ilia nonoiK vmiuy news-journal The Nowrt , Kntubl lulled , 1881. The Journal , Kfltnbllnhixl. 1871 THE HUUE PUBLISHING i COMPANY ft , N. HUSK N. A. Hi ; K " I'rrwlileiit HcorMnrjr "Kvnry lTrlilay | Tiy umlT'por jrcnr , OYGo Knti'iWi at tha pontolllco nt Norfolk. Neb , , an nnounil clans mutter. TeTeiYFionoH liJiturfuT" Ltapnrttnent No. ZI. llunliH'uJ Oillco and Job Itouina Wo. II Z2. _ HKI'UIIMUAN T1CKUT. Nlnlr. For Justin * supreme court At. II. HI'i-ai3 : : , Lincoln. For nillroiiil coiiimlHoloner II. T C1.AKK1C , Jr. , Oinnha. For roKOtitH. Mtale uitlvoriilty CHAKUCH li. ANDKHHON , Croto. COUI'LAND , Elgin. Juillrlnl. For Judge , Ninth illHtrlct A. A.VHLCI I. Wayno. For Jinlifii , Ninth district to nil vncnnoy- A. A. Wni'UII. Wnyno. For jiulKH. tilKhth district A. U. OI..HON , WlHtior. , Vor Judges , Klftuonth district J. A. UOUUI..AH , UiiBButt. D. li. JliNCKISS , Chudron. County. For clerk aiCO. 15. KICHA11DSON. For treiimirur FllANK A. I'lSTBUSON. For sheriff J. J. CL.KM13NTS. For JtidRo CHKIBTOI'HBH SCIIAVL.AND. For clerk of district court W. II. FIELD. For auperlntondont FllANK 8. P13IIDUBJ. For assessor I' . W. UUT1I. For coroner UU. II. U KINDIIED. For Hurvoyor A. J. THATCH. For commissioner , Third district JOHN 1L 1IAIIDINO. Norfolk I'rrclnct. For Justices of the peace C. F. 1C18ICLISY. Q. C. LAMUI3HT. For coiiBtubloH O. F. UILQ1CII. J. M. COVBHT. For road ovoraoor J. A. MOOHK. Mudlson county is fortunate In hav ing presented to the voters of the county at this time a list of candidates for oillco who have all been tried and tested in the public service. Every man on the republican county ticket has been tested through past public service , and every ouo has been proved an clllclent olllclal. Nouo among this list has served the people of Madison county with moro clllclcncy than W. II. Fields , clerk of the district court , whom the republicans present in this campaign for re-election. Mr. Fields has been conscientious in the performance anceof his duties and his work has been of the highest order. Ho has been paid the compliment of having no opposition , either in primary or In John H. Harding , Madison county has a commissioner who has rendered conscientious , faithful and clllclent service and who Is entitled to re-elcc- flon for a second term. Mr. Harding will Insure to tiio county a fair distri bution of the three county commis sioners , whllo if ho were defeated Madison city would have two commis sioners and the western end of the county no representatives on the board at all. Mr. Harding bus attended to every detail of his work as county commissioner in businesslike manner. As was noted in the letter recently printed from the superintendent of the county poor farm , Mr. Harding , upon whom supervision of that insti tution was placed , has given careful attention to every detail of the work , always having the best interests ol the county and the taxpayers at heart In fact John Harding has given to every part of the work devolving upon him as county commissioner , the same painstaking attention that has ma-Jo for success on his own farm near Meadow Grove. The western part of Madison county is entitled to repre sentation on the county board ant John Harding has earned the compli nieut of re-election WISE ACTION OF BANKS. The banks of the country have hewn wisdom in their adoption of the clearing house certificates as a means of relieving the cosh money stringency in New York , and as a result of their prompt and Judicious action trouble in the east has been prevented. Western banks , by taking the clear Ing house cortlflcato stop , safeguarded the Interests of tholr depositors and of business In general. It Is believed that this clearing house basis will bo accessary only for n week or so , unti the country gets adjusted. Nothing but the unreasoning with drawal of cash from the channels o business could have bad any effec upon commercial conditions at this time. And this drainage of the chan nets of business has been nronerlyand wisely cuicKiU uy luu uucmiuu ui tat. banks to Issue clearing house certlfl eates. The west Is In a particularly sound condition at this time , and particularly this part of the west. The crops In northern Nebraska and southern South Dakota , as well as In most of the mid die west , have been abundant am prices are high. As a result Secretary Wilson of the agricultural departmcn predicts that the farms of the country Will Il'CCDU 11IU1U UlUllUjr 1U1 111CII pill ducts this year than last. And with such abundance In the farm regions , upon which our whole prosperity is fundamentally based nothing but a healthy business condl tlon could exist In the west There Is another feature , too , to con tribute to the west's comfort and peace of mind at this time. In years gone by , when the west was develop ng , Iho new frontier land was bar owing money from the east In order o develop. When there came n mon- y stringency In the cast In those days , Now York called on Chicago , Chicago on smaller banks and so on town until every portion of the west vns asked to pay what It owed to the cast. And In that pinch , the situation often became Bcrioui. Today things arc different. It Is the vest that has the surplus cash at Its command. Now York Is the borrower. The western farms have been develop- ng during the past fifteen years until hey produce wealth that stays at ionic. Many country banks In this eglon have largo sums of cash on land at this time. As a result of this western Indepen dence of the present day , no harm can como to the west BO long as cur- ency hero Is kept In circulation and not hoarded up. Because of the Injury hat might bo worked to business wel- are by the withdrawal of cash from business channels , the banks have per- ormed a great public service In Ink- ng steps to hold currency and Issue checks. This will also hold here cash hat otherwise might bo called for by smaller banks of the country. The banks of the west , by virtue of ho tremendous crops of the past few cars and the prevailing high prices or farm products , were never In their history In more sound condition. There never was such great prosper- ty in this territory as there Is today. People whoso money Is deposited In ho banks feel comfortable , knowing hat tholr banks hold gilt edged secur- tlcs. People realize that no bank over has on hand enough cash to pay out all deposits at once. It would note > o a bank , but a money vault If that vcro the case. And so , desiring that the country shall continue In Its pres ent unprecedented prosperity , the pco- plo of the west will heartily endorse ho action of the banks In taking prompt precautions against disturb ances which might ensue as a result of the Now York situation. So rapidly Is the New York finan cial atmosphere clearing , too , that within a month , If people over the country keep their heads , wo shall lave forgotten that New York over md this local storm. DANGER OF DEMAGOGUES. In view of the financial crisis which .ho country has witnessed in New York during the past week , as well as : ho consequential disturbances In oth er parts of the country , a speech de- ivored at Lincoln the other day by General John C. Cowin of Omaha , on the occasion of the unveiling of the nonunient to General Thayer , has at tracted some attention throughout the country. General Cowln voiced the universal desirability for a regulation which will regulate the evils of business that Imvo grown up In this country. He expressed the belief that efficient reg ulation of tills kind can only be gained for the people nt large by centering complete authority in the federal gov ernment at Washington , with power to act. This is the line of thought out lined by President Roosevelt and It is surprising that so many who chose to call themselves "reformers" have de liberately resorted to every possible means to hamper the president in this movement. In support of the president's theory that the public at large can gain effi cient regulation of business done by Interstate companies only through federal - oral government , General Cowln said : But another cloud has appeared above the horizon. There has como fnrth frnm tlin Innrl o vnln fliof la o menace to our national welfare , preaching again that sermon of state rights that brought forth the tragedy of the nation. State conventions and state legisla tures have adopted resolutions propos ing to abridge and limit the power of the general government. I warn yon that this tendency , so far as It Im pregnates tbo public mind , is danger ously near the sentiment for state rights that resulted in the ordinances of secession in the early GO's. Limit the power of this national gov ernment and the hope of the liberty of mankind is gone. Limit the power of this government given through our forefathers , supported and maintained since by the blood of millions , and you will loosen the cords that bind these state entitles Into one , sheaves reaped and bound together in the har vest of death. Limit the national pow er and the permanency of union wll have departed forever. Let us maintain , not disintegrate ; let us preserve , not weaken ; preserve iinlmnnlT-nH In nntrnr tnla nnfnn far. ovor. Such an expression can bo nothing but good cheer to President Roosevelt who has met much opposition among those who claimed to accord him hero- worship , when It came to this move ment which might by centering au thority In the federal government , take from a few politicians in each state the opportunity to control the people of tholr own states and thus , by arous Inc this and ouietlnc that agitation for legislation , gam extraordinary power politically. But for the great mass of people , who arc not concerned with tbo wires of politics , results are the desired end. And it Is not a dlfll suit matter to see that actual results will be obtained much moro effectively through one strong federal agency with the whole nation behind It for ammunition , than from a half hundred scattered agencies , each proceeding in - * * t different line of attack and each In Its own peculiar way. General Cowln further discussed the birth of demagogues as a result of sin- ecru reforms that Imvo been attempt ed. Ho pointed out the danger to business conditions as a whole , and 'hat moans danger to the entire people of the nation , as n result of hysteria which may arlso from the agitation > f self-seeking political demagogues invlng nothing moro at stake than the gaining of political oillco and who , whllo securing office for themselves , work In the end toward the undermln- ng of all business , good and had , because - cause of the lack of discrimination In their agitation as between Institutions which ought to bo encouraged and supported and those which ought to bo irosectitcd for Illegal methods of ex- llottlrtf ? nnil pnmlilnlni * In rnafrnlnf nf trade. In view of the near-panic which recently swept the country and which was only diverted by the timely ictlon of bankers In resorting to clear- ng house certificates , as well as the calm good sense of depositors who enow enough not to rock the boat , the address of General Cowln has created nero than usual Interest in the cast Among other things ho said : There are conditions In our country ilarmlng enough to attract attention ind consideration of every man who > retcnds to have n concern in the pub ic welfare. No man can deny that nn wo vlciiir have grounds for apprehension and Great financial Interests embodied n corporations and trusts have unlaw fully lived , prospered and ruthlessly ruled In our national life. They have sought power merely for power's sake. Their code of morals in corporation conduct ' and high finance has been in- 'amous. They have paralyzed , they lave destroyed the industry and labor of honest effort. Worse than this , : hey have poisoned the morality of business conduct. But there is a public mood come forth to meet this situation. As a man of great affairs lately said : "Wo are going to have this republic a stan dard of corporate and financial morals that will square with the moral sense of the American people In their pri vate conduct , and wo are going to have it at any cost. The great danger Is that In coming it may bring with it mistaken and un- lust methods. That officers of the law , without sufficient strength of character and purpose to abide safely by the law , and for their own ambi tious purposes , may follow an outraged public opinion which is often far from fQr tl mlri n Hnrr twl n nutCMIIw of J\t n n > l reckless methods , and arouse public opinion against corporations and iiuan- cial interests that are wholly innocent and within the law. I know of no greater danger to the efficacy of these reform laws than to seek to apply them so as to Impair , If not destroy , honest business affairs. The condition of public opinion is such that it takes a high degree of sterling honest purpose to decide a controversy in favor of a large corpo ration , no matter how absolutely hon est that decision may be. Let the public assure its servants that ho who Intelligently and honestly decides in favor of a corporation , shall have the same approval and support as when he intelligently and honestly decides against it. WILSON ON "THE FAHAl. " Secretary Wilson of the department of agriculture was called upon at Sy racuse , N. Y. , the other day to discuss "unproductive farms. " In the course of his address he went into the causes of the ' nation's present prosperity , criticised the wholesale robbing of forests and waters and mines and lands , and gave his definition of a good farmer. Following are the causes given by Secretary Wilson for the country's present prosperous condition : Labor Is all employed at the highest wages paid in our history. Skill is in demand in all lines of In- ilnstrfnl nnflvltv. Capital Is increasing and active. Every industry in the land is ex tending. Labor from other lands looks to us and comes to us. Schools are overflowing. Our transportation systems , the best in the world , are unable to meet the requirements of commerce. Our manufactures moro nearly sup ply homo demands than at any time In the past and soil heavily abroad. "Farmers feed the people as no people ever before wore fed and sell In foreign markets a surplus of $1,148- 000,000 worth of his products , " Bald Secretary Wilson. "Prosperity quite up to the average of human success attends Intelligent management of farm affairs nowadays. No class of people llvo better , enjoy life more or contrlbutn as munh t.n the wnnlth of tbo republic. These are the strong things to bo said. Syracuse asks us to consider a weak link in the chain unproductive farms. It Is a wise move , and it would have been commendable mendablo In every state to make such inquiries at any tlmo during the last century. The call comes late ; the evils to bo remedied have travelcc far In nil thn stntns "The people of the United States have wasted their inheritance of land and woods , of fish In the waters , and minerals in tbo earth. Tbo soil has been robbed in the east and south and west. Wo have reached very high prices for farm products ; wo see a wood famine nnd very high prices for fuel. Prices of lumber have doubled In less than a decade. This convention has been called to consid er decreased productiveness of the soil near great centers of population tuf rh Such conventions might well bo called n all the states of the union. They ire all soil robbers and wood robbers mil water robbers and mine robbers. " ' In giving his definition of a good 'armor , the agricultural secretary had this to say : "Ho rotates his crops , tlledrnlns his anils , keeps up good fences , has good matures , has a good garden , breeds draft horses and does farm work with brood marcs and growing colts , has a Ibrary with periodicals and standard works and a musical Instrument , helps its wife in the house when she needs t , has a spring vehicle for her to visit n , and drives her to church himself , and he keeps dairy cows or mutton sheep , or both. " There was one feature upon which Secretary Wilson intent have dwelt for u moment. He told about the high prices that farmers are receiving for tholr crops , he told how well they llvo ind their Joy In life. All of which Is endorsed by actual conditions. Hut ho fulled to give full credit to the farmer for the hard work that he does and the hardships which ho Is obliged it times to undergo. The farmer to day has to do without help , because farm labor Is a thing of the past and julte out of the question. Therefore every little detail about the farm must be attended to by Mr. Farmer and his family. And It Is real work. Though corn Is trolllnll linlli In nnlnr nml In value , It must be berne In mind that actual work and no easy work at that , is required in the husking. Some day machinery will do all of this work , but meanwhile the farmer must pa tiently wait and see that every detail is attended to. Most of the unpleas ant features of farm life have disap peared with the Innovation of the ru ral delivery , the telephone and the good roads movement But the farm er is neither a shirker by nature nor is ho allowed by conditions to neglect his share of the world's ' work. Ho does his full portion of the nation's tasks. And he is entitled to full cred it for thus earning all of the success that he has achieved. He knows no hours to restrict his working time. His work must bo done day in and day out , rain or shine , summer and winter. And ho Is frequently forced to combine with his hard work keen Inventive genius that Is a credit to Ills race. In return for this , the farmer has achieved material success. And , moro than that , ho has lived a life filled to the brim with satisfaction. He has breathed in the crisp fresh air year In and year out , until his lungs are germ-proof and his cheeks tinted with the pink of health. He has lived Hi ino open ami no nas wanted tlio lielus and meadows , stimulating a heart ac tion like the thump of a locomotive's chug. He has been close to nature all the while , and he knows tilings about cattle and horses and quail and other of nature's creatures that most city folk never dreamed of. Ho has had fresh , pure milk to drink ; for din ner he has had chicken more tender than many a town boarder ever heard of ; he has had at his wish water melons that were mater melons , and a few of the " " "musk. And on top of tills , he lias enjoyed a degree of inde pendence unknown to any other man. True , as Secretary Wilson says , the farmer of today is prosperous. He is more than prosperous In a material sense. But credit must be given to the farmer for having earned all of the prosperity that he now enjoys. AROUND TOWN. Girls will be boys on Hallowe'en. Wampum or beads will do , in lieu of coin of the realm. Beer chocks have found a two-fold ' use. All checks are bandy these days. The man with a good potato crop this year needs nobody to endorse him. The Jail doors were oiled Thursday so that they would swing with ease on Hallowe'en. Were you over halted on a Hallow e'en night by a big policeman , and almost scared to death ? A Norfolk girl , away at college , has written home to say that she is wor ried because she hasn't become more homesick. The west always was a healthier cli mate than the east , anyway. Hallowe'en comes on Oct 31 , ru mors to the contrary notwithstanding. The cow is coming down from her trip to the moon. The News is perfectly willing to ac cept cashiers' checks without a strug gle. Madison physicians won't worry now. They agreed to raise their fees. Physicians in an Iowa town did the same thing. And It has been declared legal by an Iowa Judge. Burt Mapcs went bunting tbo other day and got wet. Ho shot a mud hen and the mud hen dropped into the creek. But that was not enough. For Burt waded out , up to his waist , and brought the dead bird ashore. When Norfolk goes into the wrest ling game , it goes In right. Frank Gotch used to bo a favorite hero and miri Thursday night the famous "Farmer" Hums will bo seen In a match. With the news from Now York , even rainwater began to come down In Nor folk. An uncovered and uullghted sewer trench Is a luxury that Norfolk can get along without. It Is said the police court will ac cept cashier's checks In payment of lines for swearing. A Vcrdlgro man and his son came to Norfolk and got Jagged together. There Is nothing llko keeping things In the family. And the cornhusklng In northern Nebraska and southern South Dakota goes merrily on , nevertheless and not- ti'f f liutn ti tittup Madison county's oats this year arc worth fCOO.OOO. Doesn't look as though the people of Madison county would suffer much for a winter or two. For the ordinary man , his own past Hallowe'en experiences do not In any way tend to excuse misdeeds of the present time , perpetrated by other boys. Those wildcat confederate money grafters who made a clean sweep through northern Nebraska , now have financial dilllcultles of their own. Tll ( > v'rn ' In inll nt Wnlinn Now then , what effect have physi ' cians' fees on people's health ? Do bargain rates stimulate trade , or will there be ns much headache as there Is , no matter how the matter stands ? Modern civilization has robbed Hal lowe'en of many old time Joys. Where's the old picket fence gate that used to bo available for hanging to the top crossbar of a telephone pole ? Where's the old wooden sidewalk that could be overturned and carried into the street ? But such Is the way of progress. Lincoln Star : A Norfolk man dug 7,000 bushels of potatoes this fall from forty acres of ground. At 50 cents a bushel that man will realize $3,500 from the forty acres , which Isn't half bad , even for land In a state as good as Nebraska. The world Is growing better. A Norfolk man'who used to operate n country store In the northern part of the state , has just received a letter from a man who enclosed thirty-five cents , explaining that two years ago he received that much over-charge In a purchase. His conscience troubled him and he has reformed , he ex plained. OVER NORTHWEST PRAIRIES. Gregory Times : Word comes from Lamoureaux , the business center and only town in Tripp county , that they are doing things out there. Besides the construction of numerous business houses and residences work has been begun along educational lines. Dr. Clark of the Rosebud agency has Just completed arrangements for the erec tion of an Episcopal church In the town and work will be begun at once on the structure. A school building has recently been completed and a term of school 1ms already been start ed. , Schools and churches are amonc tne nrst important ( actors in estab lishing the permanency of a town and the citizens of Lamoureaux are to be congratulated upon having taken steps along these lines , It Is very probable that the next year will witness a rapid growth and substantial development In the town of Lamoureaux. ATCHISON GLOBE SIGHTS. No man ever forgets to wind a now When we play a slot machine , and the | proprietor says , "Hero's where the house gets even , " we always win five. When a woman Is determined to make bor hat "do" another season , she says : "I don't find the hats very tempting. " There are hundreds of good men , but | they all bow in humility before a really good woman. The patience and unselfishness of a really good woman cannot be equaled by a man. You cannot bo too careful of your conduct when people are around. They have sharper eyes than hawks , and , they use them. And how they talk after you are gone. A big man who always whips In a fight , says : "There Is nothing in this hiding business. If you bide once you are expected to hide again. Fight when you are Imposed upon. " The women think they are very se vere in criticising the men , but the men really expect It ; in fact , they al most enjoy it. Unless a man has been abused about BO much during the day by women , ho doesn't sleep well at night It's like traveling on a railroad train ; he becomes so accustomed to the clatter that If it stops he awakens. We offer one hundred dollars reward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co. , Toledo , O. We , the undersigned , have known F. J. Cheney for the last fifteen yearn , and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions , and financially able to carry out any obligations made by bis firm. . Waldln ? . Klnnan & Marvin , ' Wholesale Drug-gists , Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nally , acting directly upon the blood nnd mucous surfaces of the system , Testimonials sent free. Price , 75o per bottlo. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. That tasitv , That flavor , That clcanlinoift , That rich , round , aromatic toothsoraonctl is found only in Arbuckles * Ariosa Coffee ! Cheaper than anything "just ' as good" , and better than anything - ; thing "just as cheap. " And the best of all for you ! , AJlBUCKLJfl UROa , Now York dtl * FINDS NEW RAGE IN ALASKA Philadelphia Archaeologist First White to See Kuskwagamutes. Philadelphia , Oct. 31. Dr. George B. Gordon , curator of the University of Pennsylvania's archaeological div partmt'iit , who returned after a six months' expedition through the wild est regions of the far northwest , an nounces the discovery of a new race living along the Koskokwlm river In Alaska , Dr. Gordon brings back a tale of thlh new race , which had never before soon a white mau , and which differs from all other tribes of Alaskan Indians. They are culled by the Eskimos "Kuskwasamutes , " ind show strong traces of Mongolian ancestry. Crime and vice Is utterly unknown among them and their re ligion IB natural pantheism. They know absolutely nothing of corruption and degeneracy with which the whiten have Infected the Athabas can Indians and Eskimos. "Though they are dying out , " Dr. Gordon said , "they are strong and clean physically and Intelligent They Imvo rnlnfniul HIP mrmt nnplnnt ohnr- acterlstlcs of dress and speech. In clothing Instead of wearing furs , they pew skin ? of birds Into robes , using the brens'B ' of loon nnd various species of ducks which abound In the river. " "Then ? are only 400 of thorn loft , " said Dr Gordon "It IP to be hoped for their sakr Mint thov die out before the whl'e ' traders eel to tlTem Then thev ran die as cleanly and happily Hi they llvo. " TAFT CHANGES HIS PROGRAM Secretary Will Hasten to Germany Where His Presence Is Required. Manila , Oct. 31. As the lesult of voluminous cable correspondence be tween Pi evident Hoosevolt and Secre tary Taft. It Is understood that the latter will leave Manila on Nov. 2 , In order lo reach Berlin at the earli est possible moment. It Is understood that he will leave hero on the flagship Rainbow. Rear Admiral Hr > mphill received a cable gram on Monday asking whether or not he could make the cruiser ready to sail on Sunday. He responded In theafllnnolhc and was Informed unof ficially that .T matter ol utmost Im portnnco is pending In Germany anil Secretary Tnfi's prfsonco thorn is necessary lmin > > 'llately. ' The hasty departure of ' ' S'crctat'i Talt will cut short his stay In the Philippines on < ! Washington. Oct. 31. State de partment olu > lnl said that Secretary Taft's visit at Flerlln would be purely social and that there was no unusual situation th > rrto rase the hastening of Secr > tan Taft on his journey from the Phlllpplnps It Is possible , It IH pointed out that tli" German emperor has changed his plans , so as to be In Berlin at the time Mr Taft orlslnally expected to be there , but no advices to this pff ct have reached here. MOUNTAIN COMES DOWN ON KAR- ATAGH , BOKHARA. TOWN COMPLETELY DESTROYED Majority of Inhabitant ! Lota Thslr Llv i Governor and Hli Mother Among the Survivor * Slid * Follows Rcnt Earthquake. Tftihkond , Huailun Turkestan , Oct. 81. The little town of Karatafh , In the Hussar district of Bokhara , ha * been orrwhelm d and completely de- troyetf by a landslide that followed the earthquake of Oct. 21. According lo the Utest report * of the disaster a majority 'f ' the inhabitants of Kara- tain lost their live * . The first reports of the casualties were exaggerated , the death Hat be ing placed as high as 15,000. Kara- tagh hue about 2,500 dweller * , and there Is reason to believe that about 1,600 were ( juried alive. Among those who survived the disaster are the gov ernor of Knratagh and his mother. Karatagh Is remotely situated and It takes a full week for news to get out from there , but , according to one courier who has come throuKh. an enormous section of the Karatagh mountain , which practically hung over the town , broke loose and thundered down upon the village , which Is al most completely burled. Draws No. 13 and Drop * Dead. Dos .NSolnes. O'ft. 31. William Baughman , a pioneer of Iowa City , and a prominent member of the water company there , drew the number 13 in a barber shop , made a remark upon the probability of its bringing 111 luck and dropped dead. He was flfty-llve years old. UNITED STATES SENATOR DROWN AT AINSWORTH. DELEGATIONS FROM ELSEWHERE Senator Brown Made an Address In Behalf of the Republican State Tick- nt nnrt # hi * nfmilill/-n n .fnrllrlnl ct In the Fifteenth. Alnsworth , Neb. , Oct. III. Special to The News : Senator Norrls Brown Hpoko hero Wednesday night In the Auditorium to a largo and enthusiast lo audience. Ho spoke especially upon state and local matters , but voiced lila Hiipromo confidence In the wisdom of the republican party to meet all ques tions of national Interest to the sat isfaction and for the best Interests of the people. The senator was the guest of Judge- and Mrs. Tollver , old tlmo Iowa friends , where ho met B. A. Mc Coy and wife and Frank 13. Witt and wife , old schoolmates In the Hawkeye state. There was a largo delegation from Bassett , headed by the Bassett cornet band and bearing transparencies for Reese , Douglas and .Jeiickos. There were also largo delegations from Long- Pine , Johnstown , Sprliigvlow , Mead- vilk > , Norden , Wood Lake and other points. JOHN DINGMAN'S ' CONDITION. No Change In Condition of Railroad Man Who Was Injured at Blair. Thursday morning Norfolk friends wore advised of no change In the con dition of John Dliiginnu , the young Northwestern brnkcinan who was crushed between two cars at Blair. "A fighting chance" still scorned to bo the doctors' verdict of the chance for recovery. It was said that several days from the time of the accident might bo required lo tell the extent of the internal injuries. Wednesday morning Norfolk friends received a brief message from Mrs. B. J. Sornsbergor stating that her brother was conscious and for the time was resting easy. To the rel atives the attending physician hold out n slight hope for recovery and gave the opinion that If the young man was to live the next two or three days i * i After the young brakcmnn had been crushed between the two cars at Blair he was taken to the Blair hospital whore he n-coived medical attention Dr. Jonas of Omaha , chief surgeon In Nebraska for the Northwestern , It was stated , was rushed to the young man's bedside. In Norfolk , where John Dlngman grew up and where ho spent his school days , word of his probable fatal In juries caused general sorrow , the- more so when the unfounded report of his death came to Norfolk Tuesday In addition to the relatives who are at his bedside , Fred Linerode , yard master in the Norfolk yards , has gone to Blair. For the past three years the home of John Dlngnmn's parents has been in Missouri Valley. Perry Dlngman , brother of the In jured brakcmnn , arrived In Norfolk at noon from Blair. Ho said that John rested well during the night and that Dr. Jonas held out hope for his recov ery. LESS CORN BUT MORE MONEY. Dakota's Short Crop Beats That of 1906. Pierre , S. D. , Oct. 31. Doane Robin son has completed his estimate of the corn crop of the state for this year , and while he shows an increase of acreage over last year his estimate Is for a reduction of over 20,000,000 bush els In the total yield of the state , but he places the value of this to the farm 000 ers of the state at practically $4,000- moro than the 190C crop , on ac count of the Increased value of the product. The total crop yield was cut down this year on account of the ex tremely wet weather In the corn coun ties early In the season. poor stand of corn In many of the fields. His detailed statement places the crop for this year at 2,034,789 . . acres , with 1,978,4GG acres for 1900. 9 The yield he places at GG,5G1,2G8 bush els for this year , with 77,114,351 bush els for the yield of last year on n smaller acreage. Ho places the value while of the crop this year at $27,280,034 , the greater crop of last year brought the farmers $23,224,305. Not to have read n newspaper art. for a month would bo ns unhappy a fate as not to have read n single item of news in that time. Rooms for rent ? Want ads.