THE NORFOLK WEKKLY NKWS-JOURNAL : FRIDAY , NOVKMUKR 1 , IU07 THOUGHT TO HAVE DEEN FOUND IN DLUFF8. J. W. DAOD MAKES THE FIND C. A. Johnson of Fairfax Is Said to Have Decome Interested In a Report ed Coal Discovery Along the Mis- tourl River Near Donesteel , lloncHtCL'l , SI I ) . , Oct. 28. Special to The Nowa : In the vicinity of the burning bluff on the farm of J. W. Ualil ) liaa boon discovered what Is sup- jtosod to bo bituminous coal In consid erable ( | < uuttlty. Mr. Ilabb iniulo his dlscovoroy last week ami has boon prospecting con- tilderahly ever since with inoro en couraging results each day. Ho has feecurod the co-operation of G. A. John son of Fairfax , n Gregory county cap- Itullat , to nsHlHt him In developing the mime. Mr. Johnson went out Thurs day to Hiirvoy the premises and Is con vinced that coal Is present In paying < HianUlloH and that It would not ncces- Nltato the outlay of a great deal of money to mine the product. It has thought for many years that coal to ho had In tills county In the ) illlB and bluffs along the Missouri river and It now looks ns If It might Boon bo a realization. TROUBLE BREWING AT NELIGH Investigation of the Charge of Assault r Upon Young Girl. Nellgh. Nob. . Oct. 2. Special to The News : While It has been town Inlk for a number of days , not until after the Issue of the Norfolk NPWH reached this city yesterday afternoon , was any effort made In regard to filing n complaint for the assault upon the llfteon-year-old girl In Nellgh last week. It Is reported , however , that n Mvorn statement has been secured from her , and proceedings may now Mart within a few hours. Mrc. Deuel Fractures Wrist. Slipping on the smooth floor of r Norfolk store Friday afternoon Mrs. 1'Vank Deucl , residing not far from Norfolk , foil , fracturing her loft wrist. SATURDAY SIFTINGS. Mrs. Ed Mullen spent Sunday In Atkinson. A. J. Durland Is homo from a Boyd county trip. Sheriff J. J. Clements was up from Madison Saturday. Charles G. Crook and family of Meadow Grove were Saturday visitors lu Norfolk. Hurt Mapcs , J. S. Mnlhewson and \V. J. Stadelman drove towards Madl- eon on a hunting trip Saturday noon. Deputy County Clerk S. J. McFar- land catno up from Madison Satur day morning to spend Sunday in the city. city.Miss Dorothy Priestly Is homo from her school , having a month's vacation during fall com husking. She will leave next Wednesday for Rapid City , S. D. , to spend two or throe weeks visiting. Ed Mullen was called up at the wreckage at Hadnr last night. Harry Kaucett Is homo from the XVayne normal for a short vacation. S. S. Van Norman of Foster was a linfciness visitor In Norfolk Friday. Mrs. William Barnes is home from n visit with her daughter In Madison , George Schiller , proprietor of the Oxnnrd hotel , came in from Central City Friday. L , . M. Tompklns of Inman is In Nor folk on a visit with his daughter , Mrs , K. L. Loucks. Mrs. Robert Hnthko left on the noon train to visit her mother and other relatives at Atkinson , Neb. Miss Georgia Austin , who is attend ing the Wayne normal , arrived homo yostordny to visit In Norfolk until Tuesday. Mrs. A. N. Anthes is home from an Iowa She was accompanied homo by her mother , Mrs. George II. Smith of Fort Madison , Iowa. D. Mnthewhon , W. J. Stadelman , John Duncan and C. A. Smith will be members of a party at a hunt next week In the sand .ills near Newport , Mr. Smith's home. County Attorney J. H. Van Wagenen of Tierce was In Norfolk Saturday morning from Fremont , where the Plerco county attorney took steps to secure for his county Its share of the Inheritance tax to be paid on the es tate of a Dodge county man owning Pierce county property. Among the day's out of town visit ors In Norfolk were : Judge N. D. Jackson , Charles H. Kelsey , Nellgh ; J. W. Pratt , Butte ; James N. Bell , Greenwood ; N. B. Cullen , Wayne ; Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Dlttrlck , Verdlgro ; Mrs. J. Keeley , Miss Keeley , Grand Island ; President J. M. Pile , Wayne normal , Wnyno ; N. S. Westrope , Plaln view ; W. A. Williams , Central City ; 1. W. Alter , Wayne ; R. S. Dayton , Orchard. Oscar Wasora , the Lincoln wrestler , was In Norfolk over night on his waj to Wayne to meet Danlelson , the Wayne county man who aspires tc throw Wasem. The last time Wasera was In Norfolk for a Wayne match lie missed train connections and had r thirty mile drive over rough roads as R preliminary to his match. Expect ing a harder match this time and nol caring to risk another road drive Wasem came In from Lincoln Frldaj i'\enlng and spent Saturday mornlnj In this city. Hallowe'en , the evening of Octoboi SI , Is one of the prospective disturb nnces that next week holds for Nor folk. folk.A meeting of the democratic count ; central coinmllti'o bus been called to 'iti'i't In the city hall at Norfolk nt 2 'clock Monday afternoon. "Tho Young People's Reading Clr- lo" Is the name of an organization of young people of the Methodist church which IH Just now engaged In reading Connor'H book , "Tho Doctor. " The Wayne opera houno was to bo the Hceno of a lepetltlon of the Was- om-Hlclmrdflon wrestling match Satur day evening , It being announced that Columbus RIchanlHon , the \Vayno man who lost the former match , wan again slated to meet the Lincoln wrestler. Mr. and Mrs. John Koenlgsteln have been planning to spend at least the latter part of the winter In the south as the guests of their son , Arthur KoonlgHtoln , In Fort Smith , Ark. The prospective trip , however , will bo In definitely postponed as long as the kind of weather which has marked the past month obtains In north Nebraska. Work will bo started the first of next week on an extension to the banking rooms of the Norfolk Nation al hank In the Mast block. The exten sion will give the hank an additional room anil permit It to rearrange the main banking room to give space for the business of the now savings hank which the stockholders of the Norfolk National have Instituted. It Is the hope of the school authori ties that the now high school building will bo roofed In by the time the first suosv files. Excellent progress has been made In the building during ro- eent weeks. At this time most of the second story windows have been put lu place. The building race between the high school and the now North western depot will bo taken easily by the smaller building. The depot build ing will probably bo ready for occu pancy by December 1. The crash In copper was felt In Nor folk in more ways than ono. While the fall In the copper market meant a saving of $3,500 to the Norfolk Long Distance Telephone company on Its wire cable purchases delayed until af ter the fall In price , the recent doings In the copper market have brought nothing hut grief to Norfolk Junk deal ers. One Norfolk junk man Is said to have on hand $1GOO worth of copper - per and junk that he has been unable to sell since copper prices started to go to pieces. Profit In copper junk was burled In the down jump of prices. Meadow Grove News : Emmctt Wnrrtck and H. E. Mason drove to Norfolk Monday. Mr. Warrlck took his team of driving horses to Norfolk to sell them to a party there. While they' were In Battle Creek Emmett stepped Into a btore to make a small purchase , leaving Mr. Mason In charge of the horses. A bus drove up in front of Mr. Worrlck's team , scaring them so that they started to run away , and In trying to stop them Mr. Mason was thrown in such a manner that ho sustained a very painful Injury , break ing two bones In his right hand. The buggy was a total wreck. The har ness was also badly broken up. In commenting on the establishment of motor car service on the Fremont- York branch of the Northwestern the York Times says : The Northwestern yard was animated yesterday after noon by a largo crowd that went to sec the new motor car that makes the run to Fremont and return every day , Many of the visitors were treated to n short ride In the yards and all express themselves as being highly pleased with the new mode of travel. The cat Is very pretty and comfortable inside and to ride In It Is R pleasure since there Is no smoke nor cinders and when under way runs like an electric The motor car Is the Initial step In doing away with the local passengei train. They can bo run at any desired speed and are so constructed that It Is convenient to enter them from the ground so that a station Is not essen tlal. In the near future It will be sc arranged that the people can get or the cars at any road and go to town and return the same as where there arc street cars. George II. Chrlstoph Is In receipt ol a recent Issue of the Marshalltown , Iowa , Times-Republican giving a de tailed account of successful demon' strations of the new corn husking ma chines , the demonstrations being su pervised by Mr. Christoph's brother , H. W. Chrlstoph of Marshalltown , who Is a division sales agent for the International Harvester company , Some of the best farmers in that vi cinity are reported to be satisfied that solution of the corn husking prob lem has been found and are purchas ing the machines which are expected In time to effectively solve the annual labor famine in the cornfield. In com menting on the demonstration the Times-Republican says : "The ma chine is very simple but durably built , Is driven along the row of corn and as the stalks enter the machine the ears are snapped off the stalk by means of snapping rolls. Then the ears arc elevated to the top of the machine and jiass down over the huskIng - Ing rolls and then elevated Into the wagon , cleanly husked and silk re moved. Two men or one man and a boy can operate the machine. Two teams being hitched to the machine and ono to the wagon. It Is estimated that the machine will pick , husk and load from seven to ten acres per day. The machine Is without a doubt one of the greatest and most practical Inven tions of the ago and will bo a great labor saving device on the farm , The corn crop in losva is the most important crop raised by farmers , and It will only bo'a question of a few years until this machine will be as common on a farm as self binders and the farmers will have no more sere hands in corn picking time. " A number of those machines have beer marketed In north Nebraska althougli most farmers prefer to wait for anoth cr season to demonstrate the practical qualities of the new labor saving .ma chine. HEREAFTER THE FULL TIME OF FOURTEEN MONTHS. NEW RULE EFFECTIVE NOV. 1 Commuters on Government Land Will Hereafter be Obliged to Establish an Actual Residence of Full Four teen Months. Ilonesteel News : A Washington special convoys the Information thai on and after November 1 of this yeai the six months constructive residence and eight months actual residence will not be accepted as sufficient to make proof on government land , but It will require fourteen months actual real donee to acquire good tltlo to govern mcnt land. The special referred to , which we clip from the Sunday Sioux City Jour nal , reads as follows : Washington , D. C. , Oct. 19. An Im portant change In the regulations foi acquiring homesteads on the public domain was announced today by Com mlssloncr Balllngcr of the general land office. As an additional precaution against fraud all persons making homestead entries on public lands af ter November 1 next will be required to prove actual residence on the land for fourteen months before they will ho permitted to "commute" the entries to obtain a title by a canh payment Heretofore the period of actual rest dcnce has been eight months. Tin ruling will not affect entries mad prior to November 1 , 1907. The new ruling will have n tendency cy to dlsoourago speculators and be r benefit to the actual settler who if anxious to acquire a homo and main tain a residence and cultivate the land The ruling here is generally consld ercd a good one and one which wll prove of great benefit to those whc hope to acquire a home In Trlpp coun ty when It Is thrown open for settle mcnt next summer. Heretofore spec ulntors had every opportunity in th < world of acquiring valuable government mont land by using their six months constructive residence and then roskh on the land eight months and make only small Improvements to let then within the letter of the law. The no tice does not state how long a time ontrymen will have to establish resi dence on their land after filing but It Is presumed that that feature will not he changed and remain as it always has been been six months from date of filing. TUESDAY TOPICS. Among the day's out of town visitors in Norfolk were : P. W. Sloan , Pierce ; Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Walters , Fairfax , S. D. ; P. M. Fulton , Burke , S. D. ; A. R. Oleson , Wisner ; M. Maersback , Humphrey ; E. B. Erskine , Tllden ; S. L. Foster , Plalnvlew ; Z , K. Doam , Fairfax , S. D. ; E. A. Kin- kald , Plalnvlew ; J. D , Lambar , Stanton - ton ; Samuel Relchert , Winslde ; Mlsa Rebecca Relchert , Wluslde ; S. Baker , Nlobrara ; Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Lewis , Meadow Grove ; R. S. Dray ton , Or chard ; W. C. Frey , Hartlngton ; Frank Phillips , Frank Hart , HosUlns ; Otto Jiuelow , Schuyler ; F. Selle , Stanton. Miss Grace Matrau was up from Madison over Sunday. Mrs. Robert Schiller was expected homo Monday evening from a visit at Central City. Ben Bechtel left Sunday noon foi , Bennett , Neb. , where he has a posi tion In a drug sotre. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Estabrook left Sunday evening for Interior , S. D. , where they have located a claim. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hight are in Norfolk from their claim In south western South Dakota for a short visit with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Lewis of Mead ow Grove were in Norfolk Monday on their way to Denver , where they may make their home In the future. Mrs. Jennie MoKim of Sallna , Kan. , and Mrs. C. A. McKiin of Lincoln are guests at the Matrau homo. Dr. Me- Kim was in Norfolk over Sunday. Carl Ahlmann has sold his bicycle shop to his brother , William Ahlmann , The Tannehill school five miles south of the city will hold a box social on Friday evening. Miss Edith Bar rett teaches the school. Miss Mamie Ward spent Sunday with Mrs. W. O. Cunningham , who lives southwest of town. Mrs. Cun ningham has been very sick but Is able to be up now , although she Is still weak. Omaha News : Reports as to the condition of G. T. H. Babcock , former United States commissioner nt Chad- ron , Neb. , Indicted for alleged con spiracy to defraud the government of lands in Dawes county , Indicate that his condition is still very serious. All Information as to his whereabouts , however , Is still withheld. Railroad men say that the movement of the Deadwood-Chlcago passenger tralllc by way of Pierre rather than by Norfolk and Omaha Is not going to make any perceptible difference In the traffic through this city. Not only did the through passenger traffic that is lost form a relatively small proportion of the Northwestern passengers who pass through the city but local rail road men say that any loss In that direction is going to bo more than made up by the growing importance of the Lander line. That the United States In the me chanical excellence of Its coins and the convenience of Its paper money is several laps ahead of the leading coun tries of the old world Is a fact that can bo easily proven to visitors at the Nebraska National bank. The bank has recently secured a collection of English , German , Danish and Russian coins and paper money of recent IB- mo. Placed side by sldo with coins tnd paper notes of the American lalm the coins of the old world at ) pear of clumsy manufacture and the foreign paper money of Inconvenient size. Instead of the convenient size of the American greenback or hank' ' note an English note Is more the size of a lodge cortlllcato or high school diploma. A socialist member of the board ol university regents may ho ono of the gifts of the now primary law. W. C , llodgers Is the man who stands tc achieve the distinction of being the llrst socialist to bo elected to a state olllcc In Nebraska. Who Is Mr. Rodgers - gers ? Nobody knows particularly but ho stands to ho elected to servo a few months on the olllclal board In charge of the university because In the confu slon of the primary law Mr. Rodgore was the only man who filed for the short vacancy for regent. Sample bal lots have bcon received In this coun ty from the secretary of state and Mr , Rodgers' name appears unopposed for the vacancy. Only united action on the part of a considerable part of No braskn voters In writing In some other name of the blank line of the ballot stands between Rodgers and the honoi ho socks. Incidentally this oversight would not have bocn possible under the old system. Anoka Notes. Anoka , NVb. . Oct. 2G. E. C. Portei shipped out eighty head of fat cattle to Omaha Tuesday. Mr. Dankus sent forty head. The now harness shop will bo ready for business Monday. Misses Stella and Ethel Wllborgei took a trip to Wheeler mountain which Is burning and smoking all the time. They got several specimens nl that place , eight miles north of An oka. oka.Anoka feels good toward the ne\\ plunge bath , which Is being complet cd The water used In the bath Is 0 ( degrees In temperature and colt weather docs not seem to affect it. T. E. Koefe's cement barn Is aboul completed. KAUFFMAN SAW MINNESOTA WIN E. B. Kauffman Was Among Nebraska Rooters in Minneapolis. E. B Kauffman , who has just re turned to Norfolk from a visit at St Paul , Minn. , was one of the small bam of enthusiastic rooters that cheered Nebraska In her splendid game against the Minnesota football team at Minne apolis. Although the final score regis tered 8 to 5 In Minnesota's favor Kauffman maintains that the ' game was the cornhuskers1 contest. Amid the thousands of Minnesota football followers the small contingent of Nebraskans - braskans were lost in point of num bers but their cheers could be heard above all the din of the Minnesota yolls. The goal from the field that won the game for the northerns , Mr. Kauffman says , was n fluke as the kick wont low only to rebound over the goal post when It struck the out stretched hands of a Nebraska player. Neligh Basketball. Nellgh , Neb. , Oct. 28. Special to The News : Mefore a good crowd of Interested spectators the Gates acad emy boys and girls of this city played two games of basketball with the EwIng - Ing high school teams Saturday after noon on the formers' grounds. The games at times were of interest , and good plays were made by both sides , but the academy outclassed the visit ors In all points of the game. Score , Academy boys 1C , Ewlng boys 4. Academy girls 20 , Ewlng girls 0. Conduit Completed. The work of laying its underground conduit system was completed Satur day by the Norfolk Long Distance Tel ephone company. The conduits now await the arrival of the telephone ca bles. The task of putting cable wires through the conduits Is far easier than It has appeared to Norfolk people who have wondered how the cables were going to be gotten Into the long under ground duits. By first pushing a wire through one of the long sections a rope is drawn through the conduit be tween the manholes and a way made for placing the heavy cable. Real Estate Transfers. Real estate transfers In Madison county for the week ending Oct. 25 , 1907 , compiled by Madison County Ab- stiact Co. , ofllce with Mapcs and Ha- zen , Norfolk , Neb. : W. W. Logeman and wife to Gustav C. Froitag , W. D. , consideration $300 , lot 4 , block C , Dorsey Place addition to Norfolk. Edna Ingram to Lois Shelton , W. D. , consideration $3,500 , lot 1 , block 2 , King's addition to Norfolk. Swan Johnson and wife to Louisa Hartjoy , W. D. , consideration $1,300 , lot 13 , block 20 , Railroad addition to Newman Grove. Fidelia Reavls and husband to Louisa Hartjoy , W. D. , consideration $1,350 , lots 9 and 10 , block 30 , Western Town Lot Co.'s addition , and lot 4 , block 37 , Pioneer Town Site Co.'s addition to Battle Creek , Neb. John A. Bressler and wife to Fred erick C. Werner , W. D. , consideration $150 , lots 2 and 3 , block 2 , Lewis addi tion to Meadow Grovo. Edwin H. Luikart and wlfo to Wil liam L. Abel , W. D. , consideration $2.- 500 , part lots 1 , 2 and 3 , block C , Kimball - ball & Blair's addition to Burnett. Andrew J. Durland and wlfo to Lew is V. Kennerson , W. D. , consideration $050 , lots 3G , 37 and 38 , Durland'e Suburban lots to Norfolk , Neb. J. B. Grain and wife to J. 0. Carter , W. D. , consideration $400 , part block 4 , Meadow Grove. Lena Horst and husband to August Buettner , W. D. , consideration $ G,000 lots 1 and 2 , block 3 , Clark and Madl son Co.'s addition to Madison. THE WEEK IN NORFOLK HAS BEEN AN ACTIVE ONE. CONSTANTLY SOMETHING DOING Luncheons and Afternoons for Femin inity Were the Rule , With Formal Evening Affairs a Minus Quantity , Euchre Holds Upper Hand. It has been an active week In Nor folk social circles There was some thing doing pretty nearly all the while In the way of luncheons and after noons , though formal evening affairs were not on the calendar. Afternoons at cards are still popular among Nor folk womankind , cuchro holding the upper hand up to date. Pleasures of the Week. Mrs. Mary G. Mathowson was host ess nt a rather exceptional Kensing ton Friday afternoon. The afternoon opened with a 1 o'clock luncheon. During the afternoon while the Ken sington was In progress the Norfolk ladles who were Mrs. Mathowson'a guests enjoyed a delightful literary and musical program arranged for the afternoon. Those who participated In the program were Mrs. Will Hall with a vocal solo , Mrs. Jones with a piano selection , Mrs. S. F. Ersklno with n recitation , Mrs. L. M. Hlbbs with n recitation and Mrs. A. J. Durland with an interesting description of her last summer's visit to Alaska. At the luncheon plates were placed for fifty- seven guests , Mrs. A. W. Gibson , Mrs. Ludwle Koenigsteln and Mrs. W. H. Blakeman were hostesses at n 1 o'clock lunch' ' eon Thursday afternoon nt the Gib son homo at 1109 Koenigsteln av enuo. About seventy-five ladles wore In attendance. A color scheme of yel low and white was carried out In the party decorations and autumn loavct were present In great profusion. A four-course luncheon was served In the early part of the afternoon , whlcli was largely devoted to euchre and flinch. Mrs. Orrln of Stanton won the flinch prize , Mrs. Wallerstndt the euchre honors and Mrs. C. C. Gow the shouting prize. The prizes were dainty silver teaspoons. Mrs. Huso , Mrs. N. A. Huso and Miss Bridge gave a luncheon Wednesday afternoon In the home of Mrs. Huse , 1101 Norfolk avenue. Five hundred was a feature of the afternoon. Mrs. P. H. Salter won the all-cut honors , Mrs. E. M. Huntlngton the high score 'and Mrs. F. E. Davenport low score. Mrs. Ellen E. Dobson of Lincoln , Mrs. George Hanks and Mrs. Rsjy- mend of Crelghton with Miss Edith Vlele and Miss Hattle Allbery were entertained at dinner Thursday by Mrs. L. B. Musselman. Mrs. Dobson Is at the head of the Order of the Eastern Star In Nebraska. Little Altalena Chambers on the oc casion of her fifth birthday last Satur day entertained twenty-two of her lit tle friends at the home of her parents , .Mr. and Mrs. A. E , Chambers. The party was from two to five. Wednesday evening at the home of iMr. and Mrs. Robert Bathke was spent at cards , a number of friends having arranged a surprise party for the evening. Friends gave a surprise party Tues day evening for Mr. and Mrs. James Lough , about a score of guests spend ing a pleasant evening at the Lough home. In honor of the birthday of her daughter , Miss Faye Livingston , Mrs. C. D. Livingston entertained the J. F. S. club on Monday evening. Mrs. Frank Herber entertained a few friends nt a G o'clock dinner par ty Tuesday evening at her home on South Eleventh street. The West Sldo Whist club met with Mr and Mrs. John R. Hays Thursday evening. The O. M. C. club wore the guests of Miss Lizzie Schram last Saturday evening. Hymenlal. Angst Bertram of near Pierce and Miss Ella Lou , the daughter of Fer dinand Leu living six miles southeast of the city , were married on Thursday morning at Christ Lutheran church In Norfolk. The ceremony was a quiet one with Rev. J. P. Mueller of ficiating. An early week wedding was the mar riage of Walter Mason of Norfolk and Miss Myrtle Fletcher of Tekamah. Coming Events. The next Elk dancinp party will be given nt their club rooms next Friday evening. A theatrical event of Intcrrst will bo seen at the Auditorium Tuesday night. W. B. Patton , writer of plays , will be seen In his own comedy cre ation , "The Slow poke. " Mr. Patton IE being "starred" In this play this year nnd Is said to be a peculiar come- Arlnn , something on the order of Sol Smith Russell , Tim Murphy , Frank Kecrmn nnd others of the droll and quaint type who bring tears to your eyes ono minute by their pathos and roars of laughter the next by their whole-souled good humor and wit , The play Is a western story , sold tc bo built upon n cleverly woven plot and portrayed In an Interesting man ner by a capable company. The Omaha Bee Is quoted i\n saying tha Mr Patton Is an actor of moro that ordinary ability , riMulndlng ono mucl of the Into Sol Smith GEORGE GRAVES IN NEW MEXICO Pioneer Lumberman of Norfolk Farm Ing I" New Mexico. George ( iravoH pioneer liimhcrmni of ( his city , has II MI located In Hem Ing , New Moxli'o , whore he IH dolm fine , according to a report from tin Doming Graphic. Mr. Graves Is wi'l remembered by old-timers of this sec ( Ion. During tin * SO' * and early Wt he had a string of thirteen lumbei yards along the Elkhorn Valley , ex tending from Wlfiiier to Long Pine with headquarters at Norfolk , his yard In this rlty lining located where tlu Matrau Wllle coal olllco now stands Mr. Graves Is brother-ln law of H. A Vail , with the Norfolk Electric Llghl and Power company. The following story from Graphic tells of Mr. Graves present whereabouts : "Mr. Goo. Graves , one of the weal thy and most progressive citizens ol the great Mlmbres valley , has a croj showing out on his broad acres undoi the new Irrigation ditch that would oven make ono of those black land follows "away back east" sit up nnd take notice. "Mr. Graves' place Is some five miles southwest of town , where he Is growing a fine lot of sugar cane and knlllr corn that will produce froiv two to six tons of excellent feed tc the aero. Ho has It all cut. ThlHcroj Is the first grown under the now IrrI Cation ditch and gives ono an Ider what the farmers will be doing oui that way in another year. The croi was sown broadcast about the llrst o July and the cano had reached UK height of twelve foot when cut down "Mr. Graves has also sown some thlrty-flvo acres In winter wheat am rye and will put In all told sixty t Blxty-fivo ncros Inside of ton days , al of which will bo watered from the ncv Irrigation ditch. The kind of worl Mr. Graves is doing will bo very effec live In causing the Mlmbres valley t ( push forward to the high standard 1 will some day roach as an ngricultura district. LOSING INTEREST. Norfolk Militia Company Not So En thuslastlc. The Norfolk militia company , In the opinion of its promoters , seems either to have gone or to bo about to go by the boards. When an Independent militia orga nization was effected In Norfolk It was with the hopes that admission would soon be secured Into the ranks of the state guard or that nt least official recognition would bo tendered the company in the shape of uniforms and equipment. Chances for admission as a regular company seem to be as favorable ns ever but the Interest of the men has not been retained during the period of waiting that has already passed. The men have not been turning out for the ununiformed drills nnd the officers of the organization say that the "stuff is off. " The application for state recognl tlon has not been withdrawn at thlE time but may be In the near future , promoters of the company say. Bituminous Coal. Shortly after the adoption of bitu minous eoal as a fuel In England a royal proclamation was used forbid ding Its use nnd authorizing the * de struction of the furnaces of the users. who were characterized as evil doers Scarcity of fuel. It seems , shortly compelled polled the resumption of Its use In the reign of Elizabeth liltuminoiiH real was again prohibited during co slons of parliament lest the health ol th < > members suffer thereby. Londm Telegraph. Three Shot in Pistol Duel. Raven wood , Mo. , Oct. 28. Mih E T. Molzalln was .shot and killed , Im husband , Dr. Molzalln , was shot an < seriously wounded and Cliarleh Mr Elvnln was slightly wounded In r pistol dnol between MrKlvaln and Dr Molzalin , when the latter rf'urnr-i homo unexpectedly , finding MI Elvair ther . General Booth Is Better. Plttsburg , Ort. 28 Oonoral Wllliair Booth of the Salvation Army , who was suffering Irom exhaustion upon In arrival hero Irom Columbus. O . at landed ihroo meetings in the Ah It theater and was apparently much in proved The gfnoial sliow-il Imt blight evldonro ot his recent illness. Big Balloon Makes Successful Trip , Spiingflold. Mass , on us--Tin. . balloon known as "llfii FranUm , ' having a gas capacity of ! )2 ) ooo < ubU toet and bald to bo the largest .In the \\orld , landed in UHrherloun after a successful trip Imm I'hila'ldphla. ' The balloon mrrlod live pn > oii.s. all of Philadelphia. Nome Has $300,000 , Blaze. Tacoma. Get liS Fins at Nome rausPd prop i y of about $ : ! 0,000. The Second axetiiio ofilno building of the Pioneer Mining rompnny MIP l > hi structure of the kind In tlu- town wui among those- destroyed , at a loss of friO.OOO The fire burnud lei lour hours Iowa Man Killed In Runaway Charl s City , la. , Oct 'J8 I P Rartlett , d piomlnont citizen of Osa o was thrown out of a buggy In a run away near Orchard and was Instantly Killed by one of the colts ho wan drlv Ing falling on him Ex-Congressman Welborn Dead. Lexington. Mo , Ort 28 John Wei born , member of the Fifty-ninth congress gross from the Seventh Missouri dis Irlct. died at Uls home hare , aged fifty- one year * . DR. C. W. RAY WILL BE MARRIED THIS WEEK. SURPRISES HIS CONGREGATION Dr. Ray Left Norfolk at Noon for Hln- ton , West Virginia , Where He Will be Married Thursday to Miss Sarah A. Ervln At Homo Nov. 1D. When Dr. C. W. Ray , the now pastor of the First Mothodlst church , returns to Norfolk the latter part of next week ho will bo accompanied by his lirlilo , now Miss Sarah A. Ervln of lllnton , West Virginia , to whom the popular Norfolk pastor will be married on Thursday evening , October fll. Dr. Ray left Norfolk Monday noon for West Virginia. The ceremony will take place Thursday evening In llln ton nt the First Mothodlst church , HOtltll. Dr. and Mrs. Ray will leave lllnton on a short wedding trip that will taku thorn to Rlley , I ml. , In tlmo to bo present ent at the golden wedding anniversary of Dr. Hay's parents which will bo cel ebrated at Rlley on November ! . In the wedding Invitations Issued by the bride's parents , Mr. nnd Mrs. Rob ert Watson Ervln , It IB announced that Dr. and Mrs. Ray will at "at homo" In Norfolk after November 15. Word of Dr. Ray's marriage will bo a surprise to the Norfolk members of his congregation for few save the pre siding older , Dr. D. K. Tlndall , were aware of the real object of Dr. Ray's eastern visit this month. Dr. Ray came to Norfolk this fall from Alliance , where ho was pastor of the Alliance church. In this city ho has received an unusually friendly greeting nnd has boon quick to makq friends. " " In addition to standing well In his work In the ministry Dr. Ray Is the author of several works. ALMOST NINETY YEARS OLD Andrew C. Muckey , Father of Mrs. C. S. Evans , Succumbs. Lacking but eight months of hav ing reached his ninetieth birthday , Andrew C. Muckey died Sunday morn ing of old age at the home of his son- in-law , C. S. Evans , editor of the Nor folk TlmoH-Trlbuno. For about ten years past Mr. Muckey has made his home In Norfolk at the homo of his daughter. , } Mr. Muekey was born and raised at Alons Cove , Ponn. loiter ho married Miss Elizabeth Van Kirk in Cumber land county and moved to Iowa. Mr. Muckey was a farmer. On the death of Ills wife she was laid to rest In Irvlngton cemetery In Irvlngton , la. , where Mr. Muckey's body was taken Monday morning for burial. The re mains were accompanied to Irvlngton by C. S. Evans. The deceased left these children : Mrs. C. S. Evans , Norfolk ; W. H. Muckey , Algona , la. ; Mrs. L. M. Mil ler , Whlttemoro , la. ; A. C. Muckey , lola , Kan. ; Mrs. R. J. Manning , loin , Kan. Kan.Mr. Mr. Muckey was a Methodist. "From stilts to crutches" comprise * the biography of the merchant who does not believe that advertising is of first importance In store-building. The dollars come to the persistent advertiser faster than tl.ey are spent. REI5TLE 5 PLATES ARE flIGHT RHSriHMES ARE RIGHT F1ANK REIS7LE ENGRAVER AND ELECTROTYPER 1420 24 lAV Rr.HCt OtNVO ) COLO Toil MDst Not Forget We are constantly improv ing in the art of making Fine I'hotos. Nmmt Styles in Cards and Finish , \Vo also carry a Kino Line of Mouldings. I. M. MACY CO VEARS' EXPERIENCE II n > n ilunnKlni tMii lire ( > l < lt > * t turi'ii * y f'ir ' ! I'Mti'ins tnUi-n ttir.iuk'ii Mui ' il i ml luitirc , rlllioiit charge , in ' . > Scientific . \ tmmlinmolr llhi lr tmt . ' niHtiuii of liny K-ieiillUo Imiruul 1 < 'i. . n V > rimr , fuiir miMitln , | u Bold tyull i 'WwliMilft llnuicli OIBco. C& F EU Wublaittuii. IX