THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOURNAL : FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 1 , I'J07 ' ANTI-PROFANITY CRUSADE DE- OUN IN NORFOLK. COSTS LESS TO COUNT FOUR A Section Man From Wlnslde Swore at a Negro In Norfolk and Spent the Night In Jail For Hlo Offense. Last Week a Swearer Was Fined. If you want to swear In Norfolk don't. ' At least not out loud. Count four Instead. It's less expensive. There is n "ban" against swearing In Norfolk. Men are arrested for It. If you have lo relieve your feelings go out nnd kick a telephone post but don't swear. I nst week a Norfolk man wns fined $10 for swearing at a policeman. Yes terday a man from Wlnsldo was thrown Into the clly Jail for swearing at a negro. Chief Flynn Is a democrat but his nnll-sweiirlng crusade hasn't any color line. line.Tho The man from Wlnsldo said ho came from the secllon. He gave Iho uuiuo of John Welling. Ho dldn'l claim any soulhern connections but when ho steered up Norfolk avenue bearing something of a "load" and encoun tered a local colored man ho became profane. The man's words were reported to the chief and a night In the city jail for the swearer resulted. The man who swore hud compan ions in jail nnd two of the quartet who spent the night In the city jail were said to bo father and son , bound from Verdlgre to North Plnllo. PROFANITY GIVEN A REBUKE Now Jersey Recorder Sentences Aged i Man for Swearing at Young Girl. Montclalr , N. J. , Oct. 29. For In- lulling u girl who rebuked him lor shooting craps In front of her home , James Fooehey , fifty-eight years old. has been sentenced to ninety days In iho Essox county penitentiary by Uo- corder Yost , who said that he Intend- d to discourage prolanlty among the "young" generation here. TUESDAY TOPICS. J. D. Sturgeon was In Stanton yes terday. P. Satnton of Tlldcu spent Monday In Norfolk. William Fix of Pierce Is visiting rel atives In Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo Isler .were down from Oakdalo Monday. Miss Anna Miller Is home from a Sunday visit at Ilattlo Creek. Mrs. A. D. Lane , Mrs. Fred LInerode and Mrs. Harry Owen wore In Omaha Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Webster Stlrk are homo from a wedding trip to Oma lux. lux.J. J. F. Nolan was the guest of A. A Corklo at the latter's home lu Tllden over Sunday. N. Grubb of Pacific Junction Is li Norfolk on a visit with his brother-in- law , M. M. Faucctt. Louis Valln , the contractor In charge of the new high school building , went to Omaha yesterday. C. A. Wolfe , who has charge of the Norfolk Jewelry store , has been In Omaha on a short business visit. Miss Elslo Johnson , who has been teaching school near Tllden , Is home for a month's vacation during the corn husking season. Jack Manning , democratic candidate for county assessor , was In from Bat tle Creek Monday to attend the dem ocratic county central committee meet- Ing. Ing.F. F. M. Jennings , after spending Sun day In Norfolk , left yesterday for Wy oming where ho represents the Fan- cett-Carney candy company In the northwest. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. LIndstrom arrived homo yesterday from a pleasant two weeks' outing In Denver and Colorado Springs. Enroute homo they made brief visits at Kearney , Fremont and Blair. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Blcknell stopped In Norfolk on their way to Bonestcel where they will spend the week. Mr. Blcknell , who Is connected with the piano department of the Bennett store of Omaha , was recently In Nor folk In charge of the company's branch In this city. Among those who left Norfolk yes terday for Seward to attend a church conference held this week in Seward bf the churches of the Missouri synod of the Lutheran church were Rev. J. P. Mueller and Instructors A. Stoffen and O. Blndlnwald of Norfolk , Rev. Mr. Bchlpps of Pierce , Instructor Frey of Hadar and Instructor Prelster of Pierce. Among the day's out of town visit ors in Norfolk were : Woods Cones , Plorco ; Misses Jonnlo , Elva and Eva Prudcn , Monowi ; Mr. and Mrs. I. Ughtnor , Monroe ; Mrs. Vlnnlo Apple- fit , Miss Mary Nichols , Miss Daisy Gioradorf , Belgrade ; L. J. Taylor , H. Erlckson , Holdrcgo ; T. A. Kllpatrlck , Madison ; E. Thompson , Wlsner ; Frank Phillips , Hosklns ; Mrs. H. J. Hill , Monroe ; N. E. Gardner , Butte ; George C. Stevenson , Madison ; H. Hofner , Butte. J. W. Ransom Is in Omaha. J. D. Sturgeon was in Carroll Tues day afternoon. Rev. F. S. F. Scherff left at noon for a brief visit In Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Wllley re turned Saturday noon from a pleas ant week's visit In Ewlng and Atkin son. George W. Losey , candidate for sheriff , was in Norfolk Monday for the democratic central committee meeting. Miss Anna Welding of West Point arrived In Norfolk at noon from a visit it Albion. She Is the guest of Miss Kayo Livingston. Mrs. M. P. Suiter underwent a sur gical operation Just before noon for ippondlcltls. Dr. P. H. Salter per formed the operation. Mrs. George D. Buttorflcld has re turned to Davenport , Iowa , where her father has been quite 111. I ) . Mathowson , J. S. Mnthowson , Asa { . Ixounrd } and W. J. Stndolman en- eyed a hunt during Ihe afternoon. Miss Nellie Flynn arrived homo Monday evening to enjoy a month's vacation from school teaching during the corn husking Reason. Miss Flynn will visit In Omaha with her sister. District Judge A. A. Welch passed hrough Norfolk Tuesday morning re- timing to Wayne from Pierce , where 10 adjourned district court until De cember 11. Courl Reporter Win. Pow ers and Attorney M. C. Hazen also re turned from Pierce. Judge T , H. Saundcrs and wife of Columbus are In Norfolk , the guests of Postal Clerk H. B. Saundors. Tues- lay Judge and Mrs. Saundcrs will bo entertained at luncheon by Mrs. L. B. Mussclmnn. Monday Mr. and Mrs. Mussulman were guests at the Saun dcrs homo on the occasion of the visit of Judge and Mrs. Saundors. The young Indies of Queen Esther circle met Monday evening at the home of Miss Lena Mills. The Norfolk hand will give a short street concert Wednesday evening before - fore their Marquardt hall dance. Ladles of the Degree of Honor lodge arranged a surprise parly Monday evening for Mrs. B. W. Barrett , spend ing the evening at Mrs. Barrett's new lioino on Park avenue and Eighth street. The democratic central committee that Is managing the county campaign met In the city hall In Norfolk Monday afternoon. Campaign matters wore discussed and a decision reached not to protest against the decision ruling out nominations resulting from names "written In" on the primary ballots. J. F. Flynn , chairman of the commit tee , presided. Fremont Tribune : The Northwest- em's new motor car Is out of commis sion temporarily , and this morning a steam locomotive pulling one car went down the line to York for the dally trip. The six-cylinder two-hundred horse-power gasoline engine In the new self-propelling car had been balky for three or four days , and was not giving the best of satisfaction. It was said to be "missing on two cylinders. " So It was sent to Omaha for repairs In the Union Pnciflc'c garage. Nellgh Leader : Two cases were before the county judge Wednesday from Elgin , both of them arising from a daughter of Willis McBrlde being injured by a merry-go-round. One was a replevin case , and judgment was rendered for plaintiff , McBrlde , on all property except the possession of the cable. The second was a damage case against the owners of the merry-go- round for Injuring Jeanette McBrlde and the judgment was favorable to defendant , the court holding It had no jurisdiction over the defendant. Chairman Cornell of the republican committee of the Fifteenth Judicial district calling at the republican state headquarters lu Lincoln was sanguine over the prospects for republican sue cess. . "We expect to elect both Doug las and Jencks In our district , " sale Mr. Cornell , "because the republican party Is harmonious and united. Botl are able men and are well known over the district. The people want a change up there and they are going to get It I said all I have to say In my recen statement , which was published , re gardlng the attacks on me personally so there Is no use to repeat it. " As a result of no nominations having been filed at the primaries for the ofllce of county surveyor In Madison county that ofllce Is accordingly to be thrown open for a free-for-nll race a the polls. No candidates for surveyor will be listed on the official ballots and the voters will have to use their load pencils to express a choice. It Is presumed that A. J. Thatch , who would have won an "all-party" noml nation had names "written In" on the primary ballots been held vaiy , wll land the ofllce at the general election In Norfolk some voters will write the name of City Engineer Salmon on the election ballots. The Injunction proceedings brought by the Northwestern against the town of Cleorwater to prevent the town from opening a street across its right of way will not bo dropped from the court record of the Norfolk district o ! the federal court A demurrer filed by Attorney J. B. Smith of Nellgh on behalf of the town and argued before Judge T. C. Munger of the fedora bench In Norfolk lost month has been overruled and a journal entry to that effect forwarded to Norfolk. If the demurrer had been sustained the case would have been dropped from conn but the Injunction proceedings will now come up for regular hearing. Gregory Times : There has been something doing In Gregory the pas week in the way of securing ways and means for the construction of a city hall building. A subscription paper has been passed among the business men of the town for the sale of stock at $10 per share , and up to this time $2,000 worth of stock has been dis posed of. A meeting of the stockhold ers will be held on Friday night of this week for the purpose of electing officers , considering steps to be taken in letting the contract and any other Initiative measures of the proposition The building , when completed , wll have cost In the neighborhood of $4,000 and will bo one of the finest of Its kind in this part of the state. It is proposed to build it two stories high and Install in the upper part a first class opera house and assembly room for public gatherings. On the lower floor will bo the city hall proper whlcl will be divided in rooms for counci chamber , fire room , hose house , etc. SATISFACTORY PLAN OF MADISON COUNTY CLERK. BOTH PARTIES ARE SUITED County Clerk Richardson Submitted the Prospective Ballot to the Demo cratic County Central Committee , Offer Chance to Take Into Court. Madison , Neb. , Oct. 29. From a tall' correspondent : County Clerk tlchardson solved the election ballot middle to the satisfaction of all par ies and without taking arbitrary ac- Ion. County Clerk Richardson announced lint ho would follow the ruling of the ittornoy general and the precedent set by the secretary of state In omIt- Ing from Iho flection ballots the nom- nations secured as a resull of names )0lng ) "written lu" on the primary bal- ots. ots.But But recognizing that two views were leld In the mutter the county clerk lotlflcd the candidates Interested of ils decision and announced that the > rlntlng of the ballots would bo held ip to afford the candidates time to cst Ihe matter in the courts if they should so desire. Monday the democratic central com- nlttee met in Norfolk and their deci sion was to abide by the action of the county clerk. Chairman John F. Flynn of the democratic committee Is quoted as saying that he appreciated the cour tesy of Mr. Richardson In bringing the matter before the candidates the way he did. Those judges and clerks of election will preside over the polling places In Norfolk next week : First ward , W. H. WIdaman , Edward Braasch and J. S. McClary , judges ; E. R. Hayes and T. C. Cantwell , clerks ; Second ward , F. G. Coryell , E. W. Uecker and C. F. Hnase , judges , S. D. Robertson and August Brummund , clerks ; Third ward , Anton Buchholz , Julius Dcgner , II. M. Roberts , judges ; Alex Miller and George N. Beels , clerks ; Fourth ward , Steve Burnette , Mike Kennedy and II. H. Luke , judges ; W. M. Green and Robert Eccles , clerks ; outside pre cinct , C. P. Byerly , John Wade and John Henderson , judges , T. E. Odl- erne and F. D. Krautz , clerks. From the list of election officials announced for next week's elections Madison county has the outward as pect of a democratic county. By law each of the two leading parties Is en titled to a judge and a clerk of elec tion , the third judge going to the ma jority party , that is the party casting the largest number of votes In the precinct at the last general election. As a result of the democrats having carried twelve out of the twenty-three precincts of the county at the 1900 election the minority party In Madison county still has a little bit the best of It as regards election officials. Only one change was made In the Norfolk polling places this fall. The outside precinct's voting place has been changed so that voters In the precinct will cast their ballots In the building east of the Oxnurd once occu pied by the Daniel paper store. The other polling places will not be chang ed , the First ward voting at the city hall , the Second ward at the Wesl Side hose house , the Third ward In Councilman's Buchholz's residence and the Fourth ward at the Junction hose house. The Madison high school Is one of the Nebraska high schools which have been designated as normal training sphools by the state department of ed ucation. Normal work Is being car ried at this time and an extra teacher for the work will be added on January 1. Fifteen high school students ore taking the normal training work at Madison. Next year when the Norfolk high school Is housed in Its new structure that school will receive the endorse ment as a normal training school that is now extended to Madison. But whether Madison docs or does not also receive state aid at the same time It Is stated that normal training will not be dropped from the Madison course of study. Normal training as a practical fea ture of high school work was credited as having made good at the recent teachers' meeting in Lincoln and Mad ison is well satisfied with Its progress In her own school. County Superintendent F. B. Per due will appear on the program at a teachers' meeting at Butte on Novem ber 9. A wedding In which the bride and groom are two well known yonng people ple connected with pioneer families of this vicinity will take place next Saturday afternoon at the Virginia ranch where Miss Grace Martin , the daughter of Joseph Martin , will be married to Mr. Harry Loonan who has recently engaged in the grain business in Iowa. With the county Jail empty Madi son county hasn't a very wicked ap pearance. SHADY G. ENDS SEASON. Pronounced the Best Trotter Devel oped In West This Year. The following written for the Horse man and Spirit of the Times by Per- rlgo , concerns Shady G , a horse brok en , trained and developed by John S. Kay at Nellgh : Ills two races at Elm Ridge , Kansas City , Mo. , marked the last public ap pearance for the year of Shady G , the best trotter developed In the west this year. Shady G Is a high class trotter of the water. He started In ten races , won seven , was second In two and third lu the other , earning $3,400. Ho Improved rapidly from week to week and won his last six starts. His rec ord was taken at Sioux City , lown , In Ills second win of the meeting. W. P. McCrenry , Ed Allen and other good judges tell me Hint he won the heat In u big Jog and that he could have stepped In 2 : OS. At Kansas City last Monday ho raced over a muddy track and simply tow-roped a high class Held , which Included Copporlleld , Charm P and other mighty good ones , Shudy G Is the best trotter lu the west , according to my way of think ing , that Is left In the 2:10 : class. Ho will race all day and then go again Iho following day. 1 saw him make his first start of the year at Qulncy , 111. , in July and trot a field of good trotters into the ground over a muddy track. In his next two engagements ho ran Into the Canadian gelding , Johnny , and made him step around 2:13 : each time to win. Then at Wy oming he met Major K and the pair went live heats all the way from 2:16 : to 2:17 : , and Shady G was first or second end each time. Then came his six slruight victories. I fell in love with Shudy G the first time I ever saw him. " 1 loved him Ihon , I love him more loday , " as Iho song has U. He Is the handsomest red sorrel you ever saw In color , with a stripe lu his face and three whlto legs. He retires for the season with the cleanest set of legs and feet a horse over had In fact , ho Is abso lutely sound. Tom Cox , who has trained and driven him all his life , Is entitled to a great deal of pralso for his work. Shady G Is owned by M. H. Griffon , White Lake , S. D. PARENT AND HIS BOY SPEND A NIGHT IN JAIL TOGETHER. FROM FARM NEAR VERDIGRE P. A. Scharf and E. E. Scharf , Whc Came to Norfolk From Verdlgre En route to North Platte , Got Overload ed With Booze Together. Father and son , drunk the night he fore , stood before the bar of Justice In Norfolk police court Tuesday morn Ing. And they were not of the usuu run of police court prisoners , either but hard working sons of the farir who fell by the wayside In Norfolk. P. A. Scharf and E. E. Scharf , fa ther and son , came from their rente ( farm near Vordlgre bound for a home stead just out of North Platte. Norfolk whiskey is intoxicating and father and son drank to the limit dur ing their Monday evening stay In Nor folk. Then the law stepped in am' the male representatives of the Scharf family law down together In the city hall. Scharf , sr. , has a winning smile and the lines in his face are honest lines "We were merely drunk , " said Scharf , sr. "And never before arrested , " sail Scharf , Jr. "Dollar and costs , " said Judge Elseley. Then out of each pocket came a roll of greenbacks. Father and son each paid his own fine. fine."Thirty "Thirty minutes till train time , ' said Chief Flynn. "We're off , " said the son. "But not a word In the paper , " said the father. Rosebud Stage Driver Dead. Valentfnev Neb ! , Oct. 30. Special to The News : J. W. Ward of Britt Neb. , who was brought down hero a couple of weeks ago sick with typholi fever , died at 6 o'clock. Ho has been running a store at Britt for the pasi three or four years. He was aboui thirty-five years of age and leaves a wife but no children. He was wel known hero as previous to going to Britt he drove the stage from hero to Rosebud agency. WALTER CHIPP8 AND MISS EL- METH GRIEP WED. MARRIAGE STILL A SECRET Two Norfolk Young People Went to Pierce Monday and Were There Se cretly Married by the County Judge Kept From All Friends , Cupid plays In the open and "secret' weddings will out. Walter Chlpps , a young painter of Norfolk , and Miss Elmoth Grlep whose parents have lived In Norfolk for many years , were secretly married Monday evening in Pierce. After the ceremony the young people relumed to Norfolk and have behaved with so much circumspection that even the bride's parents , Mr. and Mrs. Julius Grlep , have not suspected the wed ding. The marriage ceremony was per formed by the county judge at Pierce It was performed with great secrecy , the judge even being prevailed upon to keep the affair from the local pa pers. pers.Walter Walter Chipps works for H. A. Ha ley. "Mrs Chlpps" has been employed by Mrs. N W. Clover and Is still at the Clover home. Her parents , Mr and Mrs , Grlop , have lived In Norfolk for many years and have made their homo at the Junction. TOWN VISITS WILL ADVANCE FROM $1 to $1.50. ! OST OF LIVING THE CAUSE Arguing That the Price of Commodi ties Has Advanced , Norfolk Physi cians Have Nearly All Agreed to Advance Price of Town Visits. It Is probable that physicians' fees u Norfolk will go up within a day or wo. An agreement to this effect has won signed by nearly all of Iho pro fession in the city and It Is said that ill will likely agree to the advance In oes. From $1 , Ihe fee for a town vis- I will bo advanced to $1.50. Cause for the advance Is assigned by ho physicians to the Increased cost of living. The now fees will become > perutlvo us soon us nil of the profes sion have signed the agreement. It Is tainted out that physicians' fees are where they were twenty years ago , while the cost of commodities has gen erally Increased. It is also pointed out that fees in all small towns are higher than In Norfolk. WEDNESDAY WRINKLES. Among the out-of-town visitors in town were : Aug. Calves , Pierce ; P. R. Washabaugh , Bonestcel ; Wllford Stanford , Hcrrick ; G. F. West , Wayne ; Ed. A. Frey , Nlobrara ; Olbln Olson , Brlstow. The Commercial club did not meet Tuesday morning. On Friday , Nov. 8 , and not this week , the next Elk dancing party will : ako place. John D. Haskell of Wakcfleld , well itnown In Norfolk , was elected presi dent of Wakeficld's now commercial club , Mrs. A. K. Leonard and Mrs. L. E. Wallerstedt will entertain a company of ladles Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock In Marquardt hall. Fremont Tribune : The Northwest ern put its motor car In service on the York run again this morning. It went out of Fremont on time this morning with twenty passengers. Miss Lizzie Zuslrou on the occasion of her birthday entertained the F. C. C. club. Games were played during the evening. Refreshments were served. The thirty-live guests present enjoyed the evening. Steps are being taken to secure a new pastor for the Baptist church of Norfolk , the church pulpit having been vacant since Rev. F. W. Benjamin's departure for California. Members ol the church expect to secure a new pastor dining the coming month. Plalnvlow News : U. II. Wood went to Norfolk Saturday to meet his wife and daughter , who arrived from Goshen - en , New York. After visiting over Sunday in Norfolk , they arrived In our city Monday morning and will move into the John Fischer residence formerly owned by Aug. Erdman. That Manager Stadelmnn of the In dependent telephone company , who saved $3,500 by delaying his purchase of copper wire cable until after the extreme break in the price of copper bought at just the right moment , Is at tested by the upward movement of that metal. One of the recent develop ments has been a sharp advance In the price of copper over the price of ten days ago , the United Metals Selling company reporting a raise of over a cent from the former price of 12 % cents a pound. The farmers In the vicinity of Battle Creek are the latest to have organized branch of the anti-horsethlef a - asso ciation. The organization of the Bat tle Creek branch was effected by George Losey , chief captain of the north Nebraska association. These officers were chosen at Batlle Creek : E. J. Brink , presidenl ; John Ridokohr , vice-president ; Fred Volk , secretary ; Herman Hogrefe , treasurer ; Frank Massraan , captain. The Batlle Creek anil-horse Ihlef society starts out with a membership of thlrly. Creighlon News : Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Peterson came up from Norfolk Tues day and are packing household goods preparatory lo shipping to Norfolk to day where they will reside in the fu ture. Mr. Peterson has accepted the position of manager of the big laun dry there at a remunerative salary. They regret to leave Crolghton and their numerous friends and neighbors regret to have them go. They are very fine people and we certainly wish them the best In their home. Johnson Claggett will occupy their residence. Stanlon Picket : A few years ago the farmers and others wore told that apples could not be grown in Stanton county , that the trees would wlnler kill and that the seasons were too cold. However , the experiment of growing fruit trees was tried and now Stanton county Is raising as good a quallly of apples as can he found In Iowa or any olher western stale. The first apples over shipped out of Stan- Ion county went by rail last week. There were two carloads , both of which went to Sioux City , having been laken in by buyers of that town. One load of apples came from the Canfleld place and the most of the others from Iho farm of Andrew Spenco. The quallly was excellenl , the varieties consisting of winter fruit. The vicinity of Wood Lake Is the Mecca of north Nebraska hunters just now , according to George D. Butler- field , who relumed lo Norfolk Tues day from a western Irlp lo purchase feeding cuttle for the firm of W. H. Butlerfleld & Son. Mr. Bullerfield en- counlered hunters everywhere and Ihey all seemed lo be bagging Ihelr share of ducks. The wlnlor flight not having set In the native duck of ne cessity receives the full allentlon of the hunters. South winds have tend ed to mnko this year's flight a Into one. Some 300 head of heavy steers were purchased by Mr. IJutlorlleld In western Nebraska. The cntllo were shipped through Norfolk to the But- torllcld ranch al Magnet , where they will bo fattened for market during the coming year. Humphrey Democrat : Miss Ida Hol land of this plnco and Win. Burr of Norfolk were united In mnrrlngc In St. Francis church In Humphrey Tues day morning at 9 o'clock , Father Kur- zer officiating. The bridesmaids wore Miss Hlonorn Schuoth and Miss Annie Sclmrwnrth nnd the groomsmen were Carl Smith nnd R. F. Holland. After the ceremony a reception was accord ed the young people nt Iho home of Iho bride's parents nl which only Iho relatives and Iho close friends of Iho bride and groom were present. The bride Is a daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Holland of this place , and the groom Is a railroad man on the Northwestern with headquarters at Norfolk , where they will mnko Ihelr homo. The young couple left Tuesdny evening for tholr now home. The Democrul Joins In ox- lending congratulations. Miss Ruth Daniels of Omaha , who is vlslllng wllh Norfolk friends , has just rolurncd from a hunting trip with a party of friends south of the Yellow stone park , near the famous "Jack son's Hole" country. Miss Daniels was successful on the hunt In shooting a largo elk , the first one to bo secured by the party. The animal's head , a splendid specimen , has been received In Norfolk and will bo mounted by Sessions & Bell. The teeth arc pro nounced by old hunters as unusually handsome. Every member of the par ly secured one elk all Iho law allows , but this was the largest. This elk was one of a small herd. Ho was shot three times , the first time in Iho neck and the second time In Iho shoulder. That part of the country Is said to contain many elk nnd a number of bear. Miss Daniels rode 250 miles horseback and hud an Ideal outing. Nellgh Leader : Hans Zlmmer of Ma city reccnlly bought a cornhusk- Ing machine to bo placed on his big form southwest of Nellgh. Ho had been Investlgullng Iho mailer for two or three years , and Informed the com pany when they had perfected the ma chine so they could guarantee It to work , to send him one. They wrolc him awhile ago Ihal Ihcy were now ready to do this , and one was Imme- dlalcly ordered , soon afler set up nnd wus to be tried Wednesday. II Is ex- peeled to gather eight acres per day , but if it will husk five It will satisfy Mr. Zlmmor. The machine was scl up with a guarantee that If it failcil to work to the entire- satisfaction ol the purchaser It should bo returned without charge for freight or the ex PCIIKCS of the expert. The machine IE described as follows by an exchange ; Flvo horses arn drlvnn on the har vester and a single row Is busked at a time. Drag hooks bring all down corn Into the clutches of the machine , so that whether the corn Is flat or standing the ears are husked. An el evator deposits the husked corn in an accompanying wagon. From eight to twelve acres a day can be taken out. At this rate a big field can be quickly gathered , and Iho owner of Iho ma chine can Ihen do work for other farm ers. It appears that the husking prob lem has been successfully solved by the ingenious machine. They cost $350. NOW UNDERGOING MOST RAPID GROWTH IN HISTORY. MANY NEW HOUSES GOING UP Business Men of That Thrifty City Have Formed a Stock Company With Which to Build a City Hall. Waterworks System Going in. Gregory , S. D. , Oct. 29. Gregory Is now undergoing the mosl rapid growlh of Us hlslory. Five now dwelling houses lo cost from $1,200 to $3,000 were started the past week. There have been an average of about four or five new residences started each week during the past ninety days. There are also a number of largo new business houses under way. The busi ness men of Gregory have formed n stock company for the purpose of building a city hall. Over $2,000 was subscribed In twenly-four hours. It is proposed to erect a two-story build ing to cost about $5,000. The pipes for the mains of Gregory's new waterworks system have arrived and are being distributed about town. The mains will consist of a large trunk main , about one mile long , ex tending along Main street from the massive concrete reservoir on the Gregory heights In North Gregory to the C. & N. W. railway grounds In the south part of the city , logolher with branches extending through the east and west sections of the city. The gravlly syslem of pressure will be used and Ihe syslem will have Ihe best pressure and will bo on Ihe whole Iho most complele nnd effecllvo of any clly In southern South Dakota. NORFOLK ADJUSTS ITSELF. Meets New Condition Without Incon venience Endorse Action. Norfolk people have readily adapted themselves to the cashier's check basis for transacting business and the course of the local bunks hns been very unnn- Imously endorsed as the wise measure at this time , In view of the flnnnclnl sltimllon In Now York and Iho ncllon of Chicago nnd olher banks In adopt ing Iho clearing house certificate plan. No particular Inconvenience has been caused by the new system and the PREPARE THIS SIMPLE RECIPE AT HOME AND TRY IT. Druggists Here In Town Sny They Can Supply the Ingredients or Make up the Mixture Prescription of an Em inent Authority. Got from any prosorlptlou plnmna- cM Iho following : Fluid extract diiiidollon. one-half : ouneo ; einnpoiiml Iwrgou , ono ounoo ; compound syrup Harsnpni'lllu , three ounooH. Shako well In a buttle nnd take n touHpnnnfiil doHo after each meal anil at bodtlmo. The above IH coiiHlilorod by an oml- nont authority , who wrltOH In u Now York dally paper , as the finest pro- Horlptlon ever written ( o rollovo buck- aoho , kidney trouble , weak bladder and all forms of urinary difficultIOH. This mixture acts promptly on the ellmlnatlvo tissues of the kidneys , en abling them to filler and strain the uric acid and olhor wnslo matter from the blood which OIIIIHOH rheumntlHm. Some persons who miffor with Iho nllllctloiiH may not fool Inclined to place much confidence In Ibis slmplo mixture , yel thnxo who hnvo tried Ik say the result H are simply surprising , the relief being effected without the slightest Injury to the stomach or oth er organs. Mix some and give It a trial. It certainly conies highly recommended. II Is the prescription of an eminent au thority , whoso entire reputation , It la said , was established by It. A druggist hero nl homo when asked stated that ho could either sup ply the Ingredients or mix the pro scription for our renders , nlso recom mends It us harmless. public generally has been willing to put up with Iho condition , seeing In It a safe and sane precautionary move ment to protect the public's Interosls. School children's mallnco every day at 4:30 : at the Auditorium. Admission only 5 cents. TRENCH HAD NO LANTERN TO IN DICATE DANGER. MIGHT HAVE BEEN SERIOUS Asa K. Leonard Drove Into Uncovered and Unllnhted Sewer Ditch In the Dark Both Horses Went Into the Ditch , One of Them Injured. Asa K. Leonard , returning homo from a hunting trip out in the country last evening , drove into an uncovered sewer ditch near Eleventh slreet and Xorfol kavenuo. It Is said that there were no lights to Indicate the pres ence of/the trench. Mr. Leonard was driving two horses to a light buggy and both horses became entangled lu the sewer trench. Ono of the horses was extracted from the trench with out difficulty but the second animal had to he literally hoisted out of the hole. Ono of Ihe horses suffered n ; sprained shoulder hut olhorwlse the accident , which mlijht have been a se rious mishap to a carriage full of wo men and children , brought no serious results. The accident occurred about S p. m. , just after Mr. Leonard had driven W. J. Stadelman , his companion on the afternoon's hunting trip , to the latler's home. A THOUSAND DOLLAR BILL DE POSITED AT NELIGH. REJOICE IN WHOPPER CROP Depositing $100 Bills Is a Common place Incident at Nellgh , and Ono Farmer Has Placed a $1,000 Gold Certificate In Atlas Bank. Nellgh , Neb. , Oct. 30. Special to The News : Not only are the farmers of Anlelope counly rejoicing over the "whopper" crop this year , bul a num ber have bank accounls In Ibis city thai would cerlainly starlle the people of this part of Nebraska If their de posits could bo seen. II seems merely a matter of course to deposit $100 bills with a large num ber , but only one so far has had the pleasure of depositing a $1,000 gold certlficale. This Incidenl occurred Ihls week and was deposlled by : prosperous farmer of near Nollgh at Ihe Alias bank. Great Bargain. "Suunyslde , " ICO-acre farm adjoin ing lown ; If in acre lols would sell for $100 lo $200 per acre ; all the ad vantage of town and farm life ; $50 for immediate sale. J. T. Campbell , Lltchfleld , Neb. FOU SALE ! A Wayne County Farm at $40 00 240 acres a great snap. A. J. Durland , Owner NOR.FQLK. NEB.