greatest rev-
rcnco WHS shown the dead monarch.
ueweys soventiein uirinday.
Washington , Doc. 19. Admiral
George Dewey gave a dinner In cele
bration of the seventieth anniversary
of his birth. The actual anniversary
does not occur until the 20th lust. ,
but the celebration was advanced In
order that the president , who was
anxious to accept the admiral's Invita
tion to attend , might ba present , Mr.
Roosevelt expecting to be away from
the city for a time next week
Message from Steamer Grant.
On Board Steamer President Grant ,
by wireless , via Halifax , N. 8. , Dea.
19. Secretary of War Taft , who Is
finishing the last stage of his journey
around the world on the President
Jrant , will probably reach New York
omorrow. In commenting on the de
parture of the big American Hoot of
warships for the PaclHc , the secretary
said he viewed the undertaking with
real satisfaction. He regards the
cruise aa necessary practice and val
uable as placing the men and ships
under condition approximating a war
" '
E. C. Wagner , Nominated on Recom
mendation of Senator Gamble , Un
der the Lottery Agreement , Is Book
ed For Trobule.
Washington , D. C. , Dec. 19. 13. C.
Wagner of Alexandria , S. D. , has been
laminated for the ofllce of United
States attorney for the district of
South Dakota. The nomination was
mule on the recommendation of Sen
ator Gamble , who won the attorney-
ship at the white house lottery presid
ed over by President Roosevelt. While
Senator Kittredge has made no for
mal announcement on the subject It
Is known to be his purpose to oppose
the confirmation of Mr. Wagner. As
Senator Kittredge occupies a position
on the committee on judiciary the
Gamble nominee has a rocky road to
travel. In the controversy that was
supposed to have been terminated
when President Roosevelt tossed a
coin In the air In the presence of
Messrs. Kittredge and Gamble the
United States attorneyshlp was the
bone of contention. Kittredge had
been successful In his efforts to defeat
the confirmation of James D. Elliott.
Elliott and Wagner are both obnox
ious to Mr. Kittredge , especially Wag
ner , and the latter's chances of con
firmation are extremely slight.
All this means that every nomina
tion made for appointment In South
Dakota will be hold up at the Instance
of one senator or the other. Senator
Kittredge is fighting to retain his seat
In the senate. Senator Gamble would
like to see the toga hanging from the
shoulders of Gov. Coe I. Crawford.
Affairs of the Hansen Mercantile Com
pany of Tllden.
Burt Mapes was In Tllden again
Thursday afternoon In his capacity as
ecelver for the Hanseu Mercantile
lompany of Tllden.
Bankruptcy proceedings nave been
nstltuted against the Hansen company
n the federal courts , the company bo
ng given until next Tuesday to file an
answer to the proceedings. The an
swer , If the firm decides to contest
he proceedings , will be filed nt the
'ederal building In Norfolk. If no
appearance Is registered In Norfolk ,
bankruptcy will be certified to and
ho matter turned over to E. P. Weath-
erby of this city , referee in bankrupt
It now appears that the Hansen
Mercantile company Is Indebted In the
sum of about $10,000 , there being about
$10,000 duo the wholesale houses In
addition to the $0,000 claim of the
German bank of Tllden. The stock Is
being invoiced. Its value Is placed
at between $12,000 and $13,000.
Win Suitor Kills Hlmsalf.
Missouri Valley , la. , Doo. 19. J. M.
Hoffman , twenty-five years of ago ,
shot and killed himself because Laura
Mooney rejected hla proffer of mar
riage. Tbe young woman , a waltreis
In a restaurant , fa in a state of hys
teria as a result ol the tragedy.
Internal Revenue Rcoelpto.
New York , Deo. 19. The annual
report of Commissioner Caper * of the
Internal revenue bureau shows that
for the fiscal year ended June 30 , 1007 ,
tbe receipts of this bureau wore
$269,664,022.85 , an excess of $20,681-
3E4 over the preceding year.
Blind Girl Kidnaped ,
Milwaukee , Dec. 19. Little blind
Pearl Burnoll , twelve years old , a
member of a local school for defective
vision , was kidnaped from the school ,
presumably by a woman of West Pullman -
man , 111. , from whom the child' was
After Being Robbed , Snyder Is Placed
In His Own Buggy and the Horses
Headed for Home Hold up Man
Pierce , Neb. , Dec. 10. Special to
The News : Ono of the most daring
crimes It has been the duty of Plerco
county ofllclals to Investigate , took
place last Saturday night near Mc
Lean. Alonzo Synder , n farmer living
a few miles west of that place , had
gone Into town with a largo roll of
bills for the purpose of paying some
debts. Ho was not over cautious in
displaying the money and was evident
ly watched by some culprit , for when
Mr. Snyder climbed Into his buggy to
go home , he was accosted by ono Leon
ard Llnlgor , who asked to he allowed
to ride a few miles with him to the
home of it friend. To this Mr. Snyder -
dor WIIH willing , but when the place
designated was reached , the man sig-
nillcd his Intention of riding further.
The way led through a dark , deep
gulch and when In the shelter of this ,
the man leaned toward Snyder and hit
him a blow on the head with some
dull weapon , stunning him slightly.
Ho then threw him from the buggy ,
drove the team to a nearby post and
tied them. After this , the villain re
turned to Mr. Snyder , hit him another
blow on the head , remarking , "Now , I
esg you're done for , " and when as
sured of the Insensibility of his vie-
.1m , proceeded to rifle his pockets ,
fortunately , the man had but $12 left
n his pocket , which was taken by Lin
ger. Sny.der was next taken by Lin
ger and placed In the buggy , the hors
es turned loose and headed for home.
Mr. Suyder reached home the next
morning In a soml-roiisclous condition
and Immediately when reaching home
entered a complaint. The county ofll
clals , on going to the place where Lin
ger was expected to be found , dlscov-
3red that ho was not In evidence but
: > very means will be employed to lo
cate the man and it is hoped that he
will soon meet with the punishment
ho so deserves.
'As ' Member Was Wooden , However ,
Wreck Victim Not Seriously Hurt.
Waukesha , WIs. , Dec. 19. After be
ing pinioned under a wreck for two
hours , Edward McCarthy's life was
saved by his wooden leg being cut
off. McCarthy is a fireman on the
Wisconsin Central road , and his en
gine toppled over on him. He finally
was released with the exception of
his wooden leg , which was hold fast
under the mass of Iron. Somebody
got a saw , cut off the stump of wood ,
and' the fireman was pulled out.
Culberson Urges His Resolution for
Currency Reform.
Washington , Dec. 19. In the senate
resolutions were Introduced by Sen
ator Tlllman , asking the interstate
commerce commission to repoit
whether any corporation engaged in
interstate commerce Is the owner o
the stock of any other corporation
transporting paenengers and freight
and calling upon the Interstate com
more * commission to define the au
thorlty of the fedural government ant
of the states in respect to the contro
of the liquor traffic through the operation
ation of the interstate commerce law
These resolutions provoked consider
aba debate and' were finally referrec
to committees , though one of them
was transformed Into a bill.
Senator Culberson spoke on his res
olutlon calling on the committee on
flnanoe to investigate and report on
the cause of the present financla
stringency and to recommend meas
ures for the prevention of its recur
renoe. The resolution was referred to
the committee on finance.
Disgruntled Bidder Seeks to Have
Him Enjoined from Delivering Bonds.
Washington , Dec. 19. Justice Gould
of the District supreme court cited
George B. Cortelyou , secretary of tbe
treasury , to appear in court Jan. 3 , to
show cause why ho should not bo en
joined from turning over or delivering
the balance of the $21,450,000 of the
Panama canal bonds to certain banks
and' persons to whom he had an
nounced allotments.
The citation issued by Justice Gould
Is based on a petition filed by George
W. Austin of New York , who describes
himself as a taxpayer and property
owner In the United States and who
declares ho made a proposal to pur
chase bonds of the advertised issue of
the face value of $8,000,000. He avers
he had agreed to pay at the rats of
_ 103.87 , and' accrued interest per $100
! and on notice of the acceptance of uls
subscription stands ready to deposit
I the amount with the assistant treas
urer at New York.
Oklahoma's New Banking Law ,
Guthrle , Okla. , Dec. 19. The now
banking law for Oklahoma , wherein
Is provided a guaranty fund for thi
protection of depositors In Insolvent
banks , will become operative Feb. 17 ,
1008. Its makers believe It will make
impossible i run on an individual
bank or permit a money panic in thi
_ eng Missing Gun Placed In Evidence
In Powers Cast ,
Georgetown , Ky. , Deo. 18 , For the
Irst tlmo slnco It sent a bullet speed
ing on KB lutal mUsIou into tha body
of William Uoubel , Jan. 80 , 19UO , the
Uarlln rifle , about which so much has
jcun said , was placed in evidence in
the Powers trial when Grant L. Rob
erts took the stand. It is now In the
custody of the court as an exhibit lu
he noted case. Whuu the gun was
wrought Into court It was found to
lave been carefully screwed up In a
wooden box. The steel bullet and
smokeless powder cartridge remain-
ng In Its magazine aftwr that one ahot
md been fired , had' been removed by
Ur. Roberts before packing It , and
, hose , too , were filed as exhibits in
, ho case. Arthur Goebol , brother of
ho murdered man , closely watched
every detail connected with the Inci
dent. Caleb Powers , while closely
watching every movement made , was
sheltered from the gaze of the curious
jy a large Iron screen used as a heat
reflector. Every eye was strained.
That the defense expccU to reap
some benefit from the Intioductlon of
the weapon Is certain. That It may not
so end is possible , for the man on the
witness stand created the ono flaw in
the defense's plans. Grant Roberts
would not Identify the gun without
qualifications. He was "pretty sure"
lint this wns the long missing rifle
which he had bought from Clarence
sttzzi of Frankfort , but would not
speak with absolute ertalnty.
Collieries of United States Are ClaimIng -
Ing Three Times as Many Victims
Per Thousand Employes as Those of
European Countries.
Washington , Dec. . 19. The coal
mines ot the United States are killing
three times as many men per 1,000
employes as those of moat European
countries. In the last seventeen
years 22,840 men .have given up their
lives in the mines of this country.
As many violent deaths have occurred
In the mines during the last six years
as during the preceding eleven years.
The number of fatal accidents each
year Is now double that of file year
1895. In 190C , C.8G1 men were killed
or Injured In the mines , the dead num
berlng 2,061 and the injured 4,800.
These terrible facts have been
gleaned by government experts , acting
under orders from S cretary Garfield
of the interior department to invest !
gate the nature and extent of mine
accidents , particularly those result
ing from explosions , and to make Bug-
gestions as to how mining conditions
may be improved and accidents pro
vented. George Otis Smith , director
of the geological survey , through ex
plosive experts , made a number ol
examinations of the more dangerous
coal mines of the Indian territory.
In addition , the nature and causes of
a number of disastrous coal mine ex
plosions In several of the states were
made. The conclusions of the experts
were found in a bulletin Issued on coal
mine accidents , their causes and pre
ventlons. The statement in the but
letin that an increase in the number
and in the seriousness of mine explo
alous may bo expected to continue has
already proven fateful , for since the
words wore written the country baa
been startled with the news of three
mine explosions , costing nearly five
hundred lives. The first explosion oc
ourred in Pennsylvania , in the early
part of D cember , and cost thirty-two
lives. Then followed the Monongah
mine disaster in West Virginia , with
a loss ef nearly four hundred lives
and the explosion in Alabama the
other day with sixty-one lives lost.
The bulletin shows that in all Euro
pean coal-producing countries the out
put of coal has Increased' greatly dur
ing the last ten years , but tha num
her of deaths per 1,000 miners , Instead
of Increasing , as In this country , ha
undergone a marked decrease. Thl
decrease has been due , the bulletin
says , to the effect of mining legislation
in those countries for the safeguard
ing and protection of the lives of th
Lehlgh Runs Down Schooner.
Vineyard Haven , Mass. , Dec. 19.
The schooner Jesse Barlow was run
down and sunk In Pollock Rip slough
by the tug L hlgh and Its crew of si
men , who narrowly escaped being car
rled down with their Vessel , rcache
tbe tug and were brought here.
Railroad Dividend Raised.
Philadelphia , Dec. 19. The direct-
era of the Pennsylvania company ,
which operates Pennsylvania lines
west of Plttsburg , raised the dividend
on the stock of the company from
a 8 to 7 per cent basis.
Los Angeles Bank Falls ,
Los Angeles , Dec. 19. The state
bank commissioners took charge of
the West End bank , a small state In
stitution , located In the western sec
tion of the city. The bank has depos
its of about $33,000.
Total of $106,060,000 Gold.
New York , Dec. 19. The Irving Na
tional Exchange bank announced an
engagement of $700,000 gold for Im
port. This makes a total of $106,080-
000 encaged during the present move-
His Two Associates Have Already
Been Convicted A Relic of the
Balmy Days When Bonesteel Was
the Land Center of the Universe.
Kansas City , Dec. 19. A case of
onsldernble Importance , In which
and fraud Is charged , wns begun In
10 federal court yesterday. II. Clay
Vyatt of Lawton , Ok. , Is the defen-
ant. For complicity In the case B.
' " . Gecter mid Savannas Van Tees ,
oth of Butler , Mo. , were fined $1,000
neb litnt May , with the alternative of
ntlergolng four months In Jail. Geet-
r paid his fine by mortgaging Ills
omo. Van Tees could not get $1,000
n everything he had to offer , so he
cut to jail , doing penance In the jail
t Warsaw. Wyatt Jended not guilty
n being arnilgiied'aiul yesterday went
0 trial. It Is expected the case will
ccupy three or four days.
At the time the Rosebud agency
amis were being opened Wyatt wns
1 Bonesteel locating claims , and ono
f the two other men went there , tin-
viiown to him , to get a claim. During
ic search for a suitable site acqualnt-
nce was made , and In the end Van
Tees began work In Butler to Induce
Id soldiers in that vicinity to send
nstructlons to Wyatt to locate claims
or them , the understanding being
nut Instead of having to go to the
goncy to settle on the lands , Wyatt
voultl find buyers for the relinquish-
The allegation is that this resulted
i scores of old soldiers' names being
&ed. Some cases were reported In
vhlch It was said by the government
ecret service men that the claim lo-
ators were getting as high as $300
or rellnquishmeuts , but giving the old
oldiers in whose names the claims
md been taken up not to exceed $25
r $50. .Yesterday's testimony In the
Vyatt case was limited to the Intro'-
uctlon of ofllclal records. Today oral
estlmony will be begun.
Twelve Prisoners Stripped Naked ,
Stood Up Against Trees and Shot.
Nogales , Ariz. , Dec. 19. Information
which has just reached here tells ot
tha frightful murder ot twelve m n by
a band of 100 Yaqul Indians , forty-five
southeast of Magdaleua , state of Sonora -
nora , Mex. P. J. Mclutyre and a party
of mining men of this section have ar
rived from the scene , where they
viewed the remains of tbo murdered
men. The Ynquls captured the party
of thirteen men. Among the number
was Jose Fernandez , son of President
Fernandez of the town of Cuyourpe ,
and owner of the mescal plantation ,
where the killing occurred. The oth
ers were Mexican laborers on the
ranch and some Cananea minors lookIng -
Ing for work along the Dolores river.
One American was among the num
ber , but he was rescued by men who
told him that they were Americans.
The prisoners were stripped naked ,
stood up against trees and shot
through the head. A band of Yaquls
is reported to bo on the warpath.
Sheriff Benefiel of Shorldan and Hla
Deputy Called to Waisner.
Shorldan. Wyo. . Doc. ' 19. Sheriff
Benoflel and deputy have been sum
moned to Arvada by a telegram an
nouncing another raid on one of tha
Waisner sheep camps on tha Powder
Beyond requesting the sheriff to
come at once , prepared to trail sheep
camp raiders , no particulars are ob
tainable. From the tone of the mes
sage it 'Is believed to have been seri
It Is believed here the camp attack
ed was on Spotted Horse creek , as
the Walsners have been ranging sev
eral bands on the forbidden side of
the dead line established by cattle
The Waisner camps have been raid
ed several times before , and the feel
ing against them is very bitter , as
the cattlemen claim theRe sheepmen
refuse to recognize any distribution of
the range and continually violate
Investigating wllker Killing.
Denver , Dec. 19. The blood-stalnea
garments worn by Secret Service
Agent Joseph Walker Nov. 3 , when ha
was shot and killed at a coal mine
near Hesperus , were exhibited on n
dummy figure to the federal grand
Jury which Is Investigating the kill
ing. By the location of the bullet
holes In the clothing and the testi
mony of the doctors who held a post
mortem examination of the body , of
Walker , the government expeoli to
prove that Walker was shot from be
Qua Rlngllng Dsad.
New Orleans , Dec. . 19. Gus Ring-
ling , head of the circus combination
which controls the shows of the Ring-
ling Bros. , Barnum & Bailey and
Forepaugh-Selle , died here at a sani
tarium. Death was due to a compli
cation of diseases.
Truce In Illinois Central Fight.
Chicago , Dec. 19. A twenty-four
fours' truce was declared In the war
lor control of the Illinois Central
Temperature for Twenty-four Hours.
Forecast for Nebraska.
Conditions of the weather as record
ed for the twcilty-four hours ending
nt 8 a. m. today :
Maximum 31
Minimum 2
Average 1C
nitrometer 29.92
Chicago. Dec. 18. The bulletin Is
sued by tlie Chicago station of the
United States weather bureau gives
the forecast for Nebraska as follows :
Fair tonight and Friday. Not much
change In temperature.
Diamond Jo Line Sold ,
Burlington , In. , Dec. 19. The Diamond
mend Jo ! tn of Htoumura on the Mis
sissippi bus boon sold to a wealthy
syndicate of men , who will Impiovo
the fleet of pasuvngor und freight
boats and Increase Its carrying cupuc-
Ity very materially. The prlco Is
statad to bo $1,300,000. In addition to
the boats , the Diamond Jo company
owns valunblo wharf privileges and
warehouses along the river from St.
Paul to St. Louis.
Warren Qarst a Candidate.
DCS Molties , Doc. 19. Lieutenant
Governor Wurion Garst , In a letter to
II. W. Macomhor of Carroll , announced
bis candidacy for goveinor of Iowa ,
subject to the primary election on
June 2 next. The announcement of
Mr. Garni Is the first formal announce
ment for the place and It Is expected
that now the Ice is broken ether can
didates will follow.
Attorney Hilton of Denver Will Ap
pear Before Government Commls <
slon and Present Miners' Side of
Goldfleld Nov. , Dec. 19. O. A. IU1-
ton of Denver , general counsel for the
Industrial Workers of the World and
special counsel for tbe American Fed
eration of Labor , arrived in Goldfleld ,
empowered by President Mayer ot
the Western Federation to make
terms of peaoo with the mine owners
of Qoldfleld. Just what are the terms
on which peace may be secured , Attor
ney Hilton refuses to say , but he
states that tlxsy are such that If th < yr
arc refused by the Goldileld Mine
Owners' association that body will ba
put on the defensive by the Western
Federation. Attorney Hilton will
meet the executive committee of the
local minors' union today and go over
the details of the terms to ba sub
mitted to the mine owners , and later
a meeting between the Western Fed
eration's attorney and ths executive
committee of the Mine Owners' associ
ation will be sought. The ofllcers of
the Mine Owners' association say they
cannot say whether the offer of the
Western Federation to present peace
terms will bo accepted or not until
after a meeting ; of the executive com
mittee can be held.
Attorney Hilton says also that he
will appear before the commission
sent by President Roosevelt to Investi
gate labor conditions here and' present
the Western Federation's side.
A small number of men from Cali
fornia and a few from Arizona arrived
In Goldfield and will go to work In
the mines. Work is proceeding In
throe of the mines without Interfer
ence. The break In the power wires
was caused by a snowsllde.
The commission sent by President
Roosevelt Is examining witnesses and
conducting an inquiry Into labor con
ditions , but no statement of thalr
progress Is being given out.
Governor Sparks has loft for his
ranch near Carson City and today
General Punston will leave for San
Francisco. General Funston has or
dered a general court-martial to con
vene at Goldflold. This order would
Indicate , say army men , that the
troops now on duty at this place
would bo held hare for some time to
Underwood Says Wages Will Drop
With Price of Raw Materials.
New York , Dec. 19. Frederick D.
Uuderwood , president of the Erie
Railroad company , declared that Samuel
uol Compere , head of the American
Federation of Labor , was reckoning
without his host when he said , as
quoted , that the wages of organized
labor would not have to come down
along with the prices of raw materials
In the present general business anc
financial depression.
"The inexorable law of supply anc
demand , which is the basis of pollt
leal economy , " said Mr. Underwood
"will make Itself felt in the case o
organized labor , as well as in all other
branches of business , Mr. Gompers
notwithstanding. In case an effort Is
made to hold up the present abnormal
ly high prlco of labor , when the earn
Ings of railroads and Industrial cor
porations do not warrant It , the alter
native will be to shut down.
"Labor has been at a premium for
the last four years , and It has also
been leas efficient than ever before.
All classes of employes have pointed
to the heavy earnings and' , in consequence
quence , have received their share In
the shape of higher wages. Now a
change has come. Earnings are fall
ing off and employes will racolvo a
Squadron Scarcely Shaken Down aa
Yet , But Still Keeps nt Perfect Dis
tances Wireless Telephones Arc
Being Used With Success.
Toklo , Dec. 19. An olllclnl Inter
view was given out by the foreign
minister today In which ho says that
Inpiiii will not only welcome the Amor-
lean Heel to the Paclllc waters , but
will extend an Invitation that the
great squadron visit Japan.
Bvvannah , Ou. , Dec. ID. Th * Ba.-
vnnnuh-DeFurest wireless station was
In communication with the flagship
Connecticut , the Georgia and the JIlu-
uusotii of the battleship float. Many
official and private messages balna
sent to Norfolk , Washington and Now
York from officers and correspondent !
with the Heot wuro caught.
The messages showed that tha wire
less telephones nre being used on tha
trip and are proving successful. Tut
ships In the squadron carry on con
versations and receive orders foi
formation by wireless telephono.
At 8 o'clock the fleet waa reported
as In communication with the wlrelass
station at San Juan , P. R.
The following message was caught
at the Savannah station : "Course ro *
malms southeasterly ; tloet EGO miles
southeast Jacksonville : Evans sip
naled double column , interval 1,600
yards ; well executed ; flagship signals
'Wall done Louisiana. ' Beyond gull
stream , moderate swell ; weather per
fect ; magnificent picture , blue water ,
two Hues white ships , crew whita
dross ; squadron scarcely shaken down ,
but keeping perfect dlstancou. "
Alleged to Have Shown White Feather
Under Fire.
St. Petersburg , Due. 19. LlouUuant
General SlouBsel was accused of hav-
ting shown the whlto feather under flro
pn two different occasions. This ac
cusation was made by Colonel Qurko.
who was on the stand as a witness be
fore tbo court-martial which is trying
the general for his aliened failure in
the proper defense of Port Arthur. At
the moment the court was investigat
ing tun circumstances nt General
KuropatkjIn'B order dated June 18.
1904 , in which General Stoeesol was
told to turn over the command of the
garrison to General Smirnoff and join
the Manchurian army. General Btocs-
sal disregarded this order , and It waa
repeated three times. Ho suppressed
the copy of the order addressed to
General Smirnoff and finally was al
lowed to remain at Port Arthur.
General Kuropatkln testified that
early in May , doubts had arisen as to
the fitness of General Stoesael to com
mand the fortress , owing to his ner
vousness. This Idea was strengthened
by a communication sent by General
Smirnoff to his aide , Colonel Ourko.
that StoasHel was a coward and apt
to lose his head during an assault
and that It might be necessary t *
place him under arrest to prevent tha
fall of the fortress.
Answering General Stoessel's query
as to what grounds he had for making
such a statement to General Kuropat-
kin , Colonel Gurko related two in
stances in which General Stoossel had
ordered his staff to scatter under Ire.
himself heading the dash for shelter.
Home of Grand Lama Will Soon B *
Gladdened by Newspaper.
Peking , Dec. 19. The throne boa
canctlonod the construction of a tele
graph line into Lhassa , tbe capital of
Thibet and' the residence of the su
preme head of the Lamalst hierarchy.
This Innovation was recommended by
the Chinese representative at Lhossa.
who , since the advent of the British
expedition of 1904 , has been working
for the enlightenment of the Thib
etans. The throne furthermore will
plve hospitals , schools and a mall ser
vice to Lhassa , and' it is reported that
a request has been made for permis
sion to publish a newspaper there.
Michigan Managers of Electric Lines
Say Fare Must Be 2 Cents a Mile.
Lansing , Mich. , Dec. 19. Every interurban -
terurban electric railway In the Htato
and nearly all the city lines wore rep
resented at a conference held herewith
with the state railroad commission.
The electric managers declared that it
costs more to haul freight by electric
ity than by steam. It was agreed by
nearly all the managers present that
passenger rates on intcrurban lines
cannot bo profitable at leas than 2
cents per mile.
Meeting of Swine Breeders.
Dos Molnes , Dec. 19. W. B. Daff-
fett of the Swine Breeders' associa-
Hop has Issued tbo announcement of
the annual convention to be hold in
I this city Jan. 14. President Carl O.
I Fisher of the National Swine Breed-
1 era' association has called the annual
I convention of that body to bo bold in
Chicago , Jan. 15.
Victim of Unknown Assailant May Die ,
Mllford , Nob. , Dec. 19. Mrs. Franlc
Smith , who was assaulted and beaten
Into Insensibility by an unknown as-