The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 13, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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After They Finish Serving Time In
County Jails In Southern Part of
the State , Government Officials Will
Give Them a Whirl.
The two "wild cat" money artists
who were finally captured at Wahoo
will probably see a federal prison
nftcr all. A dispatch from Wahoo
The two smooth Individuals who re
cently circulated a quantity of wild
cat currency In this city and vicin
ity will In all probably bo takento
Lincoln within a short time to be
nrralnged before a United States com
missioner upon the charge of having
In their possession and distributing
money lu similitude to the lawful currency -
rency of the country. They are now
In Jail nt Geneva.
The two fellows appeared hero late
In October and did a prosperous busi
ness for a short time. They went to a
number of stores hero and In sur
rounding towns , making small pur
chases at each place. In payment
they gave notes Issued by the old Mer
chants' bank of Georgia and the State
Hank of Now Brunswick * . These notes
wore mostly of tlio denomination of
$10 and $20 , though some of them were
lives. Upon tholr face they greatly re
semble national bank notes , though
the reverse side boars no such resem
blance. In order to carry out the de
ception , therefore , two notes wore
pasted together , the faces only being
shown. The notes were Issued In 1S59.
The two fellows who gave the names
of Thomas O'Brien and Axtol Johnson
succeeded In getting In change about
$00 In genuine money before they were
When they were taken Into custody
about $200 was found sewed up In their
clothing and after they had served
twenty days In jail they wcro released
upon refunding the money which they
had fraudulently obtained. After they
had paid their lawyers and squared
up generally , they had little left. They
still had a quantity of the wildcat cur
rency , however , and this was taken In
charge of the federal officers.
As soon as the men got out of Jail
here they were arrested by Sheriff
Page , of Flllmoro county and taken to
Geneva , where they had operated be
fore coming here. They traveled all
over that section and gathered up
about $70. They were careful not to
take more than $35 In any one trans
action , so that It was Impossible to
convict them of a felony. They wcro
found guilty of a misdemeanor , how
ever , and fined $75 and costs each.
This they arc now laying out in jail
nnd tholr sentences will expire Dec
ember 11 , when it Is expected they will
be taken in charge by a federal officer
and taken to Lincoln. A week ago
Sunday they succeeded in digging
their way out of jail , but were recap
tured before they had gone far. It
has been learned that they passed a
quantity of their money In the vicinity
of Aurora and In that city.
The government authorities hold
that while the notes which the men
have been passing are not really coun
terfeits , they are snlllciently like nat
ional bank and treasury notes to make
their distribution unlawful under the
counterfeit laws.
S. Beck went to Stanton Wednesday
Leo- Reeves was up from Madison
W. P. Logan was In Sioux City yes
terday on business.
H. J. Stolnlmusen of Crolghton was
a Norfolk visitor Wednesday.
John Goff of Osmond was a business
visitor in the city Wednesday.
Dr. nnd Mrs. R. C. Simmons will
spend the next two weeks visiting IE
Lebanon , Kan.
C. S. Evans , editor of the Times
Tribune , went to Meadow Grove
Wednesday noon.
M. C. Hazen was In Pierce Wednes
day , when Judge Welch held a shorl
term of court there.
C. W. Burger of Glenwood , Iowa
was In Norfolk over night , the gues
of his uncle , C. E. Hartford.
Rev. S. F. Sharpless of Fergus Falls
Minn. , arrived In Norfolk last evcnlni
to visit his daughter , Mrs. Jack Keen
Mayor Durland , who has been trou
bled with a severe cold and a son
throat , was able to be down town agali
W. M. Robinson,1 manager of the pi
ano department of the Bennett com
puny , will be In Norfolk the latter par
of the weiek.
Mrs. Ella Maher , who went to Roch
ester , Minn. , with her mother Mrs. E
W. Barrett , will leave Thursday for i
short visit at Fremont cnrouto hem <
to Denver.
E. E. Watson of Plainvlew was li
Norfolk Wednesday , returning fron
Omaha , where he has been serving m
an United States jury for the past tei
days. Mr. Watson has already ha id <
about five weeks of federal Jury worl
this fall and the jury on which he 1
serving has not yet been discharged
Among the day's out of town visit
ors In Norfolk were : N. S. Westropc
Plainvlew ; Louis Wlnkelbauer , Fran ]
Winkelbauer , Randolph ; Joseph En
gelka , Fred Wllhelm , Lindsay ; Pete
Dolme , John Ehler , Belden ; John Gofl
Osmond ; Henry Hoydahl , Bonesteel
S. D. ; John Carr , Wood Lake ; Mis
Marsh , Battle Creek ; George Keltl :
Pender ; Ed. Jones , Carroll ; E. W. Grn
ham , Bassett ; C. E. Lear , Sprlngvlow
senda , Uutto ; James G. Weber , Henry
Schwartz , Frank Linger , Crolghton ;
8. W. Llghtner , Lynch ; I ) . J. Overtoil ,
Oretna ; George W. Goff , Osmond.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. White are on the
sick list.
Mesdames C. II. Reynolds and P. H.
Sailer are In Omaha to visit until Fri
Mrs. Watklns of Crelghton was In
Norfolk to attend the funeral of little
Helena Suiter ,
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Taylor left
Wednesday for an extended visit In
Sioux City , Iowa , and Plorre , S. D.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Stokes , son-in-
law and daughter of Dr. D. K. Tlndall ,
arrived In Norfolk today for a few
weeks' visit.
Father Alberts , who has been assist
ant priest at the Norfolk church of the
Sacred Heart , left today for his new
assignment at Groeley Center , Neb.
Father Tovls , the new assistant , Is expected -
pected In Norfolk Thursday.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weber ,
a daughter.
A crowd of about ono hundred young
pcoplo spent a merry evening skating
at King's pond last night.
The young ladies'of Queen Esther
circle were entertained Tuesday even
ing at the homo of J. H. Oxnam.
Mrs. Jack Koenlgsteln and Mrs. E.
R. Hayes entertained at two 1 o'clock
luncheons , one given on Tuesday after
noon nnd ono on Wednesday In the
Koenlgsteln homo.
Mrs. Geo. II. Spear entertained a
company of twenty-eight little folks
Wednesday afternoon to celebrate the
birthday of her daughter Irma.
Mrs. Gus Kuhl , Mrs. C. E. Doughty
and Mrs. E. L. Loucks will entertain
the Indies' Aid society of the Meth
odist church on next Thursday after
noon at the homo of Mrs. Kuhl.
The city council did not meet Tues
day evening as intended but as a re
sult of Mayor Durland being slightly
111 and unable to como down for the
mooting an adjournment was taken
until December 19 , the date of the regular -
ular mid-month meeting.
Dr. O'Keefe of Waterloo , Iowa , was
called to Norfolk by the Illness of his
wife , formerly Miss Dora Wade of Nor
folk , who was taken ill with an attack
of appendicitis while visiting at the
Wade home In this city. Mrs. O'Keefe
is much better and will not be sub
jected to an operation.
At the annual meeting of St. Paul
Lutheran church held Tuesday after
noon the following named officers were
elected : Ludwlg Wachter , deacon ;
Fred Grimm , trustee for five years ;
Ernest Zutz , members of school board
for three years ; August Melcher , mem
ber of cemetery committee for five
years ; Mr. Dressen , Janitor. It will
probably be two months yet before the
plendld new church that Is now being
Tooted will be ready for dedication.
The election of officers of the Nor-
'oik Relief association for the ensuing
ear is as followsH. . W. Winter ,
iresldent ; H. C. Krahn , vice presl
ent ; Julius Fisher , treasurer ; Otto
Suelow , secretary ; Carl Zuelow , as-
Istant secretary ; Max Schmledeberg ,
rustee. The Relief association is ai
led with the St. Paul and Christ Luth-
ran churches and works among the
nembers of those two churches. Win-
er's hall was rented for another year.
With the casket surrounded with
nany floral offerings , the funeral ser-
Ices for little Helene Suiter were held 1
Tuesday afternoon In the First Metho-
ilist church , Rev. C. W. Ray , pastor of
.he church , conducting the funeral.
Music was furnished by a quartet con
sisting of Miss Ethel Doughty , Miss
Edna Loucks , Claude Ogden and Ar-
bur Hazen , and accompanied by Miss
Jessie Drebert. Interment was at
Prospect Hill cemetery. The pallbearers
ers were Misses Faye Livingston , Ag
ues Matrau , Ethel Caldwell and Stella
Caldwell. Helene Suiter was the
Ight-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
M. P. Suiter.
Charlie Rice has just had an excep
tionally fine , and at the same time ex
pensive , overcoat made in Omaha out
of north China sable sent Mr. Rice by
his brother-in-law Louts Haas , who has
been engaged In the fur business In
Omaha for several years. Before the
sable was made into the coat Mr. Rice
- refused $100 for the fur. The sable
Is , of course , used as the lining for ,
the coat , the shell of which was fur
nlshed by Remington & Kessler ol
Omaha , while the fur work was ban
died by Shukert in Omaha. The coal
Is trimmed with American mink while
the sleeves are lined with otter as
more durable material.1 The sable fin
sent Mr. Rico came from Manchuria
in northern China , the seat of the Jap
anese-Russlan war ,
Lincoln News : There Is a valuable
tip for railroad men In the report fron
Cbadron that a number of Northwest
cm employes who were patrons of sa
loons have lately been weeded out ant
dropped from the payroll. Ever
though the average railroad man doe :
not drink , he is handicapped if he In
dnlged only in moderation. Transpor
tatlon managers have found by expe
rlenco that their most dependable em
ployes arc those who leave llquoi
alone. It Is natural that when tin
time came to reduce the force of mei
the ones who drink should be let out
The same tendency Is observed It
manufacturing Industries and In va
rlous lines of trade. Even the travel
Ing man of today Is dropping the oh
convivial habits that were once ai
Invariable accompaniment of his work
To be able to enjoy and assimllati
a good meal Is a rare occurrence will
many people too much ice water
boiled coffee and tea has made dysper
tics of thousands of Americans. Tr ry ;
a glass of Storz Blue Ribbon beer the
your meals , It will whet your appetite
aid your digestion and help you In
building up a robust constitution.
Today's ads. are full of things ti
quicken and enthuse "bargain hunt
Superintendent , of Norfolk City Schools
Has Been Urged to Become Candi
date for Mr. McBrlen's Place , But
Declines to Consider It.
Superintendent E. J. Bodwoll , head
of the Norfolk schools , has been sub
jected to pressure for many months
past by school men anxious to have
his name presented as a candidate for
the republican nomination for state
superintendent. None of those who
have approached Mr. Bodwell In the
matter have received any encourage
The state house still holds no at
tractions for Norfolk's city superln-
tendent. Mr. Bodwell states his posi
tion so emphatically that further dis
cussion of his nnmo In school circles
is likely to bo dropped.
"I have positively declined to con
sider such suggeotlons as have been
made to mo , " Mr. Bodwell told The
News this week. "I gave up a polit
ical office to come to Norfolk nnd I
certainly would not accept another ,
I have heard of a number of school
men who might be candidates for
state superlntei.dent. . I , however , will
not be among the number for two rca
sons , first that I di not want to bo a
candidate nnd second that I do not
want to bo stale superintendent. "
Sentiment in this section of the
state united for a time in favoring Mr
Bodwell as a candidate for the super
Intcndency , beciuse ho was not only
highly qualified for the place but also
because of his probable strength as a
Mr. Bodwell has an acquaintance as
wide as most men's In the state. For
a number of years before coming to
Norfolk he was county superlntenden
of Douglas county , being elected for
several successive terms In the coun
ty which has Omaha for Its county
seat. He was president of the state
teachers' association for one year am :
nt the present time Is a member of
the state examining board. In Nor
folk recently Mr. Bodwell was placed
at the head of the North Nebraska
School Folks' club.
School politics and the school men
have their politics was recently
stirred by the report that State Su
perintendent J. L. McBrlen might him
self be a candidate at the republican
At Madison recently the state su
perintendent told a reporter for The
News that he was' ' undecided as to
whether or not he would jump over
the third term rule.
"I have not determined what course
I will take. " sjdd Mr. McBrlen. "I ap
preciate the kind words that have
been spoken by friends. But I feel at t
this time that It Is due the office and I
the party that I refrain from either
putting myself In or out of the run
ning. It Is early and there is no rea
son why school men should jump into
politics before the rest of the state
political field becomes active. "
At the recent meeting of the "school
folks" In Norfolk the presence of Su
perintendent Delzell of Lexington In
Norfolk naturally excited some dis
cussion In regard to his candidacy
which has been a matter of some com
ment over the state. Mr. Delzell Is
credited with having made an excep
- tional record In Lexington.
Among school men It Is said that a
name as frequently discussed as any
other is that of County Superinten
. dent R. C. King of Otoe county , a
strong man of experience and undoubt
ed popularity In southeast Nebraska
where he Is known. George D. Car-
rlngton , jr. , of Auburn , from an adja-
cent county to Mr. King , Is also men-
Outside of Mr. Bodwell no candi
date from north Nebraska has been
given especial prominence in the in-
formal discussion of the last few
months. Mr. Delzell lives In the north
Platte country although Lexington Is
farther south than either Lincoln or
Claude Clark Is on this week's slcli
Edmund Nelson went to Omaha yes
terday on business.
Mrs. Edlnfield of Pierce Is visiting
her niece , Mrs. Mlle Perry.
George Scott arrived home from
Pilger last night on No. 5.
Dan Finley of Missouri Valley was
In Norfolk yesterday on business.
Engineer Shlpkey , from the Blacl
Hills division , is now running out ol
W. W. Conard and family returnee
home from a visit with relatives Ir
Spencer Ynnzant of Fremont Is here
visiting at the home of Ed. Perry am
Mrs. William Back went to Omahr
Wednesday morning , and returnee
homo on No. 5 in the evening.
Mrs. Rome Miller stopped off at th ie <
Junction yesterday on her way hem ie (
to Omaha from a visit In Chadron.
Engineer George Parker , who hai
been sick for the past two weeks , wai
able to go out on No. 5 last evening.
Arthur Kank of Wlnthrop , Nev
York , came to Norfolk Wednesday t to (
- take charge of the Rome Miller dairy
A ten-pound son arrived at the homi
of Mr. and Mrs. Helms , living Jus
, south of the tracks Tuesday evening
Henry Flzman of Omaha Is here pur
chasing cattle from the Rome Mllle :
Robert G. Hodson of Escanaba
Wisconsin , one of the grand officer :
glneors presided over a business meet
ing at the railroad hall Wednesday
Gilbert Johnson has sold his twen
ty-acre farm southeast of the Junction
to some parties from Illinois , the con
sideration being -$175 per acre , and
bought a farm of fifty acres close to
the mouth of the Northfork river for
$55 per acre.
Father Walsh loft yesterday for
Grand Junction , Iowa , to attend the
funeral of Father Kcnncy.
The ladles guild of Trinity church
will hold n business meeting at the
rectory Friday afternoon nt 3 o'clock.
Bruce White , Norfolk's block wrest
ler , and C. F. Lenser , baggageman at
the Junction depot , wrestle Thursday
evening In Gcrmnnla hall at Stanton ,
so they announce.
The only local activity of much con
sequence reported to the Norfolk po
lice Wednesday was an alleged at
tempt at suicide on the part of a
young lady whose love affair hfi4 become
come somewhat tangled.
A state convention of county com
mlssloners was held Wednesday and
Thursday of this week In South Oma
ha. Madison commissioners were not
in attendance , not holding the convcn
tlon In especially high esteem.
Omaha Bee : August Schroeder ol
Crelghton has asked Governor Sheldon
to commute his sentence of Imprison
ment In the Lancaster county jail so
that he may go homo to his parents
and bo good. He Is 19 years old and
was given a long Jail sentence for tak
ing money from his employers In Lin
coin. The governor has taken the case
under advisement.
Neligh Register : Otis A. Williams
as next friend of Jeannettc McBrlde
has filed a civil appeal in the district
court against Bert Allen to recovei
damages for injuries to Jeannette
McBride sustained on Allen's merry
go-round last 4th of July.
Pierce Leader : Jos. Wolf , who has
been section foreman at this place foi
the past couple of months , left Sun
day afternoon for Anoka where he wa
before he came to Pierce. George
Osbey of Norfolk has been appointee
to look after the road here and arrlvet
Sunday with his family.
December 30 , the now date for the
firemen's minstrels , will not be alteret
as definite contracts have been entera
into for that date. December 18 , the
date flist announced , was merely
tentative date. It was quite hnpos
slble to have a minstrel production
like the firemen are preparing made
ready In so short a time.
Butte Gazette : James C. Myers , M
D. C. , of Norfolk , was In Butte the
first of the week. Mr. Myers Is as
slstlng State Veterinarian McKim In
exterminating the glanders In thls.par
of the country. They are very wlselj
keeping a close watch on barns ant
herds , where the disease has been dls
covered , to see that It Is entirely
wiped out.
A change of managers at the Nor
folk office of the Western Union tel
egraph company took place Wednes
day evening , C. J. Havlland who ha
been in charge of the Norfolk office
being succeeded by P. Paul ! of Kear
ney. Mr. Paull has only been In the
Western Union service for a fev
weeks , his previous experience being
with railroad telegraphy. He was
transferred to Norfolk from the Coun
oil Bluffs office of the company. Manager
agor Haviland was promoted to th
Western Union office at Concordla ,
Kan. , a better paying office. Mr. Hav
iland left Thursday morning for Con
cordla , the young man who succeeds
him arriving in Norfolk during the
Pierce Leader : Woods Cones , presi
dent of the County Bank at this place
returned Monday morning from Oma
ha. While in that city he learned that
Chas. Viterna , formerly employed by
him as book-keeper , had recently
come Into notoriety by forging checks
- to something like $15,000 on different
ibanks in Nebraska and South Dakota ,
iAs yet we have seen no account of
this business in the daily papers , but
Mr. Cones no doubt knows whereof
he Is speaking , and the probable rea
- son for not making it public Is to
capture Viterna before he discovers
that officers are after him. It Is said
that Plnkerton detectives are now af
ter him , nnd It will only be a question
of time before those human blood
hounds will have their net so encircl
ed about him that to escape Is Imposs
ible. The news that Charlie was guilty
of such a piece of work was a complete
surprise to Pierce people , for ho had
always been looked upon as an honest
young man.
A general movement of corn to mar
ket was reported by John Goff and
George Goff of Osmond , who were In
Norfolk yesterday on business. They
estimated that something like 30,000
bushels of corn had been brought to
Osmond during the last ten days. "In
the last week or so , beginning a short
time after the market was restored ,
pretty nearly everybody has been mov
ing something to market. Corn was
o at forty and a half Tuesday. The
higher the price has gone the more
corn they have been bringing Into Os-
mend and the more they bring in ap-
parently the higher the price goes.
You see since the flurry there has
been quite a pressure for ( ho llqulda-
tion of debts. Fanners couldn't very
well pay when there was no market
but now that there Is a market and
all creditors are more than usually In
sistent a heavy movement to market
has set In to get out of debt. But
flurry erne flurry this will be an ex
ceptionally prosperous year around
Osmond. The yield of corn was
heavy , on our land running thirty-five
and forty bushels to the acre , while
the price Is good. The result means
prosperity on the grain farm at least. "
The Goffs handle 975 acres of Butter-
, field land near Osmond , feeding or
their own account about 500 head ol
Bl , ? .nd. , J.QO. head ° f hogs.
: : Came West As Far As Norfolk
Sam Kent Has Prospered in Elkhorn Valley \ \
Sam Kent of Kent Siding , now prosperous -
porous and retired , has typified In his
life the success that the western home
stead held and still holds for strong
men of energy. Kent's life has been
written along the straight lines of bard
work and rewarded Industry.
Kent Is a typical pioneer of the mid
dle period of the winning of the great
est , ono of that sturdy band of farm-
rs who followed close upon the heels
! the restless frontiersmen and
ayod b'y the country of their choice
o see It blossom out Into ono of the
chest sections of a great prosperous
Kent today points with especial
ride to two things in his life ,
he first Is that every move ho
lade after leaving boyhood was a
iiove west. And the second Is that
rtten his westward course brought
Im to Norfolk ho had sense enough
0 stop and settle down for a success-
il and prosperous life. For out here
1 the west when the times called for
launch arms and strong muscles Sam
\ent Is credited with having done his
Sam Kent has a "full name , " and
t Is Uncle Sam Kent.
Seventy-five years old , lacking but a
louth or two , and looking some flf-
con years younger Uncle Sam Kent ,
etlrcd and still living on the old home
toad half way between Battle Creek
nd Norfolk , Is one of the staunch
'armors of the county.
Next July on the fourteenth of the
iionth will take place an anniversary
clebrallon that will bo heartily par-
iclpated In. It will bo the golden wed-
Ing anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Sam Kent was born on February 2 ,
831 ! , In county Wexford in the south
if Ireland. And Kent Is proud-of the
'old ' sod" and of Its church , the Cath-
When twenty-one years old Snm
Sent loft the country of his school
ays and came to America. With a
'cw schoolmates as companions he
eft Ireland and arrived in Quebec ,
Canada , on June 1. And on that first
ay in June bo and his companions
went back behind the hotel and pelted
ach other with snowballs.
Kent was In Montreal for a year or
wo. He hired out to a man for $8 a
iionth. The man bad eighty milk
ows nnd every morning and evening
Sent milked twenty of the cows. And
no saved money out of bis $8 salary
ind sent it home to his parents whenever
never left Ireland.
His next move was to upper Canada ,
tvhere on July 14 , 1858 , he married
Miss Mary Doyle. He rented a farm
ind led a farmer's life for several
' 'ears.
The year that Lincoln was assassi
nated saw him in Port Huron , Mich.
la worked as fireman In the saw mills
n the Lake Huron country. In time
ie bought a house and lot , which he
told in time for $300 , his capital for
he venture In Nebraska.
The western homestead called him
ivest. When ho set out ho thought
Dos Moines , Iowa , was pretty far west
nit he was told there that the good
and was to be found over In Nebras
ka. So in 1870 he located in Madison
county , west of Norfolk , picking out
as a homestead the northwest quarter
of secllon one , township twenty-three ,
range two.
Kent drove from Fremont to Norfolk
in a stage. And In the same stage he
was driven out to see his homestead ,
fording the Elkhorn to reach It. Then
his family were brought to Norfolk
nnd life on the prairie began for Sam
Until he could build a sod house on
his homestead he occupied a long
Give some thought to your plans for
next year's advertising. For all of
next year's store growth depends upon
these plans upon their wisdom.
Today's ads. should render quick
service to the man who seeks "help
of any sort. "
Weakest in Its Publicity Department ?
You would not allow any one to per
suade you to close your store for a
few days or a few weeks now and
You would not think for a moment
of suspending your delivery service
for a week now and then.
You would not even try to hire
clerks for an "occasional" day or two
of service.
But who is it that Induces you to
conduct your store-advertising on that
plan the plan of adequate advertising
now and then , and perhaps almost
complete suspension of advertising at
other times ?
David Grayblel Has Served Nearly a
Generation 'In ' One Position ,
Neligh , Neb. , Dec. 11. Special to
The News : David Grayblel , the faith
ful janitor of the Ncllgh high school ,
completed on the first of this month
sixteen years in that capacity. Dur
ing all these years ho has never heard
a word of unpleasantness or a com
plaint from the board , teachers or pa
trons of the school. It Is a very unus
ual thing for a man to fill a position
llko this with satisfaction to every
body , but this Mr. Grayblel has been
able to do , as recommendations from
teachers nnd principals now scattered
all over the United States , which ho
holds , are good proof.
During these years Mr. Grayblel has
seen the little folks grow Into man
hood and womanhood , and who though
house that August Riiasch had built
out north.
Kent's first venture In live stock was
the purchase of two little pigs from
Mr. Ilniahch. And until one of those
little pigs grew up Kent was without
He bought a yoke of oxen but had
no plow. One day a neighbor went
to Sioux City and a Sioux City mer
chant after Inquiring who needed ma
chinery bout out a plow. Whereupon
Kent &ont buck the money and the
deal was closed ,
Kent raised corn and small grain
and recalls hauling corn to Columbus
at fifteen cents a bushel. He also
hauled grain to Wlsuer , making a dif
flcult ford of the Elkhorn. Kent toilaj
says that during those early years
when he planted corn with a hoe and
cultivated It largely by band , that he
raised as much as seventy-five bush
els of com to an acre , and forty bush
els of wheat.
From that little pocket nest of $ HOO
Kent prospered and , pursuing his
course In hard times and good , came
out of the battle well supplied with
worldly goods. lie has never had a
mortgage on bis farm and bis simple
rule his : been to buy and speculate
according to bis means.
Kent In time added quarter after
quarter to his original quarter section
until his land holdings were substan
tial. And In the raising of live stock
Kent found another successful field
for his operations.
Kent worked until he was seventy
Then he retired from the henvy\ labor
of the farm , content to reap some ol
the rewards bestowed upon successful
workers by the fortunes of prosperity
Last Thanksgiving Kent numbered
unong his causes for thanksgiving the
fact that he did not know what rheu
matism was and. that he had never
spent a day In bed.
He Is nearly seventy-five , his wife
seventy-one. And next July thej > eel
"brute their golden wedding annlver
snry. At the Kent home Is an oh
clock of Seth Thomas make. A wed
ding present of fifty years ago by Its
ticks It has measured out the fill
course of their wedded life. Ken
says that be , his wife and the old clocl
will all celebrate the anniversary.
Kent has succeeded as a father as
well as a farmer. And he has foil
great grandchildren to be proud of.
In politics Kent calls himself a pre < 3
identlal democrat with mixed Incllna
The story of his life Is a story o
slow progress towards success , of hard
work on a pioneer farm and of th
rewards that are given to every man
who succeeds In his line of work.
In far away lands treasure In thel
hearts kindly regards for their oh
friend , the janitor at Neligh.
For nine years In successloi
Thanksgiving has never appeared a
Mr. Graybiel's home without a gees
or turkey adorning his table , the glf
of the school board , who hold him In
such high esteem. Two years ago
appreciating the worthiness of his sei
vices , his salary was raised substan
tlally , and there Isn't a tax payer h
the city who would think of lowering
New School Building Inspected.
Architect John Latenser of Omaha
who drew the plans for the now hlgl
school building , was In Norfolk yes
terday to confer with members of th
board over the progress of the build
Ing and to inspect the work that 1m
been done.
Members of the school board wen
over the new building with the arch
tect and were told that they were get
ting a good building. Mr. Latense
seemed pleased with the building , n
though Its completion , of course , wll
not bo within the scheduled time.
Mr. Latenser found only a few mln
or changes to recommend In the build
Closing up of the Nethaway Estate Be
fore County Judge.
The closing up of the Nothaway es
tatcs and the guardianship of llttl
thirteen year old Sophia Nethawa
will be In the hands of J. J. Clements
Papers asking that Sheriff Clement
bo appointed administrator of the tw
estates and guardian of the Nethawa
girl have been filed In the county cour
nt Madison. The appointment wl
bo made by Judge Bates after th
usual legal requirements have bee
Relatives of both Mr. and Mrs. Neth-
Uscd by
} owder
> 1I with th V\\n
way agreed on Sheriff Clements Ink *
ng charge of the estates after a con-
eronco at Madison. Mr. Clements
vas formerly acquainted with the
As Sophia Nethawny Is thirteen
ears old nearly five years must ohipso
leforo she becomes of ngo.
Sophia Nothaway will Inherit from
ior father and mother about $10,000
n llfo Insurance and property. She
vill remain for the present at least In
ho convent at West Point.
O'Neill Players Make Good ,
Harry Wilson , who was the star
Mtcher of the O'Neill ball team last
season , accoidlug to the O'Neill Fron-
lor , has signed with the Lincoln
Western league ( cam for the season
) f 1DOS. Roy Bradley , O'NolH's last
season's crack twlrlor " "
and "our own"
Mdlo Alberts have also signed with
lie same team. These boys are all
good players and the best wishes of
he O'Neill fans and fannettes will ac
company them and hope they "make
ood" In fast company.
McCarthy Goes to Omaha.
O'Neill Frontier : Mr. and Mrs.
Terry McCarthy have gene to Omaha
where they expect to remain this win
ter. Jerry figures that he will bo alilo
o pull off a few "scraps" with ambi
tious youngsters In the metropolis of
Nebraska during the winter months.
Literary People Don't Like Basketball
for Girls.
The Fremont Magazine club , which
s composed principally of llterarlly-
inclined people of the city , at Its regu
lar weekly meeting Saturday evening
iliscussed the action of the board of
education in putting the ban on basket
tall at the high school , and gave Us
endorsement to the board's position ,
says the Fremont Tribune. Most of
the members of the club Indulged In
i discussion of the subject and not one
of them offered to defend the game.
While there was a difference of opinion
ipon the question of whether the form
of athletlcal amusement should bo per-
nltted under any circumstances , It was
agreed that the contests with out-of-
town teams , especially where the girls
were concerned , should not be per-
Two or three persons of those pres
ent took a radical stand against nth-
etlcs of any form In connection with
the school work. Few were willing to
endorse either football or basketball
with other schools.
E. O. Garrett , whose frequent trips
over Nebraska territory as representa
tive of a school publishing house gives
him an opportunity for studying school
affairs , was one who was most emphat
ic In his stand against competitive
sports. Mr. Garrett declared that
while the Intent of them was laudable
enough , the trend they generally took
was bad. He cited Instances of mis
conduct on the part of students when
away from home on such trips , and of
gambling on the outcome of the games.
W. H. Clemmons took a similar view
nnd spoke Interestingly upon it.
The Fremont board considers Its ac
tion closed In the matter and It Is not
likely the petitions circulated by the
pupils will get more than passing con
sideration if they are presented. The
game Is to be permitted in the school
among the class teams , but exhibitions
In which the Fremont girls and visit
ing girls appear before the public will
not bo allowed.
Double Wedding In Which Two Mem
bers of Two Families Are Principals.
At a double wedding In the Emanuel
Lutheran church at Hadar Wednesday
morning four young people connected
with two prominent families of this
section were married , the ceremony
uniting In wedlock Mr. Otto Eppler and
Miss Dora Raasch and Mr. Paul Raasch
and Miss Emma Eppler.
Mr. Otto Eppler and Miss Emma
Eppler are the son and daughter of
Mrs. Christina Eppler living north of
this city and east of Hadar . Mr. Paul
Raasch and Miss Dora * Raasch are the
son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Raasch living northwest of Hadar.
The joint ceremony at the church
was performed by Rev. Theodore
Brauer , pastor of the church. The sol
emn words of the wedding ceremony
were first spoken for Mr. Eppler and
Miss Raasch.
The brides wore gowned In white
silk and carried shower bouquets of
cream roses. The brides were accom
panied by Miss Helta Raasch and Miss
Hattlo Eppler as bridesmaids. The
grooms were accompanied by Roy L.
Uecker and Anton Raasch.
About fifty guests were present at
the church.
An elaborate wedding "dinner was
served at the Raasch homo In honor
of the young people. About 1GO guests
were present at the dinner and recep
As Mr. and Mrs. Raasch and Mr. and
Mrs Eppler were raised In this vicin
ity the Joint wedding ceremony
suited In many congratulation ?
best wishes.