The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 20, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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Butchorlno n Pig , Mr. Wnchter Let
the Knife Slip and Sever His Wrist
Artery It Was a Four Mile Drive
Defore Dlootl Coilld be Stopped.
Frank Waohtor , a prominent Miull-
son county fnnnor , rode n rnco with
death to Norfolk , winning with none
too wlilo iv innrgln. With n flovorcil
nrtcry blooding Wnchlor wn niHhctl
to a Norfolk surgeon's olllco four mllon
from his home northwest of the city.
Wnchtor wns butchering n pig Wed
nesday. A Blip untl the shnrp knife
hnd cut nn URly Rimh In bin loft wrist ,
severing the miiln artery of the wrist.
The wound hied hiully nnd it was n
( HioHtlon of Retting the Injured man to
n doctor heforo ho would hlocd to
Mr. Waohtor was placed In n biiB y
nnd rushed to Norfolk. Meanwhile n
Norfolk physician had boon called up
over the telephone.
Held Artery With Finger.
Wachtor was brought to Norfolk ,
weak from the lows of blood hut with
the race won. And It was his fore
sight that Biivod his life for during the
long rldo Wnchtor hampered the How
of blood by closing down on the nrtory
with his fliiBors.
It was no easy task to close the
wound after the Injured man had been
brought to the city for a severed artery -
ory calls for some clllclont work In
HiirRory when the artery happens to
be the big main artery of the wrist.
The local physician Bald that Wai
ter's margin of escape was narrow en
ough to he alarming.
Battle Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Mm. HonR&tlor nnd
little son arc visiting this week with
relatives at Crelghton.
Win. Newton of the Enterprise force
Is vlaltliiR this week with rolatlvcs at
Chamberlain , S. D. Miss Annie
Wantlln Is asslstlnR In his place.
The storm Monday night did not do
much damage here , but killed several
hnshel baskets full of English spar
Mrs. Uoso Krlvanok of Meadow
Grove was visiting Tuesday with rela
tives hero.
John Tetora of Tllden was visiting
here Saturday at the homo of his dau
ghter , Mrs. Henry Walter.
Wm. Melssuer returned Friday from
nn extended visit with rolatlvcs nt
Chas. Palmer was hero on business
Saturday from Madison.
Willie Shlpman of north of the rlvor
Is down with typhoid fever.
Miss Bertha Hanson of Tllden waa
visiting hero Sunday with Miss Laura
Stocker and other friends.
Clnronco Pratt has moved back from
.Norfolk to this town.
Shelby Moffott was a business visit
or to Clearwater Monday.
Major Clinton Smith of Madison was
hero on business Tuesday.
Frank Beeler Is going to run R. Col
llns farm llvo miles southwest. Mr
nnd Mrs. Collins will go on an extended
od visit to their old homo In Vlrginln
nnd nftor returning will occupy the
Declor property in Highland park.
Postmnster F. II. L. Willis hnd the
office building entirely remedied , sc
It will bo warmer nnd more comfort
able next winter.
Members of the Lutheran church nt
Buffnlo Creek gathered nt the homo
of Wm. Hclkofsky last Sunday. The
occasion was the christening of his In
fant son by llev. F. Koester of Tlldon.
Ludwlg Kerbel was down from Spen
cer visiting relatives the fore part of
this week. <
County Commissioners J. H. Hnrdlng
of Meadow Grove nnd Burr Taft of
Norfolk were hero Tuesday on official
That Is the Record In "Qulncy Adams
Sawyer , " the New England Play.
If all the world loves n lover It is
equally true that nil theatregoers enjoy
lovers on the stage who arc given to
oscillatory demonstration. There have
been many famous kisses on the stage.
The first one of note was the Emma
Abbott kiss , and more recently there
has been the Nothersole-Cannon kiss.
$ Most people would not glvo the snap
of a linger for n play In which they
could not see the hero make love to
one or more pretty women ; they llko
to see them Indulge In oscillatory ex
erclses as often as the story of the
play may permit. The great Now Eng-
a land llay , " Qulncy Adams Sawyer , "
1 which Is attracting crowded houses
everywhere , takes Its name from a
wealthy young Boston lawyer who goes
into the country for Ills health nnd
chnrms nil the village girls. In the
play this young hero bents the stage
record for kissing. Ills kissing op
portunities in the first nnd second nets
mny be limited , but with his oscula
tions of the third nnd fourth acts ho
more than makes up for his defici
encies In the previous two acts.
In the third act one may find n good
study In the nrt of kissing. Qulncy
Adams Sawyer Is at a good old-fash
ioned husklng-beo and , when ho finds
a red ear , takes great pleasure evidently -
ly In carrying out the penalty of kiss
ing every girl present. He goes from
the free from care kiss to the reverent
salute ho presses on the brow of the
blind girl , Alice Pettlnglll. The actor
who plays the role told nn Interviewer
hi Now York recently that the kissing
he had to do WUH a fearful hoar. Ho
looked upon it IIH having to do BO much
kissing for HO much much n week Ho
cnmplnlnH becaiiHo the management
gave him a number of extni girls to
klHR In the hiiHklng-beo sceuo.
"Qulncy Adams Sawyer" will bo
presented at the Auditorium In Nor
folk , Bahmlay night. The play pleased
Norfolk on Itn former appearance horo.
Napor Enterprise : The first test of
the primary law would seem to Indi
cate that It Is n rank failure , In Us pro-
nent form. Every ciindldato coming
Irnt had at leant a 15 ! 'per cent advant
age , whore the candidates are un-
mown. It compels candidates to make
wo campaigns , and Baddies the ox-
) oiwo of two elections on the pcoplo.
\nd for what ? In all duo rospcct for
ho gentlemen composing the two tick-
( H nomlnnted hiHt week by about one-
Ifth of the votora of Boyd county , wo
enttiro the assertion that both parties
oiild have nominated Just as strong
Ickets by the caucus and convention
method. Then there Is the total ab
sence of any Initiative from the parties
nd the votera of the different parties
'fton ' find that but ono man has filed
'or ' some ofllco. and that man Is the
lomlneo of their party , regardless of
ho wishes of his party. It destroys
ho much'prl/.cd secrecy of the ballot ,
y loqulrlng every voter to express
ilti party limitation , under oath , If
oino person should see lit to require
Governor Coe I. Crawford of South
Dakota Returned to Norfolk and Re-
malned Over Night After His First
Visit to Rosebud Towns.
Norfolk for n second tlmo this week
md the chief executive of South Dako-
nt among Its visitors. Governor Coo
I. Crawford was In Norfolk over night
: m his way from the Boncstcol fair to
the state capital.
Governor Crawford made the openIng -
Ing address at the Gregory county fair
and spoke again on Wednesday. The
South Dakota governor saw the now
town of Dallas for the first tlmo , mak
ing a trip over the now extension nnd
giving short responses to the greet
ings accorded him by the citizens of
Dallas and Gregory. This week's trip
was the second visit that Governor
Crawford has made to his Gregory
county constituents.
It Is an Indication of Norfolk's lo
cation In the northwest that the gov
ernor of the state to the north has
become quite familiar with Norfolk as
n result of passing through the city
to Inspect the state institutions in the
Deadwood country and to visit his con
stituents in the Rosebud. And the
governor's impressions of Norfolk arc
favorable for ho frankly says that he
likes the town.
This evening United States Senator
Klttredge , whom Governor Crawford
Is to oppose for ro-electlon , Is expect
ed to bo In Norfolk on his way tc
speak at the last day of the fair nl
Pierce Personals.
Pierce , Neb. , Sept. 17. Special to
The News : Mrs. Wooda Conea was in
Norfolk between trains today.
Mr. nnd Mrs. L. A. Pohlmnn nnd
bnby loft this morning for a brief visit
n Omaha.
Grand Jury at Jackson Returns True
Bills Because of Issuance of Passes.
Jackson , Miss. , Sopt. 19. Following
up the Indictments returned several
days ago charging the Illinois Central
and the Vazoo and Mississippi Valley
railroads with issuing passes to per
sons not entitled to such under the
law , the grand Jury of tills county has
reported true bills against every call-
road In the atato , both intra and Inter
state , for their alleged failure to Ilia
statements showing the "number of
pasbos tssuod and to whom , as the law
To Curtail Output of Copper.
Now Yoru , Sept. 19. Directors of
the subsidiary companies of the Amal
gamated Copper company , at a moot
ing in this city , voted to curtail the
output of those companies by SO per
cent or more of the normal output.
This action will take effect immediate
ly. The companies represented wora
the Anaconda , Butte and Boston , Bos
ton and Montana , and v'urrott Mining
Boiler Explosion Kills Eleven.
ToTtica , Mex. , Sopt. 19. Neglect of
duty on the part of an employe result
ed in the death of cloven persons and
injury to twelve more through the ex
plosion of a boiler in the ferror fac
tory at Assordor. Of the twelve in
jured , three are probably mortally
hurt. The explosion was duo to neg
lect of an em ployo in not allowing
turplus steam to escapo.
31 Killed on Japanese Battleship.
Washington , Sept. 19. The state de
partment was advised that the Jap-
Inose government otllclally announced
that thirty-one mon were killed nnd
tleyen wounded by the explosion of
shells on the Japanese battleship Ka-
he Event Is Recorded With the Jap
anese Legation and the Couple Will
Return to Yale and Reside In New
Haven He Is Thirty.
Now Haven , Conn. , Sopt. 18. Prof.
Kanlchl Arakawa of the department of
apaneso civilization nt Ynle , has be-
coino Amorlcnnlzod mire enough. Ho
ina eloped , Ho ran away with Miss
Miriam C. Dlngwall of Now Haven ,
\nA they wcro married last Thursday
n Washington , D. C. , where the event
, vas recorded at the Japanese legation.
This proceeding was to legalize the
narrlago in Japan , for Prof. Asakawa
evidently wishes to stand as much
married there as in America.
The conplo met when Asaknwa was
n student at Yalo. Ho came to this
country from Japan to enter Darts-
mouth nnd graduated in 1899. Then
10 took n course in Yale In 1902 re
ceived the degree of Ph. D. A a n Yale
student Asakawa was nlso a good
Methodist. Ho attended Grace church
nnd there met Miss Dlngwnll. On re
ceiving his degree from Yale , Asaka-
wa was appointed n professor nt Dart-
nouth. It was the first professorship
conferred on n Japanese In this coun
try. Ho and Miss Dlngwall did not
meet again until n year ago last spring ,
when Ynlo having bestowed a profes
sorship on Asakawa , ho came to New
Haven to accept.
The Asakawas will return hero next
Saturday and the Wednesday follow-
ng ho will start as a professor of Yale
at the opening of the torm. Ho is 30
ynrs old ; aho two ycnrs his Junior.
F. L. Estabrook Is In South Dakota
on business.
Charles Vlternn , nn Omaha real es
tate man , wau lu Norfolk yesterday on
W. A. Wltzlgman wont to Omaha
this morning ot attend the bankers'
Fred Spauldlng returned to Sioux
City Wednesday after n couple days'
visit with his mother in this city.
W. B. Hlght arrived In Norfolk from
Presho , S. D. , Wednesday evening , and
returned to that place Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hal II. Dcnncr , who
have boon Visiting relatives In Nor
folk for several weeks , left today on
their return to their homo in Califor
nia. Mrs. Bcnner Is a sister of Mrs
H. L. McCormlck and E. A. Amerlno
Among the day's out of town visitors
In Norfolk wore : Governor Coo I
Crawford of South Dnkotn ; E. S. Mickey -
oy , state bank examiner , Lincoln ; L ,
J. Brown , Crelghton ; Rev. M. A. Jensen -
son , Verdon ; Chnrles Nelson , Nlc-
brara ; N. E. Miller , Schuylor ; C. A ,
Johnson , Ponder ; James Blair and W ,
J. Blair , Linwood ; C. Schmltt , Wil
liam Rottler , Madison ; R. B. Thomp
son , Crelghton ; Guy L. Evans , Crelglv
ton ; Mrs. W. E. Fisher , Broken Bow ;
Mrs. Scott Hobrook of Wayne.
Born to Mr. and Qua Bathke , n son
An cloven pound son arrived yestcr
day at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Franli
Cunningham In South Norfolk.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Emery wcro ir
Sioux City yesterday attending the
golden wedding anniversary of Mrs.
Imery's parents.
E. Sly , chief dispatcher of the North
western In the local train dispatchers'
office. Is improving slowly after two
weeks of quite serious illness.
C. E. Flores has written from Red-
amis , Cal. , to G. F. Bilger that he enJoys -
Joys the western country where ho
has decided to spend the winter.
Congressman J. F. Boyd has been
chosen as Antelope's delegate to the
republican platform nnd central com
mittee convention at Lincoln on next
Chris Anderson is out on n trip in
the western part of the state In the
Interests of the Springfield Fire nnd
Mnrlno insurance company , for which
he is ono of the two special agents in
Thursday , September 20 , which has
been designated as "Norfolk day" at
the Madison county fair , will bo the
big day at the Madison fair and races.
Nellgh and Newman Grove will play
ball on that day at the fair.
Nels Peterson , an old time fireman
out of Norfolk but now running an en
gine out of Chadron , was in the city
Engineer E. G. Wood , who has been
laying off sick the past month , was
able to take his run again yesterday
Miss Joslo Schrlder la laid up with
rheumatism In her back.
John Williams , th Northwestern
brakeman who was hurt at' Fremoni
some time ago , has rccovorod auffl
clently to bo brought home last night
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cunningham
are the proud parents of twin boys.
Pete Brown , one of the Northwest
ern boys who used to work out of here
but la now on the South Platte dlvi
slon , was In Norfolk yesterday.
Wm. Cheyney passed a successfu
examination for a fireman and will go
to Chadron and work out of there this
E. S. Cummins Is having new ce
ment walks laid around his house on
Lincoln avenue ,
I * A. Rothe , vice president of the
Citizens National bank , went to Oma
ha yesterday to.Join the other Norfoll
bankers who arc in attendance at the
state bankers convention In that city.
Mr. Rotho will remain In Omaha until
Huv F. W. Benjamin , who recently
resigned the pastorate of the Baptist
church of Norfolk , left today for Los
\ngeles , Cal. , where ho will go prepar
atory ( o taking charge of some church
n southern California. His family
will Join him In n short time.
J. C. Burton of Vordol , formerly
dltor of the Outlook , enclosing a
Iraft for a year's subscription to The
wH , writes : "Enclosed plcnso find
Iraft for a year's subscription to the
Norfolk Dally News. Since I got out
of the printing oflico I nm lost without
your paper , so plcaso put mo on the
mailing list at once. "
Wlnsldo Tribune : Mr. nnd Mrs. A.
M. Davis brought their little nine-year-
old daughter to town Mondny afternoon -
noon to see n physlclnn. The Httlo
Irl wns painfully Injured whllo nt
school by ono of the Hanson boys , who
flho says Jumped off n pony Into her
Face , breaking her glasses. A large
cut was made In the Hide of her nose
by the broken glass nnd it seems only
a miracle that her eye was not In
C. S. Mickey , state bank examiner ,
was among the visitors to the Audito
rium last evening. Mr. Mickey , who
Is n son of ex-Governor Mickey , waa
In Norfolk over night , cnrouto from n
trip up the Bonestcel line to Omaha
where the state bankers' convention
Is In session. Mr. Mlckoy said that
tils father had returned to his homo
In Osceoa and wns In greatly Improved
health since retiring from the govern
or's ofllce.
The oldest hotel In Norfolk and one
of the oldest In north Nebraska has
changed the name under which it
greeted western travelers in past days.
The old Norfolk House , of late the Nor
folk Rooming House , has been labeled
with n now sign. Yesterday It became
the Pioneer Hotel , . The old hotel ,
which Is on Second street and Norfolk
avenue near the Oxnard , was built In
1871 nnd wns the first hotel of any pre
tensions In this vicinity.
Crelghton News : Crelghton sent n
big delegation to Norfolk Tuesday to
aeo Barnum & Bailey's clrcua. The
10:40 : passenger loft hero with nine
coaches pretty well filled with people
from nlong the line , nnd the train wns
crowded before it reached Norfolk.
They saw the circus , it was good , but
some came very near not eating.
Trains coming In from other directions
were loaded. It was the biggest crowd
Norfolk ever entertained , but they did
The projected Ynnkton & Gulf rail
road Is still being pushed by Fremont
Hill , Ha promoter. Last week Mr.
Hill reached an agreement with the
Atoka ( I. T. ) Commercial cub whereby
the cub pledges $1,200 to assist the
company In obtaining right-of-way priv
ileges through the city. 'The com
pany's surveyors are now a few miles
north of Atoka. Options on the right-
of-way for the railroad venture have
ilready been secured through this part
of Nebraska.
An export grain man who wns in
Norfolk yesterday from Chicago , look-
ng up the crop situation for a Chicago
grain commission house , said that the
corn in the northern part of Nebraaka
a in excellent condition. Ho found
'air corn in Missouri but said that
hero is a bad streak between Omaha
nnd Hastings. The last two weeks
of broiling weather have ripened up
ho green Iowa cornfields wonderfully ,
rlo said that the next government re
port will show much more corn than
waa indicated by the last bulletin.
Doesn't O. P. Herrlck want his mon
ey ? Good hard coin of the land ia in
the handa of the city treasurer to com
plete the payment to , the Des Molnea
contractor for the aewer system. Af-
er Mr. Herrick had spurned the city's
warrant for the J2.247.CO that the city
councllmen conceived to be atlll owing
him , he formally threatened the city
with suit for half > a dozen Items all in
; oed round sums. That waa last May
nnd the Iowa contractor in the good
old summer time of contract prosperity
seems to have lost sight of the little
oose coin that Ke loft back in Norfolk.
For he apparently has forgotten both
suit and money.
The following candidates were nom
inated at the recent Holt county pri
maries : For county treasurer , J. C.
Harnlsh , rep. , John A. Robertson , fu
sion ; for county clerk , W. P. Slmar ,
rep. , \ \ \ 3. Morgan , fusion ; for sheriff ,
C. E. Hall , rep. , John Mathls , fusion ;
for county Judge , C. J. Malone , rep. ,
S. Simmons , dpm. , L. J. Splttler , ind. ;
for clerk of the district court , J. N.
Sturdevnnt , rep. , John A. Harmon , fu
sion ; for superintendent , Florence E.
Xink , rep. , Ardellla VanConett , fusion ;
for surveyor , W. W. Page , rep. , M. F.
Norton , fusion ; for coroner , Dr. E. T.
Wilson , rep. , Dr. P. J. Flynn , fusion ;
for assessor , L. E. Skldmore , rep. , Wm.
Loll , fusion ; for supervisor , second dis
trict , W. S. Roberts , rep. , W. H. Bedford -
ford , fusion ; fourth district , J. L. Roll ,
rep. , I. D. Solvers , dem. , Nelson Coov-
or , ind. ; sixth district , Rodoll Root ,
rep. , S. A. Hlckman , fusion ; seventh
district , Jacob Rocko , rep.
Letter List.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at the postofllco at Norfolk , Neb. ,
Sept. 17. 1907.
Mr. John A. Mnllan , Mr. C. H.
Pooro , A. B. Robinson , J. P. Sullivan ,
Mr. Russell Williams , Mr. Walkro Jet )
If not called for in fifteen daya will
be sent to the dead letter ofllce.
Parties calling for any of the above
please say advertised.
John R. Hays , P. M.
Your camera "resting ? " Let a want
ad. take it to market !
The Wife of the Stage Manager In
"Two Merry Tramps" Couldn't Stand
the Handclapplng That Was Given
to Pretty Jeannctte Irving.
There haa never been any secret
about the Jealousy thot exists among
ho actorfolk of atageland. It was
; > retty well known last spring that the
ate Richard Mansfield dismissed his
cadlng lady because she drew aa much
or more applause In Pore Gynt than
.ho notable star himself , and that be-
'ore ho dismissed her ho used genuine
violence In the scene where ho was
supposed to make believe that ho was
pounding her on the back , between the
shoulders. That leading lady was the
wife of Charles Beresford , who once
made a hit and played to a packed
louse at the Norfolk Auditorium. But
that's another story. The point to bo
berne in mind la the fact that actor-
people dearly love applause and that
they are sincerely nnd bitterly Jenloua
of their playmates who win vigorous
This trait of stageland was demon
strated In Norfolk Wednesday night.
It was In "Two Merry Tramps" that
the Jealousy broke out and aa n result
of the envy of the stage manager's
wife , the most popular girl In the
"Poor John" chorus has been dis
missed from that sextette. She was
not discharged from the show she
was just discarded from that partic
ular part of the chorus.
Manager's Wife Has Trumps.
Myra Jefferson Is the stage man
ager's wife. Naturally the stage man
ager's wife has the better of the game
when It conies to playing trumps. She
can eat up any queen In the chorus
without half trying. And she ate up
pretty Jeanette Irving In Norfolk.
The Jefferson woman comes out In
the third act of "Two Merry Tramps"
with a really cute parody on "Waiting
at the Church. " She sings the song
and the bevy of pretty girls , all
dressed up In gowns to make them
look awkward , stand behind the leader
and go through a lot of absurd gym
nastics which bring down the house.
Jeanette Irving was the prettiest one
of those girls , and the cleverest. Her
fingers and her feet and her bonnet
all took on such ridiculous attitudes
that the audience forgot to be an au
dience and for the time being became
mere spectators. Again nnd again
Jeanette Irving was called back to
make the audience laugh , and inclden-
taly the Jefferson woman continued to
sing her song. The song was a funny
one all right , so far as that point is
concerned. But it was noted by the
house that after a time or two , Jeanette
otto Irving was transferred from one
end of the chorus to the other , in order
that she would have to leave the stage
first. That was some of the clever
finesse work of the jealous stage man
nger's wife or would it be better to
say the stage manager's jealous wife ?
Puts Girl Out Altogether.
After the show was all over and the
audience had gone home things trans
plred which strikingly illustrate the
fact that Mansfield was not alone in
his selfishness and that thlncs thev
say about actors' Jealousies are true
For early Thursday morning the
'Poor John" girls were summoned to
the theater to rehearse their chorus
with a new girl In the place of popular
Jeanette Irving. Jeanette stood on
the sidelines and watched the game
She had been told that she was too
busy with other work to do this stun
any more.
Jeanette laughed and said she dldn'
care. Perhaps she felt compllmentec
that her own popularity In the par
ahould attract the spite of the wife o
the manager of the stage. And maybe
way down In her heart , ahe did really
care a little for the fact that ahe won'
have a chance to bring any more
And so the next town that the "Two
Merry Tramps" visit will have to go
without the hearty laugh that Norfolk
enjoyed over Jeanette Irving.
"Two Merry Tramps. "
Wood & Ward's "Two Merrj
Tramps" were greeted by a fair audl
ence at the Auditorium last night , bu
not by nearly so large a one as the
show really deserved. Perhaps 1
Wood & Ward would change the nam
of their show to something more sug
gestlve of the clever little muslca
comedy that it is , their audience
would be bigger. For the show is a
genuinely pleasing pudding of musi
and fun , and the pretty girls are an
attractive feature not played up prom
Inently enough on the billboards.
This show ia a "tramp" show In
name only. There were a number o
song hits on the program and the mu
sic was of the Jingly sort , just aa ad
vortlsed. More than that , the sho\
produced some new things in the jok
Trouble Ends When Old Lady I
Struck With a Missile.
And the chickens were as usual a
the bottom of the whole row.
The Ahlmans owned chickens ant
the Bartzs also claimed to have owne
chickens. All this was some time ago.
But the chlckena of the present ,
hoover owns them , have shown n
omollko feeling when nestling In the
\hlman hencoop In Edgowater park. " 1
Then the trouble started. '
Aa long as the row was between the
Ahlmnns nnd the Bartzs nil went well.
Jut when Mrs. Bnrtz was alleged to M
ave heaved an old tin bucket at Mrs. '
Milmnn'a mother , an old lady of
Ighty-soven years , the Ahlmans took
! io case Into court
So yesterday Justice Lambert fined t
Irs. Bartz n dollar and costs for as-
aultlng Mrs. Frederlcke Lltko , Ahl-
lan'a mother-in-law. The fine waa I
romptly paid.
Not rented yet ? Something wrong
vlth your advertising.
What "Qulncy Adams Sawyer" Did.
Dlil you over court a country girl ?
Did you ever sing in a country church
holr ? Did you ever go to a husking-
> ee ? Did you over attend a town
meeting ? Qulncy Adams Sawyer , a
oung lawyer from Boston , did , and
hat Is what the play called "Qulncy
Adams Sawyer , " to bo elaborately
produced here Saturday night nt the
Auditorium Is nbout. The populnr
few England novel of the same name
old nil about these happenings , but
t is anld they arc depleted oven more
ivldly nnd interestingly in play form.
All who have boon farmer boys and
; lrls should see this beautiful Now
Sngland play , for it will revive pleas
ant recollections. The city bred
hould see It to realize what they have
Damascus Uommandery , No. 20 ,
Knights Templar , meets the third Friday -
day evening of each month in Masonic
Damascus Chapter , No. 25 , R. A. M. ,
meeta the second Monday in each
month in Masonic hall.
Mosaic lodge , No. 55 , A. F. & A. M. ,
meets the first Tuesday in each month
in Masonic hall.
Beulah Chapter , No. 40 , Order of the
Eastern Star , meets the second and
fourth Thursday of each month at 8
p. m. in Masonic hall.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
Elkhorn Encampment No. 27 , I. O.
O. F. , meets the first and third Tues
day evenings of each month.
Norfolk lodge No. 46 , I. O. O. F. ,
meets every Thursday evening.
Deborah Rebecca lodge No. C3 , I. O.
O. F. , meets the first and third Friday
evenings of each month.
B. P. O. E.
Norfolk lodge , No. 653 , Benevolent
and Protective Order of Elks , meets
regularly on the second and fourth
Saturday evenings of each month.
Club rooms open at all times. Ledge
and club rooma on second floor Of Mar
quardt block.
Sugar City Aerie , No. 357 , meeta in
Eaglea' lodge room as follows : In /
winter every Sunday evening ; In summer - '
mer the first and third Sunday evenings - '
ings of each month. j :
_ _ _ _ / '
L. M. L. of A. ij
The Loyal Mystic Legion of Amor- I ;
lea meets at G. A. R hall on the fourth h
Thursday evening of each month.
M. B. A.
Sugar City lodge , No. 622 , meets on
the second * Friday evening of the
month at Odd Fellows' hall.
Sons of Herrmann.
Germanla lodge , No. 1 , meets the
second and fourth Friday evenings of
the month at Q. A. R. hall.
Norfolk Relief Association.
Meets on the second Monday event
ing of each month in the hall over H.
W. Winter's harness shop.
Tribe of Ben Hur.
North Nebraska Court No. 9 , T. B.
H. , meets the first and third Monday
evenings of each month.
Knights of the Maccabees.
Norfolk Tent No. 64 , K. O. T. M. ,
meets the first and third Tuesday
ovenlngs of each month.
Ancient Order of United Workmen.
No-folk lodge , No. 97 , A. O. TJ. W. ,
meets the second and fourth Tuesday
evenings of each month.
Woodmen or the World.
Norfolk lodge , W. O.V. . , meets on
the third Monday of each month at
G. A. R. hall.
Royal Highlanders. ,
Meets the fourth Tueaday of each ' *
month at 8 p. m. , in G. A. R. hall. I ,
Highland Nobles.
Regular meetings the second and
fourth Monday nights of each month
at I. O. O. F. hall.
G. A. R.
Mathowson post , No. 109 , meets in
G. A. R. hall on the second Tuesday
evening of each month ,
regular meetings.
Royal Arcanum.
The Norfolk chapter does not bold
regular meetings.
Knights of Pythias.
Knights of Pythias , meetings over
second and fourth Monday , in I. 0. O.
F. hall.
M. W. A.
Norfolk camp No. 492 , M. W. A. ,
meets every second Monday in G. A.
R. hall.