The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 13, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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Goorgc Dally , Father of Mrs. Netha-
vvay , Helped Build the Norfolk Sugar
Factory as a Brick Mason Many
Years Ago Doth Burled Here.
[ From Satunlnv'a n iiy.i
HolatlVos or Mrs. Nethaway not
agreeing Lo I lie proposed double fu
neral nuil u single grave for the two
vIctluiR of Thursday's tragedy , ar
rangements wore tnado Saturday morn
ing for separate funeral servlcea for
fllr , and Mrs. Notliaway to bo held in
the city Sunday.
GrlPf-Htrlckon at the terrible and
tragic death of their daughter at the
liands of her husband Thursday , the
sorrowing father niul mother , Mr. nnd
Mrs. Gcorgo Dally of Ord , accompa
nied by a daughter , Miss Sndlo Dally ,
came to Norfolk on the Union Paclllc
Friday evening.
Few people have had a bereavement
more terrible and heartrending than
tlint brought on Mrs. Dnlly by the
Thursday fihootlng.
Mrs. Netlmway's parents were fa
miliar with threats made by their son-
In-law , but so often had the threats
been made that they had lost much ol
Ihelr import until turned Into terrible
reality Thursday.
Cloorge Dally , the father of Mrs
Nethnwny. helped build the Norfolk
sugar factory. In connection -with his
trade as a mason ho was in Norfolk
for several months during the coiv
structlon bf the big factory building
Saturday morning despite his troubles
lie could not help commenting on Nor
folk's growth. At Ord Mr. Daily IE
still a brick mason and contractor
also dealing some in property.
Relatives of Valley Nethawaj
thought that death should have endc ( ]
the story of the unhappy wedded life
of the Netlmways , but the parents ol
the murdered woman could not beai
to think of her resting through eter
nity by the side of the man who ,
though her husband , had taken her
Arrangements were made Saturday
to have the body of Mrs * . Nethaway
removed to the home of Mrs. Fred
Harder , where she made her home' '
since her recent return to Norfolk.
The body of the husband was ordered
taken to the Nethaway residence on
South Third street.
Relatives of the wife and husband
conferred together in regard to the
funeral arrangements.
Mrs. V. B. Nethaway , one of the
victims In the double tragedy , lived
through the night , dying at 6:40 o'clock
Friday morning.
No inquest will bo held over the re
mains of Mr. and Mrs. Nethaway.
Coroner Kindred was In Norfolk Fri
day morning , conducting an Inquiry
Into the murder and suicide. lie de
cided that an Inquest was unnecessary.
Little Sophia Nothaway , who lost
both parents in the double tragedy ,
was brought to Norfolk Friday from
the West Point convent. She will
probably inherit more than $10,000
from her parents.
Senator Allen's life has hung In the
balance this week. Only the occasion
of the shooting limited the fatalities
to Nethaway and his wife.
Valley Xethaway's death message to
Ills little daughter has been read and
consigned to the flames.
The message was opened Friday af
ternoon , read and by the little daugh
ter pouslgned to the flames of the
Idtcheii stove in the Nethaway home
on South Third street.
The letter had been written on the
morning of the tragedy. After ho had
settled on the momcntus events of the
afternoon he wrote a letter to hjs little
thirteen-year-old daughter and twc
goodbye notes to his younger sister
The daughter's message was opened
and read Friday afternoon n few
hours after the llttlo girl had arrived
from the convent at West Point.
"Bo a bravo Htle girl,1' Nethaway
> vrpte. "Remain In the convent until
you graduate. I have left money
enough for you to bccomq an nccom
pllshed lady. " Then came n fnw brlel
sentences stating that the mother had
brought the Impending tragedy on her
elf and warning the daughter to avoid
lier mother's , errors.
Then the Httlo girl , that the world
might never see tlio reference to hoi
mother , thrust the letter Into the kltch
< ? n flro.
Sophia Nethaway lias boon In the
convent but a short time. She came
to Norfolk on the Friday noon train , c
brayo llttlo girl and loyal to hei
She will return to the convent aftei
the funoral. Kind words from the
helped her to bear up.
Her sympathy Is largely with her
The terrible tragedy which culminat
ed finally In two deaths has been hov
ering over the Nethaway cottage on
South Third street. B. Nothaway and
his wife , parents of Valley Nothaway ,
saw the threatening outlines nnd did
what old pcoplo could to quell the
threatening storm.
To hla father and mother Nethaway
had poured out his troubles and made
his tl reat.g , Ills bitterness pxtpndcd
to others than his wife and was direct
ed especially against Mrs. Fred Har
der with whom his wlfq stayed while
In Norfolk , In his feeling towards his
wife and especially towards the sub
ject of alimony there was something
of Insanity , the father believes. Ilia
threats Included the Wnhoo attorney
who originally started ( ho djvorce
case , and Senator Allen , Mrs. Netha
way's ' later nttoruqy , whom Nothawaj
bften Hald had frustrated a plan foi
settlement by Insisting on alimony.
Thursday morning Nethaway dis
cussed his property affairs with hh
mother , his father not being at home
Then ho wrolo three letters.
Nothaway did not speak clearly ovei
the clephono after shooting his wlf (
and tliu mother , dtd not fully realize
tha import of'Ills ' words , clafisjng then
with hlb oft 'repeated tWat'a agains ;
his wife.
Nethaway told his parents that hi
carried $ ? , GOO of life Insurance In hi *
daughter's ' name. Local records shov
that ho had a $ n.OOO policy In the Mod
em Woodmen and another policy o
the same amount In the Modern Broth
erhood pf.America. Ho also carrlci
Insurance In the Nebraska Mutual llfi
Insurance company of Nebraska. Hi
owned property b6th In Norfolk nnd li
Wahoo. All this with $1,000 of insur
ancc carried by Mrs. Ncthaway in tin
little girl's name will be Inherited b :
llttlo thirteen-year-old Sophia Netha
way. Mrs , Nethaway about twi
months ago changed her policy , fron
the name of her husband to that o
her daughter.
Nethaway was forty-three years oh
last November. Ho was born In Nev
York state nnd as a boy showed tin
fondness for guns and hunting tha
afterwards marked his life. In 1S7J
he came to Wahoo with his father , E
Nethaway. After his marriage In Ful
lerton some fifteen years ago he canv
to Madison county , conducting a ston
In Warnervlllo for a time. He 1m
lived In Norfolk for ten or twelvi
For the past three or four year
Ncthaway's parents have lived wltl
him In a cottage which he owned 01
South Third street near the Llncoli
Sophia Nethaway , thirteen year
old and now In the West Point cor
vent , Is the only living daughter of tin
dead man and woman. A younge
daughter died seven years ago. Sc
phia Nethaway after the separation o
her parents attended school In Noi
folk , spending the vacations with her
Valley Nothaway by his own hand
brought the first death that has oc
curred among the children of Mr. and
Mrs. E. . Nethaway. Twp , other sons
and two daughters are living in Ne
braska. They are Claud N. Netha
waj' , employed on a ranch near Fort
Calhoun ; Mrs. Sophia Bellinger of
Wahoo , LeRoy N. Nethaway of Wahoo ,
a mall clerk , and Miss Lulu Nethaway
of Wahoo , now at Stromsburg with a
theatrical troupe.
At one time before his marriage ,
Nethaway supported himself by shoot
ing for the market.
Friday afternoon the undertaking
rooms of Session & Bell were closed
to the public , it being found necessary
to lock the doors to check the stream
of people seeking admittance to the
room where the Nethaway bodies lay.
Many women were among the crowd.
Mrs. Nethaway for a time following
her separation from her husband was
In Lincoln where she clerked la the
big Miller & Paine store.
One of Letters to Sister Thus Speaks
of Dead Wife.
[ From Friday's
One of Netlmway's notes to his sis
ter , Lulu , said :
"Norfolk , Neb. , Dec. 5 , 1907.
"Dear Sister ,
"Always look after my daughter ,
it Is to bad this had to como to this
"but I am one of the men they can
not make do things.
"she certainly Is the mpanest wo
man that over lived , , .
"so I am Game , , , *
"Ooort by forever , |
"Your Brother ,
"V. B. Nethaway. "
The other Jotter road ;
"Norfolk , Neb. , Dec. 5 , 1007. In
case of the death of my daughter , So
phia. Gladys Nothaway , I bequeathe all
money nnd property to my sister , Lulu
Nethaway. ( Signed ) Vallie B , Neth
away. "
Resort Women , Boche Murder Wit
nesses , Were on Train ,
U was a peculiar coincident that the
witnesses to the last Norfolk murder
were spectators at the murder of Mrs.
Nethaway Thursday afternoon.
Among the passengers on the Madi
son train were the resort women who
have been hold by the district court
as witnesses In the Boche-Jarmer mur
der. Thursday they were on their
way to Madison to give now bonds for
their appearance at the February term
of court , tholr old bonds having ex
pired with the present term.
ho resort women were the first to
scream at the sight of Nothaway In
the cor door. Passengers thought for
a moment that they were the objects
of the would-bo murderer.
Parents of Mrs. Nethaway Tried to
Prevent the Fateful Wedlock.
Mrs. Mary Nethaway , shot Thursday
by her husband , was married when a
; lrl of scarcely sixteen years. She
narrled Nethaway over the strenuous
pbjoctlons of her parents.
Something of Mrs. Nothaway's ear
ly life was recalled by a Norfolk av-
cnuo business man who lived at Fullerton -
lorton , Neb. , nt the time of her mar
riage , her parents residing In that
town ,
Mrs. Nethaway before her marriage
was Miss Mary Dalloy. Her father
had retired to Fullerton from the farm ,
By trade ho was a brick mason. The
Dalleys were highly respected people
In Fullerton. Strong objections were
Interposed to ti)0 ) marriage of theli
sixteen-year-old daughter.
The wedding took place some fifteen
or sixteen years ago. Mrs. Nethawaj
a thirty-three years old at the time
of her death.
The.Dalleys . afterwards moved tc
Ord , Neb. , where they received the
incssago of the Norfolk shooting.
It Was This Feature That Nethawaj
So Seriously Objected to.
Madison , Neb. , Dec. 'G. Senator Al
Icn , attorney for Mrs. Nethaway Ir
the divorce suit , said :
"J. II. Barrj" , a lawyer of Wahoo
brought a case In this county for Marj
L. Nethaway against Valley B. Nnth
away for divorce. Ho sent Mrs. Neth
away to mo to try the case for her
as It was inconvenient for him t (
come to Madison. The only contro
versy between Nethaway and hlswlfi
was respecting the alimony , ho havlnj
agreed with her , as she Informed mete
to let her have a decree of divorce 1
she would abandon the appllcatloi
for the allmonj' . The last talk I ha (
with her was that It would be bette ;
for her to drop the alimony , as Neth
away had no money or property of an ;
consequence , If ho would make provl
slon for the maintenance of the 14
year-old girl. But she had not deter
mined what she would do when slu
left my office.
"The Nethawaj's are strangers ti
me , and I think Nethaway had the Ide :
that I had urged his wife to Insist 01
allmonjMrs. . Nethaway's attorne ;
told me that Nethaway was practical ! :
Insane on the subject of his property
and It was probably his belief that hi
would have to part with some of hi :
property that Induced him to say tha
he would like to get me. This Is all
know about the subject. "
Hurt Mnpes , attorney for Nethaway
says there Is not the slightest excusi
or cause for Nethaway's wish to harn
Senator Allen , as his connection wltl
the case and the parties was hlghl ;
Features That Made the Killing an
Extraordinary One.
Norfolk has had an unusually dra
matlc series of murders and shooting
tragedies during the past two or three
years , but no tragedy In the city's his
tory possessed more dramatic el
ements than the dual death story writ
ten by V. B. Nethaway with his shot
gun and his revolver , In Ink of flro
and blood , Thursday afternoon. There
were many features to the affair which
made the double killing extraordinary
even for a double killing.
In the first place the scene of the
shooting was a peculiar one one
whose environment tended to add a
maximum of dramatic intensity to the
murder. It is not often that j-ou hea
of a man boarding n moving train
opening the door to the passenge
coach and , leveling a shotgun at hi
wife in the far end of the car , empty
ing two barrels of shot and powde
Into her head before the full gaze o
the horror stricken passengers. It Is
little wonder that turmoil should
reign and that some of the panic-
stricken passengers should seek safe
ty by going through the windows of
the moving car , while others should
duck down behind the seats.
The fact that It was a woman who
was murdered also gave a touch of the
dramatic , as well as the narrow escape
of a woman companion and the shat
tering of one man's overcoat that hung
over the back of the car chair.
And there were other unusually dra
matic elements. It was In broad day ,
for one thing , and right In the heart
of the city's activity. It was peculiar
that the man should use a shotgun for
his wife's ' murdering and select a re
volver for his own destruction.
It was uncommon , for another thing ,
that a wife-murderer , calmly contem
plating his own soon suicide , should
deliberately step to a telephone and
tell his mother of his act.
Parents of Murderer Wish Dual Funer
al and Burial Side by Side ,
That Imsband and wife should bo
burled together and that death should
unite the two who quarreled BO trag
ically In their lifetimes was the ear
nest wsh | of Valley' Nethaway's moth
er. And the father seconds the moth
er's wish.
Funeral arrangements for the burial
of Mr. and Mrs. Nethaway were not
made up to Friday evening pending
the arrival on the Columbus passenger
of relatives of Mrs , Nethaway , cornIng -
Ing from Ord. It had been wired that
the father , James Dalley , and a sister ,
Mls Sadie Dalley , would cqmo to Nor
folk ,
lave husband and wife placed side by
Ido In death Is the funeral nrrnngo-
ncnt sought by Nothaway's mother ,
vho says that her son at heart loved
ils wife In an Insane fashion. The
body of the wife , however , Is of course
at the disposal of her relatives.
Nothaway's married sister , Mrs. Bel-
Ingcr of Wahoo , and his two broth
ers , came to Norfolk Friday noon.
The Nothaway funeral was said to do-
tend on the arrival of the younger sis-
er , Miss Lulu Nothaway.
Miss Lulu Nothaway , the sister at
V. B. Nothawny to whom two letters
wore addressed by the brother before
ho tragedy , has been playing this
season with the Klubcrs dramatic
company. She has been on the stage
for about five years.
The 'Ncthatoay ' shooting was turned
i\to \ murder nt Ci40 n. m. Friday when
Mrs. Nethaway died In the city hall.
She lived about sixteen hours after
! ier skull was shattered by the charge
from her husband's shotgun. At no
time did she regain consciousness ,
the nearest approach to consciousness
coming llfteen or twenty minutes be
fore her death.
Mrs. Nethawny following the shootIng -
Ing was taken to the city hall , turned
Into temporary hospital quarters , Drs.
Bear and Pllger were called to the
city hall , Dr. Pllger being in attend
ance the greater part of the time.
Nurses wore also secured. The wound
was dressed In the early evening. At
no time was death but a matter of a
few hpurs. ' . '
Friday morning the remains of llie
wife were taken from the city hai :
to the undertaking rooms , of Sessions
& Boll , where the bodies of both wife
nnd husband remained during the day
There were many applications from
the curious-minded to see the bodies
The facts In the Nothaway murdei
and suicide were too apparent to ren
de.r an official Inquest necessary. This
was the conclusion that Coroner Kin
dred reached after spending the morn
Ing hours In Norfolk Friday.
Dr. Kindred came In from Meadow
Grove on the early morning train. He
spent the morning Inquiring Into the
tragedj' , returning home nt noon.
The coroner said that the facts were
very clear that Nethawaj' , actuated by
motives arising from the family trou
bio that had culminated in divorce
proceedings had planned murder ant1
suicide , that boarding the outgoing
Union Pacific train Thursday afternoon
he had shot his wife with a shot gun
that ho had jumped from the train
and a few minutes later had taken his
own life with a revolver.
Dr. Kindred took possession of the
articles found on the bodies , including
a shot gun , a revolver , a half dollar o :
1822 coinage , a gold watch and n gold
ring from the husband , $55 , a hand
bag , two bracelets , two rings and n
watch from the wife.
County Attorney Jack Kocnlgstcln
assisted in the Investigation.
The. life of former United States Sen
ator William V. Allen of Madison Is
believed to have hung In the balance
this week.
V. B. Nethaway , who Thursday af
ternoon murdered his wife and killed
himself , had othpr murders In mind
than that of his wife.
Monday and Wednesday of this week
Nethaway was In the district court
room of Madison watching the course
of the court. He had a revolver In
his pocket and murder in his heart.
Nethawajf's animosity extended to
Senator Allen , Mrs. Nethaway's attor
ney. Ho blamed Senator Allen for the
insistent demand for alimony. After
shooting his wife Nethaway went over
to the Salter grain office and before
ending his own life said that his only
regret was that he had not shot'Allen
Wednesday In the district court room
at Madison Nethaway sat directly be
hind his wife. His father says that
on both visits to Madison Nethawaj
carried a revolver.
Attorneys do not hesltato to say that
a tragedy In the Madison court room
was missed by the narrowest margin
If the case had been called for -trla
Instead of being set down for hearing
Thursday evening there Is no doub
that the course of the trial would have
been Interrupted by shooting.
E. Nethawaj' , father of V. B. Neth
awaj' , says that one of the shots flret
Thursday afternoon was intended for
Mrs. Fred Harder , against whom his
son was particularly bitter. When the
shooting started Mrs. Harder got be
neath a seat , the top of her hat being
riddled with shot.
Three letters , death messages , were
written Thursday morning by Neth
away. Friday morning the letters re
mained sealed , waiting the arrival in
Norfolk of the sister and little daugh
ter to whom they wore addressed.
Thursday morning with the murder
and suicide of the afternoon In mind
Valley Nelhaway gathered paper and
Ink together nnd sat down to write to
his llttlo daughter and his younger
One letter he addressed to "My Llt
tlo daughter , Sophia Nothaway. " An
other wag addressed to his youngest
sister , Miss Lulu Nethawaywho Is
traveling through the state with a the
atrical troupe. A third letter Is ad
dressed as "Tho Last to Lulu. "
When Nothaway , Just from the mur
der of his wife , called up his mothec
over the telephone to say a last good <
bye , ho told his mother of the letters ,
Don't you really llko moving pic
tures when they are good ? At the
Auditorium tonight you will find some
of the best films of the season. Leota
Rlshwill sing her clever Illustrated
song and there will bo seven different
moving picture subjects. The price lane
no higher , only lOc.
Do not bo "wedded to your work' '
If It Is uncongenial and unremunera-
tlvo. A classified ad , will find you the
work nt which you can prosper.
Orphaned Daughter , Suddenly Berefl
of Both Parents , Utters a Cry Ovei
Her Father's Casket That Wen !
Straight to the Heart.
[ From Monday's Dally.1
Sunday at different hours nnd In op
poslto parts of Prospect Hill cemetery
the bodies of Valley Nothaway and hit
wife were committed to their graves
And with the burial there were written
ton the last words of the sad nnd dra
matlc tragedy of Thursday afternoon
when Notliaway boarded the outgohu
Union Pacific train with a shot gun
blew out the brains of his wife on hei
way for a divorce nt Madison , jumpei
from the train nnd hurried over to tin
Salter Grain company's office nnd elc
valor where he called a last goodbye
to his mother over the telephone am
a minute later put a revolver bulle
through his own head.
It was a day with a drizzling mlsi
that was given for the funerals of the
tragedy victims. And the day to
gether with the fact that the two fu
nernls were held In homes rather thai
In church combined to cut down tin
attendance of the curious at the ser
At 10 o'clock Sunday morning the
services for Mrs. Nethaway were belt
at the home of her friend , Mrs. Fret
Harder , In the old Daniels property 01
East Norfolk avenue , where Mrs. Neth
away has stayed for the last twc
months. Four hours later the funera
of the husband took place from the
Nethaway homo on South Third streei
and Park avenue.
Rev. W. J. Turner , pastor of th <
First Congregational church , conduct
ed the funeral of the morning , Dr. C
W. Ray of the Methodist church the
services of the afternoon. Mr. Turnei
also attended the funeral of the after
Though the parents of the murderei
woman , Mr. and Mrs. George Dally o !
Ord , could not bring themselves tt
consent to a double funeral or burla
In a common lot , yet the father of the
wife and the relatives of the husband
attended both funerals and twice made
the sad trip to the cemetery , where
one at a time wife and husband were
lowered Into the earth. Mrs. Dally
and her daughter. Miss Sadie Dally
were too much affected by the burla !
of daughter and sister to attend the
second funeral.
The body of the wife rests In one
sldo of the beautiful Prospeqt Hill
cemeterj' , the body of the husband In
the opposite side. And apart Is a
third grave where a little daughter
now dead for seven years , sleeps the
long sleep.
A Turbulent Spirit at Rest.
In the home of Mrs. Fred Harder
Mrs. Nethaway's companion on thai
fateful Madison trip and for whom the
second charge from Valley Nethaway's
shotgun Is believed to have been In
tended , the funeral of Mrs. Nethawaj
was held at 10 a. m. The services
were short nnd simple and wlthoui
music. Rev. W. J. Turner of the Flrsl
Congregational church conductet
prayer at the side of the casket am
spoke a few Impressive words.
"The sympathy of the city Is here , '
said Mr. Turner In opening. "The
sympathy Is expressed by the presence
of friends and lodgemen.
"Of the dark mysteries of life It Is
not given us to comprehend.
"Nor Is God's Jove here on trial
That love was proved once for all by
the Christ.
"You and I are not to be judges
here. Are you constituted to sit In
judgment ? Do you know the human
heart and Its mysteries ? And remember
bor that he who judges Is also to bo
judged. "
Mr. Turner spoke of certain rela
tlons between man nnd wife whicl
have the power of a righteous God In
them nnd which are not to be playei
fast and loose with.
The man who rules his spirit , the
speaker continued , was greater than
the conqueror of cities , for those with
out determination to govern them
selves are at the mercy of every storm
The sermon concluded with an ex
prcsslon of sympathy which went on
to all In the tragedy and with advice
to trust God In the darkness about.
Members of the Modern Brotherhood
of America , attended the funeral In a
body. The following members of the
lodge served as pallbearers : Ed Con
ley , Frank Lamb , Gus. Warner , John
W. Shaffer , J. A. Jensen and James
At the funeral was father , mother
sister and little daughter of the deceased
ceased , as well as relatives of Mr
Agonizing Cry of Little Girl.
"Oh papa , why did you hurt mam
ma ? " This was the agonized cry of a
llttlo girl at , the funeral of Valley Noth
away Sunday afternoon.
Llttlo Sophia Nethaway , thirteen
cars old , made this appeal to her
lead father four hours after she had
oft the grave of her mother. And the
cry of the llttlo girl at her father's
casket was n cry straight Into the
icart and homo of all who heard.
Dr. C. W. Ray of the Methodist
church conducted the services at the
Nelhaway homo. Music during the
service was furnished by Misses ISthol
Doughty , Edna Louche nnd Josslo Drc-
) crt nnd Claude Ogden from the Moth-
ullst church.
Dr. Ray in his sermon said that ho
Had not come to open up past tragedy
or present suffering but had como to
comfort , speaking along the line of the
comfort that God offered.
Members of the Modern Woodmen
and the M. B. A. lodges attended the
Nethaway funeral In a body. The pall
bearers , selected by the Woodmen ,
wore ; Tnto Wlllo , John F. Flynn
James Duncan , I. T. Cook , Roberl
Johnson and Henry Apfel.
Little Orphan and Relatives In Madl
son to Confer With Senator Allen.
Llttlo Sophia Nethnwny , accompa
tiled by relatives on both her father's
and mother's side , went to Mndlsoi
Monday morning for a conference li
Senator Allen's olllcc touching arrangements
rangomonts for the girl's future and
the rare of the Nethaway estates.
Sophia Nothawny will , It is said , re
main In a convent. It Is also probablt
that Sheriff .1. J. elements , who was i
friend of the NHhaway families , maybe
bo named as guardian of the little girl
Card of Thanks.
We wish to express our thanks t <
those who rendered us assistance ii
the loss of our dear one. The lodges
choir and neighbors.
Sophia Gladys Nctliaway ,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Nethaway ,
Claude L. Nothaway ,
Sophia Nothaway Bellinger
LeRoy F. Nethawny ,
Lulu Nethaway.
Believed That the Husband Was En
tlrely Mistaken.
Madison , Neb. , Nov. 9. From a stnf
correspondent : That Mrs. V. B. Noth
away was guiltless of the charges
against her morality , bandied about by
Norfolk gossip nnd formally film
against her in district court records
by hort husband , Is the conviction of
her attorney. And to support this be
lief the attorney has the word of the
woman , speaking as a client to hei
Twenty-four hours before he shot
his wife In the train at Norfolk , Valley
Nethawny filed with the district court
the most serious charge that a bus
band can make against a wife. Noth
away through his attorneys asked thai
the divorce bo granted him instead ol
his wife nnd filed an affidavit to have
the case continued , setting up the nb
sence of three witnesses who would
support his contentions when broughl
In court. But In outlining the testi
mony that the witnesses would give
he did not bring forward any evidence
capable of supporting the serious
charge he made.
On the day previous to the tragedy
Mrs. Nethaway's attorney took up the
charge which had been filed asking
her for a simple statement of the truth
so that he would know how to meel
the Issue at the trial and know what
the defendant would be able to prove.
Then speaking as a client to her at
torney she took up the Incident of
July , 1905 , complained of and told her
lawyer that the charge was untrue
that she had been Indiscreet but thai
there had been nothing criminal. She
had walked home with a man who was
a neighbor and had entered home with
him. Nothing was said or done that
suggested criminal relations , she said
Her husband broke Into the house ant
the manner of his coming led to a
hasty exit of the man. Afterwards
she talked the matter over with her
husband quite frankly and they lived
together for some months. There was
never any truth In her husband's
charges she said.
Nice Surplus Over Expenses to Be
Turned Over to Odd Fellows.
Ncjllgh , Neb. , Dec. 3. Special to
The News : "Cherry Valley , " the four-
act comedy drama presented by the
Arlngton comedians Saturday night
closed the week's opening In this city
of Nellgh's now auditorium.
In speaking of the receipts of the
sveek's play , Messrs. Jenkins & Payne
say that the money to bo turned over
to the Odd Follows will eclipse far
beyond the anticipations of Its mom
hers. They say notwithstanding the
fact of the small amount of knocking
against the management , the boosters
joined hands and gave valuable assist
ancc In assuring the success both fl
nanclally and socially In the oponlnt ,
of Nellgh's new playhouse.
TWO Women of Holt County Have a
Severe Experience.
Spencer , Neb. , Dec. 9. Special to
The News : A few days ago Mrs. Otto
Nlllson and Mrs. Klnney of the Phenlx
neighborhood across the river In Holt
county southwest of this town , were
driving to a neighbor's to visit the
sick , when the team suddenly became
unmanageable and ran , throwing the
ladles out and Injuring them quite so.
rlously. Mrs. KInney suffered a brok
en arm nnd many severe bruises , while
Mrs. Nlllson fairly plowed the ground
with her head but escaped with only
severe bruises. Both women are re
covering much more rapidly than
could bo expected after such a fierce
rough and tumble experience.
Madison County District Court Was
Adjourned Friday Night at Madison.
Judge Welch Has Not Set Time for
Herrlck Case Hearing.
Herman Bocho , with a new bond of
$15,000 approved by the district court ,
Is again at liberty until the February
term of ( ho Madison court. The sign
ers to the now bond uro Senator Al
len , Carl Rolcho and Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Sorg. The namb of William Bo
cho , a former signer , does not appear
on this bond. Carl Rclcho's name Is
District court at MatUnon was ad
journed Friday evening by Judge
Welch. Court will not meet In Madi
son next week but a short equity ses-
slon will probably bo held during the
Judge Welch , accompanied by Court
Reporter Powers and n number of Noi
folk attorneys , came up from Madison
Friday night. Judge Welch was on
his way to Wayne. Next week ho
holds court at Wnyuo , Nollgh and
Judge WHch mild ho did not know
jiibt when It would ho convenient for
him to come to this oily to hear Her-
rick's suit ngaiiiHt Norfolk.
Boche'a bond , when approved , sup
planted the old $15,000 bond approved
by Judge Barnon and under which
Boche had the right to llborty until
the expiration of the present term of
court , not yet formally adjourned.
Some of the llooho witnesses have al
ready given now bonds.
High quality engraved calling cards.
Huso Publishing Co.
Notice to Creditors.
The state of Nebraska , Madison
county , ss.
In the matter of the estate of C. W.
Braasch , deceased. Notice Is hereby
given to all persons having ; claims nnd
demands against C. W. Braasch , late
of said Madison county , deceased , that
the time fixed for filing claims against .
said estate Is six months from the 2nd
day of December , 1907. All such per
sons are required to present their
claims with the vouchers to the county
judge of said county at his office In
the city of Madison , In said Madison
county , on or before the 3rd day of
June , 1908 , and that all claims so filed
will bo heard before said judge on the
3rd day of June , 1908 , at 1 o'clock p.
It Is further ordered that notice to
all persons Interested In said estate "y
be given by publishing a copy of this
order In the Norfolk Weekly News-
Journal , a weekly newspaper printed ,
published and circulating in said coun
ty , for four consecutive weeks prior
to said day of hearing.
Witness my hand and seal this 22nd
day of November , A. D. 1907.
Wra. Bates ,
County Judgo.
Estray Notice.
Taken up by the undersigned at
what Is known as the old Farley place ,
one red and white heifer , two yeara
old. Owner can have same by prov
ing property and paying costs.
Dated Norfolk , Neb. , Nov. 19 , 1D07.
J. M. Hennessy.
5O VfcARS"
Anyone npmlliiR n nketrli niul clo crlnlloii inn )
quickly nscertnlii ntir niniilun frco nhoilirr au
liiTvntlon U probably P lVVitonu"niiiiiinlpn ' -
lloiisntricllyronilitcntlnl. HANDBOOK on I'nlcnla
cut frco. oldest iiironcjr for.
rntunta taken tlirouuOi Munn ACo. . receive
i ail notice , rltliout chnrgc. In the
A Itumlimnclr tlliiatrntod wfpklr. T < nrip fi.r-
rulntlim ( if HMJuplcntltln jmiriiul. TCTIHK. 55 a
ypnr : four months , fl. Sold bf all iirnmU'iilcrit
IWN&Co.3G'Cfocda' ' ' New York
llm.icli Olllco. ( Si I fc-1 U'ujhliittcin. 1) . <
Yoil Milst Not Forget
We are constantly improv
ing in the art of making Fine
Newest Styles in
Cards and Finish ,
Wo also carry a Fine lane
of Mouldings ,
i. M. MAC :