The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 01, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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W. J. Stadelman , Mnnnger of the Nor
folk Independent Telephone Com *
pany , HOB Deen Able to Shed No
Tears Over Copper Collnpse.
The collapse of the copper market ,
which shook Wnll street when copper
stock tumbled , brought hundreds of
dollars lo ono Norfolk concern , the
Norfolk Ixmg Distance Telephone
Ily holding up their order of telephone -
phone cuhlo from August 5 to October
24 the Norfolk Independent company
saved $3,500 as n result of the drop
In the price of copper wires that fill
the big telephone cables.
For three years the price of copper
haw been In the upward swing. Ily
last .July bar copper at the smelter
had soared to twenty-six cents n.
pmind. On July 7 , by u coincidence
the day when the Independent com
pany gained Its Norfolk franchise , cop
per had reached Its high point and
started down hill. From twenty-six
It has dropped to twelve and n half ,
two and a half cents being lopped off
lsnt Friday.
It was the course of copper stock
lant week that Introduced the Wall
street Hurry that has held the atten
tion of the whole world. Hut the cop
per wind that blew disaster to Wall
street blow a saving of several him-
: died dollars In Norfolk's direction.
In Hits general desert of rising prlc-
os copper Just now Is the telephone
ntan'fl particular bright onslH.
Friday the Norfolk Independents
placed tliolr order for telephone cable.
It was a big order , said to approach
$16,000 , and before Manager Stndel-
Minn let It he was satisfied thnt copper -
per was "down. " In Chicago on Aug
ust 5 purchasing telephone supplies ,
Mr. Stadolmnn had a tip to suspend
his cable purchases. After that each
drop In copper rolled out several him-
drod dollars for Norfolk telephone
men.Oeorge W. Conovcr of Chicago , who
wns In Norfolk Thursday , was the sue
cessful competitor for the Norfolk order
dor for cable.
The Norfolk company Thursday or
dered 110,000 feet of cable. This en
bio contains 2,387,725 running feet ol
wire. Put together the wire would
stretch -453 miles.
This Is the story of why one Norfolk
Minn hasn't been able to work up an >
particular concern over the disastrous
course of copper stock.
Union Pacific Will Not Remodel Sta-
tlon This Season.
The order calling for the remodel
ing and the renovation of the local
Union Pacific depot from present Indi
cation : * is not to be Issued until at
least another building season arrives.
The suggested plans for remodeling
the Union Pacific depot are understood
to be in the engineering ofllco of the
road. The announcement that the
Union Pacific at present is to only
make temporary repairs about the lo-
eal passenger depot indicates that im
mediate action will not be taken in
regard to remodeling the depot.
The Norfolk depot , however , Is to
be wired for electric lights. Material
for the new lights Is being received
and the lights will be placed in a short
time. At the same time that the com
pany deserts oil lamps for electric
lights In Its passenger station it will
place an arc light over the depot ap
It has been suggested at different
times that the most approved course
for the Union Pacific to take would bo
the erection of a new passenger depot
on the company's Norfolk avenue lots.
The present plans of the railroad ,
however , seem to contemplate remod
eling the present frame structure. To
this end ull repairs made at the depot
this winter will be of a temporary na
It has been said that pending the ex
piration of the present local depot
agreement with the M. & O. road the
Union Pacific was hardly likely to set
out on nu extensive depot building
program In Norfolk.
"Slow Poke" Is Said to be a Pretty
Story Well Played.
"The Slow Poke , " In which W. B.
Patton , author of this and a number
of other successful plays , will bo seen
next Tuesday night at the Auditorium ,
Is said to be a western comedy of
merit. The play Is said to bo found
ed on an Interesting plot and to be
presented by a clever company. The
scenery and effects are high class.
Following are comments of a number
of leading papers on Mr. Patton , star
In the piece :
Omaha Bee. Mr. W. B. Patton In
the title role is an actor of more than
ordinary ability , and reminds ono very
forcibly of the late Sol Smith Russell.
Kansas City Journal. Mr. Patton ,
who plays the title role , proved him
self a comedian of ability and by his
quaint sayings and original Interpre
tation of the character , made himself
a decided favorite with the audience.
Indianapolis Sentinel. W. B. Patton -
ton and a clover company opened yes
terday to n packed house. Mr. Pntton
has that easy going manner that has
given him marked distinction as a
high class comedian
The St. Louis Star. W. B. Patton
shines as n star. His work reminds
ono of Sol Smith Russell. His coun
try drawl Is Inimitable , he secniH sim
plicity personified.
A. O. U. W. Lodge Installed In That
Town Thursday Night.
Spencer , Neb. , Oct. 25. Special to
The News : An A. O. U. W. lodge was
organized In this city last night , aa
the result of work done by Deputy
Grand Master Workman Simmons of
Soward. The now lodge conslsta of
thirty members , among whom arc
Borne of the leading business men of
the town and representative farmers.
Visitors were present from n number
of surrounding towns and the occa
sion was made a gala affair. Mem
bers from Butte brought the screen
work and the Illustrations were ac
companied by a lecture by Mr. Sim
mons. Spencer people , oven those
not Joining , are glad to have this or
ganization hero , as the A. O. U. W.
Is recognized as ono of the strongest
fraternal orders In the state and ono
of the best.
At the close of the Initiatory work
and Installation , an oyster supper was
served to all present and It was late
In the morning before the tired but
happy members of the new lodge
sought their beds.
Shots at the Sports.
Princeton football fans believe that
a tiger win over Yale Is a sure thing
this year.
Carlisle has two now drop klckera
of merit. They are Houser , fullback ,
and Payne , halfback.
Bill Papkc , the Illinois miner , and
Cy Klynn of Buffalo ore carded for a
bout at Brazil , Ind. , tomorrow.
The Philadelphia automobile show
Is to bo held the second week in No
vember Just a week after the "li
censed" show In New York.
Puckic McFnrland and Abe Good
man arc signed for a fight to take
place tomorrow before the St Joe
Athletic club of Ft. Wayne , Ind ,
In their recent twmo at Ammpolla ,
the Vandorblll university eleven pror-
ed to be the same strong team as last
The three heats each In 2:00 : % by
Highball are the best on record for
three consecutive heats by a gelding
In the same afternoon.
As Hugh Jennings has been the
"big ad. " for Detroit , the adcrafters'
club of that city will tender him a
dinner in the near future.
Rumor has it that the St. Paul club
of the American association will be
placed in Chicago next season and a
war started against the major leagxics ,
In western Canada , lacrosse has
baseball backed oft the boards. In
comparison of attendance , at Vancouv
er recently 700 was the count at the
ball park , while 20,000 turned out to
witness a lacrosse game.
Judge Kavanaugh , president of the
southern league , says ho will resign if
Little Rock Is dropped from the
league. The Judge is an Arkansas
man and believes In standing up for
his home state.
If the report Is true that President
Comiskey of Chicago will try to de
feat President Johnson for re-election ,
there will certainly be some doings
at the next meeting of the American
league moguls.
Fred Welsh , the English lightweight
who arrived in New York recently , la
trying to arrange a match with John
ny Summers.
Promoter Gleason of San Francisco
says the Ketchell-Thomas bout will
surely take place on the 'morning of
Thanksgiving day If he Is successful
In obtaining the necessary permit.
It's ' So Good That it Just Melts in
Your Mouth.
There are seventeen distinct Ingre
dients In mince pies the variety
known as "tho ones mother used to
make. "
No wonder Hallowe'en , Thanksgiv
ing and Christmas are hailed with de
light as seasons of good cheer. If they
brought nothing with them but the
pastronomlc blessing of mlnco pie
they would bo worthy of the praise
lavished upon them by lovers of "su
gar and spice and all things nice. "
When you take a bite of a really
good Norfolk mince pie , the kind that
melts In your mouth , these are a few
of the component Ingredients thnt
make the delectable whole that tickles
your plate :
Raisins , currants , apples , citron
cinnamon , cloves , chopped meat , to
say nothing of brandy , wlno and rose
water , the essential spirits that give
the plo a finish and flavor all Its own
Hero is an old recipe for the very
pie our forefathers ate :
One cup chopped meat , one and a
half cups raisins , one and a half cups
currants , one and a half cups brown
sugar , three cups chopped apple , ono
cup granulated sugar , ono cup meat
liquor , two teaspoonfuls salt , two teaspoonfuls -
spoonfuls cinnamon , half teaspoonful
mace , half teaspoonful powdered
cloves , one lemon , quarter piece cit
ron , half cup brandy , quarter cup
wine , three teaspoonfuls rosewater.
Beulah Chapter Entertains Head of
State Lodge.
A banquet In honor of Mrs. Ellen
E. Dobson of Lincoln , worthy grand
matron of the Eastern Star order In
Nebraska , followed the "school of in
struction" held by Mrs. Dobson Thursday -
day evening In Masonic hall In connec
tion with the meeting of Beulah chap
The banquet was served In three
courses. It was Informal , toaats being
omitted from the program.
In addition to the bend of the state
lodge a number of Eastern Star wo
men from away were guests of Beu-
The Western Union Telegraph Com
pany Friday Morning Notified Offi
cers In This Territory That the De
lay Instructions Are Withdrawn.
The telegraph strike situation has
been cleared up.
Western Union telegraph offices
have been notified that the "delay"
Instructions , which prevailed during
the strike dimcultles , arc withdrawn
and business In the future will be ac
cepted as before the strike.
This order was Issued at 9 o'clock
Friday morning. Apparently the
Western Union service has been re
stored to Its normal condition and it
matters little whether or not the old
operators return to work.
Following Is the order :
"Omaha , Neb. , Oct. 25. Manager J.
C. Havlland , Norfolk , Neb. : The in
structions to accept business subject
to delay are hereby withdrawn.
( Signed ) "J. C. Nelson , Superinten
dent. "
Miss Ethel Vail has returned from
Dlxon , 111.
Mrs. J. Davey and Mrs. E. Apfel re
turned last evening from a few days
visit with relatives In Omaha.
R. M. Upton was In Norfolk yester
day from Madison , looking after his
property interests In this city.
Lester Weaver , who is a student at
Wcslyan university , cnmo up from Lin
coln Thursday to spend Sunday In
C. A. Smith of TiWen , chairman ol
he republican county central commit-
ee , was In Norfolk Friday morning
on his way to Madison to attend a
ominlttee meeting.
Among the days' out of town visit
ors in Norfolk were : C. A. Smith , Til-
ion , cashier Elkhorn Valley bank ;
loy M. Hackler , Gregory , S. D. , casher -
or Gregory state bank ; Mr. and Mrs.
B. F. Clark , Meadow Grove ; John
Melek , Elkhorn ; C. Johnson , Pender ;
Miss Estella Johnson , Pender ; P. II.
Simons , Butte ; John Dunn , Tom
Dunn , Wiuslde ; Mrs. L. B. Baker ,
Battle Creek ; B. G. Huston , Shelby ;
W. R. Mansfield , Wisner ; J. C. Jen-
tins , Neligh ; H. C. Morey , Pierce ;
Ralph Gilman , Verdel ; T. E. Donnel-
y , Wynatt ; Attorney W. A. Meserve ,
Crelghton ; W. A. Williams , Central
City ; F. E. Keep , Monowl.
J. D. Sturgeon went to Creighton
at noon.
Mrs. Locke and Mrs. Hardey of
Stanton spent Friday in Norfolk.
W. R. Braasch of Minneapolis Is in
the city , a guest at the home of 0. L.
Burt Mapes was in Madison Friday
attcrnoon attending the republican
ocunty central committee.
H. B. Kauffman arrived homo Thurs
day evening from a visit with rela-
UTCS in St. Paul , Minn. , and Sioux
Falls , S. D.
P. W. Ruth of Newman Grove , re
publican candidate for county assess
or , was in Norfolk Friday , leaving for
Madison to attend the central com
mittee meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Huse left Fri
day morning for a brief visit in Oma-
and Lincoln. They will bo in the lat
ter city on the occasion of the No-
barska-Colorado football game.
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Nicola , Miss
Fannie Norton and Leo Pasewalk
were guests at the camp of Mr. and
Mrs. P. F. Bell on the Schultz farm
by the Elkhorn Thursday evening.
The trip to the camp was made In Mr.
Pasewalk's machine. Friday Dr. and
Mrs. G. A. Young were guesta at the
Bell camp.
Miss Mabel Dick has been 111.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. Wichmann ,
a son.
C. H. Pllger is moving into one of
the Schurtz cottages on Park avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Madsen have re
turned to Norfolk from Omaha where
they have been making their home.
Mr. Madsen will accept a store posi
tion here.
Ed Hnrter has returned from Ro
chester , Minn. , where he was recently
operated upon by Mayo brothers for
appendicitis and gallstones. Mr. Har-
tor is well on the way to complete re
November 22 is the date that has
been agreed upon by the young ladies
of Queen Esther circle for the church
bazar that the circle is to hold in the
Methodist church. A musical enter
tainment will form part of the even
ing's program.
From present progress the sewer
contractor who is working on district
N'o. 1 expects to have the district new
er completed and ready for accept
ance by the city council by the middle
of November. The Norfolk avenue
lateral running to Thirteenth street
lias been completed and work started
today on the branch laterals running
up the side streets.
Among the day's list of the bankers
from away who stopped In Norfolk
on buslnebs were : C. A. Smith , cash
ier of the Elkhorn Valley bank of
Tllden , W. L. Mote , president of the
Bank of Plalnview , Ralph Oilman ,
cashier of the Farmers State bank of
Verdel , Joy M. Hnckler , cashlef of
the Gregory State bank , of Gregory ,
S. D. , and H. C. Mason , cashier of the
Meadow Grove State bank.
Lieutenant R C Hand of the Thir
teenth U S Infantry arrived In Nor
folk last evtnlng to Join his wife , who
has been In Norfolk during the sum
mer with her parents , Mr. and Mrs.
with his regiment from servlco In the
Philippines and will now be stationed
at Fort lA'avenworth , Kiui. Mr. and
Mrs. Hand will be In Norfolk for
about ton days before leaving for the
Kansas fort.
Battle Creek Enterprise : Rev.
George H. Starring has accepted n
call to the Crolghton Baptist church
and will leave Battle Creek next week.
Ho will preach his farewell sermon
at this place next Sunday evening ,
The call to Creighton canio Immedi
ately upon Rev. Standing's candldncy
last Sunday , when he occupied the
Baptist pulpit In the northern city.
William J. Bryan is to speak nt
Humphrey on Saturday afternoon ,
November 2. A number of Norfolk
democrats have announced their In
tention of Instituting n democratic
pilgrimage to Humphrey on the oc
casion of Bryan's address. Norfolk
people going to hear the democratic
leader will leave Norfolk on the 11
o'clock passenger , returning to Nor
folk In the evening.
"The more I go away from home
and look over the country elsewhere ,
the more satisfied do I become with
the fertile Elkhorn valley , " said J. C.
Jenkins of Neligh , who was In Norfolk
over night. Mr. Jenkins has Just re
turned from a trip In the southern
part of the state and he says that the
crops In this region arc much better
than there. Corn In many places was
burned out In the southern part of the
Ancient history came to the surface
In Norfolk when the telephone com
pany's trench diggers reached North
Fourth street , disclosing the remnants
of Norfolk's now underground street
car system. Projecting across the
trench a foot or so beneath the surface
are the two street car rails which are
forgotten even by old time citizens
save when the trench digger's spade
runs across them. And it is only the
fact that city streets have been built
over It that prevents the street car
system from holding out Inviting rails
for street cars ,
Battle Creek Enterprise : Miss Ruth
Daniel of Omaha , whose homo for
merly was In Norfolk , arrived in Bat
tle Creek Thursday morning for a
visit at the homes of her uncles , C. L ,
and W. II. Daniel. The young lady
has just returned from a hunting trir
through parts of Wyoming. Her par
ty left the railroad at Lander anil
rode a hundred miles inland , finding
plenty of game and enjoying rare
sport. Miss Daniel herself killed ar
elk and has a pair of the teeth tc
show ns trophies of the hunt.
Because Fred Schutt of Madlsor
wielded a gas pipe wheu he went aftei
P. H. Madden In a Madison saloon the
episode necessitated a visit of Countj
Attorney Jack Koenlgsteln to Madi
son. Both men are painters and Mad
den had worked for Schutt. Back ol
the collision lay a dispute as to wheth
or or not Schutt had spread the report
that Madden had been "fired" when
the two severed their relations as em
ploye and employer. Before the gas
pipe came into play Madden is said
to have struck Schutt in an earlier
stage of the dispute. At the hearing
before County Judge Bates Schutt was
fined $50 and costs on the charge of
assault and battery. The fine was
By moving the picture machine
nearer to the stage , the electrician at
the Auditorium has very materially
improved the lights which throw pic
tures upon the canvas. Heretofore
the light has at times been dim but ,
with this shifting of the machine , this
difficulty has been overcome and the
pictures last night were as bright as
day. Saturday night four box tickets
for "The Slow Poke" will be given
away free to some person who has
attended moving picture shows during
the week. The person who receives
the prize tickets must be present to
accept the gift In person. Candy will
be given away free Saturday afternoon
at the matinee , which begins at 3
o'clock. There are two moving pic
ture shows every night , one at 8 and
one at 9. There is a school children's
matinee every afternoon during the
week. The "under the sea" pictures ,
showing tonight and tomorrow , are
beautiful to behold and Intensely in
teresting. The magician's tricks are
also clever and fascinating.
A Party of Stanton Young People
Were Shooting at a Target and One
of Them , John Noonan , Aged Eigh
teen , Was Seriously Wounded.
Stanton , Neb. , Oct. 25. Special to
The News : John Noonan , a young
man about eighteen years of age , was
seriously shot with a 22-callbre rifle
at the home of J. D. Barnett east of
this town. He and a party of young
people wore shooting at target and in
some manner the rifle was accidentl >
discharged , the bullet taking effec
just about the heart , entering the lunt
cavity. It Is not known yet what the
result of the wound will be.
Rev. W. J. Turner at Fremont.
Rev. W. J. Turner of Norfolk , pas
tor of the First Congregational church
occupied a place on the speaking pro
gram at the banquet held In Fremon
In connection with the state assocla
tlonal of Congregational churches
Mr Turner responded to the sub
Jcct , ' Flow of Fraternal Soul ,
Among the other speakers wore Sen
ator Norrls Brown , Ross Hammond o
Fremont , and Principal J. E. Taylor o
Miss Anna Olson , an Employe at the
Oxnard Hotel Here , Has Received
Word That Stranger In the East
Willed Her Large Sum.
In the story of the man who did not
forget lies the good fortune of Miss
Anna Olson , a chambermaid nt the
Oxnnrd hotel of this city.
Miss Olson knows what It Is to cast
bread upon the water. For acts of
kindness rendered n hotel guest when
he lay 111 In Sioux City seven years
ngo Miss Olson stands to receive ft
rich reward. This man did not for
get for on his death It transpires that
the hotel girl Is listed among his heirs.
The tale of the Inheritance Is a
story of seven years ago. For flvo
years past Miss Olson has been cm-
ployed ns chambermaid at the Oxnnrd
hotel In Norfolk. She Is a comely
girl of Norwegian pnrcntngo.
And this hotel girl is to bo among
the heirs of nn eastern estate , the
probable recipient of $5,000 from the
man who didn't forget.
Seven years ngo n bncholor from
"back east" spent four weeks in sick
ness In the Hotel Oxford of Sioux
City. But those four weeks wore
brightened by the attentions nnd
thoughtfulness of the comely Norwe
gian chambermaid. In n sick bed
men's thoughts go cnstlo building.
Whatever there may have been of ro
mance In the sick man's mind and
whatever there may have been of
thanks on his lips this man wrote his
thanks plainly enough when he cnmo
to die.
The sick mnn , restored to henlth ,
returned to enBtern ties. Miss Olson
after a year or so left Sioux City for
Norfolk , Miss Olson may have forgot
ten but the mnn back east didn't.
And when he thought of the services
at the sick bed and spelled out com
pound Interest It measured up lo $5-
000 in his eyes.
Miss Olson was apprised of her in
heritance on the arrival in Norfolk
of a member of a Cincinnati law firm
having the matter In hand. He traced
Miss Olson from Sioux City to Nor-
Silent About Her Fortune.
But this fortunate hotel girl Is not
pen for congratulations for she
on't receive them. Among her ac-
ualntances at the hotel she docs not
Iscuss the matter. A girl more than
sually reticent she has left the cu-
ious minded to guess.
"Why should I discuss the money
vhen I haven't It yet ? " asks Miss
Olson. "And whose business Is It but
my own ? I am sure to be bothered
nd am not sure of the money for I
ave only the news of the Inherit-
nee. "
A curious coincident , which Miss Ol-
on discloses , may interpose temporary
ary obstacles between the Norfolk
chambermaid and her Inheritance.
There was another Anna Olson In the
Oxford hotel In Sioux City and law
yers may puzzle as to whether It was
) rown or black-haired Anna Olson
amed as heiress to the $5,000. And
he facts which favor Miss Olson of
Norfolk may have to be proven.
Meanwhile the other girl has drop
ped out of sight. And an Anna Olson
est in the world is a missing needle
n a hay stack. It Is a common name ;
n fact even since Miss Olson has
vorked in Norfolk a third Anna Ol-
on has been employed at the same
lotel. And the fact that the testator
neglected to Indicate the color of Miss
Olson's hair or his preference for
> londes or brunettes may prove an
annoying Incident.
Thib Miss Olson Isn't a hotel girl of
gay colors and she isn't spending her
unv fortune In advance. An Indus-
rious girl she has already saved up
i fair bum from her earnings. And
he new inheritance will be as care
fully guarded as the $2,000 or so that
lave already been assigned to safe
( eeplng.
The romance In Anna Olson's life
began rather than ended with her
coming to Norfolk. It's no secret thai
he girl , who was this fall remembered
'or $5,000 by the eastern bachelor ,
ias been engaged for a long time past
to a Norfolk brakernan.
Mis& Olson's father and mother live
n South Dakota not far from Yank-
Assistant Secretary of the Treasury
Speaks Thursday Evening.
Madison county Is not to be oft the
campaign speaking list.
Following the cancellation of Sen
ator Burkett's date at Madison it Is
\nnounced thnt Hon. W. E. Andrews ,
assistant auditor of the treasury de
partment at Washington and formerly
congressman from the Fifth district ,
will speak at Madison on Thursday
evening , October 31.
Andrews will also make other
speeches In the state.
Engine and Car of Extra Freight Left
the Track.
Tralfic on the Bonesteel line of the
Northwestern suffered a slight Inter
ruption Friday evening as the result
of a derailment at Hadar.
About C 30 Friday evening the en
gine nnd one car of an extra freight
left the track at a switch junction at
Hadar The engine renmlned upright
and no one was Injured ,
Traffic was delayed about an hour
extended around the wreck. Hy fl
o'clock Saturday morning the car nnd
engine were ngnln on the rails nnd
the track damage repaired.
In the Catholic parsonngo at high
noon Saturday Joseph W. Stlrk and
Miss Nannie Cnrberry , both of Nor
folk , were married by Fnthor Thomas
Walsh. The groom IB n Northwestern
railroad man. the bride the daughter
of the late P. H. Cnrberry. After n
short wedding trip enst they will
make their homo In n cottage opposite
the Grant school.
James Dally Pleads Guilty But Pro
tests His Innocence Says Circum
stances Are Against Him Draws
Two Years In the Penitentiary.
Lincoln , Neb. , Oct. 2G. The unusunl
spectacle of n man pleading guilty tea
a criminal charge and at the snmo
time protesting that ho was Innocent ,
wns presented In the district court
hero todny. The man wns James C.
Dnlley , nnd the chnrgo against him
wns Inrceny from the person.
Dnlley wns ono of a trio of alleged
pickpockets who worked hero during
the state fnlr , nnd the specific chnrgo
against him wns picking the pocket
of W. M. Ludden of Atlnntle , lown , on
n Rock Island train ns It was pulling
out of the local depot. A number of
passengers claimed that they had boon
robbed nnd pointed out the three men
vho they said had done the Job. They
vere approached by an ofllcor , but con
vinced him that he was mistaken and
thnt ono of them was Police Judge
Crawford of Omnhn , nnother a lawyer
and the third a doctor. Later the con-
luctor on the Irnln saw Dalley throw-
ng n number of empty pocketbooks
away nnd n rough house ensued. The
robber drew a knife on the conductor ,
and the latter pulled a revolver. The
three outlaws jumped from the train
and escaped , ono of them going
through a window. Later two of them
were arrested in Sioux City.
In pleading guilty Dalley strongly
asserted his Innocence , stntlng thnt
ils reson for making the plea was
thnt the stnte hnd shown nt the pre
liminary hearing that It hnd a stronfi
array of witnesses ngnlnst him , while
lie hnd none. Rather than go to trial
he would plead guilty and ask the
mercy of the court.
"It is all framed up , " he said , "and
I have been picked out for the mark
Why , those detectives who are here
to swear against mo picked out at
Sioux City another man , who , it was
proved , was In Jail here all the tlmo.
What kind of evidence is that to con
vict a man on ? "
The court gave the prisoner a good
lecture and sentenced him to two years
In the penitentiary.
Nebraska Defeated Colorado 22 to 8 In
Saturday's Game at Lincoln The
New Rules Result in Fewer Injuries
Ames Next.
Lincoln , Neb. , Oct. 28. From a
staff correspondent : The football
game here Saturday , In which Nebras
ka university defeated Colorado 22 to
8 , was the prettiest exhibition of foot
ball , from the spectators' viewpoint ,
that has been seen on Nebraska field
for many a year. The new rules make
a better game to watch.
It Is necessary now to make ton
yards In three downs. This forces the
teams to kick and make forward pass
es. These are spectacular. Nebraska
was unable to batter through Cole
rado's line , except at one time , and
Colorado was likewise unable to make
gains through the line. As a result
there were many exchanges of punts
and long runs. Colorado threw the
ball on forward passes many times
and made good gains. The open play
was both good to look at and It netted
much less In the way of Injuries to
The place kick has come to be a
strong feature of the game.
King Cole Sends Message In.
While It was denied last week that
King Cole had coached at Minnesota
from the sidelines , he sent a message
Into the Nebraska team Saturday al
one stage of the gnme. He whispered
to n water boy , the water boy ran Into
the field , tugged at the arm of the
captain and whispered Into the cap
tain's ear. Then the game went on.
Senators There.
Both Senntors Bnrkett and Norris
Brown were at the gamo. Next Sntur
day Nebraska plays Ames at Lincoln
nnd Nebrnska will have to fight to win
Valentine Wrestling Match.
Valentine , Neb. , Oct. 28. Special to
The News : William A. Fugato o
Oasis nnd G. A. Gilbertson of St. Paul
Minn. , met on the mat Saturday nigh
In n wrestling match which was won
by Gilbertson. who got the last two
falls Although Fugato was outweigh
ed by about thirty pounds the other
jman was much more scientific and
.skillful , which won him the match ,
Tlmo of falls was ten , fifteen nnd six-
1 teen minutes respectively. Referee , I.
D. A , Holmes , Who Has Deen Success ,
fill Every Time He Has Moved ,
Takes n Hand In London Affairs anci
Wins His Point.
A dispatch from London Is of unusual -
usual Interest to people of this local
ity , where D. A. Holmes was widely
known when he was engaged In the
practice of law In Norfolk In partner
ship with present Postmaster John U.
Hnys. under the firm nniuo of Holme-i
& llnys. From Norfolk ho moved to
Sioux City , then to Chicago nnd from
there to New York , and ho linn been
growing In success from the time ho
entered the prnctlce of law n quarter
of n century ngo. Now ho hns tnkon
n hand In Ixindon affairs and scorns to
bo attended with his usual achieve
ment , ns ho won his point nnd secured
the title of "A Clover Ynnkoe" from
the Ixmdonors. Following Is the ills-
pntch :
London , Oct. 23. Dolnvnn A.
Holmes nnd Joseph T. McCnddon to-
dny faced n stormy meeting of angry
shareholders of Barnuni & Ballcy'H
"greatest show on earth , " which con
vened for the purpose of voting np-
provnl of the contract made by the
directors to sell the circus to A A.
Stewart , ngont for Rlngllng Bros. , for
$ 100,000. A motion to sell flnnlly car
ried nmld cheers for Holmes , whonct-
od as chairman , but not before he and
McCaddon , the real chalriunn of the
company , were subjected to many In
sulting remarks.
McCnddon opened the meeting by
stating that Holmes , as deputy chair
man of the company , would preside.
When the latter , wearing the usunl
American clothes nnd his hair n lilllo
longer than usual , rose to spenk ho
wns greeted with mnny signs of hos
tility nnd several disgraceful Interrup
tions , ono mnn shouting In n loud
voice : "Arc you the freak ? "
"I nm the freak , " said Holme1 ? ,
speaking firmly and deliberately , "but
I nm not hero to be told so. I am
hero to nnswor every logltlmnte ques
tion , but will tolerate nbsolutely no Im
pudence or Impertinence. I will quick
ly disabuse the mind of any man who
thinks so. "
The meeting seemed unprepared for
sueh display of firmness , which effec
tually silenced nil Interruptions and
settled down to n clenr nnd disap
pointing story of the company's losses.
After Holmes had explained how the
circus had been steadily losing money
since the death of the genius who
made It a success and how the dlvl-
lends of the last few years had not
icon paid out of the earnings of these
enrs , but distributed by the late J A.
lalloy out of a surplus of $000,000 ,
10 began to get the meeting with him.
Us further statement that this sur-
ilus was now cut down to less thnu
mlf nnd thnt this year's loss up to
Sept 1J was $22,000 , seemed to allay
most of the objection , but later both
lolmes nnd McCnddon were subjected
o many unpleasant questions.
All thefio wore so satisfactorily an
swered by Holmes , who incidentally
cracked real American jokes at the
) sychologlcal moment , that the meet-
ng passed the resolution to sell amid
roat laughter. Afterward the stock-
lolders were told they would get $2 rr
$2.50 on a share , the first Installment
of 50 per cent being payable probably
lext January. Then they didn't smile ,
jut cheered Holmes and voted him a
clever Yankee.
Widow of Man Killed by Boche Elgh-
teen Years Ago.
Mrs. George Ives of Tllden , the wld-
) w of George W. Ives whom Herman
Bocho killed eighteen years ago , died
luring the week In Omaha , following
in operation In St. Josnph hospital. It
was thought that Mrs. Ives was suf-
'ering from gallstones but she proved
to have been aflllcted with cancer of
the liver. The remains were brought
back to Tllden and placed In the Odd
Fellows cemetery.
It was Mrs. Ives' husband whom
Herman Boche killed on the morning
of April 23 , 1889 , on the banks of the
Elkhorn running through the Bocho
farms. Bocho was later acquitted on
the grounds that ho had acted In self
defense when lie struck Ives down
with an axe.
Ives with a companion had been
gathering young cottonwood trees
along the Elkhorn and had trespassed
on the Bocho land.
Principal of the Cody Schools Is
Brought to Valentine and Given a
Hearing Evidence Shows That the
Whipping Was Justified.
Valentine. Neb. , Oct. 28.- Special o
The NewsProf Story of Cody , prin
cipal of the high school at thnt place ,
was brought to Valentine Saturday for
trial Mrs Thompson bringing charges
against him for whipping her boy and
the McGco boy The case wns dis
missed , JLfo evidence showing the