The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 13, 1907, Image 1

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, . , , , .
Noon Train From Black Hills Will
Arrive and Leave Little EarlleJ-
Noon Train .From Omaha A- , . ° &
Later Morning Train Earlier. v '
The Northwestern will Issue a new
time card to be effective on next Sun
day , September 15.
The now card is a readjustment of
trains based on the present time card.
Changes represented in the new card
have been worked out by the North
western to expedite the movement of
trains through Norfolk at the noon
hour and with Iho special aim to send
the Black Hills passenger on to Omaha
and Chicago without delay nt noon at
the Norfolk Junction.
The now card is a remedy for the
congested condition that has prevailed
at Norfolk Junction since the last card
went Into effect. The new card will ,
It Is believed , restore the noon trains
to the scheduled time.
Train No. 6 , the important Deadwood -
wood passenger bound for Omaha and
Chicago by the now card will arrive
and depart fifteen minutes earlier , ar
riving at 12:30 : and departing at 12:60. :
Train No. 402 will continue to leave
Dallas at C a. m. but will arrive in
Norfolk at 12:05 : and at the Junction
at 12:10 : Instead of at 12:20 : and 12:25. :
Train No. 401 bound for Dallas will
leave the Junction at 1:20 : and Norfolk
at 1:30 : , thirty minutes later than the
present scheduled time which It has
been impossible to observe.
No. 1 from Omaha at noon will ar
rive at 12:50 : instead of 12:30. : This
train will leave for the west at 1:15 : ,
arriving at Oakdale at 2:11 : and fur
nishing connections nt that point with
the Oakdale and Scrlbner freight
which will leave at 2:15. : This connec
tion with freight 340 Is one that Is of
great convenience to many travelers
leaving Norfolk at noon on the Lander
Morning connections from the west
with the Sioux City line will be re
stored by No. 2 from Lander arriving
twenty minutes earlier , arriving at
6:20 : and leaving for the east at C:40. :
The morning Boncsteel train north ,
No. 403 , will leave the Junction at 7:30
and Norfolk at 7:35 : a. m. Instead of
7:10 : and 7:15.
The new schedule becomes effective
Sunday at G o'clock a. m. , standard
central time.
Dr. Young Is Considering Several Ap
plicants for Vacancy.
Dr. H. Douglas Singer , accompanied
oy his family , left Norfolk at noon for
Kankakee , III. , where he goes to as
sume his position in the Illinois state
insane hospital. Dr. Singer has been
assistant physician at the Norfolk in
sane hospital for about a year and his
appointment to the directorship of
scientifi' ! research into mental discuses
at the Illinois hospital comes as an
emphatic promotion and Is a striking
recognition of Do * . Spngpr's ability
For some years Dr. Singer has been
recognized as an authority of national
reputation on mental diseases and his
loss will be keenly felt by Dr. Young ,
superintendent nt the Norfolk hospital.
Dr. Young has been considering a
number of applications for the position
made vacant by Dr. Singer's resigna
tion , but as yet as made no selection.
While the appointment will be made
formally by Governor Sheldon , the
selection has been left entirely with
Dr. Young. Dr. Young expects to
leave for Lincoln shortly to confer
with the governor In regard to the
place and It Is probable that the new
assistant physician will be chosen be
" , ' fore long.
Ladles Guild to Meet.
The Ladles' guild of Trinity church
will meet tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 :
with Mrs. Saunders , 207 South Ninth
New York Bonds.
New York , Sept. 12. The city's $40 ,
000,000 4 } { . per cent gold bonds Issue
was subscribed for more than four
times over , according to the bids that
were opened In the controller's office
this afternoon. More than 900 bids
were received , 886 of which will bo
tabulated , the others being Irregular
and therefore thrown out. The bids
aggregated $207,156,420. The clerks
In the controller's office worked untl
midnight on the tabulation. It wll
probably be three days before It wll
be known who will get the bonds. The
sale will measure up close to the rate
of 102 , according to the calculations
of Controller Metz and Deputy Con
troller McCooey.
Neligh , Neb. , Sept. 12. Special to
The News : Charles Floyd Hewitt am
Mlsa Maude Alice Cool were marrloc
yesterday morning at 8:30 : o'clock a
the home of the bride's father , A. M
Cool of this city. Rev. Mr. Brook of 11
St. Peter's Episcopal church , officiat A
ing. Only a few of the most Intimate
friends and relatives wore present.
The young couple left on the morning
train for Chicago , where they will
visit a short time , after which they will
bo at homo at Bentley , Iowa , whore
the groom is station agent at that
Revival at Nlobrara.
Nlobrara , Neb. , Sept. ' 12. Special to
The News : Much Interest Is being
manifest In the revival meetings which
are held In the Methodist church. The
meetings are being conducted by the
Smith sisters , assisted by other noted
N-vlont. Results are good , from the
' -uolnt of the evangelists.
* rt
The Norfolk Board of Education Feels
Relieved , Now That the Building
Money Is Safely Housed With In
surance Funds , Amount Is $39,000.
G. W. Hooblcr of Omaha has carried
ut his contract for the purchase of
ho $24,000 high school bond Issue of
he Norfolk school district.
The school district bonds have been
urned over to Mr. Hoobler and in re-
urn the board has received the $24-
300 purchase money.
The $24,000 was deposited by Presl-
lent Vlele with City Treasurer J , E.
Haase and , with the Insurance money ,
brought the building fund of the school
board up to $30,000.
The bonds were sold at par. The
ssue bears five percent Interest , runs
.hlrty years and carries a twenty year
The board , on account of market
conditions , has had considerable dif
ficulty In disposing of these bonds to
advantage and the members feel re-
loved now that the cash Is safely
loused In the school treasury.
During the past year both the city
and the school district have had oc
casion to discover that Interest rates
are climbing and that the premium on
> ends is dwindling.
Erie Railroad Has New All Steel Pas
senger Coach , Said to Be Imper
vious to Shocks.
New York , Sept. 12. The Erie Rail
road company has received an all-steel
assenger coach , which Is on exhlbl-
Ion at the Jersey City terminal. The
car Is practically non-wreckablo and
will not burn. There is less than 300
pounds of wood or other Inflammable
material used in it construction , and
all of that has been treated with a
preparation which , It is said , renders
t impervious to hent.
The car is strongly built so that It
will stand almost any shock that rail
road service will glvo it. Its weight ,
which Is nearly fifty tons , and much
In excess of that of the wooden car ,
Is the only bad point , from an operat
ing view , but It is expected that designers
signers will profit by experience and
produce a steel coach of equal strength
sut of lighter weight.
Light Frost In Knox.
Nlobrara , Neb. , Sept. 12. Special to
The News : A light frost was seen
In this vicinity yesterday morning. It
was not heavy enough , however , to
do any damage.
Solicit Funds for coiitge.
Stromsburg , N b. , Sept 12. The
bualnou men of this city made a can-
* TMB of the surrounding country for
the purpose of raising funds for the
new proposed college. The Btrorns-
burg citizens have already subscribed
$20,000 toward the erection of a col
lege and It has been planned to use
this and other amounts raised by sub
scription as a bomto induce the
Swedish Baptist church to ereot a
college at Strom sburg.
Contra ! American Representatives
Meet at Washington.
Washington , Sept. 12. Practical
agreement on the main points and
general good will murkod the prelim
inary meeting of the representatives
of the five Central American republics
to carry out the suggestion of the
United States and Mexico for a per
maneat peace undemanding. After a
fcosslon of several hours the confer
ence was adjourned until Monday
next. The governments represented
were as follows : Costa Rica , Nica
ragua , Guatemala , Salvador and Hon
duras. Assistant Secretary of State
Xdee of the United States and Senor
Godoy of Mexico were present. The
only point on which any hitch oc
ourred was that relating to the pro
tocol to be signed. Two of the Centra1
American representatives were with
out authority to sign the document
without first submitting it to their
governments. One of those said 1
wan possible that this might involve
come trouble and perhaps the chang
Ing of the protocol in some import
ant particulars. Some delay , there
fore , Is expected to be caused by re a
son of this fact It IB not doubted ,
however , that a permanent peace pact
will be entered Into.
, * Bvierytiling wus exceedingly en-
couraging , " said Mr. Adoo , "and the
utmost good nature prevailed. "
Nebraska Railroad Commissioners De
termined Law Must Be Obeyed ,
Commodity Rates Not Lowered West
of Grand Island.
Lincoln , Sept. 12. General Manager
G. W. Holdrogo of the Burlington road
is likely to bo culled to account to thu
state of Nebraska on a criminal pros
ecution for the manner In which thu
pass lluta of tlio road have boon cer
tified to the railway commission. Com
missioners Winuett' and Clarke wore
in consultation and the conclusion
reached was that nothing remains but i
to carry out the railway commission
act by commencing a prosecution of
the acting head of the road in tha
state on a charge of submitting uu
Incorrect list of passes given In No-
The commission has evidence oi
fourteen passes Issued by thu Bur
lington road In Nebraska that wore
not included In what purported to bu
a true list furnished by the road. The
law provldcu a heavy penalty. Thu
filing of a false statement under oath
may also be construed as porjnry.
The railway commtuntonors consult
ed with the attorney general and it la
believed here that prosecution will at
once bo commenced by him.
The Burlington will also bo proceed
ed agaltiBt by the railway commission
on the charge of failure to put into
effect the 15 per cent reductions in
certain commodity rates specified by
the Aldrlch bill , west of Grand Island.
The commission haa not received thu
schedules showing the reduction west
of this point. The law provides for the
arrest of the officials responsible and
heavy penalties on conviction.
The railway commission has post
poned indefinitely the grain rate hear
ing begun here and suddenly stopped
by the Injunction Issued In the federal
court. The coses will bo hold up pond'
ing judicial determination of the suit.
Senator Aldrlch , attorney for the
railway commission , has asked the
governor to call a special session of
the legislature providing the new rates
are tied up indefinitely in the courts
Holds Up Bank of Manley and Ridel
Away With Loot.
Plattsmouth , Neb. , Sopt. 12. A bold
daylight robbery of the bank In the
village of Manley , sixteen miles from
here , occurred shortly after noon. The
[ one robber got between $2,000 and $3-
Out > and escaped , b"ut is reported sur
rounded In a qornflold near the town
of Murdock. The robber entered thu
bank whllo Cashier Dish was alone.
He handed the cashier a letter , asking
that he read It. It was a demand for
$3.000. When ho looked up the rob
ber had him covered with a revolver
and threatened to shoot if the money
waa not Instantly handed over. Dish
gave him what currency , was on the
counter and the bandit hurried out ,
mounted a horse he hod left at the
door , and escaped. Posses from this
place and Murdoclt pursued. The man
abandoned his horse and is supposed
to be biding in a field. The sheriff
has gone from hero.
Omaha and Nebraska Pioneer Dle al
New York Home.
Omaha , Sept. 18 ; Andrew Jackson
Hanscom , seventy-nine years of age ,
pioneer of Omaha and Nebraska , died
of pneumonia at his homo , Fifth Ave
nue hotel. In New York. He will be
burled at Prospect Hill cemetery In
Omaha on a day yet to bu determined.
Mr. Hanscom was the speaker of the
first legislature of the territory of
Nebraska , which assembled In Omaha ,
Jan. 16 , , 1855. Perhaps the one act
above all others that stands as a mon
ument to the memory of Mr. Hanscom
was his presentation to the city of
the beautiful park that boars hl
name. The estate loft by Mr. Hana
com consists largely of most valuable
real estate In the heart of the bus !
nous district of the city.
Omaha Man Has Safe Plurality for
Railroad Commissioner.
Omaha , Sopt. 12. Douglas county
gave Henry T. Clarke , Jr. , a plurality
of nearly 3,000 for railroad comiuls
sioner , which secures hla nomination
beyond a chance. Returns from the
ninety counties of the state have now
been secured , and unless xomo glaring
mistake has been made in the figures
Clarke leads Caldwell by 303 on the
final count. The canvass by the state
board Is not likely to change tbes
figures seriously. Much delay was ex
perlencod In securing the final returns
from the outlying counties and uncer
talnty as to the outcome existed unti
the last oue bad come In ami
Light Frost In Nebiuskj.
Lincoln , Sopt. 12. There was a llgh
frost In a number of nlacoa i centra
Nebraska. l > ate com aunt-rod I.OUK-
but not greatly.
Railroads Have Fight on Their Hands
In Kansas.
Toneka , Knn. , Sept. 12. Kansas pol-
Itlclmm are strongly of the opinion
that Governor Hoch will cnll a spatial
BOfiBlon of the luKUlnturo If thu rail *
roads persist In their determination to
Ignore the 2-cont faro order. The K' > V.
ernor IIIIH not been not I Mini of the
action of the roads except through tlio
newspapers He declared that Kaunas
will have a 2-ct'iit faro or It will bo
cancelled In states around horo. A
conference was hold boutwcan Gover
nor Hoch , Attorney Gonoial JacltBon
and G. F. Hruttan , attorney for the
Kanaan railroad commlsRlonors. It IB
understood that If the rallmadn n < ht
the resolution' adopted In Chicago In
court It will he the signal for the
BDoclal call.
An All Summer's Rivalry Has Existed
Between the Baseball Teams of
O'Neill and Atkinson and O'Neill
Now Claims Title to Championship.
O'Neill , Nob.j Sopt. 12. Special
'ho News : The O'NoIll Imsulmll team
loarly established Us title to the
hamplonship In this ncctlon of No-
raska by overwhelmingly defeating
ho only team that has boon disputing
he title. Atkinson went down to
ofeat on the local diamond by a score
f 20 to 1 yesterday afternoon.
Something of a rivalry has existed
) otwoen the two teams over baseball
his summer mid the game yesterday
vas consldored the deciding Imttlo
lotween the rivals , hence a big crowd
urnod out to witness the game.
, 'hrough an Inexcusable error In the ,
Irst Inning the Atkinson boys pulled |
iff their only score , otherwise It would
iave been a shut-out.
The score by Innings :
O'Neill 43423004 x 20
Atkinson 100000000 1
Hits Atkinson 4 , O'Neill 19 ; homo
run , Bradley of O'Neill ; three-base
ills , Richie , Grosvenor , Edwards and
Bradley ; two-base hits , Do Sylva of
Atkinson ; struck out by Bradley 12 ,
> y Klrkland G , by Do Sylva 4 ; bat-
cries O'Neill , Uradley and Wilson ;
Atkinson , Klrkland , DeSylva and
Sparring Match Afterwards.
After the ball game Jack Sullivan
of O'Neill and Jerry McCarthy of
Butte , Mont. , entertained the crowd
with a sparring match and other ath-
etlc performances.
President of Great Western Thinks
Worst of Trouble Is Over.
St. Paul , Sept. 12. President A. B.
Stickney of the Chicago Great W 6t
ern road has returned from Europe.
Unlike some other railmd men , he la
not worried because Wall street has
bad to sell a few of Its autoi.
"I think the worst of the trouble is
over , " Mr. Stickney said. "Some
things that have happened may be an
nounced later , that ia , some concerns
that have got Into difficulties may
have to suspend , som * eastern con
cerns I mean. But I don't expect the
trouble to spread to the west or grow
more serious In the east. No , the for
eigners have not lost any of their
faith In American investments. They
think it is simply a Yankee antic to
put stocks up and knock them down
again. It has often happened before
and the foreigners are used to it. It
does not shake their confidence in oui
securities. "
Iowa Congress Is Preparing Campaign
to Elect Next Auditor of Insurance.
Des Molnea , Sept. 12. Smarting un
der the rulings ot the Iowa Insurance
department , the - Iowa fraternal congress
gross is preparing for an organized po
lltlcal campaign to elect the next aud
itor of insurance commissioner. Presl
dent F. R. Kerns of this city has de
clared that the delegates to the con
gress will represent 150,000 lowans
and their organization will bo strong
er than any political party in the
state. The fiaternal congress will hold
Its meetings behind closed doom in
Yeoman hall on the 17th.
hind Burltd Geld In Cellar.
Iowa City , la. , Sept. 12. Cold In ths
sum of $1,200 and thirty-six rings were
exhumed In the cellar of Charles Oeb
hardt. Mrs. Oebhardt died during th
winter and since then her husband ha
been conducting a still hunt for par
of the valuables she was rightly be
lleved to have possessed. Digging in
the cellar , hla quest finally was fruit
Earle Home Undisturbed.
New York , Sopt. 12. Ferdinand Pin
ney Earle , whose mutrimonla
arrangements have brought him note
rlety , retuined to his homo In Mon
roc. He was accompanied by his
mother. The village people made no
attempt to disturb him.
CxptoUd to Beat Bister Ship Lucanla
Into N w York by About Twenty.
Ont Hours Cunard Officials Await
First Flash from Lusltanla.
New York , Sept. 13. The great tur
bine nteamcr LtiHltanla of the Cunard
lluu Is racing along ut a twonty-llvo-
knot clip on the final atrotch of her
muldon voyagu to Nww York , and wire
less dispatcher from Capo Race , N. R ,
Indicate that she will break all transAtlantic -
Atlantic ocean records. Cunard olll-
clala are waiting to hoar fiom the
giant craft , which has entered the
wireless xono near Capo Race.
The Cunnrd liner Lucanlo , which la
racing with the Lualtanlu , was report
ed by wlrolobu , via Cape Race , 1,133
milt * east of Bandy Hook. It is fig
ured that the Lucanla should roach
Bandy Hook bar about midnight to
morrow night. The Lusltanla Is ex
pected to beat her by about twenty-
one hours.
A wireless dispatch from Cable
Island says : "When this atatlon onino
Into communication with the LuRltanla
early this morning the steamer waa
ISO mlleu cast of the atatlon. All are
well on board and the turbine Is rushIng -
Ing at high speed on her record-break
ing voyage to Now York. "
Chinese and Japs at Vancouver Seek
to Tit Up Coast Trade.
Vancouver , 1) . C. , Sopt. 12. A com
bined Chinese and Japanese organiza
tion of Vancouver made overtures to
the Hindus to join them In an Indus
trial strike all along the British Co
lumbian conat. The Hindus refused.
The police made a seizure of llfty
Winchester rltles , together with thou-
Isande i of rounds of ammunition , which
md been purchased In Now West
minster by Chinese. The shipment
was consigned to Sam lice , a wealthy
Chinese merchant of Vancouver , and
a largo property owner , whoso build-
nga wffro damaged by Saturday
nlght'o mob. The arms and nininunl-
Ion are now stored In the police aUi-
Chinatown and the Japanese quar-
efsare guarded In every direction by
ho police. Threats made add to the
terlousneaa of the situation. Messages
Fere sent to city official notifying
hem that should any attempt bo made
o burn Chinatown , Vancouver could
ook for a general conflagration , for
) oth ChlnoBo and Japanese would
ake their revenge without the loss of
a single hour.
Those Fleeing Across Border Driven
Back by Roumanians.
Dralla , Roumanla , Sept. 12. News
has reached here of another serious
and atrocious anti-Jewish outbreak at
Kishinev. It is estimated that no less
ban eighty Jews lost their lives In
encounters with the inflamed popu-
ace.Tho Jewish quarter of Kishinev was
attacked by organized bands of
roughs , who looted houses and ahops
and ruthlessly killed or wounded all
those who attempted to defend their
The Jews are fleeing in a state of
panic. Many of them who made their
way to the banks of the Bruth In the
hope of finding protection In Rou
manla were driven back by frontier
guard * .
Stendart , With Czar and Family on
Board , Remains Fast.
Hango , Finland , Sept. 12. The RUB
Elan Imperial yacht Standart , with
Emperor Nicholas and EJmprebs Alex
andra and their family aboard , IB fu
on the rocks off Horseva point , on the
coast west of this place. The yacht Is
apparently In no danger , as the emper
or and his family remain on board.
The Standart ran upon the rocks ,
which were submerged at high tldi-
and remained fast. A steam llfedoa1
from Roval , on the Gulf of Klnlan
has arrived upon the scene , and sov ;
torpedo boats , which havee been * )
cortlng the Imperial yacht on Its toir
In Finnish waters , are standing by to
render assistance If needed.
German Army Maneuvers End.
Hoexter , Sopt. 12. The Gorman
army maneuvers wore concluded witl
the complete defeat of the "bluf
army , " whose forces were turned out
of their trenches and were pursued with
great Imaginary losses. The officers
of high rank then assembled around
Emperor William , who made a long
tpeech to them
Cost of Panama Canal.
Washington , Sept. 12. The Panama
sanal cost the American government
$84,449.000 up to Doc. 31 , 190C , arcord-
.ng to a statement just published
The bulk of this expense was the 1150-
000,000 to the French company ami
the Panama government for canal
porpcrty rlqht-of-way and franchises ,
and $3,449,088 went for material and
Temperature for Twenty-four Hour * .
Forecast For Nebraska.
ConilltlotiH of the wonthor i\n record
ed for tlio twenty-four houra ending
at 8 a. m. today :
Maximum 85
Minimum 48
AvuniKO C7
Huromi'tor 29.00
Whnt Is Offered by the Uuyers to the
Producers of the West The Latest
Quotations , Showing the Receipts
and the Demand From All Points.
[ Llvo Block maruot rurnlnhcd by
Tlio Natloiml Llvo Stock CommlRBlou
Co. , Stock Exchange building , South
Omnlia. ]
South Onmliii , Sept. 12. Cattle
llecnlptH 5,000. The general mtirkot
Is Htuady on beef steers , COWH anil
feederx ,
HogH Receipts 7fiOO. Tlio market
strong to 5 higher , bulk selling nt
> .82M ! < fi > $ ( ) .05 ; top prlco $ ( i.i5. :
Sheep Ht-colplH 20,000. Tlio gen-
nil nmrkut Ifl steady on muttoua and
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago , Sept. 12 Cattle Rocolptn
,000. , General market Is steady ,
Hogs Receipts 20,000. Market in
toady to strong.
Sheup Receipts Ifi.OOO. Tlio gon-
nil nmrkut IB atrong.
rlceo Delng Paid for Staple Producta
In Norfolk Today.
[ This market furnished by the Sal-
or Coal & Grain Co. , Norfolk. ]
Vhcat . $ 80
lorn . , 45
lye GO
logs 0 20
Corporation Man Says They Are
Getting Ahead of England.
Now York , Sopt. 12. E. H. Gary ,
lulrman of tlio hoard of the United
tatoa Steel corporation , arrived to-
ay from a two montliH1 trip to Europo.
le was onthiiHlaHtlc over the biiHlncim
roaperlty of the countries there , and
lartlcularly over the IndiiHtrlal activity
f Germany and the Germans.
"Tho Germans arc progressive , In-
ustrloiis , painstaking , and thoughtful ,
ml tliey are getting ahead of Eng-
and , " he said.
Mr. Gary was questioned about the
'ecent ' comhltiatlon of stool manufac-
urera In Germany. When asked
vhother the United States Steel cor-
oration had made any working agree-
ucnt with this combination he said :
Some of our men have been over
.here In consultation with members
> f the combination , but no specific
greement has been made or any con-
ract signed. "
What the New York Papers Said.
Concerning "A Bachelor's Honey
moon , " the funny farce comedy which
will bo presented at the Auditorium
Saturday afternoon and night at pop
ular prices by the theatrical troupe
, vhlch has been rehearsing In Norfolk
'or more than a week , the following
lomments were made by New York
and other newspapers at the time
ho play was first put on In Hoyt's
heatre. Now York.
New York Sun : "Overwhelmingly
tinny a continuous laugh. '
Now York Herald : "The enthus-
asm was boisterous. "
New York Journal : "Laughter was
oud and Irreslstablo at Hoyt's last
night. "
New York World : "Highly enter-
alning and absurdly funny. "
Chicago Inter-Ocean : "Bright ,
clean , witty and screamingly funny. "
Chicago Dispatch : "Funniest and
brightest farce seen In Chicago. "
This farce , a clever play In Itself ,
will be presented this winter by Her
bert Do Guerre and Miss Grace John
son In the leading roles. The troupe
nt a dozen players , many of whom
Save been seen In Norfolk In years
gone by with other companies , Imve
been rehearsing this farce at the
Auditorium for more than a week ,
won Ing all day long each day and far
Into the evening , and they will be
prepared Saturday afternoon and night
to give a mirth provoking farce to
Popular prices will prevail for this
production , the matinee charge being
15c and 25c and evening performance
25c , 25c. 50c and 75c.
Battle Creek Saloon Change.
Battle Creek , N b. . Sept. 12 Special
to The News : Joseph Srb of O'Neill
has contracted to take possession of
the Lambert Kerbel saloon bero on
May 1. Mr. Srb will move to Battle
Creek Immediately to get acquainted
with our people , Mr. Kerbel will move
to Spencer , where he and his family
arc visiting this week.